Larasati-UAA Hongkong, 28 May 2011

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United Asian Auctioneers AUCTION


3:00pm Saturday 28th May, 2011 Hong Kong Exhibition Centre 3/F, Low Block, China Resources Building 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (Upper Floor of Chinese Arts & Crafts (HK) Limited)

2011年5月28日 星期六 下午3時正 香港展覽中心 香港灣仔港灣道26號 華潤大廈低座三樓 (中藝(香港)有限公司樓上)



10:00am – 8:00pm 10:00am – 8:00pm

Thursday 26th May, 2011 Friday 27th May, 2011

2011年5月26日 星期四 早上10時至晚上8時 2011年5月27日 星期五 早上10時至晚上8時

歡迎登入United Asian Auctioneers網站

K Auction Seoul Preview


13th(Friday) - 19th(Thursday) May, 2011 2F Art Tower, 640-6 Sinsa-dong Gangnam-gu, Seoul Korea

2011年5月13日(星期五)-19日(星期四) 首爾市江南區新沙洞 640-6 藝術大廈2樓

One East Larasati Preview

藝通 雷莎蒂

11:00am-7:00pm 29th-30th April, 2011 One East Artspace 30 Bideford Road #03-02 Thong Sia Building Singapore 229922

2011年5月29日-30日 上午11時至下午7時正 30 拜德福德路 通德大廈 #03-02 新加坡 229922



Index / 藝術家索引


AES+F Group


Jeihan Sukmantara


Agus Triyanto BR.


Jeong Boyoung


Ai Weiwei

78, 79

Jeong Ucheol


Ai Weiwei / Yang Zhichao

126, 127

Jiang Dahai


An Kun


Jiang Peng


Andy Warhol


Jiro Takamatsu


Arie Smit

63, 64, 65

Jiro Yoshihara


Bae Chanhyo


Julian Opie


Bernard Buffet


Kang Hyungkoo


Bian Binggui


Kenji Yanobe


Budi Ubrux


Kerton, Sudjana


Bui Xuan Phai

52, 53

Kiki Smith


But Muchtar


Kim Hyunsoo


Chen Junde


Kim Jandi


Chen Yu


Kim Tschangyeul

30, 117

Cho Jungwha


Le Mayeur De Merpres, Adrien Jean


Chun Kwangyoung


Le Pho


Dai Pingjun


Lee Horyon


Daisuke Ohba


Lee Jung Woong


Damien Hirst


Lee Leenam

20, 132

Dang Xuan Hoa


Lee Ufan


Debbie Han


Lee Yongdeok


December Pang


Leng Jun


Do Min


Li Jikai


Erica Hestu Wahyuni

1, 2, 105

Li Chao




Li Qing


Fan Mingzheng


Lin Dachuan


Francis Bacon


Liu Xiaodong


Frank Stella


Liu Xingtao


Genpei Akasegawa


Lv Xin


Goh Geun-Ho


Ma Yanling


Guli Stan


Mahendra Yasa, Gede


He Duoling

76, 77

Marc Chagall


Hofker, Willem Gerard


Mitsuo Kano


Hwang Soonil


Nobuyoshi Araki

143, 144

Isur Suroso


Pan Dehai


Izumi Kato

5, 6

Park Kiill


Izumimi Kato


Park Kyungho


Jeff Koons


Peter Steinhauer


Pramuhendra, J. Ariadhitya




Putu Sutawijaya


Yusra Martunus


Ristyo Eko Hartanto


Zao Wu-Ki




Zhang Donghong


Samsul Arifin


Zhang Jian


Shao Jingkun


Zhang Jin


Shen Jingdong


Zhang Peng


Shibata Toshio


Zhang Xiaogang


Shin Dongwon


Zhang Xiaogang


Shin Sunmi


Yue Minjun


Son Donghyun


Zeng Fanzhi


Su Xiaobai


Wang Guangyi


Sugiyo Dwiarso


Fang Lijun


Takashi Murakami

7, 8, 9, 145, 146

Zhang Yibo


Takeo Yamaguchi


Zhao Xiaojia


Tetsutaro Kamatani


Tetsuya Ishida


Tilman Peschel


Tomio Miki


Tomoo Gokita


Tu Hongtao


Udiantara, I Gusti Ngurah “Tantin”


Walasse Ting


Wang Qiang


Wang Yaqiang




Wu Haizhou


Xie Lantao


Xiong Yu


Xue Dai


Yang Fan


Yang Sanlang


Yayoi Kusama

72, 73

Yin Zhaoyang

81, 82

Yoon Sangyoon


Yoshitomo Nara


Yu Feng Li


Yu Gao


Yue Minjun

45, 46


ASIAN ART AUCTION ALLIANCE (A|A|A|A) was established as an overseas affiliated company of Shinwa Art Auction founded in 1989, an influential Japanese auction house listed on JASDAQ, a stock exchange for emerging companies in Japan. A|A|A|A was formed as a joint venture to accelerate Shinwa auction group’s presence in the Asian art market, and is aiming to achieve broad alliances and new developments among global art community in order to support/expand/vitalize a global art market from Asia. A|A|A|A has held its first sole organized auctions in Hong Kong on May 2010. A|A|A|A’s Art auctions feature a wide variety of items including Japanese, Western, and Asian works, and precious jewelleries, watches and wine. A|A|A|A is expanding Asian client base, increasing the impact of Japanese art, and further developing the Asian market.


A|A|A|A為親和藝術拍賣株式會社的海外附屬公司。親 和藝術拍賣於日本證券交易所JASDAQ創業板上市, 是日本拍賣界內舉足輕重的業者。A|A|A|A作為親和藝 術拍賣株式會社的合資公司,目標是促進親和藝術拍 賣株式會社在亞洲藝術市場之地位,同時旨在國際藝 術社群內廣結聯盟,並以鼓勵社群推陳出新為目標, 希望在亞洲支持、擴展及復興國際藝術市場。 2010年5月A|A|A|A在香港舉辦首次獨家主辦的拍賣 會。A|A|A|A的藝術拍賣精品,除了網羅日本、西方和 亞洲的名家作品,更廣泛地包含名貴珠寶,鐘錶及洋 酒。A|A|A|A將積極開拓其亞洲客戶層,提升日本藝術 的影響力,並進一步拓展亞洲市場。

Established in January 1994, Beijing Hanhai Auction Co.,Ltd is one of the most influential and leading corporations in China. Our auction sales range from Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy, Oil Paintings & Sculptures, Rare Chinese Ceremics & Antiquities, Fine Works of Art (Ivory, Rhinoceros Horn and Bamboo Carvings, etc), Buddhist Art, Rare Books & Manuscripts, to Classic Furniture and Contemporary Artworks. Hanhai has received great compliment and well-deserved reputation on the basis of praiseworthy achievement and its principle of “abide by law and prestige first”. Our team of Oil Paintings & Sculpture Department performed extraordinarily in the previous auctions. We had fetched over 30,000,000 USD with its 189 lots in Spring 2010 Sale. Particularly, the top lot was Wu Guanzhong’s works, Chang Jiang River, realizing approximately 8,430,000 USD. Such a stunning price made record of Chinese Modern & Contemporary Spring Auction Sales in mainland China and also broken record of artist’s auction performance. The participation of United Asian Auctioneers(UAA) has shown Hanhai’s expansion strategy in Asia. We sincerely expect to enhance communication and cooperation with Asian auctioneers, promote Asian artists and satisfy collectors’ needs. And we believe United Asian Auctioneers, as a whole, will play more important role and bring more manifestation.

北京翰海拍賣有限公司,成立於1994年1月。迄今翰海 已舉行大中型藝術品拍賣會百餘場,拍品數量總計超 過13萬件,拍賣項目涵蓋中國書畫、油畫雕塑、古董 珍玩、陶瓷玉雕、竹木牙角、金銅佛像、古籍碑帖、 木器家具、當代工藝品等。十六年來,翰海公司秉 承“依法經營、信譽至上”原則,受到社會各界的廣 泛讚譽。 翰海油畫雕塑部的卓越團隊創造了輝煌的拍賣業績。 在2010年春拍以成交額超過211,000,000元人民幣圓 滿落槌。吳冠中油畫長卷《長江万裡圖》以5712萬元 高價成交,打破中國大陸地區現當代藝術拍賣記錄, 也刷新了畫家的拍賣最高成交記錄。 加入亞洲聯合拍賣會,表明了翰海積極拓展亞洲業務 的戰略。翰海竭誠聯合亞洲的拍賣同仁,共同推出亞 洲藝術家,滿足藏家的需求,促進亞洲拍賣業的溝通 融合和共同發展。我們相信,亞洲聯合拍賣會作為一 個共同發展的整體,將會有更加驚豔的表現。


韓國首佳拍賣 韓國首佳拍賣創立于2005年9月,公司地址位于新沙 洞,作為一家旨在引領韓國美術市場發展的專業藝術 品拍賣公司,我們將為閣下提供最舒適的環境及最優 質的服務。公司二樓及三樓擁有寬闊的展示空間,閣 下不僅可以近距離地欣賞各種拍品,拍賣當日還可以 進入二樓的拍賣場親身體驗競拍的樂趣。 未來,公司將一如既往地關注與把握國內外美術市場 的動向、徵集各種高水準的藝術作品,為顧客提供準 確的信息與專業的服務,力求最大限度地滿足顧客的 需求,同時我們還將為樹立和規範美術品拍賣文化而 作出不懈的努力。


One East Larasati

藝通 雷莎蒂:

Since Larasati’s first auction held on 30 April 2000 in Jakarta, Indonesia, the regional auction house’s reputation has grown rapidly for auctioning rare and emerging Indonesian as well as other Asian works at record prices. In 2003, Larasati marked a milestone in its pursuit to become a major player in the Asian market, with its entry into Singapore and becoming the first Asian-based auction house that crossed national borders.


In 2009, Larasati became the first auction house from Southeast Asia to enter Hong Kong, the third largest auction market in the world. In view of growth opportunities and successful operations over the last 10 years, Larasati is expanding and One East Larasati is now the new umbrella for its auction business in Hong Kong and beyond.


Focused on featuring significant works of art and treating them as a kind of museum art, One East Larasati’s boutique collection platforms fine works by master artists from Southeast Asia and other important art hubs in Asia. More than just merely a matter of buying and selling art objects, One East Larasati is driven to enhance the appreciation and development of art in Asia.


了首次拍賣,此後又拍賣了眾多印尼及其它亞洲國家 的珍稀和新興藝術品,並屢破價格記錄,讓這家區域 拍賣行因此而聲名鵲起。2003年,蕾莎蒂正式入駐新 加坡,成為首間跨國界的亞洲拍賣行,這無疑是蕾莎 蒂躋身亞洲主要拍賣行的重要里程碑。 2009年,蕾莎蒂成為首間進入香港 - 世界第三大拍賣 間的成功經營,蕾莎蒂擴展運營範圍,並將藝通蕾莎 蒂作為進入香港乃至更大市場的開路先鋒。 藝通蕾莎蒂視寶貴的藝術品為珍寶,並進行精心展 示,其經典藏品囊括了來自東南亞及其它主要亞洲藝 值不僅在於進行拍賣,更肩負加強亞洲藝術鑑賞及發 展的重任。 如今,藝通蕾莎蒂的身影遍及四個國家:印度尼西 亞、新加坡、香港和荷蘭。

Currently, One East Larasati manages its auctions in four different countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Netherlands.




Lot 3

PARK KYUNGHO (b.1983 Korean)

朴京浩 (b.1983年 韓國人)

Cat 2011 oil on canvas, epoxy 117×91cm signed on the reverse

小貓 2011 布面油畫,環氧樹脂 117x91cm 背面簽名

Estimate HK$14,000 - 25,000

US$1,800 - 3,200

Park’s work is a study that delves deep into our inner side and consciousness through experiments on the brain’s cognition and reaction ability. The main keyword of his work is consciousness under the continuous relationship with reality although on the surface it appears to be completely disconnected from reality. Based on this, Park demonstrates the results of his study with actual back up evidence that represents his idea of the structure of our consciousness, cognitive science and conceptual cool-headedness.

樸京浩的作品意在刻畫腦的認識與作用來顯示內心深度與意識,畫家的表述看 似遠離現實,其實是在與現實的緊密關係中以意識為線索,追尋自己對意識形 態與認知學的認識,以及根據相關概念而進行的實事求是性的研究。

Within the overarching category of cognitive science, Park raises regarding what form our cognitive structure takes and is expressed inside our memory. To answer this, the artist conducts animal experiments to explore how this process works as well as to understand its unique characteristics and also observe changes Finally, Park shows this entire process in an ultra-realistic form.


在認知學這個莫大的範疇內,他對認識在記憶內部的形成與構造方式進行了探 討,並通過動物實驗的方法對其運行原理與特性以及變化進行了觀察,進而將 這一系列的過程作了真實的展現。

Lot 4


鎌谷鉄太郎 (b.1979年 日本人)

Giraffe 2007 oil on canvas 91×91cm signed on the reverse

長頸鹿 2007 布面油畫 91×91cm 背面簽名

Estimate HK$27,000 - 32,000

US$3,500 - 4,100


Lot 5


IZUMI KATO (b.1969 Japanese)

加藤泉 (b.1969 日本人)

Untitled 2003 oil on canvas 53x45.5cm signed, titled and dated on the reverse

無題 2003 布面油畫 53x45.5cm 背面附有簽名,標題與日期

Estimate HK$30,000 - 50,000

US$3,800 - 6,410

Lot 6

IZUMI KATO (b.1969 Japanese)

加藤泉 (b.1969 日本人)

Yokikao 1999-2000 oil on canvas 41x53cm signed, titled and dated on the reverse

好面容 1999-2000 布面油畫 41x53cm 背面附有簽名,標題與日期

Estimate HK$30,000 - 50,000

US$3,800 - 6,410




Lot 9


TAKASHI MURAKAMI (b.1962 Japanese)

村上隆 (b.1962 日本人)

727 – 727 2007 offset lithography 4c process with silver framed 65.7x99.9cm signed, dated and numbered 122/300 lower right

727 - 727 2007 平版印刷4色特殊色銀 框裝 65.7x99.9cm 右下附簽名、日期和標注的版數122/300

Estimate HK$15,000 - 30000

US$1,900 - 3,900


Lot 11

SHIN SUNMI (b.1980 Korean) Similar color on Korean paper 71×116cm signed on the lower right

Estimate HK$36,000 - 50,000

申善美 (b.1980年 韓國人) 相似形 紙本淡彩 71×116cm 右下附簽名

US$4,600 - 6,410


Lot 12


李晧堜 (b.1978年 韓國人)

Overlapping image 2006 oil on canvas 130.3x162.2cm signed, titled and dated 2006 on the reverse

層疊影象 2006 布面油畫 130.3x162.2cm 背面簽名

Estimate HK$50,000 - 64,000

US$6,400 - 8,200


Lot 13


ZHANG PENG (b.1981 Chinese)

張鵬 (b.1981 中國人)

GoldFish 2007 C-print 120x120cm with certificate

金魚 2007 c-印刷 120x120cm 附證書

Estimate HK$30,000 - 50,000

US$3,800 - 6,410

Lot 14

KENJI YANOBE (b.1965 Japanese) TORAYAN 2005 steel, industrial waste h100xw40xd50cm signed, dated and numbered 5 behind the neck with certificate

Estimate HK$100,000 - 150,000

矢延宪司 (b.1965 日本人) TORAYAN(機器人) 2005 鋼、 工業廢料 h100xw40xd50cm 頸部後附有簽名、日期及編號 5 附證書

US$13,000 - 19,200


Lot 15

IZUMIMI KATO (b.1969 Japanese) Untitled 2008 wood, acrylic, stone h36.0xw8.0xd8.0cm h22.5xw11.0xd7.0cm h31.5xw8.0xd8.0cm each signed and dated, with certificate

Estimate HK$80,000 - 120,000

加藤泉 (b.1969 日本人) 無題 2008 木 丙烯 石 h36.0xw8.0xd8.0cm h22.5xw11.0xd7.0cm h31.5xw8.0xd8.0cm 分別附簽名和日期,附證書

US$10,300 - 15,400


Lot 16 SHEN JINGDONG (b.1965 Chinese)

沈敬東 (b.1965 中國人)

Soldier in Red Flower 2011 oil on canvas 100×120cm signed in Chinese and English dated on lower right

光榮花 2011 油彩 110x120cm 布面 右下附中英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$80,000 - 150,000


Shen Jingdong (b.1965) was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. Graduated from the Nanjing Xiaozhuang Normal CoLLege with a major of Fine Arts in 1984 and further the Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts in in 1991. He Has been engaged in the Nanjing Political Department Frontline Drama Troupe since 1991 and now live in Beijing.

沈敬東(b.1965)年生於中國江蘇省南京市,1984年畢業於南京曉莊師範學校美術 班,1991年畢業於南京藝術學院美術系版畫專業,1991年至今任職於南京軍區 政治部前線話劇團,現居北京。




Lot 18

LENG JUN (b.1963 Chinese)

冷軍 (b.1963 中國人)

Classic Book 2008 hectograph on paper framed 109×77cm signed in Chinese and dated on the bottom

聖賢書 2008 膠版 紙本 109x77cm 框裝 底部附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$50,000 - 80,000

US$6,500 - 10,200

Leng Jun (b.1963) was born in Sichuan, graduated from the Art Department of Wuhan Normal University Hankou Branch School in 1984. Currently hold the post of Dean of the Wuhan Painting Academy. Exhibitions and Awarded: Art Work in 1993, “Meshwork – About Design of The Meshwork” Received China Oil Paintings Annual Exhibition, Silver Award; “Cultural Relic – New Product Design” was awarded The 2nd China Oil Painting Exhibition Art Work Award in 1994 and participated The Exhibition of China Hundred Year of Oil Paintings”. In 1995, “ Century Landscape No.2” had received A Golden Prize in “ The 3rd China Oil Painting Annual Exhibition, Golden Prize; In 1999, “ The Star” received The 9th National Art Exhibition Golden Prize; In 2000, participated “1979-1999 Request Exhibition of Gate of The Century, at the same time held an solo exhibition at The Shenzhen Art Museum. In 2001, started created Lithograph prints; In the same year, work “Mutation – Scissors With Thorns” received an Excellent Award in “ The 1st Grand Exhibition of China Small Oil Paintings”; In 2002, six pieces of Work from the series of the “ Tool Box” have participated in the China Lip Painting Exhibition Triennium. He participated in the “Chinese Annual Realism Group Exhibition” since 2005, and become a member of the group.

