+update 03|2015: Landis+Gyr Customer Newsletter

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SGTec Europ h e 201 5 Am sterd Nethe am, rlands

Landis+Gyr: Delivering distribution intelligence with network monitoring and control Landis+Gyr at SGTech Europe 2015 more on page 04

Customer Projects Landis+Gyr smart meters triumph in the Netherlands Page 08

Customer Projects Product Updates Turning a Swiss power plant Safeguarding the future of smart communication technology Page 10 in smart metering Page 16


Dear Customer, At Landis+Gyr we are constantly striving to develop the next generation of integrated energy management solutions, to power the energy grids of the future. The SGTech Europe 2015 conference in Amsterdam at the end of September brings together over 250 smart grid technical professionals from across Europe to share experience and customer insights, while networking beyond functional boundaries. This event supports the industry’s drive towards IT, OT & Telecom convergence in delivering the smart grid, and it offers us the perfect platform to present our smart grid portfolio, including the S760 Smart Grid Device Integrator and the S650 SCADA solution. These technical solutions allow our customers to benefit from all the advanced opportunities the smart grid has to offer. Landis+Gyr are currently involved in a number of large-scale projects covering a wide spectrum of our portfolio: in the Netherlands, we are providing 3 million smart electricity and smart gas meters as part of a project by a consortium of four Dutch DNOs to equip every home with smart meters by 2021; in Switzerland, Landis+Gyr are helping to refurbish the Birsfelden hydro power plant on the river Rhine with the top-precision E850 grid meters and Smart Com RTUs; in Belgium, we are supplying ripple control command units to two of the country’s largest DSOs; and in Iceland we are providing a complete heating solution to enable the state-run energy supplier HS Veitur to remotely measure its customers’ use of heating energy for billing purposes. We are certain that the experience we gain in these projects combined with the continuous development of our solution portfolio will allow us to serve our customers with the best integrated energy management products and systems on the market. Enjoy the read!

Andreas Brun Senior Vice President​​​​​, Sales & Marketing EMEA, Landis+Gyr

Table of Contents Focus Article SGTech Europe 2015 Landis+Gyr: Delivering distribution intelligence with network monitoring and control

Page 04

Customer Projects Landis+Gyr smart meters triumph in the Netherlands

Page 08

Turning a Swiss power plant smart

Page 10

New-generation ripple control solution for the future smart grid in Belgium

Page 12

Landis+Gyr’s heat metering solution to transform domestic heating market in Iceland

Page 14

Product Updates Safeguarding the future of communication technology in smart metering

Page 16

Special Report On the way to a resilient European Energy Union

Page 18


Focus Article

Landis+Gyr: Delivering distribution intelligence with network monitoring and control At this year’s smart grid technical forum SGTech Europe, more than 250 energy professionals will come together to share project experience and technological innovations to support the industry’s drive towards IT, OT & Telecom convergence in delivering the smart grid. Landis+Gyr’s smart grid experts look forward to presenting the company’s MV/LV monitoring and control solutions – S650 SCADA and S760 Smart Grid Device Integrator. Designed to retrofit and digitalize energy networks in a cost-effective way, these solutions merge existing and new power infrastructure into the SCADA and other operational systems to deliver true distribution intelligence. Increased network visualization National regulation mandates distribution system operators (DSO) to continuously optimize customer outages by reducing system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) and keeping the frequency rate (system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI)) under control. With the help of accurate fault detection, location and restoration capabilities offered by Landis+Gyr monitoring and control solutions, utilities are able to adhere to statutory limits and comply with technical standards while enhancing the overall reliability of energy supply. Landis+Gyr’s S760 Smart Grid Device Integrator monitors power quality at strategic points of the network and instantly identifies problems causing electricity limit violations and outages. Improved grid insights can significantly enhance network performance and planning, which leads to better grid investment decisions for network expansion or retrofit and connection management. 4

Fully automated distribution system The distribution automation capabilities of Landis+Gyr’s S760 solution deliver distinct benefits of network restoration as a response to network faults. Features include remote control of switches, automatic voltage regulation and demand-side management, which overall in combination with advanced sensor technology and a multi-communication platform help build a fully controllable and flexible grid infrastructure.


Focus Article

Improved network efficiency Ageing grid infrastructure as well as increased load and distributed generation make existing distribution systems more vulnerable to technical and non-technical losses. The energy-balancing capabilities of Landis+Gyr’s S650 SCADA solution deliver accurate measurements of electricity supplied and consumed and allow nontechnical losses to be easily tracked. Monitoring transformer loads and power quality along with multi-feeder substation supervision helps prevent incidents and maximize the efficiency of utilities’ distribution assets.


