Traditional, Modern & Contemporary Art, Saturday, 28 July 2012

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singapore, 28 July 2012

Insights - Connections - Expertise



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ISBN 978-979-3774-32-9

Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Traditional, Modern & Contemporary Art Larasati, Singapore, 28 July 2012 Jakarta, Indonesia: PT Balai Lelang Larasati 2012 pp. 21 x 27 cm includes index and biographies of artists I.Paintings - Asia. II. Painters - Asia. III. Title Copyright © 2012 PT Balai Lelang Larasati

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Larasati.



Saturday, 28 July 2012 starting at 3 pm at Marriott Hotel Singapore Legacy Room, level 2 320 Orchard Road Singapore VIEWING

Thursday, 26 July 2012 Friday, 27 July 2012 Saturday, 28 July 2012

10.30 am - 8 pm 10.30 am - 8 pm 10.30 am - 1 pm

at ONE EAST Artspace 15 Scotts Road #05-08/09 Thong Teck Building Singapore

Sale Code

In sending written bids or making enquiries, this sale should be referred to as “BOGOR” The sale will be conducted in English. Bidding is carried out in Singapore Dollars. Please note that all US Dollar estimates are for reference only. US$ 1 = S$ 1.27 All sales are subject to the conditions printed in catalog and the buyer’s attention is drawn to this information.

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CONTENTS guide for prospecTive buyers


bidder regisTraTion form


TradiTional, modern & conTemporary arT


index of arTisTs


biography of The arTisTs


absenTee / wriTTen bid form


guide for absenTee bidders


condiTions of business for buyers


condiTions of business for seller


saleroom & offices


Front Cover: lot 24, S. Sudjojono, Pemandangan di Pinggir Jalan Cipayung (View of the Roadside Cipayung) (detail) Back Cover: lot 53, Sunaryo Behind the Stage (detail)


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Singapore, 28 JULY 2012 starting at 3 pm LOT # 1 - 53



(Jakarta, Indonesia, 1951 - 2011)

Ritual at Koesamba Beach

1999 oil on canvas 70 x 70 cm signed and dated (lower right), signed and inscribed on the reverse S$ 1,500 - 2,000 US$ 1,180 - 1,570 Literature: Agus Dermawan T., “The Flying Elephant, illustrated in colour, p. 154



(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

Kerosene Lamp in Sanur

1984 acrylic on canvas 28 x 28 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 2,360 - 3,140 Literature: Agus Dermawan T., “ARIE SMIT”, illustrated in colour, p. 86

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Shinres and Tree


(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916) 2007 acrylic on canvas 22 x 32 cm signed and dated (lower right), signed, dated, and inscribed on the reverse

(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916) 2007 acrylic on canvas 21 x 26 cm signed and dated (lower right), signed, dated, and inscribed on the reverse

S$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 3,140 - 3,930

S$ 3,500 - 4,500 US$ 2,750 - 3,540

This lot is accompanied with certificate of authenticity from NEKA ART MUSEUM, Bali, Indonesia.

This lot is accompanied with certificate of authenticity from NEKA ART MUSEUM, Bali, Indonesia.





(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

The Red Earth of North Bali

1997 acrylic on canvas 32 x 36 cm signed and dated (lower right), inscribed, signed, and dated on the reverse S$ 4,500 - 6,000 US$ 3,540 - 4,720 Literature: Rudolf G. Usman, “ARIE SMIT - Enchanting Tropics�, Rudolf Studio, Ubud, Bali, 2000. Illustrated in colour, on the front cover of the book and p. 40.

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(b. Norrkoping, Sweden, 1969)

Sunset of the Paddies

1998 oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 8,000 - 11,000 US$ 6,290 - 8,660 Provenance: Private Collection, The Netherlands


(b. Norrkoping, Sweden, 1969)

The Spa

2000 oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 4,720 - 6,290 Provenance: Private Collection, The Netherlands





(b. Norrkoping, Sweden, 1969)

Passing Rice Paddies

2002 oil on canvas 70 x 95 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 8,000 - 11,000 US$ 6,290 - 8,660 Provenance: Private Collection, The Netherlands


(b. Norrkoping, Sweden, 1969)

Afternoon by the Sea

2001 oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 4,500 - 5,500 US 3,540 - 4,330 Provenance: Private Collection, The Netherlands

9 Insights - Connections - Expertise




(Tegallinggah, Bali, Indonesia, 1905 - 1998)

Going to the Market

acrylic on canvas 73 x 89 cm signed (lower left), signed on the reverse S$ 1,500 - 2,000 US$ 1,180 - 1,570



(Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1945 - 1982)

Boy with Bamboo Stick

tempera on canvas 90 x 70 cm signed and annotated in Balinese writing (upper right) S$ 800 - 1,200 US$ 629 - 940


12 ROEPET, I GUSTI MADE (early 20th century)

Kecak Dance

ink and aquarelle on paper 44 x 35 cm S$ 300 - 500 US$ 236 - 393

12 Insights - Connections - Expertise





(Peliatan, Bali, Indonesia, 1915 - 1999)


acrylic on canvas 50 x 56.5 cm signed (upper left) S$ 13,000 - 15,000 US$ 10,230 - 11,800 Provenance: Private Collection USA

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(b. Surabaya, E. Java, Indonesia, 1955)

Sharing the Moments

1995 oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm signed and dated (lower left) S$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 5,510 - 7,080



(b. Surabaya, E. Java, Indonesia, 1955)

Bathing Together

1998 oil on canvas 60 x 70 cm signed and dated (lower left), inscribed on the reverse. S$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 5,510 - 7,080





(b. Surabaya, E. Java, Indonesia, 1955)


1987 oil on canvas 90 x 90 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 10,000 - 12,000 US$ 7,870 - 9,440

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(b. Cilacap, C. Java, Indonesia, 1965)


1997 acrylic on canvas 90 x 145 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 8,000 - 11,000 US$ 6,290 - 8,660


(b. Purworejo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1959)


mixed media on paper 30 x 20 cm signed (lower left) S$ 1,200 - 1,500 US$ 940 - 1,180