冷軍(b.1963)生於四川,1984年畢業於武漢師範學院漢口分院藝術系。現任武漢 畫院院長。參展及獲獎:1993年作品《網-關於網的設計》獲』93中國油畫年展 銀獎。1994年作品《文物-新產品設計》獲第二屆中國油畫展藝術作品獎,並參 加中國油畫百年展。1995年作品《世紀風景之二》獲』95第三屆中國油畫年展 金獎。1999年作品《五角星》獲第九屆全國美展金獎。2000年參加《1979-1999 世紀之門邀請展》,並在深圳美術館舉辦個展。2001年開始創作石版畫,作品 《突變-有刺的剪刀》獲首屆中國小油畫大展優秀作品獎。2002年作品《工具 箱》等六幅系列參加中國油畫三年展。2005年參加全國寫實畫派聯展,成為中 國寫實畫派成員。

Leng Jun’s works are uniquely distinguished by his original design and outstanding skill in today’s Chinese painting field. The audience is convinced by the subtle and delicate image and his skills on display on the canvas. Moreover, the audience is also thrilled by the overall tension to the audience’s spirit because of the contemporary theme and content. Leng Jun’s ‘sketch’ is considered to guarantee the vividness, wealth, steadiness, and expressional form that stimulate action. When he paints, he usually approaches the object and looks for details as if he is a digital scanner, experiencing every feature, goes deep pays attention to the whole to strive for the perfect unification between detail and the whole effect. By any kind of means is his technical achievement. He believes any method that is suitable for expression is a good method. For example, aging wood grains, simulating the process of the produce of texture of material surface and so on can all be regarded as the new reorganization and understanding to the technique. Its outcome is also different from others.


冷軍的作品以其獨到的構思結合非凡的藝術技巧在當今中國畫壇獨樹一幟。觀 者在其畫前無不被其畫面那絲毫畢現,精緻入微的形象與技巧所折服。不僅如 此,由於對當代題材與內容的切入給觀者精神上也形成全面的張力,心靈受到 強烈的震顫!冷軍的「寫生」被作為是保證畫面信息來源的生動性、豐富性 和可靠性以及激發行動的表現方式,在作畫時他往往要逼近對象,掃瞄式的尋 找、體會每個所需要的細節,局部深入,整體觀照,力求畫面充分,細節與整 體效果的完美統一。不擇手段是他技術中的法寶,凡是適合表現的,任何手段 都是好手段。諸如:木紋做舊,模擬物質表面質地生成的過程等,都可被視為 對技術的新認識與理解。其結果也就有別與他人。


Lot 19

CHEN YU (b.1969 Chinese) Outside the Window 1998 oil on canvas framed 100×81cm

Estimate HK$65,000 - 90,000

Chen Yu (b.1969) was born in Guizhou Province, China. He graduated from the Department of Lithograph in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, currently is a professional artist. Exhibition: Exhibition of Chen Yu and Yang Jinsong, HongKong, Joint Exhibition of 33 Modern Artists (Beijing), Itinerant Exhibition of Chinese Modern Art (Germany), Exhibition of Paintings by Chen Yu + Yu Chen, 2003, Itinerant Exhibition of Chinese Modern Art (Italy, Budapest, Hungary), Exhibition of Oil Paintings by Zhang Linhai and Chen Yu (Beijing), Solo Show (Hong Kong), ‘Identify Women by Fragrances’ (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong), 2006 Miami Art Expo (USA), Hong Kong Safari in Art (Hong Kong), The 11th Milan Art Festival International Expo of Contemporary Art (Italy).

陳餘 (b.1969 中國人) 窗外 1998 油彩 布面 框裝 100x81cm 底部附中文簽名和日期

US$8,500 - 11,500

陳餘(b.1969)出生於貴州。1993年畢業於中央美術學院版畫系,現為職業藝術 家。重要參展: 2002陳餘、楊勁松展(香港)、三十三位當代藝術家聯展(北 京)、中國當代藝術巡展(德國);2003陳余+余陳作品展、中國當代藝術巡展 (意大利、布達佩斯、匈牙利)、張林海、陳余油畫展(北京);2004悼念文 少勵先生逝世聯展(香港);2005藝術漫步(香港)、中國國際畫廊博覽會( 北京)、個展(香港)、聞香識女人(北京、上海、香港);2006邁阿密藝術 博覽會(美國)、香港藝術漫步(香港)、第十一屆米蘭藝術國際當代藝術博 覽會(意大利)。



Lot 20

LEE LEENAM (b.1969 Korean) Neo-Mona Lisa 2007 video installation, 2min 64x57cm, 19 inch LCD

Estimate HK$45,000 - 71,000

李二男 (b.1969年 韓國人) 新-蒙娜麗莎 2007 影像裝置 64x57cm,19 inch LCD

US$5,800 - 9,100



Lot 21

KIM HYUNSOO (b.1976 Korean) Breik 2008 polyester resin, silicone, human hair, oil color, water paint, epoxy, steel 150x92x155(h)cm (edition of 3) Exhibited : 2009 “breik” GALLERY HYUNDAI, Seoul, Korea

Estimate HK$120,000 - 157,000

Artist Kim Hyunsoo depicts a fantasy world of his dreams and memories from his childhood through supra realistic human body sculptures. His work expresses an extremely personal desire and fantasy that is on a continuum from the pleasures of a child and despite the fact that this is a creature that is nonexistent in reality, imagination of our memories from the past, dreams and the future is blended in it. The shockingly surreal and delicate veins as well as the skin of Kim’s sculptures require an enormous amount of dedication, labor and time. For his artwork, Kim first selects a character and then uses clay to create the sculpture on which he goes down to minute details by including even capillaries and pores. Next, Kim adds color and applies threads of hair and artificially made pupils that result in such a close-to-real piece of work, it feels as if the sculpture is a dreamlike character from a place where time has completely stopped. Kim’s efforts as well as the expectations from the art community for his limitless potential have already been demonstrated through several occasions. In 2007, Kim was awarded the grand prize at the 48th October Salon and his work was also displayed at renowned exhibitions including the 23rd Grand Art Exhibition of Korea (National Museum of Contemporary Art / Korea) and the 28th JoongAng Arts Exhibition (Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum / Korea).

金鉉洙 (b.1976年 韓國人) Breik 2008 混合材料 150x92x155(h)cm (edition of 3) 展覽:2009, “breik”,現代畫廊,首爾,韓國

US$15,000 - 20,130

金鉉洙的人體塑雕極為真實,作家以次展現了自己的夢幻世界,或以此來追憶 自己的兒童時代,他的作品是自己兒時遊戲的一種延伸,這種延伸展示了極其 個人化的慾望與夢幻。而這種無可厚非的再現方式,體卻涵蓋了我們對已逝的 記憶,夢想以及未來的想像。 金鉉洙塑雕作品的表現力體現在人物的每一個毛孔發稍,這無不折射出畫家對 作品的虔誠態度以及驚人的敬業精神。從模型採選,到泥胎的捏制,然後從毛 孔與血管的表現著色,到頭髮的培植與人工眼珠的粘貼,每一個部分無不活靈 活現,惟妙惟肖,以至於會令人感到這是一種停留在時空中的夢幻人物。 畫家的不懈努力以及無限的潛力已頻頻獲得美術界的認可,2007年他曾參加第 四十八屆十月沙龍畫展並榮獲最佳獎,以後他相繼參加了“第二十三屆大韓民 國美術大展“ “第二十八屆中央美術大展“等一系列舉足輕重的畫展。


detail image




Lot 22


JEONG BOYOUNG (b.1973 Korean)

鄭寶英 (b.1973年 韓國人)

Looking 2007 oil on canvas 97×145.5cm signed on the reverse

看著 2007 布面油畫 97×145.5cm 背面簽名

Estimate HK$72,000 - 140,000

US$9,100 - 17,900

Lot 23

DO MIN (b.1976 Korean) Fortune-Janus 2010 oil and resin on canvas 53×130cm signed on the reverse

Estimate HK$32,000 - 50,000

陶旼 (b.1976年 韓國人) 幸運-雅努斯 2010 布面油畫 樹脂 53×130cm 背面簽名

US$4,100 - 6,410




Lot 26

JIANG DAHAI (b.1949 Chinese) Buddha / Nothing 2007 mixed media each 80×80cm signed, titled and dated on the reverse

Estimate HK$100,000 - 150,000

Jiang Dahai (b.1949) was born in Nanjing. He used to be professor and postgraduate from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Currently lives in Paris, France. His solo exhibition includes: 2006 French May, Alice King Gallery, Hongkong, China. 2005 Subtile Vision, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China. 2004 Solo Exhibition, la Foundation Sophia Antipolis, France. Subtile Vision—as the project of France-China Year, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China. 1999 Solo Exhibition, Chengpin Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan. 1998 Solo Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing; Solo Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China. 1999 Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy. Museum of Contemporary Art Ralona, Italy. 1994 Asian Art Fair, Gallery of France, Hong Kong, China. 1989 Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. 1988 International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Toulouse, France. 1981 Modern Art of China, New York, USA. 1980 The Same Generation Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China. He was gained French Artist Salon Award and Winner of Biossy Salon Award, France.

江大海 (b.1949 中國人) 佛/無 2007 綜合媒材 80x80cm 背面附簽名,標題和日期

US$12,800 - 19,230

江大海(b.1949),出生於南京。1986年畢業於中央美術學院油畫系研究生班。原 北京中央美術學院油畫系教師。赴法留學。現為旅法畫家。重要參展:同代人 畫會展(1980年·北京)、中國現代藝術展(1981年·紐約)、第六屆全國美 展(1984年·北京)、法國巴龐畢度杜中心聯展(1989年)、中國美術館個展 (1998年·北京)、上海美術館個展(1998年·上海)、意大利威尼斯雙年展 外圍展(1999年)、意大利羅維納現代美術館聯展(1999年)。曾獲獎項:獲 法國藝術家沙龍展獎、法國布瓦沙龍展一等獎等。


Lot 27

YOSHITOMO NARA (b.1959 Japanese) Work 2006 mixed media 175.0x60.0cm signed and dated This artwork is not covered with Koyama Tomio Gallery certification.

Estimate HK$250,000 - 300,000

奈良美智 (b.1959 日本人) 作品 2006 混合材料 175.0x60.0cm 附簽名和日期 本作品未獲小山登美夫畫廊認證。

US$32,000 - 38,500


Lot 28


CHUN KWANGYOUNG (b.1944 Korean)

全光榮 (b.1944 年 韓國人)

Aggregation 07-JL040 2007 mixed media with Korean mulberry paper 98x131cm signed on the reverse

集合 07-JL040 2007 混合材料, 韓紙 98x131cm 背面簽名

Estimate HK$210,000 - 430,000

US$27,000 - 55,200

Lot 29

SU XIAOBAI (b.1949 Chinese) Puberty 2006 oil on board lacquer on linen cloth 200×68 signed in English on lower right

Estimate HK$350,000 - 500,000

Su Xiaobai (b.1949) born in Wuhan, China. Since 1992 Living and working as an artist in Germany. Joint exhibitions & Art activities: Member of jury for yearly exhibitions of the association of artists in Dusseldorf Since 1997. Special exhibition at the Reichtag in Berlin, Germany 2002.Art Cologne 1998. 1999. 2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005 . “100 Year of Oil Painting in China”, Beijing 2000 .Beijing International Art Bienalle 2003.Shanghai Art Museum Shanghai Abstract Art 2004.Wu-yi-Shan Sinnbild in Wuyi 2005 . Solo exhibitions: Galerie Heidenheim, Duesseldorf, Germany 1988. 1990. 1993. 1994. 1997;Galerie Albrecht, Munich, Germany 1998. 2000. 2002. 2003. 2005; Galerie Bethovenstrasse, Dusseldorf, Germany 2001. 2004. 2006 ;Baden Museum, Solingen, Germany 2000;Beda Museum, Bitburg, Germany 2001;Palament House, Mainz, Germany 2002;Galerie Ambit, Bercelona, Spain 1999. 2000. 2002. 2004;Galerie Noirhomme, Brussel, Belgium 2000. 2001. 2003. 2005.

蘇笑柏 (b.1949 中國人) 盡得風流 2006 油彩、木板、麻布、大漆 200x68 右下附英文簽名

US$45,000 - 64,100

蘇笑柏(b.1949),出生於武漢,旅德畫家. 聯展:德國柏林國會大廈繪畫藝術 專題展 2002。科隆國際藝術博覽會1998.1999.2001.2002.2003.2004.2005。北 京中國油畫百年展 2000 ;北京國際藝術雙年展 2003。上海抽像,上海美術 館,2004.意象武夷-中德藝術家 2005。個展:德國杜塞爾多夫,海頓海姆畫 廊,1988.1990.1993.1994.1997.慕尼黑,阿里特畫廊 1998.2000.2002.2003.2005。 杜塞爾多夫 B.特馮畫廊 2001.2004.2006。佐林根,巴頓博物館2000。彼特堡, 柏達博物館 2001。美茵茲議會大廈 2002。西班


Lot 30

KIM TSCHANGYEUL (b.1929 Korean) Waterdrop 1982 oil on canvas 53×72.2cm signed on the right stretcher

Estimate HK$320,000 - 400,000

金昌烈 (b.1929年 韓國人) 水滴 1982 布面油畫 53x72.2cm 右側面簽名

US$41,000 - 52,300



Lot 31

KANG HYUNGKOO (b.1954 Korean) Self-portrait 1999 oil on canvas 130.3×193.9cm Exhibited : 2007, “KangHyungkoo Solo Exhibition” ARARIO GALLERY, Korea

Estimate HK$430,000 - 700,000

姜亨九 (b.1954年 韓國人) 自畫像 1999 布面油畫 130.3x193.9cm 展覽:2007,“姜亨九個展” 阿拉里奧,韓國

US$55,000 - 89,800



Lot 32


(b.1937 Chinese)

(b.1937 中國人)

Bridge 1987 oil on canvas framed 60×70cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower right

小橋 1987 油彩、布面 框裝 60x70cm 右下附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$250,000 - 350,000

US$32,100 - 44,900

Chen Junde (b.1937) is a native of Zhenhai, Zhejiang Province. In 1960, he graduated from the Theatrical Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy, where he now teaches in the Art Research Department. He participated in the 1979 Shanghai 12-Man Painting Exhibition; 1980 a group exhibition featuring Liu Haisu, Guan Liang, Yan Wenliang; 1986, Exhibition of the Establishment of Shanghai Art Museum; 1991, Shanghai Paintings Exhibition, Russia, Germany, and Poland; 1993, Excellent Prize in The 1993 Chinese Oil Painting Biennale; 1994, The 2nd China Oil Painting Exhibition and was awarded the prize of excellence; The 8th National Art Exhibition. Held solo exhibitions from 1981 to 1995 in Guilin, Hong Kong, and Japan. His works are being collected in throughout China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

陳鈞德(b.1937),浙江鎮海人。1960年畢業於上海戲劇學院舞台美術系,現為 上海戲劇學院藝術研究所教授。參加展覽:1979年「上海十二人畫展」;1980 年「劉海粟、關良、顏文梁、陳鈞德油畫聯展」;1986年「上海美術館新館落 成展」;1987年「中國開放後畫展」,美國;1991年「上海畫展」,蘇聯、德 國、波蘭;1993年「93中國油畫雙年展」,獲優秀作品獎;1994年第二屆「 中國油畫展」,第八屆「全國美展」、獲優秀獎。1981-1995年先後在桂林、 香港、日本舉辦個展,作品被美國亞太地區博物館、日本首相及港台收藏家收 藏。

The artist expresses the true feeling of pursuing nature with the primitive colors of oil painting. Within the real and moving atmosphere, the artist’s excellent and confident oil painting skills are displayed. Chen’s paintings always seem to be “so precise and delicate that they can almost shake the universe”. It is just like being enlightened in the confusion and putting all kinds of fun in the spirit.



畫家用油畫原色來表達內心尋求自然的真實感覺,在真實感人的畫面氣氛中, 同時展現了畫家醇熟自信的油畫技巧與章法。陳鈞德先生的畫始終充溢著一種 「精微穿溟滓,飛動摧霹靂。」有如在混沌中悟徹明光,匯萬趣融其神思。


Lot 33

LEE UFAN (b.1936 Korean) With Winds 1992 pigment suspend in glue, on canvas 72.7×90.9cm signed on the lower right

Estimate HK$680,000 - 1,100,000

李禹煥 (b.1936年 韓國人) 隨風 1992 布面顏料 72.7x90.9cm 右下附簽名

US$87,000 - 131,000



Lot 34


PARK KIILL (b.1981 Korean)

朴基一 (b.1981年 韓國人)

Engine 8 2010 acrylic on canvas 80.3x116.8cm signed on the stretcher

發動機 8 2010 布面丙烯 80.3x116.8cm 側面簽名

Estimate HK$13,000 - 18,000

US$1,600 - 2,300

Park’s paintings are perfect copies of the car engine from various angles onto a canvas. Not only the complicated metal parts and vibrant colors but details such as oil stains are reconstructed through his exquisite skills. On the other side of such labor-intensive work is deliberation on humankind’s appearancefocused reasoning. Meanwhile, the artist shifts the socially common point of view to the inner structure where a discussion on more fundamental values can be debated and again approaches this through ‘ontological place’ that is absolutely required or in other words through the object’s ‘metaphysical idealism’. Park demonstrates how although it may be a ‘tangible’ and not an invisible ‘intangible’ and no matter what form the ‘not revealed’ or ‘hidden’ takes and regardless of how large or small the value may be, it still is indeed needed.

