+update 02|2016: Landis+Gyr

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Weaving AMI cyber security into the fabric of your organization Cyber security involves more than the technical security of the solution more on page 04

Customer Projects Enedis chooses Landis+Gyr technology for the renewal of its meter park

Customer Projects Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) installed in Helsinki

Product Updates New version of Converge available for smart ICG solutions

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Dear Customer, Cyber security has moved into the spotlight in almost all sectors of modern society. The energy sector is no exception. Utilities are responsible for managing critical infrastructure that ensures the uninterrupted and efficient distribution of energy the modern world depends on. Unfortunately this makes utilities attractive targets and they commonly have to deal with hackers and attacks. Luckily these incidents can be largely contained and prevented. The critical nature of cyber security is central to Landis+Gyr’s approach. Over the years we have developed secure technology in close collaboration with customers in various countries, including those with the highest regulatory requirements in Europe. To ensure the most secure solutions for our customers, our focus on security runs through everything we do. Our information security standards are built around ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002 norms, and we are proud to say that some of our sites were among the first certified companies in Europe. We are active participants in the work being done in the energy sector to raise levels of cyber security, both in terms of creating awareness and physical implementation. In anticipation of the EU directive on Network Information Security, industry associations and working groups are currently defining recommendations for detailed security requirements regarding smart metering. In addition, technology providers are actively developing solutions to meet and exceed legislative and customer requirements. The work will continue, as effective security is about continuous process rather than one-off implementation. The first step in improving security is always the same: raise and maintain awareness. This applies equally individuals and organizations in any industry. That is why the focus article in this issue of ‘update’, discusses the importance of security in smart metering. Enjoy the read!

Oliver Iltisberger Executive Vice President EMEA

Table of Contents Focus Article Weaving AMI cyber security into the fabric of your organization

Page 04

Customer Projects Enedis chooses Landis+Gyr technology for the renewal of its meter park

Page 10

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) installed in Helsinki

Page 12

Product Updates New version of Converge available for smart ICG solutions

Page 14

GridstreamÂŽ with G3-PLC now available for full-scale rollouts

Page 16

Special Report Collaboration for excellence

Page 18

A look at smart energy projects across Europe, Middle East & Africa

Page 20


Focus Article

Weaving AMI cyber security into the fabric of your organization The attack that switched off the lights in Ukraine at the end of 2015 pushed energy sector cyber security into the spotlight. In the everyday routine of utilities, attacks have been common for a long time, but today hackers are getting more systematic and professional.


As the systems and processes of energy utilities become more intelligent and increasingly integrated, they also become more attractive targets for attacks. The threat of unanticipated security breaches is not only about loss of income or reduced customer satisfaction, but finally about consumer privacy and stability of the electricity network. “As we work with utility customers in AMI projects all over EMEA, we have noticed that the level of security awareness and requirements vary from country to country. But independent of the market, the importance of security is increasing,” says Peter-Georg Koller, VP Product Management of Landis+Gyr. “Countries like Estonia, the UK, Germany and Austria rank among the top nations in the Global Cyber Security Index, which measures the commitment of countries to cyber security. It’s no surprise that the most stringent requirements for AMI security are found in these markets.” For years, Landis+Gyr has worked with its utility customers to improve AMI cyber security. “It’s not simply about one-off investment and implementation,” said Peter-Georg Koller. “Security is effectively an on-going process that requires continuous technical development, as well as the education and awareness of all stakeholders and the long-term commitment of senior management”, he said. The most important step Cyber security in AMI involves more than the technical security of the solution, that is, the physical security of devices, secured communication, software systems and data storing. It demands a holistic approach that embraces the planning of the entire IT infrastructure from a security perspective as well as the people, practices and processes that enable it. “The first and most important step in cyber security is awareness. All stakeholders need to be conscious of the risks and the utility needs to define what steps can be taken to mitigate those risks as far as possible in a realistic and cost efficient manner,” said Peter-Georg Koller. 5

Focus Article

Cyber security risk management is about determining and understanding potential threats, evaluating the impact on operations and creating processes to manage them. The investment required needs to be balanced against potential risks. An absolutely secure solution may not be financially realistic, so it’s important to identify the best possible solution within the confines of practical business realities. EU regulation in preparation A further push for cyber security awareness is coming from the regulatory side. The first EU-wide legislation on cyber security was agreed upon in December 2015. Before the ‘Network Information and Security’ directive officially enters into force, it has to be formally approved by the European Parliament and the Council. The directive is expected to enter into force in August 2016. Thereafter the Member States will have 21 months to transpose the directive into national law. In their role as “operators of essential services,” certain players in the energy sector will have to take appropriate security measures and give notification of serious incidents to the relevant national authority. These operators will be identified by Member States.


