A few thoughts re: COVID-19 How quickly our world can be turned upside down. Several weeks ago, many of us were following news about the corona virus with mild curiosity, some of us were wondering if we would see any cases in Alberta or Canada. And just like that everything changed. The Global Pandemic was declared two weeks ago, state of emergencies have been declared in every province and every major city, and we are on the verge of a “stay home” or “shelter in place” order, which threatens to shut down most business. This is a very scary time. I’ve heard from many members who are really questioning the chances their business will survive this crisis, especially in combination with the free-fall in the energy sector. Nobody has lived through anything quite like this before (or they are over 100). We are surely living in interesting times. I know this first few weeks has been overwhelming for me personally. Adjusting to working from
home with two kids under 6 while trying to deal with all things COVID-19 related. Keeping busy sure has a way of keeping my mind off things. The Landscape Alberta staff has reacted tremendously to the work from home protocols (self-imposed) and we all continue to work behind the scenes to help our members. The news coverage, the ever-changing health orders, and daily updates on the number of infected and tested is relentless. It can be scary, panic inducing, and just an overload of negative thoughts and emotions. A member commented to me today, that these tough times will make us all stronger, which is very true. Maybe the young kids today will get to tell their kids and grandkids about how tough they had it. All of this has reminded me of a speech I heard from Fred Rogers. His Mother, in times of crisis or disaster, would tell him to “look for the helpers”. They are often in the background or off to the side but if you look for them you will see the best of
humanity in terrible times. When you see the helpers he ends, “you’ll know there is hope”. Search “Fred Rogers helpers” on YouTube to fine the video. Over the last week I’ve been inspired and given hope by so many members. So often there first questions I heard were about how to help their staff, about if they should be bringing up any workers from Mexico this year – in case they can’t get home to their families. I’ll tell you; this isn’t the behaviour seen in every sector right now. I’m blessed to work for an industry filled with helpers. The role of green spaces, gardens, and amazingly designed and built backyards will sure play a role as helper to Albertans in the coming months. The positive impact the work you do as members has on the publics physical and mental health has never been so important. We are all in this together, and Landscape Alberta is here to help you, the helpers. Stay safe,
- Joel
Landscape Alberta 2020 Strategic Plan The board of directors recently engaged in a refresh of the Landscape Alberta strategic plan. This half-day meeting was to re-prioritize and focus the association for the next 3-5 years. Moderated by Victor Santacruz from CNLA, we were able to establish some key result areas, while maintaining flexibility to pivot when the situation required us to (COVID-19 already being a shift in what we were working on). The one-page summary below is a great working document that will be updated each year as we continue our mission of “Improving the professional landscape industry” in Alberta.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2019 NOVEMBER 14 & 15 BMO Centre at Stampede Park Calgary, AB
STRATEGIC OUTLINE 2020 Organizational Values
Integrity, Responsive, Member Directed, Value Driven, Committed to Professional Development
Self-Promotion and Public Relations
Professional Development
Strategic Objectives
Strategic Objectives
• Develop value proposition to members and potential members
• Make Certification and Apprenticeship more accessible to members and industry
• The tangible and intangible benefits • The return on investment for members • The promotion of the value Landscape Alberta delivers to the industry • Promotion of activities, accomplishments and the importance of Landscape Alberta
Government Relations, Advocacy and Strategic Alliances
• Promote the value of Certification, Apprenticeship and other professional development tools • Provide education, information, webinars, seminars, meetings to further advance the industry
Strategic Objectives • Be recognized as the voice for the Landscape Industry in Alberta at government and public consultations • Continue to develop partnerships and alliances with government agencies, bureaucrats and elected officials
Membership Strategic Objectives • Define the objective of membership requirements • Review credentials and access to the membership for the purposes of tenders, bids or procurement requirements • Grow membership by focusing on previous objectives
Financial Sustainability Strategic Objectives • Being fiscally responsible and making efforts to expand the resources of Landscape Alberta continues to be a foundational priority