Landscape Journal Summer 2021: The Landscape of Power

Page 46

C L I M AT E E M E R G E N C Y R E S O U R C E S By Claire Thirlwall CMLI

Hidden power As part of a regular series, chartered landscape architect and author Claire Thirlwall explores tools, projects and guidance available to help our professional understanding of this issue’s topic. It is easy to identify the direct energy cost of our working practice, such as heating and lighting our workplace or travel to site. But how often do we consider the hidden energy we use?

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Data The power our computer systems consume in our homes and offices is obvious – as we switch on a device, we know it is consuming electricity. However, there is a less obvious use of power caused by how we do our work. As our Dropbox files sync, our Google Photos backup, we carry out a web search or download a file, there is a carbon cost. Our own computer is a tiny part of our energy use, but with over 4 billion internet users worldwide, the collective impact is significant. Most of the energy used by the information and communications technology (ICT) is out of sight of the user. ICT is estimated to use 10% of the world’s energy demand, equivalent to the combined energy of Germany and Japan, and data centres alone represent 1% of global electricity use.1 The data passes through our router, along miles of cables, through powered infrastructure, such as servers and network switches, until it gets to huge data centres often covering hundreds of acres, where it could be saved multiple times.2 The data centre will be a hot, noisy building that uses


vast amounts of power and water for servers and air conditioning.3 The amount of data uploaded is vast – every minute, YouTube users upload 500 hours of video content and WhatsApp users relay 41,666,667 messages.4 One estimate suggests that a year of smartphone use, excluding charging, uses the same amount of energy as a household fridge.5 To reduce the impact of your data: – Create links to files or online information rather than sending email attachments – Review your online storage and back up – only store what is needed and remove duplicate files – Consider how much video content you save – five minutes of 4K footage from a 360° camera creates a 2.1GB file, the equivalent of almost 200 high resolution photos – Reduce the file size of any attachments you do send – Outlook has tools to compress pictures or you can compress a file into a zip file before sending.6

Storing our data offsite has many benefits, such as allowing collaboration or for offsite backup and archive. However, our personal and work behaviour creates a hidden environmental impact that we need to consider.


L Posani, A Paccoia & M Moschettini, ‘The carbon footprint of distributed cloud storage’, in arXiv:1803.06973 [cs], 2019, < abs/1803.06973> [accessed 11 May 2021].


‘Look inside Facebook’s Clonee data centre: home to 50k bees, renewable energy and the machines that work your social media’, in Independent, <https:// look-inside-facebooks-clonee-data-centre-home-to50k-bees-renewable-energy-and-the-machines-thatwork-your-social-media-37319141.html> [accessed 11 May 2021].


‘The Secret Cost of Google’s Data Centers: Billions of Gallons of Water’, in Time, <https://time. com/5814276/google-data-centers-water/> [accessed 11 May 2021].


‘Domo Resource - Data Never Sleeps 8.0’, <https://> [accessed 11 May 2021].


Posani, Paccoia and Moschettini.


‘Reduce the size of pictures and attachments in Outlook email messages’, < com/en-gb/office/reduce-the-size-of-pictures-andattachments-in-outlook-email-messages-d0b6b6bf3b08-4dad-a01c-533719d1c005> [accessed 1 June 2021].

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Articles inside

National Grid Visual Impact Provision – reflections on volunteering

pages 66-68

Entry standards update

pages 64-65

Landscape for 2030

page 63

Highgate Cemetery competition

pages 58-61

The COVID-19 Lockdown Papers: insights, reflections and implications for urbanism and landscape

pages 55-56

Building links between academic research and landscape practice

pages 52-53

Exploring research requirements

pages 50-51

Hidden power

pages 46-47


pages 40-43

The power of water

pages 36-37

Seascapes and offshore wind power

pages 32-33

Grid capacity

page 31

Light and power

page 30

Developing a new aesthetic for landscape ahead of 2030

pages 24-28

Landscape in the making

pages 18-21

Post-war power

pages 15-17

Stewardship in the city

page 12

Shaping the world

pages 10-11

Data-driven landscape

pages 8-9

The power of sunlight

pages 6-7

Harnessing the power of landscape professionals to influence the landscape of power

page 3
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