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An Exhibition of Contemporary Collage
This catalogue features a selection of the work available from the artists exhibiting at Paperwork: An Exhibition of Contemporary Collage. There will be further framed and unframed work available at The Space At Caro, Grove Alley, Bruton, BA10 0ET.
All work is for sale, prices range from £175 - £950.
Please get in touch with any of the artists for further information, individual prices or to discuss commissions.
Please note all works are available on a first come first serve basis at the opening on Wednesday 24th May at 6pm. If you are unable to attend the opening and would like to purchase a work, please get in touch with the artist directly.
Ele Grafton: elegrafton@gmail.com @ele_grafton_studio www.elegrafton.com
Amy Rhian: amyrhian@googlemail.com @amyrhian
Alex Robinson: alex@alexandra-robinson.com @alexrobinsondesign
Lara Pilkington:larapilkington@gmail.com @larapilkingtondesign
Beatrice Von Preussen:beatricevonp@gmail.com @beatricevonpreussen www.beatricevonpreussen.co.uk