Langley Times Faces of the Future

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Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 1



faces of the future a celebration of Langley’s outstanding youth Times The Langley


• Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 3

faces of the future T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Enjoy our look at Faces of the Future The Langley Times, is very pleased to be publishing our inaugural edition of “Faces of The Future” which will be celebrating the movers and shakers of our Langley community. We asked all the principals to nominate two students from their respective schools who continually go above and beyond the call of duty. Perhaps these individuals are young entrepreneurs, scholars, volunteers or individuals who excel in drama, music or sport. This is not a competition but a publication that celebrates our youth and our future leaders. The Times would like to thank all the principals and schools for their tremendous support and who collectively made this happen. We would like to dedicate this publication to all the great Langley teachers and principals who dedicate their careers for the betterment of all their students. The future of our community lies with our youth and after reading this publication I hope you agree that Langley is in good hands. For an online version of “Faces Of The Future” please visit us at

Desiree Wallace, Langley Secondary School

Why Nominated: Desiree has been very involved at Langley Secondary and in the Langley community. She has been a member of the school’s Leadership Class, Social Justice Club and Grad Council, and is in the Fine Arts Program at LSS, majoring in Drama and Visual Arts. She is an A Honour Roll student and has been a member on many athletic teams. Last year, Desiree traveled to Belize with other students from our Social Justice


Gabriel Starr, Langley Secondary School

class. Their missionn was to help out a rurall school in a myriad off ways. This was muchh more than a missionn to help; it was a lifee changing experience. Desiree volunteers att the St. Joe’s Soupp Kitchen where shee has been exposed too the plight of the homeless. She recentlyy wrote and directed a play that confrontedd the misconceptions about homelessness.. She donated all of the proceeds to thee local community outreach programs to aidd homelessness.


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Aimee Mooney, Brookswood Senior Secondary

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Why Nominated: Aimee Mooney is the social conscience of students at Brookswood. She has organized numerous fundraisers at the school for a variety of worthy causes. Her most memorable school moment was a lunchhour pep rally for the Canadian Cancer society in which she convinced a great number of her peers, as well as Brookswood’s principal, to either shave their heads paramedic. or wax their legs; over $1000 was raised for

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Cancer research in this single event! Aimee has been a stellar example of what hard work and a strong moral ethic can achieve. She is motivated by that feeling she gets when she is making a difference in the lives of the people around her; she will have plenty of opportunities to make a difference as she attends the Justice Institute and pursues a career as a

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Why the Gateway of Hope. Nominated: She is very involved in Gabrielle is very social justice issues involved at Langley and in fact, created Secondary and in the Night to Light Walk the community. which raised $30,000 She is the Grad for the Uganda crisis. Council president She received the LTA and the co-founder Status of Women Hero of the Social JusAward in her grade 9 tice Club at LSS. year. This year, she She has been an won the Violet Richactive member of ardson Award. Gabrithe Students Council, the Transition Team, elle is an A Honour Roll student, a Sunday the Spirit Team and the Fine Arts Program. school teacher and a piano teacher. She Outside of school, Gabrielle volunteers at plans to study International Relations.

Why Nominated: Alan nered top honours and Chang is one of Brookheaps of praise from swood’s most talented the adjudicators. And and humble students. if this isn’t enough, Alan With a course load that has been a part of virincludes such diverse tually every fundraiser classes as Advanced and spirit event that the Placement Calculus, school has held over French, and Theatre, he is the past few years. He currently averaging over believes that he can 97%. At both the Dismake the world a better trict and Provincial French place by being mindful Speaking Competitions, of the small details, a his speech on the “Avergreat motto for a young age Guy” garnered the top student award. As man who plans on attending the Faculty of well, a play that he co-wrote was presented Engineering at UBC this fall! at the Provincial Drama Festival and gar-

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• Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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Victoria Hopton, Coghlan Fundamental Elementary Why nominated: Victoria is solid academically, but it is her thoughtfulness, kindness, and positive, easygoing attitude that are remarkable. She accepts her assignments with maturity while still being able to find enjoyment in all she does. She seems to understand that in order to bring change to the world, you need to start with the little things. Victoria is a joy to teach and is the type of student that future employers will

Nick Brodt, Coghlan Fundamental Elementary

want to hire. Most memorable school moment: Camp McLean was a great experience. The team building activities showed my group how important working together is to get the job done. Future plans: One day Victoria would like to become a grade 2 teacher because she loves to show children how learning can be fun.

Breanne Jansen, Credo Christian High

wheelchair. Future Plans: Nick’s most immediate goal is to return to Motocross by the end of the year. He plans to work to get good grades in high school and try out for lots of sports. Nick recommends that we treat people fairly and honestly, spend as much time as possible with family and friends, and enjoy everyday. He likes the quote, “Live every moment like it is your last!”

Esther Souman, Credo Christian High

Clara Go, Dorothy Peacock Elementary Why Nominated: In 2007, Clara and her family arrived in Langley from Buscan, South Korea. Clara entered Grade 3, not knowing a word of English. Clara has, in both Grade 6 and Grade 7, received an Academic Achievement Certificate from the Superintendent of the Langley School District. Clara has served on the school leadership team and been part of the volleyball and basketball teams. This year she added ukulele to her repertoire and was of the Langley Ukulele Ensemble under the direction of Peter Luongo. Most Memorable School Moment This year, the Grade sevens went to Evans Lake Forestry Centre for a week long Outdoor education program. This was Clara’s most

Why Nominated: Nick is the face of resiliency, truly the come back kid. His determination and ability to move forward after a tragic car accident took his best friend and left him seriously injured is to be admired. His attitude remains positive and he has a wonderful influence on his peers. Most Memorable Moment: Nick was grateful to have a special group picture arranged of him and his special friends when he was still in a

nt memorable moment as she not onlyy ut learned more about rock intrusions andd nursing logs, but shee er really got to know her friends. Future Plans Clara will enter RE Mountain Secondary inn September. She has been accepted into theirir Honours Program and hopes to move intoo m. their International Baccalaureate Program. This will help her to achieve her goal as a lawyer, enabling her to achieve her ultimatee er goal; to work for the United Nations in order to help bring World Peace.


Why Nominated: Esther Souman is one of those quiet leaders whose focus is getting things done! After two trips (2007, 2009) to West Timor with her Dad, pastor of Willoughby Canadian Reformed Church, Esther was inspired to form a mission team to build dorms for an orphanage in Kupang. Over the past year, she has spearheaded the formation of a twenty-member team, comprised mostly of alumni and current students of Credo Christian High. With $20,000 in the bank, the Wings to Work team is ready to fly this July. Asked for a high school highlight, she replied, “Everything about English Literature 12, but especially the tea parties.” Not surprising then that Esther is headed to Douglas College for an Degree in English.

