Tuesday, September 13, 2011 Lanlgey Times

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Road rage trial begins Langley man charged with hit-and-run-death DAN FERGUSON Times Reporter


Miranda GATHERCOLE/Langley Times

Kenny Berg’s 1929 Ford Model A has been turned into a tribute to his favourite movie, Creature From the Black Lagoon. The car has only been finished for a year, and this year was the first time the Walnut Grove resident entered a car in Cruise-In. For more about the annual car show which was held in Langley City on Saturday, see page 23.

No criminal charges against Green Mayor ‘thrilled’ by ruling DAN FERGUSON Times Reporter

Special prosecutor David Crossin, Q.C. has concluded that no charges should be laid against Langley Township Mayor Rick Green. The decision was announced in a written statement issued Friday morning (Sept. 9). The Crossin ruling follows an RCMP investigation into an accusation that Green violated privacy laws in September 2010 after he was censured by Langley Township council. “Having reviewed the investigative report prepared by the police and applied Criminal Justice Branch

policies and charge approval standards, Mr. Crossin concluded that there is no substantial likelihood of conviction for any offences,” said the statement issued by the Criminal Justice Branch. Crossin was appointed in June to conduct an independent charge assessment review of the report to Crown prosecutors by police. “Given that no charges have been approved by Mr. Crossin, neither he nor the Criminal Justice Branch will be releasing any details of the report which he reviewed,” the statement said. Green was delighted by the decision. “It’s what I expected it to be and what I hoped it would be,” he said. “I’m just thrilled.” The police investigation of the mayor was prompted by an anonymous


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letter alleging breaches of the Privacy Act and Community Charter when Green made a public statement on Sept. 14, 2010, the day after he was publicly censured by council over his conduct in the Brownshak affair. Green had told council in a closeddoor session in 2009 that he had received an anonymous letter and copies of corporate records about Brownshak, a small Langley developer at the centre of a political controversy. Green said that these documents might support allegations of improper conduct by Brownshak and its principals, who were the wives of realtors Joel Schacter and Bob Bailey, and of MLA Rich Coleman and Township administrator Mark Bakken.

Brent Parent said nothing as the charges against him were read out by a court clerk Monday morning in a B.C. Supreme Court chamber in New Westminster. At each count, his lawyer spoke for him, saying “Mr. Parent pleads not guilty.” There are five road rage-related charges against the Langley man. They include criminal negligence causing the death of 21-year-old Silas O’Brien of Abbotsford on March 13, 2008 in Langley, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and leaving the scene of the accident. More than a dozen family and friends of O’Brien showed up for the first day of court, forcing court administrators to change courtrooms to find one big enough to accommodate everyone. A grim-faced Parent, who is not in custody, arrived with a female companion who was careful to sit apart from the O’Brien family in the courtroom visitor’s gallery after Parent took his seat in the trial chamber. In her opening statement, Crown prosecutor Donna Ballyk said the evidence will show that immediately after Parent ran O’Brien down, he went home and sat in his hot tub having beer with his brother and talking so loudly that they disturbed a neighbour. The next day, police arrested Parent and his brother as they were leaving the property. By then a distinctive sled deck had been removed from the truck which Parent allegedly used to run down O’Brien. Ballyk said the evidence will show that O’Brien and two friends were in a Chevy Silverado heading to the airport for a flight to Hawaii when they made contact with a Ford F250 truck driven by Parent, whose brother was riding with him. The Silverado was hit a glancing blow on the passenger side, while the Ford suffered a scrape on the driver’s side. After that, Ballyk said, Parent ran the Ford off the road into a ditch, then returned and ran O’Brien down. At the time, Parent was 38. The first witness called by the prosecution was a former New Westminster Police officer continued, PAGE 4

continued, PAGE 5

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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 3

news Kositsky decides to run for mayor The

Langley Times


Longtime Langley Township Councillor Mel Kositsky has officially confirmed that he is running for mayor. Kositsky, 60, sent out a press release late Sunday night to make the word official. In late August, he said he was considering running for the position, and promised a decision before the first council meeting in September. Council met for the first time since July 25 on Monday. He will be running against incumbent Rick Green and newcomer Jack Froese. Green has assembled a group of candidates under the Vote Langley Now banner, while Froese is running as an independent. The Vote Langley Now group is running seven council candidates, and when the slate was unveiled in July, Green asked voters to save a vote for Kositsky. “I did not know anything about the political rally in late July held by Mayor Green and his new political slate,” Kositsky said. “Neither Mayor Green nor any of his chosen seven candidates talked to me about their plans or invited me to that meeting. I was shocked to read about it on the Internet the next day. “While I thank Mayor Green for his nice comments about me that night, I have

frank bucholtz 604-514-6751 newsroom@langleytimes.com

always been an indepenahead to build a safe and dent councillor and I will healthy community, with be running as an indea sound economic base. pendent candidate for “As the hub of the mayor.” Fraser Valley between Kositsky has served 18 Surrey and Abbotsford, years on council, servLangley Township should ing under three different be known for its great mayors. He also ran in development potential — 2004 as an independent not for its political battles candidate for MP, in the at the council table. It has first election where Lanbeen very embarrassing, gley formed a separate to say the least. riding. He is a former “There is a long list reporter and editor with of issues facing Langley The Times. Township in the next “It takes a bit of courterm. We will be negoage to live your dream, tiating new union conand I have been studytracts, and the one with Mel Kositsky ing and researching what the RCMP, and my experimakes a good mayor for a ence in local government long time — and now it’s time to go for it,” labour relations makes me an ideal candisaid Kositsky.“It’s time to restore trust in our date to lead that process.” local government and show we are managHe said the next three years are going to ing Langley Township well. And it’s time for be very challenging for local governments some diplomacy at the council table. in dealing with provincial and federal gov“I am a coach and mentor — and would ernments. work closely with the newly-elected coun“Having been elected by my peers in local cillors to focus on the needs of the Town- government to serve on a number of local ship and preparing this community for the government boards, I have built relationfuture. That is our main role — planning ships with politicians of all political stripes.

It is the respect I have earned at those tables that will make it easier for me to negotiate on the Township’s behalf with other orders of government. “My three-year contract with the people is up. People are telling me it’s time I ran for mayor. I will be asking Township residents to choose me on Nov. 19 to lead council through the next three years. “(The people of Langley) have invested in my leadership training, and now it’s time for me to step up to the plate and bring back some civility and respect to our local government.” Both Green and Froese welcome Kositsky’s entrance into the race for mayor. “It adds a whole new dimension,” Green said. “I can’t wait for it to get underway.” He said his Vote Langley Now group had never planned to run eight candidates for councillor, and he endorsed Kositsky for council in July “because Mel did not and has not participated in the political attacks, as other members of council have.” Froese said “it’s good to see choice, and I welcome him into the race. He’s been around Langley for a long time, and democracy is all about choices.” Froese believes Kositsky’s entrance into the race will likely boost voter turnout, which be considers “a win for Langley.”

Fassbender to seek third term as mayor BRENDA ANDERSON Times Reporter

Langley City’s mayor will seek a third term in office. Peter Fassbender signed his nomination papers on Thursday morning, making official his intent to seek three more years as mayor, following the Nov. 19 civic election. During his announcement at City Hall, Fassbender cited his experience, work ethic, passion for the city and his business acumen as factors working in his favour. “It’s not enough to run (for office) because you’re anti-something,” said Fassbender.“You have to have a vision. I hope people who run will stand up and say, ‘Here’s what I offer and who I am.” “I believe in the process. I think elections are healthy,” said Fassbender. “I hope citizens realize how important their decision is — who they choose. “Pay attention to who’s running, why and what their vision is,” he said. That vision must extend beyond City borders, he added, because the role of mayor doesn’t end at the municipal boundaries, but includes representing the City’s interests throughout the region. During his six years as mayor, Fassbender

has served on numerous regional boards and committees — addressing everything from health, to policing, libraries, housing, regional growth and transportation. He also touched once again on the issue of amalgamation, saying that while it might conjure up good feelings to think of ‘one Langley,’ until it makes economic sense for the City and Township to amalgamate, it’s not something he’s interested in pursuing. He will, however, continue to promote development — and a larger tax base — within the City, he said, as long as it’s done in a fiscally responsible way. “I’d like to see the community remain debt-free,” Fassbender said, noting the City is one of very few communities that can make such a claim. To achieve that, he added, “you use what you have, in a pragmatic fashion.” One of the City’s greatest financial assets continues to be Cascades Casino, which funnels about $6 million into City coffers annually. It’s vital, he said, that the City continue to not use proceeds from the casino as operating funds. Cascades has been a major contributor over the several years it has been in operation, but revenues are declining as gambling options expand, he said. One of the greatest challenges of the

job, he said, is trying to zero increase in wages in meet everyone’s wants Metro Vancouver, when it and needs. comes to CUPE, fire and There will always be police services. people who aren’t happy While it’s early to with a decision, he said. predict what will That’s particularly true happen,”everyone is when it comes to tax committed,” he said. “We increases. have to take a hard look Zero per cent tax at salaries.” increases or even tax Two longtime resireductions, as some have dents of the City who called for, would not be support Fassbender’s fiscally responsible, said vision for the City came Fassbender. to his office on Thursday “We’ll keep them as to add their signatures to low as possible,” he said. his nomination papers. Peter Fassbender Wages remain the largFassbender asked Vina est cost driver in the Elias and former City City’s budget and have steadily increased mayor Marlene Grinnell for their endorseover the past several years, thanks to a five- ment, he said, because they represent both year contract negotiated before the 2008 the City’s heritage, as well as its present and economic downturn. future. With negotiations set to begin again, Fass“The key is (Fassbender’s) years of experibender said the City will keep an eye on ence and his willingness to continue,” Grinwhat is happening throughout the region. nell said. Communities which settle first will set Elias, who sits on the City’s public safety the trend — particularly if it comes to medi- committee, has been impressed by the ation in other municipalities, he said. mayor’s responsiveness to issues that affect Overall, he said, there is an eye to a net- senior citizens and their well being.

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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011



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A police technician bags evidence at the scene of a March 2008 hit-and-run that claimed the life of 21-year-old Silas O’Brien.

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from PAGE 1

who was a member of the regional Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) assigned to the case. At The Times’ press deadline, Natasha Purba was testifying about the paint scrapings that show the Parent and O’Brien vehicles made physical contact.

She also took the judge through the initial IHIT photographs of the crime scene that included images of the blood stain left where O’Brien hit the pavement. According to the prosecution, as O’Brien and his friends, Sam Dooley and Luke Stevens, also 21, were driving to the airport around 2 a.m. to make their

Dan FERGUSON/Langley Times

Brent Parent arrives with an unidentified female companion for the start of his trial in B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster. The Langley man is charged with multiple roadrage-related offences. flight, they came upon a white Ford F250 driven by Parent with a sled carrier for snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles on the back. The Ford was stopped in the road in the 25800 block of 16 Avenue. When the Silverado went to drive around it, the Ford began moving,

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which is when the two vehicles made contact. The Ford circled back and ran the Silverado off the road, causing it to flip into a ditch. The three occupants were standing on the side of the road surveying the damage when the F250 returned. Dooley and Stevens jumped out of the way but O’Brien was hit. He died at the scene. O’Brien and his friends were members of the Cloverdale Bible Way church, part of a tight-knit youth group They attended a prayer meeting the night before they left for Hawaii, joined by more than 500 members of their congregation including their families, who were there to wish the trio a good trip. O’Brien left behind six siblings, his parents, and many friends. He also had a girlfriend Megan Williamson, a competitive figure skater with the Langley Skating Club. The trial has been scheduled for 10 days before B.C. Supreme Court justice Terence A. Schultes. The Crown lawyer is expected to wrap up the prosecution case by the end of the week. Then it will be the turn of defence lawyer Vincent Michaels. Parent faces a possible sentence of life in prison if convicted.

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 5


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Mayor considering options


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from PAGE 1

The allegations were found to be groundless. At the Sept. 14, 2010 press conference, Green admitted that he had misled council at that emergency meeting about Brownshak. He claimed the anonymous letter had arrived the day before the emergency meeting, when in fact he had known about the Brownshak documents since August of 2009. According to a Township press release, Green apologized to council at two closed meetings. Council censured Green and stripped the mayor of all his appointments on the Metro Vancouver


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Dan FERGUSON/Langley Times

Township mayor Rick Green, seen here at a Sept. 6 civic event, says he may sue now that a special prosecutor has decided against charging him with a criminal offence. board and Fraser Health advisory council for the rest of his term. The Township mayor estimated the affair has cost the Township $100,000, mostly on outside legal advice, and that he personally has spent another $20,000 of his own money defending himself against “politically motivated” allegations.

“I’ve maintained since day one that I did nothing wrong,” Green said. “We’ve wasted far too much time, energy and money on a non-issue.” Green added he has copies of “everything said and done over the last two years.” “I’m seriously considering my options,” he said. — with files from Natasha Jones

Public Notice of Open House Mufford/64th Avenue at Highway 10 Project The public is invited to view plans for an overpass that will address safety and congestion issues at Mufford/64th Avenue at Highway 10.

The open houses are scheduled for the following dates and times: Tuesday, September 13, and Wednesday, September 14, 2011 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Langley Golf and Banquet Centre 21550 — 44th Avenue Langley For more information, contact Senior Project Manager Brad Glazer at 250 356-9736 or Brad.Glazer@gov.bc.ca, or visit www.robertsbankrailcorridor.ca.

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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Thank you Ambassadors!

HARD LANDING Our 2011 Season is wrapping up for another year and we want to say thank you Ambassadors! It has been a great summer because of your presence in Langley’s downtown. You make Langley City the Place To Be Welcomed. See you all in the Spring!

A Langley RCMP officer interviews an injured cyclist Monday afternoon. The woman was reportedly hit by another vehicle around 4 p.m. on 64 Avenue near the 200 Street intersection. A nurse who happened to be on the scene shortly after the cyclist fell off her bike said the victim was complaining about a shoulder injury, but seemed otherwise OK.

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Dan FERGUSON/ Langley Times

Police seek witnesses to serious collision Staff Writer

Langley RCMP are looking for witnesses to a two-vehicle collision that occurred Friday (Sept 9) around 5:45 p.m. at the intersection of 256 Street and 64 Avenue. On arrival police found the driver of a GMC Sonoma had been ejected from his vehicle and was lying in a nearby ditch. He was transported to hospital via air ambulance and is now in stable condition. The female driver and male passenger in a Dodge Ram were transported to hospital for treatment of broken bones, soft tissue damage and skin gashes. Police believe alcohol to be a factor in the collision. Langley RCMP would like to speak to anyone who witnessed the collision or

stopped to offer assistance who has not yet spoken to police. That includes one woman, described as Caucasian, middle-aged, with short, blonde hair, who administered first aid to the injured and may have been a nurse. Witnesses are asked to call Langley RCMP at 604-5323200. ••••• Yorkson Watershed Stewardship Committee, a collective of residents from Walnut Grove who are active in protecting the natural habitats around the Yorkson and Mundy Creeks, is holding a meeting today (Tuesday). The group, active on many different fronts and enjoying a close relationship with the municipality, is inviting newcomers to bring their enthusiasm and ideas to the

group and help to make a difference in the community. The meeting runs from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Rotary Room in Walnut Grove Park. Access is from the driveway that lies between the secondary school and the tennis courts, on the west side of Walnut Grove Drive. For more information call Lina at 604-532-3517 or email lazeez@tol.ca. ••••• There were no injuries when a school bus rearended another school bus on Highway 1, near the 248 Street overpass on Monday morning. The buses were being used to transport workers, and were not part of a school bus fleet, a Port Mann Freeway Patrol officer said. The vehicles were carrying an unknown number of passengers.


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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 7


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

opinion The

Published Tuesday and Thursday at 20258 Fraser Highway, Langley, B.C., V3A 4E6 by Black Press Ltd.

Langley Times

Sales agreement No. 3298280. Contents copyright of Black Press



Local vote is vital

Too soon for Order of B.C.


n just over two months, residents of Langley City and Langley Township will be asked to go to the polls and elect new councils, as well as the seven members of the Langley Board of Education. They will be elected for three-year terms, which means they will be overseeing local governments until December, 2014. These three local governments are very important to the day-to-day lives of Langley residents, and it would be wonderful if many more residents went to the polls to elect mayors, councillors and trustees. Historically, the voter turnout in Langley is about 15 to 20 per cent, which means that 80 to 85 per cent of eligible voters don’t bother to take part. This means that incumbents almost always get back in, simply because they are better known. This is not to say that they aren’t worthy of re-election, but most can get re-elected by simply showing up to events and ensuring that they keep in touch with the small number of people who vote. In Langley City, this is particularly easy, as about 3,000 people usually vote. It isn’t hard to have some contact with almost all those voters over three years. There are many key issues which will affect all Langley residents, and how they are dealt with will impact taxpayers’ wallets, and the overall welfare of the community. One is the level of education services offered to students, in light of Langley School District’s $13 million deficit. This must be repaid, and trustee candidates need to show how this won’t impact the quality of education students receive. Education has a key impact on their future. Another is the rate of tax increases in both the City and Township. Steady increases in the four and five per cent range are simply unsustainable, as the economy remains unsteady. Candidates for council need to show how they can hold the line on expenses, or say if they are even willing to consider that as an option. New contracts with unionized staff are on the horizon, and wages and benefits are a major part of municipal budgets. Local governments also have a voice with TransLink and Metro Vancouver, and their spending plans and services (or lack thereof) have a major effect on Langley’s livability. What will candidates do to get better value for money from these bodies? Taking part in the local vote is important, and The Times will provide plenty of information in coming weeks.


