+update 03|2014: Landis+Gyr Customer Newsletter

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Landis+Gyr and Toshiba: Your partners for smarter energy Landis+Gyr and Toshiba at European Utility Week 2014 more on page 4

Product Updates Product Updates 速 Gridstream updated for Automated Network Management security Page 12 Solution makes the microgrid a reality Page18

Customer Projects Warsaw goes smart Page 22


We are excited about our participation at this year’s European Utility Week in Amsterdam. To coincide with the smart metering rollouts by a large number of European utilities, Landis+Gyr is prepared with its next generation smart metering platform. This can be seen in action during the Gridstream AMI live demo at the EUW booth. Smart metering is the stepping stone to a smart grid, and this year our customers will gain the chance to see how

Oliver Iltisberger

Takeshi Yokota

Landis+Gyr’s and Toshiba’s portfolio supports utilities in every aspect of their transition to the smart grid, from

flexible energy demand management solutions, to advanced levels of grid automation aimed at optimizing the power grid at the local level. Landis+Gyr and Toshiba are committed to strengthening their position as a one-stop-shop provider of technology platforms and services that will form the basis of advanced Smart Community solutions. For over a century Landis+Gyr has been at the forefront of advances in energy management, as one of the first companies to develop electronic meters and partnering with major utilities worldwide to enable the transition from conventional to smart metering. In Europe alone, Landis+Gyr has deployed over 20 Million metering endpoints for 100 customers and over 300 smart metering systems. This experience has guaranteed the company’s products and solutions with field-tested reliability under the most demanding conditions. Customers and stakeholders benefit from Toshiba’s global reach and broad portfolio, which spans power generation to intelligent energy storage systems. To control and manage energy better utilities need to have access to real-time power data. Landis+Gyr and Toshiba offer a broad portfolio of smart metering and smart grid solutions that support customers in achieving compliance with local regulation, meeting sustainability targets and reducing operating costs. Our companies combined their expertise to match customer demands in respect to grid automation with the Micro Energy Management System (µEMS) as well as the need for enhancing existing utility infrastructure with state-of-the-art Meter Data Management System (MDMS), advanced grid analytics and network monitoring functionalities. With the extended offering from Landis+Gyr and Toshiba, utility customers are fully supported in their smart energy strategies that expand from smart metering to sensoring, distribution automation and microgrids. We will be exploring these topics further during our presentations at the conference. We look forward to meeting you in person at our booth in Amsterdam!

Oliver Iltisberger

Takeshi Yokota

Executive Vice President EMEA​​​​​,

Corporate Senior Vice President,


Toshiba Corporation

Table of Contents Focus Article Landis+Gyr and Toshiba: Your partners for smarter energy

Page 4

Product Updates GridstreamÂŽ updated for security

Page 12

Digitalizing existing power assets with the MV/LV Monitoring and Control Solution

Page 15

Automated Network Management Solution makes the microgrid a reality

Page 18

Virtual Power Plant provides new revenue streams

Page 20

Customer Projects Warsaw goes smart

Page 22

Naantalin Energia pilots Landis+Gyr’s new MV/LV Monitoring & Control solution

Page 24

Battery energy storage systems for high power applications

Page 26


Focus Article

Your partners for smarter energy Landis+Gyr and Toshiba are looking forward to their participation in this year’s European Utility Week in Amsterdam. The two companies have strengthened their position as the leading one-stop-shop provider of innovative solutions for the environmentally advanced Smart Communities of the future. Smart metering and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) are the stepping stones to a fully smart grid. Gridstream® is Landis+Gyr’s premium end-to-end smart grid solution that combines metering, communications, network management, software, grid and consumer applications, and professional services in a single secure and integrated platform. Visitors can experience the power of the Gridstream solution in a live demo at Landis+Gyr’s EUW booth; the Gridstream Meter Data Management System (MDMS) integrated in an end-to-end AMI live system will demonstrate in a seamless operation SAP IS/U integration support for device installation, automated reading and VEE, exceptions management, on-demand operations, diagnostics reports and event management. (read more on page 12)


Beyond smart metering As the global leaders in energy management solutions, Landis+Gyr and Toshiba are positioned at the forefront of smart grid developments; with the acquisition of Consert, cyberGRID, PowerSense and Gridiant, and the establishment of the Smart Grid Solution Center in Nuremberg, Germany, the two partners have taken important steps to ensure that they will strengthen this position. With the new enhanced offering from Landis+Gyr and Toshiba, utility customers are able to move beyond smart metering to distribution automation, data analytics, microgrids and sensoring. During the European Utility Week, Landis+Gyr will be showcasing modular, innovative solutions allowing utilities to upgrade their existing grid infrastructure.