Why Nominated: Breanne Jansen's passion is the arts. She's a stellar violinist, part of a five-sibling local strings group, The Jansen 5. In high demand, they have recorded a CD as well as performed at a local benefit concert in rd support of Matthew's House — an Abbotsford ng respite home for children with life-limiting disabilities. Breanne’s passion extends to the visual arts. She is the Vancouver finalistst gn in the Art Institutes’ 2011 Poster Design competition. She writes, “I grew up in an extremely musicalal ss family and learned, very early on, to express myself through art. To express my feelings,s, ng emotions and ideas through both a violin string and a paintbrush. Life is better with art in it, and I have every intention of promoting artrt with passion, drive, and creativity.”

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Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 5

faces of the future T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Cole Armour, Dorothy Peacock Elementary Why Nominated: Cole has been an example to all our students. He is working incredibly hard to follow his dream and his passion. Cole is always willing to give back to those who help him. He believes in the power of volunteering his time and his talent to help others. In 2008, when Cole was in Grade 4, he innocently asked his music teacher if he could sing at our Spring Concert. After three performances and three standing ovations, Cole’s musical talent was forever etched in the memories of those fortunate to hear him sing. Since that Spring Concert, Cole has performed at the Merritt Mountain Music Festival, became the first child to ever win the Red Robinson Talent Show at the PNE in 2009, opened for Johnny Reid, performed for the Winter Olympics and

last July was part of Langley’s Canada Day Celebrations. Most Memorable School Moment Cole will always remember the Spring Concert in 2008, when he sang a solo for this first time and received his first standing ovation. Future Plans: Cole will enter Langley Fine Arts in September. He wants to continue to volunteer his time and talent to the BC Cancer Foundation as his mum is a cancer survivor. She fought cancer while she was pregnant with Cole; giving a limb for him. Without that he knows he would not be here today.

“I believe we can make the world a better place by appreciating everything we have and not fretting about what we lack, which could hinder achieving happiness and success.” ~Chan Kwon, Walnut Grove Secondary

Chan Kwon Walnut Grove Secondary Why Nominated: I believe I was nominated for “Faces of the Future” because I took the many opportunities available to get in involved in and outside of school. I wanted to make the most of my teen years, so I participated in various extracurricular activities from which I learned leadership, teamwork, and social skills! My most memorable school moment came only a few weeks ago when I became President of the Student Council. It was highly humbling to reach this position and it is one of my biggest accomplishments. My future plan is to attend university to major in Communications and obtain a career in the field of Advertising. I believe we can make the world a better place by appreciating everything we have and not fretting about what we lack, which could hinder achieving happiness and success. Having a positive outlook has gotten me through many challenges and if others did so as well, I think their lives would be better in some way.

Zoe Hodgson, Douglas Park Community Shcool Why Nominated: Zoe began school at Douglas Park Community School this fall after moving from Abbotsford. She quickly made friends with all her classmates. They respect her quiet and gentle nature and easygoing manner. Zoe works hard to do her best at school and usually comes in early to complete homework or read. She is always ready to help out and does an excellent job supervising younger students. Zoe’s most memorable moment at school

was during an assembly when she received the Class Act award. Zoe’s great passion is dance.. She would like to go to the National Ballet School of Canadaa after completing Royal Winnipeg Ballet School for which she has already auditioned. She’d love people to respect the environment and keep Langley looking good.

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Kate Winslet, Douglas Park Elementary Why Nominated: Kate and her family came to Langley from Thailand as refugees in 2007. She has worked hard to learn English and eagerly accepts new opportunities such as volleyball, gymnastics, going to camp, the recycling team and learning in general. Kate can always be counted on to help out around the school and is a friend to everyone. During Booster Camp this year, Kate went to the aquarium and saw dolphins, whales and octopus. Kate plans to go to university to become a kindergarten teacher. As a recycling Ranger, Kate would like people to recycle more.

Ravandeep Johal, ÉÉcole des Voyageurs Why Nominated: Whether it is working on a class project, playing on one of our sports teams or helping another student, Ravan puts his whole heart into it! He is a terrific young man and has earned the respect and admiration of his peers. He is very helpful to students and members of the school staff. He is never afraid to express himself but he always does so with eloquence and respect for others. He works hard, he plays hard – and the world is his oyster. Known for his friendly and outgoing nature, Ravan has made many friends at École des Voyageurs. From a teacher’s point of view, he is a perfect example of what makes a great student…. and from a student’s perspective, he is a perfect example of what makes a wonderful school mate. High school awaits the force that is Ravandeep; may your strong leadership skills and great work habits take you far, young man!

Beverly Lynch, Fort Langley Elementary School Why Nominated: Beverly is a Grade 6 student at Fort Langley Elementary. She has been nominated because of her easy going nature, positive attitude and helpfulness, both in her classroom and the school, and her willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Her most memorable school moment was in Grade 4 when she went on a field trip with her class to the Vancouver Aquarium. Beverly liked seeing all the animals and enjoyed all the activities she participated in. In the future she wants to become a teacher as she really likes children and helping younger students. Beverly thinks we can make the world a better place to live by getting along with other people and being friends with everyone. Depuis sa Création en 1995, le Conseil scolaire fancophone de la Colombie-Britannique offre des programmes et des services éducatifs valorisant le plein épanouissement et l’identité culturelle des apprenantes et apprenants francophones de la province. Le conseil compte aujourd’hui plus de 2,500 éléves, 38 écoles et dessert une centaine communautés réparties dans l’ensemble de la province.

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• Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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Lexie Rose, Fort Langley Elementary School

Cheye Gustafson, Parkside Elementary Why Nominated: Cheye is an active girl in the community who sings with the Langley Children’s Choir and our Parkside School Choir. She plays baseball, soccer ,and she is an excellent student too. Her favourite school memory was her Grade 3 trip to the Lochiel Heritage School where the staff dress in pioneer clothing and act out old time school practices. She had a great time there and likes to learn about pioneer times. When she grows up she'd like to be an actor because she likes to express herself as different characters. She plans to join all the school plays in Middle and High School to get lots of experience and she plans to attend university and take acting. She thinks we could all make the world a better place if we pollute less and recycle as much as possible.

Kyle Munro, École des Voyageurs Why Nominated: Kyle has been at École des Voyageurs since Kindergarten and he is now ready to embark on a new adventure : high school. Several wonderful qualities come to mind when we think of Kyle : he is always ready and willing to help other students, he is incredibly polite and courteous, he is a diligent student and he is so, so kind. Plus – he smiles a LOT! Kyle has a « joie de vivre » that is infectious - you’ll find yourself smiling whenever you’re in his presence. We know that Kyle’s kind and generous spirit, combined with his strong academic skills and outgoing personality, will lead him

Why Nominated: Lexie is a Grade 7 student at Fort Langley Elementary. She has been nominated because of her strong sense of fairness and community and for always putting the needs of others first. Her most memorable school moment was being a member of the Student Leadership team this year and helping to organize a very successful toy drive at Christmas time. Her future plans include getting a degree in Psychology and becoming a social worker or a teacher in a juvenile detention home. Lexie believes we can make the world a better place by respecting the environment and becoming aware of issues like global warming. She also believes in the importance of education, and getting along with all people and respecting their differences.

