“Money In The Bank” By Lil Scrappy I decided to pick the song Money In the Bank by Lil Scrappy because the song is about money, which is directly involved with the economy. The song, sung by Lil Scrappy, talks about how he is getting more and more money rich through his music, concerts, and CDs that he has been selling all around the world. In this song he starts by basically just saying that he has a lot of money. This is a common theme throughout the rap song. He then goes on to talk about all of the new stuff that he kind buy with his new found riches. He talks about getting massages, and picking up girls at the bar. He also talks about being able to ride yachts, which is something that not everybody has a chance to do in their life. I did learn that this song, Money in The Bank, had no real deep meaning. It pretty much means exactly what the title says, except for the fact that he doesn’t talk too much about saving his money. Most of the song is just about how he is going out and spending his money. Most of the song is just about Lil Scrappy going to the bars and trying to pick up chicks by buying their drinks and everything else that these girls could ever want. That’s really the majority of what he sings about. Besides the yacht and massages, he doesn’t really buy anything too interesting. I personally think that I would go for some stuff just a little bit cooler than that, but I guess he can spend his money in whatever way that he wants. If all he wants to buy with his money is liquor, I guess that’s his choice, and I shouldn’t try to tell him otherwise. Obviously this song does have a lot to do with the economy. There are quite a few reasons that I could explain that make this a pretty easy call.
First of all, the song is called Money in The Bank, and the main theme of the song is money, which quite frankly is what the whole economy is revolves around. However, I would imagine that there are other songs that would be a little bit better for this project just because they might have to do with more specific aspects of the economy like supply and demand, or other things of that nature. My song is really just the basics of the economy, and it does not go into great detail of any econ. vocabulary terms that I noticed. But I mean the economy is all about money, so I guess in the end it does make sense. I think that Lil Scrappy needs to start being a little bit smarter with his money. Not just for him, but for everyone that lives in the United States. What Lil Scrappy needs to do is start saving all of this money that he is making and stop spending it on useless items like liquor. I mean he can go out and party every once in a while, but instead of buying hundred dollar bottles of whiskey, maybe only like 40 dollar bottles. Then what he can do is start putting more of this money that he makes into the bank and save it. If he did start to save more and more of his money, the interest rates around America could begin to lower. Now I know that just Lil Scappy’s money alone probably will not have too much affect on the economy as a whole. He is just one man, and there is only so much that one man can do. One person, by himself most likely will not be able to affect interest rates around the US. Although, if he started saving his money, then started talking all of his famous, wealthy friends into saving their money, then they start talking their friends into saving even more money, and so on and so forth, something might begin to happy. If enough wealthy rappers started saving all of their money, and putting it into banks around America, interest rates around the nation could begin to lower depending on how much money they saved.
If interest rates started to lower, more middle class people could start to take out loans to buy luxury items like boats. Now that more boats are being sold, boat salesman would have more money to go out and spend on the little stuff like groceries. As more grocery stores start to make even more people money, they could start to save their money, causing interest rates to be even lower. As people started noticing lower and lower interest rates, they would start new business, and have a higher chance to succeed considering people have their buying confidence back. And now an 18 year old college student, Landon Stewart, with the help of his rapping buddies, just solved the economy. I think we all owe him a thank you.