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Miranda GATHERCOLE/Langley Times
From left: Vaughn Schenk, 7, and brothers Jeremy Roersma, 8, and Nicholas Roersma, 7, play in a pile of old Christmas trees brought to the Safeway parking lot on New Year’s Day for the annual Scouts tree chipping event.
Shooting victim known to Montreal police Investigators hint “lifestyle” choices may have been involved in death of father of three, gunned down in driveway DAN FERGUSON Times Reporter
A 38-year-old Langley man who was shot to death in his own driveway was known to police in Montreal. While Jeremy Olivier Bettan did not have a criminal record, court records show he was charged by Quebec authorities in 2007 with a number of criminal offences including assault and uttering death threats. It’s not clear if he ever went to trial.
Bettan lived with his wife, two young sons and a teenaged daughter in a house with several external security cameras and a beware-of-the-dog sign in the 9100 block of 207 Street. Around 9 p.m. on Boxing Day, police arrived to find the casually dressed Bettan lying sprawled on the driveway in front of the garage of the newer two-storey house, one leg still inside the open drivers’ side door of a dark mid-size M-class Mercedes-Benz luxury sport utility vehicle (SUV). Someone had shot through the
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clerk, has been pointedly described as an “innocent” person by IHIT commander Supt. Dan Malo in media interviews. IHIT asked anyone with information regarding the case to contact the IHIT tip lines by calling 1-877-551IHIT(4448) or by email ihittipline@ rcmp-grc.gc.ca Or, to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or visit their website at Solvecrime.ca. - with files from CTV
Supt. Dan Malo
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drivers’ side window at least eight times. It was one of four Christmas-time homicides in the Lower Mainland, the other three in Surrey. Investigators with the regional Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) said none of the killings appeared to be connected. Two of the Surrey cases and the Langley case were said to be the apparent result of “lifestyle” choices, IHIT said, while the victim of a third Surrey killing, a convenience store
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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
‘There are heroes and real heroes’ To Langley’s Sibley family, Paul Schulli is a real hero for performing life-saving CPR on their husband and father, David MIRANDA GATHERCOLE
Schulli set up. Minutes later, Marianna was in the kitchen when she heard someWhat could have been a tragic one exclaim, ‘Oh.’ She turned to Christmas for a Langley family, see Schulli supporting her colremained a time of celebration lapsed husband and lowering him and gratitude, thanks to the quick to the floor. actions of a stranger. She immediately called 911 and Shaw Cable technician Paul shouted instructions to Schulli, Schulli had come to David who performed CPR for more and Marianna Sibley’s home to than 10 minutes until a fire truck set up a new arrived. high definition This was television box. the first time But when Schulli, a Surrey David suddenly resident, had had a heart attack ever performed and collapsed, CPR in a real-life Schulli rushed to emergency. the 79-year-old “As soon as man’s side and he stopped performed lifebreathing, I Paul Schulli saving CPR. Shaw field technician knew I had to Had it not been do CPR,” Schulli for Schulli’s swift said. “It was a actions, David would likely not be scary situation, I was scared that alive today. this guy was going to die.” And for that, his family is calling David was taken to Royal ColumSchulli a hero. bian Hospital in New Westminster “It seems like everyone is being where he remained in a coma for called a hero today, but there are two days and on life support for heroes and then there are real three. He is still in hospital, regainheroes. Paul is a real hero,” said ing strength and on the road to David’s daughter, Linda Sibley. recovery. “He didn’t panic, he just did “He saved my husband’s life, he what he needed to do.” is just wonderful,” Marianna said. Linda was at work in her office Linda is in awe of Schulli’s in New Zealand when she heard actions. that her dad had suffered a stroke “So many people could have and was in a coma. gone, ‘Holy sh**, I’m out of here,’ She hopped on a flight that but Paul didn’t,” she said. “My night and was by her father’s side mother was screaming the instructhe next day. tions at him yelling ‘faster,’ ‘harder,’ “Paul has given me faith in ‘one, two, three’ and Paul just kept humanity again. It made me feel going. very grateful,” she said. “He never stopped, not for one As Schulli arrived at the Langley minute.” residence on the morning of Dec. It’s just part of Schulli’s charac20, David was telling his wife that ter to react the way he did, said he wasn’t feeling well. Randy Harder, Shaw operations “I feel really tired, like I want to manager for East Valley. go back to bed,” Marianna recalls “Paul is just that type of guy — him saying to her as they watched he is a family guy, good natured,
Times Reporter
“I wasn’t about to just let someone else’s husband, dad, brother die in front of me.”
Submitted photos
Above: Shaw Cable technician Paul Schulli with his son Tyson. Schulli performed life-saving CPR while on a house call when his customer David Sibley (pictured below in a family photo) suffered a heart attack.
jovial, conscientious, and hard working,” he said. “I was shocked when I heard what happened. I wondered to myself if I would have done the same. He made the best decision
possible.” Greg Schollon, Shaw’s regional manager for Vancouver says everyone at Shaw is very proud of Schulli. “We were just so impressed that
he took on a customer in distress,” he said. Schulli is also being commended by members of the Langley community. Kathleen Johnson, manager at Nature’s Fair Markets, heard of the incident from a customer and hand delivered a gift basket to Schulli’s work. “It’s an amazing story,” she said. “It’s incredible — that’s going the extra mile.” But Schulli admitted he is “a little embarrassed,” when he hears all the praise. In the heat of the moment, all he was concerned about was whether or not David would survive. “I don’t think of myself as a hero, paramedics and firefighters do this everyday, they are the real heros,” he said. “I wasn’t about to just let someone else’s husband, dad, brother die in front of me. I just did the best I could.”
‘Bystander CPR’ offers best shot at survival Lack of training, confidence may be what prevents people from helping in an emergency MIRANDA GATHERCOLE Times Reporter
Rushing to David Sibley’s side and immediately starting CPR as the 79-year-old man was having a heart attack was the best move Paul Schulli could have made, says Stephen Clinton, executive director of dispatch operations for BC Ambulance Service. Even if someone has never given CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and doesn’t know how, “it’s always best to do CPR,” he said.
“It’s important for the patients in these situations to get care and treatment right away.” When someone is in cardiac arrest, the victim is four times more likely to survive if they receive bystander CPR. Dialing 911 and speaking to a dispatcher is a critical step in the process. They will go through the proper procedures with people on the scene, and ensure the victim is getting the best care possible before paramedics arrive. “I can’t emphasize how important it is to
start doing CPR as soon as [cardiac arrest] happens. The quicker the heart gets assistance the better,” Clinton said. And yet, statistics provided by BC Ambulance Service show that only 15 per cent of bystanders actually provide CPR. Clinton says this is often due to a lack of training or a lack of confidence. “This is where the dispatch instructions really come into their own, because you don’t need to know, you don’t need to be trained, and they will help you with the confidence. Our dispatchers are trained to help people understand how to carry it out. “Most people who call 911 are in the most stressful situation they have been in in their entire life. We try to help them calm down so they are in a position to carry out instructions,” he said.
On average dispatchers across the province receive seven cardiac arrest calls per day, and roughly 50 per cent of them occur in the home. This is why Clinton believes it is crucial for people to take it upon themselves to get trained. “I think it’s really important. It’s almost like giving blood, people should really do it, but sometimes they’re a little bit scared,” he said. “Imagine the feeling of learning CPR and being able to assist your loved one. It’s a very beneficial thing to bring to your family.” CPR training is provided by a number of organizations including St. John Ambulance and the Red Cross. For more, visit their websites at www.sja.ca and www.redcross.ca.
The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012 • 3
news The
Langley Times
dan ferguson 604-514-6755 dferguson@langleytimes.com
Making a case for smart meters customers who have a more precise idea of their usage patterns will be more likely to turn off switches to save money and because the same information allows Hydro to avoid building more power plants than required. DAN FERGUSON Hydro will also save money on meter Times Reporter readers. It outsourced that work to a private comFirst of all, the new BC Hydro smart meters pany a few years ago, and those jobs will can’t tell if you are using your power to fry likely “go the way of the dinosaurs,” Taylor eggs or grow pot, only the total amount of said. But she added other new “technologicallypower you consume. Secondly, the wireless antennas the meters rich” jobs will be created, because the comuse to feed that data back to Hydro generate pany will need people to manage the incomless radiation than your kitchen microwave. ing flow of data. The biggest immediate benefit to cusAnd if you really, really don’t want one, something can probably be worked out, so tomers will be a faster response during power outages because the meters will send long as you are prepared to pay extra. an alarm when service is That was the message interrupted. delivered by Fiona Taylor, “Today, we do not know the BC Hydro deputy projif you’re out,”Taylor said. ect officer for the public “We have to get a phone utility’s smart metering call.” program, during a briefing The new meters will with the Langley Times. broadcast very brief sigTaylor said that as of nals about 50 times a day, December, Hydro has no more than 1.5 seconds swapped about half of the in total every 24 hours. old analog meters for the The signal they will Fiona Taylor new digital meters in the BC Hydro send is the lowest power Langley area — around possible to reduce drain 25,000. on the grid and keep the It’s a quick change that usually takes just a few minutes. The new emissions well within health limits. In fact, Taylor said, the signal from a smart meters simply plug into the old meter sockmeter is far lower than the emissions from ets. But if the sockets are in bad shape, techni- a working microwave oven and a fraction of the lowest allowable limits anywhere in cians will need more time for the upgrade. “We’re on a journey to modernize our the world. When customers are reluctant to accept grid,”Taylor said. So far, she said less than one per cent of the new meters, Hydro policy is to discuss Hydro’s 1.8 million customers have balked at the issue with them, something Taylor said installing the new meters and most of them almost always leads to a change of heart. People with concerns should contact said yes after they had a chance to get their Hydro before installers show up, she sugquestions answered. One issue has been privacy, something gested. Hydro has a special team on call to field Taylor said should not be a concern because the meters only monitor how many volts are questions about the new meters. If anyone still isn’t willing to accept a flowing through a metre, not what they are meter after that, Taylor said Hydro may conbeing used for. sider moving the meters away from a resi“You really can’t tell much of anything.” In response to a Times question, Taylor dence, but the homeowner would probably said a marijuana grower who paid their bill have to pay to shift them the 10 feet it takes and didn’t try to bypass the meter would to render the signal from the meter undetectable by current equipment. likely not attract attention. No decision has been made on that so far, “Hydro is not in the business of finding and Hydro appears to be hoping it won’t be grow ops,”Taylor said. necessary. “We’re not a law enforcement agency.” For more information, visit bchydro. The utility estimates the new meters will save about $500 million over 20 years (once com/smartmeters or email smartmeters@ the cost of the upgrade is deducted), because bchydro.com.