Austin & Tyler Chiu, Fraser Valley Elementary School

to a fabulous, rewarding and fulfilling life. We are so proud of his accomplishments at École des Voyageurs and although he will be missed by all of us, we are very excited for the challenges and new experiences that lie ahead for him.

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Why Nominated: Austin and Tyler Chiu are Grade One students at Fraser Valley Elementary School (FVES), a private school in the Township of Langley. They have both maintained Honour Student Status throughout the academic year and continue to be high achievers. Straight A students, well rounded academically, artistically and athletically, and are both friendly and gracious six year old boys. They are well-liked by all students, teachers and administrative staff at FVES. Extra Curricular Activities: These twin boys lead a very busy schedule, participating in a number of sports activities as well as academic growth outside of Fraser Valley Elementary School. Throughout the School term, they played on their first Soccer League (LUYSA), received an Award of Merit in recognition of their good performance in the Chinese Language program held by the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver, and graduated from Toast Minors, a public speaking program that focuses on three main goals, public speaking, etiquette training, and leadership training. Moreover, they participate in swimming, skating, tennis, piano, LEGO robotics and placed Top 3 in the Science Fair at Fraser Valley Elementary School’s first Science Fair. Future Plans: Next year, plans for these two little ones will continue to include the Chinese Language program, soccer, swimming, piano, LEGO robotics, and will possibly include a few new activities such as Odyssey of the Mind and Chess. With as much attention that is given to them academically at FVES and outside, it is wonderful to see that these two little boys are still 6 years old at heart. Tyler has expressed his interest in becoming the next Jeff Gordon and Austin strives to become an Architect, hoping to design and build his very own dream house. These two will certainly have many opportunities as they develop and grow through their academic years at Fraser Valley Elementary School.

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June Kim, Gordon Greenwood Elementary Why Nominated: I’m very honoured to be selected for this opportunity. I think that I was chosen because the people that know me, know me as a kind and caring person who is sensitive to the needs of others. I think that I set a good example for my peers when they see how passionate I am about my family, school work and other activities but that I still have time for others and always strive to help out when I can. ool Memorable School Moment: I think that of all the special moments in my school experiences my most amazing and memorable one just happened recently. Our class at-eryy. tended an outdoor education program with a lot of fun activities. One of them was archery. I was so nervous because I had never done this before, but thought to myself about ourr torr, school motto, ‘If You Believe, You Can Achieve!” I listened very carefully to the instructor, studied the technique, practiced, and can you believe it, I won the archery competition!! I oww was so thrilled about this achievement. I never thought I could do this! I guess I now know that if you are determined and believe in yourself almost anything can happen for you! Future Plans: I think that it is important to grow in my knowledge and abilities andd get as much experience in variety of areas as possible. Right now it looks like I will bee going to school and furthering my education for some time to come. I think that I will bee learning throughout my entire life and with the world changing so quickly I will need to bee at able to keep up with all the changes. I want to pursue my artistic side and get better at ionn drawing, painting and designing. Perhaps some day I will be a successful artist, fashion designer or even an architect. eree How can we make the world a better place to live?: It seems to me that there ess, is unfortunately a lot sadness in our world with environmental disasters, political issues, economic problems and the list goes on. I think that if we join together as a human race too henn help each other out through a respect for one another by giving, cooperating and love, then we can work towards peace and harmony and make the world a better place to live.



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Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 7

faces of the future T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


“In the end, people with the biggest hearts make the world a better place to live.” ~Austin Tatum, James Anderson Learning Centre

Taliah Rogers James Anderson Learning Centre Most memorable school moment was when I was asked to speak to some of the school board members about how the school has had a positive affect on me and that alternative schools are beneficial and needed when there are extenuating circumstances in a student’s life that can affect their school progress in a mainstream setting. A year previous I would never have had that kind of confidence to speak on my school’s behalf. My school has helped me to become a more confident and self assured person. Once I have graduated from school my future plans are to dedicate my time and energies to bible educationSEPTEMBER work. There is so much bad27, news on2009 the TV and other media and I know that the bible gives us good news and a happy and secure hope for the future. As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses I feel that is the best use of my time and it makes me feel that I am helping others and doing the best I can to make this world a better place. I also feel that following bible principles will also help others to make this world a better place. It worked for me and it can work for anyone.

Serena Meister, JamesQKennedy ElementaryQ Q Why Nominated: Serena Meister is a very accomplished student. She has joined multiple activities like piano, gymnastics, soccer, karate and swimming, in which she has achieved her Bronze Star. She babysits at her church, where she is also part of a group helping to fundraise for various causes. At school, she has performed duets in band and is part of the Leadership Team. And on top of all this, Serena has made the Academic Honour Roll every term since it started and has also earned a certificate from the Superintendent of the Langley School District for her academic achievements! Most Memorable School Moment Serena’s most memorable school moment

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Why Nominated: Sydney Abram is a Grade 7 Honour Roll student at James Kennedy Elementary. This is amazing considering the fact that she also spends about 14 ½ hours a week training in multiple competitive dance styles. Dance is the only motivation Sydney needs to work hard at school. While there, she enjoys being a part of the Leadership Team. Last October, Osgood Schlatters Disease, which affects the knees, challenged Sydney to work even harder to overcome the pain involved in her dance training. Continuous icing and stretching got her through. This year, on her own and with her dance group, she has accomplished many top placings!


Most Memorable School Moment Sydney’s most memorable school moment was while skipping in gym class and her sweatpants fell down….thank goodness she had shorts on underneath! Future Plans When Sydney gets older she would like to work with Younger children. How Can We Make the World a Better Place Sydney would make the world a better place by encouraging people to continue to work towards going green.

Bryce Minke, Langley Christian School Why nominated: Bryce is the Grade 11 student at LCS who received our Community Service Award. This award is given to students who best exemplify Langley Christian School’s core values; particularly with regard to promoting justice and compassion, developing their gifts to serve others and offering their time and resources to the community. Bryce organized and coordinated the school’s participation at Nightshift Street Ministry in Surrey, where students helped feed and clothe the homeless on Tuesday nights. Memorable School Moment: I was given the incredible privilege to represent Future Plans: I look forward to my LCS at their sister school in South Africa in senior year at LCS, and then I plan to study March. I have many wonderful memories of mechanical engineering. this experience.



was probably when she won the turkey at the annual Turkey Trot! Future Plans Serena’s future plans are to join the Student Council and Humanitarian Club in high school. She plans to go to law school when she graduates. How Can We Make the World a Better Place? Serena believes that a good way to make the world a better place is to walk and bike when you can. Also, if you are driving, you could try to carpool. Her family has recently started doing this and they have saved a lot of money on gas!


Sydney Abram, James Kennedy Elementary

Austin Tatum James Anderson Learning Centre Future Plans: Some of my future plans include: - Achieving the pre-requisites for becoming a recreation worker. - Graduating high school, and eventually becoming a firefighter. - Traveling the world and exploring many cultures. How can we make the world a better place to live? - Creating events and activities that help kids to be more actively involved in their communities. - Researching sustainability and ways to become more environmentally empowered. - Having a positive attitude is very important, - Find your own reasons to help and use them as motivation. - Using technology to be more environmentally friendly and efficient as a collective society. In the end, people with the biggest hearts make the world a better place to live.



