The Language of images Video marketing in the twenty-first century
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The Language of images Video marketing in the twenty-first century
Joshua A. Himes
All rights reserved. 2014
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Warning and Disclaimer Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is on an “as is� basis. The author and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book.
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Editor-in-Cheif Joshua A. Himes Acquisitions Editor Joshua A. Himes Billkaiser Bonus Evangelista Development Editor Joshua A. Himes Managing Editor Billkaiser Bonus Evangelista William Fort Technical Editor Billkaiser Bonus Evangelista Proofreader Billkaiser Bonus Evangelista Project Editor Billkaiser Bonus Evangelista Book Designer Joshua A. Himes Compositor Billkaiser Bonus Evangelista
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DEDICATION To Karriem A. Muhammed, who dared to believe in something greater.
Table of Contents The Core
The Pillars for Marketing Strategies.........................5 The Steps for Marketing Strategies.........................6
The Construct
The Pillars for Content Strategies............................8 Guidelines for Content Strategies............................9 Content Writing......................................................10 Popular Forms of Content......................................11 Video Content Marketing........................................12 What is Video Content?..........................................13 Why use Video Content?........................................14 The Power of Video Content...................................15
The Campaign
Guidelines for Social Media Campaigns..................17 Popular Social Media Platforms..............................18 Video Content in Social Media Platforms................19 The Pillars of Email Campaigns...............................23 Guidelines for Content in Email Campaigns............24 Video Content for Email Campaigns.......................25 Email Campaign Components................................26 Email Campaign Time Frequencies.........................28 Video Analytics.....................................................31 Video Analytics: Components............................ 32 Guidelines for Video Analytics............................33
Back to the basics
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The Pillars For Marketing Strategies
Specify detailed product or service
Identify targeted audience/ niche market
Develop awareness, credibility and consistency
Track activity/ Marketing analytics
Make necessary adjustments and implementations
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The steps For Marketing Strategies
Define product/service. Give definition and packaging. Promote most viable services.
Identify the target audience for product/service. Discover ideal customer in terms of geographics, demographics, revenues, industries, income, etc.
Know the competition and what your competitive advantage is over others.
Find the niche market and dominate that market.
Build credibility and nurture new prospects. Allow them to have positive attitudes toward you and trust that you will deliver.
Be consistent in everything done. All material and quality of production must remain consistent, this is more important that the product/service.
Track marketing activity. Keep data on progress and success of marketing campaigns.
Focus resources, time and money. Promote single product to a single market over period of time. Map out the path to success. CONTENTS
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The Pillars for Content Strategies
Develop core message to guide content
Determine type of content to use for core message
Create and develop content
Set objective for each content
Determine platform for each content and manage all content
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guidelines for Content Strategies
Develop core message, which states the primary reason why you are in business. Develop additional messages to create expansion and variety.
Decide how you will use content marketing to bring growth to your business and outline specific goals to stimulate growth.
Create a content management system. Decide who produces, approves, edits, and promotes the content.
Have each content serve a specific purpose (i.e. inform, lead generation, build trust, increase traffic) and determine what technological platform will be used to distribute content and how it will be communicated to the audience.
Determine how much content will be created on a monthly or weekly basis and schedule when the content is distributed.
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Content Writing • Audience must be hooked within the first minute • Introduction of content needs to compel the audience without being lengthy • Must be accurate and trustworthy • Add value to the audience without overselling • Answer who, what, when, where and why questions. • Becomes easily digestible when shortened and simplified. • Review, edit, and properly approve all content • Introduce new concepts in your content by first presenting accepted information • Clear call to action. Make an impactful conclusion and tell the audience what to do. • Use keywords to trigger emotional responses • Bypass the critical factor of the audience and cause them to fully engage for best absorption of the message in the content.
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Popular Forms of Content • Video • Blogs • Video Blogs “Vlogs” • Customer reviews/testimonials • Info-graphics • Video tutorials • Articles • Newsletters • White papers • eBooks
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Video Content Marketing
Video content marketing is undoubtedly the best way effectively capture your target audience. Using a language of images will optimize communication between your business and the ever-evolving consumers. It is imperial to build long-lasting, emotionally based relationships with new prospects. Video marketing is a powerful tool that will take your business to new heights.
