S. Papademetriou Language School Newspaper Page 3
extreme sports!
games now and then!
Page 18
Page 28
Teens choices!
Family Jobs! also read...
My favourite sport and my favourite sports hero... page 4
J. Bieber & One Direction... page 11
The Invention of... page 22
PAPADEMETRIOU LANGUAGE SCHOOL language connection-final.indd 1
Theano Karandrika... p. 16 Anna Apostolopoulou & Mersina Malakellis... p. 24 Roula Kritikatou & Stavros Stamatakis... p. 26 B. Barakos... p. 27
23/08/2013 10:46 μ.μ.
S. Papademetriou Language School Newspaper Page 3
games now and then!
extreme sports!
Page 18
Page 28
Teens choices!
Family Jobs! also read...
My favourite sport and my favourite sports hero... page 4
J. Bieber & One Direction... page 11
The Invention of... page 22
Theano Karandrika... p. 16 Anna Apostolopoulou & Mersina Malakellis... p. 24 Roula Kritikatou & Stavros Stamatakis... p. 26 B. Barakos... p. 27
PAPADΕMΕTRIOU LANGUAGE SCHOOL • Πανδρόσου 43 & Εμμανουηλίδου Π. Φάληρο t +30 210-9851577 e info@papademetriou.gr • Πλατεία Ντάβαρη 2, Π. Φάληρο t +30 210-9851816 e info@papademetriou.gr
www.papademetriou.gr Papademetriou Language School
ρίσκομαι στο Λονδίνο, σε εκπαιδευτική εκδρομή στο πανεπιστήμιο Royal Holloway με 19 παιδιά ηλικίας 13 έως 16 χρόνων. Περιμένουμε το τρένο για το Greenwich στη γραμμή DLR και ξαφνικά βλέπουμε 20 - 25 παιδιά τοπικού δημοτικού σχολείου να μπαίνουν στη πλατφόρμα, κρατώντας κάτι χαρτιά. Αμέσως πλησιάζω και πιάνω κουβέντα με κάποια απο αυτά. Μαθαίνω από τη Lily και τον Roosh ότι πηγαίνουν στο κοντινό ASDA (μεγάλα super markets στην Αγγλία) για μία έρευνα που κάνουν στην τάξη τους σχετικά με την προέλευση και τις τιμές των οπωροκηπευτικών! ´Ετσι ακριβώς μαθαίνουμε. Ακριβώς με τον ίδιο βιωματικό τρόπο μαθαίνουμε και την ξένη γλώσσα:
• ´Οταν τα παιδιά γίνονται ενεργοί συμμετέχοντες στη μαθησιακή διαδικασία
• ´Οταν μετέχουν βιωματικά σε
Maria Papageorgiou papageorgiou.bythebook@gmail.com
language connection-final.indd 2
• επισκέψεις σε εργασιακούς χώρους & ανάλυση επαγγελμάτων
• role plays και θεατρικά • online homework
στην ομαδοσυνεργατική διδασκαλία (Slavin 1981, Cohran 1989, Hamayan & Perlman 1990)
• online μαθηματα για ενήλικες, • έκδοση ξενόγλωσσης εφημερίδας (μοναδική στο Π. Φάληρο).
απομνημόνευση (μάθε παιδί μου τις 30 λέξεις από το companion(!) και τι σημαίνουν στα ελληνικά) αλλά η ουσιαστική αλληλεπίδραση μέσα ΚΑΙ ΕΞΩ από την τάξη. (interaction as the key to language teaching / Wilga M. Rivers)
Συνεχίζουμε την προσπάθεια με περισσότερο πάθος από ποτέ, και με την επίγνωση ότι στις μέρες μας οφείλουμε να παρέχουμε ακόμα ποιοτικότερες υπηρεσίες σε όλους εσάς που εδώ και 17 χρόνια μας αναδείξατε ως το ποιοτικότερο κέντρο ξενόγλωσσης εκπαίδευσης στο Π. Φάληρο.