Grid Digitalization: Currently, the level of real time information in the distribution network is low, which raises concerns with regard to network management, especially when impacted by future Distributed Energy Resource (DER) integration. Other areas of concern are investment protection, reduction of technical losses and the optimization of supply quality.


Focus Article

Can the distribution network become smart? The equipment is available as well as smart grid applications, such as visualization, data analytics and operational tools. What has been missing so far is the level of automation providing local optimization of the distribution network. By implementing the multi-layer approach – Measure/Monitor, Analyze, Act and Automate – Landis+Gyr is able to change the conventional distribution networks into optimized Smart Distribution Networks. The key components to make this vision a reality are: power network visualization, data analytics, fault locating, renewable energy source control, active voltage regulation and predictive capacity management. MV/LV Monitoring and Control Landis+Gyr’s modular MV/LV Monitoring and Control Solution has been designed to retrofit and digitalize existing power distribution infrastructure in a cost-effective way. Integration of the sensor technology enables utilities to significantly improve their outage and fault management through power flow visualization and power quality monitoring. (read more on page 15) Data Visualization and Analytics Advanced Analytics Platform and Enterprise Applications joined the Landis+Gyr portfolio through the recent acquisition of Gridiant.


They leverage big data from a variety of utility systems to provide web-based visualization, prediction, simulation, and optimization. Turning the raw data into meaningful information, the Landis+Gyr system helps to provide improved reliability, power quality, extended asset life, reduction of power losses and at the same time facilitates the integration of renewable resources. At EUW, Landis+Gyr will be revealing two modules from the enterprise platform. GRIDview Asset Loading, uses AMI and sensor data for improved grid management by visualizing and monitoring over and under-loading levels from the substation, feeder, feeder section, and distribution transformer perspective. Based on this input, GRIDview provides enhanced planning, placement, sizing and loss of life calculations of transformers for system health and asset performance analysis. The second module that will be demoed at the event is GRIDplan Reliability, which utilizes Outage Management System data for reliability planning improvements. By visualizing and identifying outage causes and their impacts on System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) and other Key Performance Indicators (KPI) metrics, GRIDplan Reliability utilizes advanced optimization algorithms to


Focus Article

analyze these impacts and provide recommendations for optimal remedial activities based on selected parameters in order to help define reliability improvement programs. Automated Network Management The Micro Energy Management System (ÎźEMS) combined with the S650 Smart Grid Terminal forms an Automated Network Management solution that cost-effectively optimizes substation assets, ensuring reliable control and supervision by integration with existing SCADA/DMS systems traditionally used to manage transmission and distribution networks. It enables utilities to increase the level of power grid automation for better quality of supply and asset optimization. (read more on page 18)

Flexible Energy Demand Management cyberGRID, a subsidiary of Toshiba, develops and sells intelligent system solutions in the field of Virtual Power Plants (VPP) and Demand Response (DR)/Demand Side Management (DSM) Technology. The advanced, modular and scalable ICT solution, cyberNOC (Network Operation Center), pools flexible resources into Virtual Power Plants and matches them with market demand. Flexible resources include decentralized/renewable energy generation, industrial and commercial loads, energy storage and other systems.


Near-real-time Demand Response Management allows customers to optimize asset utilization and share in economic benefits by offering flexibilities to the energy markets. The cyberNOC can interact with any kind of advanced Energy Management Solution deployed at the energy consumers/prosumers end to improve capacity management. (read more on page 20) Toshiba’s Pluzzy Smart Home Solution is one of the flexible Home Energy Management Solutions (HEMS) in the market and it provides advanced smart heating and energy management services that improve the energy efficiency of residential housing. Pluzzy is a smart, self-learning solution which manages residential heating to suit end user’s lifestyle, whilst also creating a sense of well-being and conserving energy. Pluzzy enables consumers to control both electrical appliances and electric or boiler-based heating while enjoying maximum comfort. Through integration with the smart metering system, Pluzzy aggregates consumption information from multiple sources, which enables utilities to measure, monitor and balance energy supply according to customer needs. An advanced set of features delivers distinct benefits to energy retailors striving to balance energy demand and supply through consumer engagement and demand response programs as well as Virtual Power Plant solutions. n

