MOBILIZE, Mill Creek, Philadelphia

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Brian Carney | Laura Culp | Yichao Jia | Anqi Li Mowa Li | Justin Moodie | Nikhil Tangirala

FOREWORD Mill Creek/Dunlap has a long and complex history with planning and government. In the 1880s, the creek that ran through the neighborhood was buried in a sewer, and it has created problems for the neighborhood since. The decision to build on top of, and around, the sewer line resulted in multiple collapses, which has destroyed over 100 homes total and in some instances were fatal. In the 1930s, the neighborhood was redlined, as evidenced by Philadelphia’s 1934 Homeowners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Map. Redlining was a practice in the mortgage industry that evaluated loan performance, but it was largely based on the presence of minorities in an area, particularly African Americans. Mill Creek/Dunlap was also the site of an urban renewal project, which embodied the top-down approach of planning in the 20th century. The result was the Mill Creek Apartments, which were three 17-story public housing high-rises designed by Louis Kahn. Due to its chronic disinvestment in the neighborhood, these apartments were plagued with issues of violent crime and drug trafficking. In the early 2000s, the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) acquired HOPE VI funding to demolish these towers and develop mixed-income housing in the neighborhood. After studying the past, it becomes obvious that Mill Creek/Dunlap is a neighborhood where planners have historically been ignorant in their work. While the narratives of disinvestment, poorly designed public housing, and topdown planning approaches are common for neighborhoods throughout the city, the sewer line presents a unique challenge. This sewer has created unstable land conditions that

leave a trail of vacant land and homes in its wake. Unfortunately, it was only after houses collapsed that the land was deemed unstable. While the presence of vacant lots, as well as the disproportionately high number of vacant homes, is a challenge for the neighborhood, it is also an opportunity. Mill Creek/Dunlap is positioned to show the positive results of the preservation of public open space in an urban neighborhood. While the city itself is seeing development pressure, Mill Creek/Dunlap cannot and should not develop in the same way as other neighborhoods given its existing conditions. MOBILIZE Mill Creek/Dunlap is a look towards the future. This plan builds on existing strengths while addresses concerns expressed by community members and neighborhood leaders. Most importantly, the MOBILIZE Mill Creek/Dunlap Plan was created specifically for the unique challenges of Mill Creek/Dunlap with the past in mind. MOBILIZE Mill Creek/ Dunlap is not only about improving the way people physically move from place to place. It is about moving a community forward that has been stuck as a result of disinvestment and careless planning. It’s about planning differently for a community that has been failed by planners in the past. Finally, it’s about creating a community that meets the needs of current and future generations without erasing what distinguishes Mill Creek/Dunlap from the rest of Philadelphia.

CONTENTS Introduction


Existing Conditions


SDOC Analysis


Goals and Vision




End Notes






Mill Creek and Dunlap (Mill Creek/Dunlap) are two neighborhoods in West Philadelphia, approximately 3.5 miles from Center City. They are bounded by Market Street to the south, Girard Avenue to the north, 46th Street and Belmont Avenue to the east, and 52nd Street to the west. Dunlap is in the southwest corner of this area, and is separated from Mill Creek by Haverford Avenue to the north and 49th Street to the east. The two neighborhoods originally began as streetcar suburbs in the early 19th century and remain predominantly residential neighborhoods. Because of their shared past and similar current conditions, these two neighborhoods are being planned together and will be therefore be referred to as Mill Creek/Dunlap. 02

INTRODUCTION | Mill Creek/Dunlap


Mill Creek is named after the creek that runs through the neighborhood. The creek, which was buried in a sewer in the 1880s, presumably got its name from the presence of textile mills in the 19th century37. Dunlap, on the other hand, was named after the Thomas Dunlap School20. Along with textile mills, there were also tanneries and slaughterhouses along Mill Creek in the 19th century. The waste from these institutions and the households in the area polluted the creek, which was believed to lead to poor health.37 In an attempt to improve water quality and public health, the creek was buried 30 feet below the ground in large sewer pipes. As the city expanded, residential homes were built on top of the now-buried creek. In the early-to-mid 20th century, Mill Creek/ Dunlap was starved of investment; residents in the neighborhood struggled to obtain mortgages. Their difficulty stemmed from redlining—a practice in the mortgage lending industry that starved low-income, minority neighborhoods of capital.3 According to historic

Homeowners Loan Corporation (HOLC) maps, neighborhoods were given one of four grades, which reflected the neighborhood’s desirability for mortgage loans. One of the major factors in determining the desirability of a neighborhood was race, and areas with African Americans “were consistently given a fourth grade, or ‘hazardous,’ rating and colored red.”13 A GIS map of a 1934 HOLC map shows that the entire Mill Creek/Dunlap neighborhood was redlined. While research has shown that these redlined areas were still able to get mortgage loans, they came with higher interest rates and largely excluded from mortgage insurance through the Federal Housing Administration. Another federal program that affected the Mill Creek/Dunlap neighborhood was Urban Renewal. Philadelphia designated Mill Creek as a redevelopment area in 1948, and Louis Kahn, a famous architect known for his pivotal role in the Urban Renewal movement, was hired to produce a plan for the neighborhood and, later, design the Mill Creek Housing Project. 37 MOBILIZE MILL CREEK/DUNLAP


1940s, over 50 homes were demolished or destroyed due to structural issues; 47 of which were “plagued with rats and filled with sewer vapor.” Additionally, in 1945, a group of row homes was destroyed after the sewer beneath it collapsed. Perhaps most notably, a sewer collapse in 1961 killed three people and resulted in 111 homes being condemned.37 Mill Creek’s population decreased by 27% from 1950 to 1970.37 In comparison, Philadelphia lost only 6% of its population during the same time. Still, the city and the neighborhood were combating similar factors contributing to population loss. One of these factors was suburbanization, as evidenced by the growth in the Pennsylvania counties surrounding Philadelphia from 1950-2000. In 1950, the Residents of the neighborhood protested the population of Delaware, Montgomery, and public housing, especially the high-rises, but Berks County combined was 911,922.40 By were unsuccessful in stopping it from being 2000, that number had grown to 1,898,596—an built. increase of 108%.39 Redlining and other federal policies that encouraged segregation were The sewer that now contains Mill Creek major contributors to this suburbanization.12 experienced periods of neglect and, as a result, Mill Creek/Dunlap’s housing stock was The declining population in Mill Creek/Dunlap susceptible to a myriad of problems. In the combined with the concentration of poverty


INTRODUCTION | Mill Creek/Dunlap

around the Mill Creek Apartments resulted in areas of high crime in the neighborhood. This is evidenced by a 2010 Philadelphia Tribune article, which referred to the area as the “once notorious housing projects of Mill Creek that were pockets of criminal activity.”18 No incident was more indicative of this than the “Lex Street Massacre,” which is the largest mass shooting in the city’s history. On December 28, 2000, seven people were shot and killed in an abandoned house on the 800th block of Lex Street.16 Most of the homes on the block had been abandoned, and the Mill Creek Apartments were vacant at this point as well.34

by moderate-income—between $22,000 15 and $56,000—households. This model was consistent with other HOPE VI developments, which looked to break up the concentration of poverty that had plagued public housing projects built in the mid-20th century.11

Within a few years, the Mill Creek Apartments were demolished to clear the way for a new housing development. Construction of the Lucien Blackwell Homes—renamed in memory of the late Congressman—began in 2003 and was largely funded by a HOPE VI grant through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Rather than high-rise apartments, this new development featured low-rise, suburban-style homes.2 Additionally, the residents in these neighborhoods were not solely public housing residents, as a percentage of the homes built were available for purchase

There were two phases to this project: in the first phase, spanning from 1987-1991, students from the university “created a digital database with maps of the neighborhood’s demographics and physical features, made proposals for strategic reuse of vacant urban land in the Mill Creek and watershed, and designed dozens of gardens”; the second phase, starting in 1994, featured a partnership between the university, Sulzberger Middle School, and the Aspen Farms community garden.22

In 1987, Ann Spirn, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania at the time, started the West Philadelphia Landscape Project.22 The project focused on the Mill Creek Watershed, which had often been overlooked by planners and developers in the Mill Creek/Dunlap neighborhood.37




INTRODUCTION | Mill Creek/Dunlap

Why Plan?

Decisions made by planners have had a significant effect on Mill Creek/Dunlap, whether it be the Mill Creek Apartments or homes that were built too close to the sewer pipe. These previous planning failures and the unique environmental challenges of the neighborhood highlight why a good plan is necessary. Encroaching gentrification pressure and a trend of increasing population suggest possible changes in Mill Creek/Dunlap’s future. With a difficult history and a changing future, comprehensive and careful planning in Mill Creek/Dunlap is more important now than ever before.




