14 minute read
Buenos aires’ landmark convention center is a beacon of sustainability
from March 2021
The centre’s three underground levels allowed the preservation of surrounding green spaces and trees, while innovative design features include solar panels, a careful use of natural light to save energy, and the collection of rainwater for watering plants.
By: Jimena Martignoni

The Convention and Exhibition Center in Buenos Aires was born out of a national competition in 2012, run by the Ministry of Urban Development, a division of the City Government, and the Central Society of Architects (SCA). Architects Edgardo Minond and Estudio Bulla scooped the prize to design the new convention center and the project is now in its final stages, with a first of its kind park displaying large masses of native plants already open.
The site is enclosed in an area known as the museums’ corridor, forming part of an urban axis, which connects some of the most important local museums. At one end, it connects with the traditional building of the Faculty of Law of the Buenos Aires University and an existing large park, and to the opposite side with another large traditional park. The wining project proposed to bury the building for the Convention Center and to create a large green roof, or “topographical roof”, which would be perceived as another park. Not a separate park but a piece of a larger single green plain crisscrossed by a pedestrian integrating path system.
Lucía Ardissone, one of the partners of Estudio Bulla, explained: “We wanted the three parks to be read as a single urban green piece; an ecology patch within the city. A natural place to serve our native fauna, attracting butterflies, birds, insects, especially being so close to the Ecological Preserve of the City of Buenos Aires.”
Today, with the new building, the access plaza and the green roof completed, it is fair to say that the original goal of the landscape designers was

achieved. Covering an area of 18,000m2, the green roof is established as an urban prairie, a landscape which evokes that of the local pampas, bringing bucolic images into the city and creating a new image more nature-related. Undoubtedly, what makes this project all the more remarkable is the creation of a new kind of park within the city: in Buenos Aires, where the old traditional parks present countless clusters of large trees mostly non-native and extensive areas of lawn, the incorporation of a place only planted with grasses and herbaceous extending for 240 meters means not only a novel image but especially a new kind of urban awareness for citizens. Planned in thick strips (a list of eleven species mostly native and a few widely adapted), the plants outline the path network. “The layout is clear,” explains Lucía Ardissone, — “Tall strips [of plants] at central spaces and short strips at the edge of the footpaths.”
Golden hues provided by the grasses and colorful patches made by native groundcovers and vines are what visitors find when walking the paths

up and down. Rapidly taken in as a new jogging circuit, which begins in one of the existing parks and ends in the sunken access plaza of the Convention Center, the green roof’s pathway becomes also a new panorama trail opening onto the city. Formerly, the old convention center was built at street level and facing the wide avenue where most of the most important local museums are located. Now, with the semi-buried building and, on top, the green roof reaching seven meters above street level, the park acts also as an urban veranda offering views to the city never possible to be enjoyed in the past. The long and wide vistas to the traditional avenue, the distant city skyline and the large existing trees are a bonus, and considered as one of the most interesting points about the project.
Completing the design for the green roof, a series of artificial mounds dots the space along the paths. Finished with a gentle slope and with a diameter of an average of seven meters, these green pieces break the horizontality of the new park and the frank reference to the pampas, thus adding a more dynamic visual experience.
In order to reduce the loads on the main slab, the main structure of the mounds is made up of expanded polystyrene (EPS). On top, a layer of earth becomes the lawn growing medium.
Although the green roof, or new park, is completed and started to be comprehended by
Buenos Aires’ inhabitants as a new (and now permanent) significant urban piece in a central area of the city, the project is yet to shine.
At the time the contractual documents for the project began, after the competition’s results were presented, the City Government announced some important changes for the site’s proposal. Consequently, this meant some important design changes. Edgardo Minond explains: “After we started the set of contractual documents, two main changes were made: the bus transfer center had to remain at its original location, in front of the new building [on the same avenue] and a new subway station would be incorporated into the site, with a large public lobby integrated with the access plaza of the Convention Center and the existing Faculty of Law. This meant big changes for us, but instead of viewing it as a problem we saw it as an opportunity to make a more profound urban commitment.”
The new architectural and urban proposal cohesively redesigned the access plaza in a way that is integrated with the levels of the subway station, truly changing the pedestrian arrival to the Convention Center both from the street level and from the green roof. Standing at 5,900m2 and 3.25 meters below street level, the plaza appears as a main open gathering space before entering the main building. Combining concrete and planted areas, this plaza is especially known for the three large Tipu trees (Tipuana tipu), native to Argentina, which were preserved at their original locations. Three massive concrete planters contain the trees and now are a strong landmark, or reference of the site. The excavation works for the project were huge and the full extension of the site is bordered by a retaining wall system comprised by double concrete vertical structures.
The final stages of the project will entail the construction of a public underground parking area that is directly connected to the subway station and access plaza; and a sprawling green wall to cover up the building’s facade that extends out from street level.
The completion of the subway station and the long-awaited connection between the three parks, will position the Convention Center and surrounding green areas as the focal point of the city’s urban fabric.

Location: City of Buenos Aires, Argentina Client: City Government of Buenos Aires Master plan and architecture: Minond Estudio (Edgardo Minond) Landscape Plan: Estudio Bulla (Ana García Ricci, Lucía Ardissone and Ignacio Fleurquin) Lot area: 48,500m2. Green roof area: 18,000m2. Built Area: 25,000m2 Date of completion of building, access plaza and green roof: 2017 Photography: Gustavo Sosa Pinilla

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