樸基一的作品將多角度的汽車引擎表現的細緻入微,不管是複雜的內部構造, 還是華麗的色彩,以至於細微的油漬他也能將之妙手生輝。這種看似單純的體 力勞動作業,卻蘊含著對人們以外表為中心的思考邏輯的剖析。畫家意於將社 會普遍的視角轉移至可探討根本價值的“內部構造“上來,並將之提升為不可 缺少的“存在性的位置“,即對事物試圖進行一種“行而上的“唯心主義的探 討。他的作品意在強調這種即便是“有形“的,但“表面上顯示不出來的“, 或者“隱藏於其中的“存在體的必要性。而這種必要性無關與其存在的形態, 物質的還是精神的,也無關與其價值的大小。

Lot 35

KIM JANDI (b.1978 Korean)

KIM JANDI (b.1978年 韓國人)

Motel J 2011 oil on canvas 91x116.8cm signed on the stretcher

飯店 J 2011 布面油畫 91x116.8cm 側面簽名

Estimate HK$14,000 - 25,000

US$1,800 - 3,200

After earning her B.F.A. and M.F.A. degree studying painting at Ewha Womans University, Kim moved to Chelsea College of Arts and Design located in London from which she graduated in 2007 and has been actively working in both Korea and the UK since then.

KimJandi曾在梨花女子大學和同校的研究生院攻讀西洋畫專業,2007年畢業于 倫敦切爾西藝術與設計學院,目前以韓國和英國為中心開展藝術活動。

Kim seeks ‘place’, in other words, creates her work by searching for traces of memory and restructures them through paintings and installations. In her work, the artist reflects the self-existence that individuals face in a society based on her own life by amplifying the unfamiliar and fearful emotions that are inherent to everyday places which convey the self-existence crisis and desire as a socialbeing through various places including walls, parts of a building, houses and beneath a bridge. By doing so, Kim simultaneously illustrates the dual emotions of the internal and external world that are inherent to the particular place in her paintings.

她的創作通過追逐“場所”的行為來進行,她將重建記憶的過程以及再構成這 一過程的行為用繪畫與設置的方式進行表現。她的作品以自己的生活為基礎, 反映了社會中個體的存在感。日常生活的許多普通的場所中隱含著陌生而又令 人畏懼的情感,藝術家將這種情感放大,由此來展現作為一種社會存在的個人 的欲望及其所面對的危机。她通過牆壁、建築物的某個部份、房屋和橋洞等各 種不同的場所來展現這些場所隱含的內在世界與外在世界之間的雙重情感。






Lot 40


(b.1972 Chinese)

Woman By The Window 2007 oil on canvas 50×143cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower right

Estimate HK$250,000 - 350,000

Fan Mingzheng (b.1972) was born in Hebei, graduated from Tsinghua University in 2005, master and now lives in Beijing. Major exhibitions: 2007 “Art Beijing” Beijing; 2006 “free way”, PIFO New Art Space, “excess”, PIFO New Art Space, Beijing; 2005 “Fan Ming is Oil Painting Exhibition”, Tsinghua University, Beijing; 2004, first in the country Tenth Art Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou; 2003 “Source • Habitat” Oil Painting Exhibition, Millennium Gallery, Beijing; 1999 Ninth Shandong Province Art Exhibition, Art Museum, Shandong Province, Jinan. 2007, “AA’2007-AA second time”, (Chengdu • Chongqing • Beijing; “Asian Youth Arts Festival”, Seoul, Korea; today’s China Art Exhibition, China Art Museum, Beijing.



(b.1972 中國人)

窗前女子 2007 油彩、布面 50x143cm 右下附中文簽名和日期

US$32,000 - 44,900

范明正(b.1972)生於河北臨西,2005年畢業於清華大學美術學院,碩士學位,現 居北京。主要展覽:2007「Art北京」北京;2006「自在方式」,偏鋒新藝術空 間,「出格」,偏鋒新藝術空間,北京;2005「范明正油畫展」,清華大學美 術學院,北京;2004全國第十屆美術作品展,廣東美術館,廣州;2003 「源·境」油畫作品展,千年時間畫廊,北京;1999山東省第九屆美術作品 展,山東省美術館,濟南。2007,「A+A』2007—A+A第二回」,(重慶·成 都·北京;「亞洲青年藝術節」,韓國首爾;今日中國美術作品展,中國美術 館,北京。


Lot 41


BIAN BINGGUI (b.1939 Chinese)

邊秉貴 (b.1939 中國人)

Resurgence 1986 oil on canvas framed 89.5×71.5cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower left

大地在甦醒 1986 油彩、布面 框裝 89.5x71.5cm 左下附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$250,000 - 350,000

US$32,000 - 44,900

Bian Binggui (b.1939) studied from the Department of Oil Paintings in Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and been trained in Rumania. He is a professor and a member of the association of Chinese Fine Arts. In 2000, he presented solo exhibition in Taiwan. His body paintings are collected by Zhenjiang Fine Arts Museum.

邊秉貴(b.1939),1956年就讀天津美術學院油畫系,1960年應學校推薦考入羅馬 尼亞博巴油畫訓練班。中國美協會員。油畫系研究生導師。2000年作品在台灣 舉辦了個人特展。2009年參加了「09年博巴油畫訓練班作品展」及畫集出版。 油畫人體被浙江美術館收藏。 作品《大地在甦醒》以抽像的概念表現了大地母親的偉岸。作者吸收了羅丹及 馬約爾的雕塑藝術的精髓,修去了不必要的細節。畫面毫無造作之氣。以深邃 的夜空和晨星為背景,金黃色的人體堅實而大氣。用筆流暢,以雕塑感的手法 刻畫出正直改革開放初期的1987/1988年人們的思想和社會的觀念開始漸漸甦 醒,以及文化領域交流的進步,作者被這一時代所打動,創作了此畫。深刻寓 意了當時進步的社會風潮。 作品構圖運用了大膽的裝飾性構成概念與厚重的表 現形式,畫面色彩素雅散淡,造就了空靈美的氣氛, 從而實現了作品的精神 性。突出了作品的獨特魅力。是作者重要作品之一。此畫2000年在台灣個展中 受到各界人士的喜愛。其後在國內的專業雜誌上陸續發表。


Lot 42


(b.1975 Chinese)

Big Cake 2004 oil on canvas 180×140cm signed in Chinese and English, dated on upper left

Estimate HK$300,000 - 400,000

Li Jikai (b.1975) was born in Chengdu, Sichuan. In 2004, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Art Institute, and earned a postgraduate degree. Exhibitions: 2004, Passage, Paris, France, Chongqing Art Museum; Ideal of New Generation, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen; 2005, Next station: Cartoon?, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, Star Gallery, Beijing; Post 1970s - The generation after market changes China, Mingyuan Art Center, Shanghai, Today Art Museum, Beijing; 2006, Naughty Kids: the Chinese New Generation Born After 1970, Beijing Star Gallery.

李繼開 (b.1975 中國人) 大蛋糕 2004 油彩、布面、 180x140cm 左上附中英文簽名和日期

US$39,000 - 51,000

李繼開(b.1975)生於四川成都,2004年畢業於四川美術學院油畫系,獲碩士學 位。參加展覽:2004年「通道—中法文藝走廊」,法國巴黎、重慶美術館; 「少年心氣—中國新銳繪畫展」,深圳何香凝美術館。2005年「下一站,卡通 嗎?」,深圳何香凝美術館,深圳,星空間藝術中心;「70後藝術:市場改變中 國之後的一代」,上海明園藝術中心、北京今日美術館;2006年:「壞孩子的 天空」,星空間藝術中心。



Lot 43


TETSUYA ISHIDA (b.1973 - 2005 Japanese)

石田徹也 (b.1973 - 2005 日本人)

Body Fluids c2004 acrylic and oil on canvas framed 45.5x53cm signed and titled Exhibition : TETSUYA ISHIDA, Nerima Art Museum, 9 November-28 December, 2008 Literature : TETUSYA ISHIDA, Kyuryudo, 2006, p66 TETSUYA ISHIDA, Nerima Art Museum, 2008, p39 TETUSYA ISHIDA – COMPLETE, Kyutyudo, 2010, p175

流動的軀體 c2004 布面丙烯、油畫 框裝 45.5x53cm 附簽名與標題 展覽:石田徹也,練馬美術館,2008年11月9日至12月28日期間 出版:石田徹也, 求龍堂, 2006, 66頁; 石田徹也, 練馬美術館, 2008, 39頁; 石田徹也, 完全版, 求龍堂, 2010, 第175頁

Estimate HK$1,200,000 - 2,000,000

US$154,000 - 256,000

Lot 44

ZHANG XIAOGANG (b.1958 Chinese)

張曉剛 (b.1958 中國人)

Bloodline: big family 2007 silkscreen framed 83.8x124.5cm numbered 21/68 lower left, signed and dated lower center

血統:大家庭 2007 絲綢印刷 框裝 83.8x124.5cm 左下附標注版數21/68,中下附簽名、日期

Estimate HK$50,000 - 80,000

US$ 6,400 - 10,300


Lot 45


YUE MINJUN (b.1962 Chinese)

岳敏君 (b.1962 中國人)

Noah’s ark 2006 lithograph framed 105.9x134.6 numbered 41/58 lower left, dated lower center, signed lower right

諾亞方舟 2006 版畫 框裝 105.9x134.6 左下附標注版數 41/58,中下附日期,右下附簽名

Estimate HK$50,000 - 80,000

US$ 6,400 - 10,300

Lot 46

YUE MINJUN (b.1962 Chinese)

岳敏君 (b.1962 中國人)

Kung Fu 2006 lithograph framed 115.1x104.9cm numbered 41/58 lower left, dated lower center, signed lower right

功夫 2006 版畫 框裝 115.1x104.9cm 左下附標注版數 41/58,中下附日期,右下附簽名

Estimate HK$50,000 - 80,000

US$ 6,400 - 10,300


Lot 47


SON DONGHYUN (b.1980 Korean)

孫東炫 (b.1980年 韓國人)

The Portrait of the Hero, Mr. Superman 2005 ink and color on paper 190×130cm stamped with the artist’s signature and titled

英雄守破慢先生像 2005 紙本淡彩 190x130cm 右上附簽名

Estimate HK$50,000 - 100,000

US$6,400 -13,000

Lot 48

SHAO JINGKUN (b.1932 Chinese)

邵晶坤 (b.1932 中國人)

Wild Flowers 1978 oil on canvas 46×53cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower left 20th Art Investment, published by ORIENT ARTS FOUNDATION LIMITED, HongKong, 2006, P.286

野花 1978 油彩布面 46x53cm 左下附中文簽名和日期 《20世紀的投資瑰寶》 (香港)東方藝術基金會 2006年,P.286

Estimate HK$70,000-100,000


Shao Jingkun (b. 1932), born in Haerbing of Heilongjiang. She had been professor in The CAFA and guest professor in Ontario Art University, Toronto. In 1949, she was enrolled by National Beiping Art College to study painting under Xu Bei Hong, Jiang Zhaohe, Ye Qianyu, and Dong Xiwen. She was a female artist with excellent achievements of the first generation, and nurtured by the CAFA since its establishment after the founding of New China. In 1953 she was enrolled to study in the Postgraduate Class in the Department of Painting of the CAFA. After graduation, she became a teacher in Beijing Art College and the CAFA.Her works took part in many large and solo exhibitions both at home and abroad. Many of her works are collected by Art Galleries and Museums as well.

邵晶坤(b.1932),黑龍江哈爾濱人。曾任中央美術學院教授,徐悲鴻畫室導師, 加拿大多倫多Ontario藝術大學客座教授。1949年考入國立北平藝專學習繪畫, 是徐悲鴻、蔣兆和、葉淺予、董希文的直接學生,也是新中國成立以來中央美 術學院培養的第一代成績優秀、卓有成就的女畫家。1953年入中央美術學院繪 畫系研究生班,畢業後在北京藝術學院和中央美術學院任教。作品多次參加國 內外大展和舉辦個展,多幅作品被國內外美術館、博物館收藏。

Shao Jingkun’s painting style is passionate and fluent. She never forcefully tries to create the feel of a flower petal, but rather, displays the fragrance and atmosphere of flowers. Her paintings emphasize on the whole structure and effect, reflection between light and color, a blend between feeling and scope. She draws abundant nutrition from masterpieces from impressionism, thaws them by connotation of Chinese national culture and her own life philosophy and forms Chinese national character and her own particular style.

邵晶坤的畫風激情、流暢,從不刻意雕鑿花瓣的質感但卻又能體現花的芬芳與艷 麗。她的畫重視整體結構和效果,光與色的輝映,情與景的交融,渾然一體。 她從印象派諸大家的傑作中汲取豐富營養,用中國民族文化的內涵和她的人生 哲學融化它們,形成了中國民族特色和自己獨特的風格。


Lot 49


XIE LANTAO (b.1980 Chinese)

解瀾濤 (b.1980 中國人)

Village of Flowers 2009 oil on canvas 120×150cm signed in Chinese and dated on right

山花爛漫 2009 油彩布面 120x150cm 右面附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$80,000-120,000


Xie Lantao (b.1980) is a professional painter, member of China Oil Painting Society and Dunhuang Creative Center of China Artists Association. He graduated in the Painting Department of Renmin University in 2004, with a bachelor’s degree. Exhibitions: 2004 Joint Exhibition by Six Painters in New Millennium Gallery, 2005 Solo Exhibition in Beijing Hilton Hotel, Solo Exhibition ;in Nantes, France; Solo Exhibition in Hong Kong. 2006 Two-person exhibition in France; 2007 Solo exhibitions in Three Multiplication Three Art Gallery in Beijing Guanyintang; The overseas chinese art exhibition in Canadian; The Fourth China Fair Culture Collection in Beijing International Trade Center; Solo exhibitions in 798 blank gallery; Exhibitions in China Art Academe; Chinese Paintings and Oil Paintings Exhibitions in China Art Academe, the Art of Communicating Exhibition by China-South Korea in Art Museum; Olympic Theme Exhibition in 798 Hongshi Square. 2008 The third ICIF in Beijing International Exhibition Center; Solo exhibitions in Beijing Guanyintang.

解瀾濤(b.1980), 中國油畫學會會員,中國美術家協會敦煌創作中心委員。2004 年畢業於中國人民大學繪畫系,學士學位。2004年千年時間畫廊六人作品 展。2005年北京希爾頓大飯店個人作品展;赴香港舉辦個展。2006法國二人聯 展。2007北京觀音堂三乘三畫廊個展;加拿大華人藝術作品展。北京國際貿易 中心第四屆中國收藏文化博覽會。2008雲峰畫苑個人作品展,北京國際展覽中 心第三屆文博會。觀音堂個人繪畫作品展。雲峰畫苑代理畫家。現定居北京, 職業畫家。


Lot 50

ZHANG YIBO (b.1966 Chinese)

張義波 (b.1966 中國人)

Venice Landscape 2006 oil on canvas framed 60×50cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower left

威尼斯風景 2006 油彩布面 框裝 60x50cm 左下附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$75,000-100,000


Zhang Yibo (b.1966) was born in Baoding, Hebei Province. In 1981, he enrolled in middle school of CAFA. He graduated from the No. 1 Studio of CAFA, and returned to CAFA for further studies in 1998. In 2000, he began to teach in CAFA and became the Dean of the painting department in Urban Design College. Exhibitions: 1987, Chinese Contemporary Oil Paintings Exhibition, New York; 1991, Chinese Excellent Works Exhibition, Hong Kong; 1992, China Oil Paintings Exhibition, Singapore; 1993, Continent Oil Paintings Invitational Exhibition, Taiwan; 1995, China Art Expo; 1997, China Oil Paintings Circuit, USA, Canada, and Malaysia; 1998, China Oil Paintings Exhibition, Canada. He participated in the Chinese Annual Realism Group Exhibition since 2005, and became a member of the group.