The buzz is about local politics Township mayor’s race major topic at barbecue


n Sunday, Fort LangleyRick Green was not. He has not Aldergrove MLA Rich Colebeen to a Coleman event in the past two years. man held his annual appreciation barbecue for his friends and From However, at least two of the Vote the Editor supporters. He always invites local Langley Now slate that Green has media people, and I like to take up FRANKBUCHOLTZ put together were there — Glen Tomblin and Tony Malyk — and his invitation, as it is an excellent way to take the political pulse in Langley. there may have been others. At last year’s event, held in the pouring rain, Numerous current councillors were there as well — incumbents Charlie Fox, Grant Ward, then-premier Gordon Campbell was a surprise guest. He was trying to save his political skin at Steve Ferguson, Bob Long and Bev Dornan. Forthe time, given the overwhelming success of the mer councillor Jordan Bateman, who resigned in initiative against the HST. About six weeks later, August to take up a position with the Canadian he announced he was going to resign. Taxpayers Federation, was also there. He is a All the talk at that event was about the future former president of Coleman’s constituency of the BC Liberals, as supporters were openly association, and resigned his party membership concerned about the future. to take up his new post. This year, in the bright sunshine, those fears Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender, who appeared to have vanished. A huge crowd was announced Thursday that he is running again, on hand at the home of Dixie and Roy Jacobson, was there, as were CouncillorS Gayle Martin and and few that I spoke to even mentioned the pro- Jack Arnold. vincial scene. Jack Froese, who is running for mayor, was Coleman praised new Premier Christy Clark, there and was talking to as many potential votand noted that she “put her family first” by going ers as possible. to her son’s rep hockey tryouts Sunday, instead All those that I spoke to felt that a three-way of coming to his barbecue. He applauded her race for mayor would make the race very wide choice of priorities. open and difficult to call. I suspect Froese had What I found fascinating this year was that a lot of support at the barbecue, as many of his most people I spoke to are focused on the supporters are Coleman supporters as well. But upcoming municipal election, particularly in the his lack of experience on council may hurt him Township. somewhat. Many were asking me if I thought Mel KosOne of the best things about a three--way race itsky was running for mayor, while others were is that it is likely to boost voter turnout, which convinced that he was. (He announced that he has been abysmal in the past three elections. It was doing so late Sunday night). is rare that 20 per cent of voters turn out. HowTwo former Township mayors, John Scholtens ever, they may be more motivated in a race that and Kurt Alberts, were on hand. Current mayor seems, at this point, to be quite wide open. www. l a n g l e y t i m e s . com Contact us Main line ........................................... 604-533-4157 Classifieds.......................................... 604-575-5555 fax 604-575-2073

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iming is everything and the decision to award former B.C. premier Gordon Campbell the Order of B.C. now, rather than sometime down the road when one can look at his legacy in more historic terms, is ridiculous and makes no sense at all. What was the committee thinking? It’s been only days since one of the former premier’s unfortunate legacies, the HST, went down to defeat after it already cost him his job and quite possibly his party’s grip on power come the next election. And the committee wants to give him the province’s highest award while the HST fiasco, which will cost us untold millions once it’s reversed, is fresh in everyone’s minds? Yikes. It’s no wonder there are online protests and petitions gathering steam in cyberspace. Especially when you consider previous premiers Dave Barrett and Mike Harcourt have never received the honour and longtime B.C. leader Bill Bennett only got his two decades after he left office. Certainly Campbell’s legacy includes the Vancouver/Whistler Olympics that were a huge success, a fairly tight grip on the provincial economy and years of service as the mayor of the province’s biggest city. His lengthy record of public service deserves consideration for the Order of B.C., but later when his record can be looked at with some semblance of sober second thought. Not now when the sting of the HST is too much in our minds and when, in reality, his original mandate to govern as premier hasn’t even ended yet. In fact, there’s some debate about whether as a sitting politician up until March of this year, he is even eligible to receive this honour. —Vernon Morning Star (Black Press)

The Langley Times is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 9

letters The

The Times welcomes letters from its readers. Send submissions to #102-20258 Fraser Hwy. Langley, B.C. V3A 4E6 e-mail - newsroom@langleytimes.com

Langley Times

Time to speak up about TransLink Editor: “Soaring ridership is putting TransLink under pressure”, according to reports in The Times and Aldergrove Star. We in the Township of Langley were lured into what was then called the GVRD (now Metro Vancouver) in the late 1980s by thenmayor John Beales. This was wise, or otherwise. We are now committed. The thought of joining the GVRD, with all of it aspirations, was fine in theory. But the Township did not have a long-range balanced agenda in terms of joining the regional district. Enthusiasm, plus self-serving aspirations, often supercedes common sense.

Out Township is a victim of these consequences. The Township is now part of a huge, uncontrollable octopus. So how do we manage the many octopod characteristics? When it comes to TransLink, an allied regional agency, it’s like sandpaper against the bare skin. There have been no communications with constituents in Langley who pay for TransLink. Most decisions are arbitrary ones, from the top down. TransLink is constantly draining away our personal resources, to serve whom? It is certainly not serving most residents of the Township. TransLink has taken its case for more funds

as far away as Ottawa, but it continues to flounder. It’s time to settle down. As the current situation in the U.S. shows, public agencies can’t endlessly keep going to the well for more money. People need to open their eyes and become informed about how TransLink and Metro Vancouver are wanting more and more of their money each year. Local politicians need to do the same. There has been too much government on “autopilot” in the past. Now is the time for citizens and politicians to start speaking up. Harvey Schultz, Aldergrove


Committee’s report was duly considered Editor: A recent letter to the editor from Robert Moats (The Times, Sept. 6) reflected on the Township Mayor’s Standing Committee on Finance and stated that council had “staunchly rejected all of its recommendations.” As a member of council, I thought it prudent that the public got the truth regarding this committee’s report and recommendations. I would suggest that the public request a copy of this, so they are clear what the final recommendations were, and they can then make informed and responsible decisions regarding its work. I might point out that the final report was not unanimously supported by the task force members. Here are some of the recommendations and council’s response to them. ❒ Maintain all current service levels at today’s level. In fact, this council voted to remove over $1.4 million from the Township budget by diligently pursuing efficiencies, the capital project budget and not replacing staff. This equates into a 1.8 per cent tax saving. ❒ Establish a Property Endowment Fund. This was a motion made at a public meeting in December, 2009 to complete a business case for the concept, and the mayor has done nothing to act on this and follow though. ❒ The airport should be established as a separate business unit and profit centre. A complete study of the Langley Regional Airport was undertaken by an outside professional in the field, and he recommended against this action, and to leave the model as it is. ❒ Undertake a review of TOL rental rates The

— it’s been done. ❒ A vehicle fleet management review should be undertaken — done ❒ Implement a review of the local firefighting structure. This was done by a highly respected Charlie outside consultant. Fox ❒ The Mayor’s Standing Committee on Finance should be continued. It was the committee members’ decision to resign in January, 2010 and council found out about it in February 2010. Council actually expected the committee to continue, but they chose otherwise. The following are what council discussed and did not act on. ❒ A general tax increase of .93 per cent. This was impossible, as it would have left a taxable debt load of over $7 million at the end of the three-year term for the future generations of taxpayers in the Township. These figures are confirmed by the accountants. No other jurisdiction locally had a tax increase anywhere near that amount, so one needs to ask why. The Township has no casino funds, no endowment funds (only Vancouver does) so a debt load was inevitable and this is not the legacy council was willing to leave. Of note is that Vancouver had a 4.2 per cent residential tax increase in 2011 (.25 per cent higher than the Township) and it has access to endowment funds. ❒ Maintain current wage and benefit costs at January 2009 levels. This was impossible, as wage contracts are duly negotiated in good faith at the Metro Vancouver labour relations

level, and are out of our control as they apply regionally. ❒ Look at utilities and their associated statutory reserves, including transferring funds between reserves or between operation expenditures and capital. These recommendations were referred to legal counsel and deemed illegal to follow through with, so no action was taken. ❒ Use the ‘zero-based’ budgeting process. Again this recommendation was discussed and it was determined by vote of council to continue the process as is. The question needs to be asked, why is nobody else using the ‘zero-based’ budget process? It is not more efficient or effective in the public sector, with the GAAP rules and Community Charter rules. ❒ The suggestion that all property sold should go into an endowment fund. The Township has a limited inventory of surplus lands to begin with. Further, the TOL has a history of using land to gain land, either through land swaps or sell/buy arrangements. A review of all sale/purchase policies was completed by council and the policies and principles were found to be sound and legally within the boundaries of the Community Charter and the principles of common law. Council has paid due respect to the committee’s recommendations and has implemented many of them. Some were illegal and some determined to not be functional, but clear consideration of the report was given and that needs to be understood. Councillor Charlie Fox

20 YEARS MARKED Editor: Fort Langley Child Care Society has something to celebrate. You may have seen us, out and about in Fort Langley, walking to the library for storytime or off to the post office to pick up the mail. Two by two, we head down the sidewalk on an adventure to the river or to Wendel’s for hot chocolate. For the past 20 years, we have proudly provided quality childcare to children in the community. We would like to thank you all for helping us reach this amazing goal. We invite you to help us celebrate this great milestone. On Sunday, Sept. 18 we hope past, present and future families, staff and friends will come share this special event. Come join us at Fort Langley Elementary between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. for pony rides, face painting, a barbecue and bouncy castle fun. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs and sunscreen. We hope to see you there. Monique Belanger, Fort Langley

A GREAT PAIR Editor: As sales manager at ITB (Intercontinental Truck Body), it’s great to see our customers featured in The Times (Mobile gym caters to Hollywood elite, Sept. 8), especially such great personalities as Mike and Anne. We had a lot of fun with them putting this trailer together. Thanks for featuring them in this article, as they are a great hard-working, local business-supporting, pair. If you would ever like to run a story about any of the other oneof-a-kind vehicles that are built here at ITB, just stop by anytime and I’ll provide some ideas about what we’ve done recently, and what’s coming up in the near future. By the way, our company is ITB, not ITV as stated in the article. John Van Seters, sales manager, ITB (B.C.), Surrey

Times reserves the right to reject unsigned letters. Letters are edited for brevity, legality and taste. Contact Editor Frank Bucholtz, 604-533-4157




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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seeking a second chance Tearful owner of currency exchange pleads guilty to money laundering DAN FERGUSON Times Reporter

An emotional Robinderpal “Robin” Rathor was barely able to speak at his

A&W & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 604.534-1497 4 534 1497 Arnie’s A i ’ Cleaners Cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 534 534-3143 3143 BMO B Bank k off M Montreal t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 533 533-5900 5900 Bicycle y Sports Pacific Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 539 539-2453 2453 Canada Safew Safeway way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 533 533-9931 9931 CK Nail Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 534 534-8895 8895 Dairy Queen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 534 534-2381 2381 Daniadow Daniadown wn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 530 530-6605 6605 Danier Leath Leather her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 514-6801 Edward Jones Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 533-9403 Insight Chirocare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 532-4320 Jenny Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 533-2574 K & K Pet Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 534-8655 Kumon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778 8 278-3400 LBC Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 530-4613 Langley Farm Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 532-5369 The Little Gym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 539-2543 M & M Meat Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 533-7768 Magicuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 530-2976 Maritime Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 533-5305 Miraku Japanese Restau Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 604 533-7170 New B Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 514-0022 Pizza Hut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 310-1010 Purolator Courier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 513-6100 Purolato Red Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 530-4484 Roger’s Roger s Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 533-8555 Royal R oyal Bank of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 533-6800 Running i Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 534-2112 534 2112 Scotiabank tiaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 514-5450 514 5450 Soccer occer W West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 533-7202 533 7202 Sport M Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 532-9116 532 9116 S bucks Starbucks b k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 530 530-1340 1340 Seven S ven Seas S Fresh F hS Seafood f d & Grill G ill . . . . . . . . . 604 4 532 532-7727 7727 Sureslim S li Wellness W ll Clinic Cli i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 530-7460 530 7460 Westland W tl d Insurance I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 534 534-9266 9266 Willowbrook Will b k Park P k Dental D t l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 4 530 530-2828 2828

sentencing hearing for money laundering on Thursday (Sept. 8) in Surrey Provincial Court. The 33-year-old former owner of a Langley currency exchange sat miserably slumped in his chair, sniffling audibly, as the court heard how Rathor, the owner of a Langley currency exchange and a former corrections officer with no criminal record, was caught in an RCMP sting. Over a six-month

period from April 16 to May 26, Rathor exchanged $560,000 U.S. in four transactions for two men he believed were drug dealers. They were actually an undercover RCMP sergeant and corporal. The pair started with smaller transactions and hints that





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Dan FERGUSON/Langley Times

Robin Rathor leaves Surrey Provincial Court followed by his cousin Taranjit. the money they were bringing in bags was the product of crime. “My money is dirty,” one told Robin. “I know that,” he replied. As they progressed to larger amounts, the two become more direct. “I move green down and I move white up,” one said, indicating they were exporting marijuana to the U.S. and bringing cocaine back. “I’m not a doctor or a lawyer and the money I have with me is cocaine money,” one told Rathor. The two currency exchanges run by Rathor were raided on May 26, 2008, one at Global Tourist Centre (GTC) at 20505 Fraser Highway, the other at Capital Forex, 5560 204 St. At the time, the RCMP said officers were acting on a tip. Prosecutor Charles Hough said Rathor’s profits on all the exchanges were “modest,”no more than $16,000. “It didn’t take much to cause Robinderpal to leave the straight and narrow path,” Hough said,“just a few bucks.” The prosecutor wants a sentence of two years less a day. Defence lawyer continued, PAGE 11


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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 11

news Artists are opening their studios to warmly welcome visitors during the 3rd annual

Langley Art Studio Tour Sept 24-25 & Oct 1-2, 2011, 10am-5pm A suspect is taken away by police after Emergency Response Teams and RCMP raided the Global Tourist Centre Currency Exchange on 56 Avenue back in May 2008. Robin Rathor is awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty.

‘I am trying to make up for my mistakes’ from PAGE 10

Richard Peck wants house arrest. “There are times when a person deserves a second chance,” Peck said. “This man is such a person.” His client has already paid a heavy price, Peck said. Rathor’s marriage is “in tatters,” the lawyer said, adding Rathor has brought shame to himself and his family, and he’s lost $264,000 in money seized by the police from the business and the loss of the business itself. Peck filed 85 letters of support that included two from former mayors from his home town, a retired RCMP officer and a local MLA, all saying Rathor was a person of honesty and integrity, and his flirtation with supposed drug dealers was very out of character. No explanation for Rathor’s strange change of behavior was advanced, other than this observation by Peck. “He [Rathor] is a person who is desperate to please,” the defence lawyer said. “A person who is desperate to help others.” Peck said a term of house arrest with strict conditions would meet

the legal principal of deterrence and denunciation. “I’m not asking for a kiss in the form of a milquetoast conditional sentence,” Peck said. Then, it was Rathor’s turn to speak. He rose and unfolded a note from his pocket. Rathor had trouble speaking, and needed long pauses, so long the judge offered to have his lawyer read it for him. But Rathor was able to complete his statement, offering his “sincerest apologies” to his family, friends and colleagues in the corrections service and saying he hopes to be a better example to his young son. “I’m trying to make up for my mistakes,” the tearful Rathor said, mistakes he will “never, ever repeat.” Judge Peder Gulbransen is scheduled to deliver his verdict on Oct. 5. The prosecutor stayed related criminal charges against Taranjit Rathor, the younger cousin of Robinderpal and a partner in the Langley currency exchanges. The prosecutor said the younger Rathor “took a back seat” to his older relative during the illicit transactions and was “essentially along for the ride.”

45 juried artists • 17 art studios • 6 “Stops of Interest” Visit artists’ studios and other stops of interest throughout the community on this selfguided tour. See lots of art, talk to the artists, and take part in free workshops and demos. For full details and a printable guide-map, visit:

www.langleyartstudiotour.ca The tour map will be printed in the Sept. 20th Langley Times. Thank you

Langley Times file photo

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Private power producers want to stay the course


.C.’s private power producers held a news conference here in the capital last week, to plead with the B.C. government not to back down from its target of self-sufficiency in clean energy by 2016. The review panel looking at BC Hydro rates recommended that one way the utility might save money would be to change the definition of self-sufficiency. Currently that means having enough domestic clean electricity supply even in low water years. The B.C. Clean Energy Association was supported by University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver, who wants B.C. to continue to develop its unique clean energy resources. That will reduce BC Hydro’s reliance on the open electricity market, and help to reduce demand for further coal and natural gas generation. Weaver says people still skeptical about climate change should check out the current state of Arctic sea ice. It has retreated drastically again this summer and may reach an even smaller size than it did in 2007, which was the biggest melt since satellite records became available in 1979. The five greatest ice retreats have been in the past five years. The U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Centre reported Sept. 6 that both the Northwest Passage through Canada’s Arctic and the sea route north of Russia “appear to be open.” Another supporter is Judith Sayers, a former chief from NuuChah-Nulth territory on Vancouver Island, who now teaches aboriginal law at the University of Victoria. She talked about

how a small hydro but its nearby East power project Toba and Montrose near Port Alberni river generators allowed her people and the Dokie BC Views wind farm have to learn business, with a light TOM FLETCHER performed better footprint on land than expected. recovering from a century of The Bute project won’t go industrial logging. And she said anywhere until the North Amerithat more than half of the First can power market changes draNations in B.C. now have some matically. Currently the market interest in a power project. is low, due mainly to an abunAssociation president Paul dance of cheap natural gas and Kariya explained how critics, government-subsidized wind notably the NDP’s John Horpower in the U.S. gan, manipulate rate figures Horgan claims private investto create an impression that ment is a nefarious scheme to independent power is hugely create a “parallel generating overpriced. system” for private profit. That seems to be his key criterion for acceptable small hydro: as long as nobody makes a profit. Professional environmentalists claim rivers have been destroyed. Their favourite villain, Ashlu Creek near Squamish, has been running smoothly for nearly two Judith Sayers years, its critics silenced. Nuu-Chal-Nulth First Nation A new run-of-river cluster around Harrison Lake has energized two remote native One out of three proposals villages. I’ve seen these things, from never makes it to production. B.C.’s second wind farm, the construction stage to mature Dokie project near Chetwynd, operation. If that’s your idea went broke, then was taken of devastation, you should get over and completed by Plutonic out more, and acquaint yourself Power Corp and General Elecwith the history of logging in tric. particular. Here’s an indication of how And if you’re going to insinuquickly the clean energy field ate that this is political corrupis evolving: This year Plutonic tion, as Horgan does, you need a merged with Magma Energy better case than the flimsy one Corp., which has geothermal he has presented so far. assets in Iceland and Nevada. Tom Fletcher is legislative The merged company, Alterra reporter and columnist for Power Corp., has backed away Black Press and BCLocalnews. from the vast Bute Inlet run-ofcom river proposal on the B.C. coast, tfletcher@blackpress.ca

More than half of the First Nations in B.C. now have some interest in a power project.

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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 13



Focus on trades training Les drops hints about new direction during visit

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Sea Soil



Times Reporter

When premier Christy Clark unveils a new job creation plan for B.C. later this month, it will likely include an emphasis on training for blue collar trades work like carpentry, plumbing, welding and operating heavy equipment. Chilliwack Liberal MLA John Les dropped a strong hint about the provincial government’s likely new direction during a Langley visit last week (Sept. 8). “Those kinds of jobs are going begging across the province and they pay very, very, very well,� Les told The Times during an interview at local MLA Mary Polak’s office. “Those are good family-supporting jobs. We need to be focused on trades training.�

is an odour-free, composted fish and forest fines soil loaded with micro-nutrients and trace elements. Completely organic, Sea Soil is recommended for lawns, gardens, planters and especially organic vegetable gardens. There is no need for additional commercial fertilizer with Sea Soil. Large 32 litre bags.

Dan FERGUSON/Langley Times

Chilliwack Liberal MLA John Les, secretary to the premier, hinted the government plans to promote blue-collar employment. Les, the parliamentary secretary to the premier, has been conducting a “jobs tour� for the premier by meeting with local chambers of commerce and business representatives to get information about regional job needs. “My job is to connect with people and gather up ideas,� Les said. Before he came to Langley, Les visited northwest B.C. and Vancouver island.

His next scheduled stops were the Okanagan and the Cariboo. The focus on trades jobs fits with another likely aspect of the provincial government’s job creation program, a new emphasis on business with booming Pacific Rim economies like China, which is expected to have a voracious appetite for B.C. copper, coal and natural gas, according to Les. See video at www. langleytimes.com.