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Vivianne Beard, Langley Christian School Why nominated? Vivianne is this year’s recipient of the Grade 10 LCS Community Service Award. This award is given to students who best exemplify Langley Christian School’s core values; particularly with regard to promoting justice and compassion, developing their gifts to serve others and offering their time and resources to the community. As a fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day this year, Vivianne organized all the girls to anonymously handcraft cards for each of the boys- the results were lots of laughs and a good sense of community. Memorable school moment: In April I had the opportunity to travel to New York p g with myy school's band program! It was

amazing! We saw 3 Broadway shows, sang in the largest cathedral in the world, St John the Divine, and managed to perform concerts everyday. It was a fabulous experience that I will always remember. Future plans: I've been thinking about university options and would love to enroll in a pre-med program, or an arts program. Right now I'm really interested in dermatology- it would be a great way to help people and be creative.


Braeden Hutchison, Langley Fine Arts School Why Nominated: Braeden Hutchison works hard and plays hard, especially at this time of year. He participates in track and field with South Fraser club and plays football with Cloverdale Lions. He will be participating in lots of training camps in summer. Braeden’s most memorable school moment is a track and ďŹ eld moment. Last year in grade three Braeden ran the 50 m, 100m and 200m in the district track meet for K-5 schools. He placed ďŹ rst in all of them. Braeden plans to be a professional football player. He wants to get a football scholarship for college. What does Braeden think it will take to make the world a better place? In his words, “peace, love and compassion.â€?

Kalyn Hartmann, Langley Fine Arts School Why Nominated: Kalyn Hartmann plays with Whitecaps Prospect Girls, up a year, as a midďŹ elder. She also plays Spring YMCA Basketball. Kalyn loves baking, especially cakes, cupcakes and cookies. Most memorable school moment: is when she participated in a speech contest and placed third in her school. Her dream is “to be a pastry chef and open up my own bakery shopâ€?. She plans to go to university and then to culinary school. To make the world a better place: Kalyn would like to see us get more electric cars so we don’t pollute as much. We should also stop cutting down trees so animals everyone should be allowed to go to school can keep their habitats. And she believes and to vote.

â€œâ€Śeveryone should be allowed to go to school and to voteâ€?

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Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 9

faces of the future T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Rachael Moorthy, Langley Fine Arts School Why Nominated: Rachael Moorthy, a grade 12 student at Langley Fine Arts School, combines strong academic achievement and athletic accomplishments with a keen interest in the arts and a commitment to making the world a more compassionate place. Her dramatic endeavors this year include being the female lead in the school production of “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” She sings in the Concert Choir and also enjoys creative writing. Her athletic activities include rep soccer, lifeguarding and running. For the last two years Rachael has been a member of the Langley Fine Arts Restorative Action group, which mentors younger students in the constructive resolution of conflicts. Rachael’s most memorable moment this year

was seeing “Skinny,” a play she wrote and directed to promote awareness of eating disorders, come to life on stage. Next year Rachael will study at the University of Victoria, where she has been awarded scholarships. Her plans include becoming a teacher or counselor while maintaining her involvement with Community Justice Initiatives and the We Can campaign to end violence against women. Rachael feels that we can make the world a better place by alleviating abuse and discrimination against women, providing aid to victims, and promoting self-esteem in youth.

Haylie Palichuk, Langley Meadows Elementary Why Nominated: I am a kind and helpful person who cares about the world I live in! I am a proud vegetarian, and just recently cut my hair to donate to make wigs for cancer patients. A short time ago my friends and I raised over $200 for Japan. I am environmentally conscious, a bright student, and want to make the world a better place! Most memorable school moment: My most memorable school moment was when I was selected to compete at the Speech Fest finals. Future plans: In the future I will be attending university to become a teacher or an environmentalist. Make the world a better place to live: We can start making the world a better place by recycling/composting, helping out, being thankful for what we have, and committing random acts of kindness!

Graceleen Cruz, Langley Fundamental School Why nominated: Graceleen has artistic and academic talent. Her artwork is of high caliber and is one of the hardest working students in the school. She is continually self motivated and is always getting involved in school community events. Her portfolio is extensive and showcases a broad range of different mediums. Most memorable moment: She designed the sets for the Grad Fashion Show which depicted shop front store window displays. She also designed and produced sets for LFMES Christmas Tea which replicated the Dickens miniature Xmas houses on a true life scale. Her graphic design work is of high standard

and she works hard to perfect projects assigned. These have included all grad event tickets, school invitations, school programs. She won a digital camera for producing the best anti-bullying poster campaign in 2009. Future plans: She will be studying Visual Design & Media at SFU Make the world a better place to live: She is liked by the whole grad class and is friends with many different groups of students. Her positive and responsible attitude, compassionate spirit, commitment and dedication and attention to detail is what makes her a role model.

“We can start making the world a better place by recycling / composting, helping out, being thankful for what we have, and committing random acts of kindness!” ~Haylie Palichuk, Langley Meadows Elementary

Justin Schramm, Gordon Greenwood Elementary

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Why Nominated: I think I was nominated because I’m a hardworking kind of guy who is able to juggle a lot of things both in school and my family life. Also I get along with everybody and think that I set a good example about working hard and playing hard and being kind to others. I also think that family is very important to your success, and that without their support and encouragement, your life would definitely be a lot tougher Memorable School Moment: My most memorable school moment was participating in an enrichment class on Egyptology. I enjoyed learning about the very different culture of ancient Egypt and the comparison of their society to ours today was fascinating. We spent time on Egyptian mythology and this fed my interest in myths and stories. One of the highlights was a creative writing exercise on Egypt. I combined my love of reading with the information learned in this enrichment class to create a story tying together today’s culture with ancient Egypt. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the process of writing and look forward to more creative writing in the future. Future Plans: I haven’t really thought about it too much right now because I am so focused on my goal to become a great swimmer and compete in the Olympics someday. I love this sport and am always going to swim practices in the early mornings and afternoons. I have been fortunate to compete in a number of swim competitions provincially and nationally and won a number of medals so far. I would be so excited and proud to someday win a medal for Canada. I also like to build stuff and maybe I will pursue something in engineering someday, as long as I can fit it in between swim practices. How can we make the world a better place to live?: Personally I am concerned about education and the need for everyone in the world to have an opportunity to learn. Through education, I believe that a lot of our world’s problems could begin to be solved by people being able to cooperate, problem solve and think creatively. I think that this can only happen if people are able to get a good education and putting that knowledge to work and make the world a better place to live.



