Somos Erasmus + El español: pasaporte entre culturas n proyecto y muchas ilusiones. La aventura que hemos llamado “El español, pasaporte entre culturas”, surgió hace ahora un año.
cuando el proyecto fue concedido y desde entonces no hemos parado de trabajar, siempre con entusiasmo y sintiéndonos gratamente satisfechos con cada logro.
Dos profesoras que no se conocían de nada, que por primera vez estaban intentado saber qué era eso de Etwinning, que pertenecían a países diferentes, separadas por más de 2000 km, con lenguas y alfabetos diferentes coincidieron en la red. Grecia y España. Mercedes e Irini.
Muchas actividades están en marcha, nuestros estudiantes han empezado a conocerse, los profesores hemos tenido nuestra primera reunión transnacional… Y en este instante estáis leyendo el comienzo de una de esas aventuras. Nuestra revista digital, hecha por alumnos de los tres centros a través del trabajo colaborativo que permite el Twinspace.
Tras el intercambio de emails decidieron embarcarse en un proyecto Etwinning al que llamaron “A magazine with views to Europe”. Los resultados fueron sorprendentes, una revista europea, escrita en diversos idiomas– griego, español, alemán, inglés…- que además hizo que jóvenes de distintos países se pusieran de acuerdo para escribir sus artículos.
Vais a leer en inglés, en español, en griego, en finés artículos de todas las temáticas que han despertado el interés de nuestros alumnos, temas que ellos mismos han escogido. Esperamos que disfrutéis y que seamos capaces de contagiaros la ilusión y el entusiasmo con el que este proyecto empezó y continúa.
Los grupos de trabajo funcionaron y la sintonía entre ambas profesoras se hizo extensible a otros profesores del IES Francisco Salzillo y el Liceo Experimental de Heraklion. Su entusiasmo se contagió y pronto embarcaron a otros profesores, Luis, Haris, Maria que con su trabajo e ilusión hicieron posible que el proyecto fuera reconocido con el Sello de Calidad Europeo. Todo ello las empujó a diseñar un proyecto algo más ambicioso que permitiera a los dos centros seguir trabajando juntos y a sus alumnos y profesores conocerse mejor.
Como dijo Erasmo de Rotterdam “en el estudio no existe la saciedad”. Ese esperamos que sea el espíritu que no guíe, para que nunca nos sintamos saciados y surjan nuevos proyectos que unan a nuestros jóvenes en la aventura de crecer.
A través de Etwinning buscaron un tercer socio y así se incorporó Finlandia. Hilkka Roosa Nurmi no dudó en decir que sí al proyecto. Desde entonces trabajaron en el diseño de actividades, programaron encuentros con la esperanza de que su proyecto fuera aprobado. La gran noticia llegó en Septiembre 2
Somos Erasmus + Por fin nos conocemos.
l pasado mes de noviembre, del 18 al 23, se produjo el primer encuentro entre profesores del proyecto “El español, pasaporte entre culturas”.
Duró veinte minutos, fue muy entretenida y cada respuesta a nuestras preguntas era tanto curiosa como interesante, compartimos opiniones al respecto de la enseñanza además de preguntarles qué les había parecido su visita a Murcia, y aunque aun no hubiesen visto mucho de aquí, “les pareció bien” y opinaban de nuestro tiempo como ideal, proviniendo ellos del norte no me extraña, y les encantó la comida mediterránea, sobretodo la verdura fresca, el gazpacho y el arroz, claro que en Finlandia no van a cultivar tomates y servirlos en una ensalada o sí.
Dicho encuentro tuvo lugar en el centro español, en el IES Francisco Salzillo, situado en Alcantarilla, Murcia. Varios alumnos de Bachillerato muy interesados en conocer el funcionamiento de los sistemas educativos griego y finés, realizaron una entrevista a los profesores de ambos centros.
Estas son las preguntas con sus debidas respuestas más interesantes que tuvieron cabida, ya que si pusiésemos todo lo que se dijo esto sería tan largo y te acabarías aburriendo de leernos, y eso no puede pasar, así que, como no dicen en Finlandia, al turrón:
Aquí tenéis los resultados de esa entrevista.
¿Qué les ha parecido el centro y qué mejorarían de este? Respondieron que habían visto muchas de nuestras aulas y opinaban que la enseñanza y la actitud de alumnos y profesores era más importante que el edificio en si y como de equipado estuviese y aunque hubiesen muchas cosas físicas que se pudiesen mejorar, luego a luego lo más importante es la gente que lo compone.
Comenzamos la entrevista en el aula de informática de la segunda planta, un poco entusiasmado por ésta y con curiosidad sobre todo por el acento que tendrían y la fluidez con la que expresarían el español.
(Cabe destacar que en el centro finés tienen
Aparecieron dos profesoras finlandesas. Tras una presentación les preguntamos que cuánto sabían de España antes de venir y resulta que una de ellas tenía también tenía nacionalidad española al provenir su padre de Zaragoza, ciudad española, por lo que ya tenían idea de cómo sería aunque de Murcia tuvieron que mirar dónde se encontraba en un mapa. 3
Somos Erasmus + Por fin nos conocemos. hasta estudios de grabación y complejos laboratorios de química así que cuidadito, aunque ellos no tienen smart boards como nosotros así que en eso les ganamos).
en un ascensor la gente intenta apartar la mirada para no tener que mirarte y no tienes que saludar a todo el mundo. Parecemos antipáticos (esto lo han dicho ellos, no lo estoy exagerando en la redacción) pero una vez que llegas a conocer a una persona, ya te abres, cuando llegas a conocer a un finés ya tienes un amigo para toda la vida *risas y jajas*.
¿Cuál creéis que es la clave del éxito en educación? Es un tema muy complicado, cambiando solo la educación o una o dos cosas en la educación no se puede cambiar nada, es todo el sistema, partiendo de los impuestos que pagamos y cómo el gobierno valora la educación. Luego estaría la formación de los profesores, el trato que se tiene con los alumnos, son muchas cosas que afectan. En sí, si veis una clase nuestra no es muy diferente de una vuestra.
(Mercedes insistía en terminar la entrevista cuando yo aún tenía preguntas (¬_¬) En resumen, esta experiencia como semiperiodista estuvo genial y doy gracias a Mercedes por darme la oportunidad, vosotros lectores animaos a buscar más cosas sobre su sistema educativo y los comparáis para sacar vuestra propia opinión, pero aunque en esto sean mejores, nosotros en otras cosas también molamos.
No es que seamos súper profesores ni nada de eso. Pienso que sobre todo hay mucha diferencia en la educación de los niños pequeños. Nuestra educación empieza a los siete años y hasta los 7 años están en guarderías donde no aprenden a leer o escribir. Creo que aquella es una de las diferencias más grandes.
Periodistas súper profesionales con méritos académicos en entrevistar finlandeses: Javier Barceló Ibáñez. Santiago Córcoles García. Luis Miguel Tomás Sánchez.
¿Qué cosas se deberían de copiar de vuestro sistema para España?
Redactor: Javier Barceló Ibáñez
No creo que se pueda copiar directamente, pero exigimos mucha responsabilidad de nuestros alumnos, no son sus padres los responsables sino que son los alumnos mismos los que la asumen, no se llama a los padres para decirles que su hijo se porta mal y si no estudian es problema suyo. Creo que todo parte de un sistema de que desde pequeño tienes que ver que las cosas tienen también consecuencias, tienes que aprender a valerte por ti mismo y que no solo haces las cosas por que te las mandan o porque te “vigilan”, es importante que aprendan a valerse por sí mismos. Su propio éxito les tendría que motivar, no el miedo al qué dirán los padres. ¿Algo que os choque de nuestra cultura o nuestra forma de hablar …? Debido a que ya habíamos viajado bastante a España, no es que nos haya sorprendido pero, en Finlandia no tienes por qué corresponder a la gente en saludaros, aquí en España se ve raro no hacerlo pero en Finlandia si estás 4
Somos Erasmus + Greek engineer solves a 60-year-old mathematical puzzle Despite the fact that he now lives and works in the United States of America, Greek blood flows in his veins, as both his mother and father come from areas in Crete. Moreover, he used to live in Athens, up until his graduation. So, although he was raised in
askalakis Constantinos, or Costis as he is widely known, is considered to have one of the most brilliant mathematical minds all around the world, as he managed to solve a very difficult mathematical puzzle, based on Game theory, only at the age of 27.
Costis is a graduate of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department of the National Technical University of Athens.He continued, however, with a master’s degree and doctorate thesis at Berkley Univerity, in California. The last 7 years, he has been working as an Associate Professor at MIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department.
Constantinos Daskalakis with John Nash
His knowledge and abilities are surely undeniable. Nevertheless, what made him well known in the scientific community was when in 2009 he managed to unravel a difficult riddle of Informatics employed by scientists for over half a century. Complexity of Equilibrium His Ph.D. research examines whether rational, self-interested individuals can arrive, through their interactions, at a state where no single one of them would be better off switching strategies unless others did so as well. Such a state is called a Nash equilibrium, in honour of John Nash, who showed that such a state always exists, and is traditionally used in Game Theory as a mathematical way of predicting the behaviour of rational, strategic individuals in situations of conflict. Together with Paul Goldberg and Christos Papadimitriou, they show that in complex systems Nash equilibrium can be computationally unachievable. This implies that it is not always relevant or justifiable to study the Nash equilibrium of a system.
Athens, a big part of his identity includes Cretan features. He admits that he misses Crete a lot; the place, the sea, the mountains, but mostly the people. He himself did not hide in an interview by a local Cretan newspaper, that he is against leaving his academic career in the USA, in order to come back to Greece. He supposes that, because of his subject, he would not be able to continue his research in our country. However, and despite the fact that he is not planning on returning to his homeland, he does admit that he wants to give back to Greece. That is, because, as he himself has told, Greece also gave him the basis to get to a satisfactory point. He believes, however, 5
Somos Erasmus + that Greece has got many talents and that we must discover our potential in the global environment that is set up around us by Internet.
Internet, our car will be there as well. His ideal ways of relaxation, is being under the sunlight with a novel in his hands or listening to his favourite song, a play on a Saturday night, a movie, a walk on the beach at sunset. All of these, show us that he is a simple, ordinary person just like us, although he is considered a genius. Georgia Zacharioudaki ( Greece)
He feels he is a servant of science and his dream is the advancement of human knowledge. He does not get excited over materialistic dreams and he wants to have a family some day. Until then, he believes that the Internet will be a part of our lives to such an extent, that our children will not need to become familiarised with it. Our clothes will be on the Internet, our cup of coffee will be on the
Δασκαλάκης Κωνσταντίνος «Έλληνας μηχανικός, λύνει μαθηματικό γρίφο 60 χρόνων» Δασκαλάκης Κωνσταντίνος, ή Κωστής όπως είναι ευρύτερα γνωστός, θεωρείται ένα από τα πιο λαμπρά μαθηματικά μυαλά διεθνώς, αφού κατάφερε να λύσει ένα πολύ δύσκολο μαθηματικό πρόβλημα βασισμένο στην θεωρία των παιγνίων, μόλις στην ηλικία των 27 χρόνων.
άλΔασκαλάκης Κωνσταντίνος
«Έλληνας μηχανικός, λύνει μαθηματικό γρίφο 60 χρόνων» λαζε τη στρατηγική του, εκτός κι αν και άλλοι άλλαζαν τη δική τους. Μία τέτοια κατάσταση ονομάζεται Ισορροπία Nash, προς τιμήν του John Nash, ο οποίος έδειξε ότι αυτή η περίπτωση πάντα υπάρχει και χρησιμοποιείται συνήθως στη Θεωρία των παιγνίων, ως ένας μαθηματικός τρόπος για να προβλεφθεί η συμπεριφορά λογικών, στρατηγικών ατόμων σε περιπτώσεις σύγκρουσης. Μαζί με τον Πολ Γκόλντμπεργκ και τον Χρήστο Παπαδημητρίου, αποδεικνύουν ότι δεν
Ο Κωστής, είναι απόφοιτος του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών του Εθνικού Μετσοβίου Πολυτεχνείου. Συνέχισε όμως και με μεταπτυχιακές και διδακτορικές σπουδές στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Μπέρκλεϋ, στην Καλιφόρνια. Τα τελευταία 7 χρόνια , εργάζεται ως Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών του Μ.Ι.Τ. Οι γνώσεις και ικανότητές του είναι σίγουρα αδιαμφισβήτητες. Ωστόσο, αυτό που τον έκανε ιδιαίτερα γνωστό στην επιστημονική κοινότητα, ήταν όταν το 2009 κατάφερε να ξεδιαλύνει ένα δύσκολο γρίφο της πληροφορικής που απασχολούσε τους επιστήμονές της για πάνω από μισό αιώνα. Η πολυπλοκότητα των σημείων ισορροπίας Η διδακτορική έρευνά του εξετάζει κατά πόσο λογικά, ιδιοτελή άτομα μπορούν να φτάσουν, μέσω των αλληλεπιδράσεών τους, σε μία κατάσταση όπου κανένας τους δεν θα βρισκόταν σε καλύτερη θέση, εάν 6
Somos Erasmus + υπάρχει τελικά τρόπος να προβληθεί η ισορροπία. Αυτό σημαίνει, ότι δεν είναι πάντα σχετική ή δικαιολογημένη η μελέτη της ισορροπίας του Nash ενός συστήματος.
κούπα του καφέ μας θα είναι στο διαδίκτυο, το αυτοκίνητο μας θα είναι στο διαδίκτυο. Η ιδανική του ξεκούραση είναι χαλάρωση κάτω από το φως του ήλιου με ένα λογοτεχνικό βιβλίο ή ένα αγαπημένο τραγούδι, μια θεατρική παράσταση ένα σαββατόβραδο, μια ταινία, ένας περίπατος στη θάλασσα το ηλιοβασίλεμα. Όλα αυτά, μας αποδεικνύουν ότι είναι ένας απλός, καθημερινός άνθρωπος σαν κι εμάς, κι ας θεωρείται ιδιοφυΐα.
Παρά το γεγονός ότι τώρα πια ζει και εργάζεται στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής, στις φλέβες του ρέει ελληνικό αίμα αφού και η μητέρα του αλλά και ο πατέρας του κατάγονται από περιοχές της Κρήτης. Εξάλλου, μέχρι και την αποφοίτησή του έμενε στην Αθήνα.
Γεωργία Ζαχαριουδάκη
Παρά, λοιπόν, το ότι μεγάλωσε στην Αθήνα, μεγάλο μέρος της προσωπικότητάς του περιλαμβάνει κρητικά χαρακτηριστικά. Παραδέχεται ότι του λείπουν πολλά από την Κρήτη: ο τόπος, η θάλασσα, τα βουνά, μα κυρίως οι άνθρωποι. Ο ίδιος δεν είχε κρύψει, βέβαια, σε συνέντευξή του σε τοπική εφημερίδα της Κρήτης, την αντίθεσή του στο να εγκαταλείψει την ακαδημαϊκή του καριέρα στις ΗΠΑ προκειμένου να επιστρέψει στην Ελλάδα. Εκτιμά, ότι λόγω αντικειμένου, στη χώρα μας δεν θα είχε τη δυνατότητα να συνεχίσει τις έρευνές του. Ωστόσο, και παρά το ότι δεν προγραμματίζει επιστροφή στην πατρίδα του, παραδέχεται ότι επιθυμεί να δώσει πίσω στην Ελλάδα, επειδή, όπως λέει κι ο ίδιος, κι αυτή του έδωσε τις βάσεις για να φτάσει ως σ’ αυτό το τόσο ικανοποιητικό σημείο. Πιστεύει παρ’ όλα αυτά, ότι στην Ελλάδα υπάρχουν αρκετά ταλέντα και ότι πρέπει να ανακαλύψουμε τον δυναμισμό μας στο παγκόσμιο περιβάλλον που στήνει γύρω μας εν μέρει και το διαδίκτυο. Αισθάνεται υπηρέτης της επιστήμης και όνειρο του είναι η πρόοδος της ανθρώπινης γνώσης. Δεν τον συγκινούν τα υλικά όνειρα και θέλει να κάνει οικογένεια. Μέχρι τότε, πιστεύει ότι το διαδίκτυο θα είναι ένα κομμάτι της ζωής μας σε τέτοιο βαθμό, που δεν θα χρειάζονται τα παιδιά μύηση σε αυτό. Τα ρούχα μας θα είναι στο διαδίκτυο, η 7
Somos Erasmus + Scientific Revolution irstly, the scientific revolution changed the way people think about the world that surrounds them. The Scientific Revolution made scientists question what the church was teaching people about the world. Famous scientists of the 1700’s time period were Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton and Nicolaus Copernicus. Scientists used observation and experiments to try and explain how the universe works.
n principio, la Revolución Científica cambió la foma de pensar de las personas sobre todo aquello que las rodeaba. La revolución científica planteó preguntas científicas a lo que la Iglesia estaba enseñando. Famosos científicos, Isaac newton, Galileo Galilei, Copérnico usaron la observación y los experimentos para intentar explicar como funciona el Universo.
Secondly, in our opinion the Scientific Revolution was a great change to the world since it offered a different way of thinking, other than the church’s teachings. The Scientific Revolution gave people a sense of individualism and equal rights. This also set some of the most important revolutions in motion such as: the American Revolution and the French Revolution. We think the Scientific Revolution is also a very important movement for daily life since it gave scientists the freedom to question already set beliefs and make new inventions that later changed daily life for people around the world.
En segundo lugar, en nuestra opinion, esta Revolución científica supuso un gran cambio en el mundo desde difderentes formas de pensar. Le dio a las personas el sentido de la individualidad y la igualdad en sus derechos. Lo mismo sucedión con la Revolución Americana o Francesa. Lo más importante es que estos científicos se dieron la libertad de preguntarse sobre sus creencias y crearon nuevos inventos que más tarde cambiarían el día a día de todas las personas alrededor del mundo.
Thirdly, the Scientific Revolution impacted many studies for example: mathematics, physics, astronomy and biology. This revolution added to astronomy and allowed scientists to explore the widely unknown universe. Biological advances made medicine stronger, it also helped the world’s population grow in size and made people’s lives last longer. This revolution made people’s lives easier, because you can now search for all kinds of information from the internet and one can keep in contact with his or her relatives or friends much easier.
En tercer lugar, la Revolución Científica impactó en numerosas disciplinas tales como las matemáticas, la física, la astronomía y la biología. Los científicos empezaron a explorer el desconocido universo. Los advances en Biología hicieron la medician más fuerte e incluso ayuró al crecimiento de la población aumentando las expectativas de vida. Esta revolución les hizo la vida más fácil, porque ahora cada uno puedo buscar en internet toda clase de información y puede mantener el contacto con amigos y familiares de forma sencilla.
In conclusion, the freedom that scientists were given to question the church’s teachings after Martin Luther’s 95 theses had a great impact on the world we know today. One can only imagine what the world would be like if the Catholic Church still had a majority of power in society. The Scientific Revolution has made daily life easier for lots of people around the world. One of the more important outcomes of the Scientific Revolution was making communication easier from one country to another.
En conclusion, la libertad que se les dio a los científicos para cuestionar las enseñanzas de la Iglesia después de las 95 tesis de Martín Lutero tuvo un gran impacto en el mundo que conocemos hoy en día. Uno puede imaginar cómo sería el mundo si la Iglesia Católica todavía tuviera poder absoluto en la sociedad . La Revolución científica ha hecho la vida diaria más fácil para mucha gente en todo el mundo . Uno de los resultados más importantes de la revolución científica ha sido facilitar la comunicación de un país a otro . Max Bowen, Arttu Ojanen (Finland) 8
Somos Erasmus + Eleni Antoniadou wants to help through tissue engineering leni Antoniadou is 27 years-old, was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, and is a scientist who deals with regenerative medicine. Having studied <<Informatics with applications in Biomedicine>> at the University of Central Greece she decided to continue her postgraduate studies in <<Artisanship>>, <<Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine>> and <<Business Administration for Bio-scientists>> at the University of London and Illinois. It is important to point out that at the same time she attends the Academy of NASA and does some research in the laboratory of Exploration on Mars.
company named <<Transplants Without Donors>> with several doctors and scientists. With that beginning, Eleni became even more curious about the complexity of science behind tissue mechanism.
In 2010, Eleni wanted to take a master’s in bio-mechanism, and paid more attention to the creation of artificial skin. Since then she focused more on alleviating the human pain by transferring scientific conclusions to treatments that can be affordable to all patients. Now her research is based on the effects of radiation and microgravity on the central nervous system and also, she takes part in missions where she teaches experiments of biomedicine and biophysics in the International Space Station. Her professional dream is to make artificial organs an alternative treatment to transplanting organs and one personal, to have or adopt a child.
At the age of 21, still being a student, she managed to make the first artificial trachea which she donated to a patient who was on the last stage of trachea cancer. Since then, Eleni has put on a goal in her life to find an alternative way of transplanting organs without donors. For that reason, she founded <<Transplant without Donors>> in 2009, so that she can help people with serious health problems like cancer and in the development of artificial food for the confrontation of the hunger in the countries of the <<Third World>>. She, herself believes that this may assist in the effort of colonization on other planets.
Eleni lives far away from her country and she misses Greece so much. As she, herself said in an interview she had with the magazine Blue, answering the questions:<< What do you miss more in Greece?>> and <<How did your Greek origin affect you?>> <<Everything! The simplicity, the immediacy and compassion of the people, the culture, the sun, the sea, the beauty of our people and our land – from the smallest village till the farthest barren. And as I keep watching our country from afar, pulsing with such a dramatic pulse, it makes me miss everything more.>> and <<I think that I’ve heard the phrase “You’re so Greek!” more than any from my friends abroad. The basis of my character is my willpower and will you allow me to brag about how this feature has such deep Greek routes.>>.
Αpart from her professional accomplishments, every year, Eleni offers, voluntary work in humanitarian aid to needy people of Latin America where especially children are victims of human organ trafficking. In 2013 she was announced Woman of the Year at the FDM Every Woman Technology Awards, and in 2014 was awarded with the Cartier Women’s Initiative Award. When Eleni was working in the hospital as a student, she observed that prosthetic had limitations and she decided that she had to do some research on that matter so that she can give the patients something more. It led her to the conclusion that regenerative medicine and tissue mechanism is the ideal solution. In her first project in tissue mechanism, Eleni created an artificial trachea that was later donated to a patient with cancer. By doing that she showed to herself that tissue mechanism can be applied in clinical practice.
