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Progress and Insights Report

“Our Progress and Insights Report is clear – EV100 members are taking bold steps now to increase the number of EVs on the road. It shows businesses can really shift the needle when they put their collective weight behind it, and make sure the transition to electric is as swift as possible.”

Stefan Kurz, head of global fleet management at Siemens AG, said: “Sustainability is a top priority at Siemens. Therefore, we’ve committed ourselves to fully electrify our fleet till 2030 by joining the EV100 initiative. To further accelerate the EV transition, we incentivise home-charging, offer free charging at Siemens locations, and track CO2 emissions to constantly reduce our carbon footprint.”

Nick Williams, managing director, transport, Lloyds Banking Group, added: “2022 saw further acceleration on the road to net zero. The rise in EV registrations is positive news against the challenges that the industry is facing with continued supply chain issues constraining new models coming to market. If we want the UK to truly lead the way in EV ownership, removing the barriers to convert to new electric vehicles must be a priority focus for both government and industry moving forward. Increased accessibility and availability of chargepoints in towns and cities right across the UK will be essential, alongside affordable charging units and tariffs at home. Support beyond 2023 is required for a fairer road taxation system that incentivises on removing the older, more polluting vehicles from the UK’s roads, while also supporting demand in the

Anjalli Ravi Kumar, chief sustainability officer, Zomato, said: “Zomato is proud to have been an early adopter of the EV100 pledge. We firmly believe that EVs can transform our business into one that’s green, safe, inclusive while enhancing livelihoods for our delivery partners. We are grateful to be working with nearly 20 start-ups and clean mobility firms that have helped thousands of our partners access EVs at affordable rates to undertake deliveries across 43 Indian cities. We ask that state and local governments support an orderly transition to high quality and safe EVs through policies that: a) favour the development of a reliable and dense battery swapping and charging network; b) overcome the hurdles of access to finance for delivery partners and; c) ensure all players meet rigorous safety standards.”

Kathy Alsegaf, global chief sustainability officer, Deloitte, said: “Deloitte’s commitment as a ‘triple-joiner’ of the Climate Group’s RE100, EP100, and EV100 campaigns is an example of our efforts in action to hold ourselves accountable and drive responsible climate choices within our organization and beyond. As of 2022, we have converted nearly 25% of our fleet to electric vehicles, marking an important milestone in our commitment to convert 100% of our global fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles by 2030. To continue driving progress, we must work across industries and governments to speed EV adoption in global markets by working to improve supply chain surety, solve EV delivery delays, fast-track charging infrastructure development, and combat perceptions of technological limitations.”

Susumu Yoneoka, senior manager (energy planning), technology planning department, NTT Corporation, added: “In 2018, NTT became the first telecommunications operator in the world to join the EP100 and EV100 initiatives. To support a sustainable society, the NTT Group has reduced its corporate fleet and converted internal combustion engine vehicles into electric vehicles. In addition, we have been installing EV charging stations at our telecommunications and office buildings, providing and developing smart charging services on our own. To address the challenges of EV adoption, we are taking initiatives with our partners to find solutions. Through these initiatives in terms of sustainability, we are striving to promote the development and growth of the NTT Group and to contribute to Japanese society and global society.”

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