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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New artificial turf field unique Based on every dollar you invest, Canadian Western Bank will make a donation to your local Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. Available September through October

2.00% *

Turf field larger than average, also includes ball diamond Staff Writer

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Fundraising Chair - Karen Wandler Membership - Vera Ward Directors At Large Heather Clarke & Diane Summers

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A new lighted synthetic turf field at Willoughby Community Park officially opened Sept. 2 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Located off 202A Street on the south side of R.E. Mountain Secondary School near the Langley Events Centre, the new field is unique because it is one-third larger than traditional soccer fields and is the first synthetic field in Langley to include a softball diamond. The extra size also allowed for the addition of two 8 vs. 8 soccer fields to the east of the full-sized soccer field. The $3 million project was made possible through a $1 million contribution from the Government of Canada’s Recreational Infrastructure Canada (RInC) program and $600,000 in funding contributed by the

Dan FERGUSON/Langley Times

Left to right: Langley Township mayor Rick Green, Langley Football Club president Rory Wakelin, Langley United Youth Soccer Association president Betty Boucas and Langley MP Mark Warawa cut a ribbon to officially open the new artificial turf field at Willoughby Community Park. Langley United Youth Soccer Association and the Langley Football girls’ soccer club. It will give sports teams another facility that can be used yearround, regardless of less-than-ideal weather and shorter daylight hours in the fall and winter. “The Government of Canada is proud to celebrate the completion of the Willoughby Community Park project, supported by Canada’s Economic Action Plan,” said

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and Development Manager Al Neufeld said was very accommodating during the construction process. “This is the third synthetic turf field featured at Willoughby Community Park, which sets the park up to host tournaments that can proceed without being dependent on the weather,” Neufeld said. Synthetic fields, which are made from polypropylene fibre, can withstand more wear and tear and provide up to six times the amount of play than traditional turf fields. As well, the artificial fields are lit, allowing for night-time events and continued play through the entire year. The new field is next to a new indoor tennis facility, natural grass playing fields, sand volleyball courts, a spray park, playground, and picnic area in Willoughby Community Park. Two more softball diamonds are to be developed in the park in the future.


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Langley MP Mark Warawa, on behalf of the Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification. “Installation of the lighted synthetic turf field will offer more practice time and space for Langley’s baseball, soccer, and lacrosse enthusiasts of all ages,” Warawa added. “The Township of Langley is truly grateful to our funding partners who made construction of this enhanced facility possible,” Mayor Rick Green said. “We are thrilled that Langley United and Langley Football made such a generous contribution, and that the federal government saw the benefit of matching our funding.” The new complex also features extra storage areas for soccer goals, covered players’ benches, and covered spectator areas. The facility includes a parking lot that was created for park users on R.E. Mountain school property, which Township Parks Design

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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 15


Couple face charges in string of robberies Pair believed to be responsible for up to 16 holdups Staff Writer

Two 26-year-olds, a man and his girlfriend, have been arrested in connection with a five-month spree of holdups that included two fast food outlets and a liquor store in Langley and Surrey. A police spokesperson said the pair are suspects in up to 16 robberies of fast food locations and businesses across the Lower Mainland and southern BC. The man is in jail awaiting trial. He has been charged with three counts each of robbery and disguise with intent in relation to robberies at two Subway sandwich shops and

a liquor store in the Surrey/Langley area. A female accomplice, believed to be the suspect’s girlfriend, has also been charged with two counts of robbery in relation to same robberies. She was released from custody pending trial. The robberies happened between May and September of this year. “A good tip led us to this pair,” said Cpl. Holly Marks, spokesperson for the RCMP Lower Mainland District Regional Police Service. “Even though there was no weapon produced in these robberies, they were obviously very upsetting for the employees of these businesses.” Police will be recommending four more charges of robbery and disguise with intent, for other incidents in Port Moody, Langley and Chilliwack. They may also face charges from Coquitlam, Abbotsford and Kelowna.


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close to a grinding machine. It happened around 11 a.m. on 208 Street just south of 68 Avenue on Aug. 29. Fire and ambulance crews responded

A paving crew worker suffered a foot injury after a Bobcat loader with a sweeping attachment apparently came too

and the victim was transported to hospital. The injuries were not considered lifethreatening. WorkSafe BC is investigating.

CITY OF LANGLEY “The Place to Be!” Notice No. 3-1


NOTICE OF NOMINATION Public Notice is given to the electors of the City of Langley that nominations for the offices of:

Mayor – 1 Councillors – 6 School Trustees – 2 will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designated person, as follows: Langley City Hall 20399 Douglas Crescent Langley, B.C. V3A 4B3

9:00 am Tuesday, October 4, 2011 to 4:00 pm Friday, October 14, 2011 Excluding statutory holidays and weekends

Nomination documents are available at Langley City Hall in the Administration Department during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.

QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older; • resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; • a person or commander of an armed forces unit who has been granted freedom of the City, if that person is a Canadian citizen; and • not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office.

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WorkSafe BC investigating accident Staff Writer


Notice No. 2-1

ADVANCE ELECTOR REGISTRATION Are you eligible to vote at the November elections for Mayor, Councillors and School Trustees? Is your name on the current list of electors? If you are not sure you can find out by calling at 604-514-2800 or visiting the Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley B.C. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). Advance elector registrations will be accepted at the Langley City Hall office until Tuesday, September 27, 2011. With the exception of registrations on voting days, elector registrations will not be accepted during the period of September 28, 2011 to November 20, 2011.

ELECTOR QUALIFICATIONS RESIDENT ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration; and • a resident of the City of Langley for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration; and • not disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law. NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS: • age 18 or older; and • a Canadian citizen; and • a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration; and • a registered owner of real property in the City of Langley for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration; and • not entitled to register as a resident elector; and • not disqualified by any enactment from voting in an election or otherwise disqualified by law; and • if there is more than one registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector.

LIST OF REGISTERED ELECTORS Beginning Tuesday, October 4, 2011 until the close of general voting for the election on November 19, 2011, a copy of the list of registered electors will, upon signature, be available for public inspection, at the Langley City Hall office at 20399 Douglas Crescent, Langley, B.C., during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. An elector may request that their address or other information about them be omitted from or obscured on the list of electors.

OBJECTION TO REGISTRATION OF AN ELECTOR An objection to the registration of a person whose name appears on the list of registered electors may be made in accordance with the Local Government Act until 4:00 pm on Friday, October 14, 2011. An objection must be in writing and may only be made by a person entitled to be registered as an elector of the City of Langley and can only be made on the basis that the person whose name appears has died or is not qualified to be registered as an elector of the City of Langley.

FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting:

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION on these matters, the following persons may be contacted:

Carolyn Bonnick, Chief Election Officer at 604-514-4591 Paula Kusack, Deputy Chief Election Officer at 604-514-4585. Carolyn Bonnick, Chief Election Officer

Carolyn Bonnick, Chief Election Officer at 604-514-4591 Paula Kusack, Deputy Chief Election Officer at 604-514-4585. Carolyn Bonnick, Chief Election Officer


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Egg drop returns

Staff Writer

The immediate goal is to get an egg to survive a four-storey drop, but the ultimate goal is to raise money for the United Way. Township of Langley staff will be holding a second Egg Drop later this month. Last year competitors paid a fee

which was donated to the United Way, headed to the fourth floor of the Civic Facility, and lobbed their eggs off the roof towards a target on a tarp below. Contraptions ranging from big bags of balloons to elaborate crash protectors fashioned from boxes and wire were used to encase the eggs.

The creator of the invention that best protected its precious cargo and came closest to the target was declared the winner. “Last year’s event was so much fun and generated a lot of interested in our United Way campaign,” said Human Resources Director Shannon Harvey-Renner, who is co-chairing the Township’s United Way

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continued, PAGE 17

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Committee. “As soon as it was over, people started talking about holding another one.” Contestants will use donated eggs that are past their expiry date, and protective contraptions will be scored on their accuracy and weight, said Geomatics Coordinator Chad


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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 17


submitted photo

Township of Langley employees scrambled to raise money and awareness for the United Way when they held an Egg Drop last year. The second annual event, along with a fundraising barbecue, will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 27.

Second year for fundraiser from PAGE 16

Huntington, who is organizing the event. Huntington hopes the Egg Drop will raise both money and enthusiasm for the United Way, and encourages the public to witness the event between noon and 1 p.m., and enjoy a barbecue at the Civic Facility at 20338 – 65 Avenue, on September 27. Between 11:30am and 1:30pm, visitors can purchase a burger, pop, and chips for a minimum $5

donation, with all proceeds going to the United Way. Last year, Township of Langley employees raised more than $35,000 through donations and fundraising events, contributing to a total of $285,964 that was collected for the United Way by organizations, businesses, and individuals in Langley Township and City. In 2010, the United Way invested $868,899 in programs and services for Langley, with a net gain of $582,925 in dollars raised versus invested.

G R E AT E R L A N G L E Y C H A M B E R O F CO M M E R C E • 15 T H A N N U A L

2011 Business Excellence

awards Langley’s Own Jim McGregor Hosts The 15th Annual Celebration Of Excellence Business Awards Evening The Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce will host the 15th Annual Celebration of Excellence Business Awards Gala on Saturday, October 22nd to recognize outstanding businesses in the City and Township of Langley. The formal evening will host approximately 200 guests in the Summit Theatre at Cascades Casino, Coast Hotel & Convention Centre. The event will feature gourmet dining, awards presentations in 10 categories, dinner entertainment by Way Cool Band and Master of Ceremonies Jim McGregor. “We are very excited to have Langley’s own Jim McGregor as the Master of Ceremonies for the third year in a row at this year’s Celebration of Excellence awards evening,” comments Denni Bonetti, Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce President. “He has a very impressive local MC background and, as always, will bring a lot of energy and excitement to the stage that evening.”

Jim McGregor was born and raised in Langley and is the retired Fire Chief of the Langley City Fire and Rescue Service after a thirty-six year career. Jim is a published poet and author of two books, Sunsets and Sand and Shades of Grey and is a free lance columnist for the Langley Times newspaper. He is a supporter of many local charities, and shares his spare time as the Coordinator of the Langley Christmas Bureau and the Membership Coordinator of the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce. Tickets for the Celebration of Excellence are $75.00 + HST each and can be purchased directly from the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce office. Nominators can go to www.langleychamber. com and complete an online nomination form for their chosen awards candidate and then a judging team will interview every nominee to give them an opportunity to detail their successes.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Please contact the Chamber office at 604-530-6656 The deadline for nominations is September 15th. The awards will be presented on October 22nd at a dinner and awards celebration in the Summit Theatre at Cascades Casino, Coast Hotel & Convention Centre.

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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011


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Natasha JONES/Langley Times

One Langley members Ryan Usenik (left) and Jacob de Raadt watch as Shirley MacKenzie (centre) and Diane Sotiris sign a petition in support of a study into the reunification of the two Langleys. The Langley Reunification Association members were at the Langley Farmers Market where residents of the City and Township can sign the petition every Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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A ban on smoking in regional parks, except in designated areas, will go to the Metro Vancouver board for a final vote later this month. The region’s parks committee voted 5-4 Wednesday to proceed with the tougher restrictions on smokers who use Metro-run parks, trails and beaches. Committee chair Gayle Martin, a Langley City councillor, said the plan would leave it to Metro staff to define permitted smoking zones near where people spend long periods of time — beaches, shelters, reservable buildings and campsites. “There would be no smoking anywhere in Metro Vancouver parks except for those designated smoking areas,” she said. “If you’re taking a walk on a trail, you will not be able to smoke.” Martin, a smoker herself, was one of the four directors who opposed the new policy. She argued a better approach would have been to define specific no-smoking zones to protect people in high-use areas but let smokers puff away everywhere else in Metro parks. “I’ve never had one complaint about people smoking in regional parks,” Martin said. Posting signs and other printed information on the policy would cost the region up to $23,000, if the recommendation is adopted by the board Sept. 24. A Metro staff report estimated only 10 to 15 per cent of park-goers smoke and that most would likely voluntarily comply with the new restrictions without any extra spending on enforcement. Smoking zones would only be designated where there is little risk of second-hand smoke exposure to others, smoking litter is contained and there is no risk of fire starts. Committee members in favour of the partial ban were Pitt Meadows Mayor Don MacLean, Vancouver Councillor Tim Stevenson, Abbotsford Mayor George Peary, Delta Councillor Scott Hamilton and Langley Township Councillor Mel Kositsky. The debate came after a presentation from the Canadian Cancer Society, which urged Metro to proceed with a ban. “A comprehensive ban on tobacco use within regional parks would eliminate exposure of park users to second-hand smoke, protect the park environment from tobacco litter and reduce fire risk as a result of tobacco products,” society campaigner Brittney Parks said in a presentation. The Wreck Beach Preservation Society opposed the smoking ban and a volunteer co-ordinator at Pacific Spirit Regional Park urged Metro to put the money to better uses.

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 19


September p 2011






EMBERS!!! M O T K C A EQUITY & CASH B There were over 3600 Equity cheques picked up over the Equity Days Weekend. Those picking up their cheque were able to enter a draw for prizes. The winners of the Equity Days Draw are: First Prize Barbecue – Joyce Myckatyn, Second Prize Fountain – Jan De Boer, Third Prize Fire Pit – Sarah Evans Pictured at right are: a few of the close to 1200 who enjoyed the famous Equity Days Chicken BBQ


Equity Days Ch Cheque P Presented d to the h LLangley l Memorial Hospital Foundation Otter Co-op presented a cheque for $2500 to the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation. They are the recipients of this year’s Equity Days Chicken BBq Donation money.

Welcome GREG SEWELL W are very excited to inform you that on Tuesday September 6, We Otter Co-op opened a Produce Market in the McMillan area of Abbotsford. O This market not only carries fresh produce, it has groceries, dairy, bread, T ffresh flowers, lottery as well as hotdogs, milkshakes and slushees. Stop in and check out this great little market at 2618 McMillan Road in Abbotsford.

Otter Co-op is pleased to welcome Greg Sewell as the Store Manager of Your Community Market at Glen Mountain in Abbotsford. Greg started working in produce at the age of sixteen with Woodward’s grocery store at Sevenoaks in Abbotsford. He continued on with Woodward’s in Coquitlam and Park Royal

and then they were bought out by Safeway. Greg then opened his own produce store in Abbotsford where he continued for ten years. It was after that Greg changed his career path for a while by running a Sports Traders store in Vernon for approximately six years. Greg then returned to Abbotsford and went to work for IGA. Greg has

a son and a daughter and makes his home in Abbotsford. He is a very avid sports fan whether watching or participating. Greg says he absolutely loves to work with the public. He also said it has only been a short time but he is really enjoying his job with Otter Co-op and he would highly recommend it to anyone seeking employment.

PICTURED HERE At left Christy MacLeod (L.M.H.F.), Dorothy Anderson and Brittany Bergevin, (Otter Coop Directors), and also from L.M.H.F. Tania Vrionis, Karel Henderson and Kiersten Custodio.


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011



GreetingsOtter Co-op Membership! President’s Message: I believe the theme Benefits of Membership is appropriate as we are in the midst of handing out Equity cheques to our members. A person can join the Otter Co-op for a onetime fee of $10 and become a life time member of the association. The Board of Directors reviews and approves all new member applications on a monthly basis. The member will have the right to a vote at the AGM on a Frank Hauzer variety of reports, any changes to the ‘Rules of the Otter President Farm and Home Co-operative’ as well as the election of directors that will represent the membership. During the course of the year there is a members’ sale plus numerous social functions for your participation. Otter Co-op is locally owned and strives to make each member feel a sense of ownership and family. At the moment we are selling numbers in the 57,000 range, with approximately 31,600 being active members. Patronage return is the amount that the association allocates to pay back to its members based on the business done by them through the Co-op. The 2010 patronage refund amounted to $3.65 million, with $2.85 million being paid out in cash. This year the membership approved a return of 4.19% as recommended by the Board of Directors At present, we have five gas bars in operation, the main retail centre and feed mill on 248th Street and the Pitt Meadows hardware and bagged feed outlet. As you will see in this issue we have just opened a fresh produce market at 2618 McMillan Road in Abbotsford, and anxiously await the opening of our new pharmacy at 2596 McMillan Road later this month. By 2013 our plans are to build a gas bar on Hwy 11 between Mission and Abbotsford. Other future plans include diversifying and expanding as opportunities arise. Diversifying is the key to assuring our future business success so that if one component of our business is struggling the balance will carry it. Remember what we have always been told, “don’t have all your eggs in one basket.” I believe if we attempt to capture the human beings basic needs, we should be successful with our business. We continue to explore opportunities on the north side of the Fraser River; east side of the Fraser Valley, as well as the southern BC interior. Whether it is a new gas bar, expanding our bagged feed distribution or an additional retail centre, we will continue to explore all avenues in search of the best opportunities for Otter Co-op and its members.



raspberry social

COMM COOPER ATTENDS LIONS GAME TUG OF WAR! Otter Co-op store mascot Cooper oper (Jordan Fraser) recently participated in the half time show how at the B.C. Lions, Saskatchewan an Roughriders football game. There were twenty-two mascots ots that participated in a tug - of - war and musical chairs to entertain the fans.


blueberry social

Approximately 1100 raspberry shortcakes were served at the Canada Day Celebration held at Otter Co-op. Gracie and the Guys entertained as the crowd enjoyed their dessert, looked at the antique trucks, some even got up and danced. Donations received at the Social were donated to the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation in the amount of $780.28.


Pictured here L to R: Otter Co-op Director Brittany Bergevin, Jr. Director Tanner Graham, representing L.M.H.F. Tania Vrionis

PICTURED HERE (l. to r.) Food Div. Manager Mike Senger, Director John Watt,General Merchandise Div. Manager Bev Dornan and Hailey Reid.