She wants to return back to country when she will finish her “path of life” since she loves the place and it leads her. As I previously mentioned, Eleni takes part in voluntary work and with that she is not only helping needy people but also herself. Voluntary gives her hope and courage. She believes that people had passed through hardships in their lives but faced them without altering their character. Some years ago, she took part in the International Founda-
When she was in London, she started a 9
Somos Erasmus + tion of Medical Relief of the Child, to heal the sickened children of Peru and Costa Rica, where the children were victims of human organs trafficking.
you want, at least try as much as you can not to degrade it by too much contact with the world, by too much activity and talk..>> and hopes to contribute to the creation of new, safe and accessible treatment.
Eleni Antoniadou doesn’t have a motto in her life but what have inspired her and gives her power and the will to move n is an excerpt from a poem of Cavafy:<<As Much As You Can>> that says:<< And if can’t shape your life the way
Alexandra Guardian (Greece)
Η Ελένη Αντωνιάδου θέλει να προσφέρει μέσω της Μηχανικής των ιστών Ελένη Αντωνιάδου είναι 27 χρονών, γεννήθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη, στην Ελλάδα, και είναι επιστήμονας που ασχολείται με την Αναγεννητική ιατρική. Σπούδασε στον τομέα «Πληροφορική στη Βιοϊατρική» στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Στερεάς Ελλάδας και συνεχίζει τις μεταπτυχιακές της σπουδές στους τομείς «Βιοτεχνία», «Νανοτεχνολογία και Αναγεννητική Ιατρική» και
without Donors» («Μεταμόσχευση χωρίς Δωρητές») το 2009, ώστε να βοηθήσει ανθρώπους με σοβαρά προβλήματα υγείας, όπως ο καρκίνος, και επίσης στην ανάπτυξη τεχνητών τροφίμων για την αντιμετώπιση του λιμού σε χώρες του «Τρίτου Κόσμου». Η ίδια πιστεύει ότι αυτό μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην προσπάθεια αποίκισης σε άλλους πλανήτες.
image: http://teleytaiothranio.blogspot.gr/2015/01/forbes.html) image: http://teleytaiothranio.blogspot.gr/2015/01/forbes.html) «Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων για Βιοεπιστήμονες» στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Λονδίνου και του Ιλλινόις. Σημαντικό είναι να επισημάνουμε ότι την ίδια χρονική περίοδο φοιτά στην Ακαδημία της NASA και δουλεύει ως ερευνήτρια στο εργαστήριο Εξερεύνησης του Πλανήτη Άρη.
Εκτός από τα επιστημονικά της επιτεύγματα, η Ελένη προσφέρει, κάθε χρόνο, εθελοντική εργασία σε αποστολές ανθρωπιστικής βοήθειας σε άπορους ανθρώπους της Λατινικής Αμερικής όπου, κυρίως τα παιδιά, πέφτουν θύματα εμπορίου ανθρώπινων οργάνων. Το 2013 ανακηρύχθηκε Γυναίκα της Χρονιάς στα FDM Every Woman Technology Awards, το 2014 βραβεύτηκε με το Cartier Women’s Initiative Award. Η Ελένη, στο διάστημα που δούλευε στο νοσοκομείο ως φοιτήτρια, παρατήρησε ότι οι προσθετικές είχαν περιορισμούς και αποφάσισε ότι έπρεπε να εξερευνήσει αυτό το θέμα ώστε να δώσει στους ασθενείς κάτι περισσότερο. Αυτό την οδήγησε
Στα 21 χρόνια της ζωής της, φοιτήτρια ακόμη, κατόρθωσε και έφτιαξε την πρώτη τεχνητή τραχεία και την δώρισε σε μία ασθενή που βρισκόταν στο τελευταίο στάδιο του καρκίνου. Από τότε, η Ελένη έχει βάλει στόχο στη ζωή της να βρει μια εναλλακτική μέθοδο μεταμόσχευσης οργάνων χωρίς δωρητές. Για αυτόν τον λόγο, ίδρυσε την εταιρία «Transplant 10
Somos Erasmus + θάλασσα, η ομορφιά των ανθρώπων και της γης μας – από το πιο μικρό ορεινό χωριό μέχρι το πιο απομακρυσμένο ξερονήσι. Και όσο παρακολουθώ από μακριά τη χώρα μας να πάλλεται με τόσο δραματικό σφυγμό, μου λείπουν όλα περισσότερο.» Πρόσθεσε επίσης: « Νομίζω ότι έχω ακούσει τη φράση “You’re so Greek” περισσότερο από κάθε άλλη από τους φίλους μου στο εξωτερικό. Η βάση του χαρακτήρα μου είναι η δύναμη της θέλησης και θα μου επιτρέψετε να υπερηφανευτώ πως αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό έχει βαθιά ελληνικές ρίζες».
στο συμπέρασμα ότι ο τομέας της αναγεννητικής ιατρικής και ο τομέας του μηχανισμού των ιστών είναι η ιδανική λύση. Στο πρώτο της ερευνητικό σχέδιο (project) στον τομέα του μηχανισμού των ιστών, η Ελένη δημιούργησε μία τεχνητή τραχεία που ύστερα δόθηκε σε ασθενή με καρκίνο. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο απέδειξε στον εαυτό της ότι ο μηχανισμός των ιστών θα μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί και σε κλινικό επίπεδο. Όταν ήταν στο Λονδίνο, δημιούργησε την εταιρία «Transplant without Donors» («Μεταμόσχευση χωρίς Δωρητές») μαζί με αρκετούς γιατρούς και επιστήμονες. Αυτό το γεγονός έκανε την Ελένη να ενδιαφερθεί πιο πολύ για την περιπλοκότητα της επιστήμης πίσω από τον μηχανισμό των ιστών.
Θα ήθελε να γυρίσει πίσω στην πατρίδα όταν τελειώσει το δικό της «ταξίδι ζωής», αφού αγαπάει τον τόπο και την προσδιορίζει. Όπως αναφέρθηκε προηγουμένως, η Ελένη παίρνει μέρος σε εθελοντική εργασία και με αυτό δεν βοηθάει μόνο τους άπορους ανθρώπους αλλά και τον ίδιο της τον εαυτό. Ο εθελοντισμός της δίνει ελπίδα και κουράγιο. Πιστεύει ότι αρκετοί άνθρωποι έχουν περάσει κακουχίες στη ζωή τους αλλά τις αντιμετώπισαν χωρίς να αλλοιωθεί ο χαρακτήρας τους. Πριν από κάτι χρόνια έλαβε μέρος μαζί με το Ίδρυμα Διεθνούς Ιατρικής Αρωγής του Παιδιού, σε μια προσπάθεια να γιατρέψουν άρρωστα παιδιά του Περού και του Κόστα Ρίκα που είχαν πέσει θύματα εμπορίου ανθρώπινων οργάνων.
Το 2010 η Ελένη ήθελε να πάρει Μεταπτυχιακό δίπλωμα (master) στη Βιομηχανική και έδωσε περισσότερο σημασία στη δημιουργία τεχνητού δέρματος. Από τότε έχει αφοσιωθεί περισσότερο στο να διευκολύνει τον ανθρώπινο πόνο με το να εφαρμόζει τα επιστημονικά συμπεράσματα σε θεραπευτικές αγωγές που είναι προσιτές σε όλους τους ασθενείς. Τώρα, η έρευνα της εστιάζεται στις επιπτώσεις της ραδιενέργειας και της μικροβαρύτητας στο κεντρικό νευρικό σύστημα και επίσης συμμετέχει σε αποστολές όπου διδάσκει πειράματα Βιοϊατρικής και Βιοφυσικής στον Διεθνή Διαστημικό Σταθμό. Το επαγγελματικό της όνειρο είναι να γίνουν τα τεχνητά όργανα μια εναλλακτική θεραπεία μεταμόσχευσης οργάνων. Επίσης, ένα προσωπικό της όνειρο είναι να αποκτήσει ή να υιοθετήσει ένα παιδί.
Η Ελένη Αντωνιάδου δεν έχει ένα motto στην ζωή της αλλά αυτό που την έχει εμπνεύσει και της δίνει τη δύναμη και τη θέληση να προχωράει μπροστά είναι ένα απόσπασμα από το ποίημα του Καβάφη «Όσο Μπορείς»: «Κι αν δεν μπορείς να κάμεις την ζωή σου όπως την θέλεις,/ τούτο προσπάθησε τουλάχιστον/ όσο μπορείς: μην την εξευτελίζεις/ μες στην πολλή συνάφεια του κόσμου,/ μες στες πολλές κινήσεις κι ομιλίες…» και ελπίζει να συνεισφέρει στη δημιουργία νέων, ασφαλών και προσβάσιμων θεραπειών.
Η Ελένη μένει πάρα πολύ μακριά από την πατρίδα της και η Ελλάδα της λείπει πολύ. Απαντώντας στις ερωτήσεις: « Τι σας λείπει περισσότερο από την Ελλάδα;» και «Πώς σας επηρεάζει η ελληνική καταγωγή σας;» -σε μια συνέντευξη που έδωσε στο περιοδικό Blue- η ίδια είπε: «Τα πάντα! Η απλότητα, η αμεσότητα και η φιλευσπλαχνία των ανθρώπων, η κουλτούρα, ο ήλιος, η
Alexandra Guardian 11
Somos Erasmus + image:And
then she changed the world…
here is a very little chance not to find a black dress or a pair of pearls, a timeless piece of jewellery, in a female closet today; but also bellbottom trousers and ethnic style, which are currently in fashion, are all due to a woman. Her name: Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, known to everyone as Coco Chanel. Movies, books, theatrical performances recount the life of a woman who changed the world of fashion with her passion and eccentric personality.
close friend of Balsan for whom she allegedly left Balsan, helped her.
Soon Chanel starts opening her stores in various cities of France with a limited clothing line gaining more and more customers and creating her own style, more convenient and liberated than the hitherto suffocating style. Gradually Chanel’s style with the ties, the baggy sweaters, the fake jewellery and the sport jackets begins to conquer the female population. With this new style, Chanel also introduces a new way of living to women. The message the designer wants to pass through her clothes is the liberation of the woman, that women should dress for themselves and not for the society and their husbands. As she had said once: «Luxury must be comfortable otherwise is not luxury». Chanel literally pushes her society ahead of its time. Dior’s New Look loses its fame and as he once said: «With a black sweater and ten rows of pearls she roused fashion». Chanel never declared being a feminist but she was undoubtedly an important part of the liberation of women.
She was born in Saumur, France on the 9th of August 1883. Her mother died when Gabrielle was very young so she grew up in an orphanage in a strict and monarchical educational environment. There, she learned how to sew from the nuns, a skill that would accompany her for the rest of her life. The rigid dresses of the nuns gave her inspiration in the future. Her aunts, with whom she spent her summers, recognized her talent and helped her design more innovatively. In her early adulthood Gabrielle started working in a tailor shop. There she met Étienne Balsan, a young man, with whom she developed a strong affair and who introduced her to the high society and gave her the opportunity to live a luxurious life for a while. However, because Gabrielle was an independent woman she wanted to work, so she started singing in a local café, for a short period of time, where she got the nickname Coco. At the same time she designed hats as a hobby. Soon, she left Balsan from whom she managed to get a lot of money and an apartment. Later, she opened her first studio and in 1910 her first shop but she could not even manage to make ends meet. In this difficult period of her life Arthur Capel, a
In 1908 Chanel was officially part of the haute couture. It took only one appearance of her in Paris with her hair short, after an accident she had, and in no time short hair became a trend. With her fame constantly developing Coco, as an innovative designer, became very famous among the high society. In her 30’s Chanel was established in the fashion industry. In 1921 she makes once of the most famous female perfumes the “Chanel No5” and this way she becomes the first designer to get involved with other areas of women’s fashion and at the same time to give her name to a product. In 12
Somos Erasmus + 1925 she enters the circle of royal families. In this period she meets the Duke of Westminster with whom she will have a long affair. When the Duke will ask her to marry him Chanel will answer with the monumental phrase: “There have been several Duchesses of Westminster but there is only one Chanel!” and she refuses.
Από κάθε γυναικεία ντουλάπα σήμερα δεν λείπει ένα μαύρο φόρεμα ή ένα ζευγάρι πέρλες, ένα διαχρονικό κόσμημα. Αλλά και τα παντελόνια καμπάνες και το έθνικ στυλ, που είναι σήμερα στη μόδα, οφείλονται όλα σε μία γυναίκα. Το όνομά της: Γκαμπριέλ Μπονέρ Σανέλ, γνωστή σε όλους μας ως Κοκό Σανέλ. Ταινίες, βιβλία, θέατρα εξιστορούν τη ζωή μίας γυναίκας που με το πάθος της και την εκκεντρική προσωπικότητά της άλλαξε τον κόσμο της μόδας.
In the beginning of the Second World War due to the bad economic condition she shut down all of her shops and fired her workers. She spent the next 30 years in her apartment in the Ritz Hotel, which she was able to maintain due to her relationship with the German officer Hans Gunther von Dincklage. Because of that relationship at the end of the war Chanel will be accused and judged but the known British family, with whom she had close relations, intervenes in order not to be punished. Chanel goes into exile in Switzerland and spends the next 15 years.
Γεννήθηκε στο Σωμύρ της Γαλλίας στις 9 Αυγούστου του 1883. Ορφανή από μητέρα, η Κοκό μεγάλωσε σε ένα ορφανοτροφείο, σε ένα περιβάλλον αυστηρής και μοναρχικής εκπαίδευσης. Εκεί έμαθε να ράβει από τις καλόγριες, μία δεξιότητα που θα τη συνόδευε για το υπόλοιπο της ζωής της. Τα άκαμπτα φόρεματα των καλλογριών ενέπνευσαν τα σχέδιά της στο μέλλον. Οι θείες της, με τις οποίες περνούσε το καλοκαίρι, αναγνώρισαν το ταλέντο της και τη βοηθούσαν να σχεδιάζει πιο τολμηρά.
In 1945 she returns in Paris to conquer again the world of fashion. In the beginning, she receives bad reviews and comments but in the end her wearable and feminine clothes win back the trust and admiration of the buyers worldwide. Chanel returns in the arena of fashion dynamically and her come back places her once again on the top of the haute couture.
Η ενήλικη ζωή της νεαρής Γκαμπριέλ την βρίσκει να δουλεύει σε ένα ραφείο. Μέσα από τη δουλειά της αυτή κάνει και την πρώτη της γνωριμία με την καλή κοινωνία γνωρίζοντας τον Ετιέν Μπαλσάν, με τον οποίο ανέπτυξε μία έντονη σχέση και έρχεται πρώτη φορά σε επαφή με τις ανέσεις μίας πολυτελούς ζωής με ακριβά δώρα και πολλές γνωριμίες. Ως μία γυναίκα ανεξάρτητη, η Γκαμπριέλ ήθελε να δουλέψει. Έτσι άρχισε να τραγουδά σε ένα καφέ για ένα μικρό χρονικό διάστημα από όπου πήρε το παρατσούκλι της Κοκό. Παράλληλα, σχεδίαζε καπέλα σαν χόμπι. Σύντομα διέκοψε τη σχέση της με το Μπαλσάν από τον οποίο πήρε αρκετά χρήματα και ένα διαμέρισμα. Εκεί άνοιξε το πρώτο της ατελιέ και το 1910 το πρώτο της κατάστημα που όμως δεν κατάφερνε να βγάζει ούτε τα έξοδά του. Σε αυτή τη δύσκολη περίοδο τη βοήθησε ο Άρθρουρ Καπέλ, φίλος του Μπαλσάν, για τον οποίο λέγεται πως τον άφησε.
On the 10th of January 1971 at the age of 87 Coco Chanel passed away in her apartment at the Ritz Hotel. Coco Chanel had fully achieved her after death fame and indeed after her death her name will be identified with the definition of fashion and it will become one of the most famous and expensive brands on the planet. Chanel’s image in front of the art deco mirrors with a cigarette in her hand has created the image of the “modern” woman; a woman free of taboos, prejudice and entrenched images and templates. The woman of Chanel does not live for men but for herself and has the same rights as any other man. Coco Chanel bequeathed a very important message for all the women: to believe in themselves and not to change for anyone in order to remind them that once a young dressmaker made the feminine revolution possible by breaking the suffocating shackles of corset. Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel could not have done anything less. Katia Brokalaki-Gounari (Greece)
Σιγά σιγά η Σανέλ άρχισε να ανοίγει καταστήματα σε διάφορες πόλεις της Γαλλίας με περιορισμένη συλλογή ρούχων αποκτώντας σταθερή πελατεία και δημιουργεί το δικό της στυλ που ήταν πιο βολικό και απελευθερωμένο από το μέχρι τότε ασφυκτικό στυλ της εποχής. Σταδιακά το στυλ της Σανέλ με τις γραβάτες, τα φαρδιά πουλόβερ, τα ψεύτικα κοσμήματα και τα 13
Somos Erasmus + σπορτ τζάκετς άρχισε να κατακτά το γυναικείο πληθυσμό. Μαζί με αυτό το νέο στυλ στη μόδα, η Κοκό παρουσίασε και ένα νέο τρόπο ζωής για τις γυναίκες. Το μήνυμα που ήθελε να περάσει η σχεδιάστρια μέσα από τα ρούχα της ήταν η απελευθέρωση της γυναίκας, το ότι οι γυναίκες έπρεπε να ντύνονται για τους εαυτούς του και όχι για την κοινωνία και για τους άντρες τους. Όπως είχε πει η ίδια: «Η πολυτέλεια πρέπει να είναι άνετη, αλλιώς δεν είναι πολυτέλεια». Η Σανέλ κυριολεκτικά «σπρώχνει» μπροστά τη κοινωνία της εποχής της. Το New Look του Ντιόρ γίνεται παρελθόν και όπως ο ίδιος είχε πει : «Με ένα μαύρο πουλόβερ και δέκα σειρές μαργαριτάρια ξεσήκωσε τη μόδα». Η Σανέλ δεν δήλωνε ποτέ φεμινίστρια αλλά συνέβαλε καθοριστικά στην απελευθέρωση των γυναικών.
φυλακιστεί. Η Σανέλ φεύγει εξόριστη στην Ελβετία όπου περνάει τα επόμενα 15 χρόνια. Το 1945 επιστρέφει στο Παρίσι για να κατακτήσει ξανά τον κόσμο της μόδας. Αρχικά, λαμβάνει άσχημες κριτικές και σχολιασμούς, όμως τελικά τα ευκολοφόρετα και θηλυκά σχέδιά της κατακτούν τους αγοραστές παγκοσμίως. Η Σανέλ επιστρέφει στην αρένα της μόδας δυναμικά και η επιστροφή της την αποκαθιστά στην κορυφή της υψηλής ραπτικής. Στις 10 Ιανουαρίου 1971, έχοντας συμπληρώσει τα 87 χρόνια της ζωής της, η Κοκό Σανέλ φεύγει από τη ζωή, στο διαμέρισμά της στο Ριτζ. Η Κοκό Σανέλ είχε επιτύχει απόλυτα την υστεροφημία της και πράγματι, μετά το θάνατό της, το όνομά της θα ταυτιστεί απόλυτα με τον ορισμό της μόδας και θα γίνει ένα από τα πιο διάσημα λογότυπα του πλανήτη.
Το 1908 η Σανέλ πλέον εντάχθηκε στην υψηλή ραπτική. Χρειάστηκε μόνο μία εμφάνισή της στο Παρίσι με τα μαλλιά της κοντοκουρεμένα μετά από ένα ατύχημα και μέσα σε χρόνο ρεκόρ το κοντοκουρεμένο κούρεμα έγινε μόδα. Με αυξανόμενη τη φήμη της, η Κοκό ως μία πρωτοποριακή σχεδιάστρια, άρχισε να γίνεται περιζήτητη στους κύκλους της υψηλής κοινωνίας. Στα 32 της η Σανέλ έχει καθιερωθεί στο χώρο της μόδας. Το 1921 φτιάχνει ένα από τα πιο γνωστά γυναικεία αρώματα, το “Chanel No5” και έτσι γίνεται η πρώτη σχεδιάστρια που τολμά να κινηθεί σε άλλους τομείς της γυναικείας μόδας και ταυτόχρονα να δώσει το όνομά της σε προϊόν. Το 1925 εισέρχεται στον κύκλο των βασιλικών οικογενειών. Την περίοδο εκείνη γνωρίζει το Δούκα του Γουεστμίνστερ και αναπτύσσει μαζί του μία πολυετή ερωτική σχέση. Όταν ο Δούκας θα της ζητήσει να τον παντρευτεί, η Σανέλ θα απαντήσει με τη μνημειώδη φράση: «Δούκισσες του Γουεστμίνστερ έχουν υπάρξει πολλές, Σανέλ όμως μία!» και θα αρνηθεί.
Η εικόνα της Σανέλ μπροστά στους art deco καθρέπτες της με το τσιγάρο στο χέρι δημιούργησε την εικόνα της «σύγχρονης» γυναίκας. Μιας γυναίκας απελευθερωμένης από ταμπού, προκαταλήψεις και από παγιωμένες εικόνες και πρότυπα. Η γυναίκα της Σανέλ δεν ζει για τον άνδρα αλλά για τον εαυτό της και έχει τα ίδια δικαιώματα με κάθε άνδρα. Η Κοκό Σανέλ άφησε πίσω της ένα πολύ σημαντικό μήνυμα ζωής για όλες τις γυναίκες: να πιστεύουν στον εαυτό τους και να μην αλλάζουν για κανέναν. Να υπενθυμίζουν στον εαυτό τους πως κάποτε μία νεαρή μοδίστρα έκανε πράξη τη γυναικεία επανάσταση, σπάζοντας τα ασφυκτικά δεσμά του κορσέ. Η Γκαμπριέλ Μπονέρ ¨Κοκό¨ Σανέλ δεν θα μπορούσε να καταφέρει τίποτα λιγότερο.
