+update 01|2016: Landis+Gyr Customer Newsletter

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Landis+Gyr evolution meets the IoT revolution Building the experience and products needed to cater to the Internet of Things. more on page 04

Customer Projects Austria to roll out G3-PLC smart metering solution Page 08

Customer Projects Biggest battery energy storage installation in the Nordics

Product Updates Landis+Gyr G3-PLC technology certified in 150 – 500kHz band

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Dear Customer, The role of Internet of Things (IoT) as an important part of utilities’ business continues to grow. Rapid adoption of IoT solutions in the foreseeable future is predicted on the basis that potential benefits include improved asset management, real-time decision-making, and reduced operating costs. President and CEO of Landis+Gyr, Andreas Umbach was recently interviewed as one of the eleven most influential people in the European smart energy sector. In the interview he predicted that Big Data and IoT will become an integral element of utilities’ business strategy and daily operations because they facilitate customer engagement and smart energy production and consumption management. Landis+Gyr is in the fortunate position of being able to assist utilities’ transition to a smarter and more sustainable future. IoT is a natural extension of what we have been doing for some time. As discussed in more depth in this newsletter’s Focus article, the smart metering industry was building interconnected networks and applications long before the term “IoT” surfaced and, today, smart metering is a natural enabler of the Internet of Things. In anticipation of growing IoT-related demand Landis+Gyr is developing energy management solutions and communications infrastructure around smart metering and smart grids. Utilities can start their journey towards IoT enabled intelligent grids by implementing solutions, such as Landis+Gyr’s Gridstream®. A case in point was the recent award of a contract to support Swiss energy supplier, Energie Thun with the Gridstream multi-energy solution. The ongoing deployment of IP based G3-PLC smart meters in Austria is another example of bringing the smart metering communication to a higher level of reliability and speed in data exchange. The experience gained on these and other projects, puts Landis+Gyr in a strong position to play a leading role in developing future-ready smart energy solutions that will enable our customers to take full advantage of the Internet of Things. Enjoy the read!

Andreas Brun Senior Vice President​​​​​, Sales & Marketing EMEA, Landis+Gyr

Table of Contents Focus Article Landis+Gyr evolution meets the IoT revolution

Page 04

Customer Projects Austria to roll out G3-PLC smart metering solution

Page 08

On top below Table Mountain: City of Cape Town chooses Landis+Gyr Sym2 metering solution

Page 10

Smart multi-energy metering in Switzerland

Page 12

The biggest battery energy storage installation in the Nordics

Page 14

Product Updates Smart Metering communication speeds up: Landis+Gyr G3-PLC technology certified in 150 – 500kHz band

Page 16

Special Report Landis+Gyr’s CEO selected as one of The Global Smart Energy Elites

Page 18


Focus Article

Landis+Gyr evolution meets the IoT revolution Landis+Gyr has been building the experience and products needed to cater to the Internet of Things for some time, which puts it in a strong position to realize the many new opportunities created by this rapidly accelerating phenomenon. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) offers Landis+Gyr significant opportunities to add value to the energy industry and society as a whole. Not least, because IoT can be seen as an evolution of the machine-to-machine (M2M) applications which utilities already employ to manage complex distribution, reporting


and management tasks. The smart metering industry was building interconnected networks and applications long before the term “IoT” was coined which is why, today, smart metering is a natural enabler of the Internet of Things. Full implementation of IoT will take things to much higher quantitative and qualitative levels than M2M. This is because IoT involves massively increased numbers of intelligent, connected devices, which can exchange data both with each other and with a central server. The interconnection of all these smart devices unlocks their ability to collaborate with each other and human beings like never before. Potential benefits of implementing IoT solutions include improved asset management, reduction of supply chain risks, real-time decision-making, and reduced operating costs. Full control in real time A key opportunity IoT offers utilities is the delivery of profitable services using applications enabled by real-time data. Realtime data collection and analytics enabled by industrial Internet protocols, such as iPv6, facilitate simultaneous collaboration between many different companies as well as the integration of multiple services. In addition, seamless system management and service delivery are possible due to universal standards being applied across systems architecture, communication, privacy and security. As an example, by using IoT in smart grids, utilities will be able to mitigate fluctuations in renewable energy generation caused by changing weather conditions. Bill Lichtensteiger, Director Communications Technology at Landis+Gyr explains: “IoT is not a product, but more a driver and a framework for new product and solution development. It opens the gate into a new innovation playground.” Landis+Gyr is already preparing energy management solutions and communications infrastructure for IoT, while many energy companies have embraced the IoT concept and started using the same established communication networks for different 5