The B.C. Day Blue B by approximately 7 blueberries with ice by the Johnson Brot donation box set ou Care Facility in Abb kind donations we w with a cheque for $

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 21

& views


ng our


Otter Co-op’s Operations General Manager’s Message SSpring Wow, is it really September already, where did tthe summer go? I hope you have all been enjoying the g great weather we have been having recently; it seems llike the first week of September was the hottest week of the summer! Maybe that means we’ll have a long, o warm and dry fall season. w W We’ve been very busy at the Co-op over the summer, Jack Nicholson with lots of great events going on at all of our locations, w General Manager aas well as the construction of a couple of new projects. We opened a new Produce/Convenience Store in Abbotsford on September W 6th. If you haven’t had a chance yet to visit, be sure and stop in on McMillan 6 Road and take a tour, it looks fantastic! Otter Co-op will also be opening a R sstand-alone pharmacy just a couple of doors down from the produce store at tthe beginning of October, and we are looking forward to that location being a huge success as well. Grand Opening Celebrations will be held for both stores h iin early October, so be sure to check out our website and Facebook for updated news on when that will happen. n We continue to move ahead with plans to re-develop our gas bar, convenience W sstore and cardlock on the corner of 248th and Fraser Highway, as well as plans for a new gas bar and convenience store on Highway 11, between Abbotsford and Mission. Otter Co-op is also working towards developing a property we own in Ladner next to our gas bar and car wash, and have been in contact with several businesses that may be interested in having us develop this property for them. As for the rest of the Co-op, the year is also keeping busy. After 24 weeks into our fiscal year, our sales are at $69,855,128; which is ahead of last year at this same time by over $11,000,000! This is a fantastic start to the year, considering all of the challenges in new competition, the low American dollar that has driven cross border shopping up, and the uncertainty of the economy. We are very pleased with our results to date, and are looking forward to another record year for Otter Co-op! Of course much of the success is due to you, our loyal customers, and the fantastic staff that we have working as a Team here at the Co-op. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our membership and staff for continuing to improve on the Co-op model of returning membership benefits to you. This is the big difference between the Co-op and other big businesses. Being a member/owner, you are sharing in the success of the business, as the savings or profits of the Co-op remain here in our communities and returned to the customers using our services; as opposed to going off to some corporate head office somewhere. Part of this was the over $2.85 million returned to members in cash during our Equity Days Celebrations September 8, 9 and 10th. And did you realize that Otter Co-op donates well in excess of $100,000 every year to groups and events throughout our trading area? So be sure and use that membership of yours, and continue to reap the rewards of membership!



Berry Social was enjoyed 700 as they were served e-cream and entertained thers Band. There was a ut for Matthew’s House otsford and thanks to yourr will be presenting them $504.15 later this month.

AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT I WON A CAR! To Richard Bonneau, Jack Nicholson, and the incredible sta from the Otter Co-op. staff My family and I would like to thank you so very much for the wonderful experience of Winning A Car! From the time I filled out the first ballot to ex the many more over the following 16 weeks, there was always that thought th of “what if”. When I received the phone call at Week #10 my journey of o anticipation and never ending “Good Lucks” began. Never did I imagine that I would be on a stage with 15 other winners awaiting the possibility of winning a car. When it came down to the last two I though “wouldn’t it be great to win a Big Screen TV to watch the Canuck playoff game tonight.” But it was not to be! As luck would have it I won a car. A Big thank you to the Aldergrove Otter Co-op and The Honda Way for a great contest. I now have a fabulous vehicle and an amazing story to tell my family and friends.

Your devoted shopper always, Christine Richardson

job vacancies

• ALDERGROVE Office Manager Warehouseman (part time) Feed Truck Driver Grocery Clerk (part time) • ABBOTSFORD Pharmacy Technician Detailed descriptions available at www.ottercoop.com Human Resources, Career Opportunities


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

& views

NEWS Tanner Graham 2011-2012 Junior Director

VOICE OF the junior director The last three months have undoubtedly revealed a side of the Otter Co-op which I had been unaware. I do not refer merely to the swirling discussion bouncing around the long table of the Boardroom, but also the inner workings and magnitude of such an organization. My conception of the Otter Co-op’s directors has indeed grown: from the stereotypical business people launching questions at me in the form of an interview, to a group of mentors welcoming me and going out of

their way to pass on experience. This transition began to put the theoretical advantages of a Co-op I had talked about in my application, into real life perspective. I soon became aware of the advantages of member-made board elections, in terms of finding such dedicated, admirable people to carry on the Co-op’s success. When the time came for the annual Board tour, I was granted the opportunity to witness this success. It was a huge eye opener. Prior to the tour, I had been quite familiar with the Otter Co-op’s main retail store and 248th street gas station. I knew about the feed mill neighbouring the store, and had driven by a gas station further down Fraser Highway. Soon, I was blown away by the extent of the Co-op across the Fraser Valley. I was exceedingly impressed by the five gas bars, but what really got me excited was the expansion plans. The empty lot of a future gas bar on the Abbotsford-Mission Highway may have been bare, but the potential that lay beneath the over grown grass was unmistakeable. What was even more exciting was the future pharmacy and convenience stores in Abbotsford.

The great location of these two is sure to provide great success right from their opening in September. The tour of the feed mill may have been the most impressive. What struck me the most was the new robotic arm that stacked bags of feed off of the conveyor belt. This revealed great contrast with my former idea of Co-op being behind major corporations in terms of modernization. I was amazed by the way Co-op had adapted with modern technology to find a perfect balance. My conception of the Co-op had grown from one of a little farm store to a highly efficient organization. I look forward to this understanding growing further throughout the rest of my term as Junior Director and must once again say thank-you for such an opportunity. I am excited to be a part of the Co-op’s future and to continue the long legacy of the Co-op’s past. I am sure that such success will carry forth as the strong communal structure holds while we open up to exciting technology and modernization.

coming events

Family Fashions & Hardware Scratch Sale • Saturday, October 8 Oktoberfest Barbecue • Saturday, October 15 Hardware/Family Fashions Scratch & Save • Friday & Saturday, October 21-22 Kids’ Club Halloween Party • Sunday, October 30 10:00 – 2:00 Hardware/Family Fashions Scratch & Save • Friday & Saturday, October 21-22 Hardware/Family Fashions Scratch & Save • Thursday, Friday & Saturday, November 17-18-19

dial direct Did you know you can bypass the switchboard and dial direct to the following departments?

To Langley



To Aldergrove


(Tickets on sale starting November 14 at the Administration Office)

Hardware/Family Fashions Scratch & Save • Friday & Saturday, December 2-3 Breakfast with Santa • December 3, 10 & 17 (Tickets on sale starting November 14 at the Administration Office)

Family Fashions BOGO Save • Thursday, Friday & Saturday, December 8-9-10 Hardware/Family Fashions Scratch & Save • Friday & Saturday, December 16-17 Kids’ Club Skating Party • Wednesday, December 21 3:00 – 5:00 pm Twin Rinks Langley

A year ago, I wandered Middle-bury’s campus as an “international” student, partaking in a week long James McMillan orientation for all freshmen born outside the United States. Within those five days, my network of friends expanded tenfold; from New Delhi to South Africa to the Bahamas, my friends list on Facebook soon circumnavigated the world. A few months ago, I watched as Middlebury’s Quidditch team—yes, broomsticks and all—bludgeoned their way to World Cup victory in Central Park. A few weeks later, I was working a block away from the 843acre park, interning at an environmental consulting firm. And now, in a few hours, I will board a plane bound for Burlington, Vermont. The 108 words above do not justify the last 365 days of my life; they are too terse—too compressed—to accurately portray the full extent of the last twelve months. But time, when glanced at in the rearview mirror, is always in the left lane, speeding away. The mind seems to possess a knack for making us say, “Wow, how the time flies,” or, “It was just yesterday when Timmy walked into his first Kindergarten class—now he’s graduating.” I’m an English major; I won’t attempt to explore the psychological reasons behind this mental illusion. But I will ask a direct question: Why does the past seem so brief? There’s little doubt in my mind that my four-hour layover at O’Hare International Airport will feel far longer than this past year did. Why? Unfortunately, the question—at least for now—must remain rhetorical. See, there’s also the future.

While I return to a relatively diverse and different course load than experienced last year, the campus itself should remain unchanged. On a physical front, Hurricane Irene left Middlebury and the outlying Addison County area unscathed—a statement that cannot be said for the rest of the state. Water emergencies continue to plague many towns throughout much of Vermont. Some 1600 National Guard members remain on duty in six states affected by Hurricane Irene; the bulk of them are in Vermont. In response to the disaster, the college’s football team transformed an early September training day into aiding a local business, Jackson’s on the River, by stacking sandbags in preparation for the cresting of Otter Creek. Other student groups have pledged to lend their hands and time once they arrive on campus, as well. Five months from now, 2011 will sit in the past, relegated to the rearview mirror. As we glance back, what will most of us see in that compressed, stout image? Uprisings in Libya and Egypt? Hurricane Irene? Riots sparked by a British man’s controversial death? Or riots spurned on by a fortieth straight year without a Stanley Cup? No matter our lasting impression of the past year, 2012 will arrive soon and sure enough—and already pre-packaged with a universal element: The International Year of Co-operatives.

Until Christmas, James McMillan

Otter Co-op Facebooks! Remember to follow our daily updates on Facebook! See helpful information, share your stories with us, request information, view photos, etc. Don’t miss out!


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248TH ST


ay 248 Street


CARDLOCK 264 Street to Hwy #1

232 Street to Hwy #1

Administration 604 856 2517 Petroleum: 604 607 6912 Feed: 604 607 6901 Hardware: 604 607 6909 Bakery: 604 607 6920 Café/Deli: 604 607 6921 Produce: 604 607 6919 Meat: 604 607 6918 Grocery: 604 607 6936 Pharmacy: 604 607 6934

Seniors Night Turkey Dinner • Tuesday, November 29

GREETINGS from Vermont

Only a single weekend lies between myself and my second year at Middlebury. Twelve months ago, sophomore year didn’t feel epochs away—it was epochs away. Yet come Monday, September 12th, the academic grind begins once again. This first, fall semester, though, English Literatures receives the temporary boot. For the next four months, Intro to Macroeconomics, Psychological Disorders, Chinese Religions, and a screenwriting workshop (along with their accompanying textbooks) will be the exclusive occupants of my backpack and time.

Fraser Hwy




3600 248th Street, Aldergrove Pharmacy: 604-607-6934 www.ottercoop.com

Open Mon-Fri 9am-7pm • Sat 9am-5pm • Sun 11am-5pm

You’ll find us here: RETAIL CENTRE 3600 248 St Aldergrove (604) 856 2517 Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-9pm Sunday & most Stat Holidays 9am-6pm Administration Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-6pm Closed Sunday Post Office Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-5pm Closed Sunday Pharmacy Mon-Fri 9am-7pm Sat 9am-5pm Sunday 11am-5pm

Ross Road Gas Bar 29622 Fraser Hwy Abbotsford (604) 856 0030 Ladner Gas Bar 6420 Ladner Trunk Rd Ladner, BC (604) 940-1322 Gas Bar Hours: Mon-Fri 5am-11pm Sat/Sun/Stat Hols 6am-11pm Gloucester Gas Bar With a Tim Hortons 26474 56th Ave, AlderGAS BARS: grove, B.C. 248 Street Gas Bar (604) 856 6676 24795 Fraser Hwy Hours: Aldergrove, BC 5am-11pm 7 Days/ Week (604) 856 7011 incl Stat Holidays

FEED STORE PETROLEUM 3548 248 St Aldergrove, BC Feed Store Phone: (604) 607 6901 Petroleum Phone: (604) 607 6912 Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-5:30pm Sunday 9am-5pm Closed Stat Holidays

Fraser Heights Gas Bar 16788 104 Ave. Surrey, BC (604) 582-2517 Hours: Mon-Fri 5am-11pm Sat/Sun/Stat Hols 6am-11pm PITT MEADOWS 12343 Harris Road Pitt Meadows (604) 465 5651 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm Saturday 9am-5pm Sunday 10am-4pm Closed on Statutory Holidays

GLEN MOUNTAIN STORE 2618 McMillan Road Abbotsford (604) 851 9636 Hours Mon-Sat 7am-8pm Sunday 10am-6pm

OPENING SOON: Glen Mountain Pharmacy 2596 McMillan Road Abbotsford (604) 851 9654 Hours Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-5pm Closed Sundays & Holidays

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 23


‘Like we never skipped a beat’ After a year’s absence, Cruise-In revs back MIRANDA GATHERCOLE Times Reporter

As promised, the 2011 Langley Good Times Cruise-In returned to the downtown core on Saturday — better than ever. After taking a one-year hiatus in 2010, the directors and volunteers breathed new life into the massive car show. “It’s like we never even took a year off, it was great,” said Cruise-In president Riccardo Sestito. “I had nothing but positive feedback from everyone.” Crowds of nearly 100,000 braced the hot late summer weather on Sept. 10 to admire the 1,200 classic cars registered in the event. “Everything went too smooth, which was kind of scary,” Sestito said. Unlike the mass burnouts and street racing seen in 2009, this year was significantly quieter. A large police presence helped to quell drivers from doing dangerous stunts, which had occurred on the Friday night before the show in 2009. “From a policing perspective, I think it went quite well,” said Langley RCMP Cpl. Holly Marks. She says there were not many major complaints this year. However, tickets were issued. There were 44 violation tickets given out on Saturday, along with many impaired driving tickets throughout the weekend. “Right at the very beginning of the first day on Friday night, three vehicles were impounded for stunting, which I believe sets a tone. So the stunting stopped,” she said. “Once those vehicles were towed away on the back of a pickup, it was clear we aren’t going to tolerate this.” Sestito says the directors are already talking about plans for next year’s show. “The saddest part for me is when four o’clock rolls around. As tired as we are, we always look and say ‘oh jeeze, it’s almost over,’” he said. “Everything went really well so everyone can rest assured we will be back next year.” After months of hard work putting the show together, Sestito says his favourite part this year was just being able to watch the event unfold before him. “I don’t remember too much, I hardly slept. By the end of the day I was clueless as to what was going on,” he joked. “But when the dust settles and Elvis is already starting his first act, I know everything is locked in and rolling strong.Then I can stand there and watch what’s going on.” Sesito says nothing could be possible without support from the car participants, volunteers, directors and the community. “I always get asked why is the show so successful. Well, it’s just the way the community is,” he said.

Crowds pour down the one-way stretch of Fraser Highway, looking at the many classic cars on display. There were 1,200 cars officially registered for the event this year. Frank BUCHOLTZ/ Langley Times

Miranda GATHERCOLE/Langley Times

Cruise-In president Riccardo Sestito (left) along with secretary Lori Watts and vice-president Keith Wilson skip the massive line at the In-N-Out Burger cookout trailer to enjoy a “double-double” burger. The American fast-food chain came all the way up to Langley from California to help raise money for the Cruise-In charities.

Miranda GATHERCOLE/Langley Times

Above, left: Large crowds gathered to watch Steve Elliot, aka Elvis Elite perform at Cruise-In. Here he is seen signing the gospel classic “How Great Thou Art.” Above, right: Cruise-In organizers estimate that crowds of nearly 100,000 came to the Downtown Langley core to welcome back the 13th annual Langley Good Times Cruise-In.


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011


datebook The

Langley Times

Mail or drop off submissions to 20258 Fraser Hwy.; e-mail datebook@langleytimes.com Or go online at www.langleytimes.com to post your event. Click on calendar and ‘add event.’ Datebook is a free community service for non-profit organizations published twice a week.

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• Sharing and Caring Social at the Langley Seniors Recreation and Resource Centre most Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. $3 drop-in. Sept. 15: Wendy, our fitness instructor at the centre, will speak on the benefits of fitness. Members from the popular CHAIR Fit & Fun program will be on hand to demonstrate as well.

• Bocce Tournament and Country Fair at Douglas Park Saturday, Sept. 17, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advanced registration is $12 per team (pair) or $15 at the door. Chili and pie making contest $7 in advance; $8 at the door. Balloon animals, face painting, concession, croquet and dart throwing. Event is being held to raise awareness of the devastation in Southern Sudan. Proceeds will go toward education in the Mundri community of Western Equatoria State. • Fall Prevention An expert from Fraser Health will discuss how you can prevent falls and protect yourself from injury. Please call or visit to let us know you are coming. Saturday, Sept. 24, 11 a.m. to noon at the City of Langley Library, 20399 Douglas Cres. Call 604-514-2855. • Community Bike Festival Cyclists are invited to roll on down to Mountainview Alliance Church and Willoughby Bike Park on Saturday, Sept. 17. The event, which runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. will include bike demonstrations by Trial Stars, as well as sessions on bike maintenance and bike safety. There will be a live DJ on site and the event is open to all ages. Mountainview Alliance is located at 7640 200 St.

SUNDAY • Try Ringette Girls and boys ages five and up are invited to a free, fun-filled afternoon of off-ice activities on Sunday, Sept. 18, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Langley Twin Rinks, 5700 Langley Bypass. Participants must pre-register at www.cometryringette.ca. For more, go to www.fvringette.com.

WEDNESDAY • Langley Film Nights - Shot in the Dark Fall Series 2011 Seasons Passes available at

Wendel’s in Fort Langley soon or at Colossus on film night, cash or cheque only. Tickets at the door $10, cash or cheque only. All films are at Colossus theatres at 200 Street and 88 Avenue. Start time is 7:30 p.m. Films will run on Wednesday evenings: Sept.14 and 28, Oct. 12 and 26 and Nov. 2. • The Ram’s Head Writers’ Group meets first and third Wednesday of the month for readings, critiquing and discussions. New members, all genres welcome. Call Lisa at 604-534-6536.

ONGOING • Volunteers Needed for an international hockey tournament coming to Langley this November. The Langley Events Centre will host the World Junior A Challenge from Nov. 7-13, with athletes beginning to arrive in late October. Individuals are needed to work as team hosts, ticket sellers, concession workers, media runners, game presentation assistants, scorekeepers, statisticians and more. The six-team event features two Canadian squads — Team West and Team East — as well as entries from the United States, Sweden, Russian and the Czech Republic. For more details or to sign up, email volunteer@langleyeventscentre.com. • Langley Meals on Wheels is seeking volunteers for our Food & Friends Program in Aldergrove and Walnut Grove. This is a great opportunity for retirees or moms who are looking to volunteer in their community. This is a four-hour, twice a month commitment. For info, call 604-533-1679 or info@ langleymealsonwheels.com. • The Renaissance Retirement Residence is currently accepting applications for volunteers. Would you like to help seniors enjoy life? Please call Audrey at 604-539-0571. • The Langley Chess Club meets on Mondays at 7 p.m. at 19899 36 Ave., the Brookswood Seniors Centre. Everybody welcome. For more info. phone 604-530-4693. • Volunteer Opportunity for Senior Gardeners Intergenerational program being set up at Blacklock Elementary School with opportunity for seniors to work with students to maintain school yard gardens. Contact Debbie or Kathy at Langley Seniors Centre 604-530-3020 ext. 306 for more details.

Go to www.langleytimes.com to post your event. Click on calendar and ‘add event.’

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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 25

artsandlife The

brenda anderson 604-514-6752

Langley Times


Lighting scheme A Vancouver artist is scouring the province for new artistic lights

submitted photo

Veteran broadcaster Red Robinson and Langley artist Brian Croft are shown with Croft’s latest painting of downtown Vancouver nightlife in the 1950s — a piece titled The Capitol Theatre Granville Street 1956 — which will be officially unveiled on Sept. 16 during the West is Best show at the home of Senator Gerry St. Germain.