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What is Video Content? • It is the only effective way to send a powerful message to your audience. • It allows your campaign to have a character that the audience can see and hear. allowing you to be comprehensive and engaging. • It is the primary arousel of curiosity, creating unquenchable interests. • It is a medium that evokes emotions and influences behavior. • It is a reminder for how the viewer should feel. • It is a well-packaged and concise tool that captures the viewer long after they have seen the content.
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Why Use Video Content? • An hour after someone has received information, they do not remember what was said, they remember how the information made them feel. • Video will soon be 90% of all Internet traffic and is the top format for content due to its ability to fully connect with an audience and dramatically increase brand awareness. • YouTube is now the second largest search engine in the U.S. • Video is quickly and easily shared through social media portals. • Video content increases the amount of time spent on pages by 200%, and 41% of those take action after watching a video. • Allows a business to tell a powerful and emotional story that makes content personal, provocative and most importantly; viral. • Video content can quickly and effectively shorten the sales-cycle and get prospects sales-ready at a faster rate.
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The Power of Video Content
• The narratived information in videos can fully engage a persons mind and cause them to create mental images as well as and memorable emotional responses to what is seen. • Emotions are in fact highly contagious and naturally shared between people. • Peripheral motion innately catches the attention of the human eye. • The human brain naturally uses a human face as a sound source for information and credibility. • The human brain naturally converts information from a human voice into meaningful content. • Video content creates a new connection between the emotional impact of Television and the internets interactive behavior. • Video is the new connection between brands and people. • Video develops a strong sense of trust within an audience because of the human touch it can bring to a brand. • Short and powerful videos generate strong feelings of curiosity in an audience and the visual call to action can quickly get people into the sales-cycle. • Videos can be highly creative and extremely fun to watch. A simple message can be brought to life and captivate a large audience.
THE Campaign Let’s put the word out
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guidelines for Social Media Campaigns
1 2
Content is always king. Present content in a memorable structure and evoke emotions.
Interact as a friend and not as a business.
All video content must be brief, engaging and sharable.
5 6 5
Create a consistent campaign and message across all social media platforms. Be discoverable and transparent.
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Popular Social Media Platforms • Facebook • Twitter • LinkedIn • Pinterest • Google Plus (Google+ Hangouts) • YouTube • Instagram • Vine • Vimeo • Tumblr.
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Video Content in Social Media Platforms
Businesses have seen great benefits integrating content marketing into social media platforms. Image and video-based social media platforms will continue to become prominent. Invest time and resources to these outlets and watch the benefits skyrocket. Here are the recommended social media platforms for a video content marketing campaign.
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FaceBook • Facebook is a leading social network that users continually frequent. There are many advantages to its reach and influence. • 3.5 billion pieces of content are shared each week. • 50% of people share brands after becoming a fan on Facebook. • Video content can be posted directly to your feed and shared on hundreds of pages. • Videos promote community participation (voting, contests, video challenges, etc.) • Videos can be added to Facebook posts when a product or service is liked on the Facebook newsfeed. • Affordable Page Post Ads can be purchased to show video content in fans newsfeeds.
INstagram • Continues to generate heavy traffic with one billion photos being liked each day. • 200 million active users with 60 million posts per day. • Allows for 15 second video posts. • Instagram videos are more evocative than photos. • Videos can drive more interaction between followers. • Allows for a creative, fast and compelling video message. • Video posts can be embedded onto other sites and activity of each video can be tracked and analyzed. • Video posts can take advantage of specific “hashtags” to target audiences CONTENTS
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Youtube • A powerful video-sharing source for video content. • Fan Finder offers free ad space that targets likely audiences with short videos called Channel ads. • Annotations allow for clickable links within the YouTube video player. • Allows a space for a stream of compelling video content. • In-video programming allows for a clickable logo within thumbnails across all videos. • YouTube live events allows for a personal and engaging live broadcasting. • Videos are sharable across all platforms of social media. • Trailer videos can be shown on the homepage of YouTube channels.
Google+ • Integration of effective SEO and personalized search experiences. • Google will improve SEO by using Google+ profile for content optimization. • Can share content to all other social media platforms and schedule updates. • Offers basic analytical tools for analytics on video content shared. • Promotes content to all of the web. • Google+ hangouts allows live video to be incorporated into video markteing strategies. • Conduct live webinars, demonstrations, interviews, discussions and meetings. CONTENTS
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twitter • Images and videos can be embedded into “tweets”. • Gives measurable and immediate feedback on consumer activity. • Videos can create new conversations about company products or services. • Engaged users actively tweet about company products or services. • Videos can be used to drive people to websites or channels. • Videos can be presented in a personal, engaging and friendly manner. • Popular or descriptive “hashtags” can be used for “tweets” in video campaigns. • Label annotations with time markers can be tweeted to take people to specific sections of video links.
