Winter wedding brochure

Page 1

Wi n t e rWe d d i n g s a tLa ndma r kVe nue s

TheBe aut yofa

Wi n t e r We d d i n gat

TheLi be r t yHo us eRe s t aur ant& Cat e r i ng 76Audr e yZappDr i ve-I ns i deLi be r t ySt at ePar k Je r s e yCi t y,NJ07305 -866. 683. 3586

Mar ve li nt heNe w Yo r kCi t ys kyl i nevi e ws ,whi l eyo u andyo urgue s t se nj o ys e as o nalc ui s i ne ,c o c kt ai l sandt he c r i s p,c l e ardayso ft heWi nt e r .Gr abyo urc o atandt ake advant ageo fapho t odur i ngt wi l i ghto rge tabr e at ho ff r e s hai r whi l eyo ur o as tmar s hmal l o wso nt hepat i oandt akei nt hevi e w.

Wi n t e rWe d d i n gM e n u atTheLi bertyHouse 

Uponyourarri valyourgues t sarewarml ygreet edwi t ht heSi gnat ureWeddi ngCockt ai l Coc kt ai lHourt oI nc l ude:Anas s or t mentofTenpas s edhor sd' oeuvr es Col dSel ect i ons Roque f or tBl ueChees e,SmokedBac on& Gr eenAppl e“ Br us c het t a, ”dr i z z l edw/ Tr uf f l eOi l Ses ameSear edTunaSer vedat opaCuc umberSl i c ew/ aRedPepperRel i s h Roas t edLongI s l andDuc kBr eas tonaSweetPot at oCr i s pw/ Seas onalBer r yJam Lobs t er& As par agusw/ Tr uf f l eAi ol ionaGar l i cCr os t i ni Es pr es s oSear edFi l etMi gnonw/ aCar amel i z edOni onRel i s h Gaz pac hoShoot er s ThaiCur r yCr abSpr i ngRol l Sur f& Tur fMakiRol l Cor i ander Cr us t edTunaoverPl ant ai n TunaTar t ar ew/ Was abiMayo& Pi c kl edGi ngeronaSes ameWont onCr i s p Or angeGl az edGi ngerShr i mpoverHummus& Spi c edPi t a *Tr adi t i onalShr i mpCoc kt ai lSer vedw/ Coc kt ai lSauc e *de not e saddi t i onalc har ge

HotSel ect i ons AngelHai r ,Ar t i c hoke& Pr os c i ut t oFr i t t at a Fr i edChor i z o& New Pot at oSpi keswi t hRoas t edGar l i cAi ol i Chi c kenorBeefSat aySer vedwi t hPeanutDi ppi ngSauc e Cr abCakesw/ Seas onalFr ui tRel i s h As par agus& Pr os c i ut t oPhyl l oWr apswi t hRoas t edTomat oSauc e War m Br i eonWal nutToas twi t hRas pber r yRel i s h Chi c kenSpr i ngRol lwi t hThaiChi l iSauc e Br ai s edShor tRi bSt uf f edMus hr oom Lobs t er& Ri s ot t oFr i t t er swi t hTar r agonAi ol i Roas t edPor kTender l oi nwi t hAppl es& Ros emar y Cr i s pyPot at o& Oni onWont onw/ Hor s er adi s hRemoul ade,Tomat oCaperFondue orBl ueChees eDr es s i ng *LambChopswi t hMangoChut ney *denot esaddi t i onalc har ge

Mi ni SoupSt at i on ( Cho i c eo fThr e e )

Cr eam ofTomat o But t er nutSquas h Cl as s i cMi nes t r one RedLent i lwi t hSageandBac on Chi c kenEs c ar ol e Manhat t anCl am Chowder Chef ’ sAnt i past oTabl e ( Cho i c eo fCo l do rHo t )

Col d Sl i c edPepper oni& Soppr es s at a Pr os c i ut t oWr appedBr eadSt i c ks As s or t edFoc c ac i aBr eads Mar i nat edOl i ves ,Mus hr ooms ,& Ar t i c hokes Pr ovol one,Ri c ot t aSal ada,& Boc c onc i ni Hot Fr i edCal amar iw/ Spi c yTomat oSauc e St eamedMus s el swi t hOr ange& Fenneli naFr aDi avol oorWhi t eWi neGar l i cSauc e Br oc c ol iRabe,SweetSaus age,& Whi t eBean Eggpl antRol l at i ni Medi t erraneanSt at i on As s or t edPi t aBr eads& Fl at br eads Roas t ed& Gr i l l edZuc c hi ni ,Eggpl ant ,Squas h,Fennel ,RedPepper s ,Fet aChees e Hummus ,Dol mas ,& Taboul eh Sl i cedSeasonalFreshFrui t s& Berri es Gol denPi neappl e HoneyDew Mel on Cant al oupe Seedl es sRedGr apes& As s or t edBer r i es

