Concept of Nebulization

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of Nebulization and Area of Applications


Nosocomial Infections Nosocomial infections are infections acquired in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. To be classified as such, the patient must have been admitted for reasons other than the infection and he or she must also have shown no signs of any active or incubating infection when entering the facility. These bacterial and viral infections can cause mild, moderate, or severe diseases. Nosocomial infections - also known as Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) - are infections contracted from the environment or staff of a healthcare facility. They can be spread in the hospital or nursing home environment, in the rehabilitation facility, clinic, or other clinical settings. Infections are spread to the susceptible patient in the clinical setting by a number of means. Health care staff can spread infection, in addition to contaminated equipment, bed linens, or air droplets. The infection can originate from the outside environment, another infected patient, staff that may be infected, or in some cases, the source of the infection cannot be determined. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated roughly 1.7 million hospital-associated infections, from all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi combined, cause or contribute to 99,000 deaths each year. In Europe, where hospital surveys have been conducted, the category of gram-negative infections are estimated to account for two-thirds of the 37,000 deaths each year. Nosocomial infections will most frequently cause severe pneumonia, skin infections, infections of the urinary tract, bloodstream and other parts of the body. Many types are difficult to treat with antibiotics, and in addition, antibiotic resistance can complicate treatment. 2

For further information on these health care-associated infections, on the human and financial costs they trigger and measures to prevent these infections, please read the World Health Association (WHO) report below and its related links as well as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reports related to healthcare-associated infections.

According to the Swiss Federal Office for Public Health (BAG) an estimated 70’000 people contract Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) every year in Switzerland and approx. 2’000 die of it. To fight efficiently against nosocomial infections, the BAG elaborated the national strategy NOSO (published end March 2016) to monitor, control and prevent these HAIs. For more information (G/F/I) please see: gpsc_ccisc_fact_sheet_en.pdf index.aspx

Strategie NOSO – Kurz und bündig Nationale Strategie zur Überwachung, Verhütung und Bekämpfung von healthcare-assoziierten Infektionen

CleanService Group AG | Wilerstrasse 2180 | 9230 Flawil | Switzerland | Tel. +41 71 555 11 30 | Fax +41 71 394 14 83

be a feasible approach. For those with ventilator-associated or hospital-acquired pneumonia, controlling and monitoring hospital indoor air quality needs to be on agenda in management, whereas for nosocomial rotavirus infection, a hand hygiene protocol has to be enforced. Other areas needing management include ambulance transport.

Prevention It is generally recognized that up to 30% of healthcare-associated infections are considered to be preventable by intensive hygiene and control programs -

See more at:

Besides preventive measures such as sterilization, isolation, handwashing, gloves, aprons, appropriate contaminated waste & sharps disposals and masks, Surface Sanitation is Key since touch surfaces commonly found in hospital rooms, such as bed rails, call buttons,

touch plates, chairs, door handles, light switches, grab rails, intravenous poles, dispensers (alcohol gel, paper towel, soap), dressing trolleys, and table tops are known to be contaminated with MRSA. This is why touch surfaces in hospital rooms can serve as sources, or reservoirs, for the spread of bacteria from the hands of healthcare workers and visitors to patients. The most effective technique for controlling nosocomial infection is by prevention to strategically implement QA/ QC measures to the health care sectors, and evidence-based management can

Surface Sanitation: Sanitizing surfaces is an often overlooked, yet crucial, component of breaking the cycle of infection in health care environments. An example is the Recommendation on Hygiene Requirements for Cleaning and Disinfecting Surfaces issued in 2004 by the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) #1). For details, please see: #1) GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2013, Vol. 8(1), ISSN 2196-5226, J. Gebel, M. Exner et al, Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Bonn University, Bonn, Germany

CleanService Group AG | Wilerstrasse 2180 | 9230 Flawil | Switzerland | Tel. +41 71 555 11 30 | Fax +41 71 394 14 83


Most Current Methods of Disinfection:

…are giving only partial satisfaction and some inconveniences. Therefore we have developed the CleanCubes 3D, a series of nebulizers (foggers) for surface disinfection (three types are now available: “Pro”, “Classic” and “Mini”). These devices are dispensing a fine mist of atomized peroxide (H2O2) into a room and achieve corresponding disinfection on all surfaces inside a room (e.g. not only on but also under the board of a table). Advantages of such application are that all surfaces are reached and none is missed out and the use of chemicals can be minimized compared to normal wipe disinfection. Further, the working time is drastically reduced, i.e. prior to disinfecting a room just a normal cleaning of solids or evident dirts is needed. And another asset: the equipment can also be used for disinfection of air-conditioning conducts which are normally very difficult to access.


