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Lara Machado PORTFOLIO

this is what you will find here


this is me


product projects


graphic projects




this is me


Brazilian, 19 years old. Cat lover. Sings all the time. Enjoys being different. And making a difference.

what i love

education 2013 - NOW

Design undergratuate course Federal University of Ceará. 2013 - 2014

Received the “Young Talents of Science”, a national research scholarship by CNPQ. 2013 - NOW

Member of the group that created the visual identity for the sixtieth anniversary of the Federal University of Ceará. 2014

Languages Portuguese - Native speaker English - Advanced Spanish - Intermediate


Paper presented at SIGraDi 2014, the XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics in Uruguay. 2014

Attended the 24º National Meeting of Design Students. 2014 - NOW

Professional placement at Eita, a design consultancy.


product projects


maye - modular bookcase

Shapes of the bookcase modules.


Rendering of the modules.

At the second year, in order to design a bookcase, we became familiar with the concept of Liquid Modernity proposed by Bauman (2000). This theory reflects on the constant changes in modern society, where time and space cease to be concrete to become “liquid” and relative.

One of the eleven modules of the bookcase.

The classical modernity was solidified in a fixed model of living and thinking. As time went by and communication grew faster, individuals started to become anxious for a change. Due to that, aspects of modern life have become increasingly ephemeral and fluid. 05


Entire bookcase.

Entire bookcase.

Based upon this theory, the bookcase was designed in the concept of constant change and the uidity of modern life. We wanted to reect the undeniable aesthetic transition between the classical modernity and the liquid one that unfolds nowadays.

Detail of the modules together.


So, gear machinery was chosen as something that could represent the classical modernity. Besides acting as a symbol of the mechanical operation, the gear also gives the idea of movement and its external gaps and elevations are essential for its own movement and for the ďŹ tting of one gear to another.

Prototype working as bookcase.

Detail of modules put together.

Bookcase on environment.

After that, we decided to take the image of the gear and ‘melt it’, transforming it into liquid and associating with Bauman`s theory. Therefore, we created eleven modules with different shapes from deconstructed gears machinery, in which their external gaps and elevations are what holds them together. This type of fitting and the number of modules allows the bookcase to have various general forms, being in constant motion and change. This provides the consumer a direct relationship in building their own bookcase, changing it according to its needs. Also, a prototype was made with popsicle sitcks, box card and spray paint. The 3D model was made at Sketch Up and rendered at Keyshot. Prototype.


maye - bookcase visual identity




Logo variations and example of possible colours.

maye Example of one construction grid.


The Maye logo proposes a conceptual dialogue with the modular bookcase. The changing logo was composed by the overlapping of three shapes of the modules of the bookcase relating to some principles of the Liquid Modernity theory. In this context, the logo is not “solid� as it is presented in constant change, but yet its three variations being recognizable. In contrast to the symbols, we decided to use a contemporary typography, but at the same time a bit rational, which refers to Classical Modernity. Therefore, the brand portrays the same duality between historical moments and the same changing elements present on the Maye bookcase.


utopia - organic sink

One of the shapes obtained.

One of the shapes obtained.


Final selected shape.

At the ďŹ rst year, we had to do a physical or organic experiment that could provide interesting shapes and based on those results we should develop an object. We decided to throw water in the air and take pictures while doing that.

Sketches of a few shapes.

After the experiment phase, we looked at all the photos, selected a few and we drew some sketches to see its potential.


3D model of selected shape.

Rendering of the final result.

3D model of the sink.


Rendering of the final result.

After we selected one shape, we started the tridimensional modelling and also started thinking about what the object would be and it wasn’t supposed to be functional. We decided to follow the concepts of Lightness and Continuity and we chose to create a sink. Somehow, the shape returned to the water at the end of the process and the object was representative of the fluidity of the water that runs through it. The 3D Model was made at Rhinoceros and rendered at Keyshot. Rendering of the final result.

pod - universal packaging for liquids

Final packaging.

Detail of the lid from the inside and the bottle opened.

This packaging was developed at my second year. Currently, it is a trend in the food market to produce custom drinks in small and medium scale and enjoying the experience of consumption.

Detail of the lid.

