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SYSTRA has created two active travel tools – both were successfully given R&D funding though its companywide intrapreneur programme SPARK Challenge, which encourages specialist teams to create innovative solutions for industry problems

Alternative tools: active travel modelling & appraisal

Effective cycling infrastructure must be high priority if we are to meet our commitment to net zero. A lack of cycling demand data, poor representation of network performance and a limited ability to monetise scheme benefits makes it difficult for planners to assess options, justify investment and engage stakeholders, says SYSTRA’s David Alderson

A spectrum of tools is available ‘off the shelf’ for assessing cycling infrastructure. These range from 2D spreadsheets such as the Department for Transport’s Active Modes Appraisal Toolkit (AMAT), to exciting 3D multimodal models with cycling representations such as Transportfor London’s Cynemon.

AMAT is the standard tool for assessing the economic benefits of active travel schemes and, whilst quick and familiar, tends to significantly understate the full range of benefits delivered from a scheme.

For cycling, the derived benefits in AMAT are largely driven by an assumed change in the number of cyclists from a particular scheme. More moderate benefits are then delivered to existing users where there has been a change in the quality of cycling infrastructure. However, there are simply too few benefits related to mode shift and the associated emissions, noise and safety outcomes.

AMAT assesses stand-alone cycle schemes, but does not pick up competing modes, routes or the size of any untapped cycle demand. This disconnect between the quality of interventions and the assumed cycle shift encourages lower build quality and low priority measures. Conversely, while multimodal models like Cynemon accommodate these considerations, they can be very expensive, time-consuming and ultimately rely on an AMAT-like ‘benefit calculation’ means for appraisal.

The number of existing and potential future users of cycle schemes are generally derived from the Propensity to Cycle Tool (PCT), which categorises census-derived commute cycle trips according to hilliness and trip distance and subsequently provides a range of uplift scenarios, but does not directly relate these back to the quality of scheme in question.

Realising the above, SYSTRA has created two alternative tools. Both were successfully given R&D funding though its companywide intrapreneur programme SPARK Challenge, which encourages specialist teams to create innovative solutions for industry problems.

The team members who have developed these tools are David Alderson, Ian Burden and Chris Donaldson. We want to know what you think, so get in touch today! dalderson@systra.com

David Alderson is Director, SYSTRA www.systra.com

The ‘Business Case’ Sandbox

At SYSTRA we have developed the Business Case Sandbox, which aims to approximate the base level of cycling in line with the methodology used in multi-modal models, and a cycling uplift rate which considers the perceived benefit (in time) of improved infrastructure or re-routeing. We think this provides much more accurate and specific cycling uplifts than the broad-base PCT method.

The Sandbox will pick up a far wider range of other benefits including road safety, mental health, journey ambiance and local economic benefits.

Accurate, trusted and reliable assumptions are necessary for any business case, so it’s a challenge to describe benefits around ambiance, health and mode shift when in reality these are hyper-local and often changeable. To this end, and given the fact that investment in active travel schemes tends to deliver significant benefits regardless of which assumptions are used, the Sandbox has been built to run a ‘Monte Carlo’ simulation of randomly assigned assumptions (within a reasonable range), rather than using a few carefully chosen cases.

To run a scenario, the Sandbox simply requires a set of inputs that calculate a set of outputs. The illustrated Monte Carlo approach utilised Excel VBA to quickly run through up to 1,000 iterations with a range of assumption inputs.

This approach allows other varied inputs to be added, for example pessimistic to optimistic cost estimates and more intensive versus less intensive levels of intervention.

The Sandbox can also analyse the level of cycling uplift that would be needed to produce a good Cost-Benefit Ratio for the scheme, which can then be used as a benchmark for success.

Ashfield District: Cycling Routes for Sandbox Appraisal Evaluation of Cycle Scheme impacts

Watch this space! We are developing a brand new tool using Open Street Map (OSM) and elevation data yielding a network on which infrastructure schemes can be overlaid and evaluated. It will use cycle demand data derived from several different sources including census and existing travel survey data, combined with an estimation of the existing cycling mode share compared to all journeys that could feasibly be done by bike.

Our tool uses the type of road crossings on the OSM to determine the perceived cycle travel time for each link. This is affected by the type of road, levels of cycle segregation and assumptions applied using adaptable parameters accounting for influences such as road surface, speed limit and gradients.

A GIS component makes it incredibly flexible; it can be adapted to different demand zoning systems and linked to other available data sources.

The tool does not require a direct link between the zone and networks, this allows several nearby network nodes to form the start or end of a journey.

We have been busy testing the tool in different cities and districts to check how it adapts to different local scenarios and network definitions.

By applying the impact of various scheme interventions, our new tool will predict the change in perceived travel time, changes in expected cycling demand along with the re-routing of existing cycling journeys. These outputs will then feed in to the business case Sandbox to allow all benefits to be calculated.

SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, increases social inclusion, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. We deliver consultancy, engineering, development and specialist technical services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. At SYSTRA we are passionate about developing transport solutions that enhance places and the quality of people’s lives. Our transport planners, engineers and urban designers work on a diverse portfolio of transport planning and engineering projects that have active travel, decarbonisation, and place-making at their heart.