張義波 (b.1966) 生於河北保定。1981考入中央美術學院附中。1989年畢業於中央 美術學院油畫系第一畫室。1998年再次回到母校中央美術學院繼續研究生同等學 歷的學習。2000年畢業後調回中央美術學院任教。現為中央美術學院城市設計學 院繪畫系主任。參加展覽:1987年「中國當代油畫展」,美國紐約。1991年「中 國油畫佳作展」,香港。1992年「中國油畫展」,新加坡。1993年「大陸油畫家 作品邀請展」,台灣。1995年「中國藝術博覽會」;1997年「中國油畫家作品巡 迴展」,美國、加拿大、馬來西亞。1998年「中國油畫作品展」,加拿大。2005 年起參加「中國寫實畫派年展」,成為中國寫實畫派成員。

In his paintings, the style is well knitted, the use of color is vivid, the portraying is delicate and the painting reflects a natural and peaceful feelings, symbolizing a painter’s longing for idealistic scenery. ——Sun Wermin <Foreword>, September 2000, <Zhang Yibo>, P3

Zhang’s work adopts a realistic approach to give a faithful and exquisite reflection of the subjects. The long and strict training received from the academy ensures his skillfulness at dealing with characters, details and space manipulation. His paintings are just like himself. In his works, we will not see the luxurious style of Baroque, nor the transient feelings from light and colour of impressionism. Even less obvious is the impersonal facsimile of details as is often shown in photographic realism. His style is close to that of classism in the early Renaissance: balanced composition, harmonious colours, and simple strokes. All he does is to expose the spiritual world of his subjects. In his recent works, we see that his years of pursuit have been paid off. His skills are refined and his style is matured. ——Pan Shixun <No Pain, No Gain>, September 2000, <Zhang Yibo>, P6


在他的畫中,造型嚴謹,色彩生動,刻劃細緻,深入,畫面充實著自然、樸素、 平和的情感,傳達著畫家對理想境界的憧憬和追求。 —孫為民《鍥而不捨 不斷進取》,2000年9月,摘自《ZHANG YIBO張義波》P3

張義波的畫一直採取樸實細膩的寫實手法,學院中長期嚴格的造型訓練,保證他 塑造人物,描寫細節,自由地處理空間與色彩皆能得心應手游刃有餘,但畫如其 人,他沒有選擇巴洛克式極盡鋪陳的華麗風格,也不願意停留於印象主義式的對 光色變化的瞬間感覺,更沒有追隨照相寫實主義對一切細節冷漠描摹的風氣,而 是較為貼近文藝復興早期的古典精神:平穩的構圖,和諧的色調,平實的筆觸, 一切造型手段都從屬於探索人物精神面貌的目的,觀摩他近來的畫作,可以明顯 看到他多年孜孜不倦的追求,已有明顯的成果,造型較前更紮實熨貼,構圖更精 於剪裁,畫風也更趨向單純與洗煉。 ——潘世勳《勤於耕耘 必獲碩果》 ,2000年中秋,摘自《ZHANG YIBO張義波》P6


Lot 51


LIN DACHUAN (b.1912 - 1985 Chinese)

林達川 (b.1912 - 1985 中國人)

High Mountains and Far Water 1978 oil on canvas 81×54cm signed in English and dated on lower right

高山流水 1978 油彩布面 81x54cm 右下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$170,000-200,000


Lin Dachuan(b.1912-1985) was born in Xinhui of Guangdong Province. He studied in Hangzhou National Art College in 1932. After graduation from Japan National School of Fine Arts, Lin became the member of “issuikai”, a noted Japanese art society. In 1949 his painting was shown at “ The 5th National Art Exhibition of Japan” where it won a special award. In 1953, he turned back to China and began to teach in Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. He is the member of Chinese Artists Association. Many of his works are now housed in overseas and local museums. His publications include Lin Dachuan’s Oil Paintings, Uncarved Jade-Lin Dachuan Oil Painting Collection.

林達川(1912-1985)生於廣東。1930年入杭州國立藝術專科學校。1935年入日本 東京美術學校。1948年加入日本著名美術團體「一水會」、東京新構造社。曾 任教於神奈川鶴見美術研究所,中央美術學院華東分院,為中國美術家協會會 員。曾獲「全日本第五回美術展覽會」特選獎。作品入選「第十一回『一水會 『展覽」、「第二回新構造社『連立會『展覽」、1952年「第八回日本美術展 覽會」等。出版有《林達川油畫集》、《大璞不雕—林達川油畫作品集》等。


















Lot 66


ZAO WU-KI (b.1921 Chinese)

趙無極 (b.1921 中國人)

243 1973 etching with aquatint framed s:65.0x50.2cm I:34.5.x34.5cm signed, dated and numbered 6/95 lower left

243 1973 凹銅版腐蝕制版雕刻 框裝 s:65.0x50.2cm I:34.5.x34.5cm 左下附簽名,日期和標注版數 6/95

Estimate HK$10,000 - 20,000

US$1,300 - 2,600

Lot 67

YANG SANLANG (b.1907 - 1995 Taiwanese) Landscape oil on canvas 28×35.7cm signed on the lower right

Estimate HK$50,000 - 120,000

楊三郎 (b.1907 - 1995年 台灣人) 風景 布面油畫 28×35.7cm 右下附簽名

US$6,410 - 15,400


Lot 68

GENPEI AKASEGAWA (b.1937 Japanese) The Great Japanese Zero Yen Note 1967 printed matter framed each : 14.4x30.8cm signed on the reverse

Estimate HK$10,000 - 20,000

赤瀬川 原平 (b.1937 日本人) 一張巨大的零日元鈔票 1967 印刷品 框裝 各:14.4x30.8cm 背面附簽名

US$1,300 - 2,600

Lot 69

JIRO YOSHIHARA (b.1905-1972 Japanese) Untitled 1969 silkscreen framed s:75x56cm I:60.8x49.5cm numbered 88/100 lower left, signed and dated lower right

Estimate HK$10,000 - 20,000

吉原 治良 (b.1905-1972 日本人) 無題 1969 絲網印刷 框裝 s:75x56cm I:60.8x49.5cm 左下附標注版數88/100 ,右下附簽名與日期

US$1,280 - 2,650


Lot 70

MITSUO KANO (b.1933 Japanese)

加納光於 (b.1933 日本人)

Mirror 33’D 1965 metal relief 51.8x98.8cm

鏡子 33’D 1965 金屬 51.8x98.8cm

Estimate HK$30,000 - 50,000

US$3,900 - 6,410


Lot 71


JIRO TAKAMATSU (b.1936-1998 Japanese)

高松次郎 (b.1936-1998 日本人)

Shadow of Hook 1975 oil on board and hook 33.0x24.0cm signed and dated on the reverse

吊鈎的陰影 1975 木板油畫、鉤 33.0x24.0cm 背面附簽名與日期

Estimate HK$120,000 - 180,000

US$15,400 - 23,000

Lot 72

YAYOI KUSAMA (b.1929 Japanese)

草間彌生 (b.1929 日本人)

Pumpkin 1989 acrylic, felt pen on canvas framed 53x45.5cm signed, titled and dated on the reverse certificate of authenticity of Yayoi Kusama Studio

南瓜 1989 布面丙烯 氈筆 框裝 53x45.5cm 背面有簽名、標題與日期, 附草間彌生工作室成立之作品登記卡

Estimate HK$200,000 - 300,000

US$25,700 - 38,500


Lot 73


YAYOI KUSAMA (b.1929 Japanese)

草間彌生 (b.1929 日本人)

Pumpkin 1991 acrylic on canvas framed 15.8x22.7cm signed, titled and dated on the reverse certificate of authenticity of Yayoi Kusama Studio

南瓜 1991 布面丙烯 框裝 15.8x22.7cm 背面有簽名、標題與日期, 附草間彌生工作室成立之作品登記卡

Estimate HK$100,000 - 150,000

US$12,300 - 19,230

Lot 74

TAKEO YAMAGUCHI (b.1902-1983 Japanese)

山口長男 (b.1902-1983 日本人)

Form 1954 oil on board framed 26x16cm signed, titled and dated on the reverse

框架 1954 木板油畫 框裝 26x16cm 背面附簽名、標題與日期

Estimate HK$300,000 - 400,000

US$38,500 - 51,300


Lot 75

TOMIO MIKI (b.1938-1978 Japanese)

三木 富雄 (b.1938-1978 日本人)

EAR c1972 aluminum 76.5x45.5x17cm Exhibition : TOMIO MIKI, The Shoto Museum Of Art, 2 December 1992 – 21 January 1993 Literature : TOMIO MIKI, The Shoto Museum Of Art, 1992, p60

耳朵 c1972 鋁制 76.5x45.5x17cm 展覽:TOMIO MIKI, 松濤美術館, 1992年12月2日至1993年1月21日期間 出版:TOMIO MIKI, 松濤美術館, 1992, 第60頁

Estimate HK$1,000,000 - 1,500,000

US$128,300 - 192,300

Tomio Miki was born in Tokyo in 1937. He was self-taught as an artist and the earliest example of a work in his Ears series was shown at the 15th Yomiuri Independent Exhibition held at the former Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. The first person to take note of Miki’s ear work was Jean Tinguely, who viewed it at this exhibition. He is reported to have said, on returning from the art museum: “ The solid world condensed by that ear is certainly good.”

1937年生于日本東京。美術自學成才,其作品《耳朵》最早發表于1963年原東 京都美術館舉辦的《第15屆讀賣獨立展》。而最初關注其《耳朵》作品的伯樂 乃是觀看這次展覽的瑞士現代美術家、畫家、雕刻家約翰·汀格利。約翰在離 開美術館回家的路上發出感歎說:“那只耳朵凝聚的堅固世界簡直太美妙了”。

Thereafter, Miki created sculptures of ears over and over again in near obsessive fashion, focusing on objects cast in aluminum alloy and adding variations in size and materials. His two-piece set of ears daubed in red, white and blue with reinforced plastic was featured as a representative work in the Japanese Pavilion at the 1968 Venice Biennial. At the 1970 Japan World Exposition in Osaka, Miki’s huge ear, over 10m in height, was exhibited, and, from the following year, he lived in New York for a year on an invitation from the Rockefeller Foundation. Around 1972 when this piece was created, Miki had returned to Japan and was exhibiting ears ranging in size from 20-80 centimeters. Works during this period already possessed a satanic degree of beautiful completion, and from that time forth the number of pieces Miki created decreased dramatically, as if he were encountering his own dilemma captured in its ultimate form. Then, in 1978, amid the anguish of his own spiritual seeking, Miki took his own life in Kyoto. The main collections holding his work include the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, and the National Museum of Modern Art in Kyoto.


從此以後,其《耳朵》作品多以鋁制品為主,尺寸及材料更加多樣化,進行 了不同的嘗試。在強化塑料面塗上紅藍白而制作的2件一套耳朵作品,曾代表日 本館參加1968年的威尼斯雙年展。1970年大阪世博會時,三木展出10多米的巨 型耳朵作品,第二年應洛克菲勒財團邀請赴紐約進行一年的創作。 本作品創作于1972年,那時三木剛剛自紐約回到日本,他再次在南畫廊展出 20-80厘米的耳朵作品。由于這個時期的作品已經具備了十分完美的完成度, 所以之後很長一段時期,導致他的創作陷入山窮水盡的地步,作品數量越來越 少。最後在求道的苦惱中漸感絕望的三木,于1978年在京都自殺。 其作品主要由紐約現代美術館、東京國立現代美術館、東京都美術館、京都國 立現代美術館等收藏。


Lot 76

HE DUOLING (b.1975 Chinese)

何多苓 (b.1975 中國人)

Big Cake 2004 oil on canvas framed 180×140cm signed in Chinese and English, dated on upper left

女人體 2004 色粉紙本 框裝 180x140cm 右下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$300,000 - 400,000


He Duoling (b.1948) was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. He entered Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1977 and Chengdu Institute of Painting in 1982. In 1984, he won the 2nd and 3rd Prizes in the 6th National Art Exhibition. In 1985, he went to the US to give lectures in Boston Conservatory. In 1987, he was awarded “ The Monaco Government Prize” at the 22nd Monte Carlo International Art Exhibition. In 1987, His exhibition, “China-Depth of Realism”, was held in Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan. In 1994, 1996, Shanghai Biennale, Retrospect— China Art Exhibition at The Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburgh, England. In 1997, Chinese Art Exhibition at the Prague National Gallery, Czechoslovakia; Portugal Lisbon “Centennial of Chinese Portraits” at National Art Museum of China; 1997 Solo Exhibition at Shan Art Gallery, Kao Hsiung, Taiwan; in 1997, Century Gate— China Art 1979-1999 at Chengdu Modern Art Exhibition Hall; in 1997, Solo Exhibition “House With An Attic”, Shanghai Yibo Gallery; Centennial of China Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing. Art Exhibition of Chengdu Painters in Amsterdam, Holland, “Canvas” Art Foundation. He participated in the “Chinese Annual Realism Group Exhibition” since 2005 and become a member of the group.

何多苓(b.1948)生於四川成都。1977年入四川美術學院,1982年入成都畫 院,1984年獲「第六屆全國美展」二·三等獎;1987年獲「第二十二屆蒙特 卡洛藝術展」的「摩納哥政府獎」;1987年「何多苓展,中國—現實主義的深 層」,日本福岡美術館;「1994/1996年上海雙年展」;「追昔中國藝術展」, 英國愛丁堡水果市場畫廊;1997年「中國藝術展」,捷克布拉格國家畫廊;葡 萄牙里斯本「中國肖像畫百年」,北京中國美術館;1997年「何多苓個展」, 台灣高雄山美術館;「世紀之門」中國藝術1979—1999,成都現代藝術館;「 帶閣樓的房子」,上海藝博畫廊;「中國油畫百年」,北京中國美術館;「成 都畫家展」,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,「畫布」藝術基金會。2005年參加全國寫實畫 派聯展,成為中國寫實畫派成員。

Painted in 2006, the painting is using gray as the basic hue is a technique in which He Duoling excels the most. The painting creates a most pure, quiet and peaceful state, and the woman’s body, expression, and eyes become the most direct media for language, which makes the audience gradually sense from the painting the uneasiness behind the quietness, impulsions that have been continuously restrained. If you can be concentrated enough, you can even hear the voice of desire. He Duoling’s description of the female body is continuous and persistent. Such simple but also most complicated field is a test for himself. According to Buddhism, each flower has its own world. However, from certain aspects, these gray human bodies are very special. They do not have the intention to merely entertain people. Without the artificial aesthetics, their quiet expression, actually, contains a secret story that cannot be told. They seem to feel calm to expose their bodies, which on the contrary, covers the background information that is out of sight. The emotional tendency in He’s works is always hard to figure out. Fragile, gloomy, sensitive, distracted… just like the gray on the painting, it gives the audience an uncertain feeling. The basic tone of the painting is very implicit – you cannot help doing it but at the same time, do not know what to say. However, the space for the meanings of the images has, therefore, becomes more open and broad, and can enter the collective unconsciousness of more viewers. He is currently a member of the China Realism Painting Group.


此畫作於2006年,以灰色為最基本的色調,是何多苓最擅長的畫法。畫面上以 何多苓最擅長的境界來創造足夠單純、足夠安寧與足夠的平和,她的身體、眼 神就成了最為直接的語言載體,令人漸漸地在畫面上體會出寂靜背後的不安, 感受不斷克制衝動。如果有足夠專注的心境,你甚至能夠諦聽到慾望的聲音。 何多苓對女性人體的描繪,持續而執著,這個最簡單卻也最複雜的領域是他對 自己的一個考驗。佛經上說的「一花一世界」,然而,從某種角度來說,這些 灰色的人體相當另類。她們沒有取悅於人的企圖,沒有故做姿態的炫耀,她們 平靜如水的表情其實隱含著難於言說的私密情節,貌似安然袒露的身體反而遮 蔽了視覺以外的背景資訊。何多苓作品中的情感傾向,始終都是令人難以捉摸 的。脆弱、憂鬱、敏感、悵惘...一如畫面上的灰色那樣,給人以不敢肯定而 且難以釋懷的感覺。作品的基調是極其內斂的,欲罷不能卻又欲說還休。不過 這些畫面形象的意義空間卻也因而變得更加開放,更加寬泛,能夠進入更多觀 看者的集體無意識。現為中國寫實畫派成員。


Lot 77

HE DUOLING (b.1948 Chinese)

何多苓 (b.1948 中國人)

Lying Infant 2005 oil on canvas framed 100×80cm signed in English and dated on lower right

躺著的嬰兒 2005 油彩布面 框裝 100x80cm 右下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$200,000-300,000


He Duoling (b.1948) was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. He entered Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1977 and Chengdu Institute of Painting in 1982. In 1984, he won the 2nd and 3rd Prizes in the 6th National Art Exhibition. In 1985, he went to the US to give lectures in Boston Conservatory. In 1987, he was awarded “ The Monaco Government Prize” at the 22nd Monte Carlo International Art Exhibition. In 1987, His exhibition, “China-Depth of Realism”, was held in Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan. In 1994, 1996, Shanghai Biennale, Retrospect— China Art Exhibition at The Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburgh, England. In 1997, Chinese Art Exhibition at the Prague National Gallery, Czechoslovakia; Portugal Lisbon “Centennial of Chinese Portraits” at National Art Museum of China; 1997 Solo Exhibition at Shan Art Gallery, Kao Hsiung, Taiwan; in 1997, Century Gate— China Art 1979-1999 at Chengdu Modern Art Exhibition Hall; in 1997, Solo Exhibition ”House With An Attic”, Shanghai Yibo Gallery; Centennial of China Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing. Art Exhibition of Chengdu Painters in Amsterdam, Holland, “Canvas” Art Foundation. He participated in the “Chinese Annual Realism Group Exhibition” since 2005 and become a member of the group.

何多苓(b.1948)生於四川成都。1977年入四川美術學院,1982年入成都畫 院,1984年獲「第六屆全國美展」二·三等獎;1987年獲「第二十二屆蒙特 卡洛藝術展」的「摩納哥政府獎」;1987年「何多苓展,中國—現實主義的深 層」,日本福岡美術館;「1994/1996年上海雙年展」;「追昔中國藝術展」, 英國愛丁堡水果市場畫廊;1997年「中國藝術展」,捷克布拉格國家畫廊;葡 萄牙里斯本「中國肖像畫百年」,北京中國美術館;1997年「何多苓個展」, 台灣高雄山美術館;「世紀之門」中國藝術1979—1999,成都現代藝術館;「 帶閣樓的房子」,上海藝博畫廊;「中國油畫百年」,北京中國美術館;「成 都畫家展」,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,「畫布」藝術基金會。2005年參加全國寫實畫 派聯展,成為中國寫實畫派成員。

Painted in 2005, He Duoling persistently keeps exploring the artistic meaning of the infant image so as to create an artistic flower that has the features of classic sobriety, modern trepidation and Romanticism passion. He represents human’s confusion and sentimentalism via solid art modeling base and formulated art language. On one hand, people can feel the energetic scene, full of life from the painting; on the other hand, the infant is also what human feel most worried about. With the population booming, the development of cloning, the destruction of nature, does the Global Village still have a future? He Duoling’s paintings contain monumental baroque art pursuit, transcendental feature of Abstract Art and the mystery of century-end art. Presenting philosophers” and scientists” confusion by formulated art language, His paintings are like sad and gentle lyrics with freshness, as if they fly from Sichuan, leaving us endless memories and sorrow. The simplicity He promotes on the form of language is similar to that of traditional Chinese ink and wash painting—subtlety in conciseness, complicity in simplicity, having a transcendental spiritual condition and a deep-level pursuit in art. He Duoling is an outstanding realistic oil painter in the contemporary Chinese art world.