Mill Creek/Dunlap is home to 15,301 people in 5,259 households within its 400 acres. With approximately 1% of the total population but 0.5% of the total land area, Mill Creek/Dunlap is approximately twice as dense as Philadelphia as a whole.40 Based on its boundaries, Mill Creek/Dunlap is made up of four census tracts: 93, 103, 104, and 105 (ACS, 2016). Although Mill Creek/Dunlap’s population has decreased since the 1940s, the neighborhood has slowly regained some population in the last 20 years. Even with this increase, the neighborhood has maintained a stable demographics makeup despite the changing demography in nearby Mantua and Powelton Village. Between 2011 and 2016, the population of Mill Creek/Dunlap increased by 18%

or approximately 3.6% per year.40 This suggests that not only is the population increasing, but the neighborhood should expect to see rapid population growth in the coming years (ACS, 2016). Throughout the 20th and 21st century, Mill Creek/ Dunlap has remained predominantly black: 9 out of 10 are African Americans, which is more than twice the percentage of African Americans in Philadelphia. Many of those who live in the community have been living in their current location for decades: in fact, 26.3% of the households moved in before 1990, while 15% moved in before 1980, as of 2016.40 Because of this abundance of long-time residents, the community members have been able to foster bonds amongst the neighbors and create a strong sense of identity.40

DEMOGRAPHICS 15,301 People 5,259 Households 93% African Americans $26,284

Median Household Income

2,605 Children

Enrolled in Public School



Median Move-In Year

The relative stability of demographics in Mill Creek/Dunlap reveals a history of consistent disinvestment and chronic poverty preventing a higher social mobility of its population, despite its affordable housing stock and accessibility to the job center in University City. Three out of four census tracts in the neighborhood have suffered from persistent poverty, with more than 20% of the population living in poverty for more than 30 years.40

The average household size is approximately the same in Mill Creek/Dunlap as it is in Philadelphia (2.7 compared to 2.6 persons per household, respectively). Thirty-five percent of households have children, which results in a higher percentage of kids under 5 years old and minors in the neighborhood than in Philadelphia as a whole. The largest share of households is single-femaleheaded households with children (41.7%).40

Household with Children Mill Creek/Dunlap’s median household income ($26,284) is almost 20% lower than that of Philadelphia ($39,770), with 34.4 percent of the families living under poverty and more than half of the population under 18 in poverty. Because of the income threshold for public housing application, the concentration of public housing complex in the eastern section of Mill Creek neighborhood reduces the median household income for the neighborhood overall.40

The relative stability of demographics and more than 5% of households have grandparents living with grandchildren. Less than one in five children live with their married parents (18.9%). As of 2016, there are 2,605 children in the neighborhood enrolled in public school, consisting of 81% of the total school-age children. The neighborhood also has a higher femaleto-male ratio of 6:4, which may be related to the high rate of single-female-headed households.40

Single Female Headed Household



ECONOMY Mill Creek/Dunlap offers 1,814 jobs as of 2015. From 2002 to 2015, the local economy proved unstable, with a peak of 2,232 jobs offered as of 2008. From 2008 to 2014, the total number of jobs in Mill Creek/Dunlap decreased by more than 30% but has increased since 2015 when the Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP) moved into Mill Creek/Dunlap, resulting in a gain of 17.5%.41 Major Employers The new CHOP Karabots Pediatric Care Center, the Families Forward Complex, the Gaudenzia House of Passage Women’s Shelter, the St. Ignatius Nursing Home, the Centennial Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, and the Juvenile Justice Services

Center are among the large institutions in the neighborhood, providing employment opportunities in the healthcare and social assistance industries. From 2002 to 2015, jobs in the healthcare and social assistance industries doubled from 658 to 1,209 and now account for more than 66% of the total jobs. Other major employment industries in Mill Creek/Dunlap are the educational services, accommodation, and food services, and retail trade industries, although all are less significant than the healthcare industry.41 The chart below illustrates the change in the total number of jobs available in Mill Creek/Dunlap over time, as well as the relative composition of these jobs from the service industries.

Total Jobs

Healthcare and Social Assistance

Accomodation and Food Services

Other services



Wage Distribution and Job Loss Although the additional jobs offered in the neighborhood from 2005 to 2010 resulted in substantial increase in medium-andhigh paying jobs, these higher paying jobs declined significantly from 2011 to 2014.41 Current job growth appears concentrated in lower-paying positions, as illustrated above.

Mill Creek/Dunlap Workers’ Wage

Moreover, Mill Creek/Dunlap has relatively fewer high-earning and relatively more low-earning workers than Philadelphia as a whole, resulting in lower incomes and higher poverty rates than the citywide averages. Income distribution in Mill Creek/Dunlap and in Philadelphia is pictured to the right.41 Employment Rates The Mill Creek/Dunlap labor force consists of 5,239 people, but only 4,211 of which are employed. This reveals an unemployment rate of 19.6%. Consistent with Philadelphia’s high concentration of “Eds and Meds” institutions, 26.8% of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s employed residents work in the healthcare

and social services industries. 10.3% of the neighborhood’s employed residents work in the accommodation and food services trades, 10.2% work in the retail trade, and another 10.2% work in waste management and remediation.41 Four in ten Mill Creek/Dunlap workers are employed in a service position, much higher



than the citywide average, which is also reflected in the wage distribution. Working residents of Mill Creek/Dunlap are more likely than the average Philadelphia worker to earn a low or medium wage, with only 28% earning more than $40,000 annually.41 Although several neighborhood institutions provide employment opportunities, particularly in the healthcare industry, Mill Creek/Dunlap still experiences a sizable net job outflow. The neighborhood offers around 1,800 jobs, though only 90 are filled by residents. 97.8% of all working Mill Creek/ Dunlap residents leave the neighborhood for work.41

Inflow/Outflow Industry Mix

Community and economic development depends upon access to opportunities, which is limited by several factors. Educational attainment in Mill Creek/ Dunlap reveals a percentage of residents with a Bachelors Degree that is less than half of the Philadelphia average. Mill Creek/ Dunlap residents’ economic mobility is also constrained by a heavy dependence on public transit that makes it harder to access better-paying jobs, with nearly half of the neighborhood labor force taking public transit to work. Compared to the Philadelphia average, residents also spend 15 minutes more on their daily commute.41



Proximity to University City Due to their close proximity to the highopportunity University City District, the Census tracts surrounding Mill Creek/Dunlap that are nearest to University City have seen a 10% increase in median household income over the past five years. These Census tracts are also experiencing a surge in diversity driven by their newcomers, and now reflect a diversity index (diversity index of 49) that is nearly five times that of the study area (diversity index of 10). The University City District Annual Report from 2017 notes an almost 12% increase in jobs over the past 15 years, and forecasts this trend to continue due to development in UCity Square, the Schuylkill Yards mega-project, and overall growth in the healthcare system.41 Despite the rapid changes occurring in University City and the Census tracts between the District and Mill Creek/Dunlap, the neighborhood has remained remarkably stable, for both better and worse. What has prevented Mill Creek/Dunlap from benefiting from the development pushing west from the Schuylkill River? Put differently, what can Mill Creek/Dunlap do today to remain livable and affordable for its current residents when the wave of investment rolling through West Philadelphia eventually reaches the neighborhood? How can Mill Creek/Dunlap take advantage of the positive effects of investment while preventing a damage to its social capital, community assets, and culture?

Market Analysis


or generations, 52nd Street has functioned as the “Main Street� of Mill Creek/Dunlap, as well as many other West Philadelphia neighborhoods. In the 1920’s, 52nd Street was known for its movie theaters, restaurants, and bars. A visual inspection of the 52nd Street corridor today, however, reveals vacancy in about 30 percent of storefronts, with the southern strip of the corridor below Market Street boasting more retailers and vibrancy. The current retail mix includes a large supply of fast food and take-out businesses, nail and hair salons, pharmacies, and electronics and appliance stores. Although easily accessible by the Market-Frankford


he market analysis reveals retail leakage in both Retail Trade and Food & Drink, indicating more demand than supply. In total, Retail Trade represents a gap of almost $338 million. The largest retail leakages are in Home Furnishings ($21 million), General Merchandise ($86 million), and Building Materials and Supply Stores ($33 million). Surprisingly, even with the abundance of electronics and appliance stores along the corridor, there is still a sizable leakage of $14 million, which can possibly be attributed to the perceived quality of the existing electronic stores.

Line and within walking distance to University City, the 52nd Street commercial corridor has seen a decline in retail, accelerated by the rise of e-commerce. This has led to the shrinking of the primary trade area. Due to many new commercial spaces in University City and a shrinking West Philadelphia population, the ensuing market analysis uses a 1-mile radius for the retail corridor as its primary trading area. Indeed, more and more West Philadelphia residents are doing their shopping online; in fact, ESRI Business Analyst Data estimates that within the 1-mile radius of 52nd Street, residents spend more than $10 million online.

In terms of retail surplus, supply exceeds demand in the industry groups of Health & Personal Care Stores ($10.6 million), Beer, Wine & Liquor Stores ($4.7 million), Special Food Services ($483,000), and Used Merchandise Stores ($91,000). Even with a surplus of certain Food Services offerings, there is a sizable leakage ($18 million) in Family Restaurants and Fine Dining Restaurants. Within a 1-mile radius of 52nd Street, only 67% of adults had patronized a Family Restaurant in the past six months, while almost 90% have been to a Fast Food Restaurant.9



HOUSING A neighborhood’s housing stock and housing market are important factors when evaluating its existing conditions. Relatively stable property values and well-maintained homes can benefit a neighborhood, whereas a deteriorated housing stock and a high number of vacancies can be a cause for concern. Additionally, the affordability of housing for residents is also crucial, as high rates of rent or cost burden result in less money available for food, healthcare, and additional household costs.40 Housing Stock The majority of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s housing stock is single-unit attached homes, followed by single-unit detached homes. These account for 69.0% and 3.7% of the housing stock, respectively. Together, the percent of homes that are single-unit is 72.7%, which is larger than the city’s percent

A typical Mill Creek/Dunlap residential street



of single-unit homes, which is 66.6%. Twoto four-unit homes make up 12.2% of the housing in Mill Creek/Dunlap, compared to 15.1% in Philadelphia. Additionally, the neighborhood has 535 housing units in buildings with 50 or more units, which comprises 8% of its housing stock. For Philadelphia, this same statistic is 9%.40 Similar to other neighborhoods in the West District of Philadelphia, Mill Creek/Dunlap has an aging housing stock. Over 50% of the neighborhood’s rental housing stock was built in 1949 or earlier, which is slightly higher than Philadelphia overall (48%). 14% of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s housing stock was constructed in 2000 or after, compared to only 5.5% of the rental housing stock in Philadelphia. This may indicate that rental housing is increasing in popularity in Mill Creek/Dunlap.40