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The pillars of Email Campaigns
Research prospects and gather data
Create standard template for campaign
Launch eBlasts
Track campaigns email activity
Create time frequency for eBlasts
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Guidelines for Content in Email Campaigns
1 2
Must be clean and easy to read. Designed well and non-obtrusive.
Limit the amount of imagery. This will avoid empty spaces and spam filtering for email campaigns.
Well written content is always relevant.
Provide links for the extentions of the content.
Have a call to action be clearly seen and understood.
Give the option to “opt-out� and allow for people to choose.
7 8
Do not personalize recipient names for email campaigns. Can be harmful and create false cybersecurity concerns.
Design content to be easily read on mobile devices.
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video content for Email Campaigns
Promotes interactivity and engagement.
Raises percentages for the sharing and forwarding of emails.
55% higher click-through rates for emails with videos included.
Is a powerful tool for generating customer referrals.
Expidites the sales-cycle for customers.
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EMAIL Campaign Components
Prospects • Research prospects within the chosen niche market and gather lists. • Create a database with prospects information (i.e. name, position, company, contact info.)
Template Assets • Strategic subject line.
• Intriguing introductory script. • Information regarding the need for your product/service. • Hyperlinks directing prospects to more information. • The call to action. • Professional signature
eBlasts • eBlasts consists of campaign emails sent to the list of prospects. • The emails are sent using a campaign builder that automates the process.
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Activity • Track the activity during the campaign. • The campaign builder will track emails sent, emails opened, as well as the time and day.
Follow Up • Follow up with prospects in email campaign with alternate emails which include expanded information about the content. • The template and message do not change, the follow up is to nurture prospects into future leads.
Time Frequencies • Create email time frequencies for the eBlasts. • Circulate different sets of various emails.
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email Campaign Time Frequencies
Send email campaign blasts at least once a month • Anything less is no longer an update. This will keep you at the front of customers minds and they will remember you.
Send email campaign blasts no more than once a week than • Emails sent more than once can be viewed as spam. • Set a consistent circulation of various emails.
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Weekly Time Frequencies Choosing the right day of the week to send out your campaign is important. Most people are busy and prioritize viewing their email in bulks. There are both suitable and avoidable days for eBlasts to be sent.
Monday Avoid this day as this is the busiest day for most people.
One of the best days for email marketing.
Wednesday A good day for eBlasts, being next-best to Tuesday.
Thursday Avoid this day as people are busy and least engaged.
Friday A great day due to low competition and high email engagement.
Saturday/Sunday More leisure time, more spam, and less engagement. CONTENTS
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Time of Day Frequencies Picking the right time of the day is just as important as choosing the right day of the week. People scan through more than one email and quickly trash those of less importance. These are the most important times to always consider.
Early Mornings People are clearing out their inbox and are likely to delete mass emails.
Early/Late Afternoons Offers the highest open rate for emails.
Evenings Avoid the end of the day, emails are saved for the early morning purge.
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Video Analytics Video Analytics are the reports of analytical data from vieo content in a marketing campaign. The data can give insight on the effectiveness and interactivity of specific video content. Video analytics are the key to the development and success of your video marketing strategy.
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Video Analytics: Components
Performance The report on overall views and watch time.
Demographics Determined by location of video views and the subscibers.
Discovery The report of referrals made to video content and channels.
Traffic Source The collective data of sources that generate traffic.
Audience Retention These reports give insight to users enagement of video
The overall reports on the metrics of the devices used to access your content.
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guidelines for Video Analytics
Give analytics their ultimate purpose by setting call to action goals for your content
Use the data to improve conversion rates and the sales-cycle for new prospects
Analyze conversion rates for each digital device platform.
Track the customers journey on each digital platform to create a report on consumer behavior.
Watch time is more important than video views, use this data to keep viewers engaged.
Likes, comments and shares provide engagement metrics that determine the overall quality of your video content.
Encourage consistent video interaction.
All rights reserved. 2014