畫於2005年,是何多苓筆下鍥而不捨地探索著的嬰兒形象化藝術內涵,催生出 一種具有古典的莊重、現代的惶惑與浪漫主義激情的藝術之花。他以堅實藝術 造型功底,形式化的藝術語言再現出人類的困惑與感傷。一方面,從其落筆之 處,人們感覺得到充滿生命活力的景象,但在另一方面,嬰兒又說明是人類自 身存在的最大苦惱所在,人口爆炸、克隆術的推進、生態的破壞,地球村還有 前途嗎?何多苓的畫面擁有紀念碑性的巴羅克式藝術追求、抽像主義的超驗性 特徵、和世紀末藝術的神秘性,用形式化的藝術語言提示出哲學家、科學家的 困惑,他的畫像一首首哀婉的抒情詩,帶著清新。猶如從巴蜀飄來,留給我們 無盡的回憶、傷感。他在形式語言上所推崇的單純感與中國傳統水墨畫具有異 曲同工之妙,在洗練中見細緻,於單純中現出複雜,表現出一種超然的精神境 界和深層次的藝術追求。何多苓是當今中國畫壇傑出的現實主義油畫家。


Lot 78


AI WEIWEI (b.1957 Chinese)

艾未未 (b.1957 中國人)

Untitled 1991 acrylic on board framed 30×30cm signed in English and dated on the reserve

無題 1991 丙烯木板 框裝 30x30cm 背面附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$95,000-120,000


A Weiwei (b. 1957) is a Chinese artist, who is also active in photography, architecture, curating, film, and so on. In 1978, Ai Weiwei enrolled in the Beijing Film Academy and lived in the United States after that. While in New York, he studied at Parsons School of Design. Ai’s artwork has been exhibited in China, Japan, Korea, Australia, United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Israel, Brazil and the United States. Ai Weiwei’s work was included in the 48th Venice Biennale in Italy (1999), 1st Guangzhou Triennale in China (2002), 1st Monpellier Biennial of Chinese Contemporary Art in France (2005), The 2nd Guangzhou Triennial (2005), Busan Biennial in Korea (2006), The 5th Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art in Australia (2006), Documenta 12 in Germany (2007), Liverpool Biennial International 08 in the United Kingdom (2008), 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale and the 29th Sao Paulo Biennial in Brazil (2010). In October 2010, his exhibition “Sunflower Seeds” was hold in Tate Modern London.

艾未未(b.1957)生於北京,活躍在藝術、攝影、建築、策劃、電影等多個領 域。1978年就讀於北京電影學院,之後住在美國。並在紐約期間就讀於帕森 斯設計學院。艾未未的作品已經展出在中國,日本,韓國,澳大利亞,英國, 比利時,荷蘭,盧森堡,法國,德國,意大利,奧地利,瑞士,愛爾蘭,以色 列,巴西和美國。作品被列入第48屆威尼斯雙年展 ,意大利(1999年), 首 屆廣州三年展 在中國(2002年), 第一Monpellier雙年展中國當代藝術 在法國 (2005年), 第二屆廣州三年展 (2005), 釜山雙年展 韓國(2006年), 第 五屆亞太當代藝術三年展 在澳大利亞(2006年), 文獻展12日 在德國(2007 年), 利物浦國際雙年展08年 在英國(2008年), 2010年威尼斯建築雙年 展 和 聖保羅雙年展29日 在巴西(2010年)。2010年10月,艾未未的陶瓷裝置 藝術」花種子」英國倫敦泰特現代美術管展出。

Lot 79

AI WEIWEI (b.1957 Chinese)

艾未未 (b.1957 中國人)

Middle Finger gilt-bronze 70×30×20cm signed and numbered on the bottom

中指 黃銅鎏金 70x30x20cm 底部附簽名和版數

Estimate HK$350,000-500,000


A Weiwei (b. 1957) is a Chinese artist, who is also active in photography, architecture, curating, film, and so on. In 1978, Ai Weiwei enrolled in the Beijing Film Academy and lived in the United States after that. While in New York, he studied at Parsons School of Design. Ai’s artwork has been exhibited in China, Japan, Korea, Australia, United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Israel, Brazil and the United States. Ai Weiwei’s work was included in the 48th Venice Biennale in Italy (1999), 1st Guangzhou Triennale in China (2002), 1st Monpellier Biennial of Chinese Contemporary Art in France (2005), The 2nd Guangzhou Triennial (2005), Busan Biennial in Korea (2006), The 5th Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art in Australia (2006), Documenta 12 in Germany (2007), Liverpool Biennial International 08 in the United Kingdom (2008), 2010 Venice Architecture Biennale and the 29th Sao Paulo Biennial in Brazil (2010). In October 2010, his exhibition “Sunflower Seeds” was hold in Tate Modern London.

艾未未(b.1957)生於北京,活躍在藝術、攝影、建築、策劃、電影等多個領 域。1978年就讀於北京電影學院,之後住在美國。並在紐約期間就讀於帕森 斯設計學院。艾未未的作品已經展出在中國,日本,韓國,澳大利亞,英國, 比利時,荷蘭,盧森堡,法國,德國,意大利,奧地利,瑞士,愛爾蘭,以色 列,巴西和美國。作品被列入第48屆威尼斯雙年展 ,意大利(1999年), 首 屆廣州三年展 在中國(2002年), 第一Monpellier雙年展中國當代藝術 在法 國(2005年), 第二屆廣州三年展 (2005), 釜山雙年展 韓國(2006年) , 第五屆亞太當代藝術三年展 在澳大利亞(2006年), 文獻展12日 在德國 (2007年), 利物浦國際雙年展08年 在英國(2008年), 2010年威尼斯建築 雙年展 和 聖保羅雙年展29日 在巴西(2010年)。2010年10月,艾未未的陶瓷 裝置藝術」花種子」英國倫敦泰特現代美術管展出。


Lot 80

LI QING (b.1981 Chinese) Cake Party 2007 oil on linen cloth each 150Ă—250cm signed on the reserve

Estimate HK$380,000-500,000

Li Qing (b.1981) Born in Huzhou, China. Graduate from the China Academy of Art in 2007 and now living in Hangzhou,China. Solo Exhibition: 2006 Finding Together, F2 Gallery, Beijing. Group Exhibitions: 2007 Time Difference-New Art from China and USA, FC MOCA/Frank. Cohen Collection, Manchester , UK. The Great Yangtze River Bridge, White Canvas Gallery, Nanjing, China. New Art from China, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK. 2006 Conversation 10+10, Zendai Museum of Modern Art , Shanghai, China. Beyond Dimension-Chinese New Painting, Square Gallery of Contemporary Art, Nanjing, China. Potential Dialogue-The Party of Sino-Austria young artists, RCM Museum, Nanjing, China. 2005 Let some ideas be seen, Modern art gallery of Art Academy of Hangzhou Teachers University, Hangzhou, China. Future archeology-the second triennial of Chinese art, Nanjing Museum, Nanjing, China. Young Chinese Contemporary Art, Hangar-7, Salzburg, Austria.


李青 (b.1981 中國人) 來吃蛋糕 2007 油彩亞麻布 150x250cm 背面附簽名


李青(b. 1981)出生於中國湖州. 2007年畢業於中國美術學院,現居杭州. 個 展:2006 家來找碴,F2畫廊,中國北京. 群展:2007 時差——來自中國和美 國的新藝術, FC MOCA美術館, 英國,曼徹斯特 。長江大橋,藝事後素現代美 術館,中國,南京。 來自中國的新藝術,薩奇畫廊,英國,倫敦。 2006 談話 十+十,證大現代藝術館,中國,上海。超越的維度——中國新繪畫,四方當 代美術館,中國,南京。潛在的交流——中國奧地利年輕藝術家展,南視覺美 術館,中國,南京。2005 讓一些念頭被看見,杭州師範學院美術學院現代美 術館,中國,杭州。未來考古學——第二屆中國藝術三年展 ,南京博物院,中 國,南京 。中國當代青年藝術,第七機庫,奧地利,薩爾斯堡。


Lot 81

YIN ZHAOYANG (b.1970 Chinese) King 2006 oil on paper framed 106×76cm

Estimate HK$400,000-550,000

Yin Zhaoyang (b.1970) was born in Nanyang, Henan. In 1996, he graduated from the Printmaking Department of CAFA. Now, he lives in Beijing and is a professional artist. In 1999-2000, he took part in The Modern Sight - Generation Born Before and After the 1970’s in Beijing International Art Gallery and Shenzhen He Xiangning Art Museum. More recent exhibitions include: 2001, The 1st Chengdu Biennale in Chengdu Modern Art Museum, and The Myth held in The Beijing Art Museum. In 2002, he exhibited in Paintings of Youth and Cruelty in Shanghai DDM Art House, and Appear/Reverse/Asian Conversation in Kuanxun Art Museum in Seoul, Korea. In 2003, he was part of the Strength of Character - Avantgarde Art Tour Exhibition, which exhibited in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Guangzhou.

尹朝陽 (b.1970 中國人) 王 2066 油彩紙本 框裝 106x76cm


尹朝陽(b.1970)生於河南省南陽市。1996年,畢業於中央美術學院版畫系。現居 北京。職業藝術家。參加展覽:1999-2000年「新銳的目光—1970年前後出生的 一代藝術展」,北京國際藝苑美術館、深圳何香凝美術館;2001年第一屆「成 都雙年展」,成都現代藝術館;「神話」,北京藝術博物館;2002年「青春殘 酷繪畫」,上海東大名藝術創庫;「露出/反轉/亞細亞談論」,韓國漢城寬勳 美術館;2003年「個性力量—新銳藝術巡迴展」,北京、上海、武漢、廣州。



Lot 82


(b.1970 Chinese)

Totem 2007 oil on canvas 250×250cm signed on the reverse Exhibited : 1. 2008 “China: Construction/Deconstruction – Chinese Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition”; 2. 2009” The Big World: Recent Art from China”, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, USA Literature : 1. China: Construction/Deconstruction – Chinese Contemporary Art, 2008 2. The Big World: Recent Art from China, 2009


(b.1970 中國人)

圖騰 2007 油彩布面 250x250cm 背面簽名 展覽:1. 2008「中國-建構與解構:當代藝術邀請展,巴西聖保羅; 2. 2009 「大千世界-中國當代藝術近作展,美國芝加哥 出版:1.《中國-建構與解構》2008年; 2.《大千世界-中國當代藝術近作》2009年


Estimate HK$900,000-1,200,000

Yin Chaoyang is one of the representatives for artists after the 1970s. His works are “dreamlike” and “surreal”, either the expressionism or the realistic representation of his works always respect the experience and feeling of real life, express the particular art concept and reveals reflections towards modern humanity and existentialism questions. He occupies the founding position in the new generation artists. His paintings play an important role in Chinese representationalism painting in late 1990s. The image concepts, narrativity and core essence in his works is worthy of our reflection. Symbolic signs frequently appear in Yin Chaoyang’s works. As early as in early 20th century, Yin has created series of Mao Zedong and Tian”anmen Square which are symbolic signs of China’s power. Those works contain the artist’s strongest, deepest and most complicated emotion and attitude towards that period of passion. The monument-like symbols and shocking colours in his works are highly praised. “ Totem” depicts the image of dragon which is inseparably connected with Chinese culture. The dragon is considered as the totem and faith of tribes in remote antiquity as well as the sign of power of ancient Chinese emperors. In westerners’ eyes, “the Chinese dragon” can be taken as a symbol of the image of the Chinese nation. Especially with the rapid development in economy and society after the Reform and Opening-up, China is more like an oriental dragon which is waking up and ready to roar. Yin Chaoyang not only adopted this element, but also differently treated the painting according to his exploration in colours, structures and materials. He has re-considered these characteristics and enabled them to give off charming lustres, which contrasts strongly with the indestructible and supreme image that lies in the symbol of dragon. Myths originate from experiences and memories. They represent that the evidence of belief is reflected in pieces of the past as the meditation. If we review Yin’s “ Totem” series, we can tell he has interpreted the ancient symbols and integrated them into the spiritual intention of modern China’s rapidly developing society. We can easily tell an ancient symbol which has rotary influences. The images are full of impulsiveness, which is the projection on the background of modern Chinese people’s mentality and from the ancient symbol after the transition through time and space. In people born in the 1970s, there exist mental crisis and value discontinuity in some degree. Their problems, in a sense, cannot be found in neither previous nor later generations. As a result of rapid economical development and social transformation, necessary time and chances for normal transition of sense of worth were not provided in time, and the lineage of tradition and modern construction impacted with each other, all of these forms the vivid description of a rapidly developing modern society.


尹朝陽是中國70年後的代表藝術家之一,他的作品既「夢幻」又「超現實」, 無論是其表現主義、還是寫實的表現方式,總能尊重對現實生活的體驗和感 受,用繪畫表達著自己的藝術理念,流露出對現代人性的反省及存在主義式的 質疑,在新生代藝術家行列佔有一席開創地位。 他的繪畫在中國九十年代末期 的具象主義繪畫中具有重要的位置,其作品中的圖像概念、敘述性以及精神內 核都值得我們深深思索。 象徵符號常常出現在尹朝陽的作品中,早在20世紀初,尹朝陽曾創作出代表中 國權力的象徵符號的毛澤東、天安門廣場系列,蕩漾著藝術家對於那個激情年 代最強烈、最深刻、最複雜的情感態度,作品中這種紀念碑性的符號以及震撼 的色彩倍受推崇。 「圖騰」描繪的是與中國文化不可分割的龍的造型。龍被看作是的中國遠古部 落的圖騰信仰,也被認為是中國古代帝王權力的象徵。在西方人看來,「中國 龍」可謂是一種代表中華民族形象的符號,尤其是隨著中國改革開放之後經濟 社會的迅速發展,被看作是一條東方巨龍的甦醒和飛騰。尹朝陽不僅採用了這 一元素,而且通過對顏色、結構與材質的探索對畫面施以不同尋常的處理。他 重新審視這些特徵,使它們散發出誘人的光澤,與龍這一符號所代表的堅不可 摧的至高無上感形成對比。神話源於經驗與記憶,表明著信仰的跡象,被反省 似地反映在過去的碎片中。審視尹朝陽的圖騰系列,將古老符號再次詮釋,融 入進了當今中國高速發展下社會的精神意向,我們不難發現一種輪盤似地輻射 著古老符號,畫面瀰漫著一種浮躁情緒,是古老符號在經歷了時空轉換之後映 在當下中國人精神背景上的投影。在70年代出生的一代人身上,存在著某種程 度上的心理危機和價值斷層,某種意義上說,這種問題是他們前後的一兩代人 身上所沒有的,由於經濟的高速發展和社會急速的轉型,沒有來得及提供原有 價值觀正常過渡所需要的時間和機會,古老的傳承與現代的構建碰撞在一起, 是一個高速發展中的社會的形象描繪。


Lot 83

XIONG YU (b.1975 Chinese) Lady Behind Screen 2007 oil on canvas 200×100cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower right

Estimate HK$100,000 - 180,000

Xiong Yu (b.975), born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. He graduated from high school attached to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 1995 and entered Department of Oil Painting, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. Now, he is teaching in College of Arts, Sichuan University. In 1997, he participated in “ To the new century – Oil Painting Exhibition of Chinese Young Artists”; in 2000, In 2001 participated in Chunking Pepper-German Kassel Exchange Exhibition; in 2003 participated in Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition; he participated in the Ninth National Art Exhibition - Chongqing Section; in 2003, China Oil Painting Exhibition. in 2004 stayed in Chengdu-contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition held in Shenzhen; in 2005 participated “Cartoons for The Next Stop?” art exhibition held in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Chunking; in 70 Art-Market Exchange—Changing one Generation of Chinese Art Exhibition held in Shanghai and Beijing.

熊宇 (b.1975 中國人) 卷幕下的女人 2007 油彩布面 200x100cm 右下附中文簽名和日期

US$12,800 - 23,100 熊宇(b.1975)生於四川成都市,1995年畢業於四川美術學院附中,升入四川 美術學院油畫系,再到四川美院造型藝術系油畫專業研究生,現在任教於四川大 學藝術學院。參加展覽:1997年「走向新世紀-中國青年油畫展」;2000年「九 屆全國美展重慶展」;2001年「重慶辣椒-德國卡塞爾交流展」;2003年「中國 油畫展」;2004年「居住在成都-當代藝術邀請展」,深圳;2005年「下一站卡 通嗎?藝術作品展」,北京,深圳,上海,重慶;「70藝術-市場改變中國的一 代藝術作品展」,上海,北京。



Lot 84

AES+F GROUP (Russian) Last riot 2, Tondo #14 2005-2007 digital collage, digital print on canvas 150×150cm (ed. 4/5) signed on the reverse with certificate

Estimate HK$300,000 - 500,000

The AES+F Group, consisted of four Russian artists from the world of architect, design and fashion photography, creates a unique space of their own by taking advantage of the heterogeneous images each member creates in a way only Russian artists can do. The social background during the transformation from the former Soviet Union to Russia serves as a critical metaphor while critique and worries about the 20th century virtual world that is driven by technology and material are reflected in a shocking image. The virtual world created by the group is radical and obscure while the erotic imaginations look only natural. Inside their work, the past, present and future are all chaotically mixed into a single timeframe while the distinction between angels and human beings, sex as well as race disappear and only the continuum of mechanized moments and emotions exist. The final world of riot where everyone fights against everyone, in other words against themselves yet without distinction between victims and perpetrators as well as men and women. This world portrays the final rebellion towards the end of ideology, history and values.