Renewable integration and control With the growth of renewable power generation, electric utilities will have to tackle additional challenges related to variability and uncertainty of loads. With Landis+Gyr’s S650 SCADA solution, they can build a flexible cross-functional smart grid infrastructure that can be easily extended and upgraded for future demands such as renewable integration. Billing renewable power, power curtailment to achieve system balance and meet network limits, remote supervision and control of generated energy are just a few benefits this solution delivers. To find out more about our smart grid solutions, join us at the technology innovation panel and take the opportunity to network with our smart grid experts during the event! n

22 – 24 September 2015 Novotel Amsterdam City, The Netherlands

SGTech Europe is the premier European implementationfocused smart grid technical conference for electric utility substation automation, SCADA & control room, telecom and cyber-security professionals. Drawing together over 250 smart grid technical professionals, this multi-conference program presents more than 40 utility case studies, in 4 focused tracks (IntelliSub, NextGen SCADA, UtiliNet and SmartSec).


Customer Projects

Landis+Gyr smart meters triumph in the Netherlands This July, Landis+Gyr was awarded a major contract to supply an initial 3 million smart electricity and smart gas meters to the Netherlands’ four distribution network operators: Liander, Stedin, DELTA Netwerkbedrijf and Westland Infra. Publicly tendered contracts worth a total of ₏470 million have been signed with each network operator with an option to extend, which could lead to further orders for smart meters in the future. According to national regulation, energy companies are obliged to install smart meters in every Dutch household by 2021.


Landis+Gyr’ products accounted for the lion’s share in the pre-rollout phase to install smart meters in more than 500,000 households. “Winning this public tender marks a continuation of Landis+Gyr’s long-standing relationship with these four network operators and will bring tangible benefits to Dutch consumers as well as strengthen the energy supply system,” says Coco Geluk, Managing Director of Landis+Gyr Netherlands. “Our winning tender to supply the Dutch market not only demonstrates a vote of confidence in Landis+Gyr smart meters but is also a significant success for Landis+Gyr in Europe,” adds Oliver Iltisberger, Executive Vice President Landis+Gyr EMEA. The Landis+Gyr smart meters will each feature a communication port that enables consumers to display their energy consumption on an in-home display or alternatively, connect to a home energy management system (HEMS). This functionality will give Dutch consumers the ability to have direct feedback and control of their energy usage. The Dutch utilities Liander and Stedin explain that their decision to launch a joint tender was based on their shared vision to organize a large-scale rollout project, with CDMA 450 as the communication technology. The participation of Delta and Westland Infra will ensure total coverage of 70 percent of the Dutch network. Completing these orders represents a significant step towards making every home in the Netherlands a smart home. n


Customer Projects

Turning a Swiss power plant smart Landis+Gyr has won repeat business from established customer Kraftwerke Birsfelden AG. Kraftwerke Birsfelden has operated a combined hydro barrage power plant and locks for shipping on the River Rhine in Switzerland, since the 1950’s. The Birsfelden hydropower plant has four turbines with a combined output of 1.43 GWh per day, accounting for ca. 17% of the overall energy consumption in the Greater Basel region. The Birsfelden plant is owned by four regional distribution system operators (DSOs): Industrielle Werke Basel (IWB), utility of Kanton Baselland (BL), Elektra Birseck (EBM) and Elektra Baselland (EBL). These 4 DSOs supply the needs of industry and households in north western Switzerland, and IWB and EBM are the main purchasers of the power plant’s electricity output. To increase operational efficiency, the DSOs have made the decision to upgrade the entire power plant’s infrastructure, including energy measurement systems. Andritz Hydro, the lead Austrian contractor responsible for refurbishing and upgrading the Birsfelden power plant, selected Landis+Gyr as an approved vendor able to supply a full-spectrum solution – including leading-edge products and technology alongside a highly professional quality of service.


As a result, Landis+Gyr has become the sole supplier of the new generation E850 grid meters and Smart Com RTUs that link the power plant’s meter-reading system with the SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) environment.

“We’ve always been pleased with the high level of technical expertise and customer service provided by Landis+Gyr in the past. We’ve operated their technology at Birsfelden for years and we’re confident that the new solution will come with the same quality seal that we can trust,” said Edi Schmidiger, Project Manager Andritz Hydro. The E850 grid meters have traditionally been used for top-precision electricity measurement, providing long-term stability and the fastest possible response to load changes. Legal operating requirements specify a 15-year lifespan for technology such as the two E850 meters that will be installed for each turbine. “In fact, Landis+Gyr have designed these grid meters to operate successfully for at least 20 years,” says Joe Imfeld, Business Development Manager Landis+Gyr. In addition to collecting data on water flow and telemetry, the DSOs wanted to increase SCADA visibility of the electricity throughput in each generator and high-voltage feeders by collecting metering data at 15-minute intervals. This functionality can be easily enabled by Smart Com RTUs that are normally used for protocol conversion from DLMS (device language message specification) to IEC 60870-5-104 (SCADA system). Moreover, Landis+Gyr’s Smart Com RTUs enable precise chronological synchronization of the meter’s calendar-watch via the DLMS protocol, which was on the customer’s list of “Meter-to-SCADA” functionalities. Installation of the Landis+Gyr electricity meters will begin this November and will be completed by the end of December. n 11