Our approach is to understand the ‘place’ as well as all the issues around ‘movement’ and to think imaginatively about how the two can work together, enabling transport investment to contribute positively to the broader experience and quality of life for all. SYSTRA is an innovative market leader in the delivery of active travel and decarbonisation schemes, services include:

l Strategy development inc. LCWIPs l Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) l School Streets

l Active Travel Modelling and Appraisal l PERS (Pedestrian Environment Review System) audits l Network Design Criteria Specification l Preliminary & Detailed Design l Public Realm Design & Implementation l Behaviour Change l Travel Demand Management l Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring & Research Contact us for more information.


David Alderson

dalderson@systra.com +44 (0)20 3882 1615 www.systra.co.uk

Tackling the climate emergency is at the forefront of people’s minds. At Atkins, we know that walking, cycling, and micro-mobility offer fast, cost-effective, deliverable, and sustainable ways of enabling reductions in car use. They contribute to fairer, healthier, and greener societies by improving access to employment, education, shopping, and leisure opportunities. They can maximise choices for all citizens by meeting personal mobility demands to deliver equality, health and wellbeing for everyone through creating better places. At Atkins, our dedicated Active Travel team covers the entire project lifecycle. Our services span policy and strategy, developing design guidance, scheme planning, business case and funding, appraisal, and design and construction. Our collaborative approach to active travel ensures we share best practice and are at the forefront of emerging trends. We bring deep expertise in inclusive design and road user safety by ensuring we design our schemes for the full range of users, including those with protected characteristics, by embedding safety for all. We also lead ‘Activation’ programmes of behavioural change that maximise demand for new walking and cycling infrastructure from the outset. Our teams support our clients in achieving higher levels of modal shift through effective active travel network development aligned to their vision. Together, we are shaping the future of transport.


Simon Jay simon.jay@atkinsglobal.com +44 (0)20 7121 2114 www.atkinsglobal.com

2023 Active Travel Directory Rosehill Highways

Rosehill Highways is a market leading manufacturer of surface mounted rubber cycle scheme solutions and traffic calming products. Rosehill’s innovative cycle delineation products have been specifically designed to provide a clearly visible, physical method of separation that is quick and easy to fix directly to the road surface. By eliminating expensive excavation, customers can achieve significant cost savings while minimising disruption to traffic flow. Cycle lane segregation ensures that cyclists of all abilities feel safe and protected from motor vehicles, allowing them to maintain a good level of continuous and confident riding. Used in a range of cycle schemes across the UK, Rosehill Highways’ cycle lane delineators provide the design flexibility to achieve your objectives while minimising disruption and cost. Using innovative products and schemes to encourage Active Travel can transform and revitalise neighbourhoods beyond recognition, reducing motor vehicle use and inspiring residents to adopt healthier modes of transport.


Clare Riley clare.riley@rosehillhighways.com +44 (0)1422 839456 www.rosehillhighways.com

Tracsis are the largest and longest established transport data collection specialists in the UK and are part of an award-winning transport systems and software business undertaking projects throughout the UK and internationally. We utilise the best and most appropriate technology, techniques, skills and experience available to help deliver data solutions for our customers. Tracsis provide data for the largest and most complex transport modelling projects in the UK ranging from data derived from standard collection methods such as digital video and pneumatic tube, to AI video analytics, advanced ANPR and area-wide mobile phone network data. Please visit our website for more information and for our national and regional contact details.


Nick Mather


+44 (0)1937 833933 www.tracsistraffic.com

Idaso Innovative Data Solutions Operating across the UK, Ireland and the Benelux region, Idaso provides Active Travel data capture solutions alongside traffic and transport surveys. We work with local authorities and consulting engineers, providing empirical data for informed decision making. The company leverages its core technologies in the areas of AI video detection, radar, inductive loop and pneumatic tube detection. Idaso also develops dashboards for both realtime data management and post analysis. Our dashboards are hardware agnostic and serve as a central hub for all your active travel data storage and visualisation needs. Idaso works closely with our sister company GeoMobility to also provide a wide range of probe and floating car data through analysis of big data sources.


Ian Kerr


+44 (0)20 3883 7753 www.idaso.ie Sweco is committed to promoting more sustainable and active modes of transport and travel. Sweco have a dedicated active travel team with a wide experience of delivering active travel projects across the UK and Ireland.

From designing new cycle routes in urban and rural areas for local authorities, to undertaking travel behavior change campaigns that promote walking and cycling to universities, we carry out stand alone projects or work as part of a wider masterplan. Within our dedicated active travel team we have specific design skills that allow us to develop bespoke processes to deliver new active travel infrastructure that also considers carbon, sustainability and accessibility.


Christopher Fallen christopher.fallen@sweco.co.uk +44 (0)1315 506314 www.sweco.co.uk

At Starling Technologies we design revolutionary AI- driven traffic management systems which make our streets and cities safer for pedestrians, cyclists and street users of all kinds, while keeping vehicle traffic flowing efficiently. Starling Technologies street safe solutions are already in operation around the world. Our future-proof technologies enable today’s active travel and make tomorrow’s smart cities greener, safer, sustainable and attractive for all.


Andrew Caleya Chetty andrew@starlingtech.co.uk 07507 723012


Citi Logik Chris Bax

enquiries@citilogik.com +44 (0)113 4266695

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