I nt ernat i onalCheeseBoard Fl atBr eads& Cr ac ker s Cr anber r yWens l eydal e( Engl and) ,SageDer by( Engl and) ,Her bedGoatChees e I r i s hPor t erCheddar( I r el and) ,Mayt agBl ue( Uni t edSt at es ) ,Gouda( Hol l and) Gar ni s hedw/ Nut s& Dr i edFr ui t Cheese& Veget abl eFondue Bl ueChees e,Goudaw/ Ams t elBeer ,& Whi t eCheddarw/ SageFondues Count r yBr ead,Pumper ni c kel ,Br eadSt i c ks Sl i c edAppl e,Caul i f l ower ,Br oc c ol i ,As par agus ,& Fi nger l i ngPot at of orDi ppi ng Past aSt at i on Penne,Or ec c hi et t e,Ri gat oni ,Cavat el l i Sauces Pes t o,Fr es hTomat o,Al f r edo,Vodka Accompani ment s( al li ncl uded) SweetSaus age,Mus hr ooms ,Br oc c ol iRabe Tomat o,Roas t edPepper s ,Oni ons ,Peas

 TheMai nEvent ChampagneToas t Appet i zers

( Pl e as eSe l e c tOne )

Tr adi t i onalCaes arSal ad Tr i Col or edSal adw/ Ar ugul a,Endi ve,& Radi c c hi ow/ RedWi neVi nai gr et t e& ShavedPar mes anReggi ano Car amel i z edPearSal adwi t hPr os c i ut t o,Wat erCr es s ,Cr umbl edBl ueChees ew/ Bal s ami cVi nai gr et t e Fi el dGr eenSal adwi t hNut Cr us t edGoatChees eMedal l i onw/ Ber r yVi nai gr et t e As par agus ,Roas t edRedPepper ,& New Pot at oSal adw/ Har dBoi l edEgg& LemonCaperDr es s i ng BakedBr i ewi t hAppl e,Wal nut ,& Fr i s èet os s edi nRas pber r yVi nai gr et t e Duc kConf i t& Wi l dRi c eSal adwi t hDr i edCr anber r i es ,Pec ans ,& Gr eenOni onwi t haCi t r us Gi ngerVi nai gr et t e BabySpi nac hSal adw/ Cr anber r yWens l eydal e,Roas t edAppl e,& Beet swi t hSmokedBac onVi nai gr et t e Roas t edBut t er nutSquas h,wi t hPomegr anat es& Wal nut s I nt ermezzo LemonSor bet Ent rées

( Cho i c eo fTwo )

Gr i l l edFi l etMi gnon**wi t hPot at o,Oni on,SmokedMoz z ar el l aPave& As par agusBundl e, Fr i z z l edOni ons ,Tomat oVealDemi **Addi t i onal$10. 00PerPer s on

Roas t edFr eeRangeChi c kenBr eas ts t uf f edw/ Roas t edTomat o,GoatChees e,& Bas i l ,Ri s ot t oMi l anes e & Saut éedBr oc c ol iRabe,Chi ant iDemi Gr i l l edNew Yor kSt r i pSt eakPor t obel l oMus hr oom Br us c het t a,Caber netWhi ppedPot at o,Roquef or tBl ueChees eBut t er Her bCr us t edAt l ant i cSal monLemonSc ent edMas hedPot at o,Gr eenBeans ,Par s l eySauc e PanRoas t edTal i pi aw/ Saut éedZuc c hi ni& Vi dal i aOni onsi nLi ghtTomat oSauc e,YukonGol dMas hedPot at o, Cr i s pyZuc c hi niSt r aws Roas t edFr eeRangeChi c ken Mi dwes tSmas hedPot at o,Gr eenBeans ,Chi c kenJus PanSear edChi l eanSeaBas sw/ Cr i mi niMus hr ooms ,Peas ,Pear lOni ons ,& Panc et t aRoas t edNew Pot at o, Her bI nf us edBut t erSauc e CedarPl ankedAt l ant i cSal monCor nPuddi ng,Veget abl eSuc c ot as h,Cr i s pyLeeks RedWi neBr ai s edShor tRi bsofBeefTr uf f l edSmas hedPot at o,Gr eenBeans Dessert Cus t om Des i gnedWeddi ngCake Li ber t yHous eSpec i al t yDes s er tSeas onal l yDes i gnedt oCompl ementYourMeal Compl i ment ar yEs pr es s oBarAc c ompani edwi t hFr es hWhi ppedCr eam Ani s et t i ,Amar et t o,Sambuc a& Bai l ey’ sI r i s hCr eam Compl i ment ar yHotChoc ol at eToGoSt at i onwi t hWar m Cooki es Beverages Pr emi um OpenBar ,Champagne,Cof f ee,Tea,andSof tDr i nks $135145pe rpe r s o n Pl us22% Admi ni s t r at i veChar ge& 7% Sal e sTax

