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Formal Publications

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1962. VI, Items from Iceland, Barley in Iceland. Barley Newsletter, vol. 6.

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1962. Small Grain Growing. In: Handbók bænda 1962 (the Farmers’ Handbook), pp 102108. [In Icelandic].

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1962. Report on Research Activities in 1962. In: Handbók bænda 1963 (the Farmers’ Handbook), pp 91-92. [In Icelandic]

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1963. Thoughts on agriculture in Iceland 1962. Newspaper Visir, Feb. 1963, p.48. [In Icelandic].

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1963. Advice on grain production. In: Handbók bænda 1963 (the Farmers’ Handbook), pp 138-142. [In Icelandic] Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1982. Endurvakning kornræktar á Íslandi [The renaissance of cereal production in Iceland. In: Ráðunautafundur 1982, pp 59-62. [In Icelandic].

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 2007. Rannsóknastarf og upplýsingaöflun [Research and Information Gathering]. In: F.G. Olgeirsson (ed.) Sáðmenn sandanna. Icelandic Soil Conservation Service, pp 199-202. [In Icelandic].

Hagtölur landbúnaðarins (Statistics on the agricultural economy) for 2010, p 5.

Jónas Jónsson 1966. Um kornrækt [On cereal production]. In: Handbók bænda (the Farmers Handbook), pp 189-199. [In Icelandic]. Jónatan Hermannsson 1993. Kornrækt á Íslandi [Grain and grain production in Iceland]. Ráðunautafundur 1993, pp 178-187. [In Icelandic]. Sigurður Thórarinsson 1974. Samband lands og lýðs í ellefu aldir. Saga Íslands I, pp 29-97. [In Icelandic]. Sturla Fridriksson 1959. Korn frá Gröf í Öræfum. Árbók hins íslenska fornleifafélags, pp 8-91. [In Icelandic].

Unpublished material

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1961. Lecture on Small grain growing to Ræktunarfélag Norðurlands, (the Soil Cultivation Society of North Iceland), Akureyri, Oct. 1961, 24 pp (private collection).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1961. Lecture on grain growing to a farmers´ group in Ljosavatns School in SouthThingeyjarsýsla, 3 pp 1961 (private collection).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1961. Statistics on cereal growing in Iceland in 1961. Manuscript, 2 pp (private collection).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1962. Address to members of the Farmers’ Council (Búnaðarthing), Reykjavík, 19 March, 1962 (Private collection).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1962. Report on grain growing and grain research presented on the State Radio Station 1962, 9 pp (private collection).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1963. Press Conference on wheat production in Iceland, Jan. 1963 (private collection).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson 1963. Lecture on Grain Growing. Annual meeting of Agricultural advisers in March 1963 (private collection).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson. A series of lectures and talks to various groups of farmers, agricultural advisers and societies in the years 1960-1963 (private collection of texts).

Björn Sigurbjörnsson. Various articles in Icelandic newspapers and magazines on grain growing and experimental grain trials in the years 1960-1963 (private collection).

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