In this context, we proposed “pod”, the universal packaging for liquids. This packaging is meant to be contemporary and has versatility as its main goal regarding temporary storage and direct consumption of several kinds of liquids. It can contain filtered water or gas, coffees, teas, juices, soft drinks and even alcoholic drinks. With both lids as possibility, “pod” focuses on user experience, practicality and each and every own way of consuming hot or cold beverages, being a cup or a bottle. 11

Logo developed.

Both lids open.

Different colour options.

Also, a label was developed for the packaging in which information about the drink can be added by the company. The label has a retangular cut that fits in a rectangular higher part of the packaging that allows to see what kind of beverage is inside and also the quantity of it. The name “pod” is an upside down ambigram which refers to the verb ‘can’ (poder in portuguese), stating the severall possibilites of the packaging. The developed logo for the packaging also follows the ambigram notion.


Label that contains product information.

The 3D model was made on Rhinoceros and rendered at KeyShot.

madu - adaptable furniture


Possible positions of the chair.

The Madu Chair came from a practical research at the Walter Cantídio University Hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará. It was identified in the hospital the lack of a comfortable place for the people who accompany patients for a long period of time.

Rendering of the final result.

Detail of the lock.

Detail of the movement mechanism.

In this context, Madu was designed to be versatile and adaptable to the needs of the user and the layout of the hospital room, saving space. 13

Possible use with various chairs.

Possible use with various chairs as a bed.

Detail of the mecanism of the feet of the chair.

The product intends to be affordable, universal, comfortable and intuitive. As for the environment, the furniture is foldable and extendable, which is a key feature for saving space. The entire project was focused on adaptability. The chair can work as a single module or aligned with others to form a bed. That characteristic takes into consideration the variation of guests in a hospital during the day, and guarantying the comfort of those companions that stay the hole night.

Exploded view of the movement mechanism.

The furniture was named “Madu� because this word refers to snakes in eastern culture. These animals glide to adapt to everyday life situations and a snake is also the symbol for medicine.


Exploded view of the lock.

pelejo - holders collection


Examples of a few of his patterns.

At the first year, my class traveled to the country side of Ceará, in order to learn more about typical crafts. Espedito Seleiro is a craftsman who created a style with his patterns filled with curves in leather, applied in a wide range of products. His work is celebrated throughout the country and he is a landmark of the northeast culture. Besides that, he is also a symbol of the strengh of the people from this region, who face weather dificulties and struggle to survive. Based on this, we came up with ‘Resistence’ as a concept for a product that would be used at home and that would be inspired in Espedito’s work. We started studying the patterns that Espedito created and them isolated some shapes, drew and modeleded them in clay and with aluminium wires. Espedito Seleiro, the craftsman.



Olive oil holder.

Prototype of the tag.


Wine bottle holder.


Prototype with wine bottle.

After a long process, we decided we would make a collection of holders for dinner table items such as wine bottles, glasses and olive oil. The products would follow the concept of ‘Resistence’, because they would hold the weight of the items and be made of steel. Because of that, the line was named Pelejo, a typical word from Ceará which means to work hard. Wine glasses holder.


A prototype was made in iron and a tag with a leather stripe. The 3D were modeled in Rhinoceros and rendered at Keyshot.

graphic projects


visual identity of the sixtieth anniversary of UFC During its 60 years, the Federal University of Cearรก has received in its classes a huge number of students from the most diverse areas of knowledge. UFC has in its students a strong caracteristic to the contemporary society: the diversity. At its anniversary, the university is looking at the past but also focusing on the future The logo was designed based on the concept of diversity and the path of the university. The diversity is represented by the different colors and shapes and the path is represented by the lines whose union becomes the 60.


Possible use of the logo.


Construction grid of the vertical version.


Each color represents one pillar of the university: teaching, research and social projects. The teaching (in blue), representing intelligence and knowledge, is the foundation of the square, serving as base for research and social projects. Research (in orange) representing the maturity of UFC. Finally, social projects go out of the square and it has its space outside, in the community. The concept of transformation is represented at the moviment of the 60, which suffers changes but without losing unity. The colors chosen also represents the state of Cearรก, because they are used in lace, typical craft of the state.

Collection of possible uses of the brand.

Patterns created from the lines of the logo.


semear institute - visual identity

Logo redesigned.

Possible use of the logo.


Possible use of the logo.