Webinar: Energy transformation and intelligent transition to smart grids Ahead of the European Utility Week in Amsterdam, Landis+Gyr’s customers have the chance to find out more about the key innovative solutions that will be showcased at the trade fair this year. Please click here to watch the webinar


Focus Article

European Utility Week in brief: TURKISH PAVILION 4.J40















4.J21 4.J19



4.H21 4.H20

4.H18 4.H16










4.J37 4.J35 4.J33










4.H14 4.H12

4.H10 4.H08 4.H01


UB 4.G32 4.G30


4.G46 4.G40



4.CH17 4.CH15 4.CH18 4.CH16

4.G05 4.G10 4.G08






4.G45 4.G39 4.F34





4.F38 4.F36

4.CH7 4.CH84.CH94.CH104.CH114.CH12

4.G12 4.F14





Floorplan 1.E22b

1.F47 1.F45 1.E40




1.E14B 1.E16







1.E10C 1.E12




1.E08 1.E04




1.E51 1.D30





1.E05 1.D03

1.D10 1.D02





Coffee Bar

Case Study Programme



Case Study Programme

Case Study Programme




1.C07 1.B40








1.B10 1.B01



We are here! 1.A03

1.A36 1.A30










1.A02 1.A01




4–6 November 2014, Rai Convention Center Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Strategic Conference Area

Strategic Conference Area


Exhibitor Service Area

Exhibiton Area

Visit us at stand A08 (Hall 1).


Landis+Gyr & Toshiba Conference Presentations Landis+Gyr’s experts and executives are excited about the opportunity to share their knowledge and discuss the topics with visitors and other participants from the industry.

Innovation and Technology Platform Presentations 4.11.2014 / 16.00–16.20

5.11.2014 / 16.00 –16.20

Session: Smart metering

Session: Smart metering

Slot: Building on the smart metering infrastructure

Slot: Delivering value to the consumer

“ Creating a platform of trust – securing meter data transmission”

“Standardization and connectivity of smart metering solutions”

• The EU regulatory environment for smart meter security and privacy

•A n efficient approach to provide data to the end consumer

•A chieving interoperability in smart meter communications security

• I DIS CII as a platform for facilitation and harmonization

Speaker: Christian Giroux, Solutions Product Manager, Smart Energy Solutions EMEA, Landis+Gyr

Speaker: X avier Ringot, Vice President Smart Metering Solutions Center Sales EMEA, Landis+Gyr

5.11.2014 / 11.40–12.00 Session: ICT & data management Slot: Integrating big data into the utility business model “ Ensuring solution performance in large-scale smart installations” Speaker: John Galloway, Vice President Industry Solutions, Landis+Gyr

Case Study Programme 4.11.2014 / 16.00 –16.20

6.11.2014 / 11.00–11.20

Session: Smart metering

Session: Smart metering

Slot: Local energy distributors’ rollout challenges

Slot: Operational challenges in smart metering rollouts

“Standards-based architecture as the safe choice” Speaker: T homas Schaub, Senior Manager Standards Interoperability, Landis+Gyr

“ Closing the gap between smart metering and distribution automation with transformer level measuring” •R eal-time metering to improve transparency to medium and low voltage networks

5.11.2014 / 16.20 –16.40 Session: The grid and renewables integration Slot: Building resiliency with microgrids “ Balancing micro networks in dynamic production and demand environments” • Automated network management solution to manage micro networks

•U tilizing metered quality data for network maintenance and investment planning •V alue of reference metering: identify and minimize technical and non-technical losses Speaker: P atricio Villard, Vice President Product Management CISG, Landis+Gyr

• Results of smart grid laboratory testing by Tecnalia Speaker: I gor Dremelj, Vice President Smart Grid Solution Center, Landis+Gyr Co-presenter: Iñigo Cobelo, Project Manager, Labein-Tecnalia 11

