Steps for a Profitable House Flipping
In commercial real estate, house flipping is defined as buying a distressed property at a lower price and selling it at a higher price.
Generally, house flipping is carried out by buying the property and # Selling without any modification # Selling after proper renovation
The widely preferred way for greater profit potential is to beautifully renovate and add real value to the end customer.
House flipping is said to be an easy commercial real estate investing, but you need to follow certain steps to emerge profitable.
Know Your Financial Condition
Access your financial resources which will make you understand if you can invest all by yourself or need to find investors.
In the real estate business, being the only investor is a bonus and you can earn huge profits.
You can always look for a joint venture partner and split the profit at the cost of lower risk.
Have A Good Team
You need to have a team with expertise which will help to find, renovate and sell the commercial property.
When you build your team, it must be comprised of: # Real estate brokers # Contractors # Insurance agent # Accountant
It is never a one-man work and you need to depend on several people for solving the inevitable problems and challenges.
Find A Suitable Property
It is always a difficult task to locate a property in a specified geographic area that interests you.
For making a good profit, you should find a property that: # Requires fewer modifications # And the repairs do not substantially increase the equity
Therefore, take the help of your team to buy a house at a low price, rehab it quickly and sell it at a higher price.
Manage The Repairs Properly
Before buying a house, properly calculate all the costs and if the math points to profitability, then you should finalize the deal.
You should personally supervise the repairs in order to: # Ensure that they are carried out properly # Keep them within your budget
Make sure that the total cost of the house, including the rehab should not exceed your budget.
Do The Work Fast
You should try to complete the rehab work quickly for flipping the house for more profit.
It is better to hold the investor’s money for a shorter time so that you pay less interest.
Ask your contractors to finish the job on budget and on time, which will help you to sell the house quickly.
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