TheRomanc eofa

Wi n t e rWe d d i n gat TheSt o neHo us eatSt i r l i ngRi dge 50St i r l i ngRo ad War r e n,NJ07789 -866. 683. 3586

Enj o yt her us t i cye tmo de r name ni t i e so ft hi suni queve nue , whi l eyo uandyo urgue s t se nj o ys e as o nalc ui s i ne ,c o c kt ai l sand t hec r i s p,c l e ardayso fWi nt e r .Co z yupt os ’ mo r e s byo urr o ar i ngf i r e pi t s ,t akeadvant ageo fal i ghts no wf al lf o r yo urpho t o s ,andde l i ghti nt hebe aut yo ft hes e as o n.

Wi n t e rWe d d i n gM e n u atTheStoneHous eatSti rli ng Ri dge

Uponyourarri valyourgues t sarewarml ygreet edwi t ht heSi gnat ureWeddi ngCockt ai l Horsd’ oeuvres 1Hour( Sel ectSi x) Pet i t eBr i eenCr out e,Cr anber r yandPearCompot e Gr i l l edOc t opus ,Roas t edPepper s ,Par s l ey,CeiCeiBeanPur ee “ Fl ukeFl ower s ” ,Cuc umber ,Sc al l i ons ,Chi l eMi s oSauc e Spi c yTuna,Tabi ko,Spi c yJapanes eMayo,Sc al l i on,Wont onCr i s p Lar doWr appedChi l eanSeaBas s ,Agl i oPepper onc i no,Bal s ami c“ Fi c o” Br ai s edShor tRi bs ,Spi nac h,Pr oc opeTomat oes ,Cr i s pyWhi t ePol ent a Wi l dBoarRagout ,Si l verSpoon,Por c i niMus hr ooms ,St r oz z apr et i ,Her bTr uf f l e,Sal t Mi niSoupBoul es :Fr enc hOni on,Lobs t erBi s que& Tomat oBas i l Mi niSi r l oi nBur gerwi t hRedOni onMar mal ade& Gor gonz ol aChees e Chor i z oEmpanadawi t hSpi c ySpani s hSaus age,Oni on& RedPepper s Fi l etMi gnonwi t hTr uf f l eAi ol i ,Par mi gi anoReggi ano& Sour doughCr i s ps Manc hego,Ser r ano& Qui nc ePhyl l o Ses ameSear edAhiTunawi t hRedPepperRel i s hoverCuc umber Saf f r on& Shr i mpRi s ot t oCakes Semol i naCr us t edCal amar iwi t hRemoul ade& ThaiChi l iSauc es Mi niAndoui l l eSaus agePuf f swi t hPommer yMus t ar d Si l verSpoonLobs t er& As par agusSal ad YukonGol dPot at oCr oquet t eswi t hWhi t eTr uf f l e& Chi ves Si l verSpoonTunaTar t ar ewi t hCuc umber ,Sc al l i on& Gi nger Beef& Bl ueCor nEmpanadas TangyRoquef or t& PearSt ar s“ HandShaped” Mi niCr abCakeswi t hMangoSal s a Br i e& Ras pber r ySt ar s Mi niPor t obel l oTar t swi t hGoatChees e,Ar ugul a& Bal s ami cSyr up Fi g& Font i naChees ewi t hLavenderi nPhyl l oDough Bl ac kPepperSear edSi r l oi nwi t hCar amel i z edOni on& Mayt agBl ueChees e Mi niCubanSandwi c hes Cur r i edShr i mpEmpanadasi nCoc onutCur r ySauc ewi t hAl mondsandRai s i ns Mi s oGl az edSeaSc al l ops Kal amat aOl i veTar twi t hGoatChees e& Ar t i c hokes Shi t ake& LeekSpr i ngRol l swi t hGi ngerGar l i cHoi s i nSauc e Chi c ken& Lemongr as sPot s t i c ker swi t hWhi t eSoySauc e I nt ernat i onalFrui tandCheese Ar t f ul l yPr es ent edFr es hFr ui t s& Ber r i es I mpor t edFi neChees es ,Fr es hHer bs& Fl atBr eads