Κάτια Μπροκαλάκη-Γούναρη (image: http://quotesgram.com/coco-chanel-fashion-
Στην αρχή του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, λόγω της κακής οικονομικής κατάστασής της, η Σανέλ θα κλείσει όλα τα μαγαζιά της και θα απολύσει τους υπαλλήλους της. Τα επόμενα 30 χρόνια θα τα περάσει στο διαμέρισμά της στο ξενοδοχείο Ριτζ, το οποίο μπόρεσε να κρατήσει λόγω της σχέσης της με τον Γερμανό αξιωματικό Χανς Γκούντερ Φον Ντίνγκλανγκε. Λόγω αυτής της σχέσης, της η Σανέλ θα κατηγορηθεί και θα δικαστεί στο τέλος του πολέμου, όμως η γνωστή αριστοκρατική βρετανική οικογένεια, με την οποία είχε σχέσεις, παρεμβαίνει ώστε να μην 14
Somos Erasmus + Federico García Lorca, un poeta en Grecia orca, quien, pese a morir de forma prematura por razones por las que nadie debería nunca morir, fue un autor polifacético: músico, orador, director de teatro, dramaturgo, pintor, …era un hombre de una gran simpatía personal y gran atractivo. Sus amigos le seguían pues era la alegría de vivir en sí misma. Según Jorge Guillén, el secreto de Lorca es que nunca perdió su imaginación infantil, su intuición poética, típica de cada niño.Esto le da a su poesía una profundidad humana y una gran autenticidad. Pero, por otra parte, hubo un Federico dolido y angustiado. En un día de triunfo, se retiraba y, en la intimidad de la conversación, la idea de la muerte y de la angustia inevitable de todas las cosas le obsesionaba.
propio poeta, "una de las experiencias más útiles de mi vida". Los nueve meses que pasó entre junio de 1929 y marzo de 1930- en Nueva York y Vermont y luego en Cuba, hasta junio de ese año, cambiaron su visión de sí mismo y de su arte.
Pese a sus viajes y a conocer a personas tan importantes de la cultura española de entonces, Salvador Dalí, Jorge Guillén, Manuel de Falla, o quizás gracias a ellos, Lorca expresaba así su amor por España en una entrevista que concedió dos meses antes de ser fusilado; era un amor que nada tenía que ver con ideas ni con fronteras políticas. Yo soy español integral, y me sería imposible vivir fuera de mis límites geográficos; odio al que es español por ser español nada más. Yo soy hermano de todos y execro al hombre que se sacrifica por una idea nacionalista abstracta por el solo hecho de que ama a su patria con
A pesar de haber nacido en un pequeño pueblo de Granada, muy pronto empezó a viajar por la geografía española, residiendo en distintas ciudades como Madrid y Cadaqués. Su estancia en Nueva York fue, en palabras del
Somos Erasmus + una venda en los ojos. El chino bueno está más cerca de mí que el español malo. Canto a España y la siento hasta la médula; pero antes que esto soy hombre de mundo y hermano de todos. Desde luego, no creo en la frontera política.
taron especialmente atractivas para los escritores griegos, quienes mantuvieron un contacto estrecho y continuo con él realizando múltiples traducciones de su obra, hasta el punto de que actualmente Xenofón Kokolis, crítico y estudioso de Lorca, habló de una Lorcomanía griega. Los trabajos que nos muestra el centro griego es un tributo poético in memoriam puesto que Lorca es un modelo de un lamento contemporáneo, político y griego, especialmente, en la pluma de Nikos Kavvadias.
Lorca podría describirse como un trovador contemporáneo, gracias a su contacto con la tradición española, su ocupación con el teatro y la música y su predilección por la recitación oral de la poesía, características que resul-
Federico García Lorca también fue un defensor de la cultura, como se puede leer en el discurso que pronunció en 1931 durante la inauguración de la biblioteca de su pueblo natal, Fuente Vaqueros. Para Lorca, la cultura posee un valor muy importante no sólo para el crecimiento económico, sino como complemento intelectual y moral. No sólo de pan vive el hombre. Yo, si tuviera hambre y estuviera desvalido en la calle no pediría un pan; sino que pediría medio pan y un libro. Y yo ataco desde aquí violentamente a los que solamente hablan de reivindicaciones económicas sin nombrar jamás las reivindicaciones culturales que es lo que los pueblos piden a gritos. Bien está que todos los hombres coman, pero que todos los hombres sepan. Que gocen todos los frutos del espíritu humano porque lo contrario es convertirlos en máquinas al servicio de Estado, es convertirlos en esclavos de una terrible organización social. Estas dos ideas, la de las naciones sin fronteras, la de la no discriminación por razones de raza o nacionalidad, y la idea del amor a los libros, a la cultura en general, son las que los que nos dedicamos a la enseñanza queremos transmitiros a vosotros, alumnos, todos los días del curso y, en especial, durante los años que dure nuestro proyecto en el que la palabra de Lorca une ciudades tan lejanas como Heraclion, Helsinki y Alcantarilla. Purificación Martínez Directora IES Francisco Salzillo
Verde viento. Verdes ramas. El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montaña. Con la sombra en la cintura ella sueña en su baranda, verde carne, pelo verde, con ojos de fría plata. Verde que te quiero verde. Bajo la luna gitana, las cosas le están mirando y ella no puede mirarlas.
Verde que te quiero verde. Grandes estrellas de escarcha, vienen con el pez de sombra que abre el camino del alba. La higuera frota su viento con la lija de sus ramas, y el monte, gato garduño, eriza sus pitas agrias. ¿Pero quién vendrá? ¿Y por dónde...? Ella sigue en su baranda, verde carne, pelo verde, soñando en la mar amarga. hiel, esta verde baranda!
Somos Erasmus + Multilingualism In Europe & Finland any know the stereotype of a European; Not from any specific country, just about anyone from inside the EU. The well-dressed, classy and handsome man or a beautiful, blonde woman with prominent and beautiful facial features. They’re all intellectuals, cultured and enjoy a wide variety of activities from fencing to going to the opera and theatre, and somehow all of them supposedly speak English, French, German and maybe a third language of their native country.
But how do you explain it when some people speak more than three and up to five (and more) languages and almost always seem to be European? For example me; I am Finnish. Finland is a country, in which the oldest people don’t always speak English, but the generations coming after the ones who were alive during the continuum war usually do, at least to some degree, and statistically, the more young the generation is, the more fluent they are in English. Along with English and Finnish, I also speak more or less decent Swedish. This is easily explained by the fact that Swedish is our second official language, and there are natives who speak Swedish as their mother tongue. Swedish is a mandatory language in our schools and needs to be studied AT LEAST on a B-language (beginner secondary language) level, and thus we already have three mandatory languages; Finnish, English and Swedish. Many people also choose to study a fourth one (such as myself) because for example knowing Russian can be handy in a country located right next to Russia. German is also a common choice, Spanish and French are a bit rarer.
It does seem exaggerated, and if anyone with a functional brain was to believe in the stereotype mentioned above, I, personally, would claim that they are not in their right mind and probably have lived underneath a rock their whole life. While it is true that some Americans tend to romanticize Europeans very much, claiming that just the fact alone that you have been born in a European country makes you a classy gentleman or a fine lady is absolutely ridiculous. However, there seems to be that one thing that always comes up when talking about Europeans. Their Linguistic skills. How come almost all Europeans speak at least two or more languages? The question that seems to always linger in the minds of my American friends, when I tell them that I study multiple languages alongside my native one. I’ve explained to them countless times that most European countries do not speak English as a native language, aside from the British Isles, from where English spread throughout the world during the glorious days of the Age of Discovery and the British Empire. Europe, however, is still crowded with countries that all have their own native languages, and in some countries, the fluency in English is very low. They may know English as a language, and they may speak it on a mediocre level, but by no means are they fluent in it. This would be the case only in some countries, and nowadays the education level in all European countries tends to be so good that especially the younger population speaks very good English.
I’d say that it is indeed the close proximity of other countries that speak completely different languages that drives especially middle- and northern Europeans to study more languages. For example Switzerland where they commonly speak German, French and Italian, it is usually necessary to know a bit of everything at the very least, plus English, because it is an international language that is enough to get you around almost anywhere in the more developed world- Obviously getting along with a man from the countryside of rural china who only speaks Mandarin Chinese can prove to be a little tricky, but you’ll be able to get around with English only in most parts of Europe. Europeans speak more languages In general, because the countries they live in often have exchange on many different areas (Business, tourism, financial & military etc.) in between the neighboring ones, and thus offer a more wide variety of languages because a 18
Somos Erasmus + typical European person actually can profit from learning these languages, whereas in America, it’s more likely to be “just for fun” and doesn’t usually increase your chances of getting an average Job a graduated college student would be qualified and fit for, especially when assuming that they already have previous experience from different jobs. “Just for fun” languages aren’t a bad thing either, because you never know when it could actually help you in some way, and especially for someone who lives by the motto of “I rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it” and has motivation for languages, go for it! Foreign languages also expand your sense of culture and diversity and in general, can make you much less prejudiced and bigoted towards other people, especially from other countries. It is also easy to assume that since Europe is a continent with many countries that all speak very different languages, for someone who wants to do business or work inside the EU but not only in their own country, it would be an advantage to be fluent in multiple languages that could, in the best case scenario, actually help them expand their business or get their dream job. Another point worth mentioning is that a lot of people move to different countries inside the EU, for whatever personal reasons they may have, it is still a LOT easier to at least know one language of that said country to help you get by, even if it’s not the first official language of said country. Anyone who speaks Swedish well enough wouldn’t have too much trouble surviving in the Swedish-speaking parts of Finland, even if they didn’t know a single word in Finnish.
thesis of this entire essay into words; Europeans simply profit more from knowing multiple languages than N. Americans usually do. (However, there are holes in this claim; in Areas such as Quebec and the cities where the Latin American population is very high, it would make sense to know both English and the language the majority of the local population speaks.) However, knowing foreign languages never really hurts anyone, and it can actually give you much more than you think; not a lot of Astrid Lindgren’s books are known outside the Nordic Countries, but they are a big part of especially Swedish (but also Finnish) culture; If more people knew either of these languages, the chances of them stumbling upon the books would increase the odds of them spreading more on a world-wide scale. Same goes for Moomins, except that the Japanese seem to have an odd liking for them. Oh well- A foreign language could indeed turn out to be an advantage, so if you have motivation and are interested in learning something new, maybe a language wouldn’t be a bad choice? Considering that a lot of European languages also have similar grammatical rules, learning those wouldn’t be too difficult, either. Matthew Niemelä (Finland)
Backtracking to the previous comparisons to most of the Northern American population and Europeans, It is now much easier to put the
Somos Erasmus + All roads lead to Germany! t is widely known that Germany is one of the first countries in the list of not only the superpower countries in the field of economy, but also of the most sought – after European countries as far as the offer of quite qualitative, higher education is concerned. It is about a country with over 380 officially recognized universities, which offer 17.000 studying programs to the up-coming active members in the employment world. Haven’t you tried it yet?
first three times of written examination, or in the oral trial, then he is deleted from every single university of the country that contains that lesson.
Student from another country? No problem! Currently, there aren’t few those, who due to various reasons, decide to trust the key for a successful professional future, their studies, in the hands of a more developed country in comparison with their homeland. In that way, Germany is such a country that accepts a large number of foreign students, becoming, thus, a multicultural centre. Hence, in the vast majority of its universities total English courses are conducted for the newcomers. The student, then, is going to enhance his level in the German language, through his daily contact with German speakers. Generally speaking, communication is direct and easy by owing knowledge of the German language at B2 level.
The educational system in Germany In Germany, as well as in every country, there is a differentiation between public and private universities. Public ones are financed totally by the state not only for German but also for international students, while in private ones the fees are to some extent too expensive. These, accordingly, are segregated into three kinds: the universities, famous for their theoretical education, the art, film and music advanced colleges that pertain to the artistic subject and, finally, the advanced technical colleges, which cover the scientific and the social domain.
Scholarships Germany is a country famous for its insight in many fields, one of which clearly is education. Thus, it is impossible not to support students from all over the world, who, notwithstanding their remarkable potential, are not able to afford their expansion and promotion. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) support these young people, by offering scholarships to alumnus students with an average grade of seven out of ten at their basic degree for one academic year with a possibility of expanding it. Additionally, students have the chance to attend their classes in an overseas country for one semester, through the Erasmus program.
To begin with, the first degree that one can get is called Bachelor and it can be obtained after six to eight semesters. Afterwards, the Master degree follows, after another two to four semesters and, finally, the degree’s scale is completed by the MBA that requires at least four to eight years of occupation. After certain semesters, the student has to use their theoretical knowledge into real-life working environment, for some weeks or months, during the internship. The tested employee is not paid with a monthly salary, but his / her effort is rewarded by a symbolic sum of money. The final parts of the semesters come with exams. In Germany, things are clear and strict: the student has the chance to attend only the compulsory classes and workshops, that believe me, are only few! However, in the exams there is no “grace period”, in other words, if the student doesn’t pass the lesson either in the
Student life – Money matters! Let’s start from the part of residence. In Germany, as well as in different countries abroad, students are used to sharing their apartment with their peers so as to reduce the total cost. Alternatively, they can also search for places in 20
Somos Erasmus + the residential homes of their university where, as a rule, the cost of residence doesn’t exceed 250 euros. Moreover, students have to pay for a sum of money called “semester ticket” on a monthly basis between 150 and 250 euros, depending on the city. The student – owner is able to visit cultural places, cafeterias, sport facilities but also to move by train or bus, either with a reduced cost or free. Furthermore, in Germany, health insurance is obligatory for students, offering also the opportunity to maintain its cost, if they owned one in their homeland. Finally, we shouldn’t forget the most necessary expenses: those of the daily routine (e.g. Books, food, clothing, free time e.tc). These expenses reach the number of 750, depending on the country and obviously on the person!
Stavroula Tsagaraki (Greece)
(image: http://www.study-in-germany.biz/en/)
Why Germany? In a country, where the educational system is underlying to a host of helpful reforms that aim to the direct improvement of its universities, to the balance’s maintenance of the employment percentages as well as the efficient development of the country, in general, the education’s quality couldn’t have anything less than a global prestige and power. On top of that, Germany is renowned as “the country of researchers” while the field of research is notably evolved. Last but not least, it’s needless to highlight the countless working places offered, based on the country’s financial force that makes it a superpower worldwide. To conclude, I argue you to think twice about rejecting the possibility of studying in Germany! 21
Somos Erasmus + Education system in China n China, primary school education is compulsory and it lasts 6 years. Junior (lower) secondary education lasts three years following the completion of primary school. After the completion of junior (lower) secondary school, students can choose to enter either general (academic) senior secondary school or vocational senior secondary school. Vocational education programs are offered at both the secondary and post-secondary levels. Higher education is provided by institutions of various types including general and technical universities, specialized institutions, professional universities, military institutions, medical schools and colleges, independent colleges, and adult higher education institutions of various types.
Masters degree. Those who get their Masters degree can apply to pursue a PhD degree, and it usually takes about three years to graduate.
Educational system for foreigners in China A variety of programs are offered at schools in China for foreigners. Foreigners are exempt from the gaokao. An application, copies of visa and passport, school records, physical exam, photo and proof of language proficiency are all most students need to gain acceptance to undergraduate and graduate programmes at schools in China. Chinese language proficiency is typically demonstrated by taking the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK exam). Most schools require a score of level 6 (on a scale of 1 to 11) to enter undergraduate and graduate programs.
Educational sector in China
Daily life in universities In China, students generally live in school dormitories and eat in the school canteens. Universities admitting foreign students have established separate dormitories and canteens for them. When conditions permit, foreign students can also share dormitories with Chinese students. Besides the time for class, students will have enough time to do the things they are interested in. Nearly all the universities have offered various fully equipped facilities for the convenience of students for spare time sports activities.
Chinese education is the largest education system in the world. Today, the Ministry of Education estimates that 99.7 percent of the population area of the country has achieved universal nine-year basic education. Over the past few years, the number of international students who study abroad in China has significantly increased every year. China is seeking to improve the quality of education through a major effort at curriculum reform. Once teachers are employed in school, there is a system of induction and continuous professional development in which groups of teachers work together with master teachers on lesson plans and improvement. Tuition fees in Chinese universities are in the range £1,320–2,400 per academic year, depending on the institution and subject. The Chinese government has created a series of scholarship schemes to encourage international students to undertake studies and research in Chinese higher education institutions.
Why study in China? / Benefits of studying in Chinese Universities You'll have read the hype about China’s booming economy and the line about 5,000 years of history – what does that actually mean if you are about to step off a plane to study in one of the world’s fastest-developing countries? China’s growing economy over the past three decades has mainly benefitted the east and south east of China, including the bustling cities of Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong and other coastal areas, where many Fortune 500 companies have entered the booming regional market and established their Asia-Pacific headquarters. Today, a large number of international students (approximately 41,000) are majoring in an increasing number of subjects, ranging from Chinese language, calligraphy, and martial arts
Higher Education / Education in Universities, Colleges or professional schools The higher education (usually known as college education) usually starts when students are over 18, and it’s composed of tertiary vocational school (two or three years), a technological academy (three years) and an undergraduate school (four years), but only undergraduate school students will get their bachelors degree. The undergraduate school students can continue their education through a graduate record examination, and those who pass it will study in a graduate school for three years and get their 22
Somos Erasmus + to engineering, computer science, medicine, international business and MBAs. In 2009 English language tuition was available in more than 250 programmes at 38 universities, according to the Chinese Ministry of Education. Some 40,000 foreign students visit China each year to study the Chinese language and culture, and to take advantage of the Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Programme. Reading all the major information above, I personally feel that Chinese Education and Universities are preferable and in general I think that China plays a leading role in education. I would suggest students not ignore education in China and keep Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Universities in mind.
(image: http://www.theguardian.com/highereducation-network/blog/2012/jun/21/ opportunities-in-transnational-education)v Marina Striliga ( Greece)
Somos Erasmus + The higher education in the United States igher education in the United States is an optional final stage of formal learning following secondary education. Strong research and funding have helped make American colleges and universities among the world's most prestigious, making them particularly attractive to international students, professors and researchers in the pursuit of academic excellence.
called credits or credit hours. The system of units is based on the number of hours of taught lessons per week. To most courses are corresponding 3 units. All postgraduate programs require the completion of a minimum number of units.
Higher education in the US consists of colleges and universities, public and private. There are the 4-year colleges or else community colleges, so named because they offer undergraduate programs that last for four years and their completion is awarded with the title Bachelor's Degree, which corresponds to the Diploma awarded by the Greek AEI Universities. Some of them offer postgraduate programs, and, mostly, do not provide students with the opportunity of doctoral thesis. The institutes or otherwise liberal arts colleges usually offer postgraduate
Universities on the other hand are educational institutions oriented towards research, universities are higher education institutions in the US offering postgraduate programs. Many universities consist of one or more colleges. In general, private colleges and universities in the US charge much higher fees than their public counterparts, which rely on state funds to cover the difference, but with the exception of the economic factor, there aren't other differences between private and public educational institutions as high quality programs are offered by both types of institutions. Also, most colleges and universities in the US charge higher tuition fees for foreign students, because every state sup-
programs, which are specialized in a science industry. There are several institutes such as Institutes of Technology, Institutes of Fashion, Institutes of Art & Design, which offer graduate programs in science classes. Most courses offered within graduate programs have a duration of one academic semester and upon completion of their monitoring the student completes units
ports its own university system with state taxes. There is no official list of the best 10, 20, 50 or 100 Universities in the US. The assessments of universities are likely to come across in the press, they are usually made by journalists and may be based on a variety of criteria, which does not always include the quality of studies. Therefore it is recommended to be especially 24
Somos Erasmus +
careful with evaluations that do not explain in detail the criteria on which they are based.
and $ 40,000 in a private nonprofit college / university. With these data we can conclude that the US is one of the most expensive nations as reference studies of higher education. However, as US colleges and universities prioritize internationalization, the number of international scholarships has increased dramatically, and it appears that this trend is likely to continue.
The basic requirements for admission to postgraduate courses in US universities is a good academic background, which is determined by the average grade of your first degree (usually required 7 - 7.5 / 10), relevant work experience, good CV, the performance in academic quiz GRE / GRE subject test / GMAT, performance in tests of knowledge of English. The educational institutions of the USA generally accept candidates obtaining a TOEFL degree above 213 at the computer-based test or more than 550 at the paper-based test. For admission to the undergraduate program what is necessary is the high school diploma, which is the basic formal requirement. Second requirement is the SAT, the stronger the university of choice the more likely to seek testing at Scholastic Aptitude Test. The SAT I measures the proficiency and skills of students in mathematics. The SAT II measures the student's level of knowledge in certain subjects. The test is offered six times a year. Finally, the student must have TOEFL, which examines the knowledge of the candidate in the general English and not in some specialized terminology.
Finally, studies in the US have many benefits and advantages. Firstly the United States of America has more institutions of higher education than any other country in the world. However, the most important thing is the quality of these academic institutions. Most American colleges and universities offer leading training programs with highly qualified teaching staff. The research done in universities is often published in journals worldwide. Many of the teachers in these schools are leading authorities in their field. The list of world-class education institutions in the USA is endless. Also technological development and good organization have promoted the American colleges and universities to establish a global focus and recognition which makes US universities cultural centers, since there are students gathered from all over the world.
The reference to student life costs for tuition, housing, transport and other daily expenses for foreigner students in the US is around $ 35,000 at a public college / university
Vasilios Samniotis ( Greece) 25
Somos Erasmus + The educational system of Greece-Higher Education he higher education of Greece directly concerns all the students, of Greek nationality or not, that wish to study in this country. Except that, it is also important that they know some information about things that they will encounter when they become students in a university (eg. expenses/year, scholarships etc.).
TEI offer expertise are the following: Graphic Arts and Art Studies, Management and Economics, Health and Welfare Professions, Technology Applications, Food and Nutrition Technology , Agricultural Technology, Music Technology.
Finally there is also the Higher Education in which belong schools that have to do with religion, public policy, tourism, the navy, and the army. The courses, except for some special undergraduate and postgraduate programs, are taught in Greek. However, through the program “Greek Language and Culture”, an 8-month scholarship is offered for the learning of the Greek language.
