3 minute read
Retaining employee loyalty
Production tasks are diverse and exciting, of that there’s no doubt: weighing out raw materials, preparing and making-up doughs, decorating and metering, producing sourdoughs and sponge doughs, operating plant and machinery. It’s a responsible job, because it involves working with foodstuffs, and also demands planning and organizing workflows.
At the same time, however, work in a production department or in sales is also challenging: shift work and/or getting up early, physical exertion, even though automation makes work easier in some areas, e.g. oven loading and unloading. There are many career opportunities nonetheless, provided the job applicant is flexible enough, e.g. even to move house.
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However, the baking sector has complained about the lack of skilled specialist staff worldwide for many years. A few companies, as well as associations and guilds, have attempted to portray work in a bakery or sales department as being attractive to potential job applicants. There have been, and still are, information stands at trade fairs. Those responsible for recruitment beat advertising drums in the social media. The baking sector answers students’ questions at career days. But there is still no noticeable demand. This is also due to the fact that pay is rather poor compared to other sectors.
A tougher battle for skilled specialist staff is already being fought in other sectors, and a few bakeries are also taking action, e.g. offering trainees grants for a driving license, or including a fitness center when planning a new building, like the Ruch confectioners.
It doesn’t have to be a company fitness center, but it could be cooperation or a subsidy for the membership charge or application fee for a sports club, a supplementary health insurance including family members, a works bicycle or accepting the cost of a monthly season ticket for local public transport, an apartment, an open-ended employment contract, looking after children or assistance with family members in need of care, an old-age pension allowance, care for pets, or offers of further training and promotion opportunities – there are numerous opportunities to draw attention to oneself as an attractive employer.
The working atmosphere, corporate culture and appreciation, together with personal interaction, play an important role in retaining employee loyalty, provided the framework conditions and opportunities for personal development are right.
Thus there are companies in the baking sector that have become pioneers with their practiced values of trust, appreciation, dependability, transparency and performance strength. These companies have no difficulty in retaining their employees’ loyalty, and that pleases me.
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06 Wolfgang Mayer: A fast, flexible response 24 Henrik Oevermann: Operations without restriction 36 Cathleen Kabashi and Michael Wippler: New ideas for iba
10 Stone Oven Bakery : Organic as an article of belief 14 Fritsch : Decoration unit for a variety of patterns 22 Sveba Dahlen : Fermentation for minimal effort 26 König : Expanding the snack area
20 Finland : New products from Fazer Bakery 28 Generation Z : Generous to itself and Slicing 30 MKW: Redesign and facelift 32 JAC: Well positioned for the future
WP: Lye application with robotic cutting system
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