Best in the West Senator Gerry St. Germain hosts a show of fine art in support of aboriginal education ALEX BROWNE Black Press


uch well known artists as South Surrey’s Chris MacClure and Brent Heighton, and Langley’s Brian Croft, are among those featured in the second annual The West Is Best Fine Art Show, taking place Sept. 16 through 18 at the ranch of Senator Gerry St. Germain and his wife Margaret (Indian Springs Land and Cattle Company, 19339 8 Ave.). Created by St. Germain and artist Murray Phillips as a showcase for Western Canadian artists, it’s also a fundraiser for aboriginal education through the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF). Last year’s event raised $60,000 and this year’s target is to exceed $100,000. Many of the 16 artists involved — which also include Andrew Kiss and Vance Theoret — are top sellers at the Calgary Stampede Western Art Show. And there’s also a hint of the western, a lot of history — and a nod to a North American legend — in the new work by Croft, The Capitol Theatre Granville Street — 1956, which will be launched at the

opening of the show Friday, Sept. 16, 7-10 p.m. An expert in meticulously detailed, evocative land and cityscapes that re-imagine landmarks of the Lower Mainland as they must have looked in decades past, Croft has depicted the theatre on Dec. 1, 1956, shortly after the western movie Love Me Tender — starring new musical sensation Elvis Presley — opened in Vancouver. To help him launch the new painting, and series of prints, Croft has enlisted veteran broadcaster Red Robinson, who emceed the Dec. 1 shows 55 years ago, to appear at the opening of The West Is Best. “There is absolutely nothing better than having an eye witness to a historical event that one is painting and Red Robinson has been very helpful to me as I tackled this project,” Croft said. The painting and print came about as Croft’s response to demand for more vertical compositions, and is inspired by a large photograph taken at the Capitol on the original date, which now hands in the Red Robinson Show Theatre. “I changed it pretty radically for the painting, Croft said, adding that he painted out some of the crowd for the photograph, and added a lot more carefully-researched detail for the lobby display and the surrounding street scene. Robinson, then the pop DJ fror CJOR, recalled that the Dec. 1 promotions included a “girls only” morning matinee as well as an evening show including a live broadcast from the theatre, plus prizes of records and photos of Elvis.

“The girls screamed all the way through the movie whenever Elvis appeared on the screen,” he remembered. “The movie was an average ‘oater,’ as we called westerns in those days, but it mattered not to the fans.” Croft said he is very pleased to be involved in The West Is Best for a second year. “I think this is going to be a very important show as we move forward; important for the artists and important for the NAAF.” The opening will include an address on the NAAF by program president and CEO Roberta Jamieson. Some 25 per cent of all sales at the show will be donated to support the NAAF, which is the largest provider of scholarships and bursaries to aboriginal youth, other than the federal government. With a mission to “enrich Canada by advancing aboriginal achievement,” the foundation, through its education program, has awarded more than 42.7 million in scholarships and bursaries to more than 11,500 First Nations, Inuit and Metis students nationwide. Other artists contributing to The West Is Best are Steven Allen, Roger Arndt, John Einerssen, Adeline Halvorson, Doug Levitt, Julia Lucich, Greg Metz, Audrey Nanimahoo, Dennis Weber and Wanda Whaley. The music of Fort Langley guitarist John Gilliat will also be featured at the opening. The exhibit is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both Sept. 17 and Sept. 18.

Deb Chaney, founder of Illuminate The Artist Within, has launched an illustration competition for B.C. Secondary School art students. Its aim is to increase student awareness of working artists and career opportunities in the arts and to provide an opportunity to have their artwork published. The winners also receive credit at OPUS Art Supplies and attend a two-day painting workshop valued at $350. The Illuminate the Artist Within Illustration Competition is open to all high school students across B.C. A contemporary abstract artist, Chaney’s mission is to playfully and compassionately engage the artist that lives inside each of us, awakening creative potential and realizing that our lives are the masterpiece of our own creation. “When I was in high school I loved art and had a natural affinity to being creative, however I was not encouraged or supported to pursue an “artsy” career and did not realize what was possible,” said Chaney. “It’s my hope that students that are exposed to the contest realize that there are artists out there — like myself — who are making art, being creative, and making a living doing so.” The winning illustrator receives a $150 gift certificate valid at OPUS Framing and Art Supplies — which has a store in Langley — a spot on the featured artist page at http://debchaney.blogspot.com, a two-day painting workshop valued at $350 and, finally, and their work will be featured in some Illuminate the Artist Within products. Student artists are asked to email three of their drawings to itawcontest@gmail. com by Friday, Oct. 15. For ideas on what to draw, and guidelines regarding size and materials, participants can visit debchaney. com and click on “events and news.” The winners will be posted and announced online on Deb’s blog at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 25.

M.A.D.E. MAN Mission-based Nocturnal Entertainment is hosting a show Sept. 16 at the Troubadour Club in Langley, featuring acts from Vancouver and the Valley. Headliner Madchild, from Swollen Members, as he tours with his new album M.A.D.E. (misguided angel destroys everything.) He’ll be joined on stage by Surrey’s Snak the Ripper. Four acts will open the show, which runs from 8 p.m. to 2 p.m. — 33onethird from Vancouver, Ind Elible from Pitt Meadows and a couple of Langley artists — Smitty and Beatbox Bobby of Sodef Crew. Troubadour is located at 20299 Industrial Ave.

ART IN THE CITY An exhibition of art by Joe Coffey and Suzanne Northcott will be on display at Granville Fine Art, 2447 Granville St., Vancouver, from Sept. 22 to Oct. 8. Opening reception is Thursday, Sept. 22, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Call 604-266-6010, email info@granvillefineart.com or go to www. granvillefineart.com for more info.


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Glorious Russian garlic Old-school silverskin can’t measure up to this sticky red treat


weet, sticky glorious Russian red garlic is easily one of my all time favourite finds at the local farmers’ market. Food for I used to think that garlic was Thought garlic — that they were all the same. ANGIE But that was before I knew better, back in the day when we could only get one kind, I suppose, unless we grew it ourselves. That would have been the old-school silverskin garlic from China and California. That is the garlic, you can find absolutely everywhere, moulding in giant bins at every single supermarket in the country. It is mechanically planted and grown as a commodity crop. And, once you’ve had something else, there is no going back. The Russian red variety is a completely different animal. It actually tastes like garlic. It’s crunchy, juicy and very sticky — the skin can be quite hard to peel but it is worth the effort. The larger sized cloves, with an almost purple, tinge have a very warm, aromatic garlic flavour with a very sweet aftertaste, not like the harsh bitterness you get from long stored silver skins. Because these bad boys are best consumed before they are about six months old they don’t have an opportunity to sprout that bitter green germ that you find inside the cloves of the other varieties.

Reg. $16 and up




I digress. At that point it is best to remove the germ remove from the clove before you cook it. You will be able to find the Russian red treasure at most farmers’ markets, some specialized green grocers and farm stands this time of year. Stock up when you find it and store it in a cool dark place. If you’re feeling ambitious, peel a few heads so you’ve got a pile of raw cloves. Transfer them to a small ovenproof dish and cover them with good quality olive oil. Turn them into confit garlic by roasting in the oven at 300 degrees for about an hour an a half. Remove from the oven when the gloves are soft. Store the roasted cloves in the fridge in the oil and use as needed. Use the garlic infused oil to sauté vegetables, make salad dressings or to boost the flavour in just about anything. This is guaranteed to keep the vampires away through most of October. Angie Quaale is a local foodie and owner of Well Seasoned Gourmet Food Store.

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All garlic naturally has that germ inside but when they are young and fresh, they stay soft and creamy like the rest of the clove but as the garlic ages the germ turns green, grows larger and becomes tough and bitter. Hmmmm . . . sounds like some people I know.

24 hour sports • business • classifieds • news • arts


– langleytimes.com

thanks the generosity of our grantors, sponsors, media and partnerships for 2011 for this annual community/family event. GRANTS: Canadian Heritage • Township of Langley Sponsors: Coast Capital Savings Kwantlen Polytechnic University China Airlines Prospera Credit Union Lighthouse Design TD Canada Trust Coffee News Langley/Abbotsford CIBC – Walnut Grove Bard in the Valley Barbara Cameron Pix Sol Photography Andreas Bernauer Photography Orange Photography Campbell Burton and McMullan Azzkikr Custom Cycles Exclusive Motors Super Save Group Langley Elks Club Core Education & Fine Arts FVRL Langley Gymnastics Club Jericho Ridge Community Church

Fraserway RV VW Car Club Wagner Hills Langley Lions Club Promo This Orca Bay Suzuki Mark Warawa, MP Century Group JD Farms Home Depot Langley Community Services Society Nora Valdez, Realtor Neighborhood Art Studio Western Power Sports Aldergrove Mini Storage Cedar Rim Nursery CLA – Christian Life Assembly Together We Share Society APEX Animal Hospital Fast Signs - Langley Lordco Auto Parts Tourism Langley Rich Coleman, MLA

Scouts Canada Rotaract Club of Langley Envision Credit Union Aldergrove Credit Union Otter Coop Dogwood Pacesetters Canine Club Laughing Stock Ranch Bell & Whistles Mini Golf TOL Fire Department Dimar Tennis World

Media: Shaw Multicultural Channel The Langley Times JRfm 93.7 The Peak 100.5 JoyTV Sher-e-Punjab - AM1550 Radio The Epoch Times Red FM 93.1FM NTD Television The Afro News The Canadian Immigrant Magazine

Many thanks to our LIF Board of Directors, Coordinators and Volunteers. Thanks to Friends of Langley’s International Festival (donations). Thanks to all of our participants and supporters for LIFS. *** Disclaimer – if we accidently missed anyone – we apologize.

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 27


Left: Sharing the bench, watercolour by Marilyn Vooys and, far left, Beaver, by potter Gail Simpson are among the pieces on display at Langley Centennial Museum as part of the exhibit Earth Formed, Water Rendered.

It’s element-ary Painting and pottery exhibit runs to Dec. 20 at museum


here are pots and paintings aplenty on display at the Langley Centennial Museum. Monday (Sept. 12) marked the official opening of Earth Formed, Water Rendered: Art of the Fraser Valley Watercolour Society and the Fraser Valley Potters Guild. The show, which has been on display since Sept. 2 and continues to Dec. 20, features no fewer than 102 pieces of original artwork by members of the two participating clubs. Among those exhibiting work is Gwen Gregorig. At 92, she is one of the last few founding members — the first president, in fact — of the Fraser Valley Watercolour Society, which formed in 1989. Gregorig, who first indulged her creative impulses in the theatre, began painting in 1984 — relatively late in life, she concedes — after her husband passed away. When her teacher moved to Vancouver, Gregorig and her fellow students were at a loss as to they were going to do without her. “She said, ‘Form a society,’� recalled the English-born Gregorig, who now calls Abbotsford home. So they did, and dedicated it to “the enrichment of Gwen excellence, mutual support Gregorig and encouragement of its members.� Over more than two decades, from 24 original members, the society has grown to include 50 painters, spanning the Valley from Chilliwack to Langley and across the river to Mission. Although the club is still primarily a watercolours-based organization, it has expanded in recent years to include acrylics. “Groups have to change, otherwise they stagnate and die,� said Gregorig. The society applied to the museum for space to hold a show. And since the potters guild had also done so, museum curator Kobi Christian decided to combine the two, to make the best use of available space. “It’s quite a large area to fill,� said Gregorig, glancing around the gallery, dotted with glass cases displaying everything from the classics — clay vases, plates, mugs and bowls — to ceramic frogs and rodents. “(The pairing of the mediums) makes for a good show, and there’s plenty of room for people to move and see everything,� The walls, meanwhile, are bedecked with twodimensional pieces — ranging from muted winter landscapes to the vivid red skirts of can can dancers. Most have price tags attached but the pieces are scheduled to be on display until just before Christmas. For those who can’t wait to take their prize home, the display includes a wall of handcrafted mugs which can be purchased and claimed on the spot. The musuem is located at 9135 King St. in Fort Langley. For more, go to langleymuseum.org.

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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 ADVERTORIAL


STAGECOACH HAS Get ready to sing, dance and act with one of the world’s leading theatre arts schools.

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First started in England in 1988, StageCoach made their Canadian debut three years ago in Vancouver and have since expanded to Richmond, Coquitlam and Surrey. A new location in North Langley is also being considered for the winter of 2012.

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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 29

Open Houseth


COME TO TOWN. their ability – there is no audition to join. Your child’s enthusiasm and creative ingredients are valued and honed. “It’s a lot of fun for the kids and a great education for them in the development of life skills and communication skills,” Stordy said. “It helps their confidence and self-esteem. Kids who are shy really come out of their shells.” StageCoach has provided opportunities for children to perform professionally, leading to many finding success in film, television and theatre. The UK and Vancouver StageCoach schools have even opened up a “Further Stages” class for 17 to 19-year-old young adults wanting to continue on. Stordy says StageCoach Langley is inspired to do the same in the future as their youth expand their gifts and talent.

classes with 15 spots each, and spaces are almost full. Book your classes now to avoid disappointment. Visit www.stagecoachschools.ca/ langley or call Kim Stordy directly at (778)240-5915 begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlightingto register.

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each Saturday.



StageEarly Stages classes for ages four to six run from 9:30-11 a.m. or 11:30-1 p.m. in half hour allotments for each discipline.

Theatre Arts Schools


The Main School for ages six to 16 run from 10-1 p.m. with an hour for each discipline. Sound like the perfect classes for your child? Parents and children are invited to join StageCoach Langley for their open house on Sept. 17 to find out everything you need to know about their distinguished programs. The open house will be held at the Langley Evangelical Free Church at 11 a.m.


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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 31

sports The

gary ahuja 604-514-6754

Langley Times



Still doing what he loves Instructing others a way to stay in the game GARY AHUJA Times Sports

Like most kids growing up, Tim Preston dreamed of playing in the NHL. Preston went through the ranks of the Langley Minor Hockey Association and at age 16, he left home to join the Western Hockey League’s Seattle Thunderbirds and finished his junior career with the Saskatoon Blades. The left-winger showed enough that the Buffalo Sabres chose him in the third Gary AHUJA/Langley Times round of the 1999 NHL Entry Above: Hockey instructor Tim Preston puts his players through some drills on Friday afterDraft. noon at the LangleyTwin Rinks. Below: Preston delivers some instructions to his son Carson. Preston attended a couple Preston runs Impact Hockey Development and also did some work with the Vancouver of training camps with the Canucks prospects this past summer. Sabres, but never stuck. But when the time came teams with Langley Minor to make a decision to pursue Hockey and then started that goal further, Preston working with the association chose on its player family. development. After Enjoying just a few that, he professional formed games with Impact the ECHL’s Hockey Wheeling Development, Nailers in which 2002, at the focuses age of 21, on player he hung up development his skates. Tim Preston on and off “For me, hockey instructor the ice. He it was easy runs the (to walk business with another local away),” he said. former junior hockey player, help a young player achieve “I am totally happy to have “The reason I left was I Tyler Chambers. his goals.” had that opportunity.” wanted to create more of Preston does the on-ice Working with players Preston, now 30, is also still a family environment for training, while Chambers ranging in age from youth to in the coaching ranks, both as (my son), more of a home focuses on the off-ice pro, Preston’s work apparently an assistant with the junior B structure. development portion of the caught the eye of the Aldergrove Kodiaks, as well “Playing (in the minors) is program. Vancouver Canucks. as with 10-year-old Carson’s not always ideal for trying to They have a training facility They contacted him in atom team in the Langley raise a family. at Newlands for dryland the spring and he spent the Minor Hockey Association. “I kind of felt I wanted to training, both during the summer working with the Most of his free time is put some roots down and season, and off-season. NHL team’s prospects. spent at the hockey rink, start a business and the next And while Preston may miss He also did some informal which can be tough with chapter in my life.” playing at a high level, he fills workouts with the Canuck young kids. He also has a With a young son, Carson, that competitive void through veterans, who were skating daughter, Peyton, who is Preston knew he needed to helping others. earlier this month at UBC almost one. take care of his family. “I get fulfillment through in preparation for their “I feel fortunate that my Wanting to stay involved working with the young upcoming training camp. work life is still my passion in the sport he loves, Preston players now,” he explained. “It was a great experience and I am able to stay really began by coaching his son’s “My focus is on trying to and I loved it,” Preston said. involved with hockey,” he said.

“I kind of felt I wanted to put some roots down and start a business and the next chapter in my life.”

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Ticker MEXICO FOR DOLFO Braeden Dolfo is off to Mexico in November. The 17-year-old from Langley Secondary — and member of the Langley Mustangs Track and Field Club — will represent Canada at the 2011 Parapan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico. Of the 26 member Canadian team, Dolfo is the lone B.C. athlete. The legally blind track and field athlete has qualified to race in the 100m, but is aiming to also compete in the 200m and the long jump events. Dolfo placed third earlier this year at the world championships, but is currently recovering from hip surgery.


Team B.C. overcame an 0-3 start at Cincinnati’s State Wars to win their final three games and capture the gold medal. The roller hockey squad, consisting of Langley’s Aaron Hutchison and Brandon Tham, defeated New York 4-3 in the championship game. The team is made up of players born in 1993. After the poor start, B.C.’s coaching staff felt the underachieving squad needed a spark, so they added Langley’s Kirk French — who has represented Canada multiple times at world roller hockey championships — behind the bench. That sparked the squad, which knocked off Missouri for its first victory of the tournament and then defeated Southern California in the semifinals. Other B.C. teams to medal at the tournament were the 1998 squad, which won silver, and the 1995 and 1997 teams, who each won bronze.


The Langley Rivermen worked overtime this weekend, trading victories with the Wenatchee Wild at the George Preston Recreation Centre. The Wild were in town for a pair of preseason contests, both of which went to overtime. Langley won the opener 3-2 while Wenatchee prevailed 5-4. The Rivermen close the preseason this weekend with a game Friday against the Surrey Eagles at the South Surrey Arena and then Saturday in Burnaby against Simon Fraser University. Langley opens the B.C. Hockey League season on Sept. 23 and the Rivermen have their home opener on Sept. 24 when they host the Surrey Eagles at the Langley Events Centre.


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 33


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affair with nine yellow cards handed out. ••••• The Spartans women’s team fell 1-0 to the UBC Thunderbirds on Saturday at Rogers Park. Rachel Sawer scored in the 65th minute for the visitors and Alyssa Williamson made nine saves for UBC as the Spartans outshot their opponent 9-6. “I just didn’t think we played very well,” said Spartans coach




Trinity Western Spartans Brayden Gant executes a bicycle kick in his team’s match against the Victoria Vikes on Saturday night at Rogers Field. The Spartans won 2-1 after losing their season opener 1-0 the previous night to the Fraser Valley Cascades.



