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Finland: New products from Fazer Bakery

Thin bread is becoming more popular
A thinner type of dark portion bread is becoming more popular in Finland. This is why Fazer`s rye bread Oululainen Jälkiuuni Täysjyväruis is following the trend and is now thinner than before. The bread is baked for a long time at a low temperature. This process results in a crisp, rustic crust and firm, but easy to chew middle. Made with 100% wholegrain rye from Finland. The packaging is easy to recycle: the bag as plastic waste and the clip band as metal waste. Recycling instructions are found on the packaging.

Increasing interest in oats
Oat is an increasingly interesting ingredient for Finnish consumers and many are aware of its positive health effects. Now oat is boosting the traditional market of rice pasties: Fazer Kaurainen Riisipiirakka has a mild taste and a new, lighter crust consisting of 70% oat and 30% wheat. The pasties are filled with rice porridge as before. Fazer rice pasties are made at the Lappeenranta bakery.
Ooaty flatbread for families
White bread and flatbread are becoming more popular in Finland. White flatbread is particularly popular among families with children and consumers of white portion bread. This is why the Fazer Lemppari product family is growing with a new oaty, soft and round product. It`s low in salt (0.7%).
Brainhow and Vegan labels
The recipes and packaging of Fazer Juuresleipä bread are updated in January 2020 – at the same time their packaging will start carrying the Fazer Brainhow and Vegan labels. The Fazer Brainhow label indicates the product’s high nutritional quality and brain-friendly nutrient content. The Vegan label is given to vegan, fully plant-based products that are suitable for an environmentally-friendly diet. All Juuresleipä packaging has at least 25% less plastic than before. +++