Working towards a common AMI security approach While the Network Information and Security directive is progressing on its own path in the EU organization, several associations and working groups are setting up guidelines to transform the directive into products. One of these groups, the ESMIG Security and Privacy Group, developed a list of minimum security requirements for AMI components. This work was performed in cooperation with the Smart Metering Coordination Group (SM-CG) of the European Standards Organizations (CEN, CENELEC and ETSI).The resulting list of generic minimum security requirements – covering all AMI components from Smart Meters to the Head End System – is to be published by SM-CG. The work of ESMIG focuses on the technical aspects concerning the components and communication links of the AMI. It is based on a collection of all relevant European AMI security requirements, in particular from the Netherlands, the UK, Germany and Austria. In addition, the specifications of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US) were considered. The collection consists of more than 300 requirements, which were then divided into 7 clusters that are uniquely linked to functional requirements.


Focus Article

The result comprises eleven high-level requirements, covering functions like “the logging of security events”, “upgradeability of AMI components with new security features” and “compliance of crypto mechanisms and key management with approved standards”. Landis+Gyr has been actively engaged in the ESMIG working group developing the Europe-wide minimum requirements with industry partners and cyber security specialists. Consequently, we continuously strengthen our end-to-end smart metering solution Gridstream® with new security functionality to meet and exceed these requirements. Make a start “The best thing utilities can do to improve the security of their AMI systems is to make a start by increasing awareness and by putting an overall IT security policy in place,” said Peter-Georg Koller. In utilities, the AMI cyber security development process begins by evaluating the current security status, identifying weaknesses and creating an improvement plan. In most cases, external support and consultancy can enhance the process. Overall AMI security consists of both technical and organizational aspects. Improvements can be made in various categories that include: eople and processes P This is the most vulnerable category and the weakest link in cyber security. It needs continuous attention and is also the easiest area to improve by implementing common security practices and providing guidance around themes like roles and responsibilities, classification of data, and password practices. AMI backup and recovery practices as well as system update procedures also play an important role here.


I T infrastructure A properly secured IT environment lies at the very core of cyber security. IT security can be immediately improved to better protect sensitive information and critical services by network segmentation. As a common practical example, the AMI environment and office network should always be located in separate segments. MI solutions A As an end-to-end solution provider, Landis+Gyr takes a comprehensive approach to security. Security is designed into all GridstreamŽ components, from the physical security of the devices (e. g. tamper detection) to the support of secure device installation and maintenance processes. Communication is secured between all components of the solution. Access to data and functions is securely managed based on the user’s role and supervised by extensive audit trails. When all is said and done the fact remains that every utility has its own unique environment, specific security requirements, threats and vulnerabilities – as well as varying resources and capabilities available to manage cyber security. But what all utilities have in common is the need for continuous development. Information sharing and close collaboration between utilities, technology providers as well as regulatory bodies are definitely key pillars of cyber security. It is in this and the other areas of cyber security mentioned above that Landis+Gyr is committed to help pave the way forward. n


Customer Projects

Enedis chooses Landis+Gyr technology for the renewal of its meter park France’s largest public electricity distributor, Enedis (previously ERDF), has chosen Landis+Gyr as its preferred partner for the extension of a project that focuses on the renewal of an entire meter park for commercial and industrial customers. Landis+Gyr will deliver 80,000 E550 meters for the small and medium sized commercial and industrial customers of Enedis by the end of June 2018. The E550 meter is especially designed for customers whose electricity is conducted in the lower power range – but greater than 36 kVA – and is suitable for all major commercial and industrial applications, having 3-phase direct voltage and current transformer connected. The first contract with Enedis for Commercial and Industrial meters was awarded in 2012 and Landis+Gyr has been working closely with the French energy distributor ever since. The successful cooperation and proven expertise of the Landis+Gyr team is what led to the extension of the contract. Landis+Gyr is now the primary partner in the second phase of Enedis project and with the 80,000 meters it will supply account for more than 2/3 of the total volume. All meters will be produced in Montluçon, France. “A close relationship was key to continue this long-lasting cooperation,” said Christian Huguet, Chief Executive Officer of Landis+Gyr, France. “I believe our capability to meet top quality standards and exceed customer’s expectations in the previous project was a winning attribute. We’re committed to keep this track also in the future,” he added.