19 MANGU PUTRA, I GUSTI AGUNG (b. Sangeh, Bali, Indonesia, 1963)

Ikan Yang Tersisa

2002 acrylic on canvas 90 x 120 cm signed and dated (lower right), inscribed and signed on the reverse S$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 9,440 - 11,800

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Road to Danbury

Perahu Kusamba

(Bandung, W. Java, Indonesia, 1922 - 1993) watercolour on paper 21 x 28 cm titled and signed (lower right) S$ 700 - 1,200 US$ 550 - 940 Certificate of authenticity is available upon additional charge by Sanggar Luhur

(Cirebon, W. Java, Indonesia, 1907 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1990) 1973 oil on canvas 49 x 66 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 25,000 - 30,000 US$ 19,680 - 23,620

“Affandi’s unusual personality and choice of vocation combined with his energetic but undeniable charisma to create a life which took on the stature of legend even in his own time. The widespread attention he received in the media caused people of all walks of life, urban and rural, Indonesian and foreign, to recognize his name and face and to make the pilgrimage to his colourful, self-built museum in Yogyakarta.” – Astri Wright – Excerpts from a text by Astri Wright in the book Soul, Spirit, and Mountain: Preoccupation of Contemporary Indonesian Painters, 1994.



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(Kutoardjo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1919 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2002)

A Walk under the Flamboyant

2001 oil on canvas 90 x 102.5 cm signed and dated (lower left), inscribed on the reverse S$ 27,000 - 35,000 US$ 21,250 - 27,550

“A painting of quality does not merely show off its surface beauty; what is important is that it reveals the depth of its content … it must be filled with meaning. … I am a great admirer of primitive art, which is always loaded with magical and meaningful elements…and if an art critic from the Philippines calls my work magic-decorative, I fully agree with such a description.“ – Widayat – Excerpts from a text by Astri Wright in the book Soul, Spirit, and Mountain: Preoccupations of Contemporary Indonesian Painters, Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1994, p. 96.




(b. Solo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1931)


1984 oil on canvas 100 x 200 cm signed and dated (upper right), inscribed, signed, and dated on the reverse S$ 65,000 - 80,000 US$ 51,180 - 62,990

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(Kisaran, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1986)

Pemandangan di Pinggir Jalan Cipayung (View of the Roadside Cipayung) 1974 oil on canvas 60 x 88 cm

S$ 40,000 - 60,000 US$ 31,490 - 47,240 Provenance: Acquired directly from the artist by present owner in mid 1980s. Literature: Ajip Rosidi, “PELUKIS S. SUDJOJONO”, PT. Dunia Pustaka Jaya, Bandung, 2000. Illustrated in colour, p. 30.

Sudjojono’s landscape work should not be viewed merely as a lyrical representation of the nature. In the context of his leading role in expounding the Modernist movement and his vehement attack on the Mooi Indie school (Beautiful Indonesia) which he felt was hindering the progressive tendencies in the development of Indonesian Art as artists, indigenous of foreign, continued to emphasized only the beautiful landscape or women, clearly demonstrating a ‘hierarchy of aesthetics’ in the choice of subject-matters. To him, the practice of painting only pretty landscape and other ‘acceptable’ themes is an insincere idealization of reality. To be truthful to oneself as an artist and to the subject is the only solution to Sudjojono as he states “Every artist must take as his starting-point his own nature. An artist must be courageous in all things, especially when it comes to offering his ideas to the world, even if he does not receive any public recognition at all… Each and every artist must embody these two qualities, truth and beauty. Not beauty in the sense of recognized by the public at large, but from the point of view of aesthetics as understood by the artist himself.” – Excerpts from a text by Astri Wright, from the book Soul, Spirit, and Mountain: Preoccupations of Contemporary Indonesian Painters, Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1994, p. 157.



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In the Garden

Les Seringas et La Femme

(North Vietnam, 1907 - 2001) oil on canvas 38 x 45.5 cm signed (lower right)

(North Vietnam, 1907 - 2001) oil on canvas 33 x 41 cm signed (lower right)

S$ 7,000 - 9,000 US$ 5,510 - 7,080

S$ 6,500 - 8,000 US$ 5,110 - 6,290

Provenance: Anonymous Sale, Sotheby’s Singapore, 3 October 1999, lot no.143

Provenance: Wally Findlay Galleries, Inc., Palm Beach, Florida, USA



“From 1950s onwards, Le Pho’s pallete becomes lighter. The painter adopts the manner of the sketch, or rather of the outline. His pictures are ‘boneless’. They have no linear scaffolding. Contact with Bonnard’s work played a decisive role in the evolution of the artist. Le Pho began to paint in oil on canvas. He achieved a harmonious synthesis between Chinese painting and Impressionism, or rather Post-Impressionism. If he retains his nostalgia for the country of a thousand flowers, if his figures are modeled from the same stuff as the air which envelopes them and blurs their outlines, if he devotes himself to translating light, that soul of all painting, he never ceases to be himself.” (Waldemar George in “Le Pho: The ‘Divine Painter’”, le-pho, Wally Findlay Galleries International, Inc. United States, p. 4.)

Photo courtesy of: Wally Findlay Galleries International, Inc.

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27 BONNET, JOHAN RUDOLF Self-portrait

The graceful, the elegance and the beautiful, these are the prevalent qualities for the works of Bonnet. It is a constant yearning for the artist to portray the people in the noblest form for eternity. Having spent some time in Florence where he is known to have been painting incessantly, the influence of the Italian masters was evident in the works of Bonnet, manifesting in his accentuation of the grandeur and elegance of people.

S$ 600 – 800 US$ 470 - 620

Apart from its beautiful people and breathtaking scenery, the rich ritualistic and ceremonial setting of Bali gives Bonnet the perfect grand stage as he depicts his ‘performers’. For his perfect delineation of the characters and the impeccable arrangement of the people and their settings, always give the finished work a dramatic and theatrical mood, befitting the lofty aspiration of the artist – to ensure the records of the people is ‘preserved on its classical state’.

(Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1895 - Laren, The Netherlands,1978) 1946 mixed media on paper 25.5 x 18.2 cm signed (lower left), annotated and dated (upper right)

The profiles of his beautiful sitters be it male or female are amongst the favourites renditions of the artist. This penchant for the delineation of human forms could be dated back to Bonnet’s Italian period where certainly the classical Greek sculptures and Renaissance works have made a great impression on the artist. The beauty of the sitters are certainly the most inspiring elements for the artist who depicts gentle features of the girls with a emotive hands that alludes the Balinese beauties to classical Greek sculptures. Insights - Connections - Expertise







Portrait of a Woman

Portrait of a Young Boy

(Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1895 - Laren, The Netherlands,1978) 1953 pastels on paper 56 x 40 cm signed and dated (upper right) S$ 28,000 - 38,000 US$ 22,040 - 29,920

(Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1895 - Laren, The Netherlands,1978) 1950 pastels on paper 60.5 x 48.5 cm signed (upper right), annotated and dated (upper left) S$ 18,000 - 28,000 US$ 14,170 - 22,040

Provenance: Acquired by the previous owner from Mr. Suteja Neka, Bali, Indonesia. Insights - Connections - Expertise




(Tarutung, W.Sumatra, Indonesia, 1893 - Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1968)

Seeking the shade on a warm day on the beach 1949 oil on board 29.8 x 39.8 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 1,000 - 1,500 US$ 780 - 1,180

31 IMANDT, WIHELMINUS JEAN FREDERIC (St. Jansteen, The Netherlands, 1882 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1967)

View of cliffs at Bantimurung, Sulawesi oil on canvas 64 x 85 cm signed (lower left), titled on the stretcher S$ 600 – 800 US$ 470 - 620






Working the Field

The Paddy Fields by Dawn

(Sumatra, Indonesia, 1904 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1976) oil on board 40 x 59.8 cm signed (lower right) S$ 1,000 - 1,500 US$ 780 - 1,180

(Schaerbeek, Belgium, 1886 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1946) oil on canvas 70 x 106 cm signed (lower left) S$ 600 - 800 US$ 470 – 620

33 Insights - Connections - Expertise




(Salatiga, C. Java, Indonesia,1884 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1952)

The Pass to Toba heights and the Road from Medan to Brastagi oil on canvas 40.2 x 50 cm signed (lower left) S$ 1,200 - 1,500 US$ 940 - 1,180

35 ELAND, LEONARDUS JOSEPH (LEO) (Salatiga, C. Java, Indonesia,1884 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1952)

The Road to Sibolga with a View of the Bay of Tapanuli oil on canvas 45.5 x 60.6cm signed (lower left) S$ 700 - 900 US$ 550 - 700 Provenance: Private Collection, The Neterlands





(Salatiga, C. Java, Indonesia,1884 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1952)

Leaving the Villa in Carts with Buffalos oil on canvas 60 x 90 cm indistinctly signed (lower right) S$ 1,200 - 1,500 US$ 940 - 1,180

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(Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1889 - Zeist, The Netherlands, 1966)

Women Carrying the Goods 70 x 100 cm signed (lower left)

S$ 8,000 - 11,000 US$ 6,290 - 8,660




(Solo, Indonesia, 1915 - Jakarta, Indonesia,1993)

The Fruit Market

1954 oil on canvas 69.9 x 52.8 cm signed and dated (lower left) S$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 4,720 - 6,290 Insights - Connections - Expertise



39 HAURE, JEAN-PHILIPPE (b. Orleans, France, 1969)

I’ve Got Dreams to Remember

2012 gouache, mixed media, gold leaf, on paper laid on canvas. 79 x 107 cm signed and dated (lower right), signed (on the reverse) S$ 4,000 - 6,000 US$ 3,140 - 4,720 This lot is accompanied with certificate of authenticity from the artist.


(Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1892 - Blaricum, The Netherlands,1980)

Portrait of a Balinese Man oil on canvas laid on board 50 x 35 cm signed (lower left) S$ 5,000 - 7,000 US$ 3,930 - 5,510




41 SIEW HOCK MENG (b. Malaysia, 1942)

Seated Balinese Man

1991 pastels on paper 63 x 47 cm signed and dated (lower left) S$ 8,000 - 11,000 US$ 6,290 - 8,660 Provenance: Anonymous sale, Christie’s Singapore, 3 October 1999 Insights - Connections - Expertise



(Vienna, Austria, 1900 - Veere, The Netherlands, 1992)

A Legong Dancer

1931 oil on canvas glued on board 67 x 50 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 2,500 - 3,500 US$ 1,960 - 2,750 Literature : Haks & Maris. Lexicon of Foreign Artists who Visualized Indonesia (1600 - 1950). illustrated in colour, p. 466


43 CRISTIANO, RENATO (b. Rome, Italy, 1926)

Portrait of a Balinese Girl oil on board 50 x 32 cm signed (lower left)

S$ 3,500 - 5,000 US$ 2,750 - 3,930





(Manila, Philippines, 1911 - Bali, Indonesia, 1999)

Balinese Fantasy

water colour on paper 36 x 36 cm S$ 18,000 - 23,000 US$ 14,170 - 18,100 Provenance: Previously in the collection of Henry Ringer Estate, Belgium

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(Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 1910 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1963)

Balinese Dancer

oil on canvas 38.7 x 31.4 cm signed and dated (lower left) S$ 12,000 - 15,000 US$ 9,440 - 11,810 Provenance: Private Collection, The Netherlands




(Semarang, C. Java, 1897 - Den Bosch, The Netherlands, 1968)


1949 oil on canvas 41 x 33 cm signed with pseudonym, titled and dated on the reverse S$ 4,000 - 5,000 US$ 3,140 - 3,930 Provenance: Private Collection, Sweden Insights - Connections - Expertise


47 LE MAYEUR DE MERPRES, ADRIEN-CHARLES (Brussels, Belgium, 1844 - 1923)


oil on canvas 148 x 105 cm S$ 8,000 - 10,000 US$ 6,290 - 7,870 This lot has been authenticated by Chatinka Huizing from Fountain Art Foundation, The Netherlands

