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Heating, Ventilation & Insulation
As many of us get used to the reality of spending more time at home, the benefits of having a quiet, yet extremely efficient heating and domestic hot water system have become more obvious.
Switching technologies from traditional systems powered by Mains Gas, Oil or L.P.G. to an Air Source Heat Pump can deliver significant cost savings, improvements to heating performance and low sound levels, thanks to Panasonic’s Aquarea Heat Pump Range this is possible.
According to independent tests, the Panasonic Aquarea J Generation R32 Mini Monobloc range and 16kW Bi-Bloc T-Cap Super Quiet air-to water heat pumps have been confirmed to have impressively low levels of noise when in operation.
The independent testing was carried out by the Danish Technological Institute in Denmark with results confirming that the new Aquarea Monobloc 5kW, 7kW and 9kW Super-Quiet Bi-bloc 16kW T-CAP Aquarea Airto-water heat pumps came out with market leading low noise levels, with 60dB(A) whilst operating at full load. The tests were carried out for the sound power level according to EN 12102-1:2017 for full load and Quiet mode 3 at A7/W55. In Quiet mode operation, Aquarea heat pumps can operate at a further 4dB(A) reduced noise level.
Aquarea Super Quiet 16kW T-CAP (Total Capacity) delivers outstanding efficiency in heating and domestic hot water supply. This unit can supply all the heating and domestic hot water to a 450m2 new build property. Panasonic Aquarea Heat pumps can be connected to radiators, underfloor and fan assisted radiators to deliver heating in the winter, plus dedicated cooling can be provided during the summer if required from the units. The wide range from 3kW to 16kW in Monobloc, Bi-Bloc or All In One, ensures the right model is available for all requirements and designs.
To find out more about the Panasonic Aquarea range of air source heat pumps, please visit www.aircon.panasonic.eu
With green energy high on the UK agenda, now is the time to look at introducing underfloor heating and understanding the benefits at the specification stage.
Underfloor heating is suitable for all forms of construction and can be incorporated into any type of floor structure, it is therefore suitable for new-build, retrofit and refurbishment projects.
Taking our underfloor heating CPD will ensure that you are qualified to specify the correct type of system, and that you understand the installation process.
We offer a variety of underfloor heating CPD material on Electric and Wet underfloor heating systems and Frost Protection, designed to improve your professional knowledge and enable you to make decisions on the heat source for any building. We will share with you our expertise and wealth of knowledge built up over 30 years in the industry on each heating system.
All across the UK and Ireland we are installing Underfloor Heating in new developments and properties undergoing renovation.
Our CPD session covers the following:
Structure – Floors, floor finishes and insulation
• Space heating
• Design of systems, construction and technology
We aim to provide all attendees with a detailed history of underfloor heating and frost protection systems and an overview of the innovation and advances in the market.
Following the course, this will enable attendees to understand the benefits of underfloor heating, the benefits of underfloor heating over traditional radiator systems, energy efficiencies and environment benefits.
Our seminars are all held virtually and last approximately 45 minutes to an hour. We can set up Zoom, Teams or Skype; whichever is your preference we’ll work with you and your team.
To find out more visit: https://www.gaia.co.uk/resource-centre/ underfloor-heating-cpd/ and complete the contact form.
01359 242 400 www.gaia.co.uk