• ´Οταν ο δάσκαλος και το σχολείο
Design and layout
• συζητήσεις μέσω Skype με παιδιά απο τη Βραζιλία, την Αργεντινή & την Ιταλία
η λογική και η έρευνα
• ´Οταν ο στόχος δεν ειναι η
Language Schools
Κρατάτε στα χέρια σας ένα μικρό κομμάτι από τα πολλά αξιόλογα projects του σχολείου μας: • Συνεντεύξεις, έρευνες, ομαδικές εργασίες και παρουσιάσεις
• debates & ανάπτυξη επιχειρημάτων, συζήτηση με συγγραφείς στο book club
• ´Οταν ο εκπαιδευτικός είναι μυημένος
Τα παιδιά που μαθαίνουν με βάση αυτές τις αρχές, ενισχύουν την αυτοεκτίμηση και εκφράζονται με αυτοπεποίθηση! Δεν υπάρχει σύγκριση στον βαθμό αυτοπεποίθησης και θετικής αυτοεικόνας μεταξύ του μαθητή μιας ομάδας που δουλεύει, δημιουργεί και παρουσιάζει το έργο της στην υπόλοιπη ομάδα, με τον μαθητή που κάνει μάθημα με τη «miss Maria” στο σαλόνι του σπιτιού του λύνοντας ασκήσεις στο τετράδιο του, λύνοντας!
δημιουργικές δραστηριότητες
• ´Οταν καλλιεργείται η κριτική σκέψη,
Υπάρχει όμως και κάτι, που κατά τη γνώμη μου είναι ίσως πιο σημαντικό:
λαμβάνουν υπόψη τους τις ραγδαίες επικείμενες αλλαγές στην εκπαίδευση και στην τεχνολογία. (Ν. Chomsky, Ken Robinson LWF, London 2012)
• ´Οταν ο δάσκαλος γνωρίζει ότι τα
παιδιά, αλλά και όλοι μας, μαθαίνουμε μέσα από τη πράξη, χρησιμοποιώντας την γλώσσα (και όχι τη “μεταγλώσσα” για να διδαχτούν σχολαστικά στείρους κανόνες γραμματικής) (Δ. Τομπαΐδης)
´Ολοι οι συνεργάτες του σχολείου μας (γνωρίστε τους στο papademetriou.gr) και εγώ προσωπικά, σας ευχαριστούμε για την εμπιστοσύνη σας. Σταμάτης Παπαδημητρίου
23/08/2013 10:46 μ.μ.
The first bungee jump was in 1979 in England. You can’t do it if you haven’t gt a strong rope. I think bungee jumping is interesting, cool and easy too. It’s not difficult, but it is so expensive and strange! One day I want to do that amazing sport. Pelina StamatakiKonstantinos Sarantelis BMX stands for “Bicycle MotoCross”. The bikes are usually made of aluminum. It’s an Olympic sport since 2008. I think this sport is safe because you have a helmet. It’s fun and amazing! John TzigkouzidisAndreas Boikou
Cave-diving is dangerous and difficult but it’s amazing! Before you start cave-diving you must know how to do scuba-diving! You need special equipment like a uniform, a watch, a mask and oxygen bottles. Konstantina Chioti Wingsuit flying is difficult and dangerous because you fly in the air. The only animal that can do a kind of wingsuit flying is the flying squirrel. I want to try it. It’s so amazing! Dimitris Zografos
Parkour started in France and it’s also called ‘free running’. Before you do parkour outside you must train in a special gym first. You don’t need special equipment. In Greece there are many groups and a lot of Parkour teams. It’s very interesting and I want to try it one day! Thanos LepeniotisThanasis Zografos
Language Connection
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23/08/2013 10:46 μ.μ.
My favourite sport is basketball and my favourite sport hero is Vassilis Spanoulis who plays for Olympiakos. Vassilis’s nickname is ‘Kill Bill’ . I like him because he is a great basketball player and when I grow up I want to be like him. Aris Konstadinithis
My f and m avouri y fav te spo rt ourit e
My favourite sport is football and my favourite sports hero is Messi. Messi comes from Argentina. His nickname is ‘Leo’. He’s a football player for Barcelona and he lives in Spain. I like Messi because he’s a fantastic scorer and the best soccer player!! Dimitris MassouridisOrestis Bethanis My favourite sport is football because it’s fun. My favourite sports hero is Christiano Ronaldo. Christiano Ronaldo is the best footballer in the world! He’s great!!! Harris Kokmotos
u Stratos Theologo
Trantsidi Ioanna Kaisari Ilianna inos Ligatos Konstant
My favourite sport is Karate. It isn’t a team sport. I do karate and I can say that I am very good at it. When you do karate you must be fast and listen to your teacher. My favourite sports hero is Manabu Murakami. Murakami was the world karate champion in 1988, 1991 and 1994. He comes from Japan (Japan has the best karate wrestlers in the world). I feel very lucky because two years ago I met Murakami and had a lesson with him. I think he is the best Japanese wrestler!! Stratos Theologou
My favorite sport is tennis. It isn’t a team sport. You use a ball and two rackets. I play it with my mum on Friday. I love it very much. It’s fun!! Joanna Trantsidi
My favourite sport is football. I play football at school and I’m very good at it. My favourite sports hero is Djebour. Djepour is from Algeria and palys football for Olympiakos. He trains everyday and he has won 30 international caps. He’s great!! Konstantinos Ligatos
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23/08/2013 10:46 μ.μ.