Focus Article

applications such as smart metering, smart grid and street lighting, or connecting a Landis+Gyr smart meter on an AMI network to a SCADA based distribution management system. In some cases, gas utilities can leverage electricity AMI networks for gas meter reading. “We are at the beginning of a new future, to be delivered by a large number of standards organizations and industry alliances, developing IoT technology for the benefit of industry, consumers and society. Whilst it is perhaps too early to determine the financial benefits of IoT adoption, we are likely to see increased openness, greater cost efficiency and flexibility in the way utility customers do things and the entry of new companies providing new services,” Lichtensteiger says. Building a smarter tomorrow Many innovators in the utility field are already working on IoT applications for sustainable power distribution, more effective traffic systems and efficient, intelligent buildings. These factors work together to create what has become known as the “smart city”. Toshiba and Landis+Gyr are currently pioneering smart city technologies in the utility space. Toshiba seeks to create new value by connecting its energy, healthcare, storage products and services using cloud computing, big data and analytics technologies, to implement its vision of building a safe, secure and comfortable society – the “Human Smart Community” by Lifenology In the meantime, energy companies can start their journey towards IoT enabled, intelligent grids by implementing future-proof, endto-end smart grid solutions, such as Landis+Gyr’s Gridstream®. Gridstream’s unique suite of proven solutions encompasses big data, infrastructure, command and control applications, and services. The suite brings intelligence to all levels of the utility space, from generation to distribution. n


13.4 billion devices Around 13.4 billion devices are currently connected to the Internet and this is forecast to grow 2 to 5 times by 2020.1

$655.8 billion to $1.7 trillion The worldwide Internet of Things market will grow from $655.8 billion in 2014 to $1.7 trillion in 2020.2

Landis+Gyr’s customer magazine pathway An electrifying future – What the Internet of Things holds in store for utilities. The Internet of Things is under construction all around us. But what does this transformation mean for the utilities of tomorrow and, for that matter today? Read more in the upcoming issue of pathway

1 http://www.juniperresearch.com/press/press-releases/iot-connected-devices-to-triple-to-38-bn-by-2020 2 http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS25658015


Customer Projects

Austria to roll out G3-PLC smart metering solution The smart energy transformation in Austria is gaining pace. Energy utilities around the country are working hard to meet the target set in 2012 by the Austrian Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth of 95% of households to be equipped with smart meters by 2019. Netz Burgenland Strom is a Distribution System Operator with about 200,000 electricity meters and a leader in smart metering. After announcing its deal with Landis+Gyr on the Gridstream® smart metering solution in March 2015, the company is now rolling out the first 3,000 G3-PLC smart meters. The next phase will start in April 2016, with another 17,000 meters installed at a rate of 1000-6000 per month till the end of the year. “We have definitely benefited from Landis+Gyr’s experience from their previous smart metering projects,” says Mr. Frühwirth, project manager at Netz Burgenland. “The expertise they can share regarding logistics, clean-up and project management has been truly valuable for us. Naturally we also appreciate Landis+Gyr’s strong local presence, which helps the project run more smoothly.” Netz Burgenland Strom chose Landis+Gyr to be its partner in the smart metering rollout after a thorough pan-European tendering process. The main selection criterion for a supplier was the ability to meet strict Austrian regulatory requirements regarding functionality and security. Another important factor was the total cost of ownership of the solution and the ability to deliver according to the customer’s requirements. Landis+Gyr’s solution proved to be the most competitive, and the technical advantages of G3 communication technology played a crucial role.