Sout hernComf ort BBQ orCount r yFr i edChi c ken Choi c eofSeaf ood,BeeforChi c kenJambal aya St i r l i ngRi dge“ Sl ammi n”Mac ar oni& Chees e Pot at oSki nswi t hAs s or t edToppi ngs& Moz z ar el l a& CheddarChees es Fi g& Pec anCor nBr eadwi t hGr i l l edSweetPot at oMedal l i ons BabySpi nac hSal adwi t hBl ueChees e,Cr out ons& Appl eDr es s i ng MashedPot at oBar ( Se l e c tTwo) Her bRoas t edGar l i cMas hedPot at oeswi t hAs s or t edChees es& Ac c ompani ment s Pur pl ePer uvi anPot at oeswi t hCr i s pyLeeks Mapl eMas hedSweetPot at o Tr uf f l eSmas hedPot at oes Ser vedi nMar t i niGl as s Sout hWest Gr i l l edVeget abl eQues adi l l aorChi c ken& Manc hegoChees eQues adi l l a Chor i z o& Gr i l l edVeget abl eSkewer sorBeefEmpanadaswi t hMangoChut ney Bl ue& Yel l ow Cor nTor t i l l aChi ps ,HomemadeSweet& Spi c yPl ant ai ns Red& Bl ac kBeanSal adwi t hCi l ant r o& RedPepper s Fr es hTomat oSal s a,Gr eenSal s a,SourCr eam,Guac amol e& Pi c odeGal l o Medi t erraneanSt at i on Spi c yLambSaus agewi t hFennel& Par mes an Gr i l l edMeat& Veget abl eSkewer swi t hSeas onalDi ppi ngSauc e( Chi c ken,Beef& Por k) Or z owi t hRoas t edPepper s ,Ol i ves ,& GoatChees e St uf f edGr apeLeaves ,Hummus ,Fet aHer bSpr eadwi t hFl atBr eads

 TheMai nEvent ChampagneToas t CourseOne ( Sel ectOne) Mes c ul i nGr eenswi t hVi neRi penedTomat oes& Fr es hMoz z ar el l a,AgedBal s ami cVi nai gr et t e Caes arSal adwi t hCr i s pyCr out ons& ShavedPar mes an BabyAr ugul a,Gr i l l edRadi c c hi o,Endi ve& Hear t sofPal m,HoneyMus t ar dDr es s i ng Fr es hBakedBr eads& Whi ppedBut t er Ent réeChoi ceorDuet ( Sel ectTwo)

Cri spGardenVeget abl eCrudi t és Servedwi t hDi ppi ngSauces

Br ai s edShor tRi bswi t hGl az edCar r ot sandRoas t edGar l i cMas hedPot at oes

Sel ectTwoAddi t i onalSt at i ons

Pans ear edTi l api awi t hLemonCaperSauc ewi t hSaut éedSpi nac handRoas t edFi nger l i ngPot at oes

Tast eofTuscany Mar i nat edChar Gr i l l edVeget abl eAr r ay As s or t edFr es hBakedBr eads Capr es eofFr es hMoz z ar el l a,Ri peTomat o& Fr es hBas i lDr i z z l edwi t hOl i veOi l Mar i nat edVeget abl es ,Mi xedOl i ves ,I t al i anCur edMeat sandChees es Foc c ac i aBr ead,Pl um Tomat oBr us c het t a& Caponat a

Car amel i z edAt l ant i cSal monwi t hGr eenandYel l ow Squas h“ Spaghet t i ”& Roas tPot at oes ,Whol eGr ai nMus t ar dSauc e

Past aSt at i on ( Madet oOrder-Sel ectTwo) Thr eeChees eRavi ol iwi t hCl as s i cPomodor oSauc e Gr i l l edPes t oShr i mpwi t hGemel l iPas t a,Toas t edPi neNut s& Reggi ano Far f al l ePas t ai naWi l dMus hr oom & CognacSageCr eam Sauc e Pennewi t hAs par agus ,Fr es hTomat o& Cr i s pyPanc et t ai nWhi t eWi ne& Gar l i cSauc e Ac c ompani edByAr t i s anBr eads ,Fr es hGr at edPar mes an& I nf us edOl i veOi l