s Theologou Strato is Konstantinidis Ar Grylonakis Aris Bill Tsibloulis Orestis Bethanis Harris Kokmotos ridis Dimitris Massou
My favourite sport is swimming. I love this sport because I can swim in summer and winter. I train three times a week and I enjoy it very much. It’s a really fun sport!! My favourite sport hero in swimming is Vasiliki Angelopoulou. Vasiliki is beautiful, kind and smart. In 2003 she won the gold medal at the European Junior Swimming Championships. She’s amazing! Iliana Kesari
My favourite sport is basketball. I like it because it is a team sport and a very popoular one. Another reason is that my favourite sports hero is Kobe Bryant. Kobe ‘s nickname is ‘Black Mamba’. He’s an American professional basketball player born in Philadelphia. Kobe started playing when he was 3 years old. At the age of 18, Kobe became the youngest man ever to play in the NBA with Los Angeles Lakers. These are the reasons why basketball is my favourite sport and Kobe Bryant is my favourite sports hero. Aris Grylonakis My sports hero is Salpigidis because he’s one of the best football players in Greece. He’s really quick!! Bill Tsibloulis
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23/08/2013 10:47 μ.μ.
aris ed & F
e & Iren
Dimitris Mylonas: My best friend is Jimmy. He’s got brown hair and brown eyes. He’s smart and very funny. He loves playing with his Playstation and PSP. His favorite foods are tacos and burritos. Dimitris Tsimploulis: My best friend Jimmy is very smart, funny and friendly. He loves playing psp, Nintendo and Wii. His favourite food is hamburger and pizza. His wish is to have a robot that it can do all his homework! Mohamed Ali Bandr My best friend is Faris, he’s got black eyes and black hair. We are at the same school and same class. We play football together. His favorite food is takos and I love pizza. We wish that the war in Syria is over. Anna Kapsala Irene is my best friend. She’s tall and she’s got long brown hair and brown eyes. She’s so funny and she loves playing with me! She likes spaghetti and her wish is to have three cats! Irene Manousi My best friend is Anna, she’s very quiet, funny and clever! Her favorite food is hot dog and pasta. One day she wants to travel to Paris.
Petrin a
Tsimp l
oulis & Jimmy
& Sofi a
Me and my best Anastasia Spaidioti: My best friend is Melina. She’s got long brown hair and brown eyes. She’s beautiful, funny and friendly. She loves drawing, watching TV, gymnastics and playing with me! Her favorite food is spaghetti with red sauce. Her wish is to go to the Dinosaur World!
friend Stelios Alexiou: Dennis is my best friend. He’s very smart and tall, his eyes are brown & he’s got brown hair. He really enjoys playing with his tablet. I don’t know his favorite food but I know that his wish is to have fairy godparents!
Alexandros Konstandinidis: My best friend is Chris. He’s got light brown hair and brown eyes. He’s clever and funny. His favorite toy is his Playstation. He loves eating pasta and sausages. His wish is to be a basketball player!
Marianna Kokmotou My best friend is Christine. She’s got long blonde hair & light brown eyes. She’s tall, smart, friendly, beautiful & quiet. She loves ballet & playing with me. She loves chocolate soufflé and ice cream. Her wish is to have a robot, one thousand toys, travel the world & be a dancer.
George Kourti: My best friend is Apostolis. He has blue eyes, blonde hair and he is medium height. He isn’t very fast. We play football, basketball and volleyball together.
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Nina Fragou: My best friend is Dimitra. She is pretty, honest and athletic. She’s got brown eyes and short hair. Dimitra has got two sisters, her older sister is Irini and her younger sister is Maria. She hasn’t got any pets. We like to play on a small road. We also like telling each other our secrets. We like travelling to new places too. I’m so lucky to have Dimitra. I forgot to tell you that me and Dimitra grew up together. She is my best friend forever!!! Vangelis Gogos: My friend is Aggelos. He is smart and polite. He has got curly hair. He’s got one sister called Katerina. He’s got a small shark and his name is Paki. We love playing football, basketball and many games. We are Olympiakos fans and best friends in the whole world.
u ragko Mina F
Olia & Rea
Peter Mavromatis
Vaggelis Gogos
tasia Christina & Anas
Georgia Kafentzi: My best friend’s name is Melina. She is so smart and she got blue eyes. She is so beautiful and funny. Melina has got a cute cat and I love him. I love her and she loves me.
