Argentiera 25th May - 02nd June 2019
Associazione Culturale LandWorks Via P.Paoli 34/a - 07100 Sassari C.F. 92129180904 P.IVA 02706070907 +39 3401400626
LandWorks edition
Argentiera 25th May - 02nd June 2019
The Cultural Association LandWorks (LW) was founded in 2011 as a project within the master in Mediterranean Landscape Urbanism of the Department of Architecture in Alghero-UNISS, and mainly organizes international workshops on art, architecture and landscape named LandWorks (LW), in places of particular historical and environmental value but in a state of great decay, neglect and socio-economic suffering. The aim is to enhance and regenerate the selected sites through culture, with the involvement of experts, teachers, professionals, international students of architecture, landscape, art and photography and the participation of the resident community, in a spectrum of multidisciplinarity. By embracing the most diverse creative and performing disciplines (art, architecture, dance, music and theater) LW organizes workshops / experimental laboratories, conferences, seminars, residencies, art, study and research, internships, festivals and cultural marketing
activities. After the positive experience of the international workshop LandWorks Sardinia 2015 at Argentiera, the Association feels the need to take root in a stable form over time and place to put in synergy the set of knowledge and skills. This is how the LandWorks Plus (LW+) project was conceived, a participatory project that aims to protect, enhance and revitalise a small former mining village in Northern Sardinia, Argentiera (Sassari), a UNESCO heritage site, now partly abandoned. The main objective is to regenerate the site through the implementation of projects and initiatives “from below�, aiming to become a virtuous and sustainable model of international excellence, exportable, replicable and scalable, a reference for the cultural and artistic debate in the large scale: from the extraction of minerals to the cultural and creative production.
LandWorks Plus (LW+) is a project conceived by LandWorks Cultural Association (LW) that involves the Municipality of Sassari, the Geomineral, Historical and Environmental Park of Sardinia, the DADU-Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (Uniss), the Academy of Fine Arts of Sassari, the Devilla Higher Education Institute of Sassari, the Association Erasmuss - ESN Sassari and the Cultural Association Formore Istruzione, with the active participation of the Chaire UnescoUniversité de Montreal-Canada, the SoA+D-School of Architecture and Design-KMUTT-Bangkok-Thailand, the TUM-Technische Universität München-Germany and the AHOOslo School of Architecture and Design-Norway. LandWorks Plus is the evolution of the LandWorks workshop and aims to strengthen and optimize the cultural policies of the territory and create a virtuous model of urban regeneration. The local community is the core and the project aim at involving it in projects of selforganization from below, making the village a center of experimentation and multidisciplinary artistic production of international excellence. LW+ aims to preserve the vocation, identity and memory of the mining site, as a place of work, innovation and production: from the extraction of minerals to the cultural and creative production in
order to redefine the international attractiveness of the site. The desertion that meets culture becomes an opportunity for growth and development, to rebuild and rede ne the relationships between man, art, architecture and landscape. LW+ with an integrated approach, reconverts the site producing culture, creativity and art, as drivers of development and rebirth of the mine. Our offer system is based on 5 strategic assets: education, studies and research, artistic and scientific residences, open air museum and mine museum, cultural and recreational events and experiences. The aim is to restore and give back to the community the places and their identity, giving form to them, establishing relationships and proportions between the memory of what has been abandoned, insigning an innovative cultural, social, tourist and ecological reading. The project has received several national awards: it is one of the winning projects in the national call for proposals “Culturabilityrigenerare spazi da condividere” promoted by the Unipolis Foundation and one of the projects eligible for funding by MIBAC (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities) for the 2018 call for proposals for the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
LW+ chooses Argentiera as a field of experimentation, for the peculiar historical-environmental value and the tourist-productive vocation. The mining area, in the municipality of Sassari, on the north-western coast of Sardinia, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, is included in the Historical and Environmental Geomineral Park of Sardinia. Argentiera, which today has 70 inhabitants, was founded as a village of miners and takes its name from the material extracted from the deposits of lead, iron and zinc silver. The mine, used in Roman and medieval times, resumed mining in 1867, remaining in operation until 1963. The architectural heritage of the village is one of the greatest examples of mining archaeology in Sardinia. Today, some of the buildings are essential components of the landscape, in particular the Laveria, the pozzo PodestĂ , ex manufacturing, the director villa, the cinema and the ruins of the small residences.
The village, which remained in a state of suspension for years, has recently seen the creation of new and favourable conditions for urban, environmental and social regeneration.