Adrien-Charles Louis Leopold Le Mayeur de Merpres was active as a painter and an etcher. Although he depicted some landscapes, views of rivers or surrounding villages, Charles Le Mayeur is principally known as a marine painter. The major part of his works consists of seascapes, painted at the Belgian coast in De Panne, Niewpoort and Ostend. He was a pupil of Isodore Meyers together with Frans Courtens. It was under Meyer’s guidance that he painted his first marine paintings. In Adrien-Charles Le Mayeur’s seascapes, it is clearly visible that he studied the waves and knew hoe to depict it accurately. The whole surface of water in his canvases is filled with a clear structure of waves. The combination with his typical large and wide skies made his art become grandiose. Adrien-Charles Le Mayeur already was famous during his lifetime as the poet of the sea. His refined impressions were born out of an accurate observation between water and sky. From 1877 onwards, Charles Le Mayeur gave more attention to the role of the light. This brought more balance in his works as his seascapes were flooded with light, air and atmosphere. Adrien-Charles Le Mayeur is considered as one of the best Belgian painters of the sea. From his marriage with Louisa Marie Agusta de Bosch, he had two children, one of whom is Adrien Jean Le Mayeur de Merpres,who also shared the same passion on painting with his father and went on various journeys before settling in Bali and married Ni Pollok.

Adrien Le Mayeur de Merprès (Sr.) Ships at Sea oil on canvas 105 x 150 cm signed bottom left, verso: ‘Namur […] en trois tableaux Le Mayeur père. Collection Family Motte, Belgium

Source: Drs. Jop Ubbers, M.A./Drs. Cathinka Huizing, M.A., 1880 – 1958, Adrien Jean Le Mayeur de Merprès, Painter-Traveller/Schilder-Reiziger, Pictures Publishers Art Books, Wijk en Aalburg/The Netherlands, 1995, p. 12



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48 LE MAYEUR DE MERPRES, ADRIEN JEAN (Brussels, Belgium, 1880 - 1958)

Portrait of Seated Ni Pollok charcoal and crayon on paper 24.7 x 20 cm signed (lower left) S$ 3,000 - 4,000 US$ 2,360 - 3,140

Provenance: Previously on the collection of Nico Eisenloeffel, Amsterdam



(The Hague, The Netherlands, 1902 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1981)

Two Balinese Beauties in the Temple 1948 etching 55 x 26 cm inscribed and dated (lower left) S$ 650 - 850 US$ 510 – 660





(Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 1910 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1963)

Two Young Balinese Girls with Flowers in Their Hair 1956 oil on canvas 27.2 x 60.4 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 25,000 - 35,000 US$ 19,680 - 27,550

Literature: Didier Hamel, AUKE SONNEGA - Artist Of The Enhanting Tropics, Hexart Publishing, Jakarta, 2011. Illustrated in colour, p. 175

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(b. Solo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1931)

Dinamika Legong

1995 oil on canvas 100 x 100 cm signed (upper right), inscribed, signed, and dated (on the reverse) S$ 50,000 - 70,000 US$ 39,370 - 55,110

“Colour is used to convey the emotional intensity of a person’s feelings and temperament. One’s ability to perceive the expressive power of colour is not only innate and personal, it is also determined by one’s culture. One may use colour freely or endow it with a cultural message. In my works, I blend the two approaches. I am strongly inspired by the colours from my Indonesian background, but I reinterpret them through a subliminal process that belongs to me and me alone.” 1 “A work of art is the expression and reflection of the ‘visible spirit’ of the artist while color is used to convey emotional sensation. So I use colors to represent the essence of what I see.” 2 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

Srihadi Sudarsono in The Path of the Soul, A Retrospective of the Artist’s Career, The Lontar Foundation, Indonesia, 2003, pages 105 – 106


Srihadi Sudarsono, as told to Sonia Kolesnikov-Jessop in Art: At 73, New Horizons For An Artist, International Herald Tribune, Wednesday, February 9, 2005.

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(b. Solo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1931)

Melasti - Praying for Love and Peace

2011 oil on canvas 150 x 150 cm signed and dated (upper right), inscribed, and signed (on the reverse) S$ 90,000 - 120,000 US$ 70,860 - 94,480

“The formal structure of Srihadi’s work is very simple; the composition of most of his paintings is organized either by a horizontal or a vertical axis. The horizon refers to nature and the cosmos, and the vertical to man. Paintings in the Horizon series are almost perfectly linear, save for their colour detailing or the minute irregularities in layering. Similarly, the figures of most of the dancers are upright, except for the hair, arms, and clothes that subtly divert the eye from the perfect axis. Within the core of these two simple axes, however, emerges a complex micro-versus-macro dialectic of repetition and symmetry, this time formally produced as vertical and horizontal waves. This is the visual equivalent of the iconographic dialectic outlined above: at the macro level, between the lines of the sea, sky, and land, or between the dancers; at the micro level, between their components, such as arms and headdresses; and finally between the macro and micro elements, in an intersection of all these- a small flower contrasted against a large white corset, or flowers scattered on the ground. This is achieved in a manner that is neither stiff nor repetitive. A small details – a rock, a tuft of grass, foam – always break the regularity of the symmetry and brings a subtle modulation of form and colour to the whole. In short, Srihadi’s paintings are constructed with a well-coordinated, multidimensional modulation of elements within a strong framework.” – Jean Couteau, Srihadi Soedarsono: The Path of the Soul, Lontar Foundation, Jakarta, 2003, p. 105.