Bill Hatzopoulos: My best friend’s name is George. He is tall and strong. He has got brown eyes and brown hair. George is funny, athletic and clever. George has got a big family but he hasn’t got any pets. We like playing football and video games together.
Christina Galiatsi: My best friend’s name is Anastasia. She’s tall and blonde. She has got long hair. She has got green eyes. Anastasia is clever and funny. Anastasia hasn’t got pets. We love discovering new things and places and we love going down the slide at the playground. She is my best friend forever!!! Peter Mavromatis: My best friend’s name is Galinos. He has got a pet. He’s got a golden dog. He’s got blue eyes and runs fast. We love playing the game Avatar. We also play football together. One time he helped me stay safe in a football game. We have been friends for two years. I love Galinos.
Olia Kalampaliki: My best friend’s is Rea! She’s got brown hair and she’s olive-skinned. Rea is crazy and Beautiful. She loves animals very very much. She has got a brother and they are always fighting. Rea’s like a sister to me because we grew up together!!! Petrina Samara: Sofia is my favourite friend. She is very special. She is thin. She’s got brown eyes. Sofia is smart and Kind. She is also clever. Her hair is brown. She has got a pet. She’s got a brown dog. Her dog is very playful and always follows us wherever we go. We love running, playing football, basketball and volleyball. We also love to make books. She likes painting. I love her and she loves me. Anastasia Ilina: My friend’s name is Christine. She is tall and blonde. She’s got blue eyes and fair skin. Christine is clever, funny and interested. She hasn’t got a pet. She has got two brothers. We love discovering her things and places, we like going on the slide cooking. I’m so happy that I have her!!!
Language Connection
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23/08/2013 10:47 μ.μ.
Παίζουν τα σημερινά παιδιά στις γειτονιές όπως έπαιζαν οι γονείς τους? Τι έχει αντικαταστήσει το κυνηγητό και τα «μήλα»? Elpida Deligiannopoulou When my father was young he used to play football. Boys used to play football in the afternoon but in those days, girls didn’t play football. Nowadays, children have many electronic and computer games. They watch TV and use tablets and iPods. I prefer football to electronic games but still technology is cool! Manolis Manousis When my parents were kids, they used to play outdoors with other kids. They used to trade cards, play tag and have bike races. As for me, I play computer games and other online games with my friends. Our outdoor games are football, basketball and running. We can play these games only at school and not outdoors like our parents did.
Games now & then! Sophie Kamberi My parents used to play outdoors. They would play hide and seek, “thief and police”. Indoors, girls used to play with dolls and boys with cars. Nowadays, we don’t play much anymore. We usually play computer and video games. In my opinion, the games that our parents were playing are more interesting than our games. We move less and we are not using our imagination as much as we could be. Lydia Makridi My mum and dad used to play many games such as hide and seek, chase, “apples” and jumping rope. They played these games at parks and in the streets. My mum’s favorite game was hide and seek while my dad’s was chase. I’ve also played hide and seek and chase but I’ve never played the jumping rope. The games we are playing now are football, basketball and computer games. My favorite game is football.
Joanna Giannakopoulou In the old days, when our parents were children, they used to play many games but the only difference is that they didn’t use technology. In summer and spring they would go out and play with other children. When they were outside they used to play chase, hide and seek etc. Now, in our days, children use technology and they spend a lot of time at home. I think that the games our parents played in the old times are more creative and we mustn’t be in front of a computer screen but instead train our brains and not play alone at home!!!
Vasilis Karabinis Our parents used to play old-fashioned games like: dolls made of porcelain, trains, bicycles, plastic soldiers and many other outdoors games like hide and seek, lame-game, football in the streets, etc. Today, kids play with modern games like: Playstation, PSP, Nintendo, new kinds of balls and bikes, computers and many other gadgets. The modern games are more interesting than our parents’ games, however not so safe, especially those which are related to the internet. Modern games are lonelier than the games of our parents since we play with the computer, not a group of children. Computer games are fun and they cultivate imagination. But the children who play them cannot make the difference between the real and fake.
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23/08/2013 10:47 μ.μ.