Customer Projects

New generation ripple control solution for the future smart grid in Belgium This July, Landis+Gyr won a tender to install ripple control (RC) command units for Sibelga and ORES, two of Belgium’s eight distribution system operators (DSO). Sibelga supplies electricity to almost 700,000 connection points in the Brussels metropolitan area while ORES, the second largest DSO in Belgium, supplies power to a total of 1.4 million homes and businesses located in 198 municipalities in Wallonia, in the south of Belgium. With the ripple control receivers already installed, Sibelga was looking to invest in 47 new generation command units to manage their RC receivers in Brussels and at the same time ensure that the new technology provides enough flexibility for future-ready business applications. Installing a homogeneous future-proof set of technology across their distribution network will make it much easier for ORES to maintain and adapt the network in the future. ORES anticipates that


it will need at least 127 state-of-the-art command units for tariff switching, public lighting and potential network management via seamless integration into their SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) environment. The RC solution SGC50 chosen by the customer is built using costefficient PLC technology and has more than 15 years of reliable service. The RC system provides secure load switching: boilers, heaters and air conditioners are controlled reliably and in real time, enabling utility managers to act on network issues within seconds. Communication between local substations and central control units is based on the IEC 61870-5-104 Internet protocol which allows simultaneous data transmission between multiple devices and services. With the growth of renewable power generation, energy companies will have to deal with variability and uncertainty of loads in the network. The SGC50 future-proof approach allows load management architecture to interconnect with the existing SCADA system, delivering additional distribution intelligence to utility operations by leveraging data provided by RC systems. “We’re convinced that using a homogeneous park of local command units will streamline daily maintenance processes and introducing the IEC 61870-5-104 standard will contribute to making the ORES and Sibelga networks smarter,� says Stephan Vandecasteele, Regional Manager Belux Landis+Gyr. n


Product Updates

Landis+Gyr’s heat metering solution to transform domestic heating market in Iceland Landis+Gyr recently won an open tender to supply a complete heat metering solution to the state-run energy supplier HS Veitur in Iceland. Heated fresh water from a combined heat and geothermal power plant is pumped directly to private homes and businesses to provide domestic heating across the Reykjanes region. Up to now, customers have been billed based on fixed consumption of hot water. The fixed consumption level can be achieved by limiting the maximum throughput during specific time slots. However, in some cases bills have been calculated based on manual meter readings in each building. The new end-to-end solution from Landis+Gyr includes T550 heat meters as well as communication infrastructure and Advance software system that offers integration into the customer’s ERP system, allowing meter readings to be taken remotely. As a special request in the tender process, the customer required walk-by readout capabilities, as a fallback option. Landis+Gyr were able to provide this functionality with seamless integration into the overall remote data collection software. Along with remote meter reading, the customer also has another functionality: the temperature and metering data collected allows Veitur to gain an overview of the performance of their heat distribution network. Increased network visibility will enable the energy provider to quickly identify and resolve network issues resulting in significant operational cost savings. It has also been a project of firsts for Landis+Gyr heat business. “We used a unique setup in the bid process that will also be carried 14

over into the installation phase,” says Thomas Koch, Sales Manager for the Business Line Heat in Nuremberg. “The Landis+Gyr project team included various specialists from four countries: Finland, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovenia where our competence centers are located. To deliver a high quality end-to-end solution to our customers, we mobilized internal resources in different business units and functional areas.” The first batch of devices has already been delivered and the meters are currently being installed by the customer. At the beginning of September, a team of experts from Landis+Gyr spent about two weeks in Iceland, training Veitur technicians on use and functionality of the new system. Following a handover, Landis+Gyr will continue to provide remote support, when needed, during the customer’s mass rollout phase. Plans call for 600-700 units to be installed in 2015, with the balance of the almost 6,000 units then installed in 2016 and 2017. During the planning phase, Veitur showed interest in other potential use cases for the network infrastructure, in particular electricity meters. In October of this year, a pilot program will be run, installing 20 electricity meters for one-way billing communication using the same wireless M-Bus/OMS infrastructure that is installed for the heat meters. If this pilot is successful it could lead to a larger project to install smart electricity meters across Veitur’s entire network. n 15

Product Updates

Safeguarding the future of communication technology in smart metering Landis+Gyr is extending its smart grid solution GridstreamÂŽ with G3 PLC communication technology. The new technology enables faster and more reliable communication in a smart grid infrastructure and flexible connectivity with new intelligent applications. With an installed base of over 50 million metering points in Europe, PLC is the most commonly used communication technology for smart metering. G3 is an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based PLC technology, a modulation format used in many of the latest wireless and telecommunications standards.