Nothing to fear, insists BC Hydro’s Fiona Taylor
“Hydro is not in the business of finding grow ops. We’re not a law enforcement agency.”
Dan FERGUSON/Langley Times
Fiona Taylor, deputy project officer of the BC Hydro Smart Metering and Infrastructure Program, holds a digital smart meter — an item which has been stirring up plenty of controversy since Hydro announced it would be swapping out its old analog meters.
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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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Also, a new generation of drugs is coming that specifically target certain cells or organs in the body without damage to healthy cells. This research holds great promise in the treatment of lung diseases like cystic fibrosis and cancer. Sleep problems seem to increase as we age and for women in the menopause stage of life, a good night sleep is often difficult to achieve. An old herbal remedy, valerian can sometimes help give a better sleep. Our pharmacists can discuss this product with you.
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he B.C. Liberal government enters 2012 with the weight of its “golden decade” heavy on its shoulders. Having delivered a throne speech and a raft of legislation last fall, the government must pick up where it left off and build a February budget from the wreckage of the harmonized sales tax. This takes place as growth and revenue projections decline, and demand for government services continues to rise. The NDP opposition finds itself in a front-runner role, and now faces pressure to detail its long-promised practical alternative. A revived B.C. Conservative Party must also move beyond protest to problem solving. Here are some of the immediate problems that will face the legislature when it resumes on Valentine’s Day. Education: It seems inevitable that the B.C. Teachers’ Federation will once again have a new contract imposed. In December, school support staff joined the parade of public sector unions that accepted the two-year “net zero” wage mandate. Deficits that forced that mandate have ballooned again due to the HST mess, and the October throne speech hinted strongly that “net zero” will be extended in all but name in 2012. Little noticed amid the usual labour noise, Education Minister George Abbott has launched a broad plan to “transform” education. Along
with “personalized has to stop, as learning plans” Environment and “flexibility Minister Terry Lake and choice,” the has admitted. plan promises Clark and BC Views “regular teacher Finance Minister performance TOM FLETCHER Kevin Falcon must evaluation be tempted to sessions.” Buckle borrow an NDP your seatbelts, parents. suggestion that carbon tax Health care: Premier Christy revenues be redirected more Clark hosts the annual premiers’ broadly to transit and energyconference in Victoria on Jan. saving refits. But this means 16-17. The provinces divided spending the money instead sharply in December, as the of reducing income taxes, as three Western ones backed legislation currently requires, Ottawa’s imposition of a new and both parties must face funding formula, while those the fact that this entails a tax from Manitoba east protested increase. the news that six-per-cent A storm is about to begin up annual increases will slow a bit north as federal environmental in five years. hearings open on a proposed B.C.’s more immediate oil pipeline to Kitimat. Clark problem is a shift to perremains carefully non-committal, capita funding that phases out the NDP bitterly opposed. targeted money for things like But the parties actually agree our dedicated hip and knee on liquefied natural gas exports surgery program. Provinces from the same port. The NDP are now supposed to create signaled cautious support for such innovations for their own the plan before Christmas, with sake, without further federal greater scrutiny of drilling and intrusion into provincial water use. jurisdiction. We in the media do a poor That change costs B.C. an job of reporting when parties estimated $256 million a year, agree. Debate will soon resume starting in 2014. The B.C. on B.C.’s new Family Law Liberals have this year to find Act, aimed at avoiding courts savings, or face the task in an and conflict, with bipartisan election year. And NDP leader support. Fixing B.C.’s impaired Adrian Dix is restricted by his driving legislation, to keep vow to make only spending that out of our clogged courts, promises that add up. should also be expedited. Energy and environment: B.C.’s traditional blame game As with the minimum wage, won’t make the problems of the B.C. Liberals are forced to 2012 go away. tinker with the carbon tax. Tom Fletcher is legislative Taxing schools and hospitals reporter and columnist for to fund natural gas and cement Black Press and BCLocalnews. companies’ emission projects com. tfletcher@blackpress.ca
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The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012 • 5
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The last sailing of the Albion ferry Klatawa, happened on July 31, 2009. Last week, TransLink sold the two vessels to Tidal Towing for $400,000.
Albion ferries finally sold After traveling ‘to the moon and back’ 20 times, TransLink’s boats have new owners MONISHA MARTINS Black Press
The ferries made obsolete by the Golden Ears Bridge which have been languishing at a dock in Maple Ridge for more than two years have finally been sold. The MV Kulleet and the MV Klatawa criss-crossed the Fraser River for 50
years, carrying motorists between Maple Ridge and Langley. They were towed from their slip in Albion on Wednesday. The vessels were purchased for $400,000 by Tidal Towing, a Port Coquitlam-based marine transport company. TransLink spokesperson said Tidal made a firm “as-is-where-is” offer just before Christmas, through Harlow Marine International, Inc. The deal closed on Friday. Tidal Towing has not disclosed the future use for the two boats, but it noted that the price is considerably higher than scrap value, Snider added. The Albion ferry service ended with the opening of the Golden Ears Bridge on June 16, 2009. The ships were initially priced at $1.1
million each and were even advertised on CraigsList in 2009. In the 52 years of service, TransLink estimated the Albion ferries made three million runs, covering a distance that’s the equivalent of going to the moon and back 20 times. While waiting for a buyer, staff periodically fired up the engines to keep them in good working shape. Although TransLink received numerous tentative bids and inquiries from prospective buyers, none turned into a firm offer until Christmas. TransLink had considered selling the boats as scrap if they were threatening to become an environmental or economic liability; however, that point had not yet been reached.
B.C. public health officers back legalized marijuana JEFF NAGEL Black Press
A group of B.C. public health officers has joined a growing coalition of policy leaders urging the legalization and taxation of marijuana. The Health Officers Council of B.C. voted to endorse Stop the Violence B.C. and called for regulation of illegal substances like marijuana to reduce the harm from substance use and the unintended consequences of government policies. “The Health Officer’s Council and other experts are not saying that marijuana should be legalized and taxed because it is safe,” said Dr. Paul Hasselback, a Vancouver Island medical health officer who chairs the council. “We are saying that proven
public health use among approaches them is up should be considerably used to since the constrain its 1990s, use. despite heavy “There is spending now more on drug danger to enforcement. Dr. Evan Wood the public’s “By every coalition founder health in metric, this perpetuating policy is a market driven by criminal failing to meet its objectives,” activity.” said Dr. Evan Wood, a The coalition argues prohi- Vancouver doctor and bition has failed and enforce- founder of the coalition. ment has little impact on drug By regulating the market, use, merely fueling the $7-bil- he said, the distribution and lion illegal pot industry that use of marijuana would be experts say is directly linked more controlled and would to the spike in gang-related also eliminate organized crime killings since 1997. from the equation. A report released by Stop It would also provide the Violence says teens find it a source of tax revenue in easy to buy marijuana and pot the hundreds of millions, he
“By every metric, this policy is failing to meet its objectives.”
added. B.C. provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall said he generally agrees with the public health officers’ statement on marijuana reform although he was not formally part of their endorsement. “I support their call for a review of the effectiveness of current prohibition and criminalization and discussion of a more effective public healthbased approach,” Kendall said. Cannabis arrests in Canada climbed from 39,000 in 1990 to more than 65,000 in 2009, according to the coalition. An estimated 27 per cent of young B.C. residents aged 15-24 used pot at least once in 2008, according to one poll. Four former Vancouver mayors have also backed the coalition.
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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
news DECEMBER 2011
Langley teen injured Returns $537 Million in Highway 1 crash Federated Co-operatives Limited(FCL) Reports Record Sales of $8.3 Billion; Returns $537 Million Back To Member Retails and Their Communities
Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL), the country’s largest non-financial services co-operative, achieved sales of $8.3 billion during 2011, an increase of 16% from the previous year. The Saskatoonbased organization also reported record net earnings of $839 million for the fiscal period ended October 31, 2011, an increase of 69% from last year. Of the $839 million in net earnings, a record $537 million patronage allocation is being returned to member retail co-ops. This allocation is used by local co-ops to address the local needs of more than 1.5 million active co-op members in 500 communities throughout Western Canada. Over the past five years, FCL has returned more than $2.2 billion to its member retail co-ops. The remainder of the earnings are retained in FCL to fund future growth initiatives and capital requirements. “By working together, FCL and our retail co-operative member owners have achieved remarkable results,” says Scott Banda, FCL’s Chief Executive Officer.
“Our strong performance was due in part to the strength of the retail cooperatives’ marketing programs, the promotion of Co-op Lifetime Membership Benefits, and to the growth of retail cooperatives. This growth resulted in higher standards on facilities, merchandising and selection, and service excellence by over 19,000 dedicated employees.” Banda also applauds FCL employees for their efforts in bringing to life the organization’s new vision, mission and values introduced in 2011. “These key foundational pieces have given us new directions on how to work together and on how to achieve our business goals,” says Banda. “We have a great story to tell, one that is about being locally invested, community minded and committed to delivering lifetime membership benefits. This story, and our values, is the reason that over 1.5 million individual Co-op members across Western Canada and many more non-member customers have chosen to be part of this success.”
Vehicle involved in Dec. 28 collision near Spences Bridge that killed 55-year-old woman Staff Writer
An 18-year-old male from Fort Langley was at the wheel of a Chevrolet Tracker mini-SUV involved in a crash that killed the 55-year-old female driver of a Saturn SL1 compact sedan on Wednesday morning (Dec. 28) five kilometres north of Spences Bridge.
Lytton RCMP said the Tracker apparently lost control and hit the Saturn head-on Wednesday around 10 a.m. on Highway 1. The tracker was northbound, while the Saturn was traveling south. The driver of the southbound car, a woman from Oak Bay, died at the scene while her passenger, a 17-year-old female also from Oak Bay was transported to Kamloops’ Royal Inland Hospital. The Fort Langley man had to be cut out of the Tracker and transported by Air Ambulance to Royal Inland Hospital for further treatment. Police said icy road conditions are believed to have contributed to the accident.