Peggy Dervisi Our parents played much simpler games such as hide and seek, chase and other games. These games were team games. Some of them were sports. I think that our parents’ games were healthier because they were running and we are playing computer games, PSP, Playstation e.t.c. These games are not good for our health. They can be bad for your eyes and your brain. Sometimes you can get addicted to the games. Georgia Golemai My mum was playing hide and seek, chase, volleyball, football and basketball. I playt computer games, video games, volleyball, with dolls and “dark room”. I think that playing video games is more boring than playing football. But playing with dolls is far more exciting than playing chase and “hide and seek”.
Despoina Malatra My parents used to play apples, football in the neighborhood, hose, away donkeys. We play computer games, football, and computer games. Our games are for one person. Our parents’ games were team games. In my opinion our parents had more fun than us!!!We must have more fun in our games!!! Socrates Tselemengos My parents used to play different kinds of games such as hide and seek, or play with marbles and board games. They used to play outside and enjoy themselves. On the contrary, we now play in our houses with video games and computer. Our parents seemed to have more fun than us when they were our age. Valia Lavazou When my mum was little she used to play different kinds of games such as chase, hide and seek, and stratego. Now, the games we play are electronic and board games. I think the old games were more interesting than the new games.
Maria Masouridou My parent’s used to play hide and seek with their friends in the town square. It is a very nice game and we all know it. Now the kids play psp, ipad or nintento. In my opinion, I prefer hide & seek because you play it with your friends outside and you have more fun than staying at home playing video games. Sotiria Kapitsimadi My parents used to play board games or draw with their friends. In my generation, we play lots of computer games or watch TV. I really like our games and I think they are more fun and interesting than the old games.
Language Connection
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23/08/2013 10:47 μ.μ.
Games now & then! ➥
Fay Petratou My parents used to play marbles, basketball, football and volleyball. I play basketball, volleyball, table tennis, board games and computer games on facebook and other sites. In my opinion, the best game for me is basketball because I play in a team and I don’t stay at home. Georgia Antonatou Many years ago, children used to play everyday in their neighborhoods. Some of the games they would play were chase, jumping rope and rubber, but the most famous of all was “apples”. Today we stay at home and play computer or video games and seldom, board games. We watch TV or listen to music or go out with our bikes. I believe that the games our parents used to play were better than ours. Those days the children were more outgoing and creative, now we stay indoors and play.
Aristides Panousakis When my parents were my age they used to play hide and seek, football and chase. They used to play these games outside in playgrounds with their friends every afternoon. Now I play football and basketball with my friends and computer games at home. Sometimes, I like playing board games such as Monopoly, Battle Ship or Scrabble. In my opinion, computer games are more exciting than hide and seek. But in the past children were playing all together outside and they were not staying at home. Now parents don’t like to let their children play outside because they are afraid.
Chris Pontikis Some of the games my parents played when they were young were marbles, hopscotch, jacks and jumping rope and some video games like Mario and packman. The games I play are hide and seek, chase and online games. I think chase is more fun than hopscotch and hide and seek has more suspense than jacks. Pela Papazisi My parents used to play lots of games at my age. Some of them were hide and seek, apples, jump rope and hopscotch. I play some of these games too with some changes. For example, we now play hide and chase which is similar to hide and seek and “sucker” which is similar to apples. I like that we play outside with my friends exactly like my parents used to do. Tassos Aggelidis In the old days, my parents played marbles and “oracle”. Today children play games such as chase and hide and seek. Marbles and the Pythia “oracle” were all that you could play during the school break and now we can play chase, hide and seek or video games. In the past, the games included more action, but nowadays we are in teams and active in few games. Fanouris Tsitsipas When my mum was a little girl she used to play with marbles and police and thieves with her friends. Nowadays, we play various games like ‘twister’ and ‘uno’. I believe that the games our parents used to play were very nice and we should try them.
Danae Gaena Back in1986, my mom used to play hide and seek, chase,abariza, apples and skipping, back in 1983, my dad used to play football, hide and seek, climbing on trees and of course like all boys, fight! Nowadays kids don’t play these games!!! Boys play electronic games and most of them are violent. They are just locked in a room with no lights and play for many hours. These kids sit in front of a screen on facebook or play games instead of going for a walk... these aren’t the games that our parents used to play! If children don’t go out to play, how will they fill the backstreets with their cheerful voices?