G3 PLC enables faster and more cost-efficient data transfer over existing power lines. Higher volumes of data can be transmitted over electricity networks using G3, either in the low-frequency CENELEC A band (up to 95 KHz) or if desired, in the high-frequency band (150500kHz). As the technology is highly resistant to disturbances and capable of automatically adapting to changes in network conditions, it is highly stable and reliable. Communication reliability is critical in smart metering and it can also save a lot of time and effort during the rollout phase. The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) characteristics of G3 combined with advanced forward error correction (FEC) ensure that the majority of new meters communicate as planned immediately after the installation, thus minimizing the clean-up work. When selecting Landis+Gyr’s G3 –PLC solution, Netz Burgenland Strom also had to consider the future opportunities for smart grid and Internet of Things applications enabled by G3-PLC communication. “We were convinced of the capabilities of Landis+Gyr’s G3-PLC technology. We can certainly say that our expectations have been met, though the full potential of this technology will only be realized after years of operation,” says Mr. Frühwirth. n


Customer Projects

On top below Table Mountain City of Cape Town chooses Landis+Gyr Sym2 metering solution Originally developed specifically for Germany’s three biggest utilities, the E750 multi- modular metering solution integrates seamlessly with SAP, is easy to install and inexpensive to manage. These were just some of the factors that led to the first E750 contract outside Germany. The City of Cape Town awarded the contract after an extensive search to find a partner capable of meeting its current and future metering requirements. “The city wanted to improve and extend its metering system infrastructure and they issued a tender two years ago,” explained local Landis+Gyr Business Development Manager Thabiso Moiloa. “A rigorous evaluation process followed, during which competing technologies were compared and I am pleased to report that the city decided exclusively in favor of the SyM2 compliant E750 meter.” The competing metering systems were evaluated across a range of key criteria that can be simplified down to convenience, cost and reliability. “From a utility point of view E750 is a “plug and play” technology that doesn’t require any programming when it is installed,” said Moiloa, “When it arrives, the meter is tested at the lab, gets certified and is immediately sent out for installation. The bottom line is that this makes for much shorter turnaround times.” The open SyM2 design standard builds on a modular concept allowing utility to use the base meter for electricity measurement only and extend its functionality through interoperable modules. Hence, all billing values are stored outside the meter, giving utilities maximum flexibility for system management and tariff calculation. Every E750 meter is coupled with the SyM2 communication module and can be monitored remotely. All meters talk directly to the 10

city’s SAP based meter data management system – adding up to significant savings on manpower and maintenance costs. The final decision, however, was based not only on the technological advantages of the E750 system alone, but also on Landis+Gyr’s solid track record in South Africa. “The City of Cape Town has been deploying other Landis+Gyr metering products in the industrial and residential sectors for over 10 years and they know they are going to get a reliable solution and top customer support from us.” To deliver top-level project support, the South African team collaborated with the Swiss hub - based subject matter experts and the German customers to secure experience sharing in SyM2 device operations. Following the approval by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa, NERSA, necessary to use meters for billing purposes, the installation phase could commence. “We have 60 devices up and running and another 280 in the pipeline. In addition, we have had very positive feedback from the city and this could well pave the way to new opportunities,” Moiloa concluded. n


Customer Projects

Smart multi-energy metering in Switzerland Landis+Gyr was recently awarded the contract to support Swiss energy supplier, Energie Thun with an advanced multienergy metering solution. The Swiss utility chose Gridstream速, an interoperable, future-ready end-to-end solution that combines smart multi-energy meters, AMI software and professional services in a single secure and integrated platform.