Beginning with the structure of the higher education of Greece, we need to say that it is divided in three categories. The first category is the Higher University Education, which includes the Universities, the Polytechnics, the Hellenic open University and the Higher School of Fine Arts. Studies last for 4 to 6 years and they focus on the theoretical learning of sciences. Studies in universities offer degrees in the fields of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, Exact Sciences, Health Sciences, Technological Sciences, Economics and Management Sciences. The Hellenic Open University gives the opportunity to people of older age groups to participate, but the studies are not free.
The scholarships are provided by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), to Greek and foreign students, in various levels (undergraduate, postgraduate etc). Furthermore, by winning a scholarship by IKY, the students have the opportunity to fulfill a part of their studies in the European institutions with whom the Foundation cooperates (like CERN, HCHC the Hellenic College of Boston and more). One could win a scholarship if they did very well at the entering exams in the Greek Institutions of Higher Education or during their studies if they excel, if they are financially weak or meet some other requirements.
Then follows the Higher Technological Education with the Technological Educational Institutes (TEI). In contrast to the universities, the TEI focus more on the application, rather than the high knowledge, of the sciences to the production. The students have the ability to practice the profession for one out of the 8 semesters, under guidance –and later evaluationof the teacher. Some of the fields to which the
Apart from the scholarships, another important issue of the student life are its expenses, which, based on the research of Chris
University of Crete (image: http://www.foititikanea.gr)
Somos Erasmus + Katsikas, they range in somewhat large amounts. For Greek student that has left the city where he lived to study in another one, if he rents an apartment their expenses reach up to 10 to 11 thousand euros per year, while if they stay in the dormitories/student residences the cost drops at about 5 thousand five hundred euros. The “immigrant” student seems to spent about three hundred euros for rent (flatlet), food and transportation, and about a hundred for purchases, entertainment and other expencses.
structions given by the Ministry of Education (http://www.minedu.gov.gr/home/dioikitikaeggrafa/92-eggrafa-eksetaseon-allodaponallogenon/13727-10-07-15-2016), in order to become successfully members of the school/ university of their choice. In conclusion, these are the main information that someone who wishes to study in Greece has to know, so as to be prepared for their future in this country.
Regarding of the foreign students, if they intend on studying in Greece, they should bring some specific certificates (ID, passport, aa copy of the computerized application form among other things), (http:www.minedu.gov.gr/publications/ docs2015/010715_2015_odigies_allodapoi.pdf), and then they would have to follow some in-
Hermione Papanikolaou Greece
Το εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα της Ελλάδας-Τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση της Ελλάδας αφορά άμεσα όσους μαθητές, Ελληνική εθνικότητας και μη, επιθυμούν να πραγματοποιήσουν τις σπουδές τους σε αυτή τη χώρα. Εκτός αυτού, σημαντικό είναι ακόμα να γνωρίζουν κάποιες πληροφορίες για πράγματα που θα αντιμετωπίσουν όταν γίνουν φοιτητές (όπως τα έξοδα ανά χρόνο, υποτροφίες κ.α.). Ξεκινώντας με την δομή της τριτοβάθμιας δωρεάν εκπαίδευσης της Ελλάδας, θα πρέπει να πούμε ότι χωρίζεται σε τρεις κατηγορίες. Πρώτη κατηγορία είναι η Ανώτατη Πανεπιστημιακή Εκπαίδευση, στην οποία ανήκουν τα Πανεπιστήμια, τα Πολυτεχνεία, το Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο και η Ανώτατη Σχολή Καλών τεχνών. Οι σπουδές διαρκούν από 4 έως 6 χρόνια και επικεντρώνονται στη θεωρητική εκμάθηση των επιστημών. Οι σπουδές στα πανεπιστήμια παρέχουν πτυχία στα πεδία των Ανθρωπιστικών, Νομικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, Θετικών Επιστημών, Επιστημών Υγείας, Τεχνολογικών Επιστημών και τέλος στων Επιστημών Οικονομίας και Διοίκησης. Εκτός από τα παραπάνω εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα, λειτουργεί επίσης το Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο όπου μπορούν να συμμετέχουν και άτομα μεγαλύτερων ηλικιακών ομάδων, αλλά οι σπουδές συνοδεύονται από δίδακτρα.
Τεχνολογική Εκπαίδευση με τα Τεχνολογικά Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα (ΤΕΙ). Σε αντίθεση με τα πανεπιστήμια, τα ΤΕΙ εστιάζουν περισσότερο στην εφαρμογή των επιστημών στην τεχνολογία και όχι τόσο στην υψηλή κατάρτιση. Οι μαθητές έχουν την δυνατότητα να εξασκήσουν για ένα εξάμηνο από τα συνολικά 8, το επάγγελμα υπό καθοδήγηση –και αργότερα– αξιολόγηση από τον καθηγητή. Μερικοί από τους τομείς στους οποίους προσφέρει ειδίκευση είναι οι Γραφικών Τεχνών και Καλλιτεχνικών Σπουδών, Διοίκησης και Οικονομίας, Επαγγελμάτων Υγείας και Πρόνοιας και Τεχνολογικών Εφαρμογών.
Τέλος, υπάρχει και η Ανώτερη Εκπαίδευση, με σχολές που αφορούν στη θρησκεία, στην τέχνη, στη δημόσια τάξη, στον τουρισμό, στο ναυτικό και στο στρατό. Τα μαθήματα, εκτός από κάποια ειδικά προπτυχιακά και μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα, γίνονται στα Ελληνικά. Για τους ξενόγλωσσους σπουδαστές, προσφέρεται μέσω του προγράμματος «Ελληνική Γλώσσα και Πολιτισμός» με υποτροφία 8 μηνών εκμάθηση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας. Οι υποτροφίες δίνονται από το Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών (ΙΚΥ) σε Έλληνες και αλλοεθνείς μαθητές σε διάφορα επίπεδα (προπτυχιακό, μεταπτυχιακό κλπ.). Επίσης, κερδίζοντας υποτροφία από το ΙΚΥ, οι φοιτητές έχουν την ευκαιρία να πραγματοποιήσουν
Ανώτατη 27
Somos Erasmus + μέρος των σπουδών τους στους Ευρωπαϊκούς οργανισμούς με τους οποίους συνεργάζεται το Ίδρυμα (όπως το CERN, το HCHC Ελληνικό Κολλέγιο Βοστώνης κ.α.). Κάποιος μπορεί να λάβει υποτροφία αν έχει διακριθεί στις εισαγωγικές εξετάσεις στα Ανώτατα Πανεπιστημιακά Ιδρύματα ή και κατά την διάρκεια των σπουδών του αν αριστεύει, είναι οικονομικά αδύναμος, ή πληροί κάποιες άλλες προϋποθέσεις.
αντίγραφο του μηχανογραφικού δελτίου και άλλα (http://www.minedu.gov.gr/publications/ docs2015/010715_2015_odigies_allodapoi.pdf), ενώ στη συνέχεια πρέπει να ακολουθήσουν κάποιες οδηγίες που παρέχονται από το Υπουργείο Παιδείας (http://www.minedu.gov.gr/ home/dioikitika-eggrafa/92-eggrafa-eksetaseonallodapon-allogenon/13727-10-07-15-2016), ώστε να γίνουν επιτυχώς μέλη του πανεπιστημίου/σχολής της επιθυμίας τους.
Πλην των υποτροφιών, άλλο ένα σημαντικό θέμα της φοιτητικής ζωής είναι τα έξοδά της, που βάσει μια έρευνα του Χρήστου Κάτσικα, κυμαίνονται σε κάπως μεγάλα ποσά. Για έναν Έλληνα φοιτητή ο οποίος έχει φύγει από την πόλη στην οποία διέμενε για να σπουδάσει σε μια άλλη, αν νοικιάζει διαμέρισμα τα έξοδά του φτάνουν έως και τα 10 με 11 χιλιάδες ευρώ το χρόνο, ενώ αν διαμένει στις φοιτητικές εστίες η τιμή πέφτει στα περίπου 5 χιλιάδες πεντακόσια ευρώ. Ο «μετανάστης» σπουδαστής φαίνεται να ξοδεύει γύρω στα τριακόσια ευρώ για ενοίκιο (γκαρσονιέρα), φαγητό και μετακινήσεις και περίπου εκατό για αγορές, διασκέδαση και άλλα έξοδα.
Οι πληροφορίες αυτές λοιπόν είναι οι κυριότερες που πρέπει να ξέρει κάποιος που επιθυμεί να σπουδάσει στην Ελλάδα, για να είναι προετοιμασμένος για το μέλλον του σε αυτήν την χώρα. Ερμιόνη Παπανικολάου
Όσον αφορά τους αλλοεθνείς φοιτητές, αν σκοπεύουν να σπουδάσουν στην Ελλάδα πρέπει να φέρουν κάποια συγκεκριμένα δικαιολογητικά (ταυτότητα, διαβατήριο,
Somos Erasmus + Sistema educativo español: LOE vs LOMCe a Ley Orgánica de Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (LOMCE), supone un cambio importante sobre la ley anterior LOE, aún vigente en muchos cursos. Se defiende esta reforma como el cambio necesario para dejar atrás las alarmantes cifras de abandono escolar temprano y los mediocres resultados en las comparaciones internacionales.
Además la LOMCE ha sido muy criticada por los siguientes motivos:
1. No considera la educación como derecho fundamental. 2. Antepone el mercado a la educación. 3. Planea instaurar una reválida. 4. No aspira el éxito de todo el alumnado. 5. La F.P. básica conduce a un callejón sin salida. 6. Propone la financiación de los centros según los resultados.
A continuación haré un análisis específico de ambas leyes, haciendo referencia en cómo se dividen las mismas, así como las finalidades o concepciones educativas de ambas leyes. La nueva ley de educación LOMCE se ha empezado a implantar en nuestros centros con cambios que van a afectar al funcionamiento de los centros, en la planificación de horarios, distribución de grupos, nuevos currículos, etc…, en definitiva al trabajo diario de los profesores, además con grandes diferencias con la ley anterior LOE.
En general, la LOE apuesta por una educación que atienda a la diversidad, igualdad y cohesión social, y que pretende el éxito es colar de todos.
Sistema educativo flexible basado en el principio de una educación común con atención a la diversidad
Preámbulo preciso y explícito. Responde a un sentido inclusivo de la educación.
La naturaleza del talento difiere de un estudiante a otro, por lo que la misión o finalidad del sistema educativo será reconocer dichos talentos y potenciarlos. Además dentro de sus principios o finalidades para la mejora del sistema educativo, sitúa a las evaluaciones externas como una de las medidas llamadas a mejorar de manera más directa la calidad del sistema educativo. Estructura educativa en abanico con opciones progresivamente divergentes hacia las que se canaliza al alumnado en función de su fortaleza y aspiraciones y donde hay un sistema de pruebas(3º y 6º de primaria 4º ESO y 2º bachillerato) donde es imprescindible aprobar Preámbulo general y elusivo. Responde a una concepción ideológica individualista y diferenciadora. Se hace mucho énfasis en la comunicación lingüística.
Somos Erasmus + Con la L.O.M.C.E el sistema educativo quedarĂa de esta manera:
Somos Erasmus + criminación, con el objetivo fundamental de lograr la necesaria cohesión social.
Debilidades LOE La falta de previsión y la metodología. Los profesores fijan objetivos para las materias que muchos alumnos no pueden alcanzar y sus técnicas no motivan lo suficiente como para mantener la atención de los estudiantes. El número de ayudas y becas han mejorado, pero la inversión sigue siendo escasa y necesitamos estar a la altura de nuestros vecinos europeos. Hay poca implicación familiar y deberían mejorar las tutorías entre profesores y padres para que sepamos cómo educar a sus hijos. No existe una mínima individualización o personalización de la enseñanza hacia el alumno. Los profesores están desprotegidos y faltos de incentivos. La inversión tendría que ser mucho mayor. Debería elaborarse una ley presupuestaria específica que asegurase que el dinero destinado a educación se invierta realmente en este campo. Además, actualmente el alumno es un mero receptor que no toma parte activa en su propia educación.
Ventajas LOMCE La universalización de la educación. La mejora de la calidad en función de los resultados de los estudiantes y no de los niveles de inversión. Reducir la tasa de abandono de estudios. Darle más autoridad a los colegios y al profesor, a pesar de que como veremos se van a realizar una serie de pruebas externas al centro en diferentes cursos del sistema educativo, por lo que no me parece que con esto se le esté dando más autoridad al colegio y a los profesores, sino que se la está quitando. También muestra la importancia de las TIC, algo que en la sociedad en la que vivimos es esencial.
Debilidades LOMCE
Mejorar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Conclusión
La ley elimina la prohibición de subvencionar a los colegios privados que discriminan a sus alumnos por razón de sexo y las administraciones podrán concertar financiación de centros que eduquen separadamente por sexos, siempre que no exista discriminación entre el alumnado.
En mi opinión después de la comparación de las dos leyes educativas, el mayor problema es la falta de consenso de los políticos y las entidades educativas para la elaboración de una nueva ley educativa y su permanencia en el tiempo, se debería tener en cuenta los valores predeterminantes de la LOE y los valores de mejora en la preparación de la LOMCE.
Permite elaborar rankings con las evaluaciones. Algunos expertos avisan de que estas listas favorecerán a los colegios con buenos resultados y hará que aquellos con peores notas salgan mal parados.
Desde mi punto de vista, la LOMCE es un buen sistema, preparado para crear un gran número de personas muy cualificadas, pero, creo que se deberían hacer distintas reformas como la eliminación de las revalidas, sobre todo en la educación primaria, aumento de ratio en las aulas y la falta de inversión en la escuela pública.
Las autonomías perderán capacidad de decisión sobre los contenidos educativos, ya que la reforma educativa aumenta la capacidad del Gobierno central para fijar hasta el 65% de los contenidos de las enseñanzas mínimas para las comunidades con lengua cooficial y el 75% para el resto. Ventajas LOE
Pablo Cascales (Spain)
Se habla de mejorar la educación para una mejora calidad de vida. Promueve la solidaridad y evita la dis31
Somos Erasmus + What is an immigrant? refugee is any person who is outside the State in which he is a citizen and not because they want to but because they are forced . Forced i.e.to leave the country because of ethnic, racial and religious persecution or because they belong to a particular social group which is being prosecuted. Also the refugee cannot or does not want to return to his homeland because the State is unable or unwilling to protect him and threatens his life. Additional risks are to fall victim to exploitation and to lose his intellectual rights.
The reasons of immigration are threefold: war, natural disasters and extreme weather phenomena. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s take the first cause, namely war, we can see that every kind of war forces in a violent way the residents of an area to leave against their will. An example of a current war which has caused a huge wave of refugees is the war in Syria where daily because of dangerous living situations, thousands of people are fleeing in order to find a better life.
Although natural disasters and extreme weather conditions caused major problems in the lives of residents, they were forced to leave because their lives are now on that land are horrific and unbearable.
Since he can't return to his homeland he is entitled to asylum and international protection in the country he temporarily resides. They are entitled to seek asylum based on the principle of the Universal Declaration of human rights. To grant a country asylum for refugees is not an act of charity nor goodwill but obligation based on international treaties and national laws.
Some examples of natural disasters are earthquakes, tsunamis, a fire, landslides. While, with the term extreme weather events we mean floods, droughts.
Causes of immigration
Lydia Ambrosiadi Greece
The reasons giving rise to the phenomenon of immigration are different and depend on the circumstances at the given period of time, from the place that the inhabitants leave and the country they reside.
(image: http://natgeotv.com) 32
Somos Erasmus + Τι είναι πρόσφυγας; ρόσφυγας είναι ο κάθε άνθρωπος που είναι εκτός του κράτους στο οποίο είναι πολίτης, όχι επειδή το θέλει αλλά επειδή είναι αναγκασμένος. Αναγκάζεται δηλαδή να εγκαταλείψει την χώρα του εξαιτίας εθνικής, φυλετικής, θρησκευτικής δίωξης ή και κοινωνικής.
σεισμοί, τα τσουνάμι, μια πυρκαγιά, κατολισθήσεις κτλ. Ενώ με τον όρο ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα εννοούμε τις πλημμύρες, τις ξηρασίες κτλ.
Παρ’ όλα αυτά, είναι λιγότερο φρικτές και βίαιες αιτίες σε σχέση με τον πόλεμο. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, δεν είναι ένα πρόβλημα που δημιουργήθηκε από τον άνθρωπο αλλά από τη φύση.
Επίσης, ο πρόσφυγας δεν μπορεί ή δεν θέλει να επιστρέψει στην πατρίδα του διότι το κράτος δεν μπορεί ή δεν θέλει να τον προστατεύσει και κινδυνεύει η ζωή του.
Αμβροσιάδη Λυδία Επιπλέον κινδυνεύει να πέσει θύμα εκμετάλλευσης και να χάσει Αφού λοιπόν δεν μπορεί να επιστρέψει στην πατρίδα του, δικαιούται άσυλο και διεθνή προστασία στη χώρα που καταφεύγει, με βάση την Αρχή της Οικουμενικής Διακήρυξης των Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων. Επομένως, το να χορηγήσει μια χώρα άσυλο σε πρόσφυγες δεν είναι πράξη φιλανθρωπίας ούτε δείγμα καλής θέλησης αλλά υποχρέωση με βάση διεθνείς συνθήκες και εθνικούς νόμους. Αιτίες της προσφυγιάς Οι λόγοι που γεννούν το φαινόμενο της προσφυγιάς είναι διάφοροι κι εξαρτώνται από τις συνθήκες που επικρατούν κατά τη δεδομένη χρονική περίοδο, στον τόπο προέλευσης και προορισμού των προσφύγων. Αναλυτικά, οι λόγοι της προσφυγιάς είναι τρείς: ο πόλεμος, οι φυσικές καταστροφές και τα ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα. Παίρνοντας την πρώτη αιτία, δηλαδή τον πόλεμο, βλέπουμε ότι κάθε είδος πολέμου αναγκάζει με βίαιο τρόπο τους κατοίκους μιας περιοχής να φύγουν, παρά την θέληση τους. Ένα παράδειγμα πολέμου που διαδραματίζεται στις μέρες μας και έχει προκαλέσει ένα τεράστιο κύμα προσφύγων είναι ο πόλεμος στην Συρία, όπου καθημερινά εξαιτίας των επικίνδυνων συνθηκών ζωής που επικρατούν- χιλιάδες άνθρωποι φεύγουν με σκοπό να βρούνε μια καλύτερη ζωή. Οι φυσικές καταστροφές και τα ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα αποτελούν επίσης αιτίες αναγκαστικής μετακίνησης πληθυσμών. Κάποια παραδείγματα φυσικών καταστροφών είναι οι 33
Somos Erasmus + The refugee crisis ore than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking crisis as countries struggie to cope with the influx, and creating division in the EU over how best to deal with resettling people.
boat and overland.
In September, EU ministers voted by a majority to replace 120000 refugees EU-wide, but for now the plan will only apply to 66,000 who are in Italy and Greece.
The symbolic milestone was passed on 21 December the International Organisation for migration (IOM) said, with the total for land and sea reaching more 1,006,000.
Most of those heading for Greece take the relatively short voyage from Turkey to the islands of Kos, Chios, Lesvos and Samos (Often flimsy rubber dinghies or small wooden boats).
The figure covers entries via six European Union nations (Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Malta and Cyprus)
More than 700 died in the Aegean crossing from Greece to Turkey.
Since April 2015, the European Union has struggled to cope with the crisis, increasing funding for border patrol operations in the Mediterranean, devising plans to fight migrant smuggling, launching Operation Sophia and proposing a new quota system to relocate and resettle asylum seekers among EU states and alleviate the burden on countries on the external borders of the Union.
Amid this crisis, children are the most vulnerable of all. Many are travelling with their families, while many others are on their own. Every one of them is in need of protection and entitled to the rights guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Migrant children and women, especially those migrating without documentation, are vulnerable to trafficking, abuse and exploitation. In countries of transit and destination, migrants and their families often find themselves victims of discrimination, poverty and social marginalization.
Where do come from them? The conflict in Syria continues to be by far the biggest driver of the migration. But the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, abuses in Eritrea, as well as poverty in Kosovo are also leading people to look for new lives elsewhere.
Angela Pardo ( Espa単a)
T e n sions in the EU have been rising because of the disproportionate burden faced by some countries particularly Greece. Italy and Hungary where migrants have been arriving by 34
Somos Erasmus + Solidaridad en Atenas n agosto de 2015, el calor abrumador apenas dejaba respirar. Personas cargando bolsas tuvieron que acercarse a un campo de refugiados en el céntrico parque Areos, en Atenas, conocido como el Campo de Marte.
n August 2015, the overwhelming heat hardly breathe. People carrying bags had to approach a refugee camp in the central Areos park in Athens, known as the Champ de Mars.
This park will become home to some 200 families who survived two weeks in this camp looking to continue his journey to other European cities and the pace of arrivals to the islands (Lesbos, Samos, Chios, Leros and Kos) was approximately 600 people per day. A shocking figure.
Este parque se convirtió en el hogar de unas 200 familias que sobrevivieron unas dos semanas en este campamento buscando continuar su viaje a otras ciudades europeas y el ritmo de las llegadas a las islas (Lesbos, Samos, Quios, Leros y Kos) fue de aproximadamente 600 personas por día. Una cifra impactante.
Away from the tourist town, the lives of these 200 families in the Areos Park goes unnoticed for thousands of visitors and is completely ignored by the government of Syriza.
Alejado del casco turístico de la ciudad, la vida de estas 200 familias en el parque Areos pasa inadvertida para los miles de visitantes y es completamente ignorada por el gobierno de Syriza.
It was the second refugee camp. A few months ago, a group of Syrian refugees protested outside the Greek Parliament in Syntagma Square were evicted by police.
Se trataba del segundo campamento de refugiados. Hacía unos meses, un grupo de refugiados sirios que protestaron frente al Parlamento de Grecia, en Plaza Syntagma fueron desalojados por las fuerzas policiales.
Most people were there just passing through, because they wanted to follow the way to other countries. Many were forced to leave their countries because of famine, poverty and war. Some were political refugees and others came for economic reasons.
La mayoría de las personas estaban allí solo de paso, porque deseaban seguir camino a otros países. Muchos estaban obligados a dejar sus países debido a situaciones de hambre, miseria y guerra. Algunos eran refugiados políticos y otros llegaban por razones económicas.