Landis+Gyr provide smart meter technology also to Enedis’ residential customers. It is one of the leading suppliers in the nationwide strategic programme to roll out smart ‘Linky’ meters in France. Meeting Enedis’ high standards is certainly something to be proud of. The company has 35,000 employees and manages the public electricity distribution network for 95 % of continental France. As such, it is responsible for continuous public electricity service and, to fulfill this role, it continually invests in modernising and securing the French network. Enedis continually innovates with partners like Landis+Gyr to meet the needs of customers, electricity producers and electricity suppliers, particularly in the areas of information systems and metering. n


Customer Projects

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) installed in Helsinki The largest energy storage system in the Nordic countries, supplied by Landis+Gyr and Toshiba, has arrived in the Suvilahti area of Helsinki. The battery system weighs about 28 tons and includes over 13,000 lithium-ion SCiB™ battery cells. It was installed in mid-May, in readiness for implementation in early June.

The battery energy storage system was transported through Europe, passing through cities like Verona, Munich and Lübeck to Travemünde, from where it was shipped to Helsinki. Once the battery container had been hoisted from a truck onto its foundations, mechanics from Toshiba’s European Center of Excellence, part of the Toshiba Group for Storage and Smart Grid systems, prepared the technology for use. Now the battery is ready for the next phase: it will be connected to a transformer, together with the solar panel located in Suvilahti. In early June the solution


will be connected to the electricity network in the Suvilahti area. Landis+Gyr and Toshiba are heavily involved in the installation and implementation work, and are also responsible for user, service and maintenance training. The output of the BESS is 1.2 MW and the energy capacity is 677kWh. As well as the battery system, the scope of the Landis+Gyr and Toshiba delivery also includes a master control system, two power inverters, a transformer and a service and maintenance contract covering four years. Helen Electricity Network and the Finnish grid operator, Fingrid, will exploit the technology in a pilot project to investigate the new opportunities provided by megawattscale energy storage systems. The aim of the project is to study and test the optimal timing for loading and unloading the stored energy back to the grid, and to investigate the market-based pricing and business models for stored energy. Energy storage systems play a significant role when realizing smart grids. They help in sustaining grid stability whenever distributed energy resources from renewable generation are integrated into existing distribution networks. Energy storage systems enable the fluctuations in the network caused by the renewable generation to be compensated quickly: the agile battery energy storage system can balance the fluctuations in a fraction of seconds. By these means, it safeguards the electricity supply in all kinds of conditions. n Read more in our related articles


Product Updates

New version of Converge available for smart ICG solutions The latest version of Gridstream® Converge software, version 3.9, was introduced in May 2015 and version 3.10 is due in January 2017. Today, we announce that Landis+Gyr Converge version 3.9.5 is available for production use, with no restrictions. This new version has the same key characteristic as the previous major version 3.9. These include certification to 500,000 remotely acquired metering points with Exadata hardware and support for the latest platforms and technologies. So what’s new about 3.9.5? “From all the many new enhancements in Converge 3.9.5 I would like to highlight the improved transaction logs,” says Jan Pešout, Product Manager ICG Solutions. “These logs display the real-time status of meter readings in a very clear visual user form.” As well as the user-friendly interface, the transaction logs include a brand new logic layer. Furthermore, the new graphical user interface provides customers with more information about data acquisition jobs in streamlined levels dedicated to job details. Enhanced filtering and ordering have been integrated allowing users to see a complete history of meter or group transactions. New views have been introduced with faster access to data and support for larger data volumes. Also a large number of newly supported meters is introduced. New features include also integrated remote modem restart using a power supply device that can be controlled using the TCP/IP network; load profile data aggregation with user-specified time


period from 1 minute up to 60 minutes and load profile data transformation (energy to power, power to energy). “I believe that our customers will appreciate the improvements to this package, with features that will enable them to handle their daily tasks and processes in a more efficient and transparent way,â€? says PeĹĄout. For further information, please contact your local Landis+Gyr representative. n

Improved transaction logs display the real-time status of meter readings in a very clear visual user form