 The administration has made available public outdoor spaces, such as squares, streets, open spaces and underused areas that will host the architecturalartistic works co-designed by students, professionals and international artists in collaboration with the local community. Through the planned and coordinated action of the partners involved, the aim is to implement a broad system of supply to overcome physical, geographical and cultural isolation. An isolation that represents a limit but at the same time represents an advantage that returns a unique and highly distinctive experience that enhances the disused structures through new codes of use, for both public and private use.
# Laveria
# ruderi
# Pozzo Alda
# Pozzo Podestà
LANDWORKS workshop operativo internazionale 9 EDITIONS 62 INSTALLTIONS
tra arte, architettura, paesaggio, performance teatrali e musicali
Arbus | Cosenza | Guspini | Iglesias | La Maddalena | Sassari
Regione Sardegna: Assessorato dell’Industria, Assessorato della difesa dell’ambiente, Assessorato della pubblica Istruzione e Beni Culturali | Agenzia Forestale Regionale Fo.Re.STAS | Igea SpA | Parco Geominerario, Storico, Ambientale della Sardegna | Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena | Parco Naturale Regionale di Porto Conte | Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare | Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo | Ordine degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Sassari
DADU, Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica (Università di Sassari) | Accademia di Belle Arti “Mario Sironi”, Sassari | Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Devilla” di Sassari | Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Roth” di Alghero | DAStU, Dipartimento di Architettura, Politecnico di Milano | DIATIC, Dipartimento di Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio e Ingegneria Chimica | Università della Calabria | ENSP, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage - Versailles – Marseille, Francia | IGMA, Universität Stuttgart, Germania | TUM, Technische Universität München, Germania | Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germania | Goethe Institut, Germania | AHO, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norvegia | Chaire Unesco, Université de Montreal, Canada | Ball State University-Muncie, Indiana, Stati Uniti | UNAM, Università nazionale autonoma del Messico-Città del Messico | RMIT, University Melbourne, Australia | SoA+D, School of Architecture and Design, KMUTT-Bangkok, Thailandia | AUB, American University of Beirut, Libano | Lebanese University-Beirut, Libano
Henri Bava (Agence TER, Paris) | Stefan Bernard (Bernard + Sattler, Berlin) | Lorenzo Brusci (Giardino Sonoro, Berlin) | Simon Bussiere (BSU, Muncie, Indiana) | Luis Callejas (Harvard + AHO Oslo, Cambridge + Oslo) | Pedro Camarena (LAAP, Mèxico) | Joseph Claghorn (Harvard + Uni Hannover, Hannover) | Thilo Folkerts (100land, Berlin) | Walter J. Hood (UC Berkeley, California) | Isabella Inti (POLIMI, Milan) | Mattias F. Josefsson (AHO, Oslo) | Michelle Kramers (Theatre en Vol, Sassari) | Ferdinand Ludwig (Baubotanik, Stuttgart) | Matteo Persichino (TempoRiuso, Milan) | Christian Phongphit (SoA+D, Bangkok) | Philippe Poullauec-Gonidec (CUPEUM, Montreal) | Marc Pouzol (Atelier LeBalto, Berlin) | Filippo Romano (Fotografo, Milan) | Sergio Sanna (GroundAction, Palermo) | Antonio Scarponi (ZhDk, Zurich) | Heike Schafer (Uni Hannover, Hannover) | Carlo Scoccianti ( ArtLand, Florence) | Silvia Serreli (DADU, Alghero) | Christiane Sfeir (Lebanese University, Lebanon) | Stefan TIscher (DADU, Alghero) | Maria Gabriella Trovato (AUB, Beirut) | Craig Verzone (VWA, Lausanne) | Sue Anne Ware (RMIT, Melbourne) | Roberto Zancan (Uni Ginevra, Ginevra)
Ila Bêka (Bêka&Lemoine, Italy + France) | Jordi Belmunt (ETSAB, Barcellona) | Paola Cannavò (Unical, Cosenza) | Alessandra Casu (DADU, Alghero) | Emilia Giorgi (Artribune, Italy) | Karin Helms (ENSP, Versailles) | Takeo Kawakita (Kobe Design University, Japan) | Luigi Latini (IUAV, Venice) | Valerio Morabito (UPENN, Philadelphia) | Maria Ippolita Nicotera (ARCH’IT architetture, Berlin) | Joao Nunez (PROAP, Lisbona) | Fausta Occhipinti (Spaziocchipinti, Palermo) | Martin Rein-Cano (Topotek, Berlin) | Tommaso Sacchi (Cultura Firenze, Italy) | Ingrid Schegk (WeihenstephanTriesdorf University Applied Sciences, Germany) | Angelika Schnell (IKA, Vienna) | Marianne Skjulhaug (AHO, Oslo) | Rappresentanti degli enti e delle istituzioni coinvolte
studenti, giovani professionisti, studenti alternanza scuola lavoro, centri d’accoglienza, performer
Australia | Austria | Belgio | Brasile | Canada | Cina | Colombia | Danimarca | Egitto | Emirati Arabi | Francia | Giappone | Germania | Grecia | Islanda | Italia | Libano | Marocco | Messico | Norvegia | Nuova Zelanda | Paesi Bassi | Portogallo | Spagna | Svizzera | Thailandia | Tunisia | Vietnam | USA
