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The parking pin-ups


Make a present of parking pin-ups

If you are still looking for a special something for the parking manager in your life, here is Car Parks of Great Britain 2021

Dogs, kittens, birds, wild ani- tions such as the books Roundabouts of mals, mountains, planes, Great Britain (2004) and Parking Mad: Car classic cars, tractors… Parks from Heaven (or Hell) (2006). whatever your enthusiasm, Having published calendars based on his there is bound to be a cal- roundabout pictures, Beresford has now endar devoted to it. And unveiled one that features a dozen car now, you can plan 2021 while enjoying parks, including the Cherry Pink car park views of car parks. in Telford, Chorlton Street in Manchester,

Car Parks of Great Britain is the latest Talbot Road in Blackpool and Castle Terrace project by Kevin Beresford, a photographer in Edinburgh. Beresford said: “What I enjoy who describes himself as Britain’s dullest about them is the architecture, like any man. “I’m the dullest man in Great Britain, other building I can appreciate them for and possibly the world. I found that a lot how they are built and why. The structure of artists do quite mundane things like of them varies and no two car parks are Andy Warhol’s Campbell’s Soup Cans.” the same, which keeps it interesting.

His enthusiasm for automotive infras- “I’ve been taking pictures of hundreds of tructure has spawned a variety of publica- car parks all over the UK and with those

Popstar’s book is pure gold

Gary Kemp is a renaissance man, musician, actor, philanthropist, entrepreneur artist and photographer. We know this because he said so in a major BBC documentary, The Kemps: All True, in which filmmaker Rhys Thomas interviewed brothers Gary and Martin Kemp about their lives and careers following Spandau Ballet’s 40th anniversary celebrations. One project that Gary proudly shared was his book Places I have parked, a pictorial essay based on photos he takes to remind himself where he has parked. [Ed: You do realise the film was a mockumentary and that the book doesn’t really exist. That said, if it did, I’d buy it!]

The Kemps: All True is available on BBC iPlayer Gary Kemp presents ‘Places I have parked’

images I made a car park calendar and even wrote a book about them.”

The 63-year-old from Redditch, Worcestershire, is the founder of The Car Park Appreciation Society. He is also its the only member, so far. “I started The Car Park Appreciation Society, but unfortunately nobody has joined yet, so I’m looking for new members who can send me pictures of the car parks they come across.”

Among the hundreds of car parks that he has visited, Beresford does have one he liked above all the others. “My favourite one is demolished now. It was the car park that was used in the Michael Caine movie Get Carter in Gateshead.”

Sadly, Beresford’s favourite car park no longer exists, as Trinity Square was demolished in 2010. Until his society attracts some other members, Beresford will have to grieve alone.

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