Drugs, fake IDs seized in search The occupants of a vehicle who became unnerved when a police officer approached had plenty to make them nervous — fake ID and illicit drugs. Langley RCMP arrested an 18-year-old woman from Surrey who was behind the wheel of a car parked in the 20100 block of 56 Avenue at about 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 20. Her companion, an 18-year-old man, gave police his name but couldn’t produce any identification. The officer smelled mari-
juana, and both occupants were arrested for possession of a controlled substance. When police searched the vehicle, they found a man’s wallet with identification that suggested the passenger had not been truthful about his name. With the help of a sniffer dog, police discovered powder cocaine, rock cocaine, and heroin stuffed down the front of the passenger’s pants. A small amount of loose, fresh marijuana was located in the centre console.
Police found almost $1,000 in cash, four cellphones and fake ID in a wallet and purse in the vehicle. All were seized. The driver was released from custody. Police will recommend a charge of fraud for the fake identification. The Langley teen was held in custody and faces possible charges of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking, obstructing a peace officer, and two counts of breach of probation.
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The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012 • 7
Langley Pirate candidate ran a zero-dollar election campaign Craig Nobbs says he spent no money at all on May 2 federal election campaign DAN FERGUSON Times Reporter
Elections Canada didn’t report the financials of Langley Pirate Party Candidate Craig Nobbs from the May 2 federal election because there weren’t any to disclose, he said Thursday (Dec. 29). “I spent no money at all to run my campaign during the past elec-
tion,” Nobbs told The Times after Elections Canada released candidate expense reports from the May 2 federal election and left Nobbs online report blank. Nobbs said he filed his documentation within the four-month deadline for candidates and has received his deposit back. “As for the amount that I spent and filed in the documentation, the
amount was $0.00,” Nobbs noted in an email to The Times. That would make Nobbs’ campaign the most cost-effective of the Langley contest by a big margin. In the vote that re-elected incumbent Conservative MP Mark Warawa, Nobbs finished last with 355 votes or 0.7 per cent, but placed first on the list of thriftiest campaigns with a zero-dollars-per-vote ratio. Second-place NDP candidate Piotr Majkowski ran the second most cost-effective campaign, spending about $1.45 in for every vote he got.
Third-place Liberal candidate Rebecca Darnell ran the costliest campaign on a per-vote basis at $7.66. Each candidate in the Langley riding was allowed to spend up to $93,931.03 based on the number of electors in the riding. Warawa, the winner, spent the most — $53,982.10 or 57 per cent of the maximum allowable to win with 35,569 votes or 64.5 per cent of the total number of ballots (54,320). On a per-vote basis, Warawa ran the third most costeffective campaign at $1.55.
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Langley’s Pirate Party candidate Craig Nobbs says he spent no money on his failed bid for the job of MP
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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
opinion The
Published Tuesday and Thursday at 20258 Fraser Highway, Langley, B.C., V3A 4E6 by Black Press Ltd.
Langley Times
Sales agreement No. 3298280. Contents copyright of Black Press
Keep focus on students
What’s fare is fare
angley schools are back in session, and the next few months will be critical ones for students, teachers and parents. The B.C. Teachers Federation has been on strike since September. Teachers are still reporting for work and teaching students in the classrtoom. But they are not meeting with parents, or doing anything other than informal reports on student progress. Bargaining continues, but it seems that neither side is willing to budge. The provincial government has come up with a “net zero” policy which precludes wage increases. It expects public school employers to abide by this. On the other side, the BCTF has asked for big pay increases and changes to contract language that would give them more time off during the school year for personal reasons. The BCTF also wants more control over class sizes and composition. While these are very important issues which affect the education of children, this should not be something that comes under union control. Individual teachers, for the most part, do a great job in teaching students. B.C.’s public school system is a good one. Many students graduate and go on to do great things in their lives, and the underpinning they received in school is a key factor. But there are many students who don’t do well, and there needs to be a renewed emphasis by both the government and the union on improving the graduation rate, boosting literacy and numeracy and ensuring that each Grade 12 student has the opportunity to go on to post-secondary training that will enable them to live a meaningful and productive life. For far too long, the talk about education in this province has revolved around the boards of education, management, principals and teachers. Yes, these are the people entrusted with providing a good education to students and, as stated above, for the most part that’s exactly what they are doing. However, there needs to be far more focus on students. They are the centre of the education system. They are the reason that teachers and principals have jobs. They are the reason that boards of education exist. They are the underpinning of the future, because B.C. will go nowhere without a highly-educated population. This is more true than ever in an increasingly interconnected world. Is it too much to ask that the education system be far more studentfocused for the remainder of the school year, and in the future? We certainly hope not.
Contracts raise concerns
‘Net zero’ increases not too much to ask from CUPE
ormer Langley Township that the economy was still doing councillor Jordan Bateman well then and an increase of that knows quite a bit about what magnitude didn’t raise eyebrows From drives up municipal costs, after the way it would today. spending five and one-half years on the Editor Yet CUPE locals in Greater council and working through six FRANKBUCHOLTZ Victoria have just signed a new municipal budgets. contract giving them two per cent The real cost drivers are wages and benefits. increases in each of the next three years. As Township taxes have risen by close to five per Bateman says,“it’s too much.” cent year after year, because members of the The only way that taxpayers in the City and Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Township are going to see a real moderation in International Association of Fire Fighters have annual tax increases is if the two governments received steady pay increases. In the case of can sign deals with CUPE and the firefighters firefighters, they received sizable top-ups as that come close to “net zero.”This is not too their wages were adjusted to come more into much to ask of these workers. line with other unionized firefighters in Metro It’s important to remember that municipal Vancouver. workers and firefighters almost never face layoffs. Bateman is now the B.C. director of the They don’t have their hours reduced due to Canadian Taxpayers Federation, and as such, is a lack of work. They have very good defined arguing for “net zero” wage increases — those benefit pension plans that let them retire early, that do not cost taxpayers any more when a new and are guaranteed by taxpayers. contract is agreed on. They have received pay increases in the past Here’s some of what he had to say in a press three years that are far more than most other release issued last Tuesday: “At least two dozen workers have got. They have been well taken CUPE contracts expire on Dec. 31, 2011, affecting care of. thousands of municipal workers. CUPE is coming I’m not suggesting that local governments for another series of raises and with Vancouver, should cut their pay or benefits. Rather, I think Richmond, Surrey, Burnaby and other communi- a simple freeze on wages for at least two years, ties now out of the Metro Vancouver Labour Rela- and a guarantee that any contract changes won’t tions Board, municipalities have never been more cost taxpayers any more money, would suffice. splintered in their negotiations. This is not going CUPE workers who work as support staff to end well for taxpayers.” in B.C. schools have agreed to a contract that Bateman notes that municipal workers basically freezes wages, and it is both realistic received 17.5 per cent increases over five years and fair to all concerned — workers and in their last contract, which was signed in 2007 taxpayers. Similar leadership from CUPE workers and was for five years, to guarantee labour peace in the municipal sector would be welcome news during the Olympics. It is also important to note indeed. www. l a n g l e y t i m e s . com Contact us Main line ........................................... 604-533-4157 Classifieds.......................................... 604-575-5555 fax 604-575-2073
“On your doorstep at your event in your community...”