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(b. Banyumas, C. Java, Indonesia, 1943)

Behind the Stage

2012 mixed media on canvas 150 x 250 cm signed and dated (lower right) S$ 130,000 - 180,000 US$ 102,360 - 141,730

“The habit and rituals practiced by traditional dancers in their dressing rooms while preparing their stage performance have inspired me to think of a concept about the ideal and desired social life of contemporary society, namely the establishment of cooperation, tolerance and respect for one another, even though ongoing modernization and globalization reach every corner of the world and cause such traditional values to vanish. I wish for spiritual unity in viewing the future; a situation that is far from violence; and, collective spirit to build peace by respecting the values of humanity.” – Sunaryo, 2007

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INDEX OF THE ARTISTS Adolfs, Gerard Pieter Affandi Arie Smit Arifien Neif

46 21 2, 3, 4, 5 14, 15, 16

Basoeki Abdullah Blanco, Antonio Maria Bonnet, Johan Rudolf

38 44 27, 28, 29

Cristiano, Renato


Dake Jr., Carel Lodewijk Dooijeward, Willem

33 40

Eland, Leonardus Joseph (Leo)

34, 35, 36

Goth, Charlotte (Sarika)


Haure, Jean-Philippe Hofker, Willem Gerard

39 49


Ida Bagus Made Poleng Imandt, Wilhelminus Jean Frederic Le Mayeur de Merpres, Adrien-Charles Le Mayeur de Merpres, Adrien-Jean Le Pho

13 31 47 48 25, 26

Kerton, Sudjana Krijono

20 1

Mangu Putra, I Gusti Agung


Nadera, Ida Bagues Mau Nasirun

10 17

Ohl, Lucien Frits


Reopet, I Gusti Made


S. Sudjojono Siew Hock Meng

24 41

Sonnega, Auke Cornelis Srihadi Soedarsono Sukada Sunaryo Suwage, Agus van der Does, Willem Jan Pieter Wichers, Hendrik Arend Ludolf (Hal) Widayat Winkler, Richard

45, 50 23, 51, 52 11 53 18 37 30 22 6, 7, 8, 9


BIOGRAPHIES OF THE ARTISTS Adolfs, Gerard Pieter (Semarang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1897 - Den Bosch, The Netherlands, 1968) Adolfs studied architecture in The Netherlands. He returned to Indonesia in 1922 and then lived in Surabaya. He held a solo exhibition at Hotel des Indes in Jakarta, 1938. He later traveled extensively in Asia, Europe and Africa, including Japan, Rome and the Middle East. He finally settled in The Netherlands, where he died in 1968. Affandi (Cirebon, W. Java, Indonesia, 1907 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1990) Affandi was essentially self-taught. During the Japanese Occupation he was involved in POETERA / People’s Activity Centre. Moving to Yogyakarta during the Revolution, he participated in revolutionary activities and helped to set up Seniman Masjarakat / People’s Painters in 1946. He co-founded Pelukis Rakyat / People’s Painters with Hendra Gunawan in 1947. A scholarship to the art school of Santiniketan University took him and his family to India in 1949. Following this they proceeded on an extensive tour of Europe before returning to Yogyakarta in 1954 when he became a lecturer at ASRI / Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts. He participated in the Sao Paolo Biennial II in 1953 and represented Indonesia at the Venice Biennial in 1954. Affandi went to Honolulu in 1967 as part of the first East-West Centre Artist-in-Residence programme, where he painted his first fresco. He received an Indonesian Art Award from the Ministry of Education and Culture (1969), and was honoured by the University of Singapore with a Doctor Honoris Causa of Letters (1974) for his contribution to art. He also received the Dag Hammarskjoeld Prize from Italy (1977) and Indonesian Government Gold Medal (1978). Arie Smit (b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916) He was trained at the Academy of Arts in Rotterdam, and arrived in Indonesia in 1938 as a soldier in the Dutch Colonial Army.  He obtained his Indonesian citizenship in 1951. From 1950-1956 he taught painting at ITB / Bandung Institute of Technology. In 1956 he moved to Bali, and has lived and painted there ever since. He has had solo exhibitions in Bandung, Jakarta, Palembang, Balikpapan, Jakarta, Singapore and Honolulu, USA. In 1992 he received a Gold Medal Dharma Kusuma award from the Balinese provincial government for his contribution to the development of Balinese painting. Arifien Neif (b. Surabaya, E. Java, Indonesia, 1955) He moved to Jakarta in the 1970s. Interested in interior design and old colonial architecture, it was only in the mid-1980s that he began painting professionally. He was inspired by the works of artists such as Sudjojono, Matisse, Chagall and Bosch. He has participated in exhibitions in Indonesia, Singapore and USA. Basoeki Abdullah (Solo, Indonesia, 1915 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1993) Basoeki Abdullah was the brother of Sudjono Abdullah, and second son of painter Abdullah Suriosubroto, a prominent landscape painter. In 1933 he studied at the Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten in The Hague and afterwards he visited Paris and Rome. He continued to study under the painter Schumacher upon his return to Indonesia. His work has been exhibited in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, The Netherlands, England and Portugal. Blanco, Antonio Maria (Manila, The Philippines, 1911 - Bali, Indonesia, 1999) He studied at the Fine Arts Academy in New York, and was later professionally based in Florida and California. He has been honoured by several international art organizations. His awards include the Tiffany Fellowship, New York; La Cofradia del Arrios, Spain; and Chevalier du

