1 minute read
Where I’ m From by Angela Harris
I am from the freezing winter mornings and the cold ice breeze, From snow days, and christmas music, and attending mass every Christmas eve.
I am from the simmering summer heat, From the bright green grass and dandelions that often made me sneeze. I am the two and half month summer vacation, when students are free.
I am from homemade breakfast, lunch, and dinner, From McDonald’ s kids meals and spongebob shaped craft mac and cheese. I am the ketchup addiction which flooded every meal I ate
I am from my mom's secret recipes and famous meat pie, The cooking competition between my parents, which occurred about every night. From Beau Jo ’ s Mountain Pie Pizza, and its traditional honey crust.
I am from blond barbie dolls and friends lego sets, From begging my parents for toys and constantly getting upset.
I am from the bone cracking rumors and cherry seed lies.
I am from yearly visits to Santa ’ s Workshop and sitting on Santa Claus's lap, From four paged Christmas list and my hopes of being on the nice list.
I am from bull cut bangs and tiny little dresses, From booster seats and the constant need of being called ‘ cute ’
I am from minds filled with big ideas and bigger dream, From the hard workers and kind hearts who never give up.