Dwayne Weidendorf publisher
Kelly Myers assistant ad manager
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Circulation manager .................... Roxane Tizard Paper Delivery .................................. 604-514-6770 email circulation@langleytimes.com
magine going to a restaurant for a $5 steak dinner, but when you get there you discover being seated at a table will cost you $5, a surcharge of $7 for the plate and utensils and another $4 for the server to take your order. Add on the tip and HST and suddenly your cheap meal has become an expensive night out. That’s how Canada’s airlines have been allowed to operate. It’s marketing strategy – advertise only the base cost of the ticket, with the full price of that ticket, including all its various surcharges, fees and taxes revealed when the purchaser is about to commit. Consumer advocates have been complaining about it for years. In fact, the federal government did do something about it, adding the “allin-one” airfare advertising clause to the Canadian Transportation Act in June 2007. But lobbying by the airlines, which claimed the new pricing policy would put them at a disadvantage to foreign airlines who could continue to advertise only their base fares on their own websites, has delayed its implementation for years. That’s about to change. European airlines have been required to advertise the complete cost of a ticket since 2008. In January, American airlines will also fall in line with all-in airfares. The competitive disadvantage argument no longer exists. So why will Canadian consumers have to wait another 12 months for a five-year-old law to finally be enforced? While it’s likely that only the most naive traveler believes they could actually travel to England for $99, requiring the airlines to be up front when advertising their fares will empower consumers when making the best choice for their travel spending. – Vernon Morning Star
The Langley Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012 • 9
letters ‘Carnival’ ‘Scrooged’ again by TransLink The
Langley Times
combined music, poetry and visual arts Editor: I want to express my appreciation to all the partners who helped produce the recent Carnival of the Animals concert at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. The Carnival of the Animals presented by the Kwantlen Polytechnic Orchestra in Residence on Nov. 25, partnered with students from local elementary schools, who produced large art pieces for the show — some of them three feet by four feet in size. Seventeen of these works provided the back-drop on stage for the production which also featured student poetry — read by the students themselves — several dances performed by local students from the elementary schools and also 11 student pianists. The students worked in collaboration with professional musicians from the university under the direction of Dr. Wayne Jeffery and Dr. Calvin Dyck. There were three performances at Kwantlen Polytechnic University with hundreds of students attending and participating. I strongly believe that this is the future of the arts, and that it is a wonderful model of collaboration to involve not only the university students, but also students from the local music academies and the local elementary schools. Thanks to all the teachers who worked with the students on the collaborative project, to the Langley Times for helping to promote the event, and to the university which provided funding for the project. Dr. Calvin Dyck, Kwantlen Polytechnic University Music Dept. The
The Times welcomes letters from its readers. Send submissions to #102-20258 Fraser Hwy. Langley, B.C. V3A 4E6 e-mail - newsroom@langleytimes.com
Editor: Thank you Mr. Scrooge (TransLink) for dropping yet another threat of more taxes on the poor taxpayer. This was done just in time for Christmas. When people shop, they go to where they can get what they want at the best price, and the price that they can afford. In Aldergrove, we are blessed with the Shell station at the corner of Station Road and Fraser Highway, where the price of gas is much lower than stations within the Metro Vancouver area. Of course we are going to go out of our way for cheaper gas. It’s no different than going to a store that has lower prices for a jacket or dress or even groceries. You otherwise might pay a premium price at a higherpriced store. It’s our right to shop around and get the best bang for our
Doughnut congestion is the great concern? Editor: Re: “Township councillor warns of congestion,” (langleytimes.com). Are we missing something here? There is global pollution caused in part by motor vehicles. We have increasing medicare costs that could be reduced if people exercised more. But the only concern expressed about people sitting waiting for coffee and doughnuts in a line of idling vehicles is what about the 20th vehicle and the congestion it may cause. No worries, we have a bylaw for that. Why isn’t the council being more proactive about limiting vehicle emissions? John Keightley, Langley
buck. But TransLink seems to think that it should have control of how and where we spend our money, particularly when it comes to gasoline. TransLink appears to be having a problem with the concept of people trying to be prudent with their hard-earned cash. We can’t keep going to our employer and asking for more money to pay our living expenses. We don’t have ‘money trees’ growing in our backyard. Now TransLink wants to get the federal government involved in its money problem. Will we have to start showing ID at the Shell station, so that they can charge us a premium because we live in Metro Vancouver? What are they working on with Washington State regarding gas prices near the border? Are they going to work out a deal over the border where our
salary increases, shame on them. These people were elected by us to use our tax monies fairly and effectively. It is apparent that is not going to happen because we now have to pay for their massive salary increases. Many of the mayors voted to increase gas taxes, which ironically will now only partially help with TransLink’s woes with the Evergreen Line. All these can only mean higher property taxes to pay for increased salaries, gas taxes and penalties for living in rural areas. Not too long ago, I wrote a letter to the editor about TransLink, in which I stated that it wouldn’t be long before it would have its hat out to us again. Well, here we go again. It just never ends. Oh, what a tangled web we weave. D. Atkinson, Langley
licence plate automatically initiates a higher charge. When it comes to the vehicle levy or road pricing, how are they going to calculate these? Do we have to attach ‘Big Brother Monitors’ to our vehicles so TransLink knows how much to tax us or charge us? It’s just another penalty for using our vehicles, living in rural areas, and having little or no option. I work hard for my money and no one has the right to tell me where to spend my money and take more money out of my pocket because they can’t figure out how to work with the money they already receive from us. Perhaps if they had been proactive in dealing with fare evaders since 1996, they wouldn’t be in this predicament. In Langley Township, we just elected a new mayor and council. They have just received hefty
Transit fare system is killing golden goose Editor: It seems, at least according to an article I read in the Langley Times, that BC Transit is at it again, crying poverty. They should remember their childhood stories when wondering about the drop in revenue. I am referring, of course, to the one in which the giant kills the golden goose because he was trying to make it lay more golden eggs. You see, they always had a moral. Do these people live in a parallel world detached from reality? It should be obvious that people will do anything to avoid giving in to a group which believes it has an unlimited source of revenue. Only 15 minutes to the south our American neighbours pay 15 cents a litre in gas tax. We pay 45 cents and they want to add more. Didn’t we just pay another two cents for carbon tax? This is becoming a joke. I have some novel ideas. How about we try a user-pay formula for all transit and ensure that all who ride the SkyTrain actually pay for it. Perhaps we should think about improving a system that, at present, is just OK if you want to get to a shopping mall.
What about the folks who need a ride to work in an industrial park? Remember, the goal is to get them out of their cars. Depending on where you live, it currently takes two buses to go from Walnut Grove to Willowbrook Mall. Why should drivers always provide support for a system they don’t use? Why should we be taxed several ways to support a system and its leaders who, quite frankly, could not organize a children’s party? When our leaders ask how are we going to pay for the new highways my answer would be what did you do with the funds that were collected from baby boomers 40 years ago under the guise of building better roads and health care, everyone knows Highway 1 from the Port Mann bridge is the same as it was in the the late ’60s except for the odd pot hole they have filled. Please let us all get these pigs away from the public trough. Bring back some accountability or the standard of living in this country will continue to be eroded P G Taylor, Langley
Times reserves the right to reject unsigned letters. Letters are edited for brevity, legality and taste. Contact Editor Frank Bucholtz, 604-533-4157
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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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The Langley g y Times • Tuesday, y Januaryy 3, 2012 • 11
Derelict Fort house to be demolished NATASHA JONES Times Reporter
An old house that occupies one of the most strategic corners of Fort Langley is to be demolished. As the property is located in the Fort Langley Heritage Conservation Area, the owner was required to secure a heritage alteration permit. This permit was granted by Township council on Dec. 12. For several years, the house and a smaller building at 9166 Glover Road have been poorly maintained, and although the house lies within the heritage conservation area it is not on the Township’s Heritage Inventory nor has it been considered for inclusion on it.
In the permit application, owner Statewood Properties said that without a demolition permit the property “will transition into a visual blight within the heart of Fort Langley’s commercial core.” If the house, built in the 1940s, were to be kept, it would require significant repairs, including a new roof, electrical upgrades and extensive interior renovations. This significant expense cannot be justified, given the amount of rent the property generates, the owner said. Statewood noted that the land lies opposite the Fort Langley Community Hall which is a major attraction in the village and hosts many weddings and other events throughout the year. Frank Cox, who chairs the Fort Lang-
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Natasha JONES/Langley Times
A rented house, built in the 1940s at the corner of Glover Road and Mary Street in Fort Langley, is to be demolished.
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ley Community Association, agreed that the buildings should be torn down. “We don’t believe that this is representative of our heritage,” he told council. Responding to a question about the property’s future after the buildings have been demolished, head planner Ramin Seifi advised that the property owner “is committed to keep the site green.” While the public will have access to the green space, “the use could change,” Seifi said. The property is zoned commercial. Statewood principal Eric Woodward said later that the buildings will probably be demolished in January, and redevelopment will happen “in the next few years.”
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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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Is 2012 the year you want to start running? Or maybe you've been running for awhile and this year you've decided to get serious about it. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner the management and staff at Peninsula Runners are ready to help you. In January the store is offering clinics for every level of runner. On January 11th, a 14 week clinic will start with two programs: Running 101 for those who are just starting out and Running 201 for those who are currently running and want to continue to improve. Also January 14th is the first session of a 16 week program to train for a Half or Full marathon. If you haven't been to Peninsula Runners in Walnut Grove recently, you will be in for some surprises. The store has just undergone a re-fit and has been completely updated. The square footage has been reduced but this has had no effect on the number and range of products available. "It's much sportier," said owner Phil Ellis. "We've been here for 10 years so it was time to make some changes," he said.
NOW IN-STORE • Natural Dry Aged Beef Avalon & Valley • Veal • Pork, Ham & Bacon Pride Dairy • Buffalo • Venison • Duck • Geese • Rabbit Products, and • Lamb • Chicken • Turkey (JD Farms) Farm House Cheeses from • 11 varieties of in-house smoked sausages Agassiz • And much more!
Peninsula Runners’ slogan W their motto "We Fit Feet" de store is all about. They are fo but there is a wide variety o ity. The large range of footw ning shoes, cross trainers, w sandals and casual dress. Th selection of hard to fit sizes
As well as the best selection and technical clothing, the sortment of sports accessor pedometers, speed and dist monitors and more. Also, Pe central with many current p and lots of upcoming race i
Phil Ellis, an avid runner op Runners store in Walnut Gro by Kathie Schellenberg wh clinic leader. Ellis describes his customers. She began ru having had four children.
Peninsula Runners is located at 1-20349 -88 Avenue in Walnut Grove. Store hours are Monday to Saturday 10 until 6. Sundays 12 until 5. The store is closed for som of the statutory holidays. Telephone 604-888-1338.
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For information on upcoming events and clinics:
H E R I TA G E M E AT S 19689 Willowbrook Drive | 604.532.5235 mon-fri 9am-7pm | sat 9am-6pm | sun 10am-5pm
LANGLEY: LANGLEY 604 604-888-1338, 888 1-20349 88 Avenue | WHITE ROCK: 604-531-787
This 14 week long clinic will prepare you to comfortably finish a 10k race such as the 28th Vancouver Sun Run on April 15, 2012. Improve your fitness and learn more about the sport of running in a fun and social atmosphere! Wed., Jan. 11, 6:30pm, $65.00
The next step for those who can run 30 minutes. The Run 10K Faster programs incorporate more technical aspects of running and challenges individuals with a variety of workouts. Within the running programs, workouts are modified to meet every ability. Wed., Jan. 11, 6:30pm $65.00
RUNNING 301 HALF AND FULL MARATHON You should be able to comfortably run about 40 minutes in duration in order to train for the half marathon and 60 minutes for the marathon. The program is 16 weeks and will prepare you to participate in a spring half or full marathon (the Vancouver Half and Full Marathon is May 6, 2012). The cost of the program is $100. The cost will include: a Saturday morning long run, a Wednesday night workout, and 10% discount on store purchases.
Peninsula Runners has been serving Langley for 10 years. LANGLEY WHITE ROCK ABBOTSFORD 604-888-1338 604-531-7879 604-746-1338 1-20349 88 Avenue 1708 152nd Street #3 - 1707 Salton Road WALK • JOG • RUN • PLAY • WE FIT FEET •
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The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012 • 13
Is an exotic vacation in your New Year’s plan?
run • PLAY!
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Walk, Run, Jog, Play and escribes exactly what this ocused on running gear of footwear for every activwear in stock includes runwalking shoes, court shoes, he store carries a good in each category.
n of athletic footwear e store carries a wide asries including Bodyglide, tance monitors, heart rate eninsula Runners is race publications, pamphlets nformation available.
pened the second Peninsula ove in 2001. Ellis is joined ho is the manager and Kathie as a role model for unning a decade ago after
She says she began running to get healthy, get fit and stay sane. “It’s a great day for a run” is her motto. Peninsula Runners sponsors and organizes many community events. The store is again one of the sponsors for this year’s Vancouver Sun Run which takes place on Sunday April 15th. Peninsula Runners also organizes a series of Fraser Valley Trail runs. The Aldergrove Mud Run and Houston Trail footrace are two very popular runs in this area. The 9th annual Fort Langley Half Marathon will take place on July 15th and registration is now open for the 2nd annual Golden Ears half and 10 K held on March 11th. If you’ve just begun your fitness journey or if you’ve been a runner for most of your life come in and see what the friendly people at Peninsula Runners have to offer. At Peninsula Runners, they don’t just talk the talk they truly walk the walk and more importantly they run the run.