Product Updates

Gridstream® updated for security In the latest release of its end-to-end smart grid platform Gridstream®, Landis+Gyr has made communication security a key priority for the data exchange between interoperable smart meters and head end system (HES) via power-line communications PLC. Over the past few years, as the scale of smart meter and smart grid deployments has reached a new level, regulators, utilities and their customers have become increasingly concerned about the security of information on smart metering systems. The challenge utilities are facing is how to secure the transfer of increasing amounts of smart metering data without compromising the privacy of end consumers, while maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of this information to authorized parties. Landis+Gyr has been playing a leading role in driving the development of secure smart metering solutions and standards through its engagement with the IDIS Association and other leading manufacturers. To provide high levels of security for the data transfer and to prevent potentially sensitive data from getting into the wrong hands, Landis+Gyr has introduced encryption codes to its PLC-based devices, which account for 95% of the company’s smart meter market. IDIS compliant PLC and P2P meters are intrinsically “secure by design” through well-established DLMS-COSEM communication protocols. With the new Gridstream release, utilities will benefit from the combination of interoperable future-ready devices and a high level of communication security. The first Gridstream solution with encrypted data communications is currently undergoing field testing and will be deployed as a part of Landis+Gyr’s smart metering infrastructure for Elektrilevi, Estonia. Gridstream now also includes a HES device gateway, to support a broader range of metering devices by a single customer business 12

system. Most common use cases are available, such as scheduled and ad-hoc reading of billing profiles, load profiles and event logs, for third party and commercial and industrial smart meters connecting via the mobile networks. The Gridstream platform integrates the E450 series 3, Landis+Gyr’s latest IDIS-compliant smart residential meter. The company has redesigned the device from a production and reliability perspective, to facilitate mass deployments by utilities, as smart meter rollouts start to increase in scope ahead of 2020. The updated platform will be launched in the middle of the fourth quarter of 2014, following the testing and customer ramp-up phase. Gridstream evolution The integration of G3 PLC communication will be the next major step in Gridstream technology evolution towards smart grids and smart homes.

G3 specification uses OFDM PLC technology for data transmission and is primarily intended to function in CENELEC A band (3 – 95 kHz). G3 offers the possibility to migrate to a higher frequency range, resulting in up to 10 times more bandwidth. G3 PLC coexists with the already deployed PLAN PLC devices.

OFDM PLC technology is gaining reach across Europe thanks to its robust performance and optimized Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) per installed meter. Following the new IDIS package II (IP profile) incl. G3 PLC (due to be released in November 2014), Landis+Gyr will enhance its Gridstream end-to-end offering with the G3 PLC technology. Smooth migration path from the current to the next generation technology will ensure utility long-term investment protection.

IP based G3 PLC technology based on the field proven intelligent Data Concentrator (DC) concept provides a premium smart 13

Product Updates

metering connectivity solution that enables the Internet of Things. Intelligent DC does not only autonomously push the consumption data onto the central system, it functions as a data reading and storage engine and a PLC monitoring tool which helps to offload the system and Wide Area Network (WAN) all together. This approach secures utility customers’ investments into a scalable and highly robust smart metering/smart grid solution today and in the future. n


Digitalizing existing power assets with the MV/LV Monitoring and Control Solution Reducing outage times and frequencies, mitigating the impact of increasing amounts of renewables on power quality, aging infrastructure and costs associated with smart grids and integration are just some of the challenges utilities are facing today. To address these Landis+Gyr has enhanced its smart grid portfolio with a cost-effective retrofit platform from newly acquired PowerSense designed to digitalize existing power distribution infrastructure. The MV/LV Monitoring and Control Solution comprises sensors that can be retrofitted onto medium and low voltage power cables, transformers and switch gear, and via integration of already installed electric devices in substations. The modular system’s features and benefits include automation and software controls that can locate, isolate and restore faults to reduce Customer Minutes Lost, by lowering System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI).