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23/08/2013 10:47 μ.μ.
n i t Jus er b e i B
by elekt
Justin Bieber’s iPhone with the Wallpaper of Selena Gomez!!!
a? e misses Selen Do you think h
Maybe Selena Gomez was right “This love hasn’t finished yet!”
ay? s Justin Bieber Ok
He also threw his T-shirt on the
Hello Justin Bieber!!! I’m Helen Haralambidou, I admire you very much. I have a lot of your posters on my bedroom wall. I love listening to your songs and I read about your life on the internet. I admire you because you are so young and you have such a big fan club. My favourite song is ‘Beauty and the Beat’ I like to listen to this song many times every day and sing along. Your videos are very interesting too. I have been to all your concerts with my friends. I have a lot of photos of your concerts. I wish one day I will be able to talk to you and meet you in person. I’d love to take a picture of both of us together!!! Bye for now. Love, Helen H.
Maybe they can b e together again!
This happened on
Bieber on 3/8/2013 was wearing a gas mask when he went to a party, to avoid paparazzi, of course!!!
Falitsa’s Research on Justin Bieber’s Career!!! Justin Drew Bieber was born on March 1, 1994. He is a Canadian pop musician, actor and singer as well as a songwriter. Bieber was discovered in 2008 by an American talent manager Scooter Braun, who came across Bieber’s videos on YouTube and later became his manager. The list of songs by Justin is very big, here are some: Boy friend Love Me That should Be Me Beauty and a Beat e.t.c Some of his albums are: My world Never say never Believe Under the Mistletoe
Justin is very good singer and very popular in the world! Language Connection
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23/08/2013 10:47 μ.μ.
C class Student Survey on J. Bieber & One Direction among Davari Students!!! Our Reporters who conducted the survey, Hara Z, Anna Ts. and Christine A. have some very interesting conclusions. Most boys hate One Direction while most girls love One Direction. Alex Annitsakis is by far the best informed boy about celebrities. Very few students are interested in J. Bieber. Only 40% of the students know that 1Direction started their career at the X-Factor Show!
Everybody loves music!!!
One Direction
is an English pop boys’ band. The members are Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis. ‘One Direction’ finished third in the seventh series of British television singing competition The X Factor in 2010. In 2010 Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis auditioned as solo candidates for the singing competition. Failing to progress to the ‘boys’ category, after a suggestion by guest judge Nicole Scherzinger, they were put together to form a five-member boy band. The group got together for two weeks to get to know each other and to practice. Harry Styles came up with the name ‘One Direction’. The group has sold over 14 million singles and 8 million albums. Their achievements include two BRITISH Awards and three MTV Video Music Awards. anna maria
LANGUAGE CONNECTION Το νέο ONLINE πρόγραμμα για ενήλικες.
Βελτιώστε τα Αγγλικά σας από το σπίτι ή
από το γραφείο σας!
Business English online course! 12
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Βελτιώστε τις επαγγελματικές σας προοπτικές με ένα κύκλο μαθημάτων που θα σας επιτρέψει να έχετε πιο ενεργό ρόλο στις επαγγελματικές σας συναντήσεις και να επικοινωνείτε με περισσότερη αυτοπεποίθηση. Εάν επιθυμείτε, στο τέλος του προγράμματος μπορείτε να λάβετε μέρος στις εξετάσεις Business English Certificate του Cambridge. Προγράμματα επιχειρηματικής ορολογίας με έμφαση στις εξής δεξιότητες:
• Επαγγελματικές παρουσιάσεις (presentations) • Εμπορική και επιχειρηματική αλληλογραφία (e-mail / correspondence) • Διαπραγμάτευση (negotiation) • Telephoning / video conferencing (developing telephone/video conferencing skills) • Στρατηγικές Marketing • Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου δυναμικού • Δημόσιες σχέσεις • Χρηματοοικονομική & Ναυτιλιακή ορολογία
23/08/2013 10:47 μ.μ.
with Us soooon!!!
– Do you love One Direction? – Do you want to learn more about their life? In a few months you will be able to do this, by just going to your nearest cinema and watching the movie “This is us” in 3D version! This is a film, directed by Morgan Spurlock, which will give fans a behind-the- scenes look at the group and its five members: Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson! Also, the film will include 1D’s concerts from all over the world, a lot of their songs and of course, many details about their everyday life! What’s more? One Direction are looking for a real fan to participate in their movie! The only thing you have to do is to prove that you are a true Directioner by taking a video of you, telling a story for something crazy you have done for the band, in one of their concerts or when you met them somewhere! Then just post the video on YouTube and send the link to the official site: 1D3Dfans@gmail.com!
You may be the lucky one!!!!!!
English for International Tourism online course!
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Αγγλικά για όσους δραστηριοποιούνται στο χώρο του τουρισμού.