Sahanetrei from Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia. He lived in Ubud, Bali from 1952 until his death in 1999. Bonnet, Johan Rudolf (Amsterdam, The Netherlands,1895 - Laren, The Netherlands,1978) Studied painting at the Hendrick de Keijserschool, the Rijksschool voor Kunstnijverheid, and the National Academy of Fine Arts, Amsterdam. Bonnet first came to Bali in 1929, and later introduced Western artistic conventions of anatomy and proportion to Balinese artists. He cofounded the Pita Maha artists’ association in 1936. With Cokorda Gede Agung Sukawati, he established the Puri Lukisan Museum in Ubud in 1953. In 1972 he founded the Ubud Painters Group. In 1977 he became the first foreigner to receive the Dharma Kusuma Art Award from the Provincial Government of Bali and was posthumously recognized with the Satya Lencana Kebudayaan Cultural Award from the Indonesian Government in 1980. Cristiano, Renato (b. Rome, Italy, 1926) He studied at the Art Academies of Rome and Paris in the 1940s. He also studied anthropology and was interested in archaeology. He lived in Bali from 1955 to 1965, and later returned to Rome with his wife, a Balinese dancer. He had solo exhibitions in Jakarta in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2001 and in Bali in 1996. Dake Jr., Carl Lodewijk (Schaerbeek, Belgium, 1886 - Jakarta, 1946) He studied painting from E. Piter and H. M. Krabbe in Laren, the Netherlands. He went to Indonesia in 1912 and travelled through the country. He painted scenes in Java, Bali and Sumatra. From Indonesia, he travelled to many countries, including Thailand and Cambodia. His depictions of the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat are among his impressive paintings. In 1915, he was appointed to create the Indonesian diorama displayed at the World Fair in San Francisco, USA.. Dooijewaard, Willem (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1892 - Blaricum, The Netherlands,1980) He was educated at the Rijksschool voor Kunstnijverheid in Amsterdam and was later taught by Roland Strasser. He first visited Indonesia in 1913 where he worked on a plantation in Sumatra. His second trip to Indonesia in 1919 brought him to Bali, where he met Roland Strasser, an Austrian artist. Together with Strasser, he spent over a year traveling through China, Mongolia, Japan and North Africa. He participated in group exhibitions in Indonesia from 1918-1932, and had solo exhibitions in Indonesia (1932 & 1992) and The Netherlands (1962). Eland, Leonardus Joseph (Leo) (Salatiga, C. Java, Indonesia, 1884 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1952) Self-taught artist who lived and worked in Indonesia until 1920, visiting Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Bali and other islands. He participated in several exhibitions organized by the Bataviasche Kunstkring. He settled in The Hague in 1920, and later returned to Indonesia for a brief period in 1929 to prepare some huge Indonesian dioramas he made for several World Fairs. His work was selected for the International Colonial Exposition in Paris in 1931. Goth, Charlotte (Sarika) (Vienna, Austria, 1900 - Veere, The Netherlands, 1992) Of Hungarian origin, she was a pupil of arts in academy of arts in the Hague and was taught by H. Hofman in Munich (Germany) and by A. Lhote in Paris. There is no evidence that the artist ever visited Indonesia, however there are some paintings by her hand depicting Indonesia. Painter and draughtsman in a subtle realistic style Insights - Connections - Expertise


Haure, Jean-Philippe (b. Orleans, France, 1969) Graduated from Ecole Boulle of Paris, he has been a teacher of furniture design at the Catholic School in Gianyar, Bali, since1991. He is also skilled in photography and painting. He has a close relationship with the royal family of Abian Base, Gianyar, and his work reflects his love of Bali. Hofker, Willem Gerard (The Hague, The Netherlands, 1902 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1981) He studied at the Academy of Arts in The Hague and the Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam. Hofker arrived in Indonesia in 1938, visited Batavia, Bandung, Bogor and Bali. He lived in Bali 1938-1944 with his wife Maria Hofker-Reuter who was also a painter. During World War II he was interned by the Japanese and put in a camp. Some of the works he made there were shown in the exhibition Nederlanders in Japanse Kampen held in several cities in The Netherlands in 1975 and 1976. Hofker returned to the Netherlands in 1946. In 1978, he published part of his Balinese series: Bali Gezien door Willem Hofker, which is dedicated to his best friend Rudolf Bonnet. Ida Bagus Made Poleng (Peliatan, Bali, Indonesia, 1915 - 1999) He was born into a family of artists. His father, Ida Bagus Kembeng, was a well-known Balinese painter. Ida Bagus Made studied painting with Rudolf Bonnet, and was a member of the Pita Maha artists’ society. He received the Dharma Kusuma Award from the Balinese government in 1980. His works can be found at Taman Budaya (Denpasar, Bali), Tropenmuseum (Amsterdam, Holland), Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (Leiden, Holland). Imandt, Wihelminus Jean Frederic (St. Jansteen, The Netherlands, 1882 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1967) Imandt went to Indonesia in 1908, where he lived and worked as a painter and drawing teacher at secondary schools. He traveled all over the archipelago, and participated in several exhibitions organized by the Bataviasche Kunstkring in Jakarta from 1920 to 1925. After a stay in The Netherlands from 1928 to 1935 he returned to Indonesia. During World War II he was interned and put in a camp by the Japanese. Around 1946 he returned to The Netherlands, where he settled in The Hague. Kerton, Sudjana (Bandung, W. Java, Indonesia, 1922 - 1993) Between 1945 and 1949, he worked as a journalist-artist for the newspaper Patriot, Yogyakarta, under Usmar Ismail. In this period, he made documentary paintings, sketches and sculptures depicting scenes of the struggle for independence, which were exhibited at Sono Budoyo Museum, Yogyakarta. Together with Affandi, Hendra Gunawan, Sudarso, Trubus and others in 1947, he co-founded Pelukis Rakyat / People’s Painters. He was one of the first Indonesian artists to win fellowships to Amsterdam and Paris and later he also received a scholarship to study at the Art Students’ League in New York. In the late 1970s he returned to Indonesia and built a studio-gallery Sanggar Luhur, on Dago Hill overlooking Bandung. Krijono (Jakarta, 1951 - 2011) Born into an artist family, his father was a painting collector who owned the Harris Art Gallery and his mother owns a batik factory. In 1970, he studied at the Indonesian Fine Art Academy (Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia/ASRI) Yogyakarta. His art works are often brightly colored and expressive with his own flamboyant personality Le Mayeur de Merprès, Adrien Jean (Brussels, Belgium, 1880 - 1958) Le Mayeur studied painting from his father and was also a pupil of Blanc-Garin in Brussels, Belgium. His first visit to Bali was in 1929 and he returned again in 1932, living in Sanur until 1958. In 1935 Le Mayeur married Ni Pollok, a Balinese dancer who was the model for many of his paintings. He had exhibitions in Singapore in 1931 and

