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Show Features/Events..20,24 LIVE! Stage Schedule
Located at the top of Hall F
9:30-10:30 HardscapeLIVE! Interlock Basics Using ICPI Standards Terry Childs, CHT, Nature’s Way Landscaping 10:45-11:45 GreenLIVE! Restoring Soil With Microbes Colleen Dempster, MSc, Shady Lane Expert Tree Care 12:00-1:00 DriveLIVE! Safe Vehicle Refresher Demo Tri-Shield Consulting / Halton Regional Police Services 1:30-2:30 Why Hire a Certified Landscape Designer or Landscape Architect
for Your Next Project
Beth Edney, CLD, CFID, Designs By The Yard and Haig Seferian, CLD, OALA, CSLA, FASLA, Seferian Design Group 2:45-3:45 GreenLIVE! Grey to Green: The Urban Battleground Steve Robinson, City of Burlington
9:30-10:30 Snow and Ice Sector: How Much is Enough? (Panel Discussion) 10:45-11:45 GreenLIVE! Grey to Green: The Urban Battleground Steve Robinson, City of Burlington 12:00-1:00 DriveLIVE! Safe Vehicle Refresher Demo Tri-Shield Consulting / Halton Regional Police Services 1:30-2:30 HardscapeLIVE! Interlock Basics Using ICPI Standards Terry Childs, CHT, Nature’s Way Landscaping 2:45-3:45 GreenLIVE! Restoring Soil With Microbes Colleen Dempster, MSc, Shady Lane Expert Tree Care
9:30-10:30 HardscapeLIVE! Interlock Basics Using ICPI Standards Terry Childs, CHT, Nature’s Way Landscaping 10:45-11:45 GreenLIVE! Grey to Green: The Urban Battleground Steve Robinson, City of Burlington 12:00-1:00 DriveLIVE! Safe Vehicle Refresher Demo Tri-Shield Consulting / Halton Regional Police Services 1:30-2:30 Why Hire a Certified Landscape Designer or Landscape Architect
for Your Next Project
Beth Edney, CLD, CFID, Designs By The Yard and Haig Seferian, CLD, OALA, CSLA, FASLA, Seferian Design Group 2:45-3:45 GreenLIVE! Spruce Up Your Diagnostic Skills! Jen Llewellyn-Anderson, BSc, MSc, Certified Arborist, Green Bird Horticultural and Linda Hawkins, Shady Lane Expert Tree Care
Ask the EXPERT Pros will be available to answer additional questions at the ‘Ask a Pro’ table after each session.