By implementing energy balancing and power data visualization utilities are able to reduce the network unbalances and maximize their revenue and the lifespan of energy assets. At strategic points power quality is monitored for any potential issues that might arise, while monitoring and control technology also allows the utility to visualize power flows, to ‘see’ where bottlenecks occur in the network. The solution is designed to manage the integration of renewable energy sources, such as 15

Product Updates

Photovoltaics, which can apply stress on cables and the network infrastructure because of their intermittency. In addition the system is able to carry out top precision energy theft detection. By implementing energy balancing and power data visualization utilities are able to reduce the network unbalances and maximize their revenue and the lifespan of energy assets. Some of the key solutions of the MV/LV Monitoring and Control portfolio include: The Advanced Smart Grid Terminal is a billing grade metering node with the smart grid functionality of MV/LV Monitoring and Control. Combined with the SmartCom RTU, the terminal aggregates and transmits real-time data to the utility’s high-level IT system, like SCADA, or other grid management IT platforms. Several applications can be included such as billing, integration of renewables and microgeneration, as well as streetlight functionality, enabling the utility to secure its investments and reduce operational costs. The Advanced Smart Grid Terminal cost-effectively meets DNOs’ smart grid requirements for secondary transformers, improving service quality and protecting existing energy management assets. The Smart Grid Device Integrator integrates existing and new smart grid devices, independent of their functionality, into the DNO’s SCADA or IT business system, enabling utilities to set up a cross-functional smart grid platform in substations which provides investment security and asset protection. In addition, the Smart Grid Device Integrator has 16 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs and can be combined with extra modules for additional functionalities. This provides utilities with the flexibility needed to extend, adapt and change the system in compliance with their individual smart grid strategies.


Enexis, one of the largest DSOs in the Netherlands, is using the Smart Grid Integrator to reduce customer outages. These have been reduced from durations of 87 minutes or more, to 3–5 minutes. The utility chose the solution for its low total cost of ownership, functionality and upgradability for SCADA protocols. As part of ongoing plans to enhance and improve network power quality and service, Finnish utility Naantalin Energia recently began a pilot, with Landis+Gyr, to demonstrate the MV/LV Monitoring and Control Solution. (read more on page 24) Unison Networks, a utility in New Zealand, is deploying the LV monitoring solution as part of the Smart Grid Program. After a comparison of similar technologies Unison chose this unit because it offered a cost effective solution with advanced power quality monitoring. A total of 150 units are being installed for online power quality monitoring on distribution transformers in second half of 2014. This will inform the assessment of emerging quality of supply issues, and impact from disruptive technologies such as renewable generation connection. Unison will be able to manage quality of supply for their customers more effectively through this innovative approach. n


Product Updates

Automated Network Management Solution makes the microgrid a reality Availability of real time information in the distribution network today is low, despite availability of equipment, smart grid applications and tools for visualization, data analytics and operational processes. What has been missing so far is the level of automation that enables the distribution network to operate effectively at a local level. The Landis+Gyr Automated Network Management (ANM) solution has recently been validated by Tecnalia, a Spain-based independent smart grid research center. The study aimed to demonstrate ANM’s effectiveness at improving voltage quality, managing decentralized generation and balancing electricity supply and demand within the network under strained conditions. Based on findings and knowledge gathered from other smart grid projects and by taking advantage of the lab’s network control


capabilities, Tecnalia simulated several different scenarios to test and assess the performance of network assets in conjunction with ANM. These included assessing the impact of controlling elements such as voltage regulator (line and/or distribution transformer), combinations of load and generator as well as a storage system in various network conditions. Landis+Gyr’s ANM solution delivers distinct customer benefits: n Renewable

Energy Source Control through managing decentralized generation reduces impact on the upper layer network.

n Active

Voltage Regulation provides improved power quality, reduced losses and longer lifetime of distribution transformers.

n Predictive

Capacity Management involves balancing energy demand and supply within the network capability limits, which reduces impact on the upper layer network by creating self-sustainable microgrids.

n Delivering

real time data and values from the network to the upper layer systems ensures effective power system visualization and data analytics.