1941. Le Mayeur donated his house and studio in Sanur with all his remaining paintings to the Indonesian Government, and it is now the Le Mayeur Museum. Le Pho (North Vietnam, 1907 - 2001) He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Hanoi in 1952, and furthered his study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris in 1931. He returned to Vietnam from 1932 to 1937, after which he chose to settle in France. He had exhibited in Paris and throughout France, New York, Chicago, San Fransisco and Buenos Aires. Mangu Putra, I Gusti Agung (b. Sangeh, Bali, Indonesia, 1963) He graduated from ISI / Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta in 1990, majoring in Visual Communication Design. He received awards for Best Work in Visual Communication Design at Dies Natalis IV (1988) and VI (1990) at ISI Yogyakarta; and was one of the Top Ten prize winners of the Indonesian Art Awards in 1994. He worked as a graphic designer from 1990-98. He has had solo exhibitions in Bali and Jakarta and has participated in group exhibitions in Indonesia and Singapore. Nadera, Ida Bagus Made (Tegallinggah, Bali, Indonesia, 1905 - 1998) Balinese artist who painted in the Ubud style, he was a member of the Pita Maha artists’ association. He participated in group exhibitions in Bali, Bandung, Jakarta, Medan, Madiun and overseas at the Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan in 1985. In 1984 he received the Dharma Kusuma Art Award from the government of Bali. Nasirun (b. Cilacap, C. Java, Indonesia, 1965) Graduated from ISI / Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta in 1994. He has had solo exhibitions in Yogyakarta, Solo and Jakarta, and has participated in group exhibitions in Indonesia, Singapore and The Netherlands. Awards received include Best Painting, ISI Yogyakarta, 1991; McDonald Award, Lustrum X, ISI Yogyakarta, 1994; and he was one of the Top Ten prize winners of the Indonesian Art Awards in 1997. Ohl, Lucien Frits (Sumatra, Indonesia, 1904 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1976) Self taught artist, who lived and worked in Palembang, Jakarta and Yogyakarta until 1954. He then left Indonesia and settled in The Hague. Painter, watercolourist and draughtsman in a style reminiscent of the late period of G. P. Adolfs. He made the Indonesian illustrations in J.C. hamel’s “Soldatendominee”, The Hague, 1948. S. Sudjojono (Kisaran, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1986) From 1925 he studied painting with Yudhokusumo (the artist Kartono’s father). In 1935 he began to study painting with Mas Pirngadi and the Japanese artist Chioyoji Yazaki. He received further education at the Taman Siswa Teachers’ College in Yogyakarta. In 1938 he and Agus Djaja co-founded PERSAGI / Indonesian Painters’ Union. From 1942-44 Sudjojono participated in POETERA / People’s Activity Centre and Keimin Bunka Shidoso Cultural Centre in Jakarta. In 1946, Sudjojono formed SIM / Young Indonesian Artists in Madiun. In the 1950s he worked closely with the communist-sponsored cultural organisation LEKRA / People’s Cultural Institute and in 1955, nominated by the Communist Party, was voted to Parliament. His expulsion from the Communist Party in 1958 saved him from the communist purge in 1965. In 1970 he was awarded recognition in the arts by the Indonesian Government. His work has been exhibited in The Netherlands and at the Fukuoka Art Museum in Japan in 1980. In Indonesia, Sudjojono’s work has been exhibited in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Denpasar. Siew Hock Meng (b. Malaysia, 1942) He studied at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore. Awards


received include the National Day Medal for Fine Arts, Singapore in 1977 and a Special Award for Visual Arts from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Alumni Association, Singapore in 1984. He has had solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions in Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore and the USA. Sonnega, Auke Cornelis (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 1910 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1963) Sonnega studied at the Kunstnijverheidschool in Amsterdam. He first visited Indonesia in 1935 as a commercial artist. In 1937 he settled in Bali and dedicated himself fully to painting. During World War II he was interned and put in a camp by the Japanese. After a stay in Europe he returned to Indonesia to settle in Sumatra in 1953, then in Ubud, Bali. In 1958 he left Indonesia unwillingly and returned to The Netherlands. He had several solo exhibitions in The Netherlands in Amsterdam (1953), Amersfoot (1958) and The Hague (1965). Srihadi Soedarsono (b. Solo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1931) During the Revolution, he fought in the Students’ Army and was a member of SIM / Young Indonesian Artists. In 1953, Srihadi enrolled in ITB / Bandung Institute of Technology. There, he was influenced by the Cubist-inspired style of his Dutch teacher, Ries Mulder. In 1959 he graduated from ITB. He obtained his master’s degree at Ohio State University in the United States where he studied from 1960-1962. His sojourn overseas influenced him to experiment with pure abstraction in the 1960s but he was soon to return to figuration. By the early 1970s he had developed a meditative semi-abstract style with broad sweeps of pure colours. In 1980 he returned to Ohio State University under a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship for a research program. Srihadi has taught at and chaired the art departments in ITB and IKJ / Jakarta Institute of the Arts. He has received many art and achievement awards in Indonesia and overseas. Since 1962, Srihadi has held numerous solo exhibitions in the USA, Indonesia, Australia, The Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Japan. Since 1945, he has participated in group exhibitions in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, China, Japan, India, Taipei, Korea, Australia, Bahrain, USA, Brazil, The Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Sukada, I Made (Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1945 - 1982) He learned to paint from his father, I Gandung who was a traditional Balinese painter. He was also greatly influenced by Dutch painter Rudolf Bonnet in style and subject matter. In 1975 he had a solo exhibition at Museum Puri Lukisan, Ubud and he participated in group exhibitions in Indonesia and The Netherlands Sunaryo (b. Banyumas, C. Java, Indonesia, 1943) Painter and sculptor who graduated from the Department of Art, ITB / Bandung Institute of Technology in 1969, and became a lecturer there in 1970. He was Head of the Sculpture Department at ITB from 1976 to 1980, and Chairman of the Department of Art at ITB from 1988. Sunaryo studied sculpture, in particular the techniques of carving and sculpting marble, in Carrara, Italy in 1975. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions world-wide. UNESCO and the International Association of Art in Paris, France awarded him a Silver Medal for graphic design in 1978. In 1998 he founded the Selasar Sunaryo Museum in Bandung.

