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A Lifelong Value

A Lifelong Value

Nathan Bridges ’14, ‘23

B.S., Business Administration-Accounting B.S., Nursing

After earning his first Lander degree in business, Nathan Bridges spent his first few years out of college working in the accounting field. But in 2018, after his wife became pregnant with their daughter, Bridges was motivated to do something more rewarding.

He returned to Lander to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, which he says has made him “a more well-rounded nurse” for the many patients he sees.

Bridges currently works for Self Regional Healthcare, and he takes pride in providing exceptional care to the citizens of the Lakelands region. “We have special people in Greenwood that I’m privileged to take care of.”

Bridges decided to pursue his BSN because of the doors he knew it would open later in his career. Working as a CRNA, a nurse practitioner or a flight nurse are all opportunities that appeal to him --- and completing a BSN at Lander was the right step toward those future career goals.

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