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Contract growing: peace of mind for your landscaping project | Botanix
Contract growing: peace of mind for your landscaping project
The last two years have been a period of heightened activity for the nursery sector, growing stock to meet the demands of a booming landscaping sector. If you drive past a production nursery in Melbourne this season, there’s a good chance you’ll see a lot of empty space where plant stock would be.
On the face of it, this seems like a good problem to have, particularly at a time when COVID has placed a lot of pressures on small businesses – many of which have struggled to survive the challenges of Melbourne’s multiple lockdowns. But unlike other manufacturing industries, where production can be scaled up to meet growing demands, the greenlife sector faces a more intricate challenge in terms of meeting growing demands.
Advanced nursery stock can take anywhere between one and four years to grow, which means that scaling up production is a longterm planning exercise. Unfortunately, this can mean that landscapers are sometimes left high and dry, unable to source the plants specified in their projects.
Carl Soderlund of Botanix Plant Supply believes contract growing is one of the easiest ways to mitigate the risk of missing out during busy periods and avoiding client disappointment.
“By preordering your plant stock, you are essentially taking out an insurance policy for your project and making sure that you have everything you need to deliver the beautiful landscape you’ve promised to your client.”
Get the stock that you need, when you need it
According to Carl, the key benefit of preordering your plants and trees from your nursery supplier is the guarantee of access to stock when you need it. “By pre-ordering your tree requirements in advance, your supplier is able to ensure that you have the exact number and type of trees required for your project, without any hassle or last-minute substitutions.”
Bulk orders may attract better rates, but you may also be able to lock in advantageous pricing for advance orders of 12 months or more.
Consistency of quality
Pre-ordering from a trusted nursery supplier is the best way to ensure consistent quality and reliable delivery.
“By having all your stock grown under the same conditions, you can be confident that your plants will be grown to a consistent standard. This is especially important on large projects, where you may require a large number of one species, and uniformity is important."
By working with a single supplier, you eliminate the need to hunt around for materials from multiple sources, which not only saves you time but also reduces the risk of receiving substandard or damaged plants.
Avoid project delays
The most successful projects are the ones where everyone knows their job and can focus on delivering the best outcome for the client. Working closely with a quality plant supplier from the outset means that you can have peace of mind that the plant stock will be ready and delivered to a high standard when the time comes to complete the soft landscaping.

“One of the challenges of leaving plant supply to the last minute is that sometimes you may find yourself running around town trying to fill an order. Not only does that result in inconsistent results, but it can be a cause of stress and possible delays for the project.
“Contract growing is one way to ensure your project timeline stays on track. It secures your supply, avoiding the need to revise plans or make substitutions at the last minute.”
The key to successfully planning your plant needs for your landscaping project is to speak to your supplier at the beginning of the project. Carl believes a strong, trusting relationship with your supplier can be a win-win for both you, and your customer.
“Involving to your plant supplier at the design stage of the project means that you can mitigate issues with supply when it comes to the final stages of the project. Your supplier can not only advise on what is available but can also share expert advice on what will grow well in the proposed location, as well as any longer-term considerations, such as maintenance.
“We want nothing more than to see our plants thriving in the landscape that they’ve been grown for. By being involved in the early stages, we can sure that they are fit for purpose, and that the client is satisfied, not only at the completion of the project, but for years to come.”