AES+F 財團 (俄國人) Last riot 2, Tondo #14 2005-2007 數字印刷 150×150cm (ed. 4/5) 背面簽名, 有保證書

US$38,000 - 64,100

AES+F是一個在建築,設計,時裝攝影等領域裡活動的俄羅斯籍四人組合,這 個各屬不同領域的四人組合借用形態各異的形象體並以俄羅斯人的獨特方式創 造了別具一格藝術空間。他們的作品借助了從蘇聯聯邦到俄羅斯這個頗具寓意 的時代背景,通過對這個時代的大膽描寫,表達了他們對由技術與物質所構成 的二十世紀,即這個虛擬世界的批判與憂慮。 這個虛擬世界輕而易舉地展示了他們激進的,模糊的,充滿情慾的想像空間。 這是一個過去,現在與未來相互交錯與變化的世界,在這裡不存在天使與人, 性與種族的區分,只存在瞬間的機械性延續和無窮的藝術靈感。作品雖然描寫 了一個人與人之間的,人與其自身的搏鬥與挑戰的世界,但在這個充滿暴力的 世界卻並未劃清受害者與被害者,男與女的界限。這恰恰象徵了一個時代的意 識形態,歷史以及價值體系的終結。



Lot 85

TILMAN PESCHEL (b.1976 German)

提爾曼 (b.1976年 德國人)

Circuit Respiration 3 2002 c- print, diasec 100×170cm (edition of 4) signed on the reverse

循環呼吸 3 2002 c-印刷 100x170cm (edition of 4) 背面簽名

Estimate HK$22,000 - 100,000

US$2,700 - 12,800

Photography by Tilman Peschel reflects his thoughts on communication between what seems be considered as functionally unrelated objects. The unfamiliar combination of a sponge-like fabric and an egg crate or of separate structural images that were specially designed all represents the relationship of human beings and their surroundings.

德國作家提爾曼的作品透漏出他對一些在用途上毫無相關的對象之間相互關係 思考。像海綿網與雞蛋托這種怪異的組合體或者一些別出心裁的構造物則展示 了人與周邊空間的關係。

This photo is part of the ‘Circuit Respiration’ series in which Peschel creates a secluded space of his own where he toils to communicate in solitude. Peschel begins a monologue in body language by injecting himself through hole made in a latex balloon created on his own. He then attempts to interact with the viewers about his physical experience by allowing them to actually see the experience for themselves.


這幅作品作為‘循環呼吸’的系列畫之一,展示了人在與世隔絕的自身世界 裡,為了與他人溝通而做出的苦苦掙扎。這同時也正是畫家對其自身的一個縮 寫。而且作家試圖將自己的生理體驗在視覺上與觀眾共享,以求與之共鳴。

Lot 86

JEFF KOONS (b.1955 American)

杰夫·昆斯 (b.1955 美國人)

Flowers 2001 color lithograph framed s:105.4x75.2cm I:95.3x68.6cm numbered 115/150 lower left, signed lower right

花朵 2001 彩墨 版畫 框裝 s:105.4x75.2cm I:95.3x68.6cm 左下附標注版數 115/150,右下附簽名

Estimate HK$20,000 - 30,000

US$2,600 - 3,900


Lot 87


ANDY WARHOL (b.1928 - 1987 American)

安迪 沃霍尔 (b.1928 - 1987年 美國人)

Flowers 1964 prints, offset lithograph image:55.8×55.8cm sheet:71×63cm signed on lower right Exhibited : November 21-December 28, 1964, Leo Castelli, 4E.77, New York

花 1964 版畫 image:55.8x55.8cm sheet:71x63cm 右下附簽名 展覽:1964年11月21日-12月28,Leo Castelli,4E.77,紐約

Estimate HK$50,000 - 71,000

US$6,400 - 9,100

Lot 88

FRANK STELLA (b.1936 American)

弗蘭克 斯特拉 (b.1936年 美國人)

Squeeze of the hand 1988 silkscreen, lithograph and linocut in colors with handcoloring and collage 185x138cm (edition of 60) signed on the lower left

Squeeze of the hand 1988 絲綢印刷,混合材料 185x138cm (edition of 60) 左下附簽名

Estimate HK$64,000 - 120,000

US$8,200 - 15,400


Lot 89


DAMIEN HIRST (b.1965 British)

達明安 赫斯特 (b.1965年 英國人)

Pyronine Y 2006 etching 103×116cm (edition of 65) signed on the lower right

派若宁 Y 2006 蝕刻法 103x116cm (edition of 65) 右下附簽名

Estimate HK$110,000 - 180,000

US$13,000 - 23,000

Lot 90

FRANCIS BACON (b.1909-1992 Irish)

朗西斯 培根 (b.1909-1992年 愛爾蘭人)

Trotsky’s Study in Mexico 1987 etching 89x61.8cm(ed.80/99) 89.2x62cm(ed.7/99) signed on the lower right and left

在墨西哥學習托洛茨基 1987 蝕刻法 89x61.8cm(ed.80/99) 89.2x62cm(ed.7/99) 左右下附簽名

Estimate $110,000 - 210,000

US$13,000 - 26,900


Lot 91

JULIAN OPIE (b.1958 British) Ruth walking in Jeans 2008 computer film-LCD 52 inch-PC 125.5×75×12.5cm (edition of 4)

Estimate HK$500,000 - 710,000

朱利安 奥培 (b.1958年 英國人) 走路的露絲 2008 影像裝置 125.5x75x12.5cm (edition of 4)

US$64,000 - 91,000



Lot 92

KIKI SMITH (b.1954 American) Untitled 1992 glass and crystal h54xw30cm signed and dated on the bottom : This is a hand blown glass piece by Kiki Smith and published by ULAE

Estimate HK$300,000 - 500,000

奇奇·史密斯 (b.1954 美國人) 無題 1992 玻璃 結晶 h54xw30cm 底部有簽名與日期。 這是一塊由琪琪史密斯手工吹制的玻璃成品,曾出版於ULAE。”

US$38,500 - 64,100


Lot 93

BERNARD BUFFET (b.1928-1999 Franch)

貝爾納 比費 (b.1928-1999年 法國人)

Dahlias 1961 oil on paper 50×65cm signed on the lower right

大理花 1961 紙本油畫 50x65cm 右下附簽名

Estimate HK$320,000 - 640,000

US$41,000 - 82,000


Certificate of Comité Marc Chagall

Signed on reverse

Lot 94

MARC CHAGALL (b.1887 - 1985 Russian/French ) Les Maries du cirque 1980 oil on canvas 81×60cm signed on the lower right and reverse with certificate

Estimate HK$11,000,000 - 14,000,000

馬克 夏加. (b.1887 - 1985年 俄國人/法國人 ) Les Maries du cirque 1980 布面油畫 81x60cm 右下附、背面簽名, 有保證書

US$1,400,000 - 1,790,000



Lot 95

YOON SANGYOON (b.1979 Korean)

尹相允 (b.1979年 韓國人)

Back to the Future 2 2011 oil on canvas 112×162cm signed on the reverse

回到未來 2 2011 布面油畫 112x162cm 背面簽名

Estimate HK$36,000 - 50,000

US$ 4,500 - 6,410

Yoon creates an unfamiliar situation on the canvas by compiling pieces that seemingly do not go together. This implies the tension felt by the artist when first being exposed to a new community and regarding the shift from a high context society to a low context society (from Eastern to Western culture), he describes an individual’s identity in the two conflicting societies as follows. ‘ There are distinct differences between the two as Asians consider themselves a member of the society with a shared objective, whereas Westerners perceive the society to be a compilation of individuals with distinct personalities.’ Yoon strives to communicate the reason behind the tension and lost sense of belonging felt by a stranger in an unfamiliar place through defamiliarization.

尹相允將毫不相干的雕塑放置在一起為畫面營造一種陌生的氛圍。這是藝術家 對自己初入社會時的那種緊張感的表達,對於從高語境社會到低語境社會移轉 (東方文化到西方文化的移轉)的過程中的兩種對立社會中個人的正體性,他 做出了這樣的描述:“ 東方人認為個人是有著共同目標的一整個社會里的單個 成員,而西方人則認為社會是一個個有差別、有個性的個體聚集在一起的共同 體,這就是東西方思想的差異。”藝術家試圖用這種製造陌生感的方式去引導 那些失去歸屬感的異鄉人們找尋身處異地時那種緊張感的源頭。

Kim, Miyoung (Independent Curator)


金美英 (獨立策展人)

Lot 96

ETHER (b.1977 Korean) Freud boy 2011 mixed media on panel 157×72cm signed on the stretcher

Estimate HK$14,000 - 25,000 Artist Ethers collects and lays out materials of his own taste to generate a sensation using his artistic skills about the current era’s obsession on what appears on the surface. The main characteristic of his work is the expression of the will related to what he wants to see and what he wants to show which he portrays by scanning each and every memory from his childhood. Ether symbolizes value through a character, which represents himself and boldly uses styles that not only go beyond conventional expectations but also demonstrate the paradox of the common taste. Furthermore, he attempts to rediscover what has become outdated now in both the past and the present and ridicules what is generally taken as granted.

Ether (b.1977年 韓國人) 弗洛伊德男孩兒 2011 混合材料,嵌板 157x72cm 側面簽名

US$1,800 - 3,200

Ether試圖通過一些主觀性的題材對當今的時代現象進行 藝術性的詮釋。他的作品具有意在通過對幼時記憶的掃 描進行觀察與展示。畫家通過選擇可代言自身的人物形 象來表達其象徵性的價值,並使用打破常規的形式與題 材來說明普遍價值取向的自相矛盾與荒謬。作家還試圖 憑藉自己的靈感對一些時代遺物重新定位,以諷刺那種 被普遍地認為理所當然的價值取向。


Lot 97


ZHANG XIAOGANG (b.1958 Chinese) YUE MINJUN (b.1962 Chinese) ZENG FANZHI (b.1964 Chinese) WANG GUANGYI (b.1957 Chinese) FANG LIJUN (b.1963 Chinese)

張晓剛 (b.1958年 中國人) 岳敏君 (b.1962年 中國人) 曾梵志 (b.1964年 中國人) 王广义 (b.1957年 中國人) 方力鈞 (b.1963年 中國人)

The Giants of the Contemporary Chinese Art (set of 10) 2005 Lithograph 75×55cm (edition of 99) each signed

中國當代藝術大家 (十張) 2005 版畫 75x55cm (edition of 99) 每幅皆有署名

Estimate HK$110,000 - 250,000

US$13,000 - 32,000

Lot 98

BAE CHANHYO (b.1975 Korean)

裵燦孝 (b.1975年 韓國人)

Existing in Costume 1“Elizabeth”” 2006 digital c-Print 76.2×61cm (ed. AP1) signed on the reverse

伊莉莎白 2006 數字c-印刷 76.2x61cm (ed. AP1) 背面簽名

Estimate HK$22,000 - 35,000

US$2,700 - 4,500




Lot 101

LIU XIAODONG (b. 1963 Chinese)

劉小東 (b.1963 中國人)

Untitled 2008 oil on canvas 100x112cm signed in English and dated on lower right

無題 2008 油彩布面 100x112cm 右下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$1,200,000-1,500,000


Liu Xiaodong (b-1963), born in Liaoning, graduated in 1988 from department of oil painting of The Central Academy of Arts. In 1995 he again graduated from the master’s degree postgraduate class in department of oil painting of Central Academy. In 1992, his oil paintings DRUNK, along with other pieces, participated in the “ Today’s Art in China” exhibition held in Virginia College of Arts in America. His paintings WEDDING BANQUET amongst others participated in “Late 89 China Vanguard Art Exhibition” on an exhibition tour in Australia etc. In his 1993 piece, THE METROPOLITAN HUNTER participated in “China Late 89 Art Exhibition” held in Mapo Art Gallery in London, England. In 1994, THE FREEXING BATHROOM and others participated in “Meeting of The East and West” exhibition; in the same year, MANHATTAN BATHTUB participated in “Newly Smelt Cup Chinese Drawing and Oil Painting Masterpieces Exhibition” held in Beijing and won prize of excellence. In 1995 the piece THE MAN BIRD participated in “ The Millennial Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Oil Paintings” held in Brussels, Belgium – “From Realism to Late Modernism”. In 1997, THE WHITE FATTY MAN participated in the “Millennial Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting Portrait” sponsored in Beijing; participated “ The 47th Venice Biannual Exhibition” held in Italy; a series of works, SLEEP AND INSOMNIA participated in “8+8-1: 15 Contemporary Chinese Artists Exhibition” display tour in Hong Kong, Chicago, London, and Berlin; MANHATTAN BATHTUB participated in “97 Asia Art Exhibition” held in Bengal. In 1998 the oil painting piece BURNING RATS participated in “China Oil Painting Exhibition” of the teaching staffs in department oil paintings of The Central Academy of Arts. In 1999, SMOKING BY THE WATER participated in “Chinese Art Exhibition” held in San Francisco; AN INFANT AND SIX ADULTS participated in “On Behalf of The People” held in England; in 2000, A LARGE MOUNTAIN participated in “Gate of The Century: 1979-1999 Chinese Art Invitational Exhibition”. “Liu Xiaodong 1990-2000 10year Retrospective Exhibition” was also held in the Central Academy of Arts gallery. From the 1990’s his works were collected by Museums throughout the world, among them include San Francisco Art Gallery, Singapore Art Gallery, Queensland Art Gallery in Australia, Fugang Art Gallery, The Central Academy of Art, Shanghai Art Gallery, and China Art Gallery.

劉小東(b-1963)生於遼寧,1988年畢業於中央美術學院油畫系。1995年畢業 於中央美術學院油畫系碩士研究生班。參加展覽:1992年「藝術今天·中國 展」,油畫《醉酒》參展,美國加利弗尼亞藝術學院;「後 』89中國前衛藝 術展」,油畫《婚宴》等參展,香港、澳大利亞等地巡迴展出。1993年「中國 後』89藝術展」,油畫《都市獵手》參展,英國倫敦馬勃畫廊。1994年「東西 相遇藝術展」,油畫《冰涼的浴室》等參展,美國康州發現博物館;「94新鑄 聯杯中國畫」、「油畫精品展」,油畫《曼哈頓澡盆》獲優秀獎,北京。1995 年「中國當代油畫展——從現實主義到後現代主義」,油畫《人鳥》參展,比 利時布魯塞爾。1997年「中國油畫肖像百年展」,油畫《白胖子》參展;「第 四十七屆威尼斯雙年展」,義大利;「8+8-1-15位元當代中國藝術家作品 展」,油畫組畫《睡眠與失眠》參展,香港、美國芝加哥、英國倫敦、德國柏 林巡迴展出; 「97亞洲藝術展」,油畫《漫哈頓的澡盆》參展,孟加拉。1998 年「中央美術學院油畫系教師作品展」,油畫《燒耗子》參展。1999年「中國 藝術展」,油畫《水邊吸煙》參展,美國舊金山;「代表人民」藝術展,油畫 《一個嬰兒和六個成人》參展,英國。2000年「世紀之門:1979-1999中國 藝術邀請展」,油畫《一座大山》參展,四川成都現代藝術館。「劉小東1990 -2000年10年回顧展」,中央美院美術館。收藏:他的作品九○年代起廣為世 界博物館所珍藏,其中有:新加坡美術館、澳大利亞昆士蘭美術館、美國舊金 山現代美術館、日本福岡美術館、中國中央美術學院、上海美術館、中國美術 館等。

Liu Xiaodong should be an easy-going person. He likes things such as “human pedigree”. When depicting people who are sitting, standing, embracing or in an awkward, embarrassed state, he is expressing his understanding of the world. Indeed, people often live according to a set path, but they live in relationships that are not so clear. Liu observes the world with such attitude: his oil paintings are reflections of his inner world as well as a window to his character. By expressing his understanding of life, Liu Xiaodong forms his unique Realist style, or the characteristics of the so-called “New Generation”. The general feature of works by New Generation painters is to display scenes in real life with realistic or photo realistic techniques. Such scenes do not carry clear negative or positive attitude of the painter. They are more likely to be a display of onlookers’ attitude. Liu Xiaodong composes his paintings at random. Action and expression of the figures are naturally formed. He is not picky on details of his works, and viewers do not feel uncomfortable with that. Instead, they accept it with feelings of “this is okay”, “this is how it should be”, which gives Liu recognition. This is a distinct feature of the “New Generation” where artists are always capturing real life and their casual expression happens to reflect the attitude of the metropolitan crowd and fit people’s cultural tastes.