Energie Thun decided on Landis+Gyr because its smart electricity meters enable independent, third party suppliers to take electricity, gas and water meter readings with the same device and the solution also includes a load management system and receivers, as well as Landis+Gyr AIM software. The first smart meters were installed in Thun, central Switzerland, during September 2015.


A landmark development “This rollout is an important milestone for the future of the Swiss energy supply system,” says Michael Staudinger, Country Manager of Landis+Gyr Switzerland. “Smart meters are an essential ingredient for the development of a smart grid and they provide an important contribution to executing the Swiss government’s Energy Strategy 2050. We therefore welcome the decision by Energie Thun to install a smart metering solution at this early stage and we are looking forward to our close cooperation.” Christoph Woodtli of Energy Thun echoes these sentiments: “Energy Thun is taking a further step in the direction of an intelligent energy future,” he says. “The decision to invest in smart metering supports the Swisspower Masterplan 2050. This plan advocates a social and economically viable upgrade of our existing energy system, while striving to achieve sustainability for future generations; ultimately, it supports the energy strategy of the Swiss government.” Building on a firm foundation The contract was awarded off the back of a successful pilot project Energie Thun conducted with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich during 2012. Specifically designed to research new energy services based on smart metering systems, the pilot project contributed to the development of the residential smart meters that are now being rolled out. In addition, the technology being deployed in Thun meets the recommended technical and installation requirements set out by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. The Gridstream solution offers the advantage of delivering vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently, allowing access to rich, granular information that can be used to better understand and manage the distribution network. n


Customer Projects

The biggest battery energy storage installation in the Nordics Landis+Gyr and Toshiba will deliver the largest energy storage system of its kind in the Nordics. Helen Ltd, a major energy utility in Finland, will use the 1.2 MW Toshiba Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in a pilot to test the capabilities of battery energy storage in the smart grid environment – and develop new business models around it. Helen subsidiary, the Helen Electricity Network and Finnish grid operator, Fingrid, will explore potential opportunities enabled by megawatt-scale storage during the pilot. The central goal of the project is twofold. First, it will study and test optimal timings for loading and unloading stored energy to the grid. Second, it will investigate market-based pricing and business models for stored energy. BESS will be installed on a site adjacent to the Suvilahti


solar power plant, in Helsinki’s Kalasatama District, as part of a smart community project Helen is developing. It will be ready for commercial operation in May 2016. Selection of the battery supplier involved an intensive tendering process. Helen opted for a Toshiba system from Landis+Gyr because these batteries offer proven technology at a competitive price/quality ratio. Additional important decision criteria were the design’s fast charging/discharging capability and the long lifetime of its battery modules. Importantly, the focus of the project is not on testing the energy storage technology, but rather on its application in a smart grid environment. Improved grid stability through BESS usage The integration of distributed energy resources coming from renewable generation into existing distribution networks is technically challenging. Traditionally electricity distribution grid is designed and operated to ensure that power flows from highervoltage to lower-voltage networks. However, the connection and operation of significant distributed energy resources alter many network characteristics and new tools are required to maintain the grid stability in a dynamic environment. In many cases, BESS provides a solution to these challenges. The system has an output of 1.2 MW and energy capacity of 677kWh. In addition to the battery system, which contains more than 13,000 lithium-ion SCiB™ battery cells, the delivery includes a Master Control System, two power inverters, and a transformer. Toshiba Japan will supply the battery modules and Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems in Italy, where the European Center of Excellence of the Toshiba Group for Storage and Smart Grid systems is based, will manage the delivery. n