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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Endowment ‘a strong vote of confidence’ Trinity Western University has received an estate endowment totaling $4 million, in part to create two endowed student scholarships, and advance diabetes research. In December, TWU president Jonathan S. Raymond signed the final estate documents designating the gift to the Langley university. “We rejoice in this significant gift to the university. The submitted photo endowed scholarships estabPresident Jonathan S. Raymond and Trinity Western University chief lished through this generous counsel John Cherrington sign the final estate documents designating initiative will support wondera $4 million gift to TWU. ful, worthy students for many
decades to come and beyond,� said Raymond. “The funds will also support research on diabetes that is going on in the university’s laboratories. Such a significant gift is a strong vote of confidence in the students and faculty of this remarkable university. We are pleased and blessed.� The two endowed scholarships will provide an opportunity for one undergraduate and one graduate student with financial need, in any field of study, to attend TWU.
The annual proceeds of the endowment will support groundbreaking diabetes research that has vital impact on the health of Canadians. The donor, who employed two alumni, supported TWU’s vision to develop people of high competence and exemplary character who distinguish themselves as exceptional leaders in the marketplaces of life. A plaque recognizing the endowment will be placed in the newly expanded Neufeld Science Centre.
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The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012 • 15
artsandlife The
brenda anderson 604-514-6752
Langley Times
Arctic Air lands in Aldergrove Written by Langley’s Ian Weir, new CBC drama which premieres on Jan. 10 features actor Adam Beach among other Canadian talent TRICIA LESLIE Times contributor
ursting with positive energy, Adam Beach arrives on the Arctic Air set in Aldergrove with smiles and friendly greetings for everyone. The Canadian-born Saulteaux actor is known for his roles in such works as Flags of Our Fathers — for which he received multiple Best Supporting Actor nominations — Windtalkers, Joe Dirt, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Cowboys and Aliens, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and the HBO series Big Love, among others. Now, he’s focusing on a new CBC series, Arctic Air, where a set tour was recently featured as part of a CBC event that introduced Adam the new series (as well as another new show, Mr. D) among the return of other popular CBC shows, such as Little Mosque on the Prairie, Republic of Doyle and Marketplace. Beach, who was born in Manitoba and grew up with his two brothers on the Dog Creek First Nation Reserve, said he was sold on doing the show once he read the script. “When I read the script, it had it all ... it’s about family, it’s about the north and aboriginal life — it’s about people’s daily struggle to just survive, something I think everyone can identify with,” Beach says, with an infectious grin. “It was a perfect script; a perfect match. I wanted to do it and I’m still excited about it.” So is writer-producer Ian Weir, who created the fictional series for Vancouver’s Omni Productions and is an executive producer with three others on the new show. Weir, a Fort Langley man who grew up in Kamloops, said he was pleased and intrigued when Omni — which also produces the History Channel’s documentary series Ice Pilots NWT – approached him to write a pilot about flying in Canada’s north. With past works that include the teen drama Edgemont and the miniseries Dragon Boys, Weir jumped on the opportunity to “do something special.” “I fell in love with the chance to create this kind of show, especially because it’s based in the north,”
Weir says. “The north has always been a part of Canada and I think it lends itself to so many ideas. It’s got action and adventure, but also drama . . . it’s different.” Beach plays Bobby Martel in the character-driven, one-hour show about a maverick airline and the extended family of the unconventional people who run it. Beach’s character is the “headstrong business partner” who saves the airline from crashing and each week, the pilots — the actors who play pilots actually flew with the real-life pilots of Buffalo Air to get an idea of what a northern pilot’s life is really like — take on any number of flights each week, whether to secret diamond mining sites, on rescue missions or as polar bear watching guides. Beach Inside the arctic air Arctic Air set, which is actually a massive wooden barn with soaring ceilings, there are lights, lifts, cables and filming-related equipment everywhere, yet all is neat and organized, with everything in its place. The hundreds, if not thousands, of cords and cables snaking through the building are contained tidily under yellow-lined plates (to avoid anyone tripping over them) and line the barn walls like loose wallpaper. Several people on set chat, text, tweet or email on their cellphones; one technician works on a laptop with a sound board in front of him. In the middle of one of the largest areas, the fuselage of a huge DC-3 plane (brought up from the States just for the show) takes centre stage. It even boasts a removable cockpit that rolls away, so crews can better film the actors. Several other aircraft are used in the show, but the DC-3 is the largest. Beach and Arctic Air co-stars Pascale Hutton, Leah Gibson and Stephen Lobo (all of whom are Canadian; Hutton currently lives in Burnaby) lead media on a set tour, starting with the DC-3, which gets crowded and cramped, fast. “Now, when you see the show, with 20 of us on here — including fighting — you’ll have a new appreciation for how much work goes into it,” Beach notes to the gathered media.
“It’s about people’s daily struggle to just survive, something I think everyone can identify with.”
Tricia LESLIE/Times contributor
Adam Beach, star of CBC’s new drama Arctic Air, sits inside an Aldergrove barn on a set intended to re-create Yellowknife’s Bullocks Bistro. Much of the series, which premieres on Jan. 10 is shot in rural Langley, however some of the exterior scenes have been filmed in the Northwest Territory.
continued, PAGE 16
â&#x20AC;˘ The Langley Times â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Arctic Air a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;collaborative effort, great storyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; from PAGE 15
He finds it frustrating to work in the cockpit, because it is such a small space and most of the time, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a green screen in front of the actors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be like, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Why canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t I move? I need to use body language!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Beach says, demonstrating with his hands. And, Hutton chimes in, Beach is still learning the finer points of the planeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cockpit. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When Adamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s floundering (in the show), he actually means it!â&#x20AC;? she quips with a grin. Beach agrees good-naturedly and gives Hutton credit for her plane knowledge. While much of the show is filmed in the Aldergrove barn, some exteriors are shot in Yellowknife. But the crew have brought Yellowknife to the Aldergrove set with interiors featuring the airline office, a hotel lobby, and a bar set which is based on Yellowknifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actual Bullocks Bistro. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We heard that Bullocks had the best fish and chips in North America, so we had to go,â&#x20AC;? says co-executive producer Gary Harvey. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The food was good, but what was really great was the setting, so that was what we based this place on.â&#x20AC;? Another inspiration was Yellowknifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Explorer Hotel, which is the Frontier Hotel in Arctic Air â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a hotel lobby created in the barn that features a huge rock fireplace, an antler chandelier, animal heads on the wall, a mounted fish and a bowl of red apples laid out in front of the fire, among other detailed props. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amazing to come to work every day,â&#x20AC;? says Hutton.
Langley Community Chorus has issued a call to singers. Registration for the spring season will be held one night only on Jan. 4, at 6:30 p.m. at the Langley Community Music School, 4899 207 St. Regular rehearsal follows at 7:30 p.m. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings 7:30
Tricia LESLIE/Times contributor
Adam Beach (right) writer and co-producer Ian Weir (centre) of Fort Langley and Leah Gibson, a Victoria native, met with media on the Aldergrove set of Arctic Air, to promote the show which premiers next week on CBC. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The nice thing about this enormous set is that it ties all the characters together and we all interact, almost like we do on the show.â&#x20AC;? Hutton is pleased to work on a Canadian production. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a very collaborative effort, but beyond that, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great story,â&#x20AC;? she says. Beach concurs, likening the Arctic Air cast and crew as being â&#x20AC;&#x153;the closestâ&#x20AC;? to what he experienced while working on
p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and are led by music director Anita Comba. No auditions.
at www.ticketweb.ca and from Casino Guest Services. Call 604-530-2211. Doors open at 7 p.m. show starts at 8 p.m.
Jay and the Americans perform at Langleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cascades Casino on Friday, Feb. 24 inside the Summit Theatre. Tickets are $50 each at www.ticketweb.ca and Casino Guest Services. Doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 8 p.m. Call 604-530-2211for more information.
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Clint Eastwoodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feature film, Flags of Our Fathers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone is thrilled to be here. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great to be back in Canada, and B.C. is beautiful,â&#x20AC;? Beach says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vancouver is a great city and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amazing to work here.â&#x20AC;? Work on Arctic Air has been underway for more than four months. The first episode premiers on Tuesday, Jan. 10 on CBC.
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The Langley Times â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, January 3, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 17
sports The
gary ahuja 604-514-6754
Langley Times
Eagles soar to gold A pair of Langley hockey teams were not very generous hosts at a post-Christmas hockey tournament. The Langley A2 Eagles and the Langley A3 Eagles both won gold in their respective divisions at the bantam rep A2/A3 tournament held at Langley Twin Rinks Dec. 26-28. The A2 squad defeated Kamloops 5-2 in the A final while the A3 team shutout West Vancouver 5-0 in the B final. In the A pool, Langleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lone blemish was a 5-5 tie against Semiahoo during roundrobin play. In the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other games, they beat Ridge Meadows 6-2 and Vancouver 5-2. Following their tie against Semiahmoo, they edged Kamloops 1-0. In the semifinals, Langley defeated Cloverdale 5-2 to set up another showdown with Kamloops, who had edged Semiahmoo in the other semifinal. The Langley A3 squad went a perfect 6-0, winning the bulk of their games convincingly. The Eagles won four of their six games by shutout, beating Port Moody, Cloverdale and North Vancouver during pool play by identical 6-0 scores. The teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lone close game was against West Vancouver, where Langley scored in the final minute to win 5-4. In the semifinals, the Eagles hammered North
Vancouver 8-2 and then won their rematch over West Vancouver 5-0. â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ Cormick Campbell scored the overtime winner sending the Langley C1 Hitmen to the gold medal. Campbellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goal gave the Hitmen a 6-5 victory over Abbotsford C4 in the championship finals of the Abbotsford Minor Hockey Hawks atom C Christmas Tournament, which wrapped up on Dec. 22. The Hitmen were a perfect 5-0 at the tournament. In round-robin play, they defeated Semiahmoo C2 5-4, Abbotsford C4 6-4 and Surrey C6 6-5. In the semifinals, they beat Aldergrove C1 5-3.