Fr enc hCutChi c kenBr eas twi t hGoatChees eGr at i n& As par agus ,Mus hr oom Jus PepperCr us t edSi r l oi nSt eakwi t hGr uyer eMas hedPot at oes& Saut éofExot i cMus hr ooms ,CognacSauc e Roas tTender l oi nofPor kwi t hAppl eCompot e,Gar l i c Mas hedPot at oes& Br oc c ol i ni ,Por kJus ChefWi l lPr epar eaVeget ar i anEnt r éeUponReques t Dessert Cus t om Des i gnedWeddi ngCake Ser vedwi t h Ber r i es/Fr es hWhi ppedCr eam

Si ci l i anHotSt at i on Ser vedf r om Chaf f i ngDi s hes Mus s el sFr aDi avol o,BakedCl amsOr eganat a Fr i edCal amar iwi t hSpi c yMar i nar a& Remoul adedi ppi ngSauc es Her bChi c kenMedal l i onsi nWi neSauc e

Compl i ment ar yHotChoc ol at eToGoSt at i onwi t hWar m Cooki es

Pael l aSt at i on Seaf oodPael l awi t hMani l aCl ams ,Mus s el s& Shr i mp Saf f r onFl avor edRi c ewi t hFr es hVeget abl es ,Chi c ken,& Chor i z o Tor t i l l adePat at aswi t hSeas onalGaz pac hi o& Fr i edAl monds

$125135pe rpe r s o n Pl us22% Admi ni s t r at i veChar ge& 7% Sal e sTax

Beverages Pr emi um OpenBar ,Champagne,Cof f ee,Tea,andSof tDr i nks

Themagi cofa

Wi n t e rWe d d i n gat

Ce l e br at eatSnugHar bo r 1000Ri c hmo ndTe r r ac e St at e nI s l and,NY10301 -866. 683. 3586

Re l i s hi nt hevi nt agef e e lo ft hi suni queve nue ,whi l eyo uand yo urgue s t se nj o ys e as o nalc ui s i ne ,c o c kt ai l sandt hec r i s p,c l e ar dayso fWi nt e r .Enj o yt hegr andf i r e pl ac e si nt he Gr e atHal l ,awal kt hr o ught hebr anc he dar c hway,o r t akepho t o gr aphsi nanyo ft her o mant i cs po t so nt hepr o pe r t y.

Wi n t e rWe d d i n gM e n u atCelebrateatSnug Harbor 

I nt ernat i onalCheeseBoard Fl atBr eads& Cr ac ker s Cr anber r yWens l eydal e( Engl and) ,SageDer by( Engl and) ,Her bedGoatChees e I r i s hPor t erCheddar( I r el and) ,Mayt agBl ue( Uni t edSt at es ) ,Gouda( Hol l and) Gar ni s hedw/Nut s& Dr i edFr ui t Cri spGardenVeget abl eCrudi t és wi t hDi ppi ngSauces Past aSt at i on

( Madet oOr de r–Se l e c tTwo )

Uponyourarri valyourgues t sarewarml ygreet edwi t ht heSi gnat ureWeddi ngCockt ai l