With Landis+Gyr ANM, successful operation of the microgrid as a part of the larger smart grid infrastructure becomes a reality. The platform is able to predict mismatch between electricity demand and supply in the selected region, automatically applying corrective measures to the grid, hence maximizing its operational efficiency and reliability. Tecnalia is the first applied research center in Spain and one of the most prominent labs in Europe with around 1500 staff, â‚Ź110 million turnover and over 4000 clients participating in various European smart grid projects. n


Product Updates

Virtual Power Plant provides new revenue streams Toshiba’s cyberGRID is providing efficient and reliable VPP and Demand Response technology to Slovenian utilities. Up and running since January 2014, the Virtual Power Plant* (ELJ VPP) managed by retailer Elektro Energija and distribution system operator (DSO) Elektro Ljubljana, has been performing to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. As the system provider, cyberGRID helps the TSO ELES to reduce balancing costs and allows the retailer to increase its customer base. At the same time, electricity consumers can divert a new revenue stream their way. cyberGRID is at the very core of Toshiba`s SMART energy solution set, a solution portfolio designed to exploit the value of flexible energy resources in the home, business and industry and distribution grid. As such, cyberGRID forms the cornerstone of Toshiba’s community solutions strategy and its goal of ensuring the continual balance of energy generation and load in an increasingly unpredictable low carbon world. Passing the stress test Last autumn the ELJ VPP, aggregated from commercial and industrial electricity consumers, has successfully passed a one-week stress test. This enabled VPP to bid and win the competition for 2014 tertiary reserve service for the Slovenian TSO ELES. It is a 24/7 service, with a 15-minute response time, delivering 12 MW for up to 2 hours; time between two activations must be at least 10 hours. The TSO incentivizes the VVP with capacity and energy fees. As the most cost efficient service, the VPP has been called upon in almost every instance that the TSO has needed balancing power,


*Virtual Power Plant is a modular and scalable system that acts as an economical optimizer for flexible energy demand management, allowing the creation of advanced Demand Response schemes in the near-real time mode.

more than 20 times since the system went live. “Frequent activations bring us additional revenue and are environmentally sustainable; it certainly justifies our decision to join this Demand Response program”, says Mr Rado Kunavar, technical director of Pulp and Paper mill, which forms part of the MM Karton Group. Igor Podbelšek from retailer Elektro Energija stresses that “innovative solutions like VPP deliver high added value to our customers, which enables us to be more competitive on the electricity market”. Tertiary reserve is just one among many innovative services Elektro Ljubljana plans to introduce in the future. “Integrating existing smart metering and microgrid concepts into a fully functional VPP lays a solid foundation for advanced customer services that significantly contribute to overall energy value chain optimization.” concludes Mr Igor Volf from Elektro Ljubljana Distribution Company. n Example of supplied ELJ VPP tertiary reserve to the TSO


Customer Projects

Warsaw goes smart Landis+Gyr will deliver smart meters and software solutions to a Polish utility RWE. RWE’s first installation of smart metering technology in Poland will focus on residential buildings in Warsaw. Deliveries have started in September and full system installation is scheduled for the end of 2014. Landis+Gyr will deliver its Gridstream® end-to-end solution, including 50,000 smart meters and Gridstream AIM software. The system will have an interface to RWE’s existing IT infrastructure and will help


optimize the customer’s asset management. Landis+Gyr will also provide billing services for a period of four years. RWE operates a number of companies in Poland, including RWE Polska and RWE Stoen Operator. RWE Polska, together with RWE East, is responsible for supporting the development of the Group in Poland. RWE Stoen Operator manages the Warsaw power network. The deal was preceded by a pilot where a number of providers showcased their technology; Landis+Gyr’s Polish team was able to convince the customer of their technology and win a public tender launched by RWE. “This is a significant milestone for Landis+Gyr,” says Andrzej Szymanski, Country Manager for Landis+Gyr Poland, “We are delighted to contribute to the development of smart metering in Poland with this project in the capital.” Landis+Gyr’s solution will enable the advancement of distributed generation which is to play a major role in the future energy market. Improving the system as a whole Between 2014 and 2019, RWE plans to channel 25 percent of its investments towards the rollout of smart infrastructure amounting to 420 million Polish Zloty (approximately 100 million Euros). In the first stage of the project, slated for completion by the end of 2014, RWE will install 25,000 smart meters in residential buildings in Warsaw; full project completion is scheduled for December 2015. RWE will also invest in its network, overhead high voltage lines, as well as in medium voltage cable lines in urban areas. There has been rapid smart metering development in Poland in the last years. The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency as well as the country’s three largest consumer organizations signed a declaration in June 2009 calling for the rapid introduction of the technology. “Implementation of the smart grid concept in the area of our operation will essentially improve the level of energy efficiency of the system as a whole,” says Agnieszka Nosal, Board Member of RWE Stoen Operator responsible for AMI investments. n 23