Αγγλικά για Νομικούς. Απαραίτητο εργαλείο για διεθνή καριέρα στη νομική επιστήμη. Εαν το επιθυμείτε, στο τέλος του προγράμματος μπορείτε να λάβετε μέρος στις εξετάσεις International Legal English Certificate / ILEC του Cambridge Esol.
English for MEDICINE online course! Αγγλικά για Ιατρικά επαγγέλματα, νοσηλευτές & φαρμακοποιούς. Ειδικά σχεδιασμένα προγράμματα για τις ιδιαίτερες ανάγκες του Ιατρικού κόσμου. Σχεδιάζουμε και υλοποιούμε εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα για φαρμακευτικές εταιρείες, εταιρείες Ιατρικών οργάνων (General Electric Helthcare), Ιατρικά κέντρα (Euromedic) και ιδιώτες Ιατρούς στο Π. Φάληρο, στον Άλιμο και στη Ν. Σμύρνη. Language Connection
language connection-final.indd 13
23/08/2013 10:48 μ.μ.
30€ το μήνα
Προγράμματα Γαλλικών & Γερμανικών
Καλέστε μας στο 210 9851577
Πτυχίο Β1 σε δύο χρόνια!
για πληροφορίες!
Anthony, Maria, Constandina, Dafni Evdoxia, Ellie, Ioanna
Les crêpes La crêpe est un mets composé d’une très fine couche de pâte faite à base de farine (principalement de blé ou de sarrasin) agglomérée à un liquide (lait, parfois mélangé à de l’eau ou de la bière) et cuite dans une crêpière (ou une poêle ordinaire), ou sur une plaque chauffante. Elle est généralement de forme ronde. Elle se mange chaude ou froide, sucrée ou salée, comme plat principal, comme dessert. Les Français aiment beaucoup les crêpes qui les mangent en grande quantité. Pour les préparer on a besoin du lait, de la farine, des œufs, de l’eau, du sel et du sucre. Pour les manger, on met du chocolat, des fruits, des biscuits, de la confiture ou du jambon et du fromage. Le 2 février, les Français fêtent la Chandeleur, c’est-à-dire, le jour des crêpes. À l’occasion de la Chandeleur, toutes les bougies de la maison devraient être allumées.
un fouet. Cassez 1 Prenez un saladier et ine en plusieurs les œufs. Ajouter la far ec le lait afin fois en l’alternant av d’éviter tout grumeau. poudre et ensuite 2 Y mettre le sucre en fondu tiède et remuer. Puis le beurre t pour que le remuez énergiquemen en surface mais beurre ne reste pas re homogène à s’amalgame de maniè la pâte. le sucre vanillé, 3 Pour finir, ajouter sel. l’arôme de vanille et le te dans le pâ Laissez reposer la 1 heure avant réfrigérateur minimum pensez quand cuisson. (ATTENTION : réfrigérateur même à la sortir du ant de la cuire environ 20 minutes av la température afin qu’elle prenne ambiante).
3 œufs 325g de farine 80g de beurre fondu é 780 ml de lait demi-écrém re 125g de sucre en poud 1 sucre vanillé le 1 c à c d’arôme de vanil 2 pincées de sel
Bonne dégustation !
Language Connection
language connection-final.indd 14
23/08/2013 10:48 μ.μ.
Theodora Gianneli: My favourite sweet is Snow Cake! My mum sometimes makes it. We need butter, sugar, milk, orange, vanillas, flour and four big eggs!
Bill Michailidis: I love my mummy when she cooks! For my favourite sweet, we need sugar, cocoa, eggs, flour, chocolate, mascarpone cheese, strawberry jam and cream milk!
Vassilis Tsakalis: I like soufflé! My grandma makes it on Sundays. She needs pasta, butter, ham, cheese, milk. Faris Mohamed: I love Egyptian food! Basbousa is my favourite! We need samit, coconut, sugar, baking powder, butter, yoghurt and warm milk. Do you want to taste it? Nicolas Argyropoulos: Do you walk on mosaic? I eat it! We need biscuits, sugar milk, cocoa, butter and walnuts! It’s easy!
Joanna Haralabidou: I really like chocolate cakes! It’s yummy in my tummy! We need sugar, flour, butter, cocoa, eggs, vanilla and milk!
Matilda Katsiri: I love chocolate waffles! They are yummy! You need butter, sugar, eggs, milk, chocolate chips and flour! Katia Theodorou: Can you say no to chocolate ice cream? I can’t! We need butter, milk, eggs, salt, sugar, vanilla & hot chocolate!