Juxtaposition of vacant and well-kept homes along 50th Street

The Price of Housing The value of owner-occupied housing in Mill Creek/Dunlap is significantly lower than the value of housing in Philadelphia overall. The median owner-occupied house value in Mill Creek/Dunlap is $71,350, compared to $147,300 in Philadelphia. Over 27% of the neighborhood’s owner-occupied housing is valued at less than $50,000, and nearly 75% of it less than $100,000. In Philadelphia, these same statistics are 9.5% and 31%, respectively. Mill Creek/Dunlap also has a much lower homeownership rate (40%) than the city (47%). Of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s 6,637 housing units, 1,378 of them are vacant—for a neighborhood vacancy rate of 20.7%. This is significantly higher than Philadelphia’s vacancy rate, which sits at 13.2%.40 The median gross rent in Mill Creek/ Dunlap is $685, which is 27% lower than the citywide median of $943. Despite the relatively low median gross rent, Mill Creek/ Dunlap residents have a high rate of rent burden, defined as spending more than 30% of household income on rent. 13.8% of residents pay 30% to 49% of their income for rent, with 29.8% paying at least half of their income for rent. It is possible that these rates are actually even higher, as 14.2% of household rents were not computed for this statistic.40 Public Housing in Mill Creek/Dunlap Mill Creek/Dunlap has multiple public housing sites in the neighborhood. Overall, there are 866 available units, housing approximately 1,800 residents. The average household size is 2.2 residents, and approximately 95% of these developments are occupied. The median household income for these residents is $16,658, which is presumably lower than the overall neighborhood median income.40

The best-known public housing site in the neighborhood is the Lucien Blackwell Homes, which was completed in 2005 through Hope VI funding. The original public housing project at this site consisted of three 17-story high-rises that were structurally unsound and plagued by problems like crime and poverty. To mitigate these issues, the Philadelphia Housing Authority replaced the towers with a mixed-income development where a certain portion of the homes were reserved for public housing residents, and the remainder either sold at market rate or made available to moderateincome homeowners. This system was intended to prevent poverty from being concentrated.40 Mill Creek/Dunlap’s housing ranges from typical West Philly Row Homes, to modern public-housing developments, to newlyconstructed, high-density rental housing. Overall, the housing mix meets community residents’ basic needs, but presents challenges with respect to housing age and affordability. MOBILIZE MILL CREEK/DUNLAP




Introduction Mill Creek/Dunlap is a predominantly residential community comprised of mostly single-family homes. In fact, residentialuse parcels account for nearly half (48.1%) of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s non-road land area.6 Lower density homes cover much of central Mill Creek/Dunlap, while higher density residential buildings cluster in the northeast and east of the neighborhood along the busier Lancaster Avenue and 44th Street. Zoning Mismatch Mill Creek/Dunlap’s current land use patterns present many discrepancies with the neighborhood’s outdated zoning classifications. Though many of the singlefamily homes occupy lots zoned for lowdensity residential use, some occupy parcels in the eastern part of the neighborhood, especially near the Lancaster Avenue commercial corridor, that are zoned for medium-density residential use.6 Under the current zoning designations, a developer could by right build a sizable multi-family structure in the middle of an otherwise single-family block, out of scale with its surroundings and disruptive to the block’s character and feel. Cathedral Cemetery Cathedral Cemetery occupies more than 15% of the neighborhood’s non-road area. The Cemetery’s property is zoned for lowdensity residential use, though it is virtually impossible to envision any deviation from its current use.5

residents and comments echoed at community meetings, there is a strong perception that vacant buildings are associated with crime and delinquency, particularly relating to drug use and drug commerce. These crumbling, structurally unsound buildings present a safety concern and may detract from the physical appearance of the neighborhood. However, the City is only able to demolish them if deemed “imminently dangerous.”12 The largest vacant building in Mill Creek/Dunlap, Amusement Hall Masonry at 4624 Lancaster Avenue, houses nearly an acre of vacant floor space. Tax and ownership issues complicate the task of either razing or renovating these structures, imposing an enduring drag on the property values of remaining Mill Creek/ Dunlap residents. Vacant Land Vacant land accounts for nearly 18 acres of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s land area.4 Vacant homes become unsafe after prolonged periods of neglect, decay, and vandalism. When they are eventually demolished, empty lots that can attract illegal dumping are left behind. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) manages and cares for some of Mill Creek/ Dunlap’s vacant lots under its LandCare program, intermittently cleaning up trash, building post-fences to prevent further dumping, and planting trees and grass.24 Some vacant land is used informally by neighbors for extra parking or recreational gardening or landscaping space.

Vacant Buildings As of April of 2018, there were 253 vacant buildings within Mill Creek/Dunlap.3 Based on conversations with neighborhood




Mode Share

Mill Creek/Dunlap is bordered by various major and minor arterial roads, including Market Street, 52nd Street, Lancaster Avenue, Belmont Avenue, Girard Avenue, Haverford Avenue, and 48th Street. These are the primary roads used for travel beyond the neighborhood, as well as major public transit routes. Accordingly, they experience annual average daily traffic (AADT) values ranging from 8,000 vehicles on Market Street to 12,000 vehicles on 52nd Street and Haverford Avenue.23

Mill Creek/Dunlap is home to 4,143 workers above the age of 16. 48.2% of workers use public transportation to commute, which is nearly twice the Philadelphia average. Also of note is the percentage of workers who experience long commute times. 24.5% of workers from the neighborhood have commute times of an hour or greater, compared to 14.6% of Philadelphia workers. Given the high rate of public transit usage, this may suggest a limitation imposed by the neighborhood’s dependence on public transit. It is also possible that some neighborhood residents commute to lowwage jobs outside the city.40

Public Transit Mill Creek/Dunlap is served directly by one rapid transit route, two trolley routes, and six bus routes. The table and map on the opposite page illustrate the public transit network for the neighborhood and surrounding area.

Looking east along Market Street, Market-Frankford Line elevated train at top



Public Transit Routes

Transit route Table Route


Market-Frankford Line Elevated Rail


Daily Ridership36

University City, Center City 187,449

10 Trolley Overbrook, 30th St. Station, Center City


15 Trolley Haddington, Northern Liberties, Fishtown


30 Bus 69th St., University City, 30th St. Station


31 Bus Overbrook, 30th St. Station, Center City


43 Bus Parkside, Northern Liberties, Fishtown


52 Bus St. Joseph’s U., 52nd St. Corridor, Kingsessing


64 Bus Parkside, Kingsessing, Pennsport

5, 845





Refuge Apostolic Church of Christ, 52nd Street & Race Street

both have fallen into disrepair after years of inadequate maintenance. Despite this, the two buildings continue to serve as meeting locations for community groups and events.42

Introduction Mill Creek/Dunlap contains a wealth of educational and community resources. Nearly 20 schools, institutions, and afterschool programs are distributed throughout and provide abundant and comprehensive academic curricula for school-age children. Meanwhile, support organizations seek to help struggling families transition back into the economic mainstream. There are four community hospitals which provide residents with health care services and create valuable jobs. The neighborhood, however, has relatively few public safety assets such as police and fire facilities, which might result in potential safety hazards.

Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center The new Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center is currently under construction at 47th and Aspen Streets. According to City Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, families in Mill Creek/ Dunlap will “get a wellequipped, professionally managed, familyoriented community center.”26 The new recreation center may also create jobs for the neighborhood and will give community members a new and safe place to recreate.

Cultural Mill Creek/Dunlap contains a wealth of cultural assets, including many places of worship. The neighborhood’s churches serve as places for residents to establish connections and build community. There are no libraries or museums within Mill Creek/Dunlap and few within walking distance, however, potentially limting cultural diversity and vitality. West Mill Creek Recreation Center There are two small-scale recreation centers in the neighborhood, both of which are located near a playground. Unfortunately,

Construction of the Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center (April 2018)

Existing Parks and Open Space Mill Creek/Dunlap residents live in a neighborhood that is well-served in terms of walkable access to open spaces. The neighborhood contains two big playgrounds, one square, and three community gardens. Even with the physical



access that community members enjoy, these spaces are not always adequate for recreation. Several of these spaces are poorly maintained and could benefit from improvement or expansion.

be an effective method of beautifying the neighborhood and cultivating social connections among residents, as well as providing healthy food for gardeners and neighbors.25

Clara Muhammad Square is a serene, clean, and well-maintained park located in the northeastern corner of the neighborhood, bounded by Lancaster Avenue, Wyalusing Avenue, and North 48th Street. The merrygo-round calls up memories of residents’ childhoods.33

Community Resources

West Mill Creek Playground is in a state of disrepair. The sprinkler system does not function and there is a lack of facilities for older children to use. The “Rebuild Initiative” may help with the capital investment needed to repair the playground. 42 Aspen Farm is a notable Mill Creek/Dunlap community garden that demonstrates the constructive reuse of vacant land as a community asset. Neighbors came together to transform the once-neglected lots into well-maintained gardens. This proved to

Mill Creek Farm, 49th Street & Brown Street 24


A large percentage of households in Mill Creek/Dunlap live in poverty and/or are rent-burdened. To help support these impoverished families, an institution called The Families Forward offers a full range of supportive programs and training workshops to help families transition back into the economic mainstream and encourage selfsufficiency.10 Two non-profit organizations, the Housing Counseling Agency and the Neighborhood Advisory Committee Program, provide mortgage counseling, default and delinquency counseling, tenant support, and housing consumer education. Through these services, residents may learn how to better evaluate loan offers and avoid foreclosures.8



Typical Mill Creek/Dunlap scene of rowhomes, vacant lots, and large swaths of impervious surfaces

BUILT ENVIRONMENT Streetscape Mill Creek/Dunlap’s street network and pedestrian realm reflect the early 20th century era in which they were constructed, offering a human-scale experience among densely-built, intimate blocks. Planned and constructed before mass adoption of the automobile, the neighborhood’s streets mainly follow a simple grid pattern that is easily navigable and minimizes the superblock effect. The southeast portion of the neighborhood, however, is characterized by large institutional blocks that pose a barrier between the residential portion of the neighborhood and the areas of West Philadelphia to the south and east of the neighborhood. The streetscape has suffered from decades of neglect and poor management that have pockmarked some blocks with vacancy, but remains an asset that can be improved in a straightforward manner with sufficient attention and investment.