Emma Haraga, Langley Meadows Elementary Why Nominated: I think that I was nominated for Faces of the Future because I love school. If you learn all the fundamentals in school you will defiantly go far in life. I also think that I was nominated because I love to help out around my school, Langley Meadows. I think that this is important in life because if you don’t help out other people when they need you the most, then you are not helping yourself either. I think that it is important to help out my school because the teachers put their soul into teaching us students so we should give back to them by helping them and their school! My most memorable school moment: was our grade seven camp. This is the memory that will last a lifetime because I strengthened my team building skills and I became closer with a lot of other people. This really helps because being friends with everybody is really life changing because everyone is on the same boat. Also when I was there I strengthened my team building skills and that really helped because to be successful in life you have to help others and work well with others all through your life. In the future: I plan on being a marine biologist because to work to the best of your ability and to be successful, you have to love what you do. That is why being a marine biologist would be the perfect opportunity for me. Not only do I love animals and sea creatures, but I also love to research and learn new facts about animals too. I will work my hardest doing this job in the future. We can all make the world a better place to live if watch what we do, what we leave behind, and when to turn off certain things like light and water. If we all do these small things it will make our world a better and healthier place to live in, so I believe that everyone should take part in this action.

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• Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011

faces off the future 10 T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Zach Enns, Noel Booth Elementary Why Nominated: Seven year old Zach Enns is making a difference in our community to make it a better place to live in! This Noel Booth Elementary School student has started his own bottle business with his business partner, his father, and has done many successful clean-ups already. Zach and his dad pick up cans, bottles and litter around our community and doing that is improving Langley's beautiful parks! Zach's most memorable school moment was when he won the grade two Spelling Bee at Noel Booth Elementary. His future plans are to earn one million dollars and he hopes to one day play for Canada in the U17 and cleaning up litter, cans and recycling World's soccer. is definitely how we can make the world a Zach thinks that saying kind words to people better place to live!

Zoltan Kondakor, Noel Booth Elementary Why Nominated: “I think I was nominated because I do my best at school, I always help others before myself and I set goals for myself to accomplish. I've already started preparations for my future goal to become a pilot.” He has wanted to become a pilot ever since he was three years old. His mom told him that it began when he was playing outside in the yard and grandpa told him, “Look in the sky! It's a plane and your dad’s on it”. His mom told him his first Hungarian word was plane and that he would always look to the sky

looking for planes. When he would see one he would scream in laughter. Most memorable school moment: going to Camp Jubilee with all of his friends and getting kicked out of the cabin and getting put into an awesome yurt. He also loved doing all the fun challenging activities. Zoltan thinks that he can make the world a better place by making the countries’ leaders talk to each other about their problems instead of fighting in war and getting innocent people killed.

Hayden Mechielsen, D.W. Poppy Secondary Why Nominated: Hayden Mechielsen - Is in Grade 9 and is ranked # 3 in the world and is National # 1 Cruiser. Hayden has aspirations to make the Olympics and could very well do it in the future.

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“we can make the world a better place by making the countries leaders talk to each other about their problems instead of fighting in war and getting innocent people killed.” ~Zoltan Kondakor, Noel Booth Elementary

odies BFaces of the Future

Hayden is also very active with school and community sports.

DDrew MMechielsen, hi l D.W. Poppy Secondary Why Nominated: Drew Mechielsen - Is a Grade 8 BMX Champion who is # 1 in North America for her age group. Drew has aspirations to make the Olympics and could very well do it in the future. She is both an honour student and an exceptional citizen. Drew plays nearly every sport at school and is an outstanding soccer player as well.

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Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 11

faces of the future 11 T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Alexis Reid, Peterson Road Elementary

Samara Leake, North Otter Elementary Why Nominated: Samara is an amazing grade 5 student at North Otter Elementary. Samara comes to school every day with a positive attitude and a bright smile on her face. She is always willing to help and loves to monitor with the younger students. She has a wonderful spirit that is truly infectious. What makes Samara such an extraordinary student is her outstanding musical talent. Several years ago, Samara expressed to her mom that she’d like to play a violin. She wasn’t keen on classical music but when she heard Natalie MacMaster play the fiddle she was hooked! She has been playing for about 3 years now and is quite a talent. Samara loves to fiddle because she loves the mu-

sic and it makes people happy when they hear it. Recently, Samara even played for the whole school. Samara belongs to a Fiddle Group that is based out of the Langley Community Music School. Her favourite piece to play is called the “Sky Boat Song” because her mom cries whenever she hears it. When she isn’t fiddling, Samara likes to play the piano and sew. Samara is also an avid horse rider. Riding “English” style, she even recently competed at the Willoughby Saddle Club and won several awards.

Why nominated: Caring and consideration help to paint a picture of why Alexis was nominated for this tribute. Regardless of the activity, Alexis makes a point of acknowledging the time and effort that her teachers and coaches take to teach, train and support her academic and extra curricular endeavors. Most memorable school moments: Alexis does not have one particular moment, but two that stand above the rest. Her first one was related to being invited to an art challenge program. Future plans: The jury is still out on definite future plans for Alexis. She does want to make a difference in society, whether by doing charity work or becoming a teacher or a lawyer. Some

other possible vocations include journalism and photography. How to make thee world a better place: Alexis’ own words best describe her thoughts and ideas around this topic. We can easily make the world a better placee by a little thing called Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We could walk more and stop littering. We don’t want to tell our nt kids about polar bears and glaciers, we want them to see these things for themselves. We should be grateful for our surrounding and what we have before it’s too late.


Jordan Naylor, Parkside Elementary Why Nominated: Jordan Naylor is an all-round good student, good athelete and great kid. He is highly involved in ice hockey after school but also plays ball hockey and soccer in Aldergrove. His most memorable school moment was on the first day of Grade 1 when he was very nervous coming to school but says it turned out to be fun. In the future he’d like to make the Western Hockey League because everyone in his family has played hockey but no one has ever made it that far. He’d also like to attend college and become a surgeon. He likes learning about medicine and says he’s “calm around blood” which is good if he is going to be cutting into someone. He says that even though change is difficult, the world would be a better place if everyone just treated others nicely.

Ryan Morrison, Peterson Road Elementary






Why nominated: His creative ideas and contributions as one of our student leaders are just some of the reasons why Ryan is being profiled. As one of our senior students, Ryan is always setting an example for others to follow. He possess strong communication skills and willingly accepts responsibilities around the school which he carries out in a respectful manners and positive attitude. Most memorable school moments: It was his first sports day and Ryan still remembers the unveiling of his teams banner which contained the image of a cobra. Future plans: One includes the being a teacher for the good benefits. As well, he feels the role of an educator would also and

help to enhance his own knowledge base. Alternately, Ryan would like to be an inventor to create one of his many ideas, which would help others. How to make the world a better place: Ryan envisions helping the world by making better use of our precious resources. We can make more efficient houses and keep water pure and plentiful. Lastly, we could create a non-toxic recycled substitute for wood. This would help to keep a constant supply of oxygen because then we wouldn’t need to cut down trees which filter our world’s air.

