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CSA Past Presidents - Rawle Baddaloo

Rawle Baddaloo

2000-2003 Trinidad & Tobago

Captain Rawle Baddaloo came ashore in 1978 after a successful career in the British Merchant Navy serving worldwide on Texaco tankers until he became a Master Mariner.

He was then employed by Texaco Trinidad where he started off as a Shift Supervisor. He left Texaco Trinidad as Marine Superintendent in 1979 to start a career at greenfield project the Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Ltd (PLIPDECO). He began as deputy port manager and left as President (Ag.). During his 28 years at PLIPDECO he was able to create a world-class port winning the Best Multi-Purpose Port in the Region on a number of occasions, and other accolades from the CSA. From 1987 to 1988 he attended the World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden, and majored in Maritime Safety Administration (Nautical), obtaining a Master of Science (MSc) Degree in Maritime Safety Administration. He was a founder member of the Nautical Institute Branch in Trinidad and Tobago as well as a member of the IAPH Executive and the Maritime Security Council.

Captain Baddaloo became active in the Shipping Association of Trinidad & Tobago (SATT) in 1980. He served on its executive council and was president for two terms, each lasting two years. He is an honorary Member of SATT. He then became involved with the Caribbean Shipping Association.

At CSA he has served as training director; Group B Representative; chairman of the CSA Committee on Regional Transport and President for three terms (2000-2003). He was made an honorary member of the CSA in October 2015.

In 1995 at its 25th AGM, the CSA established the Silver Club (those with meritorious service in the regional shipping industry for over 25 years). Captain Baddaloo is a founder member, an awardee and the current chairman of the Silver Club.

In February 2019 at the 18th Intergovernmental Meeting of the Action plan for the Caribbean Environment Program and the 15th Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region, a resolution was passed to contribute their talents to the work of the Caribbean Marine Environment Protection Association (CARIBMEPA) to Save our Seas.

CARIBMEPA was launched at the CSA meeting in May 2019 and Captain Baddaloo was asked to co-lead this very important initiative. Captain Baddaloo continues his work with CARIBMEPA and avails himself to the wider maritime fraternity for mentorship.

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