Gary AHUJA/Langley Times
Clockwise from top: Langley A2 Eagles defenceman Mitchell Ambrose lays the lumber on Semiahmoo Ravensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Jack Robertson while goaltender Brandon Kruger searches for the puck; Semiahmoo Ravensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Kyle Brock spins away from the check of Langley A2 Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Thomas Pickering; and Langley A3 Eagles Ryan Wellburn steps around West Vancouverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ben Dawson. The games were part of the Langley Minor Hockey Association bantam tournament held at Twin Rinks Dec. 26-28. Both Langley teams won gold in their respective divisions.
4 Days, 11 different draw times. Be there when the time is right for you.
Prices subject to applicable box office charges.
+BOVBSZ t -BOHMFZ &WFOUT $FOUSF The Continental Cup is a property of the World Curling Federation, operated jointly with the Canadian Curling Association as part of Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Season of Champions.
• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Good end to 2011 for Rivermen $304,900 CALL THE MOVERS !! Located in Amberleigh this 1300 sq ft 3 BEDROOM -2 BATH- 2 level over a tandem garage TOWNHOME is a BUY. Features NEW PAINT throughout, NEW FLOORING, NEW KITCHEN COUNTERS, some NEW BASEBOARDS, NEW BLINDS AND some NEW LIGHT FIXTURES. PRICED TO SELL…
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JUDI WEBB 604-530-4141
Goaltender James Barr makes 33 saves as Langley closes year with shutout win The Langley Rivermen closed 2011 with a dominating performance, shutting out the visiting Nanaimo Clippers 5-0. Goaltender James Barr was full value for his first career BCHL shutout, stopping all 33 shots the Clippers fired his way on Thursday at the Langley Events Centre in junior A hockey action. Aidan Cavallini and Mario Puskarich scored in the first, while Evan Campbell and Chris Tracy found the back of the net in the second. Campbell’s second of the night closed out the scoring in the third. Langley now hits the road for six games to start 2012 with three games in three nights beginning Thursday (Jan. 5) in Powell River.
The Rivermen also have stops in Nanaimo and Port Alberni. The Cowichan Valley Capitals continue to have the Langley Rivermen’s number. The Capitals remained perfect against the Langley junior A hockey club, defeating the Rivermen 6-1 on Wednesday (Dec. 38) in the first day of BCHL action following the holiday break. Cowichan Valley improved to 3-0 against Langley this season. And it was a pair of Langley Minor Hockey Association products who did the bulk of the damage. Rookie defenceman Kyle Becker had a goal and two assists, while BCHL veteran Richard Vanderhoek notched three assists.
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Darnell Dyck had the lone Langley goal, which came early in the second to cut the deficit to 2-1. ••••• In their final game of 2011, the Aldergrove Kodiaks fell 3-2 to the Abbotsford Pilots. The two junior B hockey clubs squared off on Dec. 23 at Abbotsford’s MSA Arena. After Aldergrove’s Stephen Ryan opened the scoring, Abbotsford responded with three goals to finish the period up 3-1. Samuel Ramsey got the Kodiaks within one with a short-handed goal late in the second, but Aldergrove could not get the equalizer. The loss cut the Kodiaks lead to four points over Abbotsford atop the PIJHL’s Harold Brittain Conference. The Kodiaks are back in action on Wednesday (Jan. 4) when they host the Mission Icebreakers at Aldergrove Arena.
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The Langley Times â&#x20AC;˘ Tuesday, January 3, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ 19
Langley Lightningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alyssa Rattenbury (left) checks Tri City Predatorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Mikayla Turner during bantam action at the Langley Girls Ice Hockey Assocationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual Angels on Ice hockey tournament last week at the Langley Twin Rinks.
Clan rally to top Spartans
The Trinity Western Spartans were four minutes away from their first ever victory over the Simon Fraser Clan. But the Clan womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basketball team scored the gameâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final 11 points to win 56-50 in nonconference action at the Langley Events Centre on Thursday (Dec. 30). The Spartans trailed by 10 after the
first quarter, but used a strong second quarter to get back into the game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are trying to convince our girls that defence does feed the offence. And that was one of the adjustments that we made in the second quarter, we had more defensive pressure and got some rebounds, which resulted in easy looks,â&#x20AC;?said coach Cheryl Jean-Paul.
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The Continental Cup is a property of the World Curling Federation, operated jointly with the Canadian Curling Association as part of Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Season of Champions.
Gary AHUJA/Langley Times
• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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Mail or drop off submissions to 20258 Fraser Hwy.; e-mail datebook@langleytimes.com Or go online at www.langleytimes.com to post your event. Click on calendar and ‘add event.’ Datebook is a free community service for non-profit organizations published twice a week.
TREE CHIPPING • Scouts Tree Chipping locations and dates: Walnut Grove Secondary School parking lot, 8919 Walnut Grove Dr. Jan. 7, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Brookswood Secondary School parking lot 20902-37A Ave. Jan. 7, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Tree Chipping/Bottle Drive Fundraiser Jan. 7, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Langley Twin Rinks on the Langley Bypass. PuCKS Program is a non-profit registered charity “Promoting Community Through Kids in Sport” keeping kids in school, using hockey as their tool.
TUESDAY • Langley Lodge Auxiliary New2U Boutique is having a winter clothes sale on Jan. 10, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Winter coats, boots/shoes, warm pants and jeans. All proceeds to resident programs. Langley Lodge 5451 204 St. • Four sessions that focus on seniors’ financial literacy will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 17 at Langley Lodge, 5451 204 St. Speakers will talk about estate planning, power of attourney and representation agreements, tax credits, tax matters, and common scams that target seniors. All sessions are free and held on the third Tuesday of the month. Call Langley Lodge at 604-532-4241 so that adequate seating can be arranged.
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Healthy Savings Watch for your Natural Factors flyer in today’s Langley Times
• Langley Community Chorus Call out to singers: registration for the spring season will be held one night only on Jan. 4, at 6:30 p.m. at the Langley Community Music School, 4899 207 St. Regular rehearsal follows at 7:30 p.m. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and are led by music director Anita Comba. No audition is necessary. • Adult Chess (for those who know how to play) Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 14, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. If you have a board and/or timer bring them, there are a couple of extra boards. Rand Walker Aldergrove Library, 26770 29 Ave. Call 604-856-6415.
THURSDAY • Tuition-free program for women seeking a meaningful career, work and lifestyle. This daytime program runs February to May, 2012. Please attend the information session on Thursday, Jan. 12 or 26 at 10:30 a.m. in Room 2075 at the Langley campus of Kwantlen. Please RSVP to Mary Ann Becher 604-599-3443 or maryann.becher@kwantlen.ca. • Sharing and Caring Social at the Langley Seniors Recreation and Resource Centre. Most Thursdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m., $3 drop-in. Jan. 5 I predict… 2012 is going to be a wonderful year. Start it off right with your friends at the Social today. Jan. 12 ‘Literature Light.’ Share today about the books and stories that influenced you and that you love best.
Sale starts Friday, January 6th
Mountainview Plaza • 88th & 210 St, Walnut Grove • 604-882-1477
• What is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s? A free seminar will be held in two parts on Jan. 7 and Jan. 14, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Langley Seniors Centre. This seminar will provide information and offer ways to cope with various stages and behaviours of those affected by dementia. Please pre-register at 604-530-3020. • Contract Bridge everybody welcome on Jan. 7, 12 at 20702 Eastleigh Cres. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Bridge starts at 1 p.m. Call Dolores at 604-536-2475. • Come Celebrate Malanka – Ukrainian New Year’s Party Jan. 14. Festivities begin at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. Featuring Yevshan Ukrainian Dancers and award winning fiddler, Mike
Sanyshy. Call for tickets, 604-576-0001. Cost is $50 for adults and $20 for children (two to 12 years). Tickets on sale now. St. Joachim and Ann’s church hall 2827 273 St. Aldergrove.
MONDAY • Osteoporosis Canada, Langley branch invites everyone to our next meeting on Jan. 9 at 1:30 p.m. in the Langley Senior Centre, 20605-51B Ave. Enquiries 604-530-3020. All welcome. • Weekly meditation classes, join them for a relaxing evening and learn the path to inner peace at their weekly meditation classes. Mondays from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Suggested donation, $10. Douglas Recreation Centre, 20550 Douglas Cres. For more information on all of their classes, visit www.dorjechang.ca or call 604-853-3738. Dorjechang Buddhist Centre.
ONGOING • Fraser Valley Shambhala Meditation Group 213-20226 Fraser Hwy. Every Tuesday night open house 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. by donation. Phone Charlaine at 604-724-7763 for more info. • Coffee Break Ladies, come for coffee and fellowship with other ladies as they discuss God’s word together. Meet every Wednesday morning from 9:15 to 11 a.m. at the Langley Canadian Reformed Church, 21804 52 Ave. All are welcome — free babysitting and story hour for children. Please contact Jacoba at 604-5341826 if you have any questions or need a ride. opusoneperformingarts.blogspot.com. • Langley Community Band is welcoming new members in all sections. Adults and youth with experience in their chosen instrument looking to have fun and play music can contact conductor Brenda Wilson and thebandlady@gmail.com. Rehearsals are Mondays at Walnut Grove Secondary, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. • Chess Club meets Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Brookswood Seniors Centre. For more info call Hugh, at 604-530-4693. • Langley Writers’ Guild (all genres) meets on the first, second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 10 a.m. to noon at Langley City Library. Also one evening meeting per month if enough interest. For more information,call Doris at 604-534-3384. • Langley Toastmasters Club meets every Tuesday evening in Langley City Hall on the second floor in the CFK room, the address is 20399 Douglas Crescent. Meetings take place from 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. Everyone is welcome to this supportive and friendly learning environment. Any questions, contact John at 604-530-2075. • ALATEEN a support program for teens who have been or are being negatively affected by another person’s drinking. Open to ages 10 and up. Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Township of Langley Civic Building at 20330 65 Ave. For more information, call 604-688-1716. • Men’s Langley League Cribbage urgently needs players. Evening 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Phone Rob 604-533-9363 or Tim 604-5302364. • Langley Amateur Radio Association (LARA) meets first Thursday of the month (unless otherwise advised) at 1900 hrs local; at Brookswood Firehall #5, 20355 32 Ave. Coffee and sweets provided. For more information email: Al ajmunnik@shaw.ca or Don dondee@shaw.ca. • Single Boomers. Like to walk, dine, golf, party or socialize? The Singles Social and Walking Club seeks new members ages 45 and up. Call 604-594-1260 or 604-522-6764 or email singsocwc@gmail.com for details.