Thailand, Cuba, Malaysia, India, Singapore, The Netherlands, Germany, Mexico and Australia. van der Does, Willem Jan Pieter (Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1889 Zeist, The Netherlands, 1966) He came to Indonesia ca 1918 as a civil servant to survey the country. He participated in several group exhibitions in Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya between 1918 and 1938. He returned to The Netherlands in 1946. He was a painter, illustrator, and draughtsman of harbour scenes, city views and landscapes. Wichers, Hendrik Arend Ludolf (Hal) (Tarutung, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1893-Nijmegen, The Netherland, 1968) He was a pupil of the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam and returned to his native country in 1919, where he lived and worked in Bandung, Semarang and Jakarta. He was a member of Bataviasche Kunstkring and participated in several of their exhibition between 1923 and 1936. Widayat (Kutoarjo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1919 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2002) Widayat began his artistic career by painting picturesque landscapes in the Mooi Indie tradition for the tourist market in Bandung. During the Revolution he was an officer in the Indonesian armed forces involved in intelligence work in South Sumatra. His war-time activities included making anti-Dutch propaganda posters and organising dramatic performances to drum up nationalist fervour. Widayat was among the first batch of students at ASRI / Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts, Yogyakarta. He graduated from ASRI in 1954, and then became a teacher in the school and remained a staff member until he retired in 1988. He co-founded the artists group PIM / Young Indonesian Painters in 1952. In 1960 he went to Japan for two years where he studied traditional gardens and ceramics. The Indonesian government presented him with the Anugerah Seni Art Award in 1972. Other awards received include First Prize at the First Indonesian Biennial in 1974; award at the Yogyakarta Biennial in 1986; Lempad Prize awarded by Sanggar Dewata Indonesia in 1987; ASEAN Art Award in 1993; and the Budaya Upa Pradana from the Government of Central Java in 1994. Winkler, Richard (b. Norrkoping, Sweden, 1969) As a child he was inspired by his grandfather, a painter, who later gave him his first lessons. After high school, he attended the Nyckelviken School of Art where he studied visual arts, and the Beckmans School of Design where he studied fine arts. From 1992 to 1997 he worked as an illustrator for magazines, advertising and television. In 1997 he moved to Bali and became a full-time painter. He has had solo exhibitions in Indonesia and Sweden and has participated in group exhibitions in Sweden, Denmark and Indonesia.

Suwage, Agus (b. Purworejo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1959) Studied graphic design at ITB / Bandung Institute of Technology from 1979 to 1986. Upon graduation, he worked as a freelance illustrator in Jakarta. In 1996, his work was selected as one of the Top Ten winners of the Indonesian Art Awards, and was included in the ASEAN Art Awards in Bangkok, Thailand. He has had solo exhibitions in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Koshigaya City, Saitama (Japan) and Brisbane (Australia), and has participated in group exhibitions in Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Insights - Connections - Expertise


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Conditions of Business For Sellers Larasati Muse Investments Pte. Ltd. herein refered to as Larasati, hereby informs all those participating as sellers in the auction, that it shall be held subject to the terms and conditions of the Consignment Agreement and the following conditions. LARASATI as agent As auctioneer, Larasati Muse Investments Pte. Ltd. here-in referred to as Larasati acts as agent for the seller. Unless otherwise agreed, sales of goods at this auction result in contracts made between the seller and the buyer. Larasati shall not be responsible for any default by the seller or the buyer. Definitions of terms used in these conditions In the conditions set out below, some terms are used regularly that need explanation. They are as follows: • the “Buyer” means the person with highest bid accepted by the auctioneer; • a “Lot” means any item deposited with us for sale at auction and, in particular, the item or items described against any lot number in any catalog; • the “Hammer Price” means the charge payable by the auctioneer in relation to a lot; • the “Buyer’s Premium” means the charge payable by the buyer as a percentage of the hammer price; • the “Reserve” means the amount below which we agree with the seller that the lot cannot be sold; • “Forgery” means a Lot constituting an imitation originally conceived and executed as a whole with a fraudulent intention to deceive as to authorship, origin, age, period, culture or source where the correct description as to such matters is not reflected by the description in the catalog and which at the date of the auction had a value materially less than it would have had if it had been in accordance with the description in the catalog. Accordingly, no Lot shall be capable of being a forgery by reason of any damage and/or restoration work of any kind (including repainting); • the “Insured Value” means the amount thatLarasati in its absolute discretion from time to time shall consider to be the value for which a lot should be covered by insurance (whether or not insurance is arranged by us). Commission We shall charge the seller commission calculated by reference to the amounts, percentages, terms and conditions of the Consignment Agreement.

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EXPLANATION OF CATALOGING PRACTICE Terms used in this catalog have the meanings ascribed to them below. Please note that all statements in this catalog as to authorship are made subject to the provisions of the Condition of Sale and Limited Warranty. Buyers are advised to inspect the property themselves. Written conditions reports are usually available on request. name(s) or recognised designaTion of an arTisT wiThouT any qualificaTion

In Larasati’s opinion a work by the artist. “Atributed to...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion probably a work by the artist in whole or in part. “Studio of...”/ “Workshop of...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion a work executed in the studio or workshop of the artist, possibly under his supervision. “Circle of...”

In Larasati’s qualified opinion a work of the period of the artist and showing his influence. “Follower of...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion a work executed in the artist’s style but not necessarily by a pupil. “Manner of...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion a work executed in the artist’s style but of a later date. “After...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion a copy (of any date) of a work of the artist. “Signed...”/ “Dated...”/ “Inscribed...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion the work has been signed/dated/inscribed by the artist. “With signature...”/ “With inscription...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion the signature/ inscription appears to be by a hand other than that of the artist. “With date...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion the date on

the item was not executed on that date. The date given for Old Master, Modern and Contemporary Prints is the date (or approximate date when prefixed with ‘circa’) on which the matrix was worked and not necessarily the date when the impression was printed or published. The term and its definition in this Explanation of Cataloging Practice are a qualified statements as to authorship. While the use of this term is based upon careful study and represents the opinion of specialists, Larasati and the consignor assume no risk, liability and responsibility for the authenticity of authorship of any lot in this catalog described by this term, and the Limited Warranty shall not be available with respect to lots described using this term.


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LARASATI - AAG ISBN 978-979-3774-32-9

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