Mill Creek/Dunlap’s sidewalks are mostly complete, but pavement quality and sanitation conditions vary widely blockto-block. Trash still litters the ground in many areas and festers in a handful of short dumping sites on certain blocks. Trees cover most of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s residential blocks, creating an aesthetically pleasing barrier that separates pedestrians from vehicles. The street trees are neither too tall or too densely planted, which helps maintain sight-lines from the street to the buildings for pedestrians and motorists alike. Despite the abundance of street trees, the streetscape can appear to be largely monotonous, mostly devoid of street furniture like benches and bike racks. Mill Creek/Dunlap has no formal bike lanes. Google’s bicycle map considers only Haverford Avenue, Lancaster Avenue, Belmont Avenue, North 48th Street, Market Street, and part of Race Street and Arch Street to be bicycle-friendly, primarily a function of their relative widths.

Darkness under the elevated Market-Frankford Line tracks

The elevated Market-Frankford Line exerts a negative impact on the streetscape along Market Street and the portions of the north-south blocks nearest it. The lack of a pedestrian-friendly public realm and vibrant commercial spaces are apparent on both Market Street and 52nd Street, both of which are identified as retail corridors. Many of the ground floor units along these corridors are either abandoned or have been converted for residential use, both of which fail to activate the sidewalks they border and deaden the passerby’s experience. “Love Letter” is a public art project by artist Steve Powers, initiated by Mural Arts Philadelphia. “Love Letter” consists of 50 rooftop murals along Market Street from 45th Street to 63rd Street.1 Best viewed by riding the elevated Market-Frankford Line, the murals “collectively express a love letter from a guy to a girl, from an artist to his hometown, and from local residents to their West Philadelphia neighborhood.” Today, Mill Creek/Dunlap also features many other mural artworks, livening up the bare walls left behind when rowhomes’ neighbors are demolished. Public art like “Love Letter” brings excitement and color to Mill Creek/Dunlap’s otherwise monotonous landscape and demonstrates that improvement does not always have to be complicated or expensive. Expanding West Philadelphia’s bike lane network into Mill Creek/Dunlap and installing street furniture along the neighborhood’s most important traveled corridors could dramatically improve the community’s streetscape in short order and at little cost. Despite the challenges brought on by decades of disinvestment and blight, leveraging the neighborhood’s dense street network and intimate built environment can revitalize the pedestrian experience and streetscape to their former glory.

Murals from “Love Letter,” above and above left MOBILIZE MILL CREEK/DUNLAP


Building Typology Mill Creek/Dunlap is in many ways a quintessential West Philadelphia residential neighborhood. Low-rise brick construction dominates, though closer inspection reveals architectural nuance on every block. Quality and care in construction are evident, but decades of poverty have impacted many residents’ ability to maintain their unique homes. Mill Creek/Dunlap is primarily comprised of single-family rowhouses. These houses were built in various eras and thus have diverse physical characteristics. The most common type of rowhouse is a two-story structure with narrow street frontage, featuring a bay window, recessed front porch, and elevated entry. Some more recent developments are characterized by less decoration and a more uniform style. The newly constructed

West Village Project is four stories tall, larger than the vast majority of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s other buildings and includes private garages and a generously-sized shared yard space. Another recently completed housing project built along 45th Street and Fairmount Avenue features an entirely different architectural style. In addition to its abundant residential structures, Mill Creek/Dunlap also contains a handful of institutional buildings that are characterized by much larger bulk. Examples include the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company Building at 4601 Market Street, the CHOP Karabots Primary Care Center at 4865 Market Street, and the three nationally registered historic buildings of the Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital at 111 N. 49th Street, now part of the Blackwell Human Services Center.

Mill Creek/Dunlap row homes 28


Building Typology Map

Example of Housing Typologies in Mill Creek/Dunlap



Clara Muhammad Square

NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Between 1945 and 1961, multiple portions of the Mill Creek sewer collapsed, swallowing several homes and condemning hundreds more to be demolished. The neighborhood has also experienced problems with flooding and contaminated runoff due to acres of impervious surface



and aging Combined Sewer Systems (CSSs). In addition to stormwater runoff and the CSS, environmental issues include an excess of litter, underutilized public space, and high vulnerability to the social impacts of climate change.

Stormwater flow impeded by street trash

Stormwater Runoff Due to the abundant impervious surfaces throughout Mill Creek/Dunlap (approximately 63% of all surfaces), aging sewer infrastructure, and neglected storm drains, stormwater runoff has become a major concern within the neighborhood. As with many locations in Philadelphia, Mill Creek/Dunlap is serviced by a CSS, which is defined as a system that utilizes a single pipe to move both sewage waste and stormwater runoff to a wastewater treatment plant. These systems have a set capacity that is often reached when heavy rainfall occurs, which results in stormwater pooling around storm drains and untreated sewage leaking into the Schuylkill River. The CSS that runs beneath Mill Creek/Dunlap is comprised of infrastructure that dates as far as 1860, and the vast majority of the system was built before 1940.29 As such, the system was built to fit the needs of the area as they were 150 years ago. Mill Creek/Dunlap’s population and the amount of infrastructure has increased greatly over the last 150 years, which is reflected in the system’s strained performance. In addition to the system’s age, the abundant impervious surface puts additional strain on the system. Impervious surface is defined as any surface that water cannot penetrate. Roads, buildings, and sidewalks are typical examples of impervious surfaces unless

specifically designed otherwise, such as porous pavement. When rainwater falls on an impervious surface, it cannot percolate directly into the ground as it would if it had fallen onto dirt or a planted area. Instead, the water runs off and typically ends up in a CSS. A higher percentage of impervious surface means a larger proportion of rainwater ending up in the sewer instead of infiltrating into the ground, which further strains the system and increases the incidence of flooding. These and other issues are being addressed by current residents and concerned organizations. With the help of the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) and local non-profit organizations, stormwater management projects have begun to pop up all over the neighborhood. Since 2006, PWD and some local private developers have installed 26 sustainable stormwater projects in Mill Creek/Dunlap.28 Urban farms and community Gardens like Mill Creek Farm generally make extensive use of stormwater projects as part of their efforts to promote sustainable urban agriculture and emphasize the importance of storwmater management. Many of these projects fall into one of four categories: porous pavement, tree trenches, rain gardens, and bioswales. The next page providees more information on these interventions and a map indicating their locations within Mill Creek/Dunlap.



Porous Pavement Unlike traditional pavement, porous pavement contains tiny pores that allow water to seep through the pavement into the ground below instead of running off. Examples of this in Mill Creek/ Dunlap include a basketball court at 47th and Brown Streets.30 Philadelphia Water Department

Tree Trenches A tree trench is a specially engineered infiltration system that is built beneath the sidewalk and collects runoff from the road. The infrastructure gets its name from the trees that are built on top of the system. The trees help to capture and absorb some of the water.32 Philadelphia Water Department

Rain Gardens A rain garden is a vegetated planter that collects and filters runoff. Rain gardens are typically home to smaller garden plants and are specifically designed and planted to maximize infiltration. Rain gardens can be found throughout Mill Creek/Dunlap on both public and private land, including Mill Creek Farm.31

Bioswales A bioswale is a man-made channel that is meant to funnel and filter stormwater. These are typically constructed to control runoff from large impervious surfaces such as parking lots. Bioswales are typically home to a variety of plants that infiltrate some of the stormwater onsite.27 32


Green Stormwater Infrastructure Map



Climate Change As defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, climate change is the change in the climate over time. It has been stated and supported by more than 98% of scientists that the climate change currently being experienced by the Earth is partially or completely caused by human activity, specifically the emission of excess greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. The major impacts of climate change will include sea-level rise, increased incidence of extreme weather events, changing weather patterns throughout the world, and an overall increase in the annual global temperature.14 Mill Creek/Dunlap is specifically vulnerable to climate change, largely because many of its residents have low incomes. Low-income residents will experience greater economic losses in the event of a natural disaster and are less likely to have certain resources, like air conditioning, to cope with extreme weather events.

Mill Creek/Dunlap will likely experience the same impacts of climate change as the remainder of Philadelphia, including increased temperature, increased annual rainfall, and increased heat island effect. In addition, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) categorizes Mill Creek/Dunlap as “High” in its measure of climate vulnerability using the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). The SVI is a measure of resilience, defined as a community’s ability to rebuild after a disaster. NOAA categorizes these neighborhoods as being highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change based on their economic data and geographic information. This measurement means that in the event of a major natural disaster caused by climate change, Mill Creek/Dunlap would be more greatly impacted and take longer to rebuild than other Philadelphia neighborhoods.19

Litter Mill Creek/Dunlap battles with an excess of street trash. Trash is not only unsightly but is also unsanitary and can end up clogging storm drains and polluting water. Sections of Mill Creek/Dunlap score a 3.5 to 4 out of 4 on the City of Philadelphia’s Litter Index, which means that they have some of the highest concentrations of litter in the city.7 The map on the opposite page represents the Litter Index in Mill Creek/Dunlap.

Trash accumulation in a typical Mill Creek/Dunlap vacant lot 34


Litter Map




SDOC ANALYSIS | Mill Creek/Dunlap




SDOC ANALYSIS Mill Creek/Dunlap is characterized by a set of Strengths, Deficiencies, Opportunities, and Constraints, collectively referred to as “SDOC.” Strengths are positive, unique assets intrinsic to the neighborhood, while deficiencies represent negative internal conditions that detract from its environment. Opportunities represent external trends and possibilities for the community’s improvement, while constraints pose a threat to that improvement and even the neighborhood’s stability. The table on the opposite page outlines 16 of these characteristics and categorizes them as Strengths, Deficiencies, Opportunities, and/or Constraints. The pages that follow highlight and expand upon 5 key characteristics that are particularly relevant to the MOBILIZE Mill Creek/Dunlap plan.


