1 minute read

A Presidential Picture

Artwork by Pierce Ryan ’22 is hanging in the halls of the White House, after his watercolor was presented to the President and the First Lady during their Christmas Eve 2021 visit to Children’s National Hospital (CNH). Pierce explains in his own words how his connection with and work for the hospital led to this honor.

“At the start of the pandemic during my sophomore year, I began to work with CNH in assisting with its goal of creating healing environments for patients, families, and doctors to bring relief to them during difficult times. These environments were created by artwork all around the hospital. To date, I’ve completed 38 paintings for the hospital.

I was made aware that my art would be presented to the Bidens only two days before their visit to the hospital. I received an urgent email from the hospital to contact them immediately. When I called and was told about it, I couldn’t believe it! I was so honored that my art was considered for such a special occasion and would then be hung in the White House. The painting was chosen because the Bidens are well known for their love of their dogs. I’m thrilled my artwork supports the incredible and life-changing service that CNH provides.

At Landon, the community is very enthusiastic about all the arts. A lot of positive support comes from fellow painting classmates and students passing by the art room from the hallway, which motivates me to do my best work!”


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