Go to www.langleytimes.com to post your event. Click on calendar and ‘add event.’
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012A21 • 21
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CORAN, Antonio (Tony) December 19th, 1939 December 23rd, 2011 Tony will be lovingly remembered by his daughters; Joanne (Tim) Pollard & Janice (Anthony)
Cohen, grandson Jack Cohen, brother Domenico (Aileen) Coran, sister Norma Coran, his brothers-in-law, sisters inlaw and many neices, nephews and friends. Tony is predeceased by his wife Lee and sisters; Fermina Delcol, Angela Sfreddo and Maria Moro. There will be a private family service. Donations in memory of Tony Coran may be made to the ALS society of BC.
DATING SERVICE. LongTerm/Short-Term Relationships, Free to Try!!! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call: #4011 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call: 1-866-311-9640 or #4010. Meet Local Single Ladies. 1-877804-5381. (18+).
BASTIEN, Virgil (Bob) It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Virgil Bastien (Bob). He will be forever remembered by his wife and son, his sister, nephews, nieces and many dear friends. Bob enjoyed working many years for CN Rail, retiring in 1988. We will cherish Bob’s memory and hold him forever to our hearts. Though we are saddened by our loss we celebrate the 83 years of his life and are grateful for the legacy that he leaves behind. He did not wish to have a funeral. The family would like to thank the caring staff and doctors for their care and compassion.
FOUND 3 Christmas presents. Found Dec. 23rd. at 203/66 Ave. Can claim by identifying. Call (604)514-1476.
TRAVEL FULLERTON, Shirley Dianne June 19, 1949 - Dec. 22, 2011
Shirley was taken from us very suddenly by complications from cancer which she had been battling for two years. She is predeceased by her mother, Myra (2007) and survived by a devoted family including her father, John (age 94); sister Julia; husband of 44 years, Gary; son Dennis (Ronda) and granddaughters Lyndsay and Jolie; son Randy (Vickie) and grandson Cole. Shirley could light up a room with her bubbly personality and happy laugh; she loved her grandchildren, her cat Buzz, a beer and a party, and her large circle of friends and relatives. Shirley also loved to travel, especially to Europe, and in the last 15 months enjoyed three more trips with Gary on a European river cruise, a cruise to Hawaii, and a trip to Mexico. She was an accomplished curler, passionate about her twice weekly tennis, dedicated to her golf ladies, and a respected sales rep of BIC Inc. Flowers are respectfully declined, however a contribution in Shirley’s name to the B.C. Cancer Agency, Abbotsford, B.C. will be appreciated. The care Shirley received from her cancer team was outstanding. A Celebration of Life will held on Sunday, January 22nd, at the Langley Golf and Banquet Centre, 21550 44th Ave., Langley, B.C. between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
Bring the family! Sizzling Specials at Florida’s Best Beach! New Smyrna Beach, FL. See it all at: www.nsbfla.com/bonjour or call 1-800-214-0166 CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. NO Risk Program. STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call Us Now. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248
EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 108 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or hunt@blackpress.ca EARN EXTRA INCOME Learn to operate a Mini-Office Outlet from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income. www.123bossfree.com
Class 1 Drivers & Owner Operators Highway – BC & AB O/O’s $1.70+ per mile Co. Drivers 44c mile Send resume & “N” print abstract Fax: 1-888-778-3563 or E-mail: jobs@bstmanagement.net or Call: 604-214-3161 CLASS 1 DRIVERS WANTED! Sign bonus $2000 for Owner/op ph: 604-598-3498/fax: 604-598-3497
Become a Psychiatric Nursetrain locally via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements and some regional classroom delivery. Wages start at $30.79/hr to $40.42/hr. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. Gov’t funding may be available. Toll-free 1-87-STENBERG www.stenbergcollege.com INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Locations in Alberta & BC. Hands on real world training. Full sized equipment. Job placement assistance. Funding available. www.iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853
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FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Attend our free franchise seminar to learn how you can lead the Pizza revolution with Papa Murphy’s Take’N’Bake Pizza. In Surrey, on January 18th from 7:00 to 8:30PM. At the Sheraton Guildford, space is limited. To register email franchise@papamurphys.ca or call 1800-257-7272
HOME BASED BUSINESS We need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training. www.project4wellness.com
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22 • Tuesday, The Langley Times • 3, Tuesday, A22 January 2012 January 3, 2012 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 124
FARM WORKERS NEEDED for Grafton Farms Cranberry Farm in Langley. Seasonal / Full Time. $9.28/hr for 60 hours per week. Physically demanding outdoor work & will be working under pressure. Fax resume to: 604-270-4081.
ALBERTA earthmoving company requires a Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. You will work in a modern shop and also have mechanics truck for field work. The job is at Edson, Alberta. We require that you have experience on Cat crawlers and or Deere excavators. Call Lloyd at (780)723-5051.
Call now start tomorrow! Allison 604 777 2195 CASHIER & STOCK PERSON with exp, for our Langley produce store, P/T, F/T. Call: 604-533-8828.
136A JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITOR / CUSTODIAN STRATA COMPLEX looking for a F/T Janitor/Custodian to work 10am - 6:30pm, Tues thru Sun, 8 hrs/day with one 1/2 hr break. The successful candidate must be fit, proficient in English & can work unsupervised. Please send resume to: biggarf@gmail.com by January 13, 2012
Julie’s Housecleaning Detailed, prof. service-7 days/wk. Incl. laundry/dishes. Move-in/out. Refs. avail. Starting at $19/hr. 4 hour minimum. 778-808-1052 jds.clean@gmail.com
Bonniecrete Const Ltd Free Est & Warranties
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RELAXING SWEDISH MASSAGE A.M. Special 15% off. *Stress Free *European *Private 604.230.4444
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Email resume to: concup@eventmax.net or fax to 250-984-0747 by December 31.
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LEMARE GROUP is seeking a certified heavy duty mechanic and an experienced off-highway logging truck driver for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time union wages. Send resume by fax to 250-956-4888 or by email to office@lemare.ca.
Paul Schenderling 604-530-7885 / 604-328-3221
SPARTAN Moving Ltd. Fast & Reliable. Insured Competitive rates. Wknd Specials. Call Frank: (604) 435-8240
$38/HR!Clogged drains,drips,garbs sinks, Reno’s toilets. No job too small! Lic’d/insured. 778-888-9184
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PETS 456
WRAPPED ROUND HAY BALES. Baled dry. Smells good. 2 for $75. Phone (604)530-2907.
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477 288
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YELLOW LAB puppies 10 wks old $399. 5 males (1 black), 1 female. Strong & healthy (604)466-0562
UNDER $100
SHOWER STOOL, $45 obo. Call: (604)341-9758 TIRE CHAINS, 1 set, used once, exc cond, $80 obo. (604)341-9758
UNDER $200
WALKER brand new, exc cond, c/w 2 brakes, basket & tray, new $350 asking $150 obo. 604-341-9758
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Can’t Get Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1866-981-5991
Andrew 604-618-8585 $ Best Rates $
BESTWAY PAINTING & Decorating Int/Ext-Comm/Res. Crown Moldings & Wallpaper. John 778-881-6737
LAB cross puppies, vet checked, 1st shots, eager and social $350, 604-823-6739 afternoons/evenings.
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JACK RUSSELL pups 1 Female 1 male. Short legs, smooth coat. Dew claws done. $500. 778-883-6049
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CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977
NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND pups. Registered, micro chipped, 1st shots. Ready now. 604-823-2259 mitzvig@hotmail.ca
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MULTI POM puppies, 2 F, 1 M, 7 weeks old. Ready to go. All shots. $500. obo. Phone 604-825-2271.
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MANAGER required for Motel Hollywood, 9155 King George Blvd. Suitable for retired person. Drop off resume or Call 604-312-3537 or 604-591-8433 or Fax 604-591-8444.
Call: Rick (604) 202-5184
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CASHIERS To work at the souvenir kiosk at the 2012 Continental Cup of Curling at the Langley Events Centre, January 12 - 15. Applicants must have extensive experience as a cashier. Must be available to work any day and flexible to work am or pm shifts. Rate of pay will be $12/hr plus a $2/hr bonus.
H Bath & Kitchen Reno’s H Sundecks, Patios, Doors & Mouldings H Full Basement Reno’s for that Mortgage Helper ✱ Licensed, Full Service Contractor with over 25 years exp & all available trades. Many ref’s. Unbeatable prices & exc quality.
Hemlock, Fir & Cedar
Now is the time to get the jobs done that you’ve been putting off
Concrete Lifting Specialist
CLEANING SPECIAL $25/hour minimum 2hrs. Price includes cleaning supplies. Also laminate flooring and paint specials. Free estimates. A-TECH Services at 604-230-3539
SECURITY OFFICER TRAINING B.S.T. classes in Abby. Job placement. 604-859-8860 www.brissonsecurity.com
A New Year = New Career! Rapid Advancement and Travel Opportunities Paid Weekly - up to $20/hr No comm., benefits available Positive, Outgoing, Team Oriented a must!
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BLOOD HOUND PUPS, CKC reg’d health chk, 2nd vac, micro chipped, 1 male, 5 fem’s. Liver & Tan. Ready to go. $750. 604-574-5788 Cairn Terriers: shots/dewormed. Ready to go to good homes. over 20 yrs of referrals. 604-807-5204 or 604-592-5442
633 MOBILE HOMES & PARKS New SRI.com 16x52 mobile home in Langley adult park. $114,900. Pet OK. Chuck 604-830-1960. New SRI Manufactured Homes. Single Double Modulars on display. Repossessions 1974-2004. Chuck 604-830-1960. New SRI single wide in family park and another space in adult park. from $81,900. Chuck 604-830-1960
www.dannyevans.ca Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley
CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES $550: Born Sept. 26th. 1 Male, 1 Female. 604-836-6861
WE BUY HOMES Damaged House! Older House! Difficulty Selling! Behind on Payments! Need to Sell Now? NO FEES! NO RISK! QUICK CASH! Call us First! 604.657.9422
BROOKSWOOD gated riverfront lrg bachelor in 900 acre wildlife park, priv garden, patio, f/p, incl all but ph pet ok, n/s. $750/mo.778-574-5200.