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• Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011

faces off the future 12 T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Why Nominated: Andy Wang is graduating with an International Baccalaureate Diploma, which is a very demanding academic program of studies. Andy is the president of the Langley Leo’s Club and recently helped to spearhead a fundraising venture raising $8000 for tsunami survivors in Japan. 1. Most memorable school moment? May 19th, 2011, at 9:45am. I finished my last exam and walked out the door, slightly dazed and confused. It seems strange that 5 years went by just like that. Did I accomplish all that I had wanted to? Probably not. I went in without much of a goal. However, the important thing is that after that brief moment of stunned puzzlement, I knew I came out more studious, more ambitious, and definitely taller. I came out with a story. It was really quite like those infamous neardeath visions you hear of, except I didn’t almost die, I walked out a door. But, as some great person once said, “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.� Future plans: I once read on a friend’s blog post, “The goal is to be fearless.� I honestly still have no idea where I’m going or what I will end up doing. The plan so far consists of me taking on each challenge and beating it with enthusiasm and integrity. But if

Calvin Cao, Shortreed Elementary

Jerry Lee, RE Mountain Secondary

Andy Wang, RE Mountain Secondary you must know something, I’m going to change the world. No, that was way too cheesy. I’m going to continue my education somewhere and take that knowledge and apply it to my community. I plan on studying finance and economics because I am interested in the distribution of and simply the idea of global wealth. I want to understand how humans interact with one another, and consequently, relationships on an international level. Make the world a better place to live: The answer to this question is not grand or epic; we do not need to become the next Mother Teresa or the next Ghandi for change to be implemented and momentum to be carried forward. I feel that to make the world a better place, we need engagement in the people. We need people to stand up for their own opinions and actively participate in political, social, and economical decisions. Small actions do count when they add up. Also, we must do a better job presenting current affairs through effective marketing. Afterwards, we must build mediums in which change can be implemented. However, this step is really where we must find personal answers and be as innovative as we can.

Why Nominated: Jerry Lee is graduating with an International Baccalaureate Diploma, which is a very demanding academic program of studies. Jerry was the leader of her Shad Valley Team which won the honour of having their invention and business plan presented to Research in Motion. Most memorable school moment I was sixteen when I first heard about the civil war in Uganda that had been neglected for the past 23 years. I finally came to realize that I, too, was a member of the ignorant humanity, living a sheltered, secure life with such apathy. To turn this apathy into activism, and to share it with my peers, I invited a Ugandan student to my school. The story

of James Okullu, who had lost his brother as a child soldier, struck hundreds of students at their hearts. Through this face-toface encounter, I was able to raise awareness about a global issue and help my friends and myself transform from indifferent adolescents to youth philanthropists, united with one mission: ending the longest running war in Africa. Future plans: I will attend McGill University this fall and study Life Sciences. My dream is to become a pediatrician and to devote my life to helping children at the United Nations Children’s Fund.


Why Nominated: Calvin is a polite and hardworking student. He volunteers his time as a crossing guard monitor one morning a week and is very responsible about his duties as a lunch time monitor. Calvin is quick to offer his help setting up for assemblies or other school activities. He demonstrates a positive attitude and excellent leadership skills. His calm and conďŹ dent manner helps him to get along well with his peers. Calvin strives to do his best in all academic areas and has earned an “honour rollâ€? standing each term this school year. Most Memorable School Moment: My most memorable school moments are hanging out with my best buddies playing

m-soccer. I rememhee ber scoring on the et-open net and getner ting a top corner okk goal. Once I took a shot, the ball hitt the pole, then itt bounced off and hitt till me in the face. Everyone laughed but I still made the goal. Future Plans: My plan is to become a proo soccer player on the White Caps Make the world a better place: Wee htss can save energy by turning off the lights ectt when we don't need it. We need to protect the environment so that animals have a place to live.

Cyparis Polman, Wix Brown Elementary

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Cameron Jones, West Langley Elementary School Why Nominated: I was nominated because I help around the school by doing tech. I deliver the COWS (Computers on Wheels) and that means I have to get through some tricky spaces. Another reason is because I am respectful of teachers and fellow students. I contribute to the school through fundraising and other stuff, whatever is needed. An important fundraiser this year was Japan because it made me feel pretty good to ďŹ nd out how much money we really raised the Red Cross. I am in grade 6 right now. Memorable School Moment: One of the memorable moments is my grade one sports day because I had so much fun that

day. I contribute in all the school sports, volleyball and basketball and my favorite ďŹ eld trip was when we went to the PNE in grade ďŹ ve. That was a lot of fun too! Future Plans: When I grow up I would like to be a pilot but ďŹ rst all I want to do is ďŹ nish school and continue playing baseball. We Can Make the World a Better Place: I think we should be treated equally and be sure to keep the world clean and stop bullying.

Why Nominated: Cyparis is a very unique and creative student. She loves to read and she is an exceptional artist and story writer. Her illustrations are as descriptive to the eye as her writing is to read. Cyparis’ sense of humour is evident in her writing as well as in conversation. She also enjoys playing ukulele. Most Memorable School Moment: Her most memorable school moment was when she received a silver art award in grade 4 for a drawing she did of Canada. Future Plans: Cyparis would like to become a clay artist. Cyparis' ability to be comfortable with who she is will allow her to be successful in whatever she chooses to do in life. Making the World a Better Place: Cyparis will make a difference with her kind heart and big imagination. She feels the world would be a better place if we can plant more trees and fast growing plants to reduce CO2 emissions.

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Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 13

faces of the future 13 T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Jiyoon Jeong, Walnut Grove Secondary Why Nominated: meeting new people, As an honours student, participating in school Jiyoon has shown great events, and lending a accomplishments. Not helping hand to anyone only has she been on in need. She especially the A Honour Roll since enjoys dressing up as grade 8, she has also Wally, our school’s masgotten herself involved cot. In the future, Jiyoon with many school clubs plans on majoring in the and activities. Volunsciences, and achieving teering at the Langley a minor in writing. She Memorial Hospital is also believes that a listening something that she does ear and an open mind weekly. She has had many memorable will make the world a better place, with moments at Walnut Grove, which includes people helping each other as equals.

SSarah Blamey, West Langley Elementary School Why Nominated: think I was nominated for Feature Student because I am a positive example for the younger students in the school. I also volunteer around the school a lot. When I am not in school I spend most of my time playing sports. I play girls’ ice hockey, am on a team for girls’ softball, basketball and volleyball. Future Plans: In the future I want to go to high school and graduate from grade 12. In high school I am going to take all my academic courses and I am going to take woodwork, computers, clothing, foods, Drama and art. When I graduate from high school I don’t know what I am going to do. I want to be either a teacher or an interior

designer. I also want to volunteer to be a softball coach because I love the sport. We Can Make the World a Better Place: I think to make the world a better place we should treat people with more respect because almost everyone knows how it feels to be put down or left out and it is not a good feeling. I also think that people should be more careful about wasting energy and not take it for granted because it would be hard to live without the technology we have today.

