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Outdoor Calendar
Continued from Page 35 nesdays through August. Gainesville Garden of the Atlanta Botanical Garden, 1911 Sweet Bay Dr. Free with garden admission or membership. www.atlantabg.org, 404-888-4760. o Social Paddle, Gainesville. Peaceful kayak paddle with Lanier Canoe & Kayak Club adult recreational program coordinator, noon-2 p.m. Mondays through Sept. 27, Lake Lanier Olympic Park, 3105 Clarks Bridge Rd. No experience necessary. $300 membership. www.exploregainesville.org. o Sunset Paddle, Gainesville. Guided kayak paddle on Lake Lanier with Lanier Canoe & Kayak Club member, 7:30-9:30 p.m. July 22; 7-9 p.m. Aug. 26; 5-7 p.m. Oct. 28, Lake Lanier Olympic Park, 3105 Clarks Bridge Rd. Register in advance. Limited to 10. $40. www.exploregainesville.org., 706-348-3044. o Canoe/Kayak/SUP Rentals, Gainesville. Canoe, kayak or stand-up paddleboard rentals, reserve via email 48 hours in advance for paddling Monday, Tuesday Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings, Lake Lanier Olympic Park, 3105 Clarks Bridge Rd. $20-$30 per hour, $10 for additional hours, maximum 4 hours. info@lckc.org. o Discovery Saturday, Gainesville. Wild animal showcase, exhibits, crafts and hike, various times 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays through July, Elachee Nature Science Center, 2125 Elachee Dr. $10 ages 2 and older, free to children younger than 2 and Elachee members. www.elachee.org, 770-535-1976. o Sunday North Hall Rides, Gainesville. Bicycling on rural roads averaging 17-18 mph at steady pace, 30-45 miles, roll out 12:30 p.m. Sundays from Haynes Rd. velocraig@hotmail.com. o Clermont Segment Ride. 5-high effort bike ride segments for total of about 25 miles, average speed 17-18 mph, roll out 6 p.m. Tuesdays, Clermont Park, 639 Main St. velocraig@hotmail.com. o Group Runs, Gainesville. Run with Lanier Running Club, starters to elites, 6 p.m. various Tuesdays, Liquid Nation Brewing, 2100 Atlanta Hwy. Check website/Facebook page for updates. www.lanierrunningclub.org. o First Visit Tour, Helen. Guided van tour of Smithgall Woods State Park to see covered bridge, Duke’s Creek, park cottages and more, 10-11 a.m. first Saturdays, Smithgall Woods State Park, 61 Tsalaki Trl. $5 parking. Donations welcome. Reservations required. www.gastateparks.org, 706-878-3087. o Flowery Branch Summer Farmers Market 3:30 p.m. Thursdays through September, 5301 Railroad Ave. www.flowerybranchga.org. o Farmers Market, Braselton 4-7 p.m. Fridays through September, Town Green, 9924 Davis St. across from Braselton Parking Deck. www.braselton.net. compiled by Jane Harrison
See Don Carter State Park Facebook page for park activities.
Lake Lanier Islands Resort o Thru Sept. 24 – Water Park opens 11 a.m.-7 p.m. o July 14 – Beach Bash at Lake Lanier Olympic Park, 5-10 p.m., will feature tons of kids’ activities on the Kids’ Beach Zone, hulahoop contest and limbo contest, food trucks and live music.
Info: 770-945-8787; lanierislands.com.
Quinlan Arts Center o Thru Aug. 12 – Summer Exhibition, the synthesis of visual and poetic language, featuring artists Steve Walker and Amanda Lovett. Opening reception held 5:30 p.m., June 15.
Info: 770-536-2575; quinlanartscenter.org
School Street Playhouse
(formerly Cumming Playhouse) o July 21-Aug. 13 – The Producers the Musical, based on the 1968 Mel Brooks’s film, The Producers is a laugh-out-loud, outrageous, crowd-pleasing farce. Times: 7:30 p.m., Thurs./Fri./Sat.; 2:30 p.m., Sun.
Info: 770-781-9178; schoolstreetplayhouse.com
The Arts Council
♫ July 3 – Northwinds Symphonic Band’s Patriotic Pops performs under the council’s pavilion. Led by conductor Allen Beach and featuring vocalists Michelle Martin and Jonathan Jackson, the band also includes other band directors, both active and retired, music teachers, college students and professional musicians. Times: 8-10 p.m. (gates open at 7 p.m.) Pico’s Hot Dogs on site and beer and wine bar by Avocados Restaurant. Tickets: $29.75-$40.45.
♫ July 15 – The Marcel Portilla Band performs on the lawn at The Smithgall Arts Center (rain or shine). Contemporary and traditional Latin music, the band is led by Marcel Portilla, a noted South American singer/songwriter. Bring lawn chairs or reserve a table up-front. Times: 8-10 p.m. Carniceria Tapatia on site for dinner and wine/beer bar by Avocados Restaurant. Tickets: $19.05-$29.75.
♫ July 29 – Back In Time band performs on the lawn at the center. Listen to that old-time rock and roll as the 11-piece rock-n-roll band with a four-piece horn section features classic rock-n-roll, soul and East Coast beach music. Bring lawn chairs or reserve a table up-front. Times: 8-10 p.m. Tickets: $29.75-$40.45. The Inked Pig will be on site with barbecue and Avocados Restaurant will have beer/wine bar available.
Info: hutch@theartscouncil.net
University of North Georgia
♫ July 8 – Franklin Pond performance, 7:308:30 p.m., presented in Nix Fine Arts Center, Gloria Shott Auditorium.
Info: 678-717-3930; ung.edu