Product Updates

Gridstream® with G3-PLC now available for full-scale rollouts Landis+Gyr recently extended its highly successful smart grid solution, Gridstream® with G3-PLC communication technology. This breakthrough offers customers a more secure and stable end-to-end solution for faster, more reliable communication within smart grid infrastructure than ever before. Today, the end-to-end smart metering solution has reached the maturity for general availability for full scale rollouts. G3-PLC enables faster, more efficient data transfer using existing power lines because it allows higher volumes of data to be transmitted through electricity networks, either in the lower frequency CENELEC A band (up to 95 KHz) or if desired, in the highfrequency band (150-500kHz). The technology is stable and reliable as it is resistant to disturbances in the network and automatically adapts to changes in network conditions. “We now introduce G3-PLC in our end-to-end solution,” says Peter Müller, Head of Product Management, Devices and Communication at Landis+Gyr. “This means that as well as offering tested and certified smart metering devices, we also provide inclusive support at the smart metering system level. The entire integrated solution was tested internally first, then brought to field tests in various types of networks and finally the technology was proven in comprehensive pilot projects. Today, the solution has achieved the maturity needed to release it for extensive rollouts to any customer in EMEA region.” High communication quality translates directly to increased overall reliability of the smart metering solution. This saves a lot of time and effort when operating the system, as well as in the rollout phase. The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) characteristics of G3 combined with advanced forward error


correction (FEC) ensure the majority of new meters communicate as designed immediately after installation, minimizing clean-up work. High data throughput in Cenelec A or alternatively in the band of 150 – 500 KHz brings efficiency to smart metering operations and allows intelligent endpoints beyond smart metering to be used. The net result of all the benefits G3-PLC metering offers is that it is rapidly gaining popularity around the world. “Following positive feedback from our customer projects around EMEA, we anticipate the popularity of G3-PLC will continue to grow rapidly,” says Peter Müller. “Our solution is proven, interoperable and flexible. Through the embedded IPv6 support, G3 contributes to the development of IoT, which allows ‘connectivity to everything.’ All of this makes it a very attractive package that also takes into account the future needs of the utilities.” n For more information, watch the Gridstream® G3-PLC video.


Special Report

Collaboration for excellence

Landis+Gyr has a long tradition of collaboration with universities and educational organizations. Around EMEA, various Landis+Gyr sites work with students and researchers on a daily basis, on a variety of projects that support both academic and business objectives. The depth of collaboration varies from providing student placements to strategic, longterm research projects. A practical example of collaboration can be found in Stockport, one of Landis+Gyr’s biggest production facilities in EMEA, where the majority of gas meters for the European market are manufactured. The local team has been actively building ties with the University of Cambridge Engineering department, by creating industrial placements for Master’s students.


The students work on process optimization projects, where they focus on an identified potential problem and scope it together with a Landis+Gyr mentoring team. The students then implement the improvements they have designed and produce a report and presentation on their results. In a recent project, based on their findings, a group of students implemented a new Kanban system – a scheduling system for lean manufacturing – within an important part of the production chain. After trialing the system, the positive results were clear to see: a reduction in the work in process, increased normalized output from the calibration rigs and decreased overall lead time for meters. The successful project was a rewarding experience both for the students and for the Landis+Gyr mentoring team. At its best, these collaborations can provide benefits for students, universities and for the energy industry. Close relationships between universities and the industry prepare the students for their careers, enable academics to communicate the impact of their research in the business world and drive innovations in the industry. n

The Cambridge students, who implemented a new Kanban system, and their Landis+Gyr mentors


Special Report

A look at smart energy projects across Europe, Middle East & Africa Landis+Gyr has a proven track record as a leading provider of intelligent energy management solutions. Together with our customers we have implemented smart energy projects in the areas of AMI, Smart Grid and ICG solutions. The scope of our experience ranges from millions of smart meters delivered to some of the world’s largest rollouts, to turnkey implementation of end-to-end AMI solutions and to innovative grid modernization projects. In this interactive map we take a look at a selection of Landis+Gyr’s smart projects as we work with our utility customers to manage energy better! n

View interactive map



Editorial and layout: Landis+Gyr AG Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH, 45131 Essen, Germany Photography: thinkstock; Askold Romanov (titel, page 4) thinkstock; ilyaliren (page 6, 7) thinkstock; anyaberkut (page 10) thinkstock; Ali ender Birer (page 18) Additional photos by Landis+Gyr/Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH

Landis+Gyr AG Theilerstrasse 1 6301 Zug Switzerland www.landisgyr.eu Š Landis+Gyr 2016

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