SDOC ANALYSIS | Mill Creek/Dunlap

SDOC Analysis




Access to Transit Existing Open Space Community Identity 52nd Street Commercial Activity Proximity to University City and Center City High Poverty Rate and Skills Gap Aging Housing Stock Sewer Pipe Flooding and Stormwater Runoff Vacant Lots and Buildings Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing Transit Oriented Development Rebuild Initiatives Chronic Disinvestment Decline in Main Street Retail Market-Frankford Line Elevated Structure MOBILIZE MILL CREEK/DUNLAP


52nd Street Commercial Activity 52nd Street was once known as “West Philadelphia’s Main Street,” and continues to offer a variety of goods and services within walking distance for many of the neighborhood’s residents. The vitality and diversity of commercial offerings have withered over recent decades, however, presenting an opportunity to revitalize 52nd Street and reposition the corridor as a firstclass retail and entertainment destination.

Proximity to University City and Center City Mill Creek/Dunlap’s proximity to University City and Center City places its residents within walking distance or a short transit ride to the City’s two largest job centers and amenity areas. As has been observed in the Mantua neighborhood, however, Mill Creek/Dunlap residents’ low incomes and a persistent skills gap make them vulnerable to displacement by the market pressures and rising prices caused by the wave of market-rate development gradually moving west toward the neighborhood. Sewer Pipe Mill Creek was buried and converted into a sewer in 1870. The fill used to cover the sewer has gradually settled and proven inadequate, leaving acres of unstable land unsuitable for building. The concentration of these unbuildable parcels near West Mill Creek Playground, however, allows them to be integrated as part of an open space corridor.


Vacant Lots and Buildings Mill Creek/Dunlap’s numerous vacant buildings and lots attract trash and can harbor illicit activity, based on conversations with residents. Some vacant parcels are structurally unsuitable for building and must, therefore, remain open. However, these open parcels present an opportunity to formally become functional, public green space, which help to preserve plentiful, dispersed open space for future generations.

Market-Frankford Line Elevated Structure While the Market-Frankford Line’s rapid speed (7 minutes to City Hall) and frequent service make the neighborhood one of Philadelphia’s best-connected, its noise and dark shadow have a deleterious effect on the Market Street pedestrian realm and experience. If design interventions can favorably alter the streetscape beneath the tracks, a new transit oriented, mixeduse development near 46th Street Station can potentially infuse Mill Creek/Dunlap with much-needed capital investment and public interest.




VISION The Mill Creek/Dunlap of the future is a family-friendly neighborhood that is healthier, greener, and more accessible for all. With vibrant commercial life and plentiful economic opportunities, residents have their needs met within and their skills sought from outside the community. Mill Creek/Dunlap’s housing stock and open space are strategically employed for the public benefit, ensuring ample parkland and affordable housing for future generations.


GOALS AND VISION | Mill Creek/Dunlap



Goals Revitalized Neighborhood Retail Revitalize the commercial corridor around 52nd Street into a thriving mixed-use shopping, entertainment, and residential destination, celebrating and building upon its legacy as “West Philadelphia’s Main Street.” Encourage more biking, walking, and public transit use, expanding accessibility to the commercial corridor for Mill Creek/ Dunlap residents and shoppers from across West Philadelphia.

Transit Oriented Development Vacant land near the Market-Frankford Line offers a great opportunity for a well-designed, medium-density, mixed-use Transit Oriented Development project. This will concentrate population growth near existing transit infrastructure, preserving the integrity of existing single-family blocks, increasing the diversity of commercial offerings and housing types, and minimizing additional demand for parking in the surrounding residential blocks.

Vibrant Public Spaces Mill Creek/Dunlap has an abundance of iconic public spaces, but many have deteriorated from decades of insufficient maintenance. Updating these spaces, incorporating green stormwater infrastructure where possible, will enhance will the neighborhood’s appearance and provide residents with exciting places to gather informally and host community events.


GOALS AND VISION | Mill Creek/Dunlap

Environmental Sustainability With its large amount of impervious surface, aging combined sewer system, and a poorly-maintained subsurface water body, Mill Creek/ Dunlap faces environmental struggles. Remaining conscientious of the neighborhood’s relationship with the environment will not only prevent future issues, but it also will create a more resilient community with plentiful green space and modern design.

Reduced Residential Vacancy Mill Creek/Dunlap’s 21.7% residential vacancy rate poses a challenge for the neighborhood, reducing property values and harboring illegal activity. New vacancies can be prevented by directing more resources at keeping current residents in their homes and enabling them to invest in maintaining them. In the long term, this and other interventions can help preserve housing affordability and security for Mill Creek/Dunlap’s residents.

Expanded Economic Opportunities With unemployment, poverty, and rent burden rates higher than the citywide average, Mill Creek/Dunlap can benefit from expanded economic opportunities for its residents. Increasing economic activity around the 52nd Street commercial corridor and connecting residents with better-paying, higher-skill jobs outside the neighborhood can both improve economic wellbeing.





Mill Creek/Dunlap MOBILIZE Mill Creek/Dunlap is a neighborhood plan comprised of eight initiatives. These initiatives focus primarily on environmental sustainability and the neighborhood’s economy. Within each initiative are multiple strategies that vary in scale and implementation time. It is important to have these strategies mapped out to understand what can be done immediately or in the short term and what can be considered a long-term strategy. Additionally, the strategies involved in these initiatives aim to involve residents in the planning process. It is important to engage the community in this process, especially given the neighborhood’s history of top-down planning. The neighborhood faces challenges that are intertwined with its history, and it is important that residents feel like their voices are heard moving forward. The name MOBILIZE Mill Creek/Dunlap represents multiple forms of mobility for neighborhood residents. In addition to ensuring access to open space, public transit, and local retail, these initiatives also look to provide the opportunity for socio-economic mobility.

MOBILIZE Mill Creek/Dunlap: 8 Initiatives

54 54Title

|Title Mill|Creek/Dunlap Mill Creek/Dunlap | PennDesign | PennDesign Workshop Workshop 2018 2018

Stormwater Management Replace unnecessary impervious surfaces with green stormwater management infrastructure to improve neighborhood sustainability as well as activate currently inactive spaces and improve the overall public realm of the neighborhood.

Vacant Lot Repurposing

Repurpose existing vacant lots unsuitable for building upon due to the effects of the buried Mill Creek sewer. This initiative will integrate the use of both permanent measures like parks and gardens, as well as temporary pop-up programs.

Workforce Development

Leverage existing workforce development programs and Registered Community Organizations to develop worker skills and increase resident access to higher paying employment opportunities both within and outside the neighborhood.

Small Business Investment Provide financial and technical support for small business owners, especially around the 52nd Street retail corridor, in order to increase local economic opportunities and help revitalize retail along 52nd Street.

Existing Park Revitalization Revitalize the three existing parks in the neighborhood, improving maintenance and public realm while implementing better pedestrian connectivity to residences as well as increased programming to bring community members to the parks.

Complete Streets

Redesign streets to be safer and more welcoming for pedestrians and cyclists, providing amenities and programming targeted at encouraging multimodal connections and improving the public realm, especially along major corridors.

Community Land Trust Establish a Community Land Trust to preserve neighborhood housing affordability and to increase access to homeownership for lowincome households.

Transit Oriented Development Repurpose vacant and underutilized lots around 46th Street Station to include dense mixed use development in line with principles of Transit Oriented Development, to maximize access to transit and serve transitdependent populations. Title | Mill Creek/Dunlap | PennDesign Workshop 2018


Initiative A

Existing Park Revitalization Mill Creek/Dunlap has an abundance of parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities distributed throughout the neighborhood. However, after years of use and deferred maintenance, many of these are in dire need of revitalization and greater upkeep in the future. Rusted fences and bent bollards should be replaced to refresh the parks’ energy and make them more attractive destinations for community events and gatherings. West Mill Creek Playground, in particular, can benefit from the installation of more trees and green features to beautify the playground and enhance its value to Mill Creek’s ecosystem. Throughout the park revitalization process, efforts should be made to incorporate green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) and replace worn-out impervious surfaces with porous or green surfaces.


Strategy: Replace Worn-Out Surfaces and Equipment with Modern Alternatives Many of the recreational structures in Mill Creek Playground and West Mill Creek Playground are old and in need of rehabilitation or replacement. These family-oriented parks should be outfitted with amenities like jungle gyms, and the cracked and warped basketball courts must be resurfaced. Where possible, other surfaces may be replaced with porous material that will help the neighborhood better manage stormwater.

Rendering of the West Mill Creek Playground 56


Philadelphia’s $500 million Rebuild initiative is the most likely source of funding for this strategy. In fact, West Mill Creek Playground has been selected to receive aid from the Rebuild program’s first round of funding. The Rebuild initiative’s emphasis on employing local contractors will also give a boost to employment within the neighborhood. While the exact size and timing of the Rebuild grant targeting West Mill Creek Playground are at this point uncertain, this strategy is estimated to take around 5 years to implement.


Strategy: Rebranding the West Mill Creek Playground Green Corridor

The contiguous, serpentine, near-¼ mile corridor of connected baseball fields, basketball courts, children’s playgrounds, and open space presents one of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s greatest, yet underutilized, assets. The corridor should be formalized as one entity with a new, distinct identity, and rebranded as the West Mill Creek Playground Green Corridor. Branding efforts will portray the Green Corridor as West Philadelphia’s premiere recreational destination for families and individuals of all ages, safer to access than Cobb’s Creek Park and more intimate than Fairmount Park. Inside the Green Corridor, parents know their children are safe from traffic, and the game never stops because of a car. Branding efforts will include a new logo, and the creation of a ½ mile “follow the painted dots”-style trail around the perimeter of the Green Corridor. This will offer a conveniently measured circuit for exercise that does not require crossing the street or worrying about traffic. The trail will also be complete with 10 informational placards about Mill Creek/ Dunlap’s history and environment. The rebranding initiative could be done at a low cost within 1-2 years, potentially in partnership with a local collegiate marketing or design program. Once the branding framework has been established, corresponding physical improvements to the playground can be made within an additional year.