Horsd’ oeuvres OneHourSel ec tSi x TunaTat ar ,Cuc umber ,Sc al l i on,Gi nger ,Wont onCr i s p Cr i s pyHomi nyCakeswi t hCi pol at eSal monTat ar Gr i l l edEggpl ant ,Ri c ot t aSal at a,Roas tTomat o SoyGl az edAhiTuna,Gr eenAppl e,Was abiMayo Mi niRedOni onTar t swi t hMi c r oAr gugl a Wat er mel on,GoatChees eWr appedwi t hPr os c i ut t o Gor gonz ol aPannaCot t awi t hPanc et t aCr i s p Bac onSkewer swi t hOni onChut ney Gar l i cCr os t i ni ,wi t hSweetPeaPur ee,Par mes anandCr i s pyPr os c i ut t o Duc kConf i t ,Fi gandCher r yGl az e Bac onWr appedSc al l oporShr i mp,Si r ac haSauc e Lobs t er& As par agusSal adonWont onCr i s p Mi niBakedPot at oeswi t hChor i z o,SourCr eam andChi ves Pet i t eBr i eorBl euenCr out e,Cr anber r yandPearCompot e “ Fl ukeFl ower s ” ,Cuc umber ,Sc al l i ons ,Chi l eMi s oSauc e Spi c yTuna,Tabi ko,Spi c yJapanes eMayo,Sc al l i on,Wont onCr i s p Lar doWr appedChi l eanSeaBas s ,Agl i oPepper onc i no,Bal s ami c“ Fi c o” Br ai s edShor tRi bs ,Spi nac h,Pr oc opeTomat oes ,Cr i s pyWhi t ePol ent a Wi l dBoarRagout ,Si l verSpoon,Por c i niMus hr ooms ,St r oz z apr et i ,Her bTr uf f l e,Sal t Mi niSoupBoul es :Fr enc hOni on,Lobs t erBi s que& Tomat oBas i l Mi niSi r l oi nBur gerwi t hRedOni onMar mal ade& Gor gonz ol aChees e Chor i z oEmpanadawi t hSpi c ySpani s hSaus age,Oni on& RedPepper s Fi l etMi gnonwi t hTr uf f l eAi ol i ,Par mi gi anoReggi ano& Sour doughCr i s ps Manc hego,Ser r ano& Qui nc ePhyl l o Ses ameSear edAhiTunawi t hRedPepperRel i s hoverCuc umber Saf f r on& Shr i mpRi s ot t oCakes Semol i naCr us t edCal amar iwi t hRemoul ade& ThaiChi l iSauc es Mi niAndoui l l eSaus agePuf f swi t hPommer yMus t ar d Lobs t er& As par agusSal ad,Wont onCr i s p Mi niCr abCakeswi t hMangoSal s a Mi niPor t obel l oTar t swi t hGoatChees e,Ar ugul a& Bal s ami cSyr up Bl ac kPepperSear edSi r l oi nwi t hCar amel i z edOni on& Mayt agBl ueChees e Mi niCubanSandwi c hes Cur r i edShr i mpEmpanadasi nCoc onutCur r ySauc ewi t hAl mondsandRai s i ns Kal amat aOl i veTar twi t hGoatChees e& Ar t i c hokes Shi t ake& LeekSpr i ngRol l swi t hGi ngerGar l i cHoi s i nSauc e Chi c ken& Lemongr as sPot s t i c ker swi t hWhi t eSoySauc e *BabyLambChopswi t hSpi c yMangoChut ney *Cl as s i cShr i mpCoc kt ai l *Addi t i onal$5. 00perper s on

Sl i cedSeasonalFreshFrui t s& Berri es Gol denPi neappl e,HoneyDew Mel on,Cant al oupe, Seedl es sRedGr apes& As s or t edBer r i es

Thr eeChees eRavi ol iw.Cl as s i cPomodor o Gr i l l edPes t oShr i mpwi t hGemel l iPas t a,Toas t edPi neNut s& Reggi ano Far f al l ePas t ai naWi l dMus hr oom,CognacSageCr eam Sauc e Pennewi t hAs par agus ,Fr es hTomat o& Cr i s pyPanc et t ai nWhi t eWi ne& Gar l i c Ac c ompani edByAr t i s anBr eads ,Fr es hGr at edPar mes an& I nf us edOl i veOi l

 TheMai nEvent ChampagneToas t CourseOne ( Se l e c tOne )

Mes c ul i nGr eens ,Vi neRi penedTomat oes ,Fr es hMoz z ar el l a,AgedBal s ami cVi nai gr et t e Romai neLet t uc ewi t hCr umbl edAppl ewoodSmokedBac onandBl euChees eVi nai gr et t e Caes arSal ad,Cr i s pyCr out ons ,ShavedPar mes an Mes c ul i nGr eens ,Dr i edCr anber r i es ,Wal nut sandAppl es ,Por tWi neVi nai gr et t e But t erBi bSal ad,Toas t edWal nut sandSl i c edGr annySmi t hAppl es ,Wal nutOi landAppl eCi derVi nai gr et t e BeetCar pac c hi o,GoatChees eMous s e,Sher r yVi nai gr et t ewi t hMi r c oGr eens Gr eekSal ad,Romai ne,Fet aChees e,RedOni on,Bl ac kOl i vesandTomat oes Fr es hBeanSal adwi t hRos emar yVi nai gr et t e Or z oSal ad,Fet aChees e,Roas t edPepper sandOl i ves Fr es hBakedBr eads& Whi ppedBut t er Past aCourse ( Se l e c tOne )

Tr i Col orChees eTor t el l i nii nAl f r edoSauc e Penneal aVodka Cavet el l iwi t hBr oc c ol iRabe& I t al i anSaus age Thr eeChees eRavi ol iwi t hCl as s i cPomodor o Ent réeChoi ceorDuet ( Sel ec tTwowi t hI ndi vi dualSi desorSel ec tThr eewi t ht heMat c hi ngSi des )