Mums best dish dessert!!
Danae Margari: My favourite food is Giouvarlakia (meat balls soup)! My mum makes it every week and I sometimes help her. We need minced meat, eggs, onion, rice, salt, pepper, tomatoes, lemon, flour and oil! Labros Gennadis: Cheesecakes are yummy because they have got strawberries and biscuits! They are cold, we always put them in the fridge! We also put butter, sugar milk, lemon juice, cheese, jam and corn flour!
Nick Triandafillou: Do you like spaghetti? I do! You just need spaghetti, water and salt! You can put ketchup and cheese, too!
Language Connection
language connection-final.indd 15
23/08/2013 10:48 μ.μ.
Theano Karandrika
Theano Karandrika is a lively and enthusiastic person who has been dancing since she was three years old. She started working as a professional dance teacher at the age of 20. She believes that dancing is a highly competitive activity that requires great amounts of physical and mental stamina. ‘Dancers have to make many sacrifices in order to achieve their goals.’ She says. However, despite all the hard work, dance is her life. Η συνέντευξη έγινε στα Αγγλικά και την επιμέλεια των ερωτήσεων και των θεμάτων είχαν 2 τάξεις από την C Level (C2, C3)
Σε ποια ηλικία ξεκινήσατε το χορό και πότε πήρατε την απόφαση να ασχοληθείτε επαγγελματικά; Χορεύω απο τα τρία μου και διδάσκω χορό απο την ηλικία των 20, δηλαδή εδώ και 27 χρόνια ασχολούμαι επαγγελματικά με το χορό. Πόσων ετών ήσασταν όταν λάβατε για πρώτη φορά μέρος σε μια παράσταση χορού; Ήμουν μόλις 3 ετών. Τι είδους δυσκολίες αντιμετωπίσατε για να γίνετε δασκάλου χορού; Πολλών ειδών εξετάσεις χορού, διάφορα προβλήματα με το σώμα μου, όπως πόνος και οπωσδήποτε αποφυγή συγκεκριμένων φαγητών, όπως τα γλυκά για παράδειγμα. Ποια είδη χορών διδάσκετε; Διδάσκω Latin χορούς. Οι Latin χοροί είναι οι αγαπημένοι μου. Μου αρέσουν πολύ όμως και οι παραδοσιακοί χοροί. Σε ποιες ηλικίες προτιμάται να διδάσκετε χορό; ‘Ολοι οι άνθρωποι ανεξαρτήτου ηλικίας μπορούν να μάθουν να χορεύουν. Εγώ προσωπικά, προτιμώ να διδάσκω χορό σε παιδιά επειδή τα παιδιά εκτός του οτι είναι έξυπνα δεν έχουν καθόλου άγχος και αυτό τους δίνει τη δυνατότητα να μαθαίνουν γρήγορα και εύκολα. Εάν θα μπορούσατε να περιγράψετε τα μαθήματα χορού που κάνετε με τρείς λέξεις, ποιές θα ήταν αυτές; Ένα μεγάλο πάρτυ Γιατί διδάσκετε χορό; Ο χορός συνήθως φοβίζει τους ανθρώπους, οι περισσότεροι σκέφτονται οτι δε θα τα καταφέρουν γιατί δεν έχουν το κατάλληλο σώμα ή ρυθμό. Εγώ όμως πιστεύω οτι ο χορός είναι για όλους και προσπαθώ να τους βοηθήσω να ξεπεράσουν τις ανησυχίες και αναστολές τους. Ο χορός είναι ένας υπέροχος και μοναδικός τρόπος έκφρασης.
Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σας κομμάτι του να είστε δασκάλα χορού; Το αποτέλεσμα των κόπων και προσπαθειών των μαθητών μου και των δικών μου. Νιώθω μεγάλη χαρά όταν οι μαθητές μου τα καταφέρνουν. Θα μπορούσατε να μας αναφέρετε ένα περιστατικό στην καριέρα σας το οποίο σας έχει μείνει αξέχαστο; Κάτι που θα μου μείνει σίγουρα αξέχαστο είναι η πρώτη φορά που κλήθηκα να κάνω μάθημα χορού. Ήταν κάτι αναπάντεχο, είχε αρρωστήσει μία δασκάλα χορού στη σχολή που πήγαινα να μάθω χορό και μου ζήτησε ο υπευθυνός της σχολής να καλύψω τη θέση της. Ήμουν 19 χρονών τότε.
Language Connection
language connection-final.indd 16
23/08/2013 10:48 μ.μ.