What moves us is the solidarity of the people of Athens would bring food and help voluntarily.
Lo que nos conmueve es la solidaridad de la gente de Atenas que iba a traer comida y a ayudar de forma voluntaria.
Today, January 2016, every day about 2,000 Syrians reach the coast of the Greek island of Lesbos refugees and, mostly, they need some help, because the sea crossing is very hard.
En la actualidad, enero de 2016, a diario llegan cerca de 2.000 refugiados sirios a las costas de la isla griega de Lesbos y, en su mayoría, necesitan algún tipo de ayuda, ya que la travesía marítima es muy dura. Por ello la Guardia Costera puso en marcha un proyecto con un robot de búsqueda y salvamento por control remoto llamado Emily (Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard). Su estructura es como un flotador mezclado con una moto de agua y es lo suficientemente grande como para sostener a cinco personas adultas a la vez, tiene forma alargada y cuenta con una cuerda para arrastrar a las personas hacia los barcos de salvamento.
Therefore, the Coast Guard launched a project with a search and rescue robot by remote control called Emily (Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard). Its structure is like mixing with a jet ski and float is large enough to hold five adults at a time, it is elongated and has a rope to drag people into the lifeboats. Juan Moya, Alejandro Sánchez, Pedro Pérez (España) 35
Somos Erasmus + Countries that accept refugees ecause of the war in Syria, many Syrian citizens have chosen to abandon their houses with an intention to move to new areas so as to ensure their safety and a living. Because of the phenomenon of increase of the refugees from Syria, many countries have opened their borders, in order to offer asylum to the immigrants.
Apart from the European countries, there are countries in the Middle East and Persian Gulf that offer care and hospitality to Syrian refugees. The country that has accepted the largest number of refugees is Saudi Arabia, which has received about 2,5 million Syrians, who are not registered as refugees and they don't live in camps “for reasons of dignity”. Furthermore, the government of Saudi Arabia financed many hospitals in Jordan. Another country that has opened its borders to refugees is the United Arab Emirates, which hosts more than 100.000, extending their residence permit and renewing their visa. Moreover, 17.000 Syrian students attend courses in educational institutions of the country. The government finances programs to provide hosting and food to Syrian refugees in the Middle East, such as a camp in Jordan, where 10.000 immigrants live. Also, the funding of medical clinics in hospitals of Jordan, which help over one million refugees is also noteworthy. In addition, Kuwait has an important role in hosting refugees, as it has accepted 120.000 Syrian refugees so far. Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Kuwait has eased the regulations for issuing visas to Syrians, who are already in the country and accept the requests for extension of their stay. According to NGOs from Kuwait, the donations of the country to support Syrian refugees are more than 85 million dollars. Overall, the countries of Persian Gulf have provided 800 million dollars to help those who suffer from the crisis in Syria. The international Red Cross recognizes that the U.A.E. is the “top of the list of donors this year”, mainly through funds which are allocated for assistance to Syrian refugees in Jordan.
The Syrian refugees choose mostly developed countries such as the European ones, but also developing countries, mostly in the Middle East. The country that has accepted the most refugees is Germany where from the beginning of the immigration crisis (beginning of 2015) about 1.5 million refugees have passed the borders. Germany needs the refugees because it has a need of cheap workforce in its industry and alongside it enhances its insurance system. Another country that accepts Syrian refugees is Sweden, in which approximately 8.000 refugees have arrived in the last few months. They have received temporary permission to be in this country and soon they will be in a position to stay there permanently. Moreover, they will have the right to bring their families to Sweden. One more country that has opened its borders to the refugees is France. Despite the two deadly terrorist attacks that it has suffered during 2015, France opens the “gates” to 30.000 refugees through the 2016-17 period. A typical example of humanity is the United Kingdom, which has made an offer to the European community to accept 20.000-25.000 refugees until 2020. However there is a small country, Greece, which makes daily heroic efforts to rescue thousands of refugees from the waters of the Aegean Sea. Consequently, Greece is the link between the East Countries and the countries of the European North. Since the beginning of the refugee crisis Syrian refugees pass daily, with whatever watercraft they find, from the coast of Turkey to the Greek islands such as Lesvos, Samos and Kos. In their effort, many refugees fail to ever reach their destination because of a shipwreck or some other disaster. In recent months, 700 lives have been lost in the Aegean Sea and 3.500 in the Mediterranean Sea turning them into liquid cemeteries. In Greece 64% of refugees are Syrians. According to the United Nations from the 1 million refugees who arrived in Northern Europe, 800.000 passed through Greece.
Consequently, we ascertain that the Syrian refugees prefer to do the dangerous journey to Europe than to travel to the countries of Persian Gulf. It is certainly a paradox, why the Syrian refugees choose to struggle with all these difficulties to be found in Europe, while they could be directed to the countries of Persian Gulf, where there is enough money (due to the oil) but also cultural elements (language , religion etc.) which are almost identical, while the path to them is probably easier and certainly quicker. The answer to that question is simple. Initially, the legislation in European countries is particularly favorable for the refugees. Officially, 36
Somos Erasmus +
the countries of Persian Gulf have not signed the UN Refugee Convention of 1951, which determines the “refugee status” and the obligations of other countries towards them. This means that there are not formal procedures to face a large refugee wave. The countries of Persian Gulf rarely give citizenship to foreigners, even to wealthy immigrants who work in these countries for many years in senior positions. Thereby, they protect the livelihood of the indigenous. On the other hand, in Europe, when an immigrant receives the “refugee status”, he has the right to remain in the country indefinitely. The Syrian refugees have access to social welfare structures, housing, education for their children and the labor market. The application process and allowances may vary from country to country in Europe. This is also the reason why so many Syrians seek asylum in Germany or in Sweden rather than stay in Hungary, in Austria or in Greece. The principle, however, remains the same. In conclusion, we see the countries, which open their “doors” to ensure a better life to weary Syrian refugees and why they choose European countries than the countries of the Middle East or those of the Persian Gulf. Pavlos Stavrakakis (Greece) (image: https://secure.avaaz.org) 37
Somos Erasmus +
Somos Erasmus + The effects of migration on the country of origin and on the host country
he consequences for the country of origin are divided into positive and negative.
were done by local people. These countries earn workforce in areas where there is labor shortage (e.g. agricultural, livestock, industrial space). In addition, the immigrants paid with low wages, contribute to the reduction of inflation. Furthermore, immigrants contribute to the support of the social security system with the contributions paid, in countries where there is an ageing local population.
The positive is as follows. Initially, the migrants send to their country valuable foreign exchange. In addition, some are returning to their country and do business with the money they have accumulated. Moreover, they take home positive elements from the culture of their host country and create bridges of communication with their new home.
The consequences for the host country are also divided into negative and positive.
This situation, however, has some implications for the country. Firstly, it is the increasing unemployment among locals in some areas as the immigrants work with lower wages and often uninsured. Secondly, illegality and criminality are increased because most of the times immigrants can't survive otherwise or are exploited by local people. Finally, the demographic composition of the countries in which immigrants resort is threatened, since the number of immigrants is huge.
The positive include securing cheap labor. Many jobs would cost a lot more if there
Konstantina Maraki (Greece)
The negative is the fact that the country loses a part of its workforce and even young people who could offer in the development for their country. Finally, some regions are becoming depopulated.
Somos Erasmus + Οι συνέπειες της μετανάστευσης για τη χώρα προέλευσης και προσέλευσης υνέπειες για τη χώρα προσέλευσης Οι συνέπειες για τη χώρα προέλευσης χωρίζονται σε θετικές και αρνητικές. Οι θετικές είναι οι εξής. Αρχικά, οι μετανάστες στέλνουν στη χώρα τους πολύτιμο συνάλλαγμα. Επιπλέον, κάποιοι επιστρέφουν στη χώρα τους και αναπτύσσουν επιχειρηματική δραστηριότητα με τα χρήματα που έχουν συγκεντρώσει. Επίσης, μεταφέρουν στη χώρα τους θετικά στοιχεία από τον πολιτισμό της χώρας υποδοχής τους και δημιουργούν γέφυρες επικοινωνίας με τις νέες πατρίδες τους. Στις αρνητικές συγκαταλέγεται και το γεγονός ότι η πατρίδα των μεταναστών χάνει ένα μέρος του εργατικού δυναμικού της και μάλιστα τους νέους που θα μπορούσαν να προσφέρουν στην ανάπτυξη της χώρας τους. Τέλος, ερημώνονται πληθυσμιακά ορισμένες περιοχές.
γίνονταν από ντόπιους. Ύστερα, οι χώρες αυτές κερδίζουν εργατικό δυναμικό σε τομείς όπου παρατηρούνταν έλλειψη εργατικών χεριών (π.χ. αγροτικός, κτηνοτροφικός, βιομηχανικός χώρος). Επιπλέον, οι μετανάστες, αμειβόμενοι με χαμηλά ημερομίσθια, συμβάλλουν στη μείωση του πληθωρισμού. Τέλος, οι μετανάστες συμβάλλουν στη στήριξη του ασφαλιστικού συστήματος με τις εισφορές που καταβάλλουν, σε χώρες όπου παρατηρείτα ι γή ρανση του ντόπ ιου πληθυσμού.
Η κατάσταση αυτή όμως έχει και κάποιες επιπτώσεις για την χώρα. Πρώτον, αυξάνεται η ανεργία των ντόπιων σε ορισμένους τομείς αφού οι μετανάστες εργάζονται με χαμηλότερο ημερομίσθιο και συχνά ανασφάλιστοι. Δεύτερον, ενισχύεται η παρανομία και η εγκληματικότητα, όταν οι μετανάστες δεν μπορούν να επιβιώσουν με άλλο τρόπο ή γίνονται αντικείμενο εκμετάλλευσης από ντόπιους παρανόμους. Τέλος, απειλείται με αλλοίωση η πληθυσμιακή σύνθεση των χωρών στις οποίες καταφεύγουν, αφού ο αριθμός των μεταναστών είναι τεράστιος. Κωνσταντίνα Μαράκη
Συνέπειες για τη χώρα προσέλευσης Οι συνέπειες για τη χώρα στην οποία καταφεύγουν χωρίζονται επίσης σε αρνητικές και θετικές. Οι θετικές περιλαμβάνουν την εξασφάλιση φτηνών εργατικών χεριών. Πολλές εργασίες θα κόστιζαν πολύ περισσότερο αν
Somos Erasmus + What is a financial crisis?
the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world's economy can decline.
hat is a financial crisis?
Well, it is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial assets suddenly lose a large part of their nominal value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and manyrecessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crises include stock market crashes and thebursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults. Financial crises directly result in a loss of paper wealth but do not necessarily result in changes in the real economy.
The depression originated in the United States, after a fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929, and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). Between 1929 and 1932, worldwide GDP fell by an estimated 15%. By comparison, worldwide GDP fell by less than 1% from 2008 to 2009 during the Great Recession. Some economies started to recover by the mid-1930s. However, in many countries, the negative effects of the Great Depression lasted until the beginning of World War II.
Many economists have offered theories about how financial crises develop and how they could be prevented. There is no consensus, however, and financial crises continue to occur from time to time.
Actual crisis This global crisis is considered by many economists that is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It threatened the collapse of large financial institutions, which was prevented by the bailout of banks by national governments, but stock markets still dropped worldwide. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. The crisis played a significant role in
One important example: The Great Depression The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place during the 1930s. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; however, in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until
Somos Erasmus + the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of U.S. dollars, and a downturn in economic activity leading to the 2008â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2012 global recession and contributing to theEuropean sovereign-debt crisis. The active phase of the crisis, which manifested as a liquidity crisis, can be dated from August 9, 2007, when BNP Paribas terminated withdrawals from three hedge funds citing "a complete evaporation of liquidity".
2014 were recorded in Italy (+0.6 ppt), Finland (+0.5 ppt), Cyprus and Austria (both +0.2 ppt) as well as in Belgium and the Netherlands (both +0.1 ppt). The highest decreases were reported in Hungary (-2.5 ppt), Portugal (-2.3 ppt), Ireland (-1.8 ppt), Spain and Bulgaria (both -1.6 ppt) and the United Kingdom (-1.5 ppt). With 26.5 %, Greece was the country with the highest overall unemployment rate in 2014. The dispersion of unemployment across the EU-28 remained at approximately the same level as in 2013.
In Europe The European debt crisis (Eurozone crisis or European sovereign debt crisis) is a multiyear debt crisis that has been taking place in the European Union since the end of 2009. Several eurozone member states (Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Cyprus) were unable to repay or refinance their government debt or to bail out overindebted banks under their national supervision without the assistance of third parties like other Eurozone countries, theEuropean Central Bank (ECB), or the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Long-term unemployment is one of the main concerns of policymakers. Apart from its financial and social effects on personal life, long -term unemployment negatively affects social cohesion and, ultimately, may hinder economic growth. In total, 5.1 % of the labour force in the EU-28 in 2014 had been unemployed for more than one year; more than half of these, 3.1 % of the labour force, had been unemployed for more than two years. Compared to 2013, a decrease is observed in the long term unemployment (from 5.2 %) while a sizeable increase (from 2.9 %) is registered among those being unemployed for two or more years.
The detailed causes of the debt crisis varied. In several countries, private debts arising from a property bubble were transferred to sovereign debt as a result of banking system bailouts and government responses to slowing economies post-bubble. The structure of the eurozone as a currency union without fiscal union contributed to the crisis and limited the ability of European leaders to respond. European banks own a significant amount of sovereign debt, such that concerns regarding the solvency of banking systems or sovereigns are negatively reinforcing.
Ă frica MarĂn Rubio and Stavroula Tsagaraki ( Spain and Greece)
Unemployment in Europe The overall unemployment rate in the EU28 reached 10.2 % in 2014, decrease of 0.7 percentage points compared with 2013. This follows an increase of 0.4 percentage points between 2012 and 2013. In the United States the unemployment rate fell for the fourth year in a row, from 7.4 % in 2013 to 6.2 % in 2014. The unemployment rate rose in 6 Member States between 2013 and 2014, dropped in 19 and remained stable in France, Croatia and Luxembourg. The increases in the annual average unemployment rates between 2013 and 42
Somos Erasmus + Una crisis económica mundial
ara empezar... ¿Qué es una crisis financiera?
todo el mundo con el desplome de la bolsa de 29 de octubre, 1929 (conocido como Martes Negro). Entre 1929 y 1932, el PIB mundial se redujo en un 15%. En comparación, el PIB mundial se redujo en menos del 1% de 2008 a 2009, durante la Gran Recesión. Algunas economías comenzaron a recuperarse a mediados de la década de 1930. Sin embargo, en muchos países, los efectos negativos de la Gran Depresión duró hasta el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Crisis actual Esta crisis mundial es considerada por muchos economistas que es la peor crisis financiera desde la Gran Depresión de la década de 1930. Amenazaba el colapso de las grandes instituciones financieras, lo que fue impedido por el rescate de los bancos por los gobiernos nacionales, pero los mercados de valores todavía se redujeron en todo el mundo. En muchas áreas, el mercado de la vivienda también sufrió, resultando en desalojos, ejecuciones hipotecarias y el desempleo prolongado. La crisis tuvo un papel importante en el fracaso de las empresas clave, la disminución de la riqueza de los consumidores estimado en miles de millones de dólares, y una desaceleración de la actividad económica que lleva a 2008-2012 recesión mundial y contribuyendo a la crisis Europea de deuda soberana. La fase activa de la crisis, que se manifiesta como una crisis de liquidez, se puede fechar a partir del 9 de agosto de 2007, cuando BNP retiró tres fondos de cobertura citando "una completa evaporación de la liquidez".
Es un término que se aplica en general a una variedad de situaciones en las que algunos activos financieros repente pierden gran parte de su valor nominal. En los siglos XIX y principios del XX, muchas de las crisis financieras se asociaron con pánicos bancarios, y muchas recesiones coincidieron con estos pánicos. Otras situaciones que a menudo se llaman crisis financieras incluyen caídas de los mercados de acciones y al estallido de otras burbujas financieras, crisis monetarias, y los incumplimientos soberanos. Las crisis financieras son consecuencia directa de una pérdida de riqueza de papel, pero no necesariamente se traducen en cambios en la economía real. M u c h o s economistas han ofrecido teorías acerca de cómo las crisis financieras se desarrollan y cómo podrían prevenirse. No hay consenso, sin embargo, y las crisis financieras siguen ocurriendo de vez en cuando. Un ejemplo importante: La Gran Depresión La Gran Depresión fue una severa depresión económica mundial que tuvo lugar durante la década de 1930. El momento de la Gran Depresión varió entre las naciones; sin embargo, en la mayoría de los países que comenzó en 1929 y duró hasta finales del 1930. Fue la depresión más larga, más profunda y más extendida del siglo XX. En el siglo XXI, la Gran Depresión es comúnmente usada como un ejemplo de hasta qué punto la economía mundial puede declinar. La depresión se originó en los Estados Unidos, después de una caída de los precios de las acciones que comenzaron alrededor de 04 de septiembre 1929, y se convirtió en noticia en
En Europa La crisis de la deuda europea (crisis de la eurozona o crisis de la deuda soberana europea) es una crisis de la deuda de varios años que ha tenido lugar en la Unión Europea desde 43
Somos Erasmus + finales de 2009. Varios Estados miembros de la zona euro (Grecia, Portugal, Irlanda, España y Chipre) eran incapaces de pagar o refinanciar su deuda pública o para rescatar a los bancos sobre-endeudados bajo su supervisión nacional sin la ayuda de terceros, al igual que otros países de la eurozona, Banco Central Europeo (BCE), o el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI).
Desempleo de larga duración es una de las principales preocupaciones de los responsables políticos. Aparte de sus efectos financieros y sociales en la vida personal, desempleo de larga duración afecta negativamente a la cohesión social y, en última instancia, puede obstaculizar el crecimiento económico. En total, el 5,1% de la fuerza de trabajo en la UE-28 en 2014 había estado en paro durante más de un año; más de la mitad de estos, 3,1% de la población activa, había estado sin trabajo durante más de dos años. En comparación con 2013, se observa una disminución en el desempleo de larga duración (de 5,2%), mientras que un aumento considerable (de 2,9%) se ha registrado entre aquellos estar desempleado durante dos o más años.
Las causas detalladas de la crisis de la deuda variaron. En varios países, las deudas privadas que surgen de una burbuja inmobiliaria se transfirieron a la deuda soberana, como resultado de los rescates sistema bancario y las respuestas del gobierno a frenar las economías post-burbuja. La estructura de la zona euro en una unión monetaria sin unión fiscal contribuyó a la crisis y limita la capacidad de los líderes europeos para responder. Los bancos europeos poseen una cantidad significativa de la deuda soberana, de manera que las preocupaciones sobre la solvencia de los sistemas bancarios o soberanos se refuerzan negativamente.
África Marín Rubio y Stavroula Tsagaraki ( Spain and Greece)
El desempleo en Europa La tasa general de desempleo en la UE28 alcanzó el 10,2% en 2014, disminución de 0,7 puntos porcentuales en comparación con 2013. Esto se deduce un incremento de 0,4 puntos porcentuales entre 2012 y 2013. En los Estados Unidos la tasa de desempleo cayó por cuarto año consecutivo, desde el 7,4% en 2013 al 6,2% en 2014. La tasa de desempleo aumentó en 6 Estados miembros entre 2013 y 2014, se redujo en 19 y se mantuvo estable en Francia, Croacia y Luxemburgo. Los aumentos en las tasas de desempleo promedio anual entre 2013 y 2014 se registraron en Italia (0,6 ppm), Finlandia (0,5 ppm), Chipre y Austria (ambos 0,2 ppt), así como en Bélgica y los Países Bajos (ambos 0,1 ppt). Las disminuciones más altos se registraron en Hungría (-2,5 ppt), Portugal (-2,3 ppt), Irlanda (-1,8 ppt), España y Bulgaria (ambos ppt -1,6) y Reino Unido (-1,5 ppt). Con un 26,5%, Grecia fue el país con la tasa general de desempleo más alta en 2014. La dispersión del desempleo en la UE-28 se mantuvo aproximadamente en el mismo nivel que en 2013.
Somos Erasmus + Terrorist attack in NY and Paris (11th September 2001 and Paris November 2015)
hat happened on 11/9?
been to overthrow governments in the Middle E a s t , a n d elsewhere in the Muslim world, which do not strictly enforce a religiously-sanctioned political and social order. Attacks against the United States were intended to reduce American support for many of these governments; U.S. support was viewed by al-Qaeda as a major obstacle to creating a global order under Islamic authority.
"9/11" is shorthand for four coordinated terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda, an islamist extremist group, that occurred on the morning of September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,977 people. On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists from al-Qaeda, hijacked four commercial airplanes, deliberately crashing two of the planes into the upper floors of the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex and a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. The Twin Towers ultimately collapsed because of the damage sustained from the impacts and the resulting fires. After learning about the other attacks, passengers on the fourth hijacked plane, Flight 93, fought back, and the plane was crashed into an empty field in western Pennsylvania about 20 minutes by air from Washington, DC.
What is the 9/11 Memorial? The 9/11 Memorial opened on September 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of the attacks. It is located on the western side of the former World Trade Center complex where the Twin Towers once stood. The Memorial was designed by two architects, Michael Arad and Peter Walker, whose proposal was selected in a design competition out of 5,201 submissions from 63 countries.
The attacks killed nearly 3,000 people from 93 nations. 2,753 people were killed in New York, 184 people were killed at the Pentagon and 40 people were killed on Flight 93.
PARIS What happened on November 14 2015? One night when thousands of Paris residents and tourists were revelling and fans were enjoying a soccer match between France and
What is al-Qaeda? Al-Qaeda is an international Islamist extremist terrorist network founded in the late 1980s by Osama bin Laden, who was killed in a U.S. military operation on May 1, 2011, and others who were involved in the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Their aim has
world champion Germany, horror struck in an unprecedented manner. Terrorists -- some with AK47s, some reportedly with bombs strapped to them 45
Somos Erasmus + - attacked sites throughout the French capital and at the stadium where the soccer match was underway. ISIS claims responsibility for Paris attacks That night 5 attacks occurred at the same time:
years later. I’s a radical anti-Western militant groups devoted to establishing an independent Islamic state in the region. Unlike al Qaeda has proven to be more brutal and more effective at controlling territory it has seized.