Scott STEWART/Trinity Western University


Garrett Peters made the most of his opportunity. Peters played a grand total of two minutes in Saturday night’s men’s soccer match for the Trinity Western Spartans against the visiting Victoria Vikes at Rogers Field. But in that short time, the striker notched the gamewinning goal in a 2-1 victory. Peters headed home a free kick from Spencer Schmidt in the game’s 90th minute. Schmidt had opened the scoring in the 71st minute before Victoria’s Andrew Ravenhill struck for the equalizer seven minutes later. The victory evened Trinity Western’s Canada West record to 1-1-0 as they had lost their opener, 1-0 to the Fraser Valley Cascades the night before. “The good thing about Canada West is you don’t get a lot of time to think about what happened the night before,” said Spartans coach Pat Rohla. “We came out and just decided that we were going after it and we did. “We changed a couple of things structurally and I think everyone was committed to the cause and played hard for each other.” In the match against Fraser Valley, the Cascades’ Craig Robinson struck for the only goal in the 17th minute. The contest was a chippy


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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Excelsiors on brink of Mann Cup


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langleyukes.com or facebook.com/langleyukes MEDIA SPONSOR:

Brampton wins pair of one-goal games to take control of championship series The Brampton Excelsiors are one win away from hoisting the Mann Cup. The Ontario champions took a commanding three games to one series lead over the host Langley Thunder, thanks to a pair of one-goal victories over the weekend at the Langley Events Centre. Brampton won game three 8-7 and game four 5-4 in the best-ofseven Canadian senior A lacrosse championship series. Brampton is the Major Series Lacrosse (Ontario) champion while the Thunder are representing B.C. as the Western Lacrosse Assocation

Gary AHUJA/Langley Times

Langley Thunder’s Jamie Lincoln puts the ball past Brampton goalie John Edwards during game one of the Mann Cup series last week at the Langley Events Centre. The Thunder find themselves down three games to one in the best-of-seven championship series. champions. The Excelsiors are in search of their 11th Mann Cup title, and their third in the past four years. Langley is making its first-ever Mann Cup appearance. In games three and four, Langley held leads in the third period, but both

times Brampton was able to bounce back, take the lead and then withstand the Thunder efforts to notch the equalizer. The Thunder won game one of the series last week 11-3 but the Excelsiors took game two 9-4. Game five was last night (Monday) after

The Times’ press deadline. Check www. langleytimes.com for results. Should Langley prevail in game five, game six would be tomorrow (Wednesday) night at the Langley Events Centre with a 7:45 p.m. start time.

Coaches, Parents… Help wanted for World Junior A Challenge Looking for International hockey tournament at LEC in November

coverage for your team? • upcoming tournaments • game results • photo ops • human interest stories

Times The Langley

Find out how… sports@langleytimes.com


Volunteers are needed for an international hockey tournament coming to Langley this November. The Langley Events Centre will host the World Junior A Challenge from Nov. 7-13, with athletes beginning to arrive in late October. Individuals are needed to work as team hosts, ticket sellers, concession workers, media runners,

game presentation assistants, scorekeepers, statisticians and more. The six-team event features two Canadian squads — Team West and Team East — as well as entries from the United States, Sweden, Russia and the Czech Republic. “If you’re into hockey or even if you just have experience organizing large events, your skills will be of great value to this tournament,” said event communications

chair Brent Mutis. “It’s a super way to build up your resume while being part of a highprofile event that will get national media coverage and feature some highly talented, draft-eligible hockey players.” Volunteers will receive a tournament ticket package, meals, apparel and other goodies for lending a hand at the World Junior A Challenge. For more details or to sign up, email volunteer@ langleyeventscentre.com.

JOIN NOW AND RECEIVE 4 MONTHS COMPLEMENTARY DUES (November 2011 through February 2012)


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The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 35


Spartans buck Broncos

Harry HUNT/Black Press

Aldergrove’s Kyle Mitchell took the checkered flag in his victory lap at the heavy AA main event at Langley Quarter Midget Association’s track. Mitchell also won the Region 9 (Washington, Oregon and Canada) driving title trophy for the year 2011.

Jackson places second Alison Jackson placed second at the Vancouver Triathlon. Jackson, who competes on the Trinity Western Spartans track and field, cross-country and swimming teams, finished the Olympic distance course in 2:16:17, just 16 seconds behind race winner Alee Sharpe. Jackson was also tops in the women’s 20-24 age group. The race was held last week (Sept.

5) at Stanley Park. Jackson completed the 1,500m swim in 29:07, the 37.6-km bike ride in 1:07:59 and the 10-km run in 39:12. Earlier this summer, Jackson won the Alberta Olympic distance provincial championship which earned her a spot in the 2012 ITU Triathlon Age Group World Championships in Auckland, New Zealand.

After surrendering the game-tying shot as time wound down, the Trinity Western Spartans re-grouped in overtime to defeat the Santa Clara Broncos 108-100. The NCAA Division 1 basketball team, and alma mater of Steve Nash, was at the Langley Events Centre last week (Sept. 6) as part of their preseason Canadian tour. “I was pleasantly surprised with how we played in overtime,” said TWU coach Scott Allen. “We could have gone the other way after that shot.” Calvin Westbrook led Trinity Western with 32 points while Kyle Coston finished with 29 points and 14 rebounds. The Spartans were deadly from beyond the arc in the second half and overtime, hitting eight of their 18 attempts in the final 25 minutes. For more, visit www. langleytimes.com.

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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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CHUBEY, John Born Nov. 26, 1931


IN MEMORIAM IN LOVING MEMORY Rudolf Borsanyi April 12, 1918 - Sept 13, 2010 There is a Link that can not Sever “Love & Rememberence Lasts Forever” Your loving family



Beloved father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend died suddenly on July 21, 2011. He will be forever missed by his daughter Merriann (Roland), son Glen, daughter Sharon (Victor), grandchildren, Stefan, Kellen, Alexandra, Ashley and Emily. He was predeceased by his wife, Sheila, his parents Mary and Harry Chubey and his nephew, Marvin. John will also be sorely missed by his HAM and CB friends from around the world. Over and Out Crystal 18. A celebration of his Life will take place Saturday, SEPT. 17. 2011 at the LANGLEY Senior Resource Center, 20605 51 B AVE, LANGLEY. BC from 1-4 pm. Condolences and tributes may be shared online at: www.sandsfuneral.com WEBSTER, Miriam Ruth (nee Horne) April 22, 1940 – Sept. 8, 2011

BUSTIN, Alicia Katrina Passed away unexpectedly on September 2nd, 2011 at the young age of 22. Alicia will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her parents Brenda & Derek, twin sister Kasey, brother Spencer, grandparents Lorne & Leona Bustin, Lorne, Gina and Heather Pedersen, aunts and uncles Dana, Chad, Cindy, Rich, Glen, Lisa, Kerry, Colleen, Ted and Sue, cousins Keith, Kristy, Jacob, Mitchell, Claire, Sydney, Keri, Kylie, Taylor and Kayla, as well as her many other relatives and many, many friends. Alicia “Peach” will be remembered for her talent and passion for art and animation. Alicia’s beautiful smile, loving hugs and infectious laugh will be missed by all. A celebration of life will be held in a casual setting at the family home on Saturday, September 17th, 2011 at 1:00pm. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Brookswood Secondary School Art Department. Donations can be made in Alicia’s name at: langleyschooldistrictfoundation .com or by mail to the Langley School District Foundation (4875- 222nd St., Langley BC, V3A 3Z7).

Born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Ruth aged 71 years passed away peacefully on September 8th, 2011 in the Langley Memorial Hospital with family at her side. Predeceased by her parents Ross and Anne Horne. Ruth will be lovingly remembered by her children, Sheryl (Chris) and Brian (Kerri). She will be sadly missed by her life-long friend Annie Kassoff and her Connect community in Langley. A memorial tea will be held on September 14th, 2011 at 2pm at Henderson’s Langley Funeral Home, 20786 Fraser Hwy, Langley BC. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the UBC Brain Research Centre (http://www.brain.ubc.ca/).

SIGGS, Jack With great sadness we announce the passing of Jack Siggs. Born 1930, passed away August 28, 2011 at Surrey Memorial Hospital. He was predeceased by the love of his life Alice. Jack was actively involved in Old Time Dancing and Square Dancing all over the Fraser Valley. For many years he was active in the Cloverdale Rodeo parade and Little Britches Rodeo. Jack enjoyed the cowboy life and lived on his 20 acres on 248th since 1958. A celebration of his life will be held September 30th, 2011 at 2 p.m. in Aldergrove at Langley Banquet Centre, 3227 264th St. Aldergrove, B.C.



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CRAIK, Larry Allan Born March 28, 1943 in Regina, Saskatchewan, passed away August 19, 2011 at Cedar Hill, Langley. Survived by numerous cousins. Cremation, Service September 16, 2011 at 11a.m. at Henderson’s Funeral Chapel, Langley

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Mature, energetic, F/T caretaker needed for adult oriented gated community in Walnut Grove. Must be jack-of-all-trades. Some painting, plumbing, electrical, bldg maintenance, power washing. The complex has a liquid chlorine pool & spa/hot tub and a sanitary pump stn. Pool/Spa certification course would be a definite asset, as would prev exp as a caretaker for maint. worker. This position best suits someone self-motivated, personable and diplomatic. As duties incl locking up the clubhouse & opening it, you must be flexible with time. There is a subsidized 1 bdrm ste avail for rent. Pls submit resume: Chair Person, #59 Churchill Park 9208 208 St. Langley, V1M 2M9, or email your resume: randd@telus.net



ECE LIC. staff req f/t Abbotsford. Preschool & Daycare 8 - 4 Email resume livinglifegive@hotmail.ca



Class 1 City P&D Drivers required for Lower Mainland runs. Full-time opportunity. Start Now! Contact Carl 1-888-453-2813 or E-mail: Carl.constam@hrtrans.com CLASS 1 DRIVER with super B end dump exp req’d by L.A. Transport Ltd. Wheel loader exp would be of value. Competitive benefit pkg. Fax resume to: 604-854-6176 DRIVER. HEAVY HAUL Co. Runs Western Canada & US. Looking for committed Class 1 driver with heavy haul low bed exp. Must be able to cross border & go into ports. Serious replies only. Fax resume to 604-853-4179.



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Richard Jason Noel Davidson Langhorst “Jason” (of Langley, B.C.)

July 23, 1970 - August 30, 2011 On the morning of August 30th, at Foot Hills Hospital in Calgary, at the age of 41, and with his family by his side Jason left us. An only child, Jason grew up knowing he was especially loved by his mother and father who ensured he also have the chance to earn the love of a huge extended family. He was and will always be a family favourite with his big heart, big laugh, boundless energy, super human strength and big bear hugs. He showed strength, determination, loyalty, generosity, humour and joie de vive and these qualities inspired us all. Jason accomplished so much in his life; he overcame great obstacles, tried his hand at a few careers before becoming a journeyman electrician then going on to cable splicing with BC Hydro. In his valiant battle against a dreadful disease Jason showed us what a strong and courageous person he really was. Jason’s good humour and easy manner enabled him to get along and connect with everyone. Jason was extremely insightful and was known for his ability to provide frank advice and feedback in a disarming helpful manner. Also known for his friendly nature, positive energy and sweetness of character he has earned him a place in the hearts of his many friends and all who know him through school, work and community. Jason felt very fortunate to have met and married the love of his life, Alenna, and to have produced two beautiful daughters with her. Jason was a good person, was respectful of others and demonstrated these characteristics in the way he raised Mary and Jessi. Jason’s greatest pride was his whole large family: watching his children grow, his greatest pleasure. In his last weeks and during a time for reflection his dad, Roy said he was a rock star in the hospital as he organized, helped and entertained his roommates. He always had time for a visit and to catch up. Jason was an avid sports enthusiast who enjoyed cheering on his favourite teams and pursuing activities such as running, biking, swimming, surfing and snowboarding. In the past few years he became a tri-athlete. Jason is survived by his wife Alenna (née Anuik) and his daughters Mary Margaret (10) and Jessica Jane (6). He is also survived by his adoring parents Susan (née Davidson) and Roy Langhorst, his aunts: Diana(Mark), Gail, Marie (Geoff), Karen(Dave), Brenda (Michael) and his many cousins in BC, Alta, and Sask, his in-laws Elmer and Kay Anuik, brother-in-law Bret (Tina) and his many friends from his childhood in South Surrey, and at school, work and beyond. He is predeceased by grandparents, Margaret and Slim Davidson who loved him unreservedly. “A celebration of Jason’s life will be scheduled in the near future. A notice of Jason’s celebration of life will be published after the details are finalized. For those who want to be notified of the date and time of Jason’s celebration of life please send an email to susan-roy@shaw.ca with the subject line “COL Details”.” Jason will be dearly missed by his family and friends who love and cherish him deeply.

The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 37 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 130




CASHIER & STOCK PERSON with exp, for our Langley produce store, P/T, F/T. Call: 604-533-8828.



LOG TRUCK mechanic for Kurt Leroy Trucking LTD. Welding an asset. Ben. inc. To start immed. Campbell River. Fax resume to 250-287-9914.

DETAILER EXPERIENCED Required by Don Beck Collision in White Rock F/T position with excellent benefits. Must have valid Driver’s License Pls. Fax resume or email to:

F/T, 18+. Summer and permanent openings in all areas. Fun Promos. No Sales. No Experience, No Problem!


Call Rebecca 604-777-2194

Outgoing Individuals Wanted

Up to $20 per/hr




Service Advisor

DOOR MANUFACTURING F/T assembly person required in our Pre-hung door manufacturing facility. Knowledge of woodworking, air tools, Norfield door machine & the ability to lift heavy doors required. RESUMES TO: 19475 96th Ave, Surrey, B.C., V4N 4C4 Fax: 604 513-1475 OAKMONT Industries Ltd.

Job Fair Open House Saturday Sept 17th 10am – 2pm Now hiring for temporary General Labour, Warehouse, Forklift, and assorted clerical positions. Bring a resume, ID, and a void cheque.

Adecco Richmond 150 - 5890 No.3 Road Richmond, BC, V6X 3P7 Tel 604-273-8761 FITTERS/WELDERS for fabrication of structural and plate work for a mining equipment manufacturer. Good wages and health benefits. Located in Vernon, BC. Send resumes to jobs@westpromachinery.com or fax to 250-549-6735. FLAGGERS NEEDED If not certified, training available for a fee. Call 604-575-3944



Chilliwack area auto dealership has an immediate opening for a Service Advisor. Preference will be given to those with experience. Applicants must possess a valid B.C. drivers license, be bondable and available to work Saturdays. Basic computer skills are mandatory. The successful applicant will posses strong organizational skills, a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and be able to work in a team environment. You will be working in a high volume, fast pace environment, where attention to detail is a must. Please email resumes to servicejob2011@hotmail.com.


We are still hiring - Dozer & excavator operators required by a busy Alberta oilfield construction company. We require operators that are experienced and preference will be given to operators that have constructed oilfield roads and drilling locations. You will be provided with motels and restaurant meals. Competitive wages, bonus and transportation daily to and from job sites. Our work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call 780-7235051.







Litigation Assistant



JANITORIAL CLEANER - Full Time / Part Time / On Call - Surrey, Langley. Looking for cleaining professionals to help maintain one of our news buildings. The building operates 24/7 and will be needing some new Team Members to help deliver service and cleaning excellence. Weekend availability and background checks are a must. Please apply by calling 604-3451950



the 13-week course, students study the basics of income tax preparation including current laws, theory and application.

Sunridge Gardens is a new seniors’ community located in Murrayville, in the Township of Langley.


an H&R Block certiÀcate of accomplishment and the opportunity to interview for employment with H&R Block.

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Site Office Assistant



Seeks Laborers for project in Vancouver. Must have own vehicle. Min. 1 year experience in construction labor. Fulltime $17 - $20 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email: Paulo@wilco.ca www.wilcocivil.ca

Seeks Site Office Assistant for various projects in the Vancouver area. Must have own vehicle. Must speak fluent English. Must be computer literate with knowledge of Excel. Level 2 First Aid an asset. Fulltime $15 - $17 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email: Paulo@wilco.ca www.wilcocivil.ca



LOCAL ABBOTSFORD Light Manufacturing Company Requires a person to assemble machines. Mechanical aptitude a necessity and experience in assembly is preferred. Income in the $10-$14 hour range depending on experience and ability.

Truck & Trailer exp. an asset. Benefits package. Competitive wages.


P/T Retail Sales Representative Wanted for Luxury Menswear!! *Over 2 yrs+ Retail Store sales experience needed. *Please forward your resume to rnco.ltd@gmail.com

142 OFFICE SUPPORT/CLERKS Local small business looking for Office/Reception person Hours Mon. to Fri. from 9am until 2pm. $13.00/hr Must be reliable, have good communication skills, some computer skills, and be organized enough to work without supervision. Please email resume to: budgetblindservices@telus.net

OFFICE CLERK, P/T IDEAL FOR MOTHERS DURING SCHOOL HOURS!! P/T office clerk needed for mfg co. in Lngly/Aldgv. area. Should have bookkeeping and computer exp., as well as a professional telephone manorism. Req’d for approx 20 hrs per week. For further details or to apply for the position, pls contact by email only: info@cannonbar.com



noon and evening sessions. Applicants need only the willingness to learn about taxes.


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Enrolment restrictions may apply. Enrolment in, or completion of, the H&R Block Income Tax Course is neither an offer nor guarantee of employment. © 2011 H&R Block Canada, Inc. CNTTSA_001



ARPAC, a leader in Western Canada’s material handling industry, is seeking experienced Forklift/Automotive/HDMechanics.

me to

Career-minded individuals looking to join our team can send resume to: HR@arpac.ca Fax: 604-940-4093

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Please contact Brian Choo E-mail: brian@hondaway.com Fax: 604.857.9146

SECURITY OFFICER TRAINING B.S.T. classes in Abby. Job placement. 604-859-8860 www.brissonsecurity.com


Email: abbyspring@shaw.ca or Fax: 604-504-1943 • SHOWER DOOR & KITCHEN CABINET INSTALLERS • PHOTO FRAME ASSEMBLERS Surrey’s Leading Glass & Shower Door Company Rahul Glass Ltd. is looking for experienced Full-Time installers and assemblers. Very exciting packages will be offered according to previous experience. Contact Raj 604-710-1581 or fax resume: 604-592-2690


CIVIL & PARK CONSTRUCTORS Min. requirements: 5 years experience in either: • Park construction • Artificial & Sports field construction • Civil & Roadwork construction Fulltime $25.00 - $30.00 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email: Paulo@wilco.ca www.wilcocivil.ca



Civil & Road Builders Seeks Excavator Operators for projects in the Vancouver area. Must have own vehicle. Min. 5 years experience in heavy equipment operation. Fulltime $23 - $28 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email: Paulo@wilco.ca www.wilcowcivil.ca

FULL-TIME CABINET BUILDER/INSTALLER We require an energetic, cabinet builder / installer for our busy Surrey / Port Kells location. The ideal candidate will have 5+ years experience, benefits after 3 mos. Position available immediately. Forward resume to: rose@continentalsfg.com or mail: Continental Store Fixture Group Inc. Bldg. # 4, Unit #17, 19272 96 Ave., Surrey, B.C. V4N 4C1. Fax 604-882-3561 FULL-TIME Machinist - Manual Lathe Min. 10 years exp., able to work with close tolerances of /-0.001 on material upto 28” dia., must be able to read/understand engineering drawings, and familiar with different materials. Good wage and benefits package available. Fax resume to 604-275-0548 or email: pseltd@pacificsupportltd.com

Full time Position of Embedded Systems Design in OEM Manufacturing Firm in Abbotsford, BC


Please email resume to: dscott@driveproducts.com or fax to: 604-888-2029

Competitive wages & benefits.

complete details on class locations, starting dates, tuition, etc.

