1 minute read
From our president
Georgia Harper, President, Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers
I’m sure you’ll agree that so far, 2020 has been a challenging, confronting time for us all. In every way, we’ve had to take a very hard look at our businesses, family priorities, health, mental stamina, and the many issues that have been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For most, it’s been a time where every aspect of our lives has come under some kind of pressure and has prompted some introspection.
Over the past weeks, we at LV have been very busy helping to protect as many member’s livelihoods as possible through activities such as lobbying state and federal governments to keep our industry open, reaching out to partners and allied associations in Victoria and interstate, and our weekly ‘beer garden’ sessions to help support each other and share information.
All of these activities have been consistent every week of this pandemic, and you can be assured that the Board is committed to not only keeping our industry open in the short term, but in supporting our members in any way that we can and laying the groundwork in the months ahead to help members recover and thrive.
These are new challenges, to be sure - but I’m very proud to be able to say that Megan, Victoria, Jo and Colleen have risen to each one and exceeded expectations in what is a very difficult set of circumstances to navigate.
In this edition of Earthstyle, I hope you’ll take heart in the fact that many have been through rough times and come out the other side with renewed purpose and a stronger business. This is our wish for every LV Member moving forward.
As the dust starts to settle, many businesses are using this as a force for positive change. LV is no different in this regard and I urge you to involve yourself in this new phase - come to meetings (in whatever form they may be), let us know what you need and we will continue to do whatever we can to accelerate every member’s business recovery.
In the meantime, stay healthy and my very best to you and yours.