劉小東應該是一個很隨和的人,他喜歡「人類家譜」似的東西,在描繪坐著、 站著、擁抱著或疏遠尷尬著的人們時,筆端流露出的是他對世界模模糊糊的認 識。的確,人們總是按清楚的畫譜沿革下來,卻又是生活在那並非那麼清楚的 關係之間。劉小東是以這樣的心態來觀察世界的:他的油畫是他內心世界的反 映,也是瞭解他的重要窗口,通過對自己人生體會的表達,劉小東形成了他獨 特的「現實主義」風格,也就是所謂「新生代」的特點。新生代畫家作品總體 特徵是指以寫實或照相寫實的手法表現現實生活的場景或場面,這些場景、場 面是不帶有畫家本人明確否定或肯定的態度的,更多的是一種「冷眼旁觀」心 態的表露。劉小東畫面構圖是隨意的。人物的動作與表情,都是不經意的自然 形成。他作品的有些地方處理的並不講究,但人們沒有覺得彆扭,卻有一種「 這樣也行」,「其實就該是這個樣兒的」感覺,反而給了小東一個認同。這是 「新生代」的一個突出特點,畫家們總是在捕捉著新的現實生活,隨意式的表 現卻恰好反映了都市人群的心態,迎合了人們的文化口味。 小東的繪畫源自西方繪畫深厚的傳統。這個傳統曾經是人們解讀世界、歷史的 視覺途徑,並構成了人們對精神世界的表述和記憶。在中國百年的油畫實踐 中,由於傳統文化的敗落和藝術思想體系的政治化,中國的油畫始終沒有走出 學院派的有偶制習作或偽文人的虛情假意的泥潭。在漫長的意識形態繪畫和 今天的審美實踐中,有關現實主義的繪畫從假大空的宏大敘事蛻變為充滿著慾 望的嫵媚和矯情。劉小東的繪畫則是個例外,很富有代表性和完整性。在如同 電影情節的片段的畫面中,他癡迷的世界中沒有虛偽做作美學的陳詞濫調和通 常藝術家所特有的可疑的文化立場和策略。這種沒有立場的立場,更真誠、自 由、坦率地談著一個個生活的故事,而這些故事中的人物和事件鏡像了現實, 陌生又遙遠,疏離若隔世,使看似堅實的世界又多了一份含義。劉小東的目光 所及,自然地構成了他的繪畫世界。他們自然和真實的屬性使人們解脫,使觀 者無語。這不僅僅來自他的觀察和感悟的方式,更來自於他獨特的繪畫語言的 消解性,使現實在他的筆下如同冰遇到火一般溶解。這個繪畫性如同行雲流水 一樣魔術般地承載和包容著不容置疑的現實世界,使藝術的片段成為了另一種 平行的現實,使人們在困難的無能為力的生活常態中變得有可能以另一種方式 來接近、關懷和同情。 ——艾未未《沒有立場的立場》



Lot 102


WANG YAQIANG (b.1977 Chinese)

王亞強 (b.1977 中國人)

Welcome you to come again 2007 oil on canvas 200×150cm signed in English and dated on lower right

歡迎您再次光臨 2007 油彩布面 200x150cm 右下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$60,000-90,000


Wang Yaqiang (b.1977) was born and living in Xinxiang, China. Selected Exhibition: 2008 Poetic Realism: A Reinterpretation of Jiang Nan, Centro de Arte Tomas y Valiente, Fuenlabrada (Madrid), Spain; Time-Lag: The New Force of Chinese Contemporary Art,Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain. 2006 Potential Dialogue: The Party of Sino-Austria Young Artists, RCM Art Museum, Nanjing, China.

王亞強(b.1977) 出生並居住在中國新鄉。參展:2008 觀念的筆記,伊比利亞當 代藝術中心,北京;中國當代藝術新力量,瑪吉畫廊 西班牙馬德里. 2006年 潛 在的交流 — 中奧藝術交流展, 南京視覺美術館。

Lot 103

SHIN DONGWON (b.1972 Korean)

申東媛 (b.1972年 韓國人)

Dinner 2007 porcelain, MDF, paint 82.6×73×6.6(h)cm signed on the reverse

晚餐 2007 磁器,MDF,彩色 82.6x73x6.6(h)cm 背面簽名

Estimate HK$32,000 - 46,000

US$4,100 - 5,900


Lot 104


YU GAO (b.1971 Chinese)

喻高 (b.1971 中國人)

While Away 2010 red agate 21.3x6x6cm numbered 51/108

消磨 2010 天然紅瑪瑙 21.3x6x6cm 版數51/108

Estimate HK$40,000 - 60,000

US$5,100 - 7,700

Yu Gao(b.1971)was born in Beijng. Graduated in Beijing Arts and Crafts Colleague in 1991. Later she entered Central Fine Arts of Colleague in sculpture in 1996 and is teaching in Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology.Exhibitions: “Light Pours in” Feminine Arts Exhibition 2006; “East, East” Feminine Arts Exhibition, Beijing 3/4 Gallery; “Boundless Pause” Sculpture Group Exhibition, Beijing; “Elements – China – Folks - Nations” Modern Arts Exhibition, Potsdam Art Center, Germany; “Joint Exhibition of Chinese and Korean Sculptors”, 3818 Gallery, Beijing; “Pink Ribbon” Feminine Arts Exhibition, Red Door Gallery, Beijing; “Ocean Blue” Guest Arts Exhibition, Boao Forum for Asia, Hainan; “Left behind” Modern Arts Exhibition, Beijing Zhengyang Arts Base; “Floating” New Generation of Chinese Arts, National Modern Arts Gallery of Seoul, South Korea. “Middlebrow & Peace” Yu Gao’s Solo Show, Beijing; “Chinese Sexy” Modern Arts Exhibition, Shanghai, Beijing; “ The Fake City” New Power China – Modern Arts Biennale, Shanghai; “Face to Face – The World Outlook of a Group of Ma terialists” Modern Arts Exhibition, 2009. “Reflection” Feminine Arts Show, White Box Gallery, Beijing 798 Art Zone; “Harmonious Space” Sculptures Exhibition, Tianjin, Jan. to Feb. 2010. Revolved in the planning for “Warm Winter” Arts Legitimate Rights Protection Series Exhibition.

喻高(b.1971)生於北京,1991年畢業於北京市工藝美術學校環境裝飾專 業,1996 畢業於中央美術學院雕塑,1996-1999 在中央美院雕塑系讀研究 生,2000 至今任教於北京服裝學院。 展覽:2006 「光芒湧入」女性藝術展; 「東,東」女性藝術展,北京3/4畫廊; 「無邊界的停頓「雕塑群展,北京; 「元素-中國-民間-民族「當代藝術展,德國波茨坦藝術中心; 「中韓雕塑家聯 展」,北京3818庫畫廊;「粉紅絲帶」女性藝術展,北京紅門畫廊;「聯合」 女性藝術展,北京聯合國開發署。2007 「和而不同」雕塑展,北京炎黃藝術 館; 「海藍」藝術邀請展,博驁亞洲經濟論壇,海南; “掉隊”當代藝術展, 北京正陽藝術基地; “浮游”中國藝術新一代,韓國首爾國立現代美術館。 2008 「庸和」喻高作品展,北京; “中國式性感”當代藝術展,上海,北京; “虛城計”新動力中國--當代藝術雙年展,上海; “面前--一群唯物主義者的世 界觀”當代藝術展。2009, 「鏡像」女性藝術展,北京798藝術區白盒子美術 館; 「和諧空間」雕塑展,天津。2010,1-2,參與策劃「暖冬」藝術維權計 劃系列展覽。




Lot 107


LV XIN (b.1977 Chinese)

呂欣 (b.1977 中國人)

Walk in Song 2006 oil on canvas 140×120cm signed in English and dated on the reserve

踏歌而行 2006 油彩布面 140x120cm 背面附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$70,000-90,000


Lv Xin (b.1977) was born in Leshan, Sichuan Province. He graduated from the Department of Lithograph of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. Solo Exhibition: 2002 Reading, Shanghai. 2006 Misty Mirror, Solo Exhibition of Lv Xin’s Oil Paintings. Group Exhibition: 2005 To Be Myself-The New Power of Chinese Oil Paintings, Guangzhou/Beijing. 2006 A Selection of Artworks From the New Generatioin.

呂欣(b.1977)出生於四川樂山, 2000年畢業於四川美術學院版畫系。個 展:2002《閱讀》,上海。2006 「蒙霧的鏡子」呂欣個人油畫作品展。 群展: 2005「我行我素」中國油畫新新力量2005年展,廣州,北京。2006 「年輕一代 油畫作品展」。

Lot 108

JIANG PENG (b.1976 Chinese)

蔣鵬 (b.1976 中國人)

Tartar 2007 oil on canvas 80×100cm signed in Chinese and English, dated on the reverse

刺頭 2007 油彩布面 80x100cm 背面附中英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$60,000-80,000


Jiang Peng (b.1976) born in chengdu, Graduate from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute,Department of Lithograph in 1999. Exhibition: 2006 Art show at Sichuan Art Gallery; The third Sichuan Youth Art Exhibition, Sichuan Art Gallery. 2007 Art Exhibition in North America at Albert Art Gallery etc; Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition at Oslo,Noway.

蔣鵬(b.1976)畢業於四川美術學院版畫系。展覽:2006四川新作展,四川美術 館;四川第三屆青年美展,四川美術館。2007《中國感覺 成都新藝術 》北美巡 展,阿爾伯特美術館等;2007 《挪威2007-新中國新一代》,中國當代藝術展, 挪威奧斯陸。視覺遭遇——中國油畫新銳展,中國美術館;中國油畫新新力量 2007年展 北京/廣州。


Lot 109


ZHANG JIN (b.1967 Chinese)

張晉 (b.1967 中國人)

After the Rain 2008 oil on canvas 150×120cm signed in English and dated on lower left

雨後 2008 油彩布面 150x120cm 左下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$180,000-220,000


Zhang Jin (b.1967) was born in Beijing and graduated from Oil Painting Department of China Central Acadmy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Exhibitions: Selected Exhibition of Chinese-American Artists, 2007. “Different Views – Mala Modern Arts Joint Exhibition”/ Mala Modern Arts Centre, Beijing, 2008. “ The Lotus” Words – Zhang Jin’s Oil Painting Exhibition”/ Hong Kong Mala Modern Gallery, 2008. “Words of Zen - Zhang Jin’s Oil Painting Exhibition”/ Hong Kong Mahakala Mordern Arts Centre 2009. “ The First Chinese Nonobjectivism Exhibition 2010”/ Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Gallery, 2010. “Moonlight over the Lotus Pond – The Full Moon is in 16th”/ Dengming Wanhe Gallery, 2010. Literature: A selection of Zhang Jin’s Oil Paintings, 2005. Reflection, 2007. Lotus Sotry-Zhang Jin’s Artworks, 2008.

張晉(b.1967)生於北京,1911年畢業於中央美術學院油畫系。參展:「對應·應 對」——2007中美藝術家作品交流展。2008 「不同視角—瑪拉當代藝術聯展」 , 北京瑪拉當代藝術中心;「荷語—張晉油畫作品展」,香港瑪拉當代畫廊。 2009「禪語—張晉油畫作品展」, 香港大黑天當代藝術中心。2010 「2010首屆 華人抽像藝術展」,川美美術館;荷塘月色—十五的月亮十六圓藝術展,磴明 萬荷美術館。出版:《張晉畫集》,2005. 《對應·應對》2007中美藝術家作品 交流展作品,2007.《張晉—荷語系列》2008.

Lot 110

WANG QIANG (b.1971 Chinese)

王強 (b.1971 中國人)

30 MPH 2008 acrylic on linen cloth 230×173cm signed on the reverse Exhibited : “Well Lighted Places-Wang Qiang Solo Exhibition”,2010 Literature : “Well Lighted Places-Wang Qiang Solo Exhibition”,2010

30邁 2008 丙烯亞麻布 230x173cm 背面簽名 展覽:「光線充足的地方」-王強個展,2010,韻畫廊,北京 出版:《光線充足的地方》,2010

Estimate HK$180,000-250,000


Wang Qiang(b.1971)graduated from Department of Lithograph in China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Solo Exhibition: 2010 Well Lighted Places-Wang Qiang Solo Exhibition, Yun Gallery, Beijing.

王強(b.1971),畢業於中央美術學院版畫系。個展:「光線充足的地方」-王 強個展,2010,韻畫廊。 看王強作品的第一印象,很容易被認為具有照像寫實主義的風格,當你仔細觀 察,卻發現畫面中的一切似乎並不真實。視覺中的現實色彩明亮,造型單純, 深諳極少主義的精粹。作品中的人物、場景非常平實,非常”每一天”,沒有 煽情或是政治。除了客觀地保留真實的外形輪廓之外,人們通常所熟悉的繪畫 方法被消解。平面的色彩,輕薄透明,每塊顏色各自佔據著獨立的抽像空間。 沒有對殘酷青春的激烈抱怨或調侃,氣氛寧靜、涼爽、賦有人情味兒。畫面中 蘊含著清澈的空氣和耐人尋味的光。






Lot 115

DEBBIE HAN (b.1969 Korean/American) Venus 2009 digital print, diasec 216.5×99.5cm (ed. 4/5) signed on the reverse

Estimate HK$85,000 - 120,000

Debbie Han (b.1969年 韓國人/美國人) 維那斯 2009 數字印刷 216.5x99.5cm (ed. 4/5) 背面簽名

US$10,800 - 15,400


Lot 116

LEE YONGDEOK (b.1956 Korean)

李溶德 (b.1956年 韓國人)

Standing 0528 mixed media 105×145×12cm

站著 0528 混合材料 105x145x12cm

Estimate HK$340,000 - 500,000

US$44,000 - 64,100


Lot 117


KIM TSCHANGYEUL (b.1929 Korean)

金昌烈 (b.1929年 韓國人)

Waterdrop 2006 oil on canvas 116.8×91cm signed on the right stretcher

水滴 2006 布面油畫 116.8x91cm 右側面簽名

Estimate HK$250,000 - 360,000

US$32,000 - 46,200

Lot 118



Brush 2005 oil on paper laid on wooden panel 144.5x207cm signed on the reverse

筆 2005 油彩紙本 木板 144.5x207cm 背面附簽名

Estimate HK$80,000 - 120,000

US$10,300 - 15,400


Lot 119


SHIBATA TOSHIO (b.1949 Japanese)

柴田 敏雄 (b.1949 日本人)

Kofu cith Yamanashi Pref 2006 type C print framed 81.3x101.6cm signed and numbered 3/10 on the reverse Literature : Toshio Shibata, Akio Nagasawa Publishing, 2009, p29

山梨縣甲府市 2006 c-印刷 框裝 81.3x101.6cm 背面附簽名和標注版數 3/10 出版:柴田敏雄, 長澤昭雄出版, 2009, 第29頁

Estimate HK$10,000 - 20,000

Estimate HK$10,000 - 20,000

Lot 120

DAISUKE OHBA (b.1981 Japanese)

大庭大介 (b.1981 日本人)

OUROBOROS (MOUNT ) 2007 acrylic on cotton and wood panel 40.0x40.0cm signed and dated on the reverse

銜尾蛇 (山) 2007 木板丙烯、棉 40.0x40.0cm 背面有簽名與日期

Estimate HK$15,000 - 30,000

US$1,900 - 3,800



Lot 122

GULISTAN (b.1969 Chinese)

古麗�斯坦 (b.1969 中國人)

Legend of Time No.2 2009 oil on canvas diameter 80cm signed in English and dated on lower right

關於時間的傳說之二 2009 油彩布面 直徑 80cm 右下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$50,000-80,000


Gulistan(b.1969)She studied in Fine Arts College of the Central University for Nationalities and awared Bachelor’s degree in Art and Design from 1990–1994. Since 1999, she was a lecturer in the Elementary Education College of Capital Normal University, Beijing. And gained Master’s degree in Oil Painting from the Fine Arts College of Capital Normal University in 2003. Then she studied in Flinders University, Australia and awarded Master degree of Education. Exhibitions: 2008 “China Blue” Sweden; “view and image”-International Contemporary art exhibition,Beijing; “Art in China- Chinese Contemporary art exhibition” ,Today art Museum;”Art from Silk road” at National Art Museum, Beijing. 2009 Participated in “ The Exhibition of Contemporary Female Artists” at HuanTie Times Art Museum in (Beijing). 2009 ROUND INSPIRATION CHINA -VALUE RETURN OF CHINESE CONTEMPORARY FINE ART EXHIBITION”; “KoreaChina Contemporary Art Interchange Exhibition”, Seoul, Korean; 2009 exhibition, Shougong Art Museum;”Chinese scenery”at Oriental Art Center, Beijing. 2010 “Between Square Inch - International Contemporary Art Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings “, Oriental Art Center in Beijing. 2010 solo exhibition: “Gulistan 2010 Shanghai-Tales of time” at the M ART CENTER,Shanghai.

古麗.斯坦(b.1969),1990年-1994年中央民族大學美術系、大學本科、文學學 士學位.2000年-2003年首都師範大學美術學院讀研究生油畫專業。2005年-2007 年澳大利亞FLINDERS 大學的教育碩士。現任教於首都師範大學初教院。參 展:2008 「中國藍」-中國當代油畫展,瑞典馬爾默;北京藝術沙龍主題展《 視野-形象》國際當代繪畫與雕塑邀請展,北京; 「藝術中國,未來天空-中 國當代青年藝術家邀請展」;「魅力龜茲」油畫展,中國美術館展。2009當代 女藝術家聯展,北京;「圓啟中國」中國當代藝術價值回歸展,北京;《東方 之光》首屆中韓當代藝術交流展,韓國首爾;文化部中外文化交流中心中外首 工美術館展覽; 「中國風景」邀請展,北京。2010 「方寸之間——當代藝術 小幅油畫國際邀請展」。2008個展: 「古麗斯坦Gulistan個展-關於時間的傳 說」,上海。


Lot 123

JEONG UCHEOL (b.1975 Korean)

鄭愚哲 (b.1975年 韓國人)

Life jam No.9 2009 acrylic on canvas 80×100cm

Life jam No.9 2009 布面丙烯 80x100cm

Estimate HK$25,000 - 35,000

US$3,200 - 4,500

I focus on urban constructions.

我所關注的是都市的一些建築物。特別是對小市民商業活動空間裡的的小規模 建築物比較感興趣。除了房東之外住在這裡的人相當一部分是租戶。他們為了 生存經常選擇類似的地方,如果經濟好轉有時也會包租。他們平均每三年搬一 次住所,可以說是地地道道的現代版遊民。

In particular, I have a keen interest in small-sized commercial buildings or multiplex housings where low-income people live in. Except for the landlord, they are mostly tenants of the building. Depending on their purpose of livelihood, these people either move to similar neighborhoods or if their financial situation improves they move into a rented house under ‘jeonse’. In essence, they are modern nomads who on average move every three years. By taking those who are unable to settle and substituting them with constructions, I am able to engage them on a canvas. Here, the viewpoint is focused on the construction and it strictly follows a manual. These people create a large lump by depending on each other through gravity in order to avoid becoming failures. Should the need emerge, then streets, signs, ventilators and trees are irregularly installed, which grow in numbers within the blank spaces. This unrealistic everyday scene is still ongoing.


