1 minute read
The Eternal Tight Rope BY BEN KREINDLER ‘23
There exists an eternal tight rope that each man must walk . A narrowing path to the city of God, pushing, pulling, and tempting any who wishes to live freely in this world . The inescapable walk, an inevitable struggle between the good and the evil that resides in every man . Down below, the fated fall of man .
One misplaced step sends a man into free fall . The regret will come too late, realizing he has lost out to the devil . His body suspended in air, he knows the demons, the moon-eyed monsters gazing up are his own . Joining the millions of men massacred by the darkness inside . All encompassing, the fated fall of man .
The man who slips through, will never truly be safe . For most, the urge to gloat, to unleash a bellowing roar of triumph, is impossible . While keen on balance, he fails to be truly grounded . Never noticing that he stands on nothing but air . This man is truly lost . The demons no longer reach, for he is already in their midst . Waiting for his arrival, the fated fall of man .
Legions of men, fallen victim to this tight rope of judgement, endless souls stranded in exile . The good few, watching, as darkness wins out . The fated fall of men .