LandWorks arranges itinerant International operative workshops, which last 8-10 days, welcoming each time around 100 experts among teachers, young professionals and students of landscape architecture, architecture, art and photography from around the world, who work together intensively, alternating moments of exchange with residents and lectures by local experts, to identify the local problems of the site, study a new way of land-use, and offer a different perspective. For every nights there is the opportunity to attend public conferences where the international Team Leaders, will illustrate their method and innovative approach to the landscape. The “site specific� installation events, often in the spirit of LandArt, are conceived and built using natural and/or recycled materials and important historical artefacts found on-site. In line with the highly operational, extemporaneous and mainly ephemeral character of its experimental method, LandWorks also incorporates artistic performances with dancers,
singers and parkour artists in order to curate a complex choreography, all documented by a team of professional and student of photographers and videomakers. The territory is conceived as an immense operational experimental field, an open-air and interactive museum: multicultural, multidisciplinary and participatory for the realization of a major land revitalization input, in which the community, institutions and local partners are considered crucial actors. The purpose of LandWorks is to contribute to the enhancement of the development of cultural landscape resources in the chosen sites with the aim to contribute to new ways of local restoration, renewal and economic recovery. Temporary works of landscape realizations can offer a catalytic impulse for a permanent development of the sites, new economic realities and new possible future alternatives, as well as proposing new models of cultural tourism which will enable visitors to discover the place and its history.
# architecture
# landscape
# video
# art
# comunication
# design
# performance
# installation
# photography
# exhibition
25th May - 02nd June For the X edition, the LandWorks Cultural Association organizes an international operative workshop for the enhancement of historical landscape and cultural heritage, the regeneration and reuse of abandoned spaces in the mining complex of Argentiera (Sassari), Together with local actors and under the guidance of international renowned professionals, the workshop participants will be divided into different groups and will work for 8 intense days in which they will design and self-construct architecture works, temporary and permanent artistic and landscape installations in order to contribute to the renewal and economic recovery of the territory.
# Day 2-3
Preliminary and executive design
# Day 1
Participants welcome Team Leaders presentations Working groups training
# Day 3-7
Construction site, selfconstruction realization
survey # Day 2
Project areas survey Conferences with local experts
PROGRAM final tour # Day 8
Installations opening and presentation Final guest critics Awarding of diplomas Closing party
# Day 9
Greeting and departure of participants
EVENT The workshop will start saturday 25th may at 3pm and ends on saturday night the 1st june 2019 with the installations tour and the closing party. PARTICIPATION The workshop is oriented to students, profesionals and lovers of architecture, landscape, visual and performing arts, design, photography, communication, social sciences. Participation fee includes: Theorical and operative laboratory. Architecture and landscape conferences. Full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) at bar/restaurant “Il Veliero” (from dinner the 25th may to breakfast the 2nd june). Stay (check-in 25th may / checkout 2nd june) at “Residence Argentiera” and shared apartments, 4/8 peoples due to disponibility and gender. Wi-Fi on common areas Welcome kit (T-shirt+bag) Construction materials and equipments for installations D.P.I. safety clothing (gloves + mask + protective suit) Accident insurance (from 25th may to 1st june) Certificate of attendance Closing party
INFO For more information: visit, write or call: +39 3401400626
CREDITS AND DIPLOMA The workshop total hours are 80, correspond to: 3 ECTS for students in the areas: landscape architecture (ICAR15), architecture workshop (ICAR14), urban planning (ICAR20/21) and photography. 20 CFP for profesionals enrolled in the architect register. The diploma will be give to all participants REGISTRATION Interested parties must fill the appropriate online application form and complete the registration following the payment instructions by the 10th may 2019 FEE 449€ (Early bird > 25% discount) for enrolled by february 24th and for groups of minimum 10 people by may 10th 539€ (Medium term>10% discount) for enrolled by april 10th 599€ for enrolled by may 10th
TUTOR/VOLUNTEER Have you already particiated in the workshop or do you have a profile that you think could support the activities of the association? Fill the online application form APPLY
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rigenerare spazi da condividere