- The worst carnage occurred at Bataclan, with at least 80 left dead where there was a bloodbath.
The group seized control of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, this summer. But its power base is in Raqqa, eastern
- At the Stade de France, where 2 terrorists with bombs strapped exploded at the gates killing 2 persons. - At different restaurants in many places in Paris center. Syria. At least 128 people were killed in Paris and Saint-Denis shootings and bombings and dozens were injured that night and eight extremists are dead after attacks. Seven of them were killed in suicide bombings.
More than 11,000 people have travelled from abroad to fight the yihab in Syria and Iraq, with the slogan of ‘Allah is big’, they are jihadists. Patricia Luján y Sara Khalifa ( Spain)
What happened with the terrorists? Between the identified terrorists there were with French, Belgian and Syria nationalities. Many of them died during the attacks, when police found the franc flat the terrorists (including the leader) who were inside were exploited, one of the terrorist who was identified escaped and have not already been found.
What is ISIS? ISIS means Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. The group began in 2004 as al Qaeda in Iraq, before rebranding as ISIS two 46
Somos Erasmus + DARKNESS IN THE CITY OF LIGHT & ITS CONNECTION TO 9/11 ATTACK he night of the 13th of November 2015 the heart of Paris was hit by massive terrorist homicides committed by Jihadists, managing not only to destroy human lives but also the European nonchalance.
2003 by developing bonds with the Al-Qaeda which seems to have stopped. Their target is summarized in creating a Caliphate which will extend to the countries of the Middle East and their citizens will obey the Islamic Law. Extreme violence and atrocities are their way of enforcement.
Although the city had already received terrorist-like attacks earlier during 2015, they were unable to foresee the magnitude of the tragedy. The number of the victims is estimated at least tο 1 29 while the number of the injured reaches 352. More specifically, seven independent attacks took place consisting of 6 shootings against the crowd as well as 3 explosions. All these in less than 30 minutes!
The tragedy of the 13th of November, thus, caused changes which require adaption to a new geopolitical reality. Although it wasn't an isolated event, it is considered psychologically and politically the European equivalent of the 9/11. On the 11th of September 2001 a terrorist attack was carried out against the United States of America. Nineteen terrorists who are connected with the terrorist organisation Al Qaeda took over 4 airplanes in order to perform suicide attacks that targeted great symbols of the USA the World Trade Centre. The first attack took place early in the morning of Tuesday and aimed the north tower. The first airplane hit the target instantly killing hundreds of people and 18 minutes later a second plane crashed on the second tower putting USA on alert. The third plane crashed on the west side of the Pentagon resulting in 165 dead civilians who were in the building. A little later a fourth plane crashed in an open area in Pennsylvania was announced although this was a failed attempt as initial target seems to have been the Capitol or the White House and this incident was averted probably due to the attempts of the passengers on board. “The day that changed the world” is probably the phrase that has been said more than any other in order to describe the impact of the terrorist attack organised by Al-Qaeda and was destined to become a milestone for the ending of one era and the beginning of a new one whose characteristics are still today observ-
At 21:20 the action began with the first explosion by a suicide bomber outside the Stade de France, where a friendly match between France and Germany was taking place, followed by a second detonation a few minutes later. Minutes later, there was an attack on restaurants with 19 dead in the city centre, near the Place de la Nation. Next, at the Bataclan theatre a new attack took place during the live concert of a well-known rock band. Last move of the terrorists was a third explosion near Stade de France.The responsibility of the event was undertaken by the terrorist organisation Islamic State (ISIS) through internet announcements. Their moves though thoroughly organized had no specific goal except to wreak panic. They also congratulated their 8 “brothers”, the kamikaze. Essentially, as they themselves have said, what led them to attack was the French policy, air incursions into their lands and abusive comments against Islam. Let’s see what the Islamic State is all about: it is a terrorist organisation founded in 47
Somos Erasmus + able. The 11th of September has affected important factors of human activity i.e. safety rules, human rights and even cinema. The terrorist attack on the 11th of September sparked many conspiracy theories as the attack gave the â&#x20AC;&#x153;legitimating basisâ&#x20AC;? for the American invasion in Afghanistan and Iraq on the pretext of combating terrorism. These theories put America as accomplice and sometimes even the perpetrator of these heinous crimes.
Katerina Adamaki, Michael Georgopoulos, Alexandros Tsagarakis ( Greece)
Somos Erasmus + Social Media ocial media is an online comunication plataform where the content is created by the own users through the using of 2.0 Web’s Technologies, wich they ease edition, publicatiom, and the information exchange. Social media is rich in influence and in interaction between pairs with a public audience who is every time more «inteligent» and parcipatory.
even months) compared with social media (you may be able to provide content practically instantaneously or only very small delay in publication). Editing of content: In industrial media, once created the content it can't be altered, while social media is not only enriched with comments from the audience, but the content can be instantly altered by producers, improving content for audiences.
The community’s responsables handle for create and care about communities around companies creating good content, convertation, ecouranging people to participate, etc. Social media has changed communication between people, and between brands and people.
How to use some social media. Twitter Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140character messages called "tweets".
The most used social medias are blogs, microblogs, mobile’s social media and multimedia sharing services. Them characteristics are:
Registered users can read and post tweets, but those who are unregistered can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS or mobile device app.Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass and launched in July 2006. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with more than 100 million users posting 340 million tweets a day in 2012.The service also handled 1.6 billion search queries per day. In 2013, Twitter was one of the ten most-visited websites and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet". As of May 2015, Twitter has more than 500 million
Audience: Both medias provides technology which allows every person log in. Accessibility: Mass media are usually paid and are owned by an individual or by the government, while social media is generally available to anyone with little or no cost. Ease of use by the creators: In social media anyone can be a producer in the media, in general. Instantaneity: The time between the production of content and the delivery to the audience can be long (days, weeks or 49
Somos Erasmus + users, out of which more than332 million are active.
aspect ratio typically used by mobile device cameras. In August 2015, version 7.5 was released, allowing users to post photos captured in any aspect ratio. Users can also apply digital filters to their images. The maximum duration for Instagram videos is 15 seconds.
Users can group posts together by topic or type by use of hashtags â&#x20AC;&#x201C; words or phrases prefixed with a "#" sign. Similarly, the "@" sign followed by a username is used for mentioning or replying to other users.To repost a message from another Twitter user and share it with one's own followers, a user can click the retweet button within the Tweet.
Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile app. The service rapidly gained popularity, with over 100 million active users as of April 2012 and over 300 million as of December 2014.Instagram is distributed through the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Windows Phone Store.
In late 2009, the "Twitter Lists" feature was added, making it possible for users to follow ad hoc lists of authors instead of individual authors. Through SMS, users can communicate with Twitter through five gateway numbers: short codes for the United States, Canada, India, New Zealand, and an Isle of Man-based number for international use. There is also a short code in the United Kingdom which is only accessible to those on the Vodafone, and Orange networks. In India, since Twitter only supports tweets from Bharti Airtel, an alternative platform called smsTweet was set up by a user to work on all networks.
Tumblr:Tumblr (stylized as tumblr.) is a microblogging platform and social networking website founded by David Karp and owned by Yahoo! Inc. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a shortform blog. Users can follow other users' blogs, as well as make their blogs private. Much of the website's features are accessed from the "dashboard" interface, where the option to post content and posts of followed blogs appear.
The tweets were set to a largely constrictive 140-character limit for compatibility with SMS messaging, introducing the shorthand notation and slang commonly used in SMS messages. The 140-character limit also increased the usage of URL shortening ,accommodate multimedia content and text longer than 140 characters. Since June 2011, Twitter has used its own t.co domain for automatic shortening of all URLs posted on its website, making other link shorteners superfluous for staying within the 140 character limit.
As of January 20, 2016, Tumblr hosts over 275.1 million blogs 127.9 billion posts and 373 employees. As of Janurary 2016, the website had 555 million monthly visitors. Pilar Costa and Nerea DĂaz (Spain)
Instagram Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr.Originally, a distinctive feature was that it confined photos to a square shape, similar to Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid images, in contrast to the 4:3 50
Somos Erasmus + Redes Sociales n la actualidad, las redes sociales juegan un papel muy importante, permiten desde la comunicación de personas que se encuentran a mucha distancia geográfica, hasta expresar ideas o emociones con un simple gesto.
imágenes y videos que tus seguidores pueden ver en cualquier momento y darle “me gusta” si ha sido de su agrado. También incluye la opción de comentar en las publicaciones.
La segunda consiste en la publicación de fotos y vídeos a tiempo real que tus amigos pueden ver durante un tiempo determinado de 24 horas si las publicas en tu historia, pero sólo durante unos segundos si te las mandan por privado.
Actualmente y según los últimos estudios, Facebook es la red social más utilizada, seguida de Google+ y Twitter. Facebook, la red social líder en el mundo consta de una infraestructura en la que se pueden subir fotos y vídeos a la vez que se pueden hacer comentarios de cualquier tema. En esta red los amigos asociados pueden ver tus publicaciones y compartirlas, e incluso comentar y dar “like”. Esta red social incluye a su vez juegos y otras formas de entretenimiento lúdico.
En nuestra opinión, estas redes sociales son muy útiles en la mayoría de ocasiones y un método de entretenimiento para los jóvenes, pero no deben olvidar que éstas mismas pueden ser muy peligrosas, ya que dentro de ellas hay personas que buscan su propio beneficio y por ello recomendamos llevar mucho cuidado y hacer un buen uso de ellas.
Hoy en día, este mecanismo social es perfecto para la distribución de noticias y de información que permite llegar tanto a jóvenes como a adultos, por su gran variedad.
Juan Moya Ruiz 1º BACH. B Alejandro Sánchez Valero 1º BACH. A Pedro Pellicer Pérez 1º BACH. A (Spain)
Dos de las redes que más están creciendo a nivel juvenil son Instagram y Snapchat. La primera se basa en la publicación de
Somos Erasmus + SOCIAL MEDIA 'm pretty sure that almost everyone uses social media on these days. It can help you alot. For example your relatives lives 2000 miles away from you, but you can communicate with them with Facebook, Whatsapp etc. If you want to go outside with your friends, just send a message to them on Kik's groupchat so you don't have to call to every single one of them with your phone. Take a picture of your nice haircut and post it on Instagram. That's amazing, isn't it !?
o estoy casi segura de que todos en nuestros días usamos las redes sociales. Te pueden ayudar mucho. Por ejemplo tus familiars pueden vivir lejos de ti, pero te puedes comunicar con ellos hacienda uso de Facebook o Whatsapp… Si quieres salir con tu amigos, solo tienes que enviar un mensaje al grupo, no tienes que llamarlos de uno o uno. O si quieres tomar una foto de tu nuevo corte de pelo y mostrarlo en Instagram. Es sorprendente!! ¿Verdad?
Unfortunately social media has its bad side as well. People can anonymously write bad stuff about people and some people can basically just bully people without getting caught. There is also those people who annoys people just for fun. They are called “trolls”. These “trolls” are the most annoying thing on social media in my opinion. Usually they are just very immature kids or at least they act like it.
Desafortunadamente las redes socials también tienen un lado malo. Las personas de forma anónima escriben comentarios desagra dables, sobre otras personas , básicamente por intimidar o solo por diversion. Estos “trolls” son los más molesto de las redes socials desde mi punto de vista. Normalmente son chicos inmaduros, o al menos, actúan como tales. Tú puede usar las redes socials también en la escuela. Los profesores te pueden enseñar a través de videos de Youtube o buscar información en la Wikipedia.
You can use social media in school as well. Teachers can show a video from Youtube to the class and you can find information from Wikipedia etc.
Yo, personalmente, uso las redes socials cada día. La mayoría de veces enviando mensajes a mis amigas a través de Whatsapp or mirando Facebook. Yo también suelo ver videos en Youtube. No me gusta mostrar fotos de mí misma ni uso Instagram. Yo solo tengo una foto mía en Facebook, la de mi perfil. Algunas veces yo suelo hablar con personas de otros países con Kik . Pienso que es bastante guay.
I personally use social media everyday. Mostly I just text with friends through Whatsapp or then I look at Facebook if there is something interesting. I also like to watch videos on Youtube. Usually I just watch gaming videos or something random. I don't like to post pictures of myself so therefore I have never used Instagram. That's just not my thing. I only have one picture of myself on Facebook and that's the profile picture. Sometimes I also talk to random people from different countries with Kik. Its pretty cool in my opinion.
Aleksi Hamunen (Finland)
Somos Erasmus + Spain, our traditions n mi país, España; lo más conocido mundialmente entre las tradiciones folclóricas ciertamente el Flamenco y los Toros. Las Corridas de Toros se encontrará en realidad por todo el país, siendo internacionalmente los más populares y conocidos espectáculos los encierros que se celebran durante los Sanfermines en Pamplona. Pero las corridas de toros son una parcela que aparecerá en España en cualquier Fiesta.
nan con esta batalla de tomates que da fin a las fiestas.
La fiesta tiene algunas reglas para la seguridad de los participantes y para que la fiesta siga como cada año, sin ningún tipo de incidente. Las Fallas son la fiesta más internacional de Valencia. En un concurso de arte, ingenio y buen gusto, la semana del 19 de marzo la ciudad se llena de gigantescos monumentos de cartón, los ninots. El origen de la celebración se remonta a los parot de los carpinteros: una lámpara de madera con la que iluminaban los talleres en invierno y que quemaban en la calle la víspera del día de San José. Al principio les daban un aspecto humano adornándolos con trapos viejos, pero a mediados del siglo XIX, empezaron a aumentar su volumen y altura y a mejorar sus formas, convirtiéndolas en monumentales muñecos decorativos.
El Flamenco, de otro lado, es la tradición folclórica del sur, en particular de Andalucía. Y es en esta tierra donde conocerá las raíces del cante, la guitarra y el baile flamenco. En Abril se celebra la Feria de Abril, en Sevilla, una semana repleta de cante y baile, donde tradi-
En España hay ocho días que son festivos en todas las comunidades de este país. Los ocho días festivos que coinciden en toda España son los siguientes: 1 de enero (Año Nuevo), 6 de enero (día de Reyes), 25 de marzo (Viernes Santo, cae en viernes), el 15 de agosto (Asunción de la Virgen), 12 de octubre (Fiesta Nacional de España), 1 de noviembre (Todos Santos), 6 de diciembre (Día de la Constitución Española) y 8 de diciembre (Inmaculada Concepción). En estas señaladas fechas todas la tiendas se encuentran cerradas, exceptuando restaurantes o cines.
cionalmente se bebe vino de Jerez y otros deliciosos caldos de la zona, acompañados de jamón y queso viejo entre otros manjares de la zona.... podríamos atrasarnos un par de semanas antes de la feria y disfrutar de la otra celebración excepcional que la ciudad ofrece, la Semana Santa, con sus famosas cofradías. La Tomatina es una fiesta que se celebra en el municipio valenciano de Buñol, España, siempre el último miércoles del mes de agosto, dentro de la semana de fiestas de este municipio y consiste en una batalla en la que los participantes se arrojan tomates los unos a los otros. Coincide con la fiesta del santo patrón de la ciudad que se celebra en el transcurso de una semana, en la que tienen lugar diferentes actividades y celebraciones previas que culmi53
Somos Erasmus + n my country, Spain; known worldwide as among the folk traditions certainly Flamenco and Bulls. Bullfighting is actually found throughout the country, being the most internationally famous and popular closures shows held during the San Fermin in Pamplona. But bullfights are part and parcel in Spain appear at any party.
country. The eight public holidays that coincide in Spain are: January 1 (New Year), January 6 (Epiphany), March 25 (Good Friday falls on a Friday), August 15 (Assumption of the Virgin), October 12 (National Day of Spain), November 1 (All Saints), December 6 (Day of the Spanish Constitution) and December 8 (Immaculate Conception). In these special dates all the shops are closed, except for restaurants or cinemas.
Flamenco, on the other hand, is the musical tradition of the south, particularly in Andalusia. And it is in this land where she meets the roots of flamenco singing, guitar and flamenco dancing. In April the April Fair held in Seville, a full week of singing and dancing, where traditionally sherry and other delicious wines of the area, accompanied by old ham and cheese among other delicacies of the area you drink ... . we could fall behind a couple of weeks before the show and enjoy other exceptional event that the city offers, Easter, with its famous brotherhoods.
Lola Gonzรกlez (Spain)
La Tomatina is a festival held in the Valencian town of Bunol, Spain, always the last Wednesday of August, within a week of festivities in this municipality and is a battle in which participants throw tomatoes at each the others. Coincides with the feast of the patron saint of the city held in the course of a week, in which different activities and celebrations that culminate earlier this tomato battle that ends the festivities take place. The party has some rules for the safety of participants and the party continues as each year without any incident. Las Fallas are the most international festival in Valencia. In a contest of art, ingenuity and good taste, the week of March 19 the city fills with gigantic cardboard monuments, called ninots. The origin of the celebration goes back to the parot Carpenters: wooden lamps used to light their workshops in winter and burned at the eve of San Jose. At first they gave it a human face adorning them with rags, but the mid-nineteenth century, they began to increase in size and height and to improve their forms, becoming huge decorative statues. In Spain there are eight days that are holidays in every community in this 54
Somos Erasmus + Summer Easter hat is the 15th of August (Assumption) and what do we celebrate then? The 15th August is a religious celebration when all the families come together and feast. On August 15th we celebrate the assumption of Mary which is divided into two parts: first it is her death and second her resurrection. The story of the assumption is the following: When it was time for her life to end, an angel told her three days earlier that there is to be her metastasis from earth to heaven. When Mary heard the news, she was delighted by the desire to go next to her only Son, she quickly climbed the Mount of Olives to pray. Then a strange miracle happened; just when Mary arrived the trees folded as if they were blown and it was like they were showing her their respect.
the appearance of the angel, the apostles were all in Jerusalem but in distant places where they preached the Gospel. Then, suddenly a cloud grabbed and brought them all in front of the bed, where she was laying and waited for the Assumption. She said goodbye to everyone laid down on the deathbed, crossed her arms, prayed to her Son for the establishment and the peace of the entire world, filled the Apostles and bishops with blessings given by her people, and like that she left in the hands of the Son of God her Most Holy o soul.
The 15th of August is a very big celebration day in Greece not only for religious reasons. One reason is because it is the period when holidays end, so people seek it as a last chance to celebrate and have fun. Most people leave town and go to their villages that day so the big celebrations happen mostly at villages.
After having prayed for some time, Mary returned to her house. She turned on all the lights, thanked God and asked her relatives and neighbors to come over. Then she prepared everything necessary for the burial. She informed the women where she was and what the angel had told her and she showed them the palm branch than the angel gave her. When the guest women heard the sad message they started crying and begging Mary not to leave them orphans. She assured them that she will not only look after them but also the whole world. With comforting words they stopped their excessive sorrow. Tradition says that on the day of
We did a research to find out what foreign and different religion people that live in Greece know about the 15th of August and the results are quite interesting. Most of them did not know that the 15th of August is a big celebration (except the ones that have lived in Greece for many years) they just think that it is an ordinary day. That proves that the 15th August is a very big celebration in Greece since it is celebrated more than in any other countries (even Christian ones). Many customs and traditions are revived in every corner of Greece, monasteries and churches are filled with thousands of people, deserted chapels are brought to life and there are many islands and provincial towns that honor tradition and customs of 55
Somos Erasmus + past generations. The traditions vary from region to region and they are many. In Crete August 15th is celebrated in the villages where they have prepared everything the night before. They have decorated the churches and slaughtered the animal in some villages they cross the animal before killing it. The feasts of the Assumption are a reference point for every village; it is the time of the year the villages are full of people who return to their "homeland" for a few days. There are many churches and monasteries dedicated to Virgin Mary throughout Crete and almost all villages celebrate in the same way.
corners of Greece and each tradition has its own magic. In conclusion the 15th of August is a very big celebration day (summer Easter) where everyone religious or not celebrate. Many names have their name day that day mainly the name Maria (Mary) and in every village people are given the chance to get away from everyday life and forget all their troubles and feast happily. Beatrice Loppinet (Greece)
Another unique custom that is celebrated is in Paleopirgos Pogoni. Lunch is offered in the courtimage:http://now24.gr/ta-ethima-ke-i-eortasmi-toyard of the church dekapentavgousto/) and then the "Dollys" follow, which means commands. One of the oldest villagers is set as the "Dolly pasha" and after getting a glass of wine, he clinks it with another villager. The custom is to drink three glasses of wine or three sips and every time he drinks he must make a dedication to three different people, with the accompaniment of live music. Immediately after, the others in the order specified by the "Dolly Pasha" devote their best wishes to any person wishing always with music. The purpose of this custom is to reconcile misunderstandings between villagers so everyone is happy together. Later a traditional feast starts with traditional costumes and dances and continues till the early hours. In Attica, the celebration of August 15th is held at the Monastery of Our Lady of Closed. First there is the mass that lasts all night and then follows a big festival. In Zagorohoria, the events for the celebration of Virgin Mary lasts three days. The people from Epirus, a region in centre-west Greece, honor her memory and celebrate with traditional regional celebrations which peaks from Friday to Sunday. There are interesting traditions in all 56
Somos Erasmus + Tourist attractions and unique landscapes inland is located in Northern Europe between Russia, Sweden and Norway. We have four seasons and we truly are The Land of Lakes. We have about 190 000 lakes.
capital was Turku, us finns have a quite odd and funny nickname for it. Which I won’t tell because of… it actually isn’t that civilized. Main tourist attractions are The Moomin Shop (Muumikauppa), Temppeliaukio Church (Temppeliaukion kirkko), Helsinki Cathedral (Tuomiokirkko), Senate Square (Senaatinaukio) and Market Square (Kauppatori). In the picture above this text you can see the Helsinki Cathedral and Market Square.
The weather here is usually pretty nice. But it rains a lot particularly in the fall. Winters are really cold and we might even have some snow, if we’re lucky. But when the snowy day comes, you’ll be swimming in the snow.
The funniest place in Helsinki is amusement park Linnanmäki. Thera are lots of different rides and games.