Rendering of the rebranding of West Mill Creek Playground




Strategy: Regular Volunteer Clean-Up & Maintenance Beginning right away, a regular schedule of neighborhood cleanups can reduce the abundance of trash limiting the neighborhoods’ parks’ utility as clean oases. Ongoing maintenance efforts should include litter pickup, as well as pruning out-of-control vegetation and freshening up paint. The neighborhoods playgrounds should attempt to establish partnerships with CleanPHL and/ or the Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center, possibly with a “grand reopening” cleanup event coinciding with the Community Center’s commencement. CleanPHL is an interdepartmental effort by the Philadelphia Mayor’s Office to enhance street cleanliness and likely benefits from more stable funding and administrative capacity. Ideally, cleanups will be held monthly from April through October and every other month from November through March. This strategy should be quick and inexpensive to administer. When possible, programming should rely on neighborhood volunteers, which creates an opportunity for community interaction and building social capital. If necessary, the Community Center may consider coordinating with Philadelphia or suburban youth organizations or local colleges and universities seeking community service opportunities. Relying primarily on volunteerism also preserves critical finances for other purposes.

LItter in a vacant lot

Clara Muhammad Square




Strategy: Family-Centered Programming

Regular and high-quality programming is essential to the branding efforts for the West Mill Creek Playground Green Corridor. Programming here, as well as in Mill Creek Playground and Clara Muhammad Square, will reinforce the parks’ role as centers of the community and the “family scene.” The Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center, as well as the neighborhood’s Registered Community Organizations and Community Development Corporations, can potentially take charge planning an initial two-year schedule of familycentered programming, possibly including family picnic events, family movie nights, a community sidewalk sale and bazaar, or a monthly series on urban farming or beekeeping. Programming can be tweaked to reflect feedback and evolving community interests and preferences. This strategy can be implemented quickly and at a low cost, as many of the events will potentially fund themselves.

(Left) Family Programs at High Line; (Right) Outdoor Film Screening at Hawthorne Park


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDCs $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute



Initiative B

Stormwater Management Between the high percentage of impervious surface (63%) and the aging Combined Sewer System (CSS) buried beneath the neighborhood, managing stormwater is an important issue in Mill Creek/ Dunlap. Stormwater runoff has been reported pooling in low-lying yards and basements, as well as seeping out of the sidewalk after heavy rainfall. The best way to manage stormwater is to not allow it to become stormwater runoff, which begins with infiltrating as much of it onsite as possible. Reducing impervious surface allows more water to infiltrate where it falls, but it is improbable to suggest that there will be zero impervious surfaces in a neighborhood with homes and road infrastructure. Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), specially engineered infrastructure that collects and infiltrates rainwater, can be used to replace some of these impervious surfaces. GSI also controls how much water runs off and where it goes. Improving stormwater management will not only prevent flooding, but it will also create more attractive and usable green spaces in places currently covered by asphalt.


Strategy: Convert Existing Vacant Impervious Land into Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Project

Implementing more GSI in Mill Creek/Dunlap will require land. Plots of land that are currently vacant, government-owned, and impervious will be targeted for GSI projects. Using these criteria, 40,000 square feet of space has been identified throughout the neighborhood as possible future project sites. With the help of the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD), The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS), the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Projection (PADEP), and the City of Philadelphia, these sites will be converted into open space that include GSI such as rain gardens, bioswales, tree trenches, or detention basins, depending on the size of the site and the needs of the area. Funding sources could include PWD’s Stormwater Management Incentive Program (SMIP) and the Green Acre Retrofit Program (GARP), as well as PADEP’s Growing Greener grants. The timeframe will depend on the size and scale of the project, but small projects can begin within the first year, with larger projects taking up to five years. PWD has already installed 26 stormwater management projects within Mill Creek/Dunlap, so this already strong relationship can be built upon to conduct further projects.



Before and After Site Plan at 52nd & Haverford Ave

Rendering of the raingarden at 52nd & Haverford Ave




Strategy: Include GSI Projects when Revitalizing Existing Parks

Mill Creek/Dunlap’s three large parks (Mill Creek Playground, West Mill Creek Playground, and Clara Muhammad Square) are all eligible for revitalization projects through the City’s Rebuild initiative. In fact, West Mill Creek Playground has been approved as part of Rebuild’s first round of funding. As these parks are revitalized, stormwater management and GSI should be incorporated into the planning process. This can include installing rain gardens or bioswales, placing rain barrels at public buildings such as new Lucien E. Blackwell Community Center, and/or using porous pavement on the basketball and tennis courts. Currently, West Mill Creek Playground already has one porous basketball court that was installed by PWD, so maintaining this and replicating the project at other sites is important to ongoing stormwater management. This can be done with Rebuild funding, with input from PWD and PHS. For this to happen, however, community members must first express an interest in GSI during the public comment period of the Rebuild process. The timeline for these projects depends greatly on the Rebuild initiative, but the West Mill Creek Playground project is expected to begin within the next two years.


PWD rain garden project

Strategy: Public outreach to inform homeowners and businesses about stormwater management

Although managing stormwater has numerous benefits, the public may not be fully aware of it or may not consider it worth the cost or inconvenience. Representatives from PWD and PHS should reserve time during community meetings to inform residents on the importance and benefits of stormwater management and GSI. These initiatives can be implemented very quickly (within a year) and come at no cost to residents. In fact, many of Mill Creek/Dunlap’s residents may qualify for a free rain barrel, an example of small-scale, low-tech GSI, just for being a Philadelphian! Stormwater planter by PWD



Impervious Building Impervious Surface Targeted for mitigation


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDCs $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute



Initiative C

Vacant Lot Repurposing Mill Creek/Dunlap has an excess of vacant lots, due to a combination of chronic disinvestment and unstable ground caused by the sewer. Vacant lots are not only unsightly and represent wasted space, but are also linked to incidences of crime and illegal dumping. Because of the sewer buried under the neighborhood, some of the vacant lots should never be built upon, as they are at risk of future collapses. These lots can still have a purpose, however. Repurposing vacant lots, depending on their potential for redevelopment, can help reduce illicit activities and illegal dumping while also creating temporary or permanent public spaces and more attractive locations for developers to utilize at some point in the future.


Strategy: Categorize Vacant Lots Based on their Development Potential

Every vacant lot has a different potential for future infrastructure development based on its location, current ownership, and size. Before these lots can be repurposed, they must be categorized based on this potential, and sorted into one of three potential categories. The first category is for lots that must be preserved as permanent open space. These lots are shown in the map and follow the route of the buried sewer. As noted by prominent landscape architect Anne Spirn, the vacancies nearest the sewer are likely related to the sewer, so these properties should be transformed into permanent public spaces such as pocket parks or green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) projects. The second category of properties should be cleaned up but left vacant so they can later be redeveloped. These lots are located in prime locations such as along Market Street or 52nd Street. Although they will not be developed immediately, it is important to maintain them so they remain attractive to potential developers. Finally, properties that do not fit into either of the first two categories will be used as temporary open space while they await development. Categorizing Mill Creek/Dunlap’s vacant properties can be done at a relatively low cost within the first year of plan adoption.




Strategy: Community Outreach to Determine Uses for Vacant Lots

When creating public open spaces, it is important to ensure that those spaces meet the community’s desires and needs. To ensure that the public is given ample opportunity to voice their opinions, the findings should be presented at community meetings so the public understands exactly what is being proposed for the vacant plots. The public should then be given a chance to vote on the potential uses for the new public spaces, including community gardens, pocket parks, and active recreational facilities. This process is simple and free to conduct at community meetings, and can be done within one to two years after the study is completed.


Strategy: Rezone Lots Unsuitable for Development as Open Space

The lots that are determined to be unsuitable for development should be rezoned as SP-PO (Parks and Open Space) to ensure that they remain as open space permanently. This prevents future builders from creating unstable or unsafe developments on the land and allows the land to be used for whatever purpose the community sees fit. Rezoning must be approved by the city council, so community organizations must advocate for the rezoning with their respective councilperson and marshal political pressure to keep the process in motion. This process can be lengthy depending on the level of support and hinges on a favorable ruling, possibly around three years before a rezoning is approved.

Rendering of the temporary reuse of a vacant lot at 5148 Ogden Street MOBILIZE MILL CREEK/DUNLAP



Strategy: Create Temporary Open Space Programs

Lots repurposed as temporary open space will serve both as spaces for community initiatives and potential sites for future development. To allow for both functions, any community initiatives will be “pop-up”, meaning they can be constructed and deconstructed quickly and at minimal cost. Examples of “popup” initiatives include pop-up parks, community flea markets, block parties, and farmers markets. Publicly-owned vacant lots will be targeted first for these initiatives. If they prove popular, “popup” initiatives can expand beyond the initial plots. Community members can expect these initiatives to begin to start appearing within the next three years.



Strategy: Convert Lots into Permanent Open Space

The lots selected for preservation as permanent open space must become more than just vacant land. Based on interest and input from the community, each plot will be converted into a different permanent use. These uses can include additional parks, extensions to current parks, informal recreational facilities like football and baseball fields, or community gardens. Converting these properties will be expensive and time consuming, and cannot occur until after the areas are purchased and rezoned. Once these steps have been completed, the plots will be converted with the help of PHS, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, and PWD (for any stormwater management strategies). This is a lengthy process and will take at least five years, though, again, the timeframe depends upon the purchasing and successful rezoning of the land.

Strategy: Acquire Community Garden Land to Ensure it Remains a Community Garden

Ownership of community gardens varies, including public entities, the Philadelphia Land Bank, the Redevelopment Authority of Philadelphia, and active and absentee private owners. This means that Mill Creek/Dunlap’s community gardens are potentially vulnerable to future development, particularly tax-delinquent properties that fall into the hands of the Land Bank. In order to ensure the community gardens’ survival as open space, privately-owned plots should be acquired by the neighborhood. This can be done either by the Mill Creek/Dunlap Community Land Trust (if established) or the Neighborhood Garden Trust. This process is lengthy, as it requires purchasing land from private owners. If successful, it would likely take five years or more to purchase these plots. This strategy is also potentially quite expensive, with lot values ranging roughly from $5,000 to $40,000.