Fi shEnt rées Car amel i z edAt l ant i cSal mon,Gr eenandYel l ow Squas hSpaghet t i ,Roas tPot at oes ,Whol eGr ai nMus t ar dSauc e PanSear edHal i butw.Har i c otVer t s ,Tr uf f l eSmas hedPot at oes ,Ol i veFennelSauc e Br ownSugarGl az edSal monwi t hCar amel i z edOni ons ,I s r ael iCous c ousandAs par agusBundl es MeatEnt rées Roas tTender l oi nofPor k,Appl eCompot e,Gar l i c Mas hedPot at oes ,Br oc c ol i ,Por kJus Pr i meRi bwi t hHer i c otVer deandRoas t edRedBl i s sPot at oes Br ai s edShor tRi bswi t hRedBl i s sPot at oesandGl az edCar r ot s Poul t ryEnt rées Fr enc hCutChi c kenBr eas t ,GoatChees eGr at i n,As par agus ,Mus hr oom Jus LemonThymeChi c kenoverCr eamyPar mes anMus hr oom Ri s ot t o Fr enc hCutChi c kenBr eas t ,Sc al l i onYukonGol dSmas h,Roas t edCher r yTomat oesandHar i c otVer t s Roas tChi c kenBr eas t ,St uf f edwi t hSpi nac h& GoatChees e;Toppedwi t haMus hr oom Sauc e ChefWi l lPr epar eaVeget ar i anEnt r éeUponReques t Dessert Cus t om Des i gnedWeddi ngCake Fr es hBr ewedCof f ee& As s or t edTea Beverages Pr emi um OpenBar ,Champagne,Cof f ee,Tea,andSof tDr i nks $9095pe rpe r s o n Pl us22% Admi ni s t r at i veChar ge& 7% Sal e sTax

Thel uxur yofa

Wi n t e rWe d d i n gat TheRyl andI nn 111Ol dRo ut e28 Whi t e ho us eSt at i o n,NJ -866. 683. 3586

Asac o unt r yve nuewi t hunmat c he dl uxur y,yo uandyo ur gue s t swi l lbas ki nt hebr e at ht aki nggr o unds ,e nj o ys e as o nal c ui s i ne ,c o c kt ai l sandt hec r i s p,c l e ardayso fWi nt e r . Enj o yt hes pl e ndo ro ft hene wl ybui l tbal l r o o m wi t hal l o ft heo l dwo r l dc har m,e s c apet ot hegr o undsf o rapho t o s e s s i o nandc e l e br at ei ns t yl e .

Wi n t e rWe d d i n gM e n u atTheRyland I nn 

Uponyourarri valyourgues t sarewarml ygreet edwi t ht heSi gnat ureWeddi ngCockt ai l Coc kt ai lHourt oI nc l ude: Anas s or t mentofTenpas s edhor sd' oeuvr es CanapésandHorsd’ œuvres Col dCanapé s GoatChees ewi t hAc ac i aHoneyandWal nut s Spi c yTunaTar t ar eonCr i s pyWont on SmokedTr outMous s e,Ses ameCr ac ker Hei r l oom Beet s ,GoatChees eMous s eandToas t edAl monds Gr as s FedBeefTar t ar e,Mus t ar dCr ac ker Cevi c heofDayBoatSc al l ops ,Or angeSegment s ,Fi neHer bs Shr i mpwi t hAvoc adoMous s e,Cor nTor t i l l a Mi niLobs t erRol l s SmokedSal mon,Domes t i cCavi arandCuc umber Roas t edBeefTender l oi nwi t hCar amel i z edOni onandWat er c r es s HotHor sD’ Oe uvr e s Tempur aShr i mp,SweetandSourSauc e Qui c hewi t hMar ketVeget abl esandAr t i s analChees e Pet i t eMar yl andCr abCakes ,Sauc eRemoul ade Pot at oPanc akeswi t hCr èmeFr ai c heandChi ve Ses ameChi c kenSat aywi t hSoyGi ngerGl az e Cr i s pyShi t akeSpr i ngRol l s Cr i s pyPor kBel l y,Ci nnamonSpi kedAppl es Wi l dMus hr ooms ,Whi t eTr uf f l eEs s enc e Mi niBeefWel l i ngt ons Seas onalSoupShoot er s BabyLambChopswi t hAl mondandDi j onMus t ar dCr us t Col dSt at i onst oI ncl ude Di s pl ayofDome s t i candI mpor t e dAr t i s analChe e s e s Wi t haFoc usonDomes t i ct or ef l ec tf l avor sofLoc alCr eamer i es Gar ni s hedwi t hc r ac ker s ,hous emadebr eads ,f r ui tpr es er ves& Nut s AnAs s or t mentofSl i c edSeas onalFr ui tandBer r i es Me di t e r r ane anMe z z eSt at i on Mar i nat edandGr i l l edVeget abl es ,As s or t edOl i ves ,Hummus , Chef ' sSel ec t i onofBr us c het t aandTapenades ,Pi c kl edVeget abl es Br eadSt i c ks ,Fr i edPi t a,Ol i veandHer bedFoc ac c i a ChefI nt eract i onSel ect i ons