Previous logo.

At the second year of course, we received the task of redesigning the brand of a Non-Governmental Organization by creating a logo and later on a brandbook, which should demonstrate the essence and beliefs of the organization. We decided to work with the Semear Institute. (in English means ‘to sow’). The Semear Institute has the mission of supporting low income university students who achieve good results in their studies and present huge entrepreneurial potential. The goal of the organization is to increase students’s talents and avoid giving up on a higher education due to lack of resources and support.


Brandbook cover made in craft paper.

Pages of the brandbook.

Pages of the brandbook.

From the principles that guide The Semear Institute, we used ideas such as multiplier effect, dynamism, organicity and lightness to create the brand. At first, we made several studies about the concept of expansion and forms of nature, like fractal theory. Also, we cuted off some paper, trying to produce some nature patterns, like frozen fractals. Possible use of the logo.

Possible use of the logo.

After some research, we elected the dandelion as a symbol that represented all of those concepts. The Dandelion flower is known for symbolizing hope, optimism and freedom. The logo was created to convey lightness, giving the impression that it can be blown away. The brand of the institute needed to show that their work can create a chain reaction, empowering many other people.

Full version of the brandbook can be found at: http://issuu.com/laramachado4/docs/brandbookfinalparaportfolio.compres


Ensaio - Magazine

Cover and back cover.

Detail of pages.

Possible covers.

From studies on the concept of identity, the “Ensaio” Magazine came from an initial concern to propose a new concept of a design magazine, avoiding a closed model layout and limited space. We realized that “experimentation” has a direct influence on the process of construction and maintenance of identity. We looked for experimental and creative freedom, proposing a variable construction of layout and mostly images instead of texts.

Detail of pages.



We decided to name the magazine “Ensaio” (rehearsal, in English), which means trying new things in order to achieve different results. and leading to new points of view. The logo followed a very simple concept of ‘breaking’ the name with a diagonal, which is something very present in the entire magazine. Also, it brings the boldness and the elegance presents in the magazine.

Detail of pages.

Detail of pages.


editorial Conheça este

ambientes Tara Donovan e o Blue




fotografia O maravilhoso trabalho

Fique por dentro do mundo do Design atual

da fotógrafa Janus Miralles


Piero Gandini conta tudo sobre a venda e o futuro da Flos

tecnologia Impressão 3D cria grande vantagem no mundo da nova moda


Festival de contra cultura domina o deserto dos EUA

arquitetura Projeto ousado propõe casa pendurada em penhasco


Arte e cultura em xeque.

02 _03

Jacket and cover.

Detail of pages. A M B I E N T E S


Os famo sos irmã os Bouroullec receberam este ano a medalha de Design de Londres em noite de menção honrosa por sua produção durante a carreira. Este prêmio é a maior agremiação concedida no mundo no design inglês atualmente.

Templo Indu feito na nda foi construido todo em vidro vira sensação no mundo atual da arquitetura, fatura muitos prêmios internacionai em 2014

Fellow Roland Cordeiro receberá a Swarovski Emerging Talent Medalha, que reconhece um designer que fez um impacto de cena o projeto no prazo de cinco anos de graduação. Cordeiro projetou o teclado com teclas de silicone Seaboard macios que permitem que músicos para alterar o tom, volume eo timbre das notas individuais, que ganhou a categoria de produtos para projetos do Ano 2014. O anúncio foi feito em uma conferência realizada em Rogers 'recém-concluído Edifício Leadenhall na cidade de Londres hoje, como parte deste ano 2014.

Versailles ganhou um novo conjunto candelabros russos produzidos todos de micro cristais swarovsky. Todo o palácio é aberto para visitações as terças e sextas.

Tara Donavan é uma artista nascida em Nova York conhecida por esculturas criadas a partir de objetos comuns, como palitos, botões ou canudinhos que ela transforma em instalações de grande escala que se assemelham a paisagens naturais ou formas celulares.

A artista Sarah chega ao cenário do design com a ideia de inovar os processos de toda a produção 3D do mercado com ousadia e criatividade ela traça linhas de tecnologia e rusticifade combinadas para dar um efeito etéreo e eterno em suas obras.

N a França, paradas de ônibus tornan-se sensações após serem reinventadas por uma equipe de design local trazendo beleza e interatividade .