Impervious Building Impervious Surface Targeted for mitigation


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDCs $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute



Initiative D

Community Land Trust Given its poverty rate and relatively low median income, households in Mill Creek/Dunlap have high rates of rent and cost burden. A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a tool that can produce affordable housing in the neighborhood. Properties in a CLT are co-owned, with the CLT owning the land and household owning the home built on this land. It is also possible to create affordable apartments or manage open space through the CLT model. One of the defining features of a CLT is its longevity, as leases for the land are typically renewable 99-year terms, effectively making them permanent. A CLT would benefit the residents of Mill Creek/Dunlap regardless of the local real estate market; while the market in the neighborhood is currently weak, it would not be surprising to see investment pour into the neighborhood given its location. The CLT would require substantial organizational capacity, which would require assistance from Progressive Change CDC or the Enterprise Center.


Strategy: Introduce the CLT Concept to the Community Before a community land trust can be established, it is important to engage with residents and get their support. To do this, presentations on land trusts will be made at various community meetings to expose residents to the concept, including the meetings of Mill Creek Advisory Council and Mill Creek on the MOVE. These presentations can be given within the first year to gauge community interest in the concept before moving towards additional strategies.




Strategy: Establish the Land Trust as a 501(c)(3) organization Once there is interest in the CLT and leaders have been identified to operate it, the Mill Creek/Dunlap Community Land Trust will be formally established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This task should be handled by an organization with experience in establishing nonprofits, such as the Enterprise Center or West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution. This CLT can be established as a 501(c)(3) within the first year of implementation.


Strategy: Acquire Funding from Philanthropic Organizations and Other Sources

Once the CLT has been officially established, its goal will be to someday purchase vacant properties. To achieve this, the land trust must acquire funding, which unfortunately will be difficult to obtain. Existing community land trusts have received funding through existing philanthropic organizations such as the Oak Foundation and the Kresge Foundation. Grants through these and other organizations will be applied for every year until the CLT has developed sufficient reserves to begin purchasing properties. Grants will be applied for right away, but it may take five years or more to gain enough funding to begin purchasing properties.


Strategy: Acquire Properties from Philadelphia Land Bank or City of Philadelphia

Some Mill Creek/Dunlap properties are already publicly-owned and available via the Philadelphia Land Bank. Once the CLT has been established as a 501(c)(3) and funding has been secured, it can purchase properties from the Land Bank at a discounted rate per its disposition policy. This strategy is dependent on the CLT’s ability to acquire funding from grants, which means that this will probably take at least five years—if not more—for this to happen.


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDC $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute



Initiative E

Transit Oriented Development Mill Creek/Dunlap is well-served by public transit. In fact, the average travel time to Center City is less than 10 minutes. The full potential of this transit accessibility is not currently realized, however, as low-density buildings, “soft” uses such as surface parking, and vacant land occupy many of the most accessible parcels along Market Street and near the 46th Street and 52nd Street MFL stations. Through a public-private partnership (PPP) between City officials and a private developer, a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) project will concentrate new development in prime locations that are well served by transit. If done correctly, TOD will help preserve the character and affordability of existing Mill Creek/Dunlap’s largely single-family blocks, while gradually driving economic growth and investment throughout the neighborhood. The timeline for implementing a TOD project in Mill Creek/Dunlap largely depends on market demand, which, based on case studies of similar projects, put the timeline for this project around 5 to 10 years after plan adoption. Other elements of the TOD initiative, including consolidating parking and reconfiguring other transit connections, can be completed in the next 3-5 years.


4628 Market Street

The vacant 1.1-acre lot at 4628 Market Street has been identified as the neighborhood’s prime site to target TOD investment. Mere feet from the 46th Street MFL station, this site holds tremendous potential for redevelopment as a medium-density, mixed-use complex. Incorporating active commercial space on the development’s ground floor will not only augment neighorhood retail/commercial offerings, but it will also help minimize additional demand for parking in the surrounding residential blocks and provide additional resources to residents living in and around the TOD development. As the site becomes a more central transit hub, the CDC can work with SEPTA to potentially alter existing bus stops and routes to streamline the passenger flow for bus-to-MFL connections, a process that may take 3-5 years. Developing a new mixed-use housing and retail structure at this site may take between 10 and 20 years depending on the market demand.



(Top) Vacant land at 4628 Market Street; (Bottom) Site Plan


Strategy: PPP Structure and Purpose The key actors in the TOD project will include the City of Philadelphia, West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution (WPFSI), Progressive Change CDC, SEPTA, and a private developer. The CDC can take the lead in working with Mill Creek/ Dunlap residents to understand their needs and preferences for the new development, ensuring the project is appropriate in scale and that there is an appropriate mix of retail and services offered. With an understanding of how the desired project fits into the context of the neighborhood, the CDC should select a developer with a proven history of accommodating community concerns and building projects sensitive to their social and cultural environment. The chosen developer should also work with SEPTA and the City to determine the financing partnership. Design wise, rail setbacks, site coverage, and a night lighting scheme should also be prioritized to allow both the TOD project’s residents and the MFL’s passengers to capitalize on the proximity of the structure and the elevated rail. The development concept should also focus on creating vibrant public spaces as new neighborhood landmarks, which could include neighborhood marketing features, visible green space, and visible retail space that encourages shopping.

Rendering of TOD structure at 4628 Market Street



Strategy: TOD Zoning Overlay

Fortunately, the area within a ½ mile radius of the 46th Street MFL station is already zoned with a TOD overlay, permitting developers to build with greater density than would otherwise be allowed under the target site’s current CMX-3 zoning class. The TOD overlay serves as an incentive for developers to increase density in strategic areas of the City well-served by transit that could also benefit from increased investment. The project should also promote mixed-income housing, reserving a minimum of 10% of residential units for low-income families with ties to Mill Creek/Dunlap and an additional 10% for low-income renters from any geography. A policy of mixing residents of all income levels may also allow the developer to build at an increased density.



Bok Bar

Paseo Verde



Development Strategy Case Study: Bok Building South Philadelphia’s Bok Building, a 340,000 square foot former high school building recently closed by the City, provides a great case study for how the Provident building can be brought back to life. Private developer Scout Ltd. purchased the Bok Building with the vision of refurbishing it and leasing out individual rooms to startups, creative-types, artisans, offices, and more. To fund the renovations and generate positive publicity around the Building, though, Scout’s first move was to open a seasonal bar and restaurant on Bok’s roof, taking advantage of its stellar Center City views. The Provident building could benefit from a similar strategy: open a seasonal entertainment venue to generate awareness about the building and raise funds for modernizing the building, and gradually lease out the remaining space within the building as demand and revenues for rehabilitation grow.

Financial Feasibility Case Study: Paseo Verde The public/private partnership strategy allows for an unconventional and innovative use of funding sources to facilitate equitable transit-oriented development that benefits the entire community. A TOD project in Mill Creek/Dunlap can learn from the financing method utilized by Paseo Verde. The $48 million project required innovative financing that lead to a comprehensive funding process. To benefit fully from the 9% LIHTC tax credit for the low-income housing portion, Paseo Verde was financed in two separate components – Transit Village and Paseo Verde South. To do so, the project also had to be designed so that the two parts are not completely adjacent to each other.


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDC $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute



Initiative F

Complete Streets Mill Creek/Dunlap’s streets and streetscape vary in width, quality, and condition, but seem to have been designed with only automobile travel in mind. Due to the neighborhood’s prime transit accessibility and the financial burden that car ownership imposes on Mill Creek/Dunlap’s low-income residents, its transportation network should be upgraded to include additional modes of transit. The percentage of community members who commute by bicycle is virtually zero, despite some existing bike lanes and Indego bike share stations. Redesigning key corridors as streets that are multi-modal encourages cycling and walking and reduce the financial and environmental impacts of travel within the community, as well as promoting safer and more attractive streets.


Strategy: Improve Accessibility to Existing Public Transit Assets

To encourage maximum utilization of existing public transit infrastructure, a combination of simple wayfinding signage, better streetlights, and pedestrian countdown signals can help facilitate residents’ easy access to public transit stations. These will be centrally located along major corridors as well as in popular residential neighborhoods and will help direct citizens to the MFL and to bus and trolley stations along a safe and efficient route. The City of Philadelphia’s Streets Department and Office of Transportation & Infrastructure Services (oTIS), SEPTA, and the state Department of Transporation (DOT) can be consulted to implement this strategy, which can potentially be completed in 2-5 years using relevant budget or grant funding.




Strategy: Promote Biking

Currently, cycling infrastructure exists on several major roads in Mill Creek/Dunlap including Market Street, Lancaster Ave, Haverford Ave, and 48th street. Despite this and the current Indego bike share station at 46th and Market, there is still very little biking occurring in Mill Creek/Dunlap. To encourage more biking, the Streets Department should work to install more public bike racks at the two MFL stations as well as at parks and other attractions throughout the neighborhood. A partnership with Indego bike share could bring additional bicycle share stations into Mill Creek/Dunlap. Four total new stations should be at the three existing parks as well as 52nd Street, which would allow individuals to travel more efficiently without needing to own their own bike. Bicycle awareness and bike safety programming should also be implemented, in partnership with Indego and the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. This strategy can be undertaken within approximately 2-3 years.

Streetscape Improvement: Before and After of street section at 52nd Street




Strategy: Improve Street Infrastructure Conditions

As funding from the Streets Department becomes available, ideally beginning in the next 2-5 years, the condition of streets and pedestrian pathways should be refurbished, incorporating durable porous surfaces where practical. There are multiple large and dangerous potholes throughout the street that should be addressed first to improve the safety and usability of the roads. Curb bumpouts and wider, clearly-marked crosswalks should be installed at major intersections to enhance pedestrian safety and promote walking. Trees should be replanted in vacant tree pits along the sidewalk, and planter boxes with flowers can beautify the public realm. In addition, adding more street lights and public trash cans will improve the safety and appearance of a street and enhance the pedestrian experience.