( Pl e as eSe l e c t2f r o mt hef o l l o wi ng)

Car vi ngBoar d

( Pl e as ec ho o s e2)

Smoke dVi r gi ni aHam,But t e r mi l kBi s c ui t s ,Whol eGr ai nMus t ar dGl az e 

Por c he t t a;s l ow r oas t e dBone l e s sSuc kl i ngPi g,Br oc c ol iRabe 

Te nde r l oi nofBe e f ,Hor s e r adi s hCr è me 

Fr e eRangeTur ke y,Cr anbe r r yRe l i s h

Ri sot t oSt at i on Ar bor i oRi c e Seas onalAs s or t mentofVeget abl es * Wi l dMus hr oomsandTr uf f l eOi l ShavedPar mes an Ot herPos s i bi l i t i es : Roas t edTomat oes ,Br ai s edShor tRi b,Cr ab Farm t oTabl eComf ortFood Br ai s edShor tRi bs ,Roas t edVeget abl es Chi c kenPotPi e SmokedChi c kenandOr gani cCheddarMacN Chees e Meat l oafwi t hFr i z z l edOni ons Pi c kl edGar denVeget abl es

 TheMai nEvent

Thr e ec o ur s epl at e ddi nne r

Fi r s tCour s e

( Pl e as es e l e c to ne )

Ryl andI nnBeetTas t i ng GoatChees eMous s e,Haz el nut s ,Mi z una,andBeetVi nai gr et t e TheRyl andI nnSal ad Fr es hHer bs ,Seas onalFr ui t ,Candi edNut s ,Bl euChees e Tr adi t i onalCaes arSal ad Par mi gi anoReggi ano,Hear t sofRomai ne,Count r ySt yl eCr out ons Ar ugul aSal ad Lemon,ShavedPar mi gi anoReggi ano,Ext r aVi r gi nOl i veOi l

Ent rée

( Pl e as es e l e c tt wo )

DayBoatHal i but Mus t ar dBuer r eBl anc ,SweetPot at oPi er ogi es * Or gani cSal mon RedQui noa,BabyFennel ,Hor s er adi s h * Gui nnes sBr ai s edShor tRi bsofBeef Pot at oPur eeandSaut éedSpi nac h * Fi l etMi gnon Gr at i nDauphoni s e,As par agus& Bor del ai s eSauc e * PanRoas t edAmi s hChi c ken Car r otPur ee,RootVeget abl esandNat ur alJus * Veget ar i anOpt i onAvai l abl e TheRyl andI nnt akespr i dei ns er vi ngNat ur al ,Hor moneandAnt i bi ot i cFr eeMeat s Di s hess ubj ec tt oc hangebas edonSeas onalAvai l abi l i t y

Sal monWe l l i ngt onorHe r bEnc r us t e dSi deofSal mon,Le monCape rSauc e Undert heTuscanSunPast aSt at i on Twos t yl e sofHous e madePas t a Se r ve dwi t hac ho i c eo ft woo ft hef o l l o wi ng:

Bol ognes e Pomodor o Tr uf f l eCr ème Wi l dMus hr oom Ragout Seas onalVeget abl ePr i maver a Ac c ompani e dby: SweetSaus age,Br oc c ol iRabe Sundr i edTomat oes& Bl ueChees e Fr es hl yBakedFoc ac c i aBr ead Fr es hl yGr oundPepper ,Par mes anChees eandRedPepperFl akes

SweetEndi ng Cus t om Weddi ngCake Ac c ompani edbyaChoc ol at eCover edSt r awber r y Beverages Pr emi um OpenBar ,Champagne,Cof f ee,Tea,andSof tDr i nks $145155pe rpe r s o n Pl us22% Admi ni s t r at i veChar ge& 7% Sal e sTax

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