Summers are quite warm or really hot for us, finns. But you might find it a bit cold actually. Temperatures are between 15°-30°. But of course it depends on where you are. Helsinki This is our beautiful capital, Helsinki. Helsinki is located in Southern Finland. Helsinki has been our capital since 1812. Before that our
Somos Erasmus + Lapland (Lappi) Here is a picture of a tiny cottage in snowy Lapland. Lapland is located in Northern Lapland. There are lots of reindeers. You can watch the northern lights. They are really beautiful and usually in the shades of green and red. Green is the most common colour to be seen.
Rovaniemi is a city in Lapland. Rovaniemi is famous from the fact that Santa Claus lives ther So thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what you can see and experience in Finland. Trip to Finland is always worth it! Maija, Sinna, Ilona and Miro 52 ( Finland)
Somos Erasmus + En el sur de España, Sevilla f you come to my country you must visit a great city called Sevilla in the South of Spain in the comunity of Andalucia.This city has a lot of important and beautiful places like Sanchez Pizjuan, the Maestranza, Triana Bridge, the Giralda , The Tower of Gold and the most beautiful season in this city the Easter and the bullfighting fair.
We are going to describe some important places in this city. Sanchez Pizjuan is the most beautiful stadium in the city, Sevilla Football club plays in this stadium, in this stadium a lot of concerts and funny activities happens too.There is a group of ultra fans called Biris Norte they support Sevilla Football club and they never give up, maybe they are the best supporters in the Spain Football League. The Maestranza is the biggest bullfighting square in Spain and the most historic too, there are a big door called ‘’La puerta del príncipe’’ a lot of famous bullfighters triumphs.A bullfighter win reputation after his triumph in this square.The bullfightings happens in April in the famous April Fair. Triana Bridge, this bridge connects the downtown with the Triana district, it is also the oldest iron bridge in Spain and it was build by Isabel II. In my opinión this is the pretiest bridge in Spain. The Giralda is the bell tower of the catedral of Santa María de la Sede it is so prety and in the top of it you can see the city of Sevilla. The Easter season is the most emotional moment in Sevilla people from all over the world comes here and see the beautiful Easter Steps like La Macarena , el Cristo de los gitanos, el Cristo de las Tres caídas… Juan García Guillermo Ortíz (Spain)
Somos Erasmus + Fashion & traditional costumes Here is some kind of traditional finnish costumes.
Marimekko is a famous finnish company which makes clothes, fabrics and vessels. It was established 1954. Its founder is Armi Ratia. Everyone in Finland knows Marimekko and probably their most famous print is Unikko.
Stocmann has about 500 stores in 18 different countries. It was established 1862.
Ice Peak is a finnish company that makes skiing clothes and hoodies. It was established 1996.
Somos Erasmus + ΚΡHΤΗ: ΧΙΛΙΟΙ ΤOΠΟΙ, ΜΙΑ ΙΣΤΟΡIΑ Κρήτη λέγεται πως είναι «ένα νησί, μια ήπειρος» και το αξίζει. Κάποιος που θα την επισκεφτεί πολλές φορές ακόμα και αυτός που κατοικεί σε αυτό το νησί, δεν θα καταφέρει να ανακαλύψει όλα της τα μυστικά. Έχει μέρη τόσο απόκρημνα που δεν μπορεί κανείς να ανακαλύψει και να μελετήσει.
ένδειξη κεφιού. Στην εκκλησία παρευρίσκονταν όλοι οι συγγενείς και οι φίλοι του ζευγαριού οι οποίοι ήθελαν να ευχηθούν τα καλύτερα στο νιόπαντρο ζευγάρι. Στο τέλος του μυστηρίου, οι καλεσμένοι πετούσαν ρύζι ή και μερικές φορές ροδοπέταλα στα κεφάλια της νύφης και του γαμπρού. Στη συνέχεια, γινόταν αυτό για το οποίο η Κρήτη είναι γνωστή στους γάμους, δηλαδή το μεγάλο γλέντι με ατελείωτο φαγητό, ποτό, χορό και τραγούδι που γινόταν σχεδόν πάντα στην πλατεία του χωριού αφού όλο το χωριό ήταν καλεσμένοι στον γάμο.
Βουνά, παραλίες, νησάκια, χωριά: όλα μοιάζουν τόσο διαφορετικά μεταξύ τους αλλά παράλληλα είναι τόσο όμοια! Γι’ αυτό και οι κάτοικοι της Κρήτης πρέπει να νιώθουν πολύ τυχεροί που ζουν σε αυτόν τον τόσο ευλογημένο τόπο, αφού είναι σαν να ζουν παντού ταυτόχρονα.
Η ιστορία του νησιού μας είναι γεμάτη με έθιμα και παραδόσεις που παρόλο που κάποια τείνουν προς εξαφάνιση, οι νέοι άνθρωποι και οι νέες γενιές προσπαθούν να διατηρήσουν όσο περισσότερο μπορούν τις συνήθειες με τις οποίες μεγάλωσαν και που έχουν κρατήσει αμέτρητες αναμνήσεις. Είναι παραδόσεις αιώνων που όσο και αν εξελιχθεί ο κόσμος, δεν πρέπει να χαθούν ολοκληρωτικά.
Το πιο χαρακτηριστικό έθιμο της Κρήτης είναι οι γιορτές και τα φημισμένα γλέντια των Κρητικών, κυρίως στα χωριά, που όμως δυστυχώς σήμερα έχουν μειωθεί. Οι γάμοι παλιότερα ήταν η ιδανικότερη αφορμή για γιορτή. Συμμετείχε όλο το χωριό με κάποια συνεισφορά και διαρκούσε πολλές μέρες, περίπου μια εβδομάδα. Υπήρχε η έννοια της προίκας, του νυφικού κρεβατιού και του αρραβώνα. Ειδικότερα, η προίκα αποτελούνταν από χρήματα ή τα υπάρχοντα της νύφης τα οποία ήταν κυρίως εξοπλισμός για το νέο της σπίτι και αυτή η παράδοση σε μερικές περιπτώσεις διατηρείται μέχρι και σήμερα. Λίγες μέρες πριν το γάμο η νύφη μαζί με τις φίλες της ετοίμαζαν το νυφικό κρεβάτι στολίζοντας το και πετώντας του ρύζι (γόνιμη ζωή), ροδοπέταλα (γλυκιά ζωή) και νομίσματα (καλή οικονομία). Τέλος, υπήρχε ο θεσμός του αρραβώνα όπου σε στενό οικογενειακό και φιλικό κύκλο το ζευγάρι αρραβωνιαζόταν και ετοιμάζονταν για τον γάμο. Την «μεγάλη ημέρα», η άφιξη της νύφης στην εκκλησία γινόταν πάντα με τη συνοδεία κάποιων αντρών της οικογένειας πατέρας, ξαδέλφια) και με ένα ν λυρά ρη π ου τ ραγο υδο ύσ ε μαντινάδες για το ευτυχισμένο ζευγάρι. Οι μαντινάδες είναι ένα είδος ποιημάτων μ ε π α ρ α δ ο σ ια κ ή μ ο υσ ικ ή π ο υ εκφράζουν τα συναισθήματα και τις σκέψεις των ανθρώπων, είτε αυτά είναι χαρά, αγαλλίαση, αγάπη, έρωτας, είτε είναι στεναχώρια, θυμός ή απογοήτευση. Συχνά η άφιξη του γαμπρού περισσότερο αλλά ίσως και της νύφης συνοδευόταν από τις λεγόμενες «μπαλοθιές» τους πυροβολισμούς δηλαδή στον αέρα ως
Οι Έλληνες τιμούν επίσης πολύ και την μνήμη των ανθρώπων που θυσιάστηκαν για να μπορούν να ζουν αυτοί σήμερα ελεύθερα. Γι’ αυτό και όσα χρόνια και αν περάσουν οι εθνικές γιορτές των Ελλήνων θα είναι πάντα μέρες σεβασμού και εορτασμών εις μνήμην αυτών των ηρώων της ιστορίας. Οι εθνικές γιορτές στην Ελλάδα λοιπόν, είναι δύο: η 25η Μαρτίου και η 28η Οκτωβρίου. Στην πρώτη γιορτάζουμε την ένοπλη εξέγερση των Ελλήνων εναντίον της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας στις 25 Μαρτίου του 1821, με απώτερο σκοπό την κατάργηση της οθωμανικής κυριαρχίας και τη δημιουργία
Somos Erasmus + ανεξάρτητου εθνικού κράτους. Μέχρι τότε οι Έλληνες βρίσκονταν στην σκλαβιά των Τούρκων για 400 περίπου χρόνια. Αυτή η ημέρα είναι σημαντική για τον ελληνικό λαό όχι μόνο εξαιτίας της επανάστασης, αλλά και επειδή στις 25 Μαρτίου γιορτάζεται και ο Ευαγγελισμός της Θεοτόκου που είναι σημαντικό γεγονός της ορθοδοξίας.
inigualable, es como si vivieran en todos los sitios del mundo al mismo tiempo. Lo más característico de Creta son sus fiestas tradicionales, famosas entre los cretenses, sobre todo en las aldeas y los pueblos, que desgraciadamente se han reducido últimamente. En nuestro pasado, no tan lejano, las bodas eran la excusa ideal para una fiesta. En estas solía participar todo el pueblo y duraban varios días, más o menos una semana. Esta fiesta incluía varias tradiciones: la "dote", la “cama matrimonial” y "los esponsales".
Στην 28η Οκτωβρίου γιορτάζουμε το «ΟΧΙ» που απηύθυναν οι Έλληνες στους Ιταλούς το 1940 όταν αυτοί τους ζήτησαν να τους παραδώσουν την εξουσία της Ελλάδας. Αργότερα, αυτό είχε ως αποτέλεσμα τον Ελληνογερμανικό πόλεμο και την ανάμειξη της Ελλάδας στον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Ήταν η εποχή της ηγεσίας του Χίτλερ και η εποχή των βασανιστηρίων και της θανάτωσης όλων των κυνηγημένων Εβραίων.
La dote la constituía el dinero o las cosas que la novia poseía, parte del ajuar para su nueva casa. Esta costumbre, a veces, se ha conservado hasta nuestros días. Unos días antes de la boda, la novia junto a sus amigas preparaban la cama matrimonial ornamentándola y echando arroz (vida fértil), pétalos de rosa (vida dulce) y monedas (buena economía). Por último, en los esponsales la pareja se preparaba para la boda dentro de ambiente familiar. El “día más grande” la novia llegaba a la iglesia acompañada siempre por hombres de su familia (padre, primos) y con un lirista cantando “mantinadas” para la pareja. Las mantinadas son un tipo de poemas con música tradicional que expresan los sentimientos y los pensamientos de la gente, sean felicidad, alegría, amor, o sean tristeza, enfado, decepción. A menudo, la llegada del novio o de la novia, estaba acompañada por las dichas “balociés”, es decir los tiros en el aire como expresión de alegría. En la iglesia asistían todos los familiares y los amigos que querían desear lo mejor a la pareja. Al finalizar la boda, los invitados tiraban arroz y a veces pétalos de rosa hacia los novios. A continuación, se realizaba la gran fiesta con mucha comida, bebida, canciones y baile, casi siempre en la plaza del pueblo, ya que todos estaban invitados a la boda y la fiesta.
Και οι δύο εθνικές γιορτές τιμούνται με τοπικές παρελάσεις σε όλες τις πόλεις της Ελλάδας και εκείνες τις δύο μέρες όλα τα σχολεία, υπηρεσίες, καταστήματα είναι κλειστά. Ευγενία Μουδάτσου Creta: Mil lugares, una historia Se dice que Creta es “una isla, un continente” y lo merece. Los que la visiten varias veces, incluso sus propios habitantes, no van a lograr descubrir todos sus secretos. Tiene lugares tan escarpados que no se pueden descubrir fácilmente. Montañas, playas, islotes, aldeas: ¡todo parece tan diferente y al mismo tiempo tan similar! Por eso los cretenses se sienten afortunados por vivir en un sitio tan hermoso e
La historia de nuestra isla está llena de costumbres y tradiciones que, a pesar de que algunas tienden a desapa62
Somos Erasmus + recer, los jóvenes intentan mantener, ya que han crecido con ellas y cada una lleva consigo memorias innumerables. Son tradiciones de siglos, que no importa el tiempo que pase, deben ser conservadas.
It is frequently said that Crete is “one island, one continent” and really it deserves to be called that. Even if someone visits it many times or even its inhabitants can’t possibly discover all of its secrets. There are places in Crete so deeply hidden that no one can find them and then do research on them. Mountains, beaches, small islands, villages: everything seems so different but also so similar! That’s why people who live in Crete feel very lucky indeed living in this blessed place as it’s like they are everywhere at the same time. One of the most well known customs of Crete are the famous celebrations and the revels of Cretans mostly in villages but which unfortunately today have become less. In the past, the weddings were the most ideal event to celebrate. The whole village participated and contributed to that cause.
Los griegos honran mucho la memoria de los ancestros que fueron sacrificados por ser libres. Por eso, las fiestas nacionales son siempre días de respeto y de celebración dedicados a la memoria de los héroes de la historia. Los días de fiesta nacional griega son dos: el 25 de marzo y el 28 de octubre. En la primera se celebra la Revolución Griega armada contra el Imperio Otomano que fue realizada en 1821, con miras a abolir la soberanía otomana y la fundación de estado nacional independiente. Hasta entonces los griegos estaban bajo el Impero Otomano por 400 años. Este día es importante para la nación griega no solo por la Revolución, sino porque en el mismo día se celebra la Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen, fiesta importante para las personas de religión ortodoxa.
The wedding lasted many days, almost a week. There were the meanings of dowry, the wedding bed and the engagement. Specifically, dowry included the money and the belongings of the bride which were mostly equipment for her new house. This tradition has remained a bit until today. Some days before the wedding, the bride and her friends had to prepare the wedding bed. They were decorating it by throwing rice (for a fertile life), roses (for a sweet life) and some coins (for good economy). Finally, there was always the institution of the engagement where the couple was surrounded by close friends and relatives, and prepared the wedding. The arrival of the bride in church was accompanied by certain men of the family (father, cousins) and a lyre musician who was singing some “mantinades” for the happy couple. “Mantinada” is a type of poem with traditional music which expresses the feelings and the thoughts of the singers whether it is joy, exultation, love or even when it is sadness, anger or disappointment.
El 28 de octubre se celebra el “NO” famoso que los griegos respondieron a los italianos en 1940, cuando ellos pidieron que les entregaran la autoridad del país. Como consecuencia llegó más tarde la guerra de los griegos contra los alemanes, en otras palabras la incorporación de Grecia a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Fue la era del liderazgo de Hitler y de las torturas y de las matanzas de millones de personas, sobre todo de judíos. Los dos días nacionales se celebran con desfiles en todos los lugares del país y los servicios, las tiendas y los colegios están cerrados. Eugenia Moudatsou 63
Somos Erasmus + Usually, the arrival of the groom but sometimes of the bride was accompanied by the so called “balothies” which were basically shots in the air as a sign of excitement. In the church, there were all the couple’s relatives and friends who wanted to wish their best to the newlywed couple. At the end of the ceremony, the attendants were throwing rice or rose petals at the heads of the bride and the groom. Afterwards, the most well known tradition of a Cretan wedding always took place which is the huge traditional wedding reception with endless food, drinks, dances and songs, usually in the centre of the village, as everyone was always invited.
discontinuation of the Ottoman reign and the creation of an independent national state. Until then, Greeks were under Ottoman oppression for approximately 400 years. This day is important not only because of the revolution but also because we also celebrate the Annunciation that has special importance in Christianity. On October 28th, we Greeks celebrate saying “NO” to Italians in 1940 when they asked Greeks to surrender to their governance. As a result of that, we have the Greek-German war and the involvement of Greece in World War II. Then was also the era of the leadership of Hitler and the era of the multiple tortures and massacres of the Jews.
The history of our island is full of customs and traditions that the younger generations are trying to maintain even though some of them tend to disappear. They grew up with them and have countless recollections. They are traditions of eternity that despite the evolution of the world, they haven’t fully disappear. Greeks also honor a lot the memory of the people who sacrificed their lives for us living free today. That’s why, no matter how many years will pass, the national celebrations of the Greeks will always be days of respect in memory of all those heroes of our history.
Both these days are honoured with local parades in every city or town of the country and all schools, services and shops are closed. Eugenia Moudatsou (Greece)
So, the most significant national holidays in Greece are two: the 25th March and the 28th October. In the first, we celebrate the combat between the Greeks and the Ottomans on March 25th 1821, which had as a main aim the
Somos Erasmus + Easter: Christ and his story live again through Greek customs
any non-Christians are impressed by the fact that we celebrate the death of our own God.
fasting- which leads us, with Church services every Friday, to the Lazarus Saturday. The very next day, Palm Sunday, the Holy Week begins. A worth-mentioning custom is the painting of eggs with red colour and the Easter tsoureki (traditional bread-like sweet) on Holy Thursday. On Holy Saturday, after a onehour service, during which the Holy Light is given to the people, the priest utters the wellknown phrase "Christ has Resurrected", which is going to keep on being said as a salute for the next 40 days. On Easter Sunday families muster at the father's house and eat spit lamb, magiritsa (a soup with cooked lamb's intestines) to name just a few. A final custom is the egg tapping where 2 people clink the red Easter eggs, with the one whose egg won't break regarded as lucky.
However, the death and more importantly the resurrection of Jesus symbolizes that there is no death but afterlife and Christ is the link. From the above, I think it's obvious why the main feast in Greece is Easter. However, it's not just the Easter day, like with most feasts, which is celebrated; there are equally important dates before as well as after. Beginning with the preparation for the Easter, we come across celebrations such as the "Apokries" (Greek Carnival), “Clean Monday” and the “Great Lent”. During one of the three weeks of the Carnival, the last one actually, Christians don't eat meat in order to prepare themselves for the forthcoming fasting. The 2 previous weeks, we tend to eat as much meat as possible to keep stocks for the 50-day fasting and influenced by the foreign meaning of the word "Carnival", it's also a custom to have parades with parade floats and dress up, similar to the Catholic "Halloween".
After Easter, we have 2 more feasts. 40 days later we celebrate the ascension of Lord Jesus, which closes the Easter cycle. 50 days later we celebrate the Pentecost, or otherwise the revelation of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles. Finally, Easter and the celebrations which accompany it are all mobile.
Clean Monday is a holiday and families go to the countryside for the established kite flying.
To recapitulate, Easter is celebrated with great honor, something not so common in the rest of the Christian nations, where Christmas is regarded more important, mainly due to the commercialism it has acquired globally the last decades.
That day is also the first one of the greatest- both in meaning and size- fasting of the Orthodox church. Usual food of the day is taramosalata, lagana (a type of bread), halva and fsh soup to name just a few. On that day, the “great Lent” begins- often confused with the
Kostis Paterakis Greece
Pascua: las costumbres griegas reviven la historia de Jesucristo A muchas personas, no cristianas, les extraña el hecho que el cristianismo celebre la muerte del mismo Dios. Sin embargo, su muerte y su Resurrección simboliza quela muerte no es el final, que hay vida después de la muerte, y Jesús es el que las conecta entre sí. Por ello, en Grecia, la fiesta de Pascua es una de las celebraciones más importantes. Sin embargo, no es solo el Domingo Santo el que se celebra ( Domingo de Resurrección), sino que existen días importantes antes y después. 65
Somos Erasmus + preparar el “tsureki” de Pascua (dulce pan pascual). El Sábado Santo por la noche, durante una misa se reparte la “luz sagrada” a los creyentes, el cura dice la frase famosa “Jristós Anesti” (Jesús Cristo resurgió), con la cual los creyentes se saludan durante los 40 días siguientes. El domingo santo las familias se reúnen en las casas y comen cordero y mayiritsa (tipo de sopa). La última tradición es chocar los huevos rojos (hervidos). A quien el huevo no se le rompe va a tener suerte.
Empezando por la preparación, hay fiestas como la Apokria (el Carnaval griego), el lunes limpio y la Cuaresma (“Sarakostí”). Durante la última de las tres semanas del Carnaval griego, los cristianos se abstienen de la carne para prepararse para el ayuno de la Cuaresma que va a llegar. Las primeras dos semanas suelen comer mucha carne para aguantar los 50 días de ayuno. Influidos por el concepto ajeno de “Carnaval” la gente se disfraza y se montan desfiles en las calles, justo como la fiesta de Halloween.
Después de Pascua tenemos dos fiestas más. Cuarenta días después se celebra la Ascención de Jesús y así terminan las fiestas relacionadas con Pascua. Cincuenta días después se celebra la “Pentikostí” ( Pentecostés) , es decir la aparición del Espíritu Santo a los Apóstoles. Todas las fiestas relacionadas con Pascua son fiestas cuyas fechas varían cada año.
El lunes limpio es día festivo y las familias van al campo para volar cometas, una de nuestras tradiciones. Este día es el primer día del mayor ayuno de la iglesia ortodoxa, tanto en duración como en importancia. La comida más típica del día consiste en el taramá (ensaladacrema hecha por huevos de pescado), la lagána (tipo de pan), el jalvá (tipo de postre hecho por tahini) y la sopa de pescado. Así, empezando la Cuaresma, cada viernes en las iglesias ortodoxas se celebran misas hasta llegar el sábado de Lázaro.
En conclusión, en Grecia la Pascua se celebra con mucha honra, algo que no es muy común en otros países cristianos, en los cuales se considera como fiesta más grande la Navidad, gracias al mercantilismo mundial de las últimas décadas Kostis Pasterakis (Greece)
Justo después se celebra el Domingo de Ramos y a partir del día siguiente empieza la Semana Santa. Una tradición típica que se realiza el Jueves Santo es pintar los huevos rojos y
Somos Erasmus + Πάσχα: Ο Χριστός και η ιστορία του ζωντανεύουν μέσα από τα Ελληνικά ολλοί μη-Χριστιανοί εντυπωσιάζονται από το γεγονός ότι γιορτάζουμε το θάνατο του ίδιου μας του Θεού. Ωστόσο, ο θάνατος και σημαντικότερα η Ανάσταση του Ιησού συμβολίζει ότι δεν υπάρχει θάνατος αλλά μετά θάνατον ζωή και ο Χριστός είναι ο συνδετικός κρίκος. Από τα παραπάνω νομίζω είναι εμφανές γιατί η κυριότερη γιορτή στην Ελλάδα είναι το Πάσχα. Παρ' όλα αυτά, δεν είναι μόνο η ημέρα του Πάσχα, όπως στις περισσότερες γιορτές, που εορτάζεται, αλλά υπάρχουν εξίσου σημαντικές ημερομηνίες πριν αλλά και μετά.
