5 minute read
Iba – experience the future!
Human beings have been fascinated by the future for thousands of years.

A desire for the ability to eliminate uncertainty about what fate has in store is probably as old as humanity itself. Wizards, clairvoyants and oracles – foreseeing the future has been surrounded by a web of countless stories since ancient times, and fairground fortune tellers do a roaring trade even today.
Of course, the trouble with predictions was that they didn’t always turn out well. The Delphic Oracle occasionally sent its petitioners to their doom, and Cassandra with her gift of foretelling the future was tormented by the fact that no-one wanted to believe her, despite always being right.
++ Armin Juncker Chief Executive Verband Deutscher Großbäckereien e.V. and Treasurer and thus a member of the Executive Board of the AIBI (International Association of Plant Bakers)
So, must we humans accept that the future is unforeseeable, indeed incalculable?
The best way to find this out is to actively shape the future oneself: in dialogue with others, based on the most up-to-date information and prepared at all times to adapt in whatever way may be necessary.
The saying “Be a player, not just a spectator!” urges us to lend a hand in shaping the baking sector’s future ourselves as entrepreneurs (m/f). The fact that the legislator and customer also have their say in this matter is only natural. Constant dialogue is important, not only to be able to pull together in compliance with constantly regulatory amendments or changes in customer requests, but also to represent one’s own interests in the best possible way. For this, it is especially important to have (fore)knowledge of the latest trends and innovations to enable a proactive response.
We best fit ourselves for the future not by complaining about it or mere crystal ball gazing, but by obtaining concrete, practical information! Presentations to the specialist public will include not only the market’s latest innovations from A to Z. The iba trade fair is also an ideal environment in which to establish and deepen contacts. Ultimately, the whole sector benefits from close interaction and a strong, stable network as it journeys into the future.
The iba trade fair is also an interesting “melting pot” in terms of internationality, thanks to its many exhibitors and visitors from other countries!
The iba, held this year in Munich from 15th to 20th September, offers a chance to experience the sector’s future at first hand.
Optimized mixing process
06 Diane: Main principle: durable
14 Henk Hoppenbrouwers: The trend towards bigger capacitiese
22 Bakery landscape: The 50 biggest chain bakeries
Hans-Jochen Holthausen: “We must go with our products to where the customer buys”
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Kitzinger: All-in-one: a new tray washing plant for Schäfer’s
Dr. Schär Deutschland GmbH: Retrofit – via a picker cell
Leinebergland Druck GmbH & Co. KG Industriestr. 2a, 31061 Alfeld (Leine), Germany
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Valid advertising price list: 2018 cover
++ Mondelēz opens new biscuit plant in Bahrain
To meet growing consumer demand, Mondelēz International inaugurated its newest “Factory of the Future” in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The company invested $90 million in the stateof-the-art biscuit manufacturing plant that produces iconic Power Brands, including Oreo cookies and Barni soft cakes, for local consumers and serves as a hub for exports to the Gulf region, the Levant and Africa, reducing delivery costs and improving product freshness. The 250,000 square meter manufacturing facility is about the size of 30 soccer fields with production capacity of nearly 45,000 tons per year. This new plant is located alongside Mondelēz International’s existing manufacturing site, which has been producing Kraft cheese and Tang powdered beverages since 2008. +++
++ Zeppelin Group receives FoodTec Award 2018
Extremely fast, dust-free and homogeneously mixed – these are the key factors in industrial dough production. The highspeed mixer DymoMix from Rödermark’s dough experts from “Zeppelin plant engineering” meets these requirements with flying colours and with low energy consumption. At the Anuga FoodTec 2018, the leading international trade fair for food and beverage technology, the DymoMix was awarded the International FoodTec Award in silver. At the Anuga FoodTec 2018 trade fair in Cologne on March 20, 2018, the “Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG)” honoured 17 laureates in total out of approx. 100 registered companies
Diosna: Oevermann is Dr. Eisser’s successor for technical innovations and further developments that make food technology particularly future-proof, sustainable and efficient. The international jury of experts awarded the Zeppelin Group one of twelve silver medals and thus the award for product optimizations which allow a significant improvement of the function or the process. +++
There will be a change in the management of the machine builder Diosna on 1st May. Henrik Oevermann (40), who has worked in the company since 2011 and currently occupies the post of Commercial Manager and Bakery Technology Area Manager, will succeed Dr. Wolfgang Eisser (65). Dr. Eisser is retiring after 20 years in the company’s management, although he will remain employed for a further two years in an advisory capacity on the Supervisory Board of the French parent company Linxis. +++

++ Middleby Acquires Ve.Ma.C. Srl
The Middleby Corporation announced the acquisition of Ve.Ma.C. The company is a leading designer and manufacturer of handling, automation and robotics solutions for protein food processing lines. The company is based in Castelnuovo Rangone, Italy and has approximately $15 million USD in annual revenues. “This acquisition extends our capabilities related to automation and robotics, providing for further opportunities to integrate our existing food processing equipment offerings. We can now provide more comprehensive end to end solutions for our customers with reduced labor, increased capacity and greater operating efficiency,” said Selim Bassoul, CEO of The Middleby Corporation. “We are very excited about Ve.Ma.C. as a key addition to our portfolio as we continue to evolve our platform of fully automated solutions.” +++