Key Criteria for Selecting the Best Surface Sanitation Method: The use of hydrogen peroxide nebulization has been clinically proven to reduce infection rates and risk of acquisition. Hydrogen peroxide is effective against endospore-forming bacteria, such as Clostridium difficile, where alcohol has been shown to be ineffective. The usage of hydrogen peroxide nebulization optimizes the different parameters: •



Molecular stability

Compatibility with materials

Rapid action and reoccupation of the premises

Permeability and diffusion

Environmental emissions

CleanService Group AG | Wilerstrasse 2180 | 9230 Flawil | Switzerland | Tel. +41 71 555 11 30 | Fax +41 71 394 14 83

How Disinfection through Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization Works: H+ OH-


• • •


Particle size approx. 3 μm Works at room temperature Air intake filter prevents recirculation of dirt

H2O2 Contents of the tank in liquid form

The CleanCube is a nebuliser to be used for indoor applications. It transforms the used disinfection liquid into smallest ionized particles and nebulizes them inside the room, thus leading to the consistent decontamination of all uncovered surfaces (3D-disinfection). It is a most efficient additional measure following regular cleaning in accordance to the pre-cleaning protocol as defined by the respective healthcare facility. Delivery of Dry Fog The speed of delivery and the size of the atomized particles allow an excellent saturation of the environment, thus eliminating bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold and spores

Proven effectiveness No post treatment / post cleaning No residues No humidity Not toxic

With Swissatest (former EMPA) in Switzerland the following effectiveness tests were successfully issued: The tests were carried out according to an internal protocol of the ATS Labs which bases on different AOAC methods like AOAC 960.09, 961.02, and different Guidelines from the US EPA (DIS/TSS 2; DIS/TSS-2; DIS/TSS-9 etc.)

Not corrosive 99.99 - 100% biodegradable

According to the above test 99.9999 % (>log 6 log 10-steps) of s. aureus and e. coli were eliminated. CleanService Group AG | Wilerstrasse 2180 | 9230 Flawil | Switzerland | Tel. +41 71 555 11 30 | Fax +41 71 394 14 83



CleanCube nebulization: • • • • • •

Flawless Safe Fast Everywhere Reliable Harmless

Room Disinfection Most other methods: • • • • • •

Human factor Time Consuming Cumbersome Risk Expensive Tedious

“A New Paradigm for Decontamination Efficacy”:


Solid and proven technical and micro-biological base

Affordable and easy to use concept

Advising clients with specific demand

Achieving sound disinfection solution for the given context

CleanService Group AG | Wilerstrasse 2180 | 9230 Flawil | Switzerland | Tel. +41 71 555 11 30 | Fax +41 71 394 14 83

Areas of Application: Medical Facilities: • • •

Hospitals, Clinics and Medical Centres Dental and medical practitioners’ premises Ambulances

Accommodations: • • • • •

Hotels Retirement homes Nurseries and schools Military barracks Residential houses and apartments

Air conducts Transports: • • • • •

Airplanes Ships Railway carriages Busses Taxis

Companies: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Animal farms Animal health care and veterinary centres Food processing companies (incl. food transport) Company’s facility services Factory changing room Lockers Washing facilities Restaurants Canteens Coffee shops Bars Kitchens Laboratories Cleanrooms Wellness- and fitness centres Gyms Saunas Tattoo and piercing studios

Others: • • • •

Professional cleaning institutes Public sector: e.g. police stations and –cars, prisons Meeting places, e.g. cinemas, theatres, clubs Undertakers’ facilities, funeral homes, mortuaries All rooms used by humans can be treated fast, efficiently and reliably, thus rendering them a place safer to be!

CleanService Group AG | Wilerstrasse 2180 | 9230 Flawil | Switzerland | Tel. +41 71 555 11 30 | Fax +41 71 394 14 83



610.74 KWp 3980 m2

CleanService Group AG

is a Company of Hofast AG, CH-9230 Flawil, Switzerland

CleanService Group AG | Wilerstrasse 2180 | 9230 Flawil | Switzerland | Tel. +41 71 555 11 30 | Fax +41 71 394 14 83

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