Mitchell Gale, West Langley Elementary School Why Nominated: I was nominated because I always get my homework done, and am respectful to everyone in the school, staff and kids. Presently I am in grade 6. I was collecting money for the Tsunami and Earthquake in Japan this year. I went to different classes and asked for donations for this cause and then gave it to the Red Cross. This made me feel very good because we helped other people around the world. I am a classroom monitor and also look after technology with another student. We deliver ‘COWS’ to the classrooms,this stands for Computer on Wheels. Memorable School Moment: This was the time we went to the PNE with all the

intermediates lastt year. It was funn because we got to goo on all the rides, thee sun was shining andd I went on most rides.s. I participate in schoolol sports and track andd m field. Those memories are fun for me. I’m in track and field this year as well, for 1000 m and relay. Future Plans: I would like to go to Univer-sity after I graduate from grade 12. We Can Make the World a Betterr Place: I think we should clean garbage upp off the grounds, but other than that I like thee world the way it is.

Daniel Pavlic, Willoughby Elementary Why Nominated: Daniel has been tearing up the track since joining the Langley Mustangs earlier this year. His specialties are the 100m and 200m sprints. Through much of the track season he has been running against older boys and has been holding his own. Through all of the recent meets against his age group he has won 7 gold and 2 silver medals. His future plans are to compete at nationals and ultimately to attend university on an athletic scholarship. The opportunity to join the Langley Mustangs this year has really given him a great outlet for his energy and talent and also opened his eyes to goals for his future. He believes that youth can benefit greatly from chances like this.

KKeara Graham, G h WWalnut l GGrove SSecondary d Why Nominated: Though only in Grade 10, Keara is truly a “Face of the Future”. This year, she participated in WE Day and was inspired to single handedly run the ME to WE/Free the Children initiative at our school raising money to build a school in Haiti. Keara’s work in this area was so impactful that our student council decided to make Me to We their philanthropic focus for this year. Keara was also the driving force behind the Halloween for Hunger food drive, the Vow of Silence event raising funds for Free the Children and awareness of youth around the world who may have no “voice”, and the 24 Hour Fast/Wakeover, a very successful fundraiser that netted over $2000 in donations. Future Plans: I dream of becoming a dentist in the future, and travelling overseas to provide dental care services to those less fortunate. My love for sports will never die and I will continue to play sports in the future and I hope to give back to community sports programs. My most memorable school moment was winning the provincial French Speaking Competition while representing the Langley School District. It made me realize my passion for the French language! We can make the world a better place to live in by becoming aware of the inequities that exist in the world and by not waiting for change but by being the change (by stepping up and using our individual skills and talents to speak out).


Jacob Houlten, Langley Fundamental Middle & Secondary School Why nominated: The Athletic dept of LFMSS has nominated Jacob for his outstanding achievements at the school, provincial, and national level in Track & Field. Most memorable school moment? Playing on the school soccer team in the fall. Track is an individual sport so it was fun to have teammates. Future plans? I'd like to continue with Track and Field at the University level and my dream would be to represent Canada one day at an international level. Make the world a better place: I think we need to start with the youth. These days it's not difficult to see youth without any purpose, they become lost in the world around them. Kids need access to sports and activities to express themselves and discover what they may enjoy or excel at. I'm not just saying with sports specifically, but with all activities, whether it be singing, dancing, math, poetry, or even chess. Many people come out of high school with no idea what they want to pursue in life because they have just gone through the years without really "experiencing" anything at all. When children and teenagers participate in activities that interest them they learn the virtues that will stick with them through the rest of their lives, traits such as discipline, perseverance, responsibility, and dedication. When our youth partake in these activities it allows them to have the best possible time that they can, and they will come out of high school with a sense of pride, skills, and memories that will last a lifetime. Our society needs to learn to inspire our youth to participate without judgement from others. When someone comes out of all of these experiences they value themselves much more, and when they value themselves they can then start to value the world around them. Here are some of Jacob's achievements this year: 2011 Upper Fraser Valley Championships gold long jump gold pole vault gold javelin 2011 Fraser Valley Championships gold long jump gold pole vault

2010 BC Summer Games gold 300 meters gold High Jump silver Shot put gold 4X400 relay Won the BC athlete voice award for achieving community exellence (given out to 6 individuals out of 2500 athletes)

Canadian Legion Youth Championships silver 300 meters silver 4X100 relay bronze Javelin bronze High Jump (Jacob had the highest jump in his age group in the country throughout the competitive season (1.90m) ( )

Arianne Qanbery & Laurel Thachuk, Betty Gilbert Elementary

Congratulations to our outstanding youths!

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“Small actions do count when they add up.” ~Andy Wang, RE Mountain Secondary

Arianne’s Memorable Moment: My most memorable moment was when I received straight “A”s. It was last year in Grade 7, I tried really hard that year compared to the past and was able to achieve my goals. My future plans are going to university college after Grade 12 so that I can become a nuclear engineer. I also want to buy a Tim Horton’s!! To help create a better world I want to start a charity that raises money for Children’s Hospital and third world countries. Lauren’s Memorable Moment: My most memorable school moment would be my Grade 2 year. My teacher in Grade 2 was my favorite - she brought us jellybeans every Monday morning. Unfortunately, one day she announced that she had breast cancer and passed away later that year. I will never forget her! For my future plans I am undecided. I haven't quite found my passion for anything yet, I know I love music and volleyball, and would quite enjoy being a teacher. I like the idea of helping younger kids. I’m for sure going to university after I graduate. To help make the world a better place, I feel that child abuse needs to be more strongly instructed that it is NOT okay!!


• Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011

faces off the future 14 T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 8 , 2 0 1 1


Virginia Nikkel, Wix Brown Elementary Why Nominated: Virginia is a highly motivated grade six student with many academic, athletic, and artistic talents. She demonstrates an insatiable desire to learn and the perseverance to achieve excellence in all she does. Virginia models many strong values and attributes such as enthusiasm, diligence, caring, and encouragement in the work she does and in her relationships with others. Memorable School Moments: Memorable school experiences include playing the bass and trombone in band this year and researching and creating a lava lamp for her grade five science fair project. Future Plans: Virginia’s future plans include a career in animation or architecture. She also has a goal to play for the Trinity Western University Spartans Women's Soccer team. Making the World a Better Place: Virginia sees caring for those around us both locally and globally as the first step towards making the world a better place as well as ensuring that everyone has a chance for a quality education.

Celine & Peter Pao, Alex Hope Elementary

Celine Pao, Why Nominated: Celine has been nominated for her incredible skill as a pianist. Last summer, she and her brother, Peter, played at the Forte International Music Festival at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Celine received full marks (100/100) for her category and received the Platinum Award for the highest score over ALL age categories. In other words, she was the best musician at the festival. Celine has received many awards during the past few years, the latest being two first places in the Vancouver Kiwanis Festival. Celine’s future plans possibly include entering the pre-college program at New York’s prestigious Julliard School of Music. Most memorable school moment: playing in the Alex Hope Elementary Talent Show. Peter Pao, Why Nominated: Like his sister, Celine, Peter placed very well at the Forte International Music Festival in New York. Peter is a cellist and received a Gold Certificate in the Final Round. Peter has won many awards including “Most Promising Junior Cellist” at the Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festival. Peter has been a guest musician at the Fraser Valley Symphony astounding the audience with his young talent. Peter’s future plans possibly include entering the precollege program at The Julliard School of Music along with his sister.