Customer Projects

Naantalin Energia pilots Landis+Gyr’s new MV/LV Monitoring & Control solution Naantalin Energia, a small utility owned by the city of Naantali in south-west Finland, provides electricity to the municipality’s domestic and industrial electricity users – about 10,000 in total. As part of ongoing plans to enhance and improve network power quality and service, Naantalin Energia recently implemented, with Landis+Gyr, a pilot to demonstrate a PowerSense MV/LV Monitoring and Control solution. Sensors have been added to existing transformers in the field on the medium voltage (MV) network, so that the system is able to visualize the actual network status. The technology has also been installed inside a distribution substation for the utility to identify and detect the cause of failure and location. Such a level of detailed information enables distribution system operators (DSOs) to isolate defect areas more rapidly and also recover power supply to undamaged areas by supervising the remote controlled switches, all of which helps resolve outage times for customers. In addition the information received with the help of the Monitoring & Control solution will help utilities avoid overloading of the transformers. The end-to-end solution is realized through retrofitting sensors onto the existing medium and low voltage power cables, transformers and switch gears, allowing DSOs and utilities to prepare their assets for the future integration of distributed energy resources, electric vehicles and new power storage patterns. While all types of utilities will benefit from their power grids becoming digitalized and automated through sensor-based 24

hardware and intelligent software, for a small utility such as Naantalin Energia the value of this solution lies in its ability to identify and rectify issues that traditionally would require sending technicians and engineers out into the field, a costly endeavour in terms of both time and resources. “The modular solution can be retrofitted and scaled up, as part of utilities’ stepwise smart grid investment strategy,” explains Landis+Gyr’s Solution Consultant Sami Haapamäki. “Following the PowerSense acquisition, Landis+Gyr now provides the tools, not only to measure and monitor, but also to act, through automating the network,” he says. An additional benefit of the technology is its ability to monitor power quality on the low voltage (LV) side of the network, which will become increasingly important as consumption behavior changes and as more renewables are installed. To gather all of this data from smart meters – the nodes at the end of the LV network – would be extremely challenging, especially in high volume installations, which can run into tens of millions. Landis+Gyr’s MV/LV Monitoring and Control solution enables analysis of consumption behaviour in a condensed form, according to Haapamäki. n

25 25

Customer Projects

Battery energy storage systems for high power applications Advanced energy storage systems are currently emerging as assets with potential for both network and generation applications within the grid network. Toshiba has recently developed a high power Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for grid power quality and renewable energy power plant applications. The system, with 4MW of nominal power and 1MWh of energy capacity, will be installed in Italy in November 2014 on a wind farm of one of the major international Independent Power Producers Enel Green Power s.p.a. When integrated with the wind farm and connected to the grid network the BESS will smooth the intermittent power generated and make the renewable energy resource predictable. To achieve this, the system receives an hourly power schedule from the independent power producer’s main controller and, using the energy stored in the batteries, compensates for the gap between the power set point and the wind farm’s current generation. The advanced energy storage system’s controls ensure that power is injected into the grid within the desired range, taking into account the current status of the BESS, such as temperature of battery modules, the state of charge (SOC), charge/discharge rate, the characteristics of the inverters and the status of the grid. The effectiveness of the control strategy has been tested by using historic data from a wind farm. The BESS is designed to achieve a performance of 4C. C-rate is an important battery metric, measuring the capability of the battery module as a ratio between power and energy. For example, a 1kWh module can be charged/discharged at 4kW in 15’.


This performance is obtained thanks to Toshiba’s Super Charge ion Batteries (SCiB), which use lithium-titanate chemistry. The SCiB Lithium-Titanate technology provides a long life – over 10000 charge/discharge cycles – and performs safely even at temperatures as low as -30°. The batteries yield a high amount of usable energy over a wide range of SOC and also allow fast recharging, in approximately six minutes. n


Photography: iStock.com; Dovapi (page 16+17) iStock.com; jacek_kadaj (page 22) wikipedia.com; Makele-90 (page 25) iStock.com; sissy_12 (page 27) Additional photos by Landis+Gyr/Seidl PR & Marketing GmbH

Landis+Gyr AG Theilerstrasse 1 6301 Zug Switzerland www.landisgyr.eu Š Landis+Gyr 2014

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