Donovan nasceu em Flushing e foi criada em Rockland County, NY, crescendo dentro do que ela descreve como uma família "muito boringly americana". Depois de um breve período de tempo na SVA, em Nova York, Donovan se matriculou no Colégio Corcoran de Arte e Design, em Washington, DC em 1988 Lá, ela aprendeu a "pensar abstratamente. Depois de se formar, ela esperou durante anos e acabou servindo grandes figuras do mundo da arte, como Nancy Spero e Chuck Close no Savoy, em Nova York. No seu tempo livre, ela começou a fazer escultura de objetos comuns, incluindo balões e grandes quantidades enormes de palitos empilhados um por cima dos outros.

Designer de todo o mundo se en contraram hoje em Milão para o evento mais badalado do hair design. Com no mes renomados o evento foi um grande sucesso para tod o

A Social Pool é um projeto ousado que conta com a beleza da paisagem do lindo deserto como cenário. Feita para um público muito seleto. A Piscina é gerida por controle remoto e fica aberta apenas algumas horas do dia quando a iluminação e a temperatura são perfeitas para o banho.

Novo modelo de hospita é proposto e é bem aceito em Singapura, o modelo consiste em paredes de vido opaco com linhas leves e suave Este hospital é o primeiro de uma série de obras que vem com a intenção de se prova



Detail of pages.

Detail of pages.

O trabalho de Donovan é caracterizado por suas formas biomórficas e uso engenhoso de material. Através de empilhamento, lacrimejamento, colagem, e smooshing, ela se funde e transforma objetos familiares de maneira surpreendente. Ela pode criar uma cidade em miniatura de lápis serrados, desertos, montanhas de botões empilhados e revelações de pratos de papel dobrados microscópicas. Não há aparentemente nenhum material que não pode habilmente manipular, e os efeitos são sempre muito bonitos. À primeira vista, muitos de seus trabalhos são impenetráveis, visões abstratas amplas filtragem da luz e dominam o espaço. Após uma inspeção mais próxima, eles se revela

sua beleza é o resultado de centenas ou milhares de itens reconhecíveis, apenas xícaras de café normais, alfinetes ou papel. Há algo etéreo sobre muitas de suas peças, uma espécie de sonho e estranho, mas também vagamente familiar devido a sua semelhança com elementos naturais e ambientes. Em seu ensaio para sua esposição de 2012 no Museu de Arte de Milwaukee, curador Brady Roberts compara seu trabalho ao minimalista Sol LeWitt, mas eu diria apenas algumas de suas peças estão mais perto de seu amigo (e grande fã) Chuck Close, com suas combinações complexas de pequenos elementos que se fundem formas

We created 4 different grids for the magazine, one modular with squares to facilitate reading and three others with growing quantities of triangules. This configuration made it possible to experiment innovative layouts. Full version can be found at: http://issuu.com/laramachado4/docs/revista_final_ensaio.compressed




Experimenting with light


At the first year, we were given the task to create a luminous object following a concept, with a more experimental focus. Prototype.



I decided to work on the concep of bioluminescence which is the effect of living organisms producing light. To follow that idea, the object would be based on creatures who produce light in the deepest and darkest places of the sea. These animals are very fluid and light and in order to achieve that effect I chose to work with light and transparent fabrics, black light and wire to build the structure. I decided to make three “creatures”, mixing features of sea animals and I modeled the wire structure and sewed all three prototypes. 25

sketches and processes

Collage hot x cold.


Processes and analysis.

Observational drawings.

Observational drawing.

Observational drawing made with pastels.

Observational drawing.

Observational drawing.

Observational drawing.

Observational drawing.



Some photos I took focusing on textures, shapes and details trying different angles.


Experimental Typography

This project was developed at the first year of the course. The idea was to create an experimental typography based on the verse “Moro num país tropical (I live in a tropical country) of a Brazilian song named “País Tropical” by Jorge Ben Jor.

Final result.


Relating to the meaning of the song, my colleagues and I used several objects such as fruits, seeds, leafs and colorful fabrics, ribbons and stripes that could reflect the diversity and represent our country through this very popular song.


Thank you! This is how you can contact me: lara_hp@hotmail.com https://www.behance.net/laramach

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