CALL FOR SPECIALS LANGLEY CITY Spacious, Clean Bachelor, 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Heat, Hot Water,
604-530-0030 www.cycloneholdings.ca CLOVERDALE BENBERG APTS. 17788 57 Ave. Senior building,1 & 2 bdrm suites avail now. Starting at $700 to $850/mo. 604-574-2078 LANGLEY 202/53A; 2 Bdrm apt, $905/mo. Quiet family complex, no pets, call 604-539-0217. LANGLEY: 5530-208 St. Quiet clean spacious 2 bdrms, 4 appls, h/w, prkg incl. $875. Res. Manager. NS/NP. Available Feb. 1st. Call 604-534-1114 between 9am - 8pm. LANGLEY CITY
Apartments 20727 Fraser Highway
1 & 2 Bedrooms avail incl heat/hot water/cable Criminal record check may be req’d.
Ph: 604-533-4061
langleytimes.com RENTALS 706
Large 1 Bdrm. Apts $150 Move-In Allowance Please call for details. On-site manager. Suites include fridge, stove, drapes & carpeted throughout. Hot water & parking included. Close to shopping & schools, on bus route. Seasonal swimming pool & tennis court. Some pets welcome.
2 bdrm. adult oriented apt. Available immediately
FREE: heat, h/w, cable TV, lndry, prkg. BACHELOR, 1 & 2 BDRMS. No Pets SENIORS, ADULT ORIENTED
Villa Fontana & Stardust Michael - 604-533-7578
Rainbow & Majorca
CLAYMORE APTS 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts Avail $200 Move-In Bonus!! Close to shopping & schools. Seasonal Swimming pool, and tennis court. 3 Appliances (fridge, stove dishwasher), blinds hot water and parking included. Carpeted throughout. Some pets welcome.
LANGLEY,2 bdrm, 2 baths, 1070 sf, brand new, 4 appl. W/D, cls to Superstore & Waltmart, small pet ok, $1200 incl. Utlts. Call 778-862-9001
AVAILABLE NOW! Newer building, secure entry, 5 appl’s including insuite washer and dryer, a/c, electric f/p, u/g prkg & balconies. No pets CLOSE TO SHOPPING, Superstore & Willowbrook mall.
5374 - 203rd St, Langley
Call 604-533-9780 LANGLEY
MAPLE MANOR APTS. 20117 - 56 Avenue 1 & 2 bdrm suites $735 to $850 includes heat, hot water, cable to channel 43. On site security
LIMERICK MANOR Near Langley City Hall & shops 1 bdrm - $720 - $750/month 2 bdrm - $870/month Inc. heat/storage/parking Adult oriented Sorry - no pets
AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673
2 & 3 Bdrm T/Homes Move-In Allowance!!
LANGLEY, downtown 2/bdrm hse. Ideal for seniors. Cl to shops. All appli. $1300/mo. 604-539-8474 LANGLEY lge., bright, clean 3 bdrm., 2.5 baths, office, 5 appl., big backyard, 2 car gar., N/P N/S. $1800 mo. Jan 1st. 604-266-1292 or 778-834-2274 WALNUT GROVE, 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths, 5 appls, garage, fncd, fresh paint, $1850/mo. (604)536-7975
Elec. awning, elec. stab. Jacks, “family-sized” dinette, LCD TV, Equa-flex suspension. $26,483 (Stk.30854) www.fraserwayrv.com 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644
Fridge, stove, dishwasher (in most), drapes. Outdoor pool. Some pets welcome. Resident Manager. Close to bus, shopping, schools and parks. #36 - 5210 - 203 Street, Langley
Call 604-532-2036
By appt - call 604 - 514 - 1480
Linwood Place Apts 20051- 55 A Ave.
Autos • Trucks • Equipment Removal FREE TOWING 7 days/wk. We pay Up To $500 CA$H Rick Goodchild 604.551.9022
1 MONTH FREE Newly Renovated Units
Starting at $835. $675 to $835 includes Heat, Hot water, Cable to channel 43. On site security Ask for details
Call 604-530-6555 Must bring in this ad to receive 1st month free
709 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL #1 5700-198th St Langley 3,888 of Retail / Shop / Office all in one unit. $3,500/mo GROSS RENT For more info call 604-318-5255
11’ ceiling, 10’ bay door, 2 pce washroom. $950/mo. 604-856-2301 Langley City. Clean warehouse & office space, w/wshroom, 3-phase power, o/h dr, $895. 604-834-3289
2BDRM, 2bthrm, 1300 sq ft on acreage in N. Langley. Not suitable for livestock. $1,400 per month, includes Gas. Available Jan. 1st, possibly sooner. Call 604-533-6063 HOUSE w/2400 sf garage/shop/strg cement slab, 14’ H dbl wide door, on 1 ac, $1500, N/S. 604-536-3058
748 SHARED ACCOMMODATION CLOVERDALE 60/192. Top flr of t/h, 2 lrg pri rooms, own bthrm, shrd kit & lndry. Suit mature/stable fem. dog friendly. Incl cbl/net/prkg & access to o/d pool & excer room. N/S, N/D, N/P, ref’s. Utils incl $680/mo. Avail Jan 15/Feb 1. (604)719-2372
Auto Financing 1.800.910.6402
Abbotsford-Large Barns for Rent, nr town! Suitable for storage. Almost 4000 sq ft, 160’ x 24’. Clean, cement flrs w/electricity. Quick highway access. Owner lives on site. $1100/m. 604-309-9023 after 6pm.
WALNUT GROVE 2 bdrm. suite, $850 mo. + 40% utils. N/S N/P. Avail. now. (604)613-0605
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1997 MAZDA PROTEGE, 5 spd, very good cond, 170K, AirCared til 10/12. Good tires, MP3, cheap on gas. $1900. Call: 778-240-8075 2002 TOYOTA COROLLA, auto, 4 dr, 139K, p/l, A/C, C/D, spoiler, light grey. Aircrd. $4700. 604-502-9912 2003 HONDA CIVIC - 4 dr, automatic a/c, cd, very clean, no acc. Clear title. $5600: (604)607-4906 2003 TOYOTA Corolla, very clean, 4dr, CD player, auto, 157,000kms. $4750/obo. Call 604-588-5215. 2003 VOLVO V40, S/W, Blue, loaded 155,000 kms, auto, new tires. $5500 firm. Phone 604-538-9257. 2004 MERCEDES C230 SEDAN auto, sunroof, 47k, Gold Mist Mica over blk. leather, exc. cond. local, no accid $13 230 (604)328-1883
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ESTATE OF ELLA EMMELINE MIRK CREDITORS AND OTHERS having claims against the estate of Ella Emmeline Mirk formerly of 6783 Dumfries Street, Vancouver, B.C. deceased who died on the 21st day of February, 2011 are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor at 3314655 32nd Avenue, Surrey, B.C. V4P 3R6 on or before the 23rd day of February, 2012 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been received. Marje Suurkask Executor
Phone 604-530-1912
RETIRED LADY with friendly cat looking for longer term rental, small house or cottage. 2 Bdrm or 2 Bdrm & den, ref’s avail. Avid gardener. Call 778-549-5058.
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BROOKSWOOD COMMERCIAL LEASE spaces available at 208th Street and 40th Ave. Sizes 7002100 s.f. $1500 - $4500. Call Frank @ Noort Investments 604-835-6300 or Nick @ 604-526-3604.
DSI water heater, ext. shower, water filter sys., create-abreeze fan, rear kitchen. $24,483 (Stk.30964)
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Call 604-534-0108
2004 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Ltd. 4x4, auto, red, 160K, $8500 firm. Call 604-538-9257
2006 Mazda B3000, black, 4 dr. 1 owner, 100,000 kms. Exc cond. $9888 obo. 604-562-4168.
ALDERGROVE. 3 bdrm T/H. 1.5 bths. Fncd yd. fam.complex. $1050 & up. Sm dog ok. 778- 551-2696.
847 SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 2004 FORD Escape XLS, 2L, 5 sp. Loaded. 132kms. no acc. $4500 no tax Aircared 2 yrs. 604-502-9912.
CALL 604-533-7710
1 & 2 BDRMS, kitchen units avail. to rent weekly or monthly. Please call Canada’s best value, Westward Inn @ 604-534-9238.
1 Bdrm’s starting @ $890 2 Bdrm’s starting @ $1000
WILLOUGHBY, 210/83 Ave., 2 bdrm, 3 yrs old, 1 bath. $950 incl. cable, net, utils. Across from Lynn Fripps elem. school. W/D, NS/NP. Avail. immed. Call 604-882-7516.
Call Manager for SPECIALS!
6 bed/4 bath Panorama ridge house,part ocean view,landscaped yard, 2 car garage,RV parking, quiet street. sunridge dr ...call Glenn to view 778 928 8190
19777 Willowbrook Dr., Langley
5380 - 5400 - 5420 206th Street Clean & affordable Bachelor, 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Clse to all ament. Seniors Centre just around the corner. Rent incl heat, hotwater, & cable. Resident Managers on site.
2008 HONDA CIVIC 4dr sedan auto CD, a/c, p/w. Grey. 35,000kms. $9700. 604-825-9477
CLOVERDALE, 163A/58. Lrg quiet 2 bdrm, full bth, pri entr, back patio. $700/mo incl utils/sat/net. No lndry. Avail now. NP/NS. 604-809-0369.
Northland Apartments
Betsy - 604-533-6945
5BD 4 bath up, 2 bd 1 bath down, 2 kitchens,garage.fenced yard. whole house for 2800.00..130th and 96 ave area call glenn at 778 928 8190
$850 mo. 308-0481
Tuesday, January 3, 2012 A23
The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012 • 23 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION
Notice to Creditors and others NOTICE IS HEREBY given to Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Kathleen Mary Holmes aka Kay Mary Holmes, late of 21516 87A Avenue, Langley, BC, that the particulars of their claim should be sent to the solicitor for the estate at #235 - 550 Sixth Street, New Westminster, BC, V3L 3B7, on or before the 11th day of January 2012, after which date the solicitor for the estate will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the executor then has notice.
• The Langley Times • Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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