Product Updates

Smart Metering communication speeds up Landis+Gyr G3-PLC technology certified in 150 – 500kHz band Landis+Gyr is extending its smart grid solution GridstreamŽ with G3-PLC communication technology. This new technology enables faster and more reliable communication in a smart grid infrastructure as well as flexible connectivity with new intelligent applications. Landis+Gyr is the first company in Europe to be awarded the G3-PLC Alliance certification for smart meters in the 150-500 kHz band. This certification confirms the implementation of G3-PLC specifications and supports interoperability in smart metering. In June 2015, the Landis+Gyr E450 smart meters were already certified in the CENELEC A band (3-95kHz) and first installations in European projects have already begun. The G3-PLC Certification Program covers conformance, performance and interoperability testing. Products awarded the G3-PLC Certificate have documented PLC performance, conform to the G3-PLC specifications and are interoperable with other G3-PLC certified devices. G3-PLC communication in the 150-500kHz band demonstrates higher data rates than any other PLCbased communication technology. Compared to traditional PLAN PLC communication, G3 150-500kHz offers up to 10 times more bandwidth, which is a significant improvement to the efficiency of smart metering operations. The design of Landis+Gyr E450 meters and data concentrators allows switching between the CENELEC A band and the 150500kHz band, even in the field. This enables flexible adaptation to changing conditions: the communication bandwidth can be 16

increased later on, or the utility can move back to the CENELEC A band if needed. Furthermore, the 150-500 kHz band can coexist not only with PLAN PLC, but with any CENELEC A PLC technology already installed, which ensures a smooth migration to G3 technology. High firmware capacity of the Landis+Gyr devices secures adaptation for potential future developments in G3 technology.

The certification confirms the implementation of G3-PLC specifications and supports interoperability in smart metering. In IDIS (Interoperable Device Interface Specifications) Package 2, the IDIS Association defined G3-PLC as the new communications standard for PLC, in addition to PLAN PLC. G3 ensures maximum interoperability in smart metering and provides utilities with more flexibility in choosing their smart meter vendor. n View the certificates here


Special Report

Landis+Gyr’s CEO selected as one of The Global Smart Energy Elites President and CEO of Landis+Gyr, Andreas Umbach was recently interviewed as one of the eleven most influential people in the European smart grid sector in “The Global Smart Energy Elites: Projects and People”, a publication issued by Metering & Smart Energy International. In shortened excerpts from the interview below, Andreas discusses industry growth opportunities, challenges, and future trends. Where do you see room for more growth in the sector, and what opportunities are not being exploited sufficiently? The most obvious geographical room for growth is in Europe. Whereas, North America, Australia, China and Japan are rapidly deploying smart metering, or have installed the technology already, Europe has been lagging behind predictions for years. The achievement of Europe’s noble (environmental and clean energy) goals will be dependent upon smart metering and smart grids. 18

What are your top 3 predictions for the smart energy sector for the next 24 months? 1. C ustomer engagement as catalyst for future success: The utility succeeding in engaging customers will not only protect its existing customer base, but will also gain competitive advantages and profile itself as a catalyst for further growth. 2. A ll energy related activities will grow together. Today’s separation between the utility world, which traditionally ends at the meter point, home appliances such as water heaters, roof top solar panels and building control / smart home solutions will amalgamate in joint applications. 3. Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are to become an integral element of utilities’ business strategy and daily business. They are the facilitators of the first two points. Smart metering is already providing massive data calling for powerful Head End and Data Analytics systems. What do you think the utility of the future will look like? Is there any truth in the rumors of the demise of the utility? The utilities of the future will certainly not look like the structures we have known for the last century. As the energy supply system becomes more dynamic and more decentralized, the businesses involved will have to become more flexible and agile as well. There will be many more actors in the field including smaller generators, aggregators, retailers, energy management companies. The utilities will have to adapt or they will be left behind. n The full interview is available here


Editorial and layout: Landis+Gyr AG Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH, 45131 Essen, Germany Photography: istock; DrAfter123 (titel, page 4) thinkstock; xeipe (page 9) thinkstock; Pipop_Boosarakumwadi (page 11) thinkstock; ChrisRinckes (tpage 12) Additional photos by Landis+Gyr/Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH

Landis+Gyr AG Theilerstrasse 1 6301 Zug Switzerland www.landisgyr.eu Š Landis+Gyr 2016

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