7 minute read
The Careful Captain
Boating safety: It’s not just for when you are on the water
It’s cold out there. I don’t like that. I am a boater. I like warm weather. So it is this time of the year that I start thinking about hooking the trailer up to my truck and heading south for a little R&R with my favorite watercraft in a warmer climate. The thought of cruising around in warm blue waters, bright sunshine and enjoying 80-plus degree days surely causes some excitement. Here are a just few towing tips to help you get to your mid-winter destination safely: • Tow vehicles should be in good condition – Towing puts extra stress on your vehicle. The drive train, brakes and cooling system all get a good workout. Issues caused by lack of maintenance could become big problems leading to you, your vehicle and your boat being disabled on the side of the highway. Make sure you maintain your vehicle well and if you are not mechanically inclined, have a certified mechanic check it out before your trip. • Trailers should be in good condition – Some of us only use our trailers when we go on vacation and want to take our toys with us. This means that these trailers sit for weeks or even months between uses. During this time, corrosion sets in, tires dry rot and brakes and lights mysteriously stop working. Treat your trailer the same way as your tow vehicle. Have it checked out before your trip. • Adhere to tow vehicle specifications – Vehicle manufacturers publish maximum towing capacities for a reason. Exceeding these capacities is not a good idea. Doing so can put you and your family in peril. It also can cause damage to the tow vehicle itself. When calculating the weight that your vehicle is pulling, be sure to include the weight of the trailer, the boat, and anything that is in the boat. This includes fuel, water, fishing gear, etc. • Take it easy – I’ll admit it. I am a really spirited driver, but not when I am towing. I have driven a considerable number of miles towing a boat heavier than my tow vehicle. You just cannot drive the same way as when you are not towing. Everything must be done at a slower pace to maintain a level of safety. Turns take longer. Stops take longer. You must always keep a watchful eye out for other drivers as well. It is amazing how many people do not seem to realize that the extra 8,000 pounds you have means you can’t stop as quickly as they can stop. • Get some rest – You never want to drive when you are tired, but especially when towing. Tired drivers have slower reaction times and sometimes miss things altogether. This is not a good combination when you are already encumbered by a heavy load. • Do final checks – Once you are all hooked up and ready to go, perform your final departure checks. Make sure trailer lights are working. Adjust mirrors, check all tie downs, check air in tires, etc.
If you keep these tips in mind you should be spending your day on the water instead of spending
Frank Taylor
The Careful Captain • Mendes
Continued from Page 14 its infinite stupidity (thank goodness we don’t get all the government we pay for!) decreed that their boat and all its equipment had to be manufactured in New Zealand. Meanwhile, all the challengers collected the best of everything from all over the world while the Kiwis had to make do with their own! Needless to say, as soon as they got across the start line things began to go wrong. First the end broke off the carbon fiber boom and as they scrambled to repair that, water began to pour over the leeward rail into the cockpit! As they continued to sail, more and more little things continued to go wrong such as fittings pulling loose from the mast your day on the side of the road. Happy and safe boating!
Frank is past commander of America’s Boating Club Atlanta and is currently a content creator at the YouTube channel “The Ships Logg.”
or deck, each one costing them more speed. Every time something went wrong, the entire crowd would moan in unison so the whole room reverberated with OOHs! and UGHs! As I remember, they crossed the finish line with one crew member still bailing out the cockpit with a plastic trash can!
It was the perfect distraction to top off a hard day of racing with very little wind and the strong currents of Tampa Bay!
O’Neill Williams has been a television, radio and print personality for more than 40 years and more recently has added podcasts and video on demand to his repertoire.

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Thanks to our member support and community partners, LLA made a big splash in 2022 to keep Lake Lanier Clean, Full and Safe.

13 day-of sites around Lanier, 7 advance sites and over 1,400 volunteers. Together we collected a record of 90 tons of trash at Shore Sweep 2022.
Pre-Shore Sweep Mini Cleanup took place on Three Sisters Islands with a group of volunteers from LLA Business Sponsor, Johnson Outdoors.
100 New, 50 Replaced and 289 maintained Solar Lights across Lanier for safer night-time boating.

Enjoyed record breaking attendace at the Annual Member Celebration with over 700 LLA Members and Business Sponsors.
Installed 4 additional Life Jacket Loaner Stations. Volunteers helped maintain a total of 8 stations this season.
LLA attended 3 boat shows and many special events, LLA was present around Lake Lanier all year long.
In partnership with the Corps, 12 Channel Markers (6 Red, 6 Green) were replaced along the Chestatee.

Amy McGuire joined the LLA team as the new Executive Director in June. She is leading LLA to new heights with her big ideas, community engagement and deep love for Lanier.
LLA hosted an "Ask the Corps" webinar and spoke to many groups throughout the year, including UNG students and the "Crappie Club."
Removed "The Shadow" Houseboat and 5 abandoned sailboats during Shore Sweep.

In late May, Todd Baxter was appointed the President of LLA upon the retirement of John Barker. Todd has been on the Board since 2020 and has led the Solar Light program.
In-Office, Life Jacket Stamping and Station Monitoring, Water Testing, Cleanups and More
27 sites around Lanier are tested monthly for algae and turbidity by over 20 volunteers.

LLA purchased a boat - named the Miss. Jackie - in honor of LLA founder, Jackie Joseph. Having a dedicated vessel allows LLA to bring new plans to fruition, as well as expand on existing programs and on-lake initiatives.
LLA has big plans for 2023
We invite you to continue supporting our work towards a Clean, Full and Safe Lake Lanier in the new year. There are lots of ways to get involved with the Lake Lanier Association. Whether that be with your membership and donations or by finding a committee to volunteer on. However you choose to support LLA, it all makes a direct impact on Lake Lanier.
Don't miss a thing from the Lake Lanier Association! Stay up to date on all things LLA by following the Lake Lanier Association on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or by joining our email list at www.lakelanier.org.
Ready to jump in? Use the QR code below to join or renew your LLA Membership today!