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Mapping the world hidden beneath our feet

Geospatial Commission launches underground asset register

The UK government has launched a digital map of the entire network of underground power cables, gas pipes, sewers and water mains beneath our feet. The interactive map has been tested in the North East of England and will be rolled out throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland by 2025.


The National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) was created by the Geospatial Commission, which is part of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.

The first phase of NUAR contains data from the public and private sector organisations who own pipes and cables in North East England, Wales and London. This includes all of the major energy and water providers, such as Northumbrian Water, Wales and West Utilities, Southern Electric Power Distribution and

National Grid, as well as smaller service providers, telecommunications companies, transport organisations and local authorities.

Also known as the ‘minimum viable product’ (MVP), the first phase is available to eligible organisations in North East England, Wales and London. It is intended to complement current business practices initially and will allow users to both plan for future adoption and provide feedback to enhance the service.

Dr Steve Unger, independent commissioner, Geospatial Commission, said: “This first release of NUAR is a major milestone in a programme that will benefit everyone. By using the power of location data to plan and deliver street-works more effectively, it will improve the efficiency with which we supply essential services and it will minimise the disruption experienced by other road users.

“Many different asset types are buried beneath our feet, owned by many different organisations, large and small. We are delighted by the number of asset owners that have recognized the value of working with us, to make the data that they hold more accessible. And this release is just the start!”

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