Competitive wages & benefits, company vehicle, M-F, great work environment. oking to For more than fifty years Century Group has built places that define neighbourhoods: places with walkable streets where people live, shop and work; and places connected to natural landscapes. These are the places that, if built at a human scale, with an aim of reducing energy use, create more sustainable communities with durable value and lasting beauty. That’s Century Thinking.™


HELP WANTED Journeyman or Apprentice Heavy Equipment Technician, Kindersley, SK. Extremely busy independent shop. Wage based on education and experience. Benefits package. Fax 306463-4822 or email mid.plains@sasktel.net.

Mechanic Wanted

between morning, after



Reply by email to: employment_10@hotmail.ca






Opening October 1, 2011



Merchant Law Group has an immediate opening for an exp. Punjabi speaking Assistant. Min. 2 yrs. exp. req. in Family Law & Criminal Law. Strong written & communication skills essential. Ability to meet deadline & to work in a team environment. F/T. Competitive salary & benefits avail. Email:


Employment Opportunities at Sunridge Gardens


TAKE SUSHI (Langley) F/T Cook 3-5 yrs exp. High School grad. $18.75/H Tel: 604-533-0145

Wanted Immediately LANDSCAPER LABOURERS with experience. Starts @ $16./hr Fax 604-462-7853


AKANE Jap. Rest. in Langley area now hiring.Cook position / Req.:2+ yrs Jap. cooking exp. & high sch. diploma OR completion of college or univ. in Culinary Art Course. $17.50/hr (37.5 hrs/wk) Main duties are prepare and cook complete Jap. food and clean kitchen etc. Apply: akanejap@gmail.com

138 American Cartage has opening for part time company drivers and lease operators. Must have valid port pass & class 1 license. Call Gloria or Maureen at 604-513-3681.


Candidate must posses hardware and software design experience in Embedded Control Systems. Knowledgeable in Embedded USB Software design/with handson design experience in developing USB Host and or USB peripheral Applications .Possess Ability to develop Microsoft Windows C/C++ software using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008+, and possess working knowledge of electrical & electronics devices to be able to test & troubleshoot electrical/electronic circuits involving analog and digital components. Please email resume to: employment_10@hotmail.ca

Want to advance your career? Drillers Assistants (labour) Entry level positions Job entails: Lift 25-100lbs, repetitive manual labor, working outdoors, long hours, travel in BC, strong work ethic, team player, multitasking, self-motivated. Ability to take direction, valid BC drivers license, clean abstract, reliable transportation. Mechanically inclined an asset. Provide resume and drivers abstract to: careers@mudbaydrilling.com or fax to 604-888-4206. No phone calls.

WELDER/FABRICATOR Min C Level. 5 yrs exp preferred. Truck & Trailer exp. an asset. Benefits package. Competitive wages. Please email resume to: dscott@driveproducts.com or fax to: 604-888-2029



NEW Girls, BEST Service

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SPRING RELAX SPA Full body hot oil massage. Insuite showers. 10:00 am ~ 10:00 pm. HIRING. #102 - 2451 Clearbrook Rd., Abbotsford




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• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 PERSONAL SERVICES






Concrete Lifting Specialist Free Est & Warranties

European Quality Workmanship

• Insured • WCB • Written Guarantee • Free Est. • 20 Years Exp.



#1167 $25 service call, BBB Lge & small jobs. Expert trouble shooter, WCB. Low rates 24/7 604-617-1774 ALL JOBS Big or Small. Panels, lighting, plugs, fans, hot tubs etc. Guaranteed work. 604-539-0708 Cell 604-537-1773 (Lic. 26110) ELECTRICIAN licensed, local. Low cost. Big&small jobs. Renov. & panel change expert. 604-374-0062. YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899

RECYCLE-IT! JUNK REMOVAL Recycled Earth Friendly • Electronics • Appliances • Old Furniture • Construction • Yard Waste • Concrete • Drywall • Junk • Rubbish • Mattresses




FREE! Scrap Metal Removal...FREE!!!

FREE ESTIMATES Serving Langley since 1986 Lawn Mowing * Yard Cleanups Fertilizing * Hedges Pruning * Rubbish Removal New Lawns * Top Soil & Bark Mulch. Fully Insured

Call (604)889-6552


~MASTER CARPENTER~ Framing, Finishing Millwork, Cabinets Complete Renovations Additions, Decks Gazebos, etc. Local references available

A-TECH Services 604-230-3539 Running this ad for 7yrs




* Fridges * Freezers * Stoves * Microwaves * Small appliances * Scrap Metal * Old pipe * BBQs * * Exercise equip. * Cars/trucks * All metal recyclables FREE


Forget the Rest Call The Best! Harry 604-617-0864

Call Derek GRAHAM’S EXCAVATING ~ Excavation, Clearing ~ ~ Drainage, Final Grading ~ Free Estimates, 20 years exp. Fully Insured/WCB

T & K Haulaway

Rubbish Removal & more Small Haul Help.

3 rooms for $269, 2 coats any colour

359 SAND, GRAVEL & TOPSOIL #1 Soils, manure, gravels, lime stone, lava, sand. Del or p/u 604882-1344 visit www.portkellsnurseries.com / bulk material for pricing.


“ ABOVE THE REST “ Int. & Ext., Unbeatable Prices, Professional Crew. Free Est. Written Guarantee. No Hassle, Quick Work, Insured, WCB. Call (778)997-9582

Lawn Cut, Ride-on mower, Pwr Rake, Aerating, Weeding. Hedge Trim, Pruning, Reseed, Edging, Moss Killer, Bark Mulch, Pressure Wash., Gutter Clean. Roof Clean. Res/Comm. Reas. Rates, Fully insured. WCB.

For all your decorating needs, why not call a Master Painter? With Triple A/BBB Rating?

Bill, 604-306-5540 or 604-589-5909

38 Years Experience All Aspects of Painting Int./Ext. Com/Residential Free Estimates call Dan anytime!

Call 604-607-6659 or Cell, 604-537-3553

TREE SERVICES A1-TRI-CRAFT Tree Serv. Dangerous tree removal, spiral pruning hedge trimming, stump grinding, topping. Insured, WCB Free Est Arborist Reports


ALL BEST LANDSCAPING All Lawn Care ~ Free Est.


(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services. www.paintspecial.com




On Time, As Promised, Service Guaranteed!

Bonded, experienced Friendly service Reasonable price No job too small Reno’s/Additions


Andrew 604-618-8585 $ Best Rates $

Tree removal done RIGHT! • Tree & Stump Removal • Certified Arborists • 20 yrs exp. • 60’ Bucket Truck • Crown Reduction • Spiral Pruning • Land Clearing • Selective Logging ~ Fully Insured • Best Rates ~

604-787-5915, 604-291-7778 Info: www.treeworksonline.ca info@treeworksonline.ca 10% OFF with this AD

PETS 453 283 GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS GUTTER & WINDOW CLEANING Prices starting from for 3 lvl. hm. $95/gutters, $95/windows. 2 lvl. hm. $75/gutters, $75/windows. Excellent Service Since 1976. 778-861-0465


SEMI-RETIRED contractor will do small concrete jobs. Patio’s, sidewalks, driveway’s. Re & re old or


604.723.8434 Top Quality Painting Exterior / Interior

Per Molsen 604-575-1240

3 Ladies Maid Service Fast and Reliable. $25/hr. 778-318-4716 CLEANING SPECIAL $25/hour minimum 2hrs. Price includes cleaning supplies. Also laminate flooring and paint specials. Free estimates. A-TECH Services at 604-230-3539 EUROPEAN CLEANERS. Honest, reliabe. Tip top work. Great refs. 778-277-2662 or 604-551-2728 RESIDENTIAL CLEANING LADY. 17 yrs exp. No less than 4hrs. $23/hr. Free est. 604-340-1260.


A-1 PAINTING CO. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR, Repairs & Reno’s, Sundecks & Additions, New Homes



damaged concrete. Ken 604-532-0662






.Jim’s Mowing-Same Day Service More than just mowing



FABCO PLASTICS is engaged in the wholesale distribution of a wide variety of industrial Fluid Process products and materials. We are currently seeking an addition to complement our team. You are possibly a new graduate, technically apt, energetic, computer savvy, sales and administration friendly in an industrial sales environment, who wants to learn the full scope of our Surrey operation and grow with the company. You will be exposed to shipping/receiving, inside sales, customer service and outside sales support with multi-tasking and dealing well under pressure. A minimum grade 12 with a pleasant phone manner, quick learner and possible exposure to a similar or related industry. Forklift experience would be an asset. Interested applicants please forward your resume to ctadres@fabcoplastics.com


A-1 CONTRACTING. Renos. Bsmt, kitchens, baths, custom cabinets, tiling, plumbing, sundecks, reroofing. Dhillon 604-782-1936.

The finest in Outdoor Living... Design to Completion DECKING RAILINGS • Cedar • Glass • Vinyl decking • Aluminum • Trex decking • Wrought iron • Pressure treated • Trex railings • Deck repairs • Cedar • Paving stone • Pressure & Concrete Treated OUTDOOR LIVING • Fireplaces • Kitchens & BBQ’s • Sun Rooms & Patio Covers • Landscaping • Hot Tubs & Pools • Trellis & Gazebos

CALL NOW! 604-312-5362 Now is the time to get the jobs done that you’ve been putting off H Bath & Kitchen Reno’s H Sundecks, Patios, Doors & Mouldings H Full Basement Reno’s for that Mortgage Helper ✱ Licensed, Full Service Contractor with over 25 years exp & all available trades. Many ref’s. Unbeatable prices & exc quality.

Darryl 604-626-7100 Visit: www.deckexperts.ca


456 Hayden Painting Solutions Ltd www.haydenpainting.ca

MILANO PAINTING. Int./Ext. Prof. Painters. Free Est. Written Guar. Bonded & Insured. 604-551-6510

SL PAINTING Interior/Exterior. FREE Estimates. Quality job. Fully insured - WCB Please call Sonly.

604-328-6387 ****TIME4PAINTING**** We provide quality services at a exceptional price. No Job is to big or to small, increase the value of your home today. Call us for your FREE Estimate: 604-512-3129


SAWDUST Hemlock, Fir & Cedar Available for Delivery Call for pricing 604-465-5193 or 604-465-5197 www.augustinesoilandmulch.com

332 ★ Kitchens ★ Bathrooms Basement & Garage conversions ★Additions ★ Laminate ★Hardwood ★ Engineered Wood ★ Tile ★Carpet ★Baseboard & Crown moldings ★Sundecks ★Roofing. Member of B.B.B. & G.V.H.B.A., WCB and liability insured, ref’s. Call Gary Ward @ M&W Classic Home Renovations 604-530-1175 gjward@telus.net


SELF BOARD by CVP & High Point Trails. Large dry paddock, $175 disc. for 2nd horse. 604-617-3470. Specializing in all types of: S Decking Systems S Railing Systems S Outdoor Living



1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. We move - We ship - We recycle. Senior- Student Discount available. 604-721-4555 or 604-800-9488. A FAST MOVING & CLEANING. Prof. movers. *Garbage removal. Insured, great rates. 778-888-9628 SPARTAN Moving Ltd. Fast & Reliable. Insured Competitive rates. Wknd Specials. Call Frank: (604) 435-8240


ALLAN Const. & Asphalt. Brick, conc, drainage, found. & membrane repair. 604-618-2304; 820-2187.



10% OFF if you Mention this AD! *Plumbing *Heating *Reno’s *More Lic.gas fitter. Aman: 778-895-2005 $38/HR!Clogged drains,drips,garbs sinks, Reno’s toilets. No job too small! Lic’d/insured. 778-888-9184




Big Mountain Electric

~CHOICE CARPET CLEANING~ Free Estimates. Guaranteed Work! 604-897-6025 (24 hr) 788-688-0117



From 1, 3, 5, 7,10 Ton Trucks Licenced ~ Reliable ~ 1 to 3 Men Free estimate/Seniors discount Residential~Commercial~Pianos


778-231-9675, 778-231-9147 FREE ESTIMATES



PRESA CANARIO P/B UKC, fem’s $250 Special. Both parents approx. 120 to 150 lbs. Call 778-552-1525. YELLOW LAB PUPS. 8 weeks old, ready to go. Vet checked, 1st. shots. Parents on site. $500. 604-852-6176 Abbts

Local & Long Distance

Free Estimates hudolinrenos@gmail.com

F All types of concrete work F F Re & Re F Forming F Site prep FDriveways FExposed FStamped F Bobcat Work F WCB Insured










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✔ Basement suites, decks ✔ Bathrooms, Kitchens ✔ Finishing work & moulding

D House & Garage Floors D Driveways D Patios, etc. D Raise to Proper Height D Eliminate Trip Spots D Provide Proper Drainage

Kristy 604.488.9161 182




Bonniecrete Const Ltd

Unique Taste, Unique Menus... Gourmet, Customized Menus Tailored To Your Function... • Dinner Parties • Executive Meetings • Family Gatherings • Weddings / Banquets • B-B-Ques • Funerals We Come To You! Doing It All, From Set-Up - Clean-Up.



1st $6.50 & 2nd $7.00 cut Alfalfa grass mix, Irrigated, 70 80lb bales, barn stored, (250)547-6816 Mixed Species Coarse Hog Fuel 1” minus mixed berry mulch, Half inch minus compost soil amendmint Red Cedar coarse hog fuel Phone R.J. Caplette 604-856-6500



BENGAL CROSS KITTENS beautiful spotted and marbled, 4M ready $150-$250 each Call 604-820-1603 Border Collie P/B puppies dob June 23 M-$400; F-$450. vet ✓ first shot. 604-250-4360 or 604-856-7975. Boston Terriers pups, ckc reg, vet checked, reputable breeder, excellent pedigree. (604)794-3786 CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS. Working line. Black and black & tan. $650. 604-820-4230, 604-302-7602 LAB PUPS, Chocolate, $700. vet ch, dew-claws rem. 1st shots, dewormed. qual. lines (604)702-0217 LAB/Retriever, born June 23. family raised. Dewormed, $350. Call (604)795-7257. No sun. calls NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com NEO MASTIFF PUPS ready to go, shots, dewormed, tails docked, Call for details (604)615-2682 PB, Golden Retriever pups, family farm raised, vet checked, shots, ready August 22. Males $450 Timbur6@telus.net. 604-845-7434 Poochie, super fluffy, 10wks, tiny toy, vet check, 1st shot, m-$750, f-$850. 1(604)354-3003 lv message or email: dinkytoi@hotmail.ca


Antique & Collectible Auction Mon, Sept. 19th, ~ 7pm. Viewing on Sunday, 1pm - 5pm. Sale Day From 10am. Consignments welcome. Central Auction #313 - 20560 - Langley By Pass (#10 Hwy) 604-534-8322



DO-IT-YOURSELF STEEL BUILDINGS Priced to Clear - Make an Offer! Ask About Free Delivery, most areas! Call for Quick Quote and Free Brochure - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170. SAWMILLS from only $3997 MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.


UNDER $100

BBQ - S/S, MAGMA pedestal, nat. gas, 16” diam grill - $100: (604)5348121



1YR Seasoned Alder Birch Maple Clean, Split, DRY & Delivered. Family Operated for 20 yrs. (604)825-9264 FULLY SEASONED, Alder/Maple, Birch, split & delivered. Free kindling. Phone 604-789-1492 anytime



MATTRESSES staring at $99 • Twins • Fulls • Queens • Kings 100’s in stock! www.Direct Liquidation.ca (604)294-2331

OAK KITCHEN TABLE w/ 4 chairs, beautiful cond. $200 PALLISER 3 PIECE WALL UNIT. - t.v. stand & 2 cabinets. faux pine. $250 paid $1700. Exc. condition. (604)488.9161



CAN’T GET UP your stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help! No obligation consultation. Comprehensive warranty. Can be installed in less than 1 hour. Call now 1-866-981-6591. FAST RELIEF the First Night!! Restless Leg Syndrome and Leg Cramps Gone. Sleep Soundly, Safe with Medication, Proven Results. www.allcalm.com 1-800-765-8660.



A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1866-884-7464 Can’t Get Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1866-981-5991 RED ENVELOPE - Unique & Personalized Gifts for All Your Friends & Family! Starting at $19.95. Visit www.redenvelope.com/Jewel for an extra 20% off or Call 1-888-4735407



82.8 ACRES, 300’ lakefront, S Cariboo. Beautiful, pastoral, private, rural setting. Borders crown land. Adjacent 80+ acre parcel available. www.bchomesforsale.com/ view/lonebutte/ann/ BIG BEAUTIFUL AZ LAND $99/mo. $0 down, $0 interest, Golf Course, Nat’l Parks. 1 hour from Tucson Int’l Airport Guaranteed Financing, No Credit Checks. Pre-recorded msg. (800) 631-8164 code 4001 or visit www.sunsiteslandrush.com

615 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY BUILDING SALE... “ROCK BOTTOM PRICES” 25x40x12 $7350. 30x60x15 $12,700. 35x70x16 $15,990. 40x80x16 $20,990. 47x100x18 $25,800. 60x140x20 $50,600. End walls included, doors optional. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers DIRECT 1-800-668-5422.



5 Acre lots within minutes of the Cariboo’s most famous lakes; Horse Lake, Watch Lake, Green Lake & Sheridan. Located in historic Lone Butte, full driveway’s into great building sites, Hydro/Tel. All approved for septic fields & wells. More info call 604-230-2125.

633 MOBILE HOMES & PARKS MOBILE HOMES 1, 2 & 3 BDRM $46,900 - $74,900. Lorraine, Royal Lepage 604-889-4874.

langleytimes.com RENTALS 706


Tuesday, September 13, 2011 A39


The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011 • 39 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION










HUGE TOWNHOUSE COMPLEX GARAGE SALE. Sept. 17 & 18. 10:00AM to 4:00PM. 19250 65th Avenue, Surrey (Sunberry Court).

709 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BROOKSWOOD COMMERCIAL LEASE spaces available at 208th Street and 40th Ave. Sizes 7002100 s.f. $1500 - $4500. Call Frank @ Noort Investments 604-835-6300 or Nick @ 604-526-3604. Langley City Small wrhse o/h dr, gd light $895 ALSO Willowbrook storage/hobby shop $695 604-834-3289 LANGLEY: INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT: 1760 or 3520 sq.ft. Exc. location on Industrial Ave. Langley City. Phone: 604-603-9584

13862 24th Avenue Saturday & Sunday 9:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. Entertainment Center - $199, Oak Kitchen Table -$199, Kitchen Table - glass top $199, Oak Coffee Table - $50, Senior Electric Bath Lift - $199 & Bench Seat - $50, Oak Futon - $199, Tall Boy Dresser & Night Stand - $100 (Pine - drk. stain), 2 Ikea Loungers - $75, 2 Scuba Tanks - $100, 20’ TV in BOX brand new - $75. Books, Bikes, Bird Cages, Pots & Pans, New LeSenza lingerie, Misc. Hse. Hld. Items, Tools, Fitness Weights, Getto Blasters & Much Much More! 604.488.9161






RARE OPPORTUNITY: waterfront property on beautiful Jim Lake, .83-acre with 360 sq ft insulated cabin, located near Green Lake/Watch Lake (70 Mile House). Rare privacy, only three lots on the lake, good fishing for rainbows to 10 lbs, nice swimming, surrounded by crown land. Great trails for hiking, ATV and snowmobile. Seasonal 10-km back road access in 4x4 or pick-up. FSBO. $230,000. 250-3950599. (Please see bchomesforsale.com/70mile/frank.)



Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley



CALL FOR SPECIALS LANGLEY CITY Spacious, Clean Bachelor, 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Heat, Hot Water,





Villa Fontana & Stardust Michael - 604-533-7578


CLAYMORE APTS 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts Avail $200 Move-In Bonus!! Close to shopping & schools. Seasonal Swimming pool, and tennis court. 3 Appliances (fridge, stove dishwasher), blinds hot water and parking included. Carpeted throughout. Some pets welcome.

5374 - 203rd St, Langley

Call 604-533-9780 LANGLEY

MAPLE MANOR APTS. 20117 - 56 Avenue 1 & 2 bdrm suites $735 to $850 includes heat, hot water, cable to channel 43. On site security

Call 604-534-0108

Linwood Place Apts 20051- 55 A Ave.

1st MONTH FREE Newly Renovated Units

Starting at $835. $675 to $835 includes Heat, Hot water, Cable to channel 43. On site security Ask for details

Call 604-530-6555 Must bring in this ad to receive 1st month free

Northland Apartments 19777 Willowbrook Dr., Langley

1 BDRM SUITES AVAILABLE NOW! Newer building, secure entry, 5 appl’s including insuite washer and dryer, a/c, electric f/p, u/g prkg & balconies. No pets CLOSE TO SHOPPING, Superstore & Willowbrook Mall.


53 B AVE / 200 A St.


2 BR, 1 bath, 2 story house with kitchen, dinning rm, living rm, carpet, carport, F/S, deck, backyard, storage shed. N/S N/P Avail. Oct., 1. $700/m + utils.

Nr Langley City Hall & shops 1bdrm 3rd flr $750; 1 bdrm 1st flr $715. Limerick Manor, adult oriented N/P Appt 604-514-1480

Call 604-592-5663



Apartments 20727 Fraser Highway

1 & 2 Bedrooms avail incl heat/hot water/cable Criminal record check may be req’d.

Ph: 604-533-4061

Fridge, stove, dishwasher (in most), drapes. Outdoor pool. Some pets welcome. Resident Manager. Close to bus, shopping, schools and parks. #36 - 5210 - 203 Street, Langley

KICK BACK & RELAX IN SOUTH SURREY Short term - Weekly - Monthly accommodation. Seeking professional visitors to rent throughout the year. Deluxe, fully furnished & equipped 2 bdrm. + rec. rm. + 2 bath T/House. Crown Mouldings, H/W laminate flooring and slate. Gas F/P, Alarm, Netflix, Cable & WiFi. 1 car garage parking. No Smoking inside, covered patio & outdoor seating. Amenities rm. incls. full gym, outdoor hot tub & pool. $2800/Mo.

LANGLEY. A lovely 4 bdrm Walnut Grove home. Elegant, spacious open concept, fresh & bright kitchen w/cherry wood pantry. $2500/mo. + utils. Avail now. Close to school. Call 778-241-0665.

SOUTH SURREY Ocean Park 12978 19A Ave. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3000 Sq ft. home. Small pets OK. Rec room, W/D, all appls, 2 car gar. Avail. Now., $2500/m. n/s, apply with refs.

5380 - 5400 - 5420 206th Street Clean & affordable Bachelor, 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Clse to all ament. Seniors Centre just around the corner. Rent incl heat, hotwater, & cable. Resident Managers on site.


www.cycloneholdings.ca WALNUT GROVE, 1 bdrm + den, insuite W/D, sec prkg. Avail now. TJ @ Sutton Proact: 604-728-5460.








SCRAP CAR REMOVAL “No Wheels, No Problem”


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1968 VOLVO 144S, European model, 4 cyl., have original plates & reg. Good shape, runs well. $1500 obo. Willie (604)220-8969



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WILLOUGHBY, on acreage. 5 bdrm house. Nr all amenits. Avail now. $2000/mo. Call 604-807-8655.

RECREATIONAL/SALE Autos • Trucks • Equipment Removal FREE TOWING 7 days/wk. We pay Up To $500 CA$H Rick Goodchild 604.551.9022


LANGLEY 3 BARNS, 200x50 each, have electricity, bay doors in or out prkg. RV’s, boats, cars, ATV’s, storage, horses, cows, goats. 604-514-9775 866-7803


CA$H for CAR$ No Wheels -No Problem! Servicing the Fraser Valley 604-746-2855

1976 WINNEBAGO BRAVE - still runs. $500/obo. (604)649-1992 1984 18½ ft. Travelmate 5th wheel in RV park. Slps 4. Loaded. Asking $2650. Call 778-237-8066.

P R I V . C L E A N r m . W / D, u t i l . p a r k . 2 0 8 & 4 4 . $ 3 9 5 N/S,N/P 604 825 8716 or 778 278 0780


2002 TRIUMPH TROPHY. Low k’s, new battery, runs good. $4,700. Call 604-217-3479; 778-880-0233. 2009 SUZUKI LS650. only 1520 km’s, bought new, lady owner, exc cond, asking $5575, (604)597-8467




COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE Buy a used car the easy way, get financed and Drive Home Now. We deliver to BC & Alberta www.DriveHomeNow.com FREE CASH BACK WITH $0 DOWN at Auto Credit Fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599 www.autocreditfast.ca. DLN 30309. Free Delivery.



AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673


Call 604-351-7487

604.488.9161 FORT LANGLEY, 2 Bdrm mobile home, on acreage, F/S, W/D, N/S, pets negot. $950. (604)856-7838


Call 604-532-2036

Betsy - 604-533-6945

CLOVERDALE BENBERG APTS. 17788 57 Ave. Senior building,1 & 2 bdrm suites avail now. Starting at $700 to $850/mo. 604-574-2078 CYPRESS PLACE 50+. Lge 1 bdrm stes. Incl heat & h/w. Nr all ament. NS/NP. View 10am-5pm. Resident Mgr. Ann & John 604-530-2840. LANGLEY 202/53A; 2 Bdrm apt, $905/mo. Quiet family complex, no pets, call 604-539-0217.



Rainbow & Majorca


LANGLEY CITY. 2 bdrm apt. Laundry facilities/office. Avail. Oct. 1. or sooner. Small pet ok. $950/mo. incl utils. & cable. 604-910-9672.


BROOKSWOOD. 4 bdrms, 2 baths, 5 appls. Close to school/shops/transit. Sept 15. $1900. 604-530-8480.


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2 & 3 Bdrm T/Homes Move-In Allowance!!

Phone 604-530-1912


New SRI.com 16x52 mobile home in Langley adult park. $114,900. Call 604-830-1960 NEW SRI Mobile, Modular and manufactured homes on display in Abbotsford. Chuck 604-830-1960. New SRI single wide in family park and another space in adult park. from $81,900. Chuck 604-830-1960 REPOSSESSED MOBILE HOMES to be moved, 1974-2008. Chuck 604-830-1960.


5555 208th Street, Langley Studio - 1 & 2 bdrms. Indoor swimming pool and rec facility. Includes heat & 1 parking stall. No pets

South Surrey MOVING SALE



821 CARS - SPORTS & IMPORTS 2003 TOYOTA COROLLA, silver, a/c, 5 spd, no accidents, exc cond, $6375. Call: (604)599-0170 2004 CAMRY LE 4/cyl, 134K, p/s, p/b, p/locks, A/C, silver, grey cloth int, very clean & reliable, great fuel economy $9300/obo. 604-817-1945 ‘92 Paseo, pristine condition, under 60,000 km. Metallic black, new tires, std., sunroof. $3,200. 778571-1564, kinnie@shaw.ca

88th Avenue, Fort Langley. 3 bdrm. bsmt. suite, 5 appl., lots of light, huge yard, carport. $1400. incl. gas & electricity.

remaxrentals@live.ca ReMax Little Oak Prop. Mgmt.

WANT A VEHICLE BUT STRESSED ABOUT YOUR CREDIT? Christmas in August, $500 cash back. We fund your future not your past. All credit situations accepted. www.creditdrivers.ca 1-888-5936095.


125,000m, 35 ft. Exc cond. Fully loaded with Gear Vendor trans, including tow car 1997 Saturn 107,000k with Brake Buddy tow kit. New fridge, new front tires, 7000 watt onon. generator, hydraulic levelers.

The Scrapper

Complete $25,000. (604)466-4956 after 11am - 10pm


100-20436 Fraser Hwy., Langley

HOUSES Langley-Brookswood area 35 & 198A St - Updated 3 bdrm rancher on pricturesque 1/4 acre private yard, approx 1200 sq ft, 4 appl, wood f/p, carport with lots of extra parking, storage, n/s, n/p. Avail Oct.1st, 2011 $1,550/Mos. Langley - Walnut Grove - 209 & 93A Ave. Family orientated 3 bdrm & den home, 2,112 sq ft, family rm, 5 appl, 2.5 bthrms, 1 car garage with more open pkg, 2 wood f/p, pets negotiable, non smoking, lease required. Avail October 1st. $1800/Mos.

CONDOS Langley - 53 & 201A St. - The Court Yard - Bright & clean 2 bdrm 3 level twnhse, 1,365 sq ft, 5 appl, f/p, 2 decks, 2 full bthrms, 2 car tanden garage with loads of storage space, n/s, n/p. Avail Sept./15, 2011 $1,400/Mos. Langley, 202 & 56 Ave. The Bentley - Bright & clean 1 bdrm, office & den on 2nd flr facing courtyard, 946 sq ft, 5 appl, 2 bthrms, gas f/p, 1 sec u/g pkg, locker, n/s, n/p, fresh paint & new carpets. Avail Now $950.00. Langley 240 & Fraser Hwy Clean & bright 2 bdrm 2 level twnhse approx 800 sq ft, 1.5 bthrms, 4 appl, open pkg, fenced yard, n/s, n/p, lease req’d. Avail now $775/Mos. Call Sandi, 604-534-3849 sandi@naicommercial.ca Visit us on the web at: www.goddardrentals.ca ALDERGROVE. Large spacious 2 bdrm dble wide mobile on acrage. Newly renov. 2 baths. Lrg sundeck. Fenced yd. Cov. carport. Storage. N/S. Nov. 1. $1100. 604-856-7564. BRAND New 4 Bedroom House in Clayton Heights. 3 Bathrooms. Brand New Appliances. Three Bedroom Basement Suite Available as well. Availabe Immediately. 19374 72A Ave. 604-782-1061 CENTRAL LANGLEY, 2 bdrm house, painted & reno’d. 4 appls, cls to aments, $1200. Smoke outside, 1 small pet ok. 778-278-4890.

A B B OT S F O R D / A L D E R G ROV E . New 2 bedroom basement. NP, NS, no drugs. 5 min walk to shopping. $800 per month. call 778-552-0322. ALDERGROVE. 1 bdrm grnd level. N/p. Cl to amenities. Close to schools. Incl cable/hydro. 604-6282200, 807-6262. ALDERGROVE, 27 AVE. 2 Bdrm bsmt ste. Cls to schl/park. $750 incl utils. NP/NS. Oct 1. (604)856-2729 ALDERGROVE. Grnd lvl 1 bdrm + den; din/rm, w/d, prkg, priv. entr., $825/mo. incl. utils. Gas f/p, cov. patio. Alarm system. N/S, N/P. Avail now. Refs req. Call 604-856-4688. CHIMNEY HTS. lrg bright 2 bdrm ste avail now.NS/NP $725 incl utils n/lndry 604-543-8033. CLAYTON 2 Bedroom 1st Floor on 1 Acre, NS, Pets neg, Parking, laundry, utilities $850 778-284-1241 CLOVERDALE. Spacious 2 bdrm suite. Lam flrs. Sep ki. incl D/W & W/D. Alarmed. Wifi, Sat. Must See. N/S. Pet neg. 604-996-5232. FRASER HTS. 3 bdrm + den, 2 full baths, 2300sf, 9ft ceil, hw flr, w/d, fenced backyrd, f/p, nr all amens., refs req. NS NP. $1450/mo incl utils. Avail now . 604-612-5541 LANGLEY, 1 bdrm, sunny grnd lvl, priv. entry, immed, $700 incl. hydro. NS/NP. Refs. (604) 888-1382. Langley nr Willowbrook Mall. Newly renov 1 bdrm bsmt. walk-in closet, alarm, optic TV, PVR, internet, all utils. 1 blk to public trans. N/s N/p. Sept 15. $725. 604-532-4388 LANGLEY / Willoughby, lrg 2 bdr, priv.ent, full bth, d/w. Ns/Np. Nr amens, $900/mo + 1/3 utils & shrd lndry. Avail immed. 604-202-6524. MURRAYVILLE - BIG 2 bdrm bsmt suite, $800/mo incl utils. No pets. Avail now. Call 604-530-7467. SURREY Fleetwood, 156 St/78A Ave. Newer 2 bdrm. bsmnt. suite. Avail. now. N/P N/S. No ldry. Incl. hydro & gas, close to all amens. $700 mo. 604-306-1595 Willoughby. 2 bdrm bsmt.. Inste lndry. D/W. Oct 1. N/S. N/P. 1 yr lse. $900 incl utils. 604-533-5383.



ALDERGROVE, 3 bdrm T.H. 1.5 bath, fncd yrd, fam.complex,$1050 & up. Sm dog ok. (778) 551-2696 LANGLEY. 5255 - 208 St. RENO’D 4 bdrm T.H. 1400 sf, in cozy 9 unit complex. 1.5 baths, gas F/P, dbl. glazed windows, cls to schls, shops, bus rte. Backs onto park. 5 appls. Sm. pet allowed. 2 prk spaces. $1475/mth. Avail. now/Sept. 15. 604-939-2729 or 778-285-0096


“SIMRAN VILLAS” 2 & 3 bedrooms

$1200 - $1300/m

Quiet, Clean & Spacious 2.5 bath, patio, storage, d/w, w/d, f/p, N/S, N/P, 2-car garage, next to high school. Avail. Now!!

604-592-5663 12730 - 66 Avenue

847 SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 2003 31.5’ Citation 5th wheel R/L, 2 tip outs, bike hitch, loaded. $25,900. Call (604)796-9074 2004 F350 CREW CAB, diesel, 03 24’ Salem 5th whl. trailer, both mint cond., too many things to list. Will sell separate. Trailer $7,900 or both for $25,000 obo.Call 604-812-1278.




1986 LINCOLN TOWNCAR Signature Edition, 138K, garage kept, aircared, pristine in & out.

$5900. 604-240-4844, 604-856-5577 1995 CHRYSLER INTREPID, auto, original. owner, 268mk, $1100 obo (604)534-8121 1995 FORD ESCORT. 4dr auto, A/C, A/cond. All power. $625 obo. 604-593-0377 or 778-988-6591. 1997 CHRYSLER CONCORDE, in good shape, low miles, AirCared, all power opt, $2000, 604-319-7410 1997 FORD ESCORT wagon, 67,000 km, mint, garage kept, one owner. $4500. 604-869-3313 1997 NEON emerald green pearl, under 70,000 km. Exc. cond. $2950 obo. (604)536-3447 2004 FORD FOCUS SE, 2.0L, auto, a/c, clean, well maint. Good tires 92,300K $5900. 604-535-0322 2006 Chevy Cobalt SS fully loaded s/rf. MP3 no acc. lady driven 59,000k. $11,500. 604-789-4859. 2007 FORD FUSION SE Fully loaded. Maroon colour, 60K, $7500 firm. Call 604-538-4883.

19”LCD TV, Surround sound, outside shower, dual pane windows, $15,000 in SAVINGS!! NOW $104,995 (Stk.31068) www.fraserwayrv.com 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644


DSI water heater, dual pane windows, fantastic fan, outdoor shower & power awning. $32,995 (Stk.30862) www.fraserwayrv.com 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644 20FT. 2 DOOR trailer - 1989 Taurus by Fleetwood. $6,900. South Surrey 604-789-2914.



05 ACURA RSX pristine condition. 44,000 km economical/dependable, sporty, lady driven, 5 spd. loaded. $14,700 obo. 604-538-2239. W. Rk. 1998 MERCEDES E320, 4 dr, auto, fully loaded, 80K, local, no accid, $7800 obo. Call: (778)881-1216 2001 HONDA ACCORD coupe, 4 cyl., V-tech eng., 95,000km. Very good cond. Well maint. Asking $8900 obo (604)850-0424

1976 GMC 3/4 Ton Sierra Classic Camper Special. 149 Miles. Collector status. 1999 Slumber Queen Adventurer Camper, WS model with all trimmings, 13’’ Sansui TV, queen bed 8’ awning. Excellent Condition. Call for more info. $12,500/both. 604-535-5777 or 604-785-6827



SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pickup anywhere in BC, Min. 10. Toll Free Call:1.877.334.2288

2006 Chev Trailblazer, 4WD, 107kms, immac cond. sunroof, fully equip. $10,000 obo. 604-309-4001.



1989 F-150 LONG BOX. Reg. cab, canopy, CD player, brake control hitch, V8, auto, Aircared. Exc. cond. $1,900. obo. 604-308-9848 1992 GMC pick up, V8-305, 235,891 km, very clean, well maintained. $3500 obo. 604-793-8701

1994 ROADTREK, 190 Vesatile, Class B, Dodge Ram 350 1 ton chasis, 57,000 kms. No smoking or pets. Totally equipped incl. Onan generator. Asking $18,000. (604)859-6335 1995 DODGE RAM ext cab, fibergls boxtop, 1 owner, V8, magnum, exc cond, 172K $4500, 604-581-8470 2003 DODGE CARAVAN 3.3L 6/cyl, 123K, auto, front winter tires, $5300/obo. Call 604-541-0569. 2004 GMC SLT 2500HD crew cab, duramax diesel, 82,000k. Immac. $35,000 in extras. Pictures avail. $25,500. Call 604-858-4878.


• The Langley Times • Tuesday, September 13, 2011

0% & $2000 0% & $1500 FACTORY FINANCING

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City 7.4 L/100km 38 MPG Hwy 5.6 L/100km 50 MPG



City 7.8 L/100km 36 MPG Hwy 6.1 L/100km 46 MPG


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City 9.5 L/100km 30 MPG Hwy 6.9 L/100km 41 MPG

City 11.5 L/100km 25 MPG Hwy 8.1 L/100km 35 MPG





Langley ----------------------------------


2011 Sienna






604-530-3156 20622 Langley Bypass DL#9497

Visit toyota.ca for details

Lease and finance offers apply to new 2011 models sold and delivered before September 30, 2011. Credit available to qualified buyers. Factory order may be required. License insurance and taxes are not included. Retail financing cost of borrowing is dependent on amount financed.

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