52nd Street Retail Corridor 76



Strategy: Reallocate Street Space

In the long term, the Streets Department, oTIS, and the DOT should work to reallocate the share of the streets and sidewalks dedicated to different uses. Many areas of Mill Creek/Dunlap have roads that are wider than necessary, bordered by crumbling sidewalks that are too narrow. These present an opportunity for road diets, which is the process of converting oversized roads into more multi-modal transportation infrastructure by narrowing travel lanes, expanding sidewalks, and installing curb bump-outs to calm auto traffic at busy intersections to better accommodate pedestrians. Bike lanes protected by parked cars, planters or lines of plastic poles should also be incorporated on key routes like Market Street, 52nd Street, Haverford Avenue, and Lancaster Avenue. Due to the higher costs and substantial regulatory approvals required for these physical interventions, this strategy may take 5-10 years to come to fruition.


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDC $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute



Initiative G

Small Business Initiatives Mill Creek/Dunlap’s commercial areas are home to a mix of numerous small retailers and service business. Unfortunately, most of these small enterprises face an uphill battle in attracting foot traffic, making payroll and rent, and staving off insolvency and vacancy. Medium-term interventions targeting small businesses may help increase local economic prosperity by reactivating retail on an individual basis through a combination of technical and financial support programs, taking advantage of existing programs and funding provided by multiple local, City, and federal organizations. In the long run, the creation of a Business Improvement District (BID) should be explored, which would self-fund aesthetic upgrades and ongoing services for small businesses along Mill Creek/Dunlap’s commercial corridors.


Strategy: Technical Support

Mill Creek/Dunlap business owners can benefit from free technical support they can leverage to help grow their businesses. Relevant programming includes design and marketing advice, management consulting services, computer and point-of-sale system training, and basic accounting and financial classes. The 52nd Street Initiative, a targeted business booster organized by the Enterprise Center, can connect local business owners to these and other technical support services at little or no cost to the owner. Community Design Collaborative provides pro bono preliminary design services to non-profits around Philadelphia and could be approached to aid Mill Creek/Dunlap business owners at a discounted rate.




Strategy: Financial Support

The Storefront Improvement Program, orchestrated by the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Commerce, reimburses business owners for eligible improvement expenses for their commercial properties, up to $10,000 per business. This program substantially reduces business owners’ costs of enhancing the customer experience and upgrading operations by subsidizing 100% of design and architectural fees and 50% of construction costs.5 The 52nd Street Initiative also assists business owners in identifying and securing federal Small Business Association loans and other small business grants. Financial support strategy can begin within the first year but may take an additional 3-5 years to become more widely known and used by a critical mass of Mill Creek/Dunlap business owners.

Storefront Improvement: Before and After of street section at 52nd St


Strategy: Explore Feasibility of Creating a Business Improvement District (BID)

Establishing a Business Improvement District (BID) along the 52nd Street or Market Street commercial corridors could greatly improve the physical attractiveness and modern competitiveness of retailers and service businesses along these corridors. BIDs collectively support the maintenance, promotion, and expansion of commerce in the corridors they serve and are financed by fees paid by participating merchants.21 The time and resource-intensive process of establishing a BID, however, requires overwhelming buy-in from existing merchants, political and public support, and sufficient expected increases in revenues for each merchant to cover the BID’s costs. If deemed feasible, the timeline for creating a BID would be at least 5-10 years, but should begin with an exploratory process to see if existing Mill Creek/Dunlap business owners have any interest in such an initiative.


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDC $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute



Initiative H

Workforce Development As of 2016, the unemployment rate in Mill Creek/Dunlap stood at 19.6%, with 30% of residents living at or below the poverty line. Mill Creek’s excellent public transit connections place it just minutes away from Center City and University City, Philadelphia’s two largest job hubs, yet only a few people in the neighborhood enjoy the economic benefits of this proximity. The gap between the skills and education levels of Mill Creek/Dunlap residents and those desired by major employers in these areas put the neighborhood at a huge disadvantage, but better connections with existing workforce development programs can boost residents’ chances of securing well-paying, middle-skill employment. While all workforce development initiatives take at least a few years to scale up and begin materially benefitting residents, their minimal upfront costs make them a realistic starting point to expand economic opportunities for the Mill Creek/Dunlap community.


Strategy: Increase Awareness of West Philadelphia Skills Initiative’s Services West Philadelphia Skills Initiative (WPSI) is a program launched by University City District in 2011, founded with the mission of connecting major University City employers seeking talent with West Philadelphians seeking jobs. WPSI representatives should be invited to the monthly meetings of the neighborhood’s various civic associations, including the Mill Creek Advisory Council, Mill Creek on the MOVE, Men of Mill Creek, and the People’s Emergency Center (PEC). Greater awareness of WPSI and its services among residents will allow them to more readily interact with the organization and find jobs in nearby University City. This can be implemented within one year at no cost to residents.

West Philadelphia Skills Initiative




Strategy: Provide Training on Accessing PA Career Link Philadelphia System

PA CareerLink Logo


Like the WPSI strategy, Mill Creek/Dunlap residents can benefit from increasing awareness of the PA Career Link Philadelphia system. This system provides support for people who need assistance with job training and developing a career path. Training sessions should be scheduled monthly and advertised at regular community meetings. Employees from PEC, the Enterprise Center, and the Progressive Change CDC with knowledge of the PA Career Link system can all help get this strategy off the ground within one year, again at no cost to Mill Creek/Dunlap residents.

Strategy: Dialogue with Large Neighborhood Organizations Regarding Participation in Philadelphia’s Model Employer Program

Philadelphia’s Model Employer initiative is a “pilot program focused on preparing individuals with employment barriers for middle-skill positions that are currently difficult for City departments and private employers to fill.”i Potential target Model Employers include the CHOP Karabots Pediatric Care Center, the Families Forward Complex, the Gaudenzia House of Passage Women’s Shelter, the St. Ignatius Nursing Home, the Centennial Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, and the Juvenile Justice Services Center. PEC, the Enterprise Center, the Progressive Change CDC, and other community organizations within Mill Creek/Dunlap with capacity can reach out to these large employers to start the dialogue regarding their participation in the Model Employer program. As the dialogue evolves it may make sense to also consider bringing Overbrook High School and/or West Philadelphia High School into the partnership. Since relationships with major institutions can take time to take root and flourish, connections through the Model Employer program may not begin to pay off for 3-5 years.


Cost Key: $ = Free with specified partners $$ = Can be executed with the resources of a single or few RCO(s)/CDC $$$ = Requires a grant $$$$ = Will likely require multiple funding sources to excecute




Conclusion Mill Creek/Dunlap is no stranger to planning. The neighborhood’s history and identity are deeply intertwined with planning decisions, whether it be the top-down Urban Renewal program, racist mortgage lending practices, or ignorance of the environmental challenges posed by the sewer pipe and the natural creek that preceded it.

Dunlap needs a new plan that is sensitive to its history and is aware of its existing conditions. Mobilize Mill Creek/Dunlap achieves this with initiatives that focus on sustainability, the economy, and engaging the community. This plan is also comprised of a combination of strategies designed to effect change over time; some initiatives will begin producing results These planning failures highlight why Mill Creek/ immediately, while others will take time to set in.


ENDNOTES | Mill Creek/Dunlap

Regarding sustainability, the initiatives to revitalize existing parks, reduce impervious surfaces, and implement Complete Streets throughout Mill Creek/Dunlap will produce results that are almost instantly recognizable. The neighborhood’s parks have all suffered the consequences of deferred maintenance, and renovations will benefit the residents who currently use the parks and presumably encourage more people to visit them. Reducing impervious surfaces will improve stormwater management in the neighborhood and mitigate problems like flooding and polluter stormwater runoff. Implementing Complete Streets will provide residents easier access to the amenities in their neighborhood, such as public transit and the prime commercial areas.



The initiatives that focus on the economy—the small business initiatives, transit oriented development, and workforce development—have strategies that can be employed in the short term, but it is expected that the real benefits will take more time to come to fruition. There are multiple reasons for the delayed payoff, but they are largely tied to the chronic disinvestment that has eroded the economic health of the neighborhood over previous decades. In addition, workforce development has external challenges rooted in the structural inequalities of educational attainment and employment opportunities. The community land trust and vacant lots initiatives will also have benefits that are realized over the long term. These initiatives are dependent on multiple city agencies and philanthropic funding sources, but it is important to understand what they represent. Many of the challenges faced by Mill Creek/Dunlap can be traced back to mistakes made by past planners and elected officials. The proposed initiatives, on the other hand, give residents control over their neighborhood, allowing them to take ownership of programming and ensure that decisions reflect the community’s desires.

Taken together, these initiatives will mobilize the residents of Mill Creek/Dunlap. Community members will be able to physically access the renewed amenities of their neighborhood, and will have increased access to expanded socioeconomic opportunities throughout the metro area.


ENDNOTES | Mill Creek/Dunlap

City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program



About the Authors Nikhil Tangirala, MCP 2019 – Sustainable Transportation and Infrastructure Planning Laura Culp, MCP 2019 – Sustainable Transportation and Infrastructure Planning Brian Carney, MCP 2019 – Community and Economic Development Anqi Li, MCP 2019 – Sustainable Transportation and Infrastructure Planning Justin Moodie, MCP 2019 – Land Use and Environmental Planning Yichao (Rocky) Jia, MCP 2019 – Smart Cities Mowa Li, MCP 2018 – Public and Private Development


ENDNOTES | Mill Creek/Dunlap

The Mill Creek/Dunlap team would like to thank the following people and groups for their assistance through the planning process: 52nd Street Initiative Brian Wenrich and the Philadelphia City Planning Commission HMC2 Community Organization Jesse Blitzstein and the Enterprise Center Mill Creek Advisory Council Mill Creek on the MOVE Philadelphia Water Department Professor Domenic Vitiello The Rebuild Initiative And special thanks to SeungAh Byun for teaching us all so much. We couldn’t have done it without you!



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ENDNOTES | Mill Creek/Dunlap


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