“We have long and extensive experience with PLC-based smart metering solutions. For us, it is a natural next step to continue the development of our solution portfolio with this latest technology,� says Peter Koller, Head of Product Management Smart Energy Solutions for Landis+Gyr G3 PLC enables faster and more cost-efficient data transfer over existing power lines: higher volumes of data can be transmitted over electricity networks using G3, either in the low-frequency CENELEC A band (up to 95 KHz) or if desired, in the high-frequency band (150-500kHz). As the technology is highly resistant to disturbances and capable of automatically adapting to changes in network conditions, it is very stable and reliable. The embedded IPv6 support allows a practically limitless number of endpoints to be addressed. It also enables direct communication with devices, supporting the development of the Internet of Things and new innovations to improve energy efficiency. IPv6 compatibility ensures 16

that Landis+Gyr’s solutions are future-proof and can be upgraded as technology evolves. “The field of communication technologies evolves at a fast pace, providing great opportunities for the development of smart grids and smart homes. We want to stay in the forefront of this change, which requires continuous development of our portfolio, including comprehensive field testing, pilot programs and certification procedures before bringing the new technology to the market, as we are doing now with our Gridstream portfolio based on G3 technology,” Koller continues. Landis+Gyr is introducing a G3 PLC-enabled smart metering solution, which includes G3 PLC-based metering devices, data concentrators and software systems. Recently, Landis+Gyr was awarded a G3 PLC Alliance certification for its smart residential electricity meter E450 that proves its robust PLC performance, conformance to G3 specifications and interoperability with other G3 PLC-certified devices. With the introduction of the latest releases of Gridstream HES and Gridstream AIM smart metering software systems, the company now offers a G3 PLC-based smart-metering solution for piloting purposes. A number of utilities across Europe have already committed to Landis+Gyr’s G3 PLC technology and several field installations are currently underway. In early 2016, the Gridstream end-to-end solution with full G3 PLC compatibility will go on general release to all utilities across EMEA. n


Special Report

On the way to a resilient European Energy Union: ”…the most ambitious European project since the formation of the coal and steel community.”1 Energy Union for Europe, launched in February of this year, is a new EU initiative aimed at formulating an integrated European energy strategy that covers security and diversification of supply, energy efficiency, decarbonization (renewables), innovation and the internal energy market. The announcement on 25 February 2015 laid out the vision and goals of future EU energy policy as well as a list of 15 18

action points; translating those visions and goals into actual policy still has to come in the form of concrete initiatives, both legislative proposals and non-legislative policy documents, with two sets of measures per year, a winter and a summer package. The first package was published on 15 July. Alongside legislative proposals on energy labeling and a revision of the European Emissions Trading Scheme, the package included a public consultation on the redesign of the European energy market and a communication on “Delivering a New Deal for Energy Consumers.” The latter document says clearly that the current energy retail market is not functioning and identifies three pillars to correct the situation: consumer empowerment, smart homes and networks & data management (plus protection). The Commission writes that all consumers should have easy access to their real- or near-time consumption data and that smart meters play a “leading role in delivering free and frequent access to accurate consumption data.”2 Moreover, smart metering systems should be able to connect with home energy management systems to allow consumers to participate in demand-response programs. In order to ensure that smart metering systems being installed in Europe provide concrete consumer benefits, the Commission will “follow the implementation of (smart metering) standards closely and will analyze whether the European standards on smart grids and smart metering systems, as well as the recommended functionalities for the latter, are consistently applied to ensure that they deliver the desired functionality and interoperability.”2 Any concrete legislative proposals could conceivably come as early as the summer package 2016. n

1 European Commission VP Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič at the presentation of the Energy Union for Europe package on 25 February 2015 in Brussels. 2 EC communication “Delivering a New Deal for Energy Consumers” 15 July 2015


Editorial and layout: Landis+Gyr AG Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH, 45131 Essen, Germany Photography: istock; Dovapi (titel, page 5) istock; tallabomba (titel, page 5) istock; deliormanli (titel, page 6) thinkstockphotos.de; michaeljung (titel, page 5) thinkstockphotos.de; Eric Gevaert (page 8) www.kw-birsfelden.ch/en; (page 10) thinkstockphotos.de; artJazz (page 12+13) thinkstockphotos.de; JudyDillon (page 15) thinkstockphotos.de; artJazz (page 18) Additional photos by Landis+Gyr/Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH

Landis+Gyr AG Theilerstrasse 1 6301 Zug Switzerland www.landisgyr.eu Š Landis+Gyr 2015

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