“To fix the world’s problems, we must first start local(ly).” ~Deven Azevedo, Langley Fine Arts School

Deven Azevedo, Langley Fine Arts School Why Nominated: At school I am in the senior choir, chamber choir, senior wind ensemble, orchestra, Project Kenya Sister Schools, Restorative Action, and some friends and I have been starting a composting system for our school. This involves making the composters ourselves (with funding from the PAC) and organizing the promotion of the new system. In the senior wind ensemble and orchestra I play the French horn. In previous years I had played soccer at the metro level; however this year I did not play, so I could have more time to pursue music. Primarily I hoped it would free up time for me to play more of my electric bass and spend more time with the five-piece indie band that I am part of. This plan worked as our band is starting to play shows around town! I would regard music as one of my passions, but also I quite enjoy the sciences, and most recently, politics. My newfound interest in politics largely stems from my interest in the sciences and environment, and one day I hope to be able to help make positive change through either the sciences or politics. Most memorable school moment? In my primary years, I sang in the school choir for our grade and a lot at home, however, when I stopped being in choir in grade four, the time that I spent singing at home also declined. Finally, last year in grade 9, I decided to join choir again, and my love for singing and music began again. As our Christmas concert approached, the opportunity for me to have a solo in the song “Oh Holy Night” arose. I took it as it seemed like it would be fun and g g It was both of these things, g , and I challenging.

realized I wanted to do this more often and I wanted to do it better. Future plans? I am interested in the future of our environment, social justice and politics. I plan to study environmental engineering at university, gain some experience and then return to school for a degree in law. With either an engineering or law degree, or both, I hope to contribute to society by protecting the environment and eventually become more involved with politics. How can we make the world a better place to live? To fix the world’s problems, we must first start local. Canadians cannot preach to the rich in other countries about “sharing their wealth,” until we stop being so wrapped up in our car loan or house mortgage, and come to terms that our economy is not more important than people’s lives and the planet that we live on. We must take action ourselves and not wait for the U.S. and China to make major cutbacks on their carbon emissions and save the day. We have to be leaders. By being local, we must start by educating ourselves and others of the risks our world faces right now, making changes in our lives in accordance with the risks we face, and making small changes in our communities. The political parties also have to fully address the need for action to improve the conditions of the environment. I want to be part of these changes, which I believe will make Canada and the world a better pplace.


Lauren Ens, Willoughby Elementary Why Nominated: Always going above and beyond, Lauren makes an outstanding contribution to Willoughby Elementary's overall school community. Besides excelling as an academic student, Lauren uses her talents and positive outlook to contribute as a leader, a volunteer, an athlete, and as a great role model for her peers and younger students throughout the school. Heading off to Mountain Secondary for grade 8, she has plans to join Student's Council and play soccer and volleyball. She thinks two easy ways to make the world a better place would be for families to spend more time together and to take care

of the environment by planting more trees and gardens and not littering.

Ethan Tivy, Simonds Elementary Why Nominated: Ethan is a student that comes to school with a smile every day taking advantage of everything there is to learn and do. What others don’t see is that Ethan has a genetically fatal disease called Cystic Fibrosis. While he’s reading at the top end of the class no one walking by would know that he takes over twenty pills a day before he eats so his digestive system has a chance of working properly. His classmates know of his medications and are supportive, encouraging him to complete his least favorite chore… eating! No one would know that he does half an hour of physio therapy before both breakfast and bedtime everyday to clear thick sticky mucus from his lungs as he

wins first place in the Terry Fox run for his age group. Ethan does not let Cystic Fibrosis define him; he defines himself and chooses to live life to the fullest. Every year Ethan along with his friends and family (as The “E” Team) raise funds and awareness for CF in the Great Strides Walk. Ethan takes this very seriously, collecting coins through out the year and the week before the walk he asks for support from his school mates through a coin drive. He reminds us all that every penny counts and his optimistic outlook on life is contagious to everyone around him.

Chloe Hetherington, North Otter Elementary

Luke Komisarski, Simonds Elementary

Why Nominated: Chloe is a track star on the rise. A popular grade 7 student at North Otter Elementary, Chloe has a very bright future ahead. Recently at the district track meet, Chloe stood out as an athlete to be reckoned with. She competed in many running events and field events as well. When you watch Chloe run you can see that she’s a natural runner, she makes it look effortless. In one event, Chloe was running the 400 m leg of the medley team relay. By the time she was handed the baton, the North Otter team was at least 100 m behind, not only did Chloe catch her nearest competitor; she managed to finish the race with at least 100 m to spare. It was amazing! Chloe also trains with the Langley Mustangs. She got involved with this track and field team at the age of 9. She started out running sprints but has recently been developing her longer distance running skills. Her favourite competition is the Pentathlon. In the pentathlon, athletes compete in 5 different events: long jump, high jump, hurdles, 800 m and shot put. Chloe hopes to continue training and competing in track when she goes to Poppy Secondary next year. Chloe is also a star in the classroom. She is a very strong academic student who consistently performs at a very high level. Her favourite subject is math, because she finds it challenging and fascinating at the same time. She recently competed with other grade 7 students at the math Gauss test and should be very proud of her results. One day Chloe thinks she’d like to be a scientist and work either in astronomy or anatomy. When Chloe isn’t burning up the track or doing schoolwork, she enjoys reading, especially work by her favourite author, Kate Forsyth. She also loves hanging out with her best friend Kelly. Keep an eye on this girl – one day she might represent Canada!

Why Nominated: Luke is an exceptionally well-rounded student who has never brought a bad day to this world. His leadership comes from just being a kind, considerate, person with integrity that makes him someone others want to be with. He works hard at school, he excels at being a good friend to many, he is a fantastic big brother to 4 year old Jack, he is a reliable problem solver and he is honest and trustworthy. Luke is a genuine person respected by parents, his peers and teachers alike. A perfect example of the type of student Luke is, was demonstrated when he heard about the tsunami in Japan. He wanted to do we he could to aid the victims. When his class decided to make and sell scarves to raise money to send to Japan, Luke went to his grandmother and asked her to teach him to sew in order to make his own particular contribution towards the cause. Most memorable school moment? Well there are a lot of those. Mr. J’s sleep over at school in Grade 3 was pretty awesome. Starting off here at Simonds in Grade 1 was wonderful. Over the years I have loved making great friends and the opportunities provided me such as the ski club this year. In grade 2 I liked being in a split class with the younger ages and helping them out with their learning. There are so many great things. Future plans? I really do want to be some kind of creator or artist for a cartoon or something like that. At home I draw little guys with super powers. I love to draw and create. How can we make the world a better place to live? I think we should stop pollution so later on we have a better place to live. We could start more helping other people and not just thinking of ourselves. Never try to do anything that won’t help at least one person on some way. Try to make sure it will try to help someone – not just you or someone you know – this will help out our world.

Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011 • 15


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• Supplement to the Langley Times • Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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