τσουρέκια, τη Μεγάλη Πέμπτη. Το Μεγάλο Σάββατο, μετά από μια μονόωρη λειτουργία, κατά την οποία διαμοιράζεται το Άγιο Φως στους πιστούς, ο ιερέας λέει τη περίφημη φράση "Χριστός Ανέστη", την οποία συνεχίζουν να λένε οι πιστοί όταν συναντιούνται ως χαιρετισμό για τις επόμενες 40 ημέρες. Τη Κυριακή του Πάσχα μαζεύονται οι οικογένειες στα πατρικά τους σπίτια, και τρώνε σουβλιστό αρνί, μαγειρίτσα κ.α. Ένα επίσης έθιμο είναι να τσουγκρίζουν οι άνθρωποι τα προαναφερόμενα κόκκινα αυγά, με αυτόν που το αυγό του δεν θα σπάσει να θεωρείται τυχερός.
Ξεκινώντας με τη προετοιμασία για το Πάσχα, συναντάμε γιορτές όπως οι Απόκριες, η Καθαρά Δευτέρα και η Μεγάλη Σαρακοστή. Kατά τη διάρκεια μιας εκ των τριών εβδομάδων των Αποκριών, την τελευταία μάλιστα, οι Χριστιανοί απέχουν από το κρέας ώστε να προετοιμαστούν για την επερχόμενη νηστεία. Τις προηγούμενες 2 συνηθίζεται να τρώμε όσο περισσότερο κρέας μπορούμε, ώστε να κρατήσουμε αποθέματα για τις 50 μέρες νηστείας και επηρεασμένοι από τη ξενόφερτη έννοια της λέξης "καρναβάλι", είναι έθιμο επίσης οι παρελάσεις στους δρόμους των πόλεων με άρματα και η μεταμφίεση των παιδιών με στολές, παρόμοιο με το καθολικό Halloween.
Μετά το Πάσχα έχουμε ακόμα δύο γιορτές: 40 μέρες μετά γιορτάζουμε την Ανάληψη του Κυρίου, όποτε κλείνει και ο κύκλος του Πάσχα. 50 μέρες μετά γιορτάζουμε την Πεντηκοστή, ή αλλιώς την εμφάνιση του Αγίου Πνεύματος στους Αποστόλους. Τέλος, το Πάσχα αλλά και οι γιορτές που το συνοδεύουν είναι όλες κινητές. Συνοψίζοντας, το Πάσχα εορτάζεται με μεγάλες τιμές, πράγμα όχι τόσο συνηθισμένο στις υπόλοιπες Χριστιανικές χώρες, στις οποίες θεωρούνται τα Χριστούγεννα σημαντικότερα, λόγω κυρίως της εμπορικότητας που έχουν παγκοσμίως τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες. Πατεράκης Κωστής
Η Καθαρά Δευτέρα είναι ημέρα αργίας και οι οικογένειες πηγαίνουν στην εξοχή για το καθιερωμένο έθιμο του πετάγματος του χαρταετού. Εκείνη η μέρα είναι επίσης η πρώτη μέρα της μεγαλύτερης- και σε μέγεθος και σε σημασία- νηστείας της Εκκλησίας μας. Συνηθισμένα παραδοσιακά φαγητά της ημέρας είναι ο ταραμάς, η ταραμοσαλάτα, η λαγάνα, ο χαλβάς, η ψαρόσουπα κ.α. Εκείνη τη μέρα ξεκινάει επίσης η Μεγάλη Σαρακοστήσυχνά συγχεόμενη με τη νηστεία- η οποία μας οδηγεί, με εκκλησιαστικές λειτουργίες κάθε Παρασκευή, στο Σάββατο του Λαζάρου.
(image: http://www.aftodioikisi.gr/dimoi/pasxa-ithi-kaiethima-ap-oli-tin-ellada)
Την αμέσως επόμενη ημέρα, Κυριακή των Βαΐων, ξεκινάει η Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα. Αξιοσημείωτο έθιμο της είναι η βαφή των αυγών με κόκκινο χρώμα και τα Πασχαλινά 67
Somos Erasmus + A rock legend arrokh Bulsara or widely known as Freddie Mercury, which was his stage name, was a major influential factor of British rock and his music legacy shall remain forever.
reer. Freddie's sexuality was controversially discussed and criticized by many music experts. Despite his marriage with Mary Austin, Mercury expressed his homosexual feelings and finally they broke up. He was a firm supporter of homosexuality and participated in many protests. His rather intense sexual life led him to serious health problems. In 1987 it was announced that he suffered from Aids. However, he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t announce it to his fans and kept on making live performances. He left his last breath on 24 November 1991
Freddie Mercury was born on 5 September 1946 in the British colony, Zanzibar. Being born in an African island little Freddie could not develop his musical talent a lot and his musical inclination could not be recognized. Consequently, Freddie moved with his family in India in order to study in a British school. His talent was rather quickly recognized and he was finally involved in studying music taking up piano lessons. Furthermore, he took part in many school performances and was distinguished from his fellow classmates, then he formed his very first band: The Hectics. In 1963 he attempted to return back to his homeland but the political turmoil and the constant protests led him to England, where he moved a year later. Freddie studied Music in Ealing Art College and with the completion of his studies he joined several amateur bands like Ibex. His re co gnition wa s achieved through the formation of Queen. Queen initially consisted of Brian May, Roger Taylor and Freddie Mercury.
His music legacy influenced rock history and his controversial personality is a role model for the next music generations. Andreas Trapalis (Greece)
(image: www.freddiemercury.com)
Queen's recognition was immediate making great hits like Bohemian Rhapsody, Another one bites the dust, Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop me now, songs that made it to the top of the English charts. Freddie also was the composer of the unique rock opera Bohemian Rhapsody and other meaningful songs. In his compositions he used a variety of music kinds ranging from opera to rockabilly, something which was rather peculiar and innovative. Freddie was also known for his ability to perform exceptionally well in live performances thus impressing the audience. Mercury attempted a solo career as well without making anything special. Freddie's personal life was quite calm without any extravagances throughout his ca68
Somos Erasmus + CALLE 54 s un magnífico documental dirigido por el cineasta español Fernando Trueba que presenta a los mejores de la época del género del jazz latino o latín jazz. Fue realizada en el año 2000. Nominada a los Oscar al mejor documental y premio Goya al mejor sonido.
batanga En 1960, en una de las giras decidió exiliarse en Estocolmo (Suecia), donde se caso. Durante más de tres décadas estuvo alejado de la música. Hasta que en 1994, grabó con Paquito D´Rivera un nuevo disco,”Bebo Rides Again”. Y en el año 2000, con Fernando Trueba participó en su película “Calle 54”. Bebo se reencontró de nuevo en un escenario con su hijo Chucho y también con sus viejos amigos. Tras terminar el documental, Trueba grabó con él “El arte del sabor”, que obtuvo el Grammy, el primero de los nueve que ganó gracias a su colaboración con él. Poco después triunfó nuevamente con Lágrimas negras, con el cual obtiene otro Grammy y tres discos de platino en España. Con Trueba se convirtió en el protagonista de su documental El milagro de Candeal. También hizo la música para ‘Chico y Rita’, la película de animación que fue nominada al Oscar en 2012. Su último disco fue Bebo y Chucho Valdés, “Juntos para siempre”, un homenaje en el que padre e hijo repasaron juntos el repertorio y los ritmos de la música cubana. Bebo Valdés murió en Suecia ( Estocolmo), el 22 marzo de 2013 a los 94 años, después de haber pasado sus últimos años en Benalmádena (Málaga) estando enfermo de Alzheimer. Chucho Valdés, su hijo, se traslada a Málaga a cuidarle.
En él se rinde homenaje a los artistas más destacados de la época en este género, Como: Paquito D'Rivera, Bebo Valdés y Chucho Valdés (cubanos), Michel Camilo (dominicano), el Gato Barbieri (argentino) y otros muchos como Chano Domínguez (español), Aquíles Báe(venezolano), Tito Puente o Jerry González(puertorriqueños) y Eliane Elias(brasileña). En él aparecen todos los lugares por los que se han desarrollado las diferentes ramas de este género, que mezcla el ritmo y el sonido de la música latina ( la rumba, la samba, el joropo o el flamenco) con la armonía y la estructura del jazz. De todos ellos, he elegido para hacer un recorrido por su vida a los más destacados:
Chucho Valdés Es hijo de Bebo Valdés, ganador de varios premios grammys y Latin gramys, es pianista, compositor, profesor de música y arreglista. Es una figura clave en la evolución del jazz afro-cubano en los últimos 50 años. Nació el 9 de octubre de 1941 en Quivican (Cuba).Fue] fundador del grupo Irakere.
Bebo Valdés Nació el 9 octubre de 1918 en Quivicán (Cuba). Dedicado a la música cubana y al jazz afrocubano, es una de las figuras centrales de la época dorada de la música cubana. Además de pianista ha sido compositor, arreglista y director de orquesta. Y es padre del pianista Chucho Valdés. En los años 40, compuso uno de sus primeros Mambos “La rareza del siglo”. Por aquella época el jazz arrasaba en Estados Unidos y los músicos norteamericanos viajaban a la isla para tocar con sus colegas cubanos. En 1952, dio a conocer su nuevo ritmo, inventado por él, la
Comenzó a tocar el piano con tres años y tuvo como primer maestro a su padre. Con 16 69
Somos Erasmus + años crea su primer trío de jazz y a los 18, ya había grabado dos discos. Estudió en el Conservatorio de la Habana y se graduó más tarde en la Universidad de las Artes, ISA, de La Habana.
siete años ya era un niño prodigio. A esa edad firmó un contrato con la famosa compañía fabricante de instrumentos musicales Selmer . En 1958, con diez años, toca en la Orquesta Nacional de Teatro de la Habana. A los once años dio su primer concierto con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Cubana y Con doce años entra en el conservatorio de La Habana.
Se inició como pianista en 1957, en la orquesta Sabor de Cuba, dirigida por su padre. En 1963 trabaja en la Orquesta del Teatro Musical de La Habana y al mismo tiempo, crea Chucho Valdés y su Combo. En 1967 fue uno de los fundadores de la Orquesta Cubana de Música Moderna y en 1970 realiza su primera gira internacional, con forma de quinteto del que formaba parte Paquito D’ Rivera. En el festival de Jazz Jamboree (Polonia), obtiene un gran triunfo con Misa negra. En este festival, según la crítica, Chucho ocupó el quinto lugar entre los grandes pianistas de jazz del mundo.
En 1965, debuta con la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Cuba y funda con Chucho Valdés, la Orquesta Cubana de Música Moderna. En 1972, Paquito, Chucho y otros ocho músicos de esta orquesta crean el grupo Irakere. Mezclando jazz, rock y la música clásica con la tradicional cubana. Era un estilo totalmente nuevo que causó sensación. Fue nominado para varios Grammy. Hizo historia al convertirse en la primera banda cubana que firmó con una compañía norteamericana tras la victoria de Castro.
Chucho decide añadir metales y batería y funda entonces en 1973 "Irakere", considerado el grupo más importante en la historia de la música cubana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, una explosiva mezcla de jazz, rock, clasicismo y música tradicional cubana, un sonido nunca antes escuchado que revolucionó la música latina.
En 1981, debido a las trabas que ponía Cuba, desertó durante una gira por España solicitando asilo en la embajada norteamericana. En América se gano el respeto de la comunidad de músicos de jazz. Allí publicó sus dos primeros discos “Paquito Blowin” y “Mariel”. Recibiendo elogios de la crítica y apareciendo en las listas de éxitos. Entre sus composiciones destacan el Gran Danzón, Panamericana Suite o Rivers. En 1988, funda la United Nations Orchestra, banda de quince miembros. También ha fundado otros grupos como: “Paquito D'Rivera Big Band”, “Paquito D'Rivera Quintet”…etc. Y ha viajó por todo el mundo con su propio grupo, The Havana/New York Ensemble.
Nuevas experimentaciones musicales lo llevan a crear a finales de 2009 "Chucho Valdés y los Afro-Cuban Messengers", con el que grabó el multipremiado disco "Chucho´s Steps”. En 2012 Chucho sorprende con su nuevo Quinteto, una combinación musical perfecta, junto a una joven generación del jazz cubano que propone una dinámica innovadora y contemporánea. Con ellos graba su álbum “Border-free”. Fue profesor de la Royal Academy of Music, de Londres. Impartió cursos en varias universidades y el Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba, le otorgó en 1999, el título de Doctor Honoris Causa. También ha obtenido la distinción al Mérito Pedagógico y la Medalla Félix Varela (máxima distinción de la cultura cubana).
Está Casado con la cantante Brenda Feliciano, vive en North Bergen, (Nueva Jersey). En el 2000 publicó en España sus memorias “Mi vida sexual” y una novela: “Oh! La Habana” que relata el ambiente artístico de la Cuba de los años 40 y 50.
PAQUITO D´RIVERA Paquito D´rivera ganador varios premios Grammys, conseguidos tanto por su jazz latino como por sus composiciones clásicas. Nació el 4 junio de 1948 en La Habana (Cuba). A los 70
Somos Erasmus + Entre los numerosos premios que ha recibido destacan varios grammys, un doctorado honoris causa en música por el Berklee College of Music y la medalla nacional de las artes de Estados Unidos.
participó con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Atlanta interpretando el concierto en fa de Gershwing. Ese año recibió el Título de Profesor Honorífico de la Universidad de Santo Domingo y la Orden Heráldica de Cristóbal Colón. In 1993, Gavin and Billboard magazines picked his Rendezvous as one of the top jazz albums of the year. En 1993, su “Rendevouzes” fue uno de los mejores álbumes de jazz y fue invitado a la Gran Gala de All Stars en la Casa Blanca. En 1994 recibió el título de Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Santiago. Compuso la música de la película española “Los peores años de nuestra vida”, y graba su álbum “Once More”. En 1995 compuso la banda sonora de la película de Fernando Trueba “Two Much", ganadora de un Oscar.
MICHEL CAMILO Nació el 4 de abril de 1954, en Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), es uno de los artistas más reputados del jazz latino. Pianista brillante y gran compositor. Compuso su primera obra a los 5 años.
En 1997, la Escuela de Artes Duke Ellington, de Washington, le honró al instituir la beca de Piano Michael Camilo, que se otorga cada año. En 1998, estrenó “Concierto para piano”, y produjo para la cantante Ana Belén su álbum “Lorquiana”.
Se graduó como profesor de piano en el Conservatorio Nacional. A los dieciséis años se convirtió en miembro de la Orquesta Sinfónica de su país. En 1979, marcho a New York para continuar formandose y compone su primer gran éxito, Why Not!, ganador de un Grammy.
En 1999, realizó una gira de conciertos a dúo con Chucho Valdés por Europa y Canadá y con Tomatito en Japón, Suiza y El Caribe. En el 2000 obtuvo un Grammy por su álbum “Michel Camilo & Tomatito-Spain” y un doctorado en música por el prestigioso Berklee College of Music (Boston). Estrenó su trabajo "Mañana" (basado en un poema de Federico García Lorca).
Camilo made his Carnegie Hall debut with his trio in 1985. Since then, he has become a prominent figure performing regularly in the United States, the Caribbean, Japan and Europe.En 1987, debutó como director en la orquesta sinfónica Nacional y dirigiendo su propia composición, “Los Juegos de Buena Voluntad”, ganando un premio Emmy. Ese año fue director musical del Festival de jazz en su país, cargo que desempeño hasta 1992.
En el 2008 la Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña le otorga el título Dr. Honoris Causa de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación y en el 2010 la Universidad de Santo Domingo le otorga el título Honoris Causa por su trayectoria musical.
En 1988, lanza su álbum “Michael Camilo”, que estuvo en el primer puesto durante ocho semanas consecutivas. Después,“On Fire”, fue votado entre los tres mejores álbumes de Jazz del Año y más tarde, “On the Other Hand”, estuvo entre los diez primeros.
La Lista de sus éxitos en los años 90, es enorme, como “Caribe“y otros tantos. Compuso también la banda sonora de la película española “Amo a tu cama rica”.
Leandro Barbieri, el "Gato", nació el 28 de noviembre de 1934, en Rosario, provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina). Es un saxofonista tenor de jazz argentino y compositor.
Camilo's list of compositions, recordings and other achievements throughout the '90s is vast. Su Rhapsody para dos pianos y orquesta, se estreno en 1992 en el Royal Festival Hall y
Inicialmente rechaza la música popular de su tierra, dejándose influenciar por los músicos norteamericanos. En 1962, se traslada a 71
Somos Erasmus + Roma, tocando con el trompetista de color Ted Curson. Por entonces había el prejuicio de que para tocar buen jazz tenías que ser negro y norteamericano. Después, marcha a los EE.UU, donde quiere abrirse camino como solista y en 1967 graba su primer disco, "In Search of The Mystery", sin éxito.
su música para la película "Seven Servants", lo colocan al tope de la popularidad y en 1999, graba "Che corazón", que es una biografía musical, nostálgica, acerca de los amigos y la familia y su siguiente álbum, "The Shadow of The Cat", se lo dedica a su madre. Su labor musical fue reconocida al otorgarle, en el 2009, el premio UNICEF en el Consulado Argentino y actualmente, vive en New York con su nueva esposa Laura y su hijo.
En 1969, vuelve a Argentina donde retoma sus raíces y graba el álbum "Third World", su música da un giro, combinando el free-jazz con ritmos folklóricos y su saxo tenor adquiere una textura más suave. En 1971, en su álbum "Fenix" define su estilo logrando uno de sus mejores discos.
Pd: “Estos artistas y muchos otros han luchado y siguen luchando por no ser comformistas en la música buscando nuevas innovaciones e investigando ritmos nuevos sin quedarse estancados. Y es fantástico ver como todo esto lo consiguen las personas que aman la música y luchan por ella y no importando el origen de donde procedan”.
En 1972, escribe la música de la película "El último tango en París”. Fusionando jazz con tango tradicional argentino, logra crear un sonido brillante y europeo, con un éxito sin precedentes y obtuvo un Grammy. Pero nunca fue considerado músico de tango. En su álbum "Under Fire", Barbieri comienza una nueva transición, volviéndose más melódico y comercial. Por entonces, el jazz comienza a sufrir la fuerte presencia del rock. Entre 1973 y 1975, graba sus álbumes de la serie "Chapter": "Chapter I: Latin America", "Chapter II: Hasta siempre", "Capter III: Viva Emiliano Zapata", y "Chapter IV: Alive In New”. En 197, graba su álbum "Yesterday".
Marina Ballester ( Spain)
Más tarde, tendió hacia el pop, y sus grabaciones eran buscadas por los disc-jockeys, que se inclinaban por un suave y electrificado jazz. En 1976, en su álbum “Caliente”, combina el sonido pop con un indefinido jazz, llegando a las máximas popularidad. En esta línea, graba también "Passion And Fire". Pero comenzó a perder creatividad, siendo calificado un artista indefinido, entre el pop y el jazz. Y se retiró. Pero, en 1997, reaparece con su álbum "¿Qué Pasa?" ocupando el cuarto puesto de ventas. Totalmente renovado, tocando con músicos de una nueva generación de artistas pop, renace con un definitivo sonido, penetrante, dramático, ronco y dulce a la vez. Este año, 72
Somos Erasmus + THE “PAPARAJOTES” he paparajotes are a typical dessert of many towns in the Region of Murcia . The funny thing is that it is not well known outside this area. Those who have tried it say it is delicious and easy to prepare. It is also an economical and very resultón dessert.
l paparajote es un postre típico de la huerta murciana (España). Los habitantes de Murcia (España) sienten un especial cariño por este dulce, hasta el punto de que es el postre más conocido por los habitantes de Murcia.
Ingredients for 4 dinner guest
Los paparajotes son de fácil elaboración, los ingredientes son saludables y son de bajo coste.
2 eggs 1/2 l milk 1/2 cinnamon powder
El paparajote presenta un aspecto rústico, propio de la huerta murciana, pero es de inmenso sabor, debido a la hoja de limonero.
500 g flour 100 g sugar
Ingredientes para 4 comensales. 2 huevos 1/2 litro de leche 1/2 sobre de levadura 500 g de harina 100 g de azúcar Aceite de oliva Azúcar glas y canela en polvo para espolvorear Una pizca de sal Hojas de limonero Modo de elaboración
Olive oil Lemon zest Lemons leaves.
Paso 1. Realizar la masa. En un recipiente amplio, batir los huevos y agregar una pizca de sal, la levadura y la leche. Añadir la raspadura de limón, dos cucharadas grandes de azúcar y, poco a poco, la harina que admita, hasta conseguir una masa no muy espesa. La masa debe ser consistente como para adherirse a la hoja.
Step 1 In a bowl, we make the mass. We beat eggs and we added the rest of ingredients, adding little by little the flour that it admits. It must be a homogenous mass.
Paso 2. Untar las hojas. Las hojas de limonero se impregnan en la masa hasta quedar completamente rebozadas por ambas caras. Para ello, previamente, es necesario lavarlas y secarlas. Luego se sumergen en el bol con la masa y de ahí directamente a la sartén.
Step 2 We wash the leaves well we dried and them with a cloth. We impregnated next them in the mass by both faces. We fried immediately afterwards them in abundant olive oil. In order to finalize we make a mixture of the sugar and the cinnamon and greased the leaves well. Ready to eat!
Note: Don´t eat the lemon tree leaves 73
Somos Erasmus + Paso 3. Freír. Cuando el aceite está hirviendo, se echan las hojas rebozadas en el interior de la sartén y se fríen hasta que se doren ambas caras. Una vez que el paparajote está bien dorado, se retira de la sartén y se coloca sobre papel absorbente para retirar el exceso de aceite.
María Luján ( Spain)
Somos Erasmus +
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. El presente proyecto ha sido financiado con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea. Esta publicación (comunicación) es responsabilidad exclusiva de su autor. La Comisión no es responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida. 75