我正是將這些居無定所的人們應用於畫面。畫面的中心便以這些建築物為背 景。 他們為了免於落伍便形成一個龐大的群體聚居在同一個空間裡相依為命,根據 需要有時他們會在多餘的空間裡無規則地開通一些通道,種植一些樹或設置一 些招牌,排風扇等以求繁衍。像這種不現實的日常現象仍在繼續。

Lot 124

WU HAIZHOU (b.1978 Chinese)

吳海洲 (b.1978 中國人)

Banner 2008 acrylic on paper 90×66cm signed in English on lower right

錦旗 2008 丙烯紙板 90x66cm 右下附英文簽名

Estimate HK$40,000-70,000


Wu Haizhou(b.1978)was born in Anyang, Henan Province. In 2006 he was conferred Master degree in Mural Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Solo Exhibitions: 2010 The Public Unknown—Haizhou Wu’s Art 2010, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China. 2009 Here and There— Solo Exhibition of Wu Haizhou, Gallery 99, Aschaffenburg, Germany. Group Exhibitionis: 2010 The Fifth A+A, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing. 2009 The Fourth A+A, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China. 2008 Future Sky—Chinese Contemporary Young Artists Nominated Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing; My World, My Dream, Aschaffenburg, Germany; The Third A+A, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai. 2007 The Second A+A, And Art Lab, Beijing, Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; The Second A+A, Sichuan University Art Museum, Chengdu, China;The Second A+A, Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing, China. 2006 Comfortable Way, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China; Greater than Beijing, Today International Gallery, Beijing;Transgression, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing;From Beijing, Rebin Academy of Fine Arts, Russia;A+A, Gallery of Central Academy of the Fine Arts, Beijing.

吳海洲(b.1978)生於河南省安陽市。2006年畢業於中央美術學院壁畫系,獲碩 士學位。個展:2010公園.佚事——吳海洲2010作品展,偏鋒新藝術空間,北京. 2009 Here and There——吳海洲個展,Gallery 99,德國愛莎芬堡. 群展:2010 發現 1 中國當代新銳藝術家作品展, 宋莊勁草空間.北京。A+A第五回展,偏鋒 新藝術空間,北京。2009 A+A第四回展,偏鋒新藝術空間,北京。2008「未來 天空——中國當代青年藝術家提名展」,今日美術館,北京;「My World, My Dream」,德國愛莎芬堡 ;A+A第三回展,上海多倫現代美術館,上海。2007 A+A第二回展,798案藝術實驗室,北京;A+A第二回展,中央美術學院陳列 館,北京;A+A第二回展,四川大學美術館,成都;A+A第二回展,重慶美術 館,重慶。2006「自在方式」,偏鋒新藝術空間,北京;「大於北京」,今日 美術館,北京;「出格」,偏鋒新藝術空間,北京;「來自北京」,列賓美術 學院,俄羅斯;「A+A」,中央美術學院陳列館,北京。


Lot 125


TOMOO GOKITA (b.1969 Japanese)

五木田 智央 (b.1969 日本人)

Thoughts Busily Betraying 2008 gouache on canvas 162.0x162.0cm signed, titled and dated on the reverse

思索不斷被泄露 2008 粉畫布面 162.0x162.0cm 背面附簽名、標題與日期

Estimate HK$50,000 - 80,000

US$6,410 - 10,300


Lot 126

AI WEIWEI / YANG ZHICHAO (b.1957/1963 Chinese) Hiden 2002 photograph framed 120×100;120×120;120×120cm signed and numbered 1/10

Estimate HK$80,000-120,000

In 1986, he was awarded Bachelor’s Degree in Art, Northwest University, Lanzhou, China.Solo Exhibition;2008 “Yang Zhichao Solo Exhibition”, Eastlink Gallery, Shanghai, China. Group Exhibitions; 2007 “P3 Project Performance – Paper – Project”, 52 Venice Biennale 2007, Venice, Italy. 2008 “55 Days in Valencia: Chinese Art Meeting”, Instituto Valenciano de Art Moderno (IVAM), Valencia, Spain Artworks Description This artworks is created in July 11, 2002 and cooperated by Ai Weiwei and Yang Zhaichao in Ai’s studio house in Caochangdi,Beijing. An object selected by Ai Weiwei and inserted into the right leg of Yang without removal.The object is secretable to public and lasted for 45 minutes.


The human body has always attracted Yang Zhichao’s attention. Our body has never belonged to ourselves less than it does today. Long ago, the body was a personal affair. When the heart or lung became diseased, the only thing we could do was to wait and see him become weak and die. Today, as every part of the body can be replaced and reformed, the nature of body changes thoroughly and has a connection with the whole manufacturing system of society. In this way, the body is no longer my own but belongs to society. The thought of a person also changes based on this.

艾未未 楊志超 (b.1957/1963 中國人) 藏 2002 攝影 框裝 120×100;120×120;120×120cm 附簽名,版數標注1/10


楊志超(b.1963),生於甘肅省。1986年畢業於甘肅省西北師範大學美術系;1998 年居北京。1986年獲西北師範大學學士學位,中國蘭州. 個展:2008年「楊志超 作品展」,東廊藝術,中國上海。 聯展:2007年 第五十二屆威尼斯雙年展獨 立項目:「P3行為──紙──計劃」,意大利威尼斯。2008年 「在瓦倫西亞55 天」──中國當代藝術展,現代藝術博物館,西班牙瓦倫西亞 。

身體一直是楊志超關注的對象。我們的身體從來沒有像今天這樣更加不屬於我 們自己。在很久以前,身體只是個人的事。一個人的心臟或是肺出了問題時, 只能看著他消耗、死亡。今天,當身體的一切都可以替代和重造時,身體的性 質徹底變化了,它和社會所有的生產系統都會發生關係。所以,今天的身體已 不是我個人的,而是社會的。人的思想也由於這種變化產生了。

作品簡介 時間︰2002. 7. 11。地點︰北京草場地村老艾工作室。此行為作品為艾未未和楊 合作進行。由艾未未選擇一件物體,通過手術將此物植入楊的右腿內,不再取 出。物體的性質艾未未對楊及他人保密。45分鐘。


Lot 127

AI WEIWEI / YANG ZHICHAO (b.1957/1963 Chinese) Shadow 2002 Photograph framed 160x120 cm; 160x120 cm; 120x160cm signed and numbered 2/10

Estimate HK$80,000-120,000

The primary concept and the way this works carried out fully expressed the clear, integral and simple language style of Yang Zhichao. As an artist, Yang Zhichao lives and performs, and art is only a special record of the way he exists. Almost all his works, including the earlier “Burial” in 1987, “Missionizing” in 1989 and “Professional mammy” from 1995 to 1996, were directly and truly involved with his personal experience and living environment. Artistic language in these works was the embodiment of thoughts and records, and the process of thinking and recording was the content of life. That avoids the possibility of affectation and ambiguousness in style and brings wise irony and shock of pain to the audience at the same time.

艾未未 楊志超 (b.1957/1963 中國人) 曬 2002 攝影 框裝 160x120 cm; 160x120 cm; 120x160cm 附簽名、版數標注2/10


楊志超作品的原始觀念和完成方式充分地體現出其清晰、完整和樸素的語言 風格。作為一個藝術家,楊志超生活著,行為著,藝術在這裡僅僅是存在方 式的特殊記錄。楊志超的幾乎所有作品,包括他較早的《葬》—1987,《傳 教》—1989,《職業保姆》1995—1996,均直接而率真地與他的個人經驗、生 活環境難解難分。藝術的語言在這些作品中是思考和記錄的方式再現。而這些 思考和記錄的過程又正是生活本身的內容。這致使這系列作品在風格上排除了 過於做作或含糊其詞的可能性,同時帶給觀眾以智慧的反諷和痛楚的震撼。



Lot 128


ZHANG DONGHONG (b.1967 Chinese)

張東紅 (b.1967 中國人)

Red 2001 oil on canvas 100×108cm signed in Chinese and English, dated on lower left

紅 2001 油彩布面 100×108cm 左下附中英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$70,000-90,000


Zhang Donghong(b.1967) was born in Jilin, graduated from the Art Institute of Fine Arts with a bachelor degree in 1992, in the same year he teaching at the Jilin Institute of Technology Department of Fine Arts, He set a Art Studio in Beijing in 1995, now he is a professional painter. Important exhibitions: 1996, Zhang Dong Hong Art Exhibition, Contemporary Asia-Pacific, Hong Kong. 1997, Zhang Dong Hong Art Exhibition, Dali Gallery, Shanghai.1998, Zhang Dong Hong Art Exhibition, Shijihanmo Art Gallery, Beijing.2000, Zhang Dong Hong Art Exhibition, guest galleries, Singapore.2001, Zhang Dong Hong Art Exhibition, guest Gallery, Singapore. 2005, East Red soft language, Ren Art Center, a joint exhibition in Beijing. 1994, Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, The Netherlands. 1995 Contemporary Art Exhibition.Berlin, Germany. Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition.Houston, USA. Today Art Museum in 2003, The first Youth Art Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing; Gallery Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum. 2004, Chinese artists Collection, London, UK. 2005 International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Italy. “Wild World” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Art East,Beijing.

張東紅(b.1967)生於吉林,1992畢業於吉林藝術學院美術系,獲學士學位,同年任教 於吉林工學院美術系,1995 在北京建立藝術工作室,現為職業畫家。展覽:1996 張東紅藝術展,當代亞太,香港。1997,張東紅藝術展,凡達利畫廊,上 海。1998張東紅藝術展,世紀瀚墨畫廊,北京。2000張東紅藝術展,客藝廊, 新加坡。2001張東紅藝術展,客藝廊,新加坡。2005東紅軟語,仁藝術中心, 北京聯合展覽。1994中國現代藝術展,荷蘭。1995當代藝術展,柏林,德國。 中國當代藝術展,休斯頓,美國。2003今日美術館首屆青年美展,今日美術 館,北京;畫廊邀請展,上海美術館。2004,中國藝術家收藏展,倫敦,英 國。2005國際當代藝術展,意大利。「江湖」當代藝術展,藝術東區,北京。

Lot 129

HWANG SOONIL (b.1970 Korean) Take One 2010 oil on canvas 97×162cm signed on the reverse

Estimate HK$78,000 - 130,000

黃淳一 (b.1970年 韓國人) 一個 2010 布面油畫 97X162cm 背面簽名

US$10,000 - 15,700


Lot 130

ZHAO XIAOJIA (b.1970 Chinese)

趙曉佳 (b.1970 中國人)

Manufactory 2000 oil on canvas framed 100x130cm signed in Chinese and dated on upper left

大工廠 2000 油彩布面 框裝 100x130cm 左上附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$120,000-160,000


Zhao Xiaojia(b.1970) was born in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province in 1970. Zhao is a member of the Liaoning Artists” Association, director of the Young Artists” Association of Liaoning and vice chairman of the Artists” Association in Jinzhou. Zhao studied oil painting at the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts between 1994 and 1997. In 1996, 1998 and 2000, she won gold prizes at the Youth Artworks Biennale in Liaoning province and in 1999; she won a Bronze Prize at the 9th National Art Exhibition. 2000 also saw her winning of Sliver Prize at the Liaoning Oil Painting Exhibition as well as being selected for the “Chinese Contemporary Art” exhibition, which took place in Japan. In 2001, she joined the 9th National Arts Exhibition, Korea, where her work was awarded and won the Silver Prize in “Love our Motherland”, a National Art Exhibition. As well as winning a Gold Prize in a National Art Exhibition in 2002, Zhao held her inaugural solo Exhibition. 2004 saw her small oil paintings exhibited in Shanghai and in the following year, she won an excellence award from the National Oil Painting Association for her participation in “Natural and Human – the 2nd Chinese Contemporary Landscape and Oil Painting Exhibition”.


趙曉佳(b.1970)遼寧省錦州市人。遼寧省美術家協會理事、遼寧省青年美術家協 會理事、錦州市美術家協會副主席、錦州市青年油畫協會主席。1994年至1997 年於魯迅美術學院學習油畫。師從韋爾申、王巖教授。1996、1998、2000年 連續三次獲遼寧省青年美術作品雙年展金獎。2000年獲遼寧省中小幅油畫展銀 獎。1999年獲第九屆全國美展銅獎。作品入選2000年現代中國美術作品展(日 本),2001年第九屆中國美術獲獎展(韓國)。2001年獲「愛我中華」全國美 術作品展銀獎。2002年獲「毛主席延安文藝作談會講話發表六十週年」全國美 展金獎。2002年舉辦趙曉佳作品展(上海),2004年趙曉佳小幅油畫作品展( 上海)。2005獲「自然與人——第二屆當代中國山水畫.油畫風景畫展」中國 油畫學會佳作獎。



Lot 133

TU HONGTAO (b.1976 Chinese)

屠宏濤 (b.1976 中國人)

Beginning of Dream 2008 oil on canvas 70×55cm signed in English and dated on the bottom Exhibited : “Phantasmic Paradise:Tu Hongtao’s Solo Exhibition” Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, C/Antonio Maura 7-Bajo Izda Literature : Phantasmic Paradise:Tu Hongtao’s Solo Exhibition 2008 P.100

夢想出發 2008 油彩布面 70x55cm 底部附英文簽名和日期 展覽:「幻覺樂園」屠宏濤個展,瑪吉畫廊 2008 出版:《幻覺樂園》2008 P.100

Estimate HK$70,000-90,000


Tu Hongtao(b.1976), born in Chengdu of Sichuan province, graduated in 1995: in the middle school attached to China Art College. In 1998 he won award of excellence of Li Zhongsheng foundation of Taiwan. In 1999 he graduated from department of oil painting of Chinese College of Art. Then he became a teacher in the department of department of design in Chengdu University; he is now living and working in Chengdu.

屠宏濤(b.1976)生於四川成都。1995年畢業於四川美院附中。1998年獲台灣 李仲生基金會優秀獎。1999年畢業於中國美院油畫系。任教於成都大學設計藝 術系,現工作生活於成都。參加展覽:1998年個展,中國美院油畫系。2001年「 上下左右」展,成都現代美術館。2002年「四川青年畫展」並獲獎。2003年「 四川油畫展」,四川省美術館。2003年「全國油畫展」,中國美術館。

1998: Sponsored his personal arts exhibition in department of oil painting in China College of Art.2001: Sponsored <All Around> exhibition in Chengdu Contemporary Art Gallery.2002: Participated in Sichuan Youth Arts Exhibition and won award.2003: Sponsored Sichuan Oil Painting Exhibition in Sichuan Provincial Arts Gallery.2003: Participated in The National Oil Painting Exhibition in China Arts Gallery.


Lot 134

LI CHAO (b.1988 Chinese) Monkey King 2010 oil on canvas 180×150cm signed on the reserve Exhibited : “Intrinity – The Confusion, Self Reflection and Insight in Li Chao’s Three-Panel Works”, 2010 Literature : Intrinity – The Confusion, Self Reflection and Insight in Li Chao’s Three-Panel Works, 2010

Estimate HK$90,000-120,000

Li Chao(b.1983)was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. In 2007, he graduated from Department of Murals and awarded Bachelor Degree in Central Academy of Fine Arts. Exhibitions: 2010 The First 798 Multimedia Art Festival,Beijing 798 Art Festival, Beijing; BrakingII, XI Concept, Beijing, China. 2009 Biennial Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; Self-preservation: Painting; Exhibition of CuiJie, Li Chao and Wang Yuanzheng, MageeArt Gallery, Beijing/ Madrid. 2008 Brake: Contemporary Art Exhibition; Segment Space/ Ming Yuan Art Center, Beijing/Shanghai; Landscape Topology, Magee Art Gallery,Beijing/China, Madrid/Spain. 2006 Cross-border: Contemporary Art Exhibition,Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; Only Child: Group Exhibition, Chinese Contemporary Gallery, 798 Art District,Beijing, China / London; Zooplankton Ecology: Interactive Video Art Exhibition, Beijing; Fold: Contemporary Art Exhibition, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; Artificial Happiness: Group Exhibition; International Art Camp of Suojia Village,Beijing, China / Israel Video & Film Space. 2004 Blink: Video Show, DDM Warehouse,Shanghai; Scratch: Chinese Contemporary Independent Films Exhibition, Beijing/Xi’an/Chongqing/ Suzhou/Hangzhou/Tianjin, China; T/M/D: The 3rd Changsha Contemporary Art Exhibition, Spring Left, Changsha, China.

李超 (b.1988 中國人) 齊天大聖 2010 油彩布面 180x150cm 背面附簽名 展覽:「仨位異體——李超三聯作中的困惑」伊比利亞當代藝術中心 2010 出版:《仨位異體——李超三聯作中的困惑》2010


李超(b.1983)出生於江蘇南京。2007年畢業於中央美術學院壁畫系,獲學士 學位。展覽:2010 第一屆798多媒體藝術節,北京798藝術節,北京798藝術 區,中國; 制動II,XI藝術空間,北京。2009 布拉格雙年展;存我:崔潔、 李超、王遠錚作品展,瑪吉畫廊,北京/馬德里,中國/西班牙;工作坊:藝術 家是如何工作的,伊比利亞當代藝術中心,北京.。2008 制動:當代藝術展, 段落空間/明圓藝術中心,北京/上海;風景的拓撲,瑪吉畫廊,北京/馬德 里。2006 越界:當代藝術展,中央美術學院,北京;獨生一代:群展,中國 當代畫廊。2005 浮游生態—影像互動藝術展,猜火車吧,北京;折:當代藝 術展,中央美術學院;製造的快感,北京索家村藝術營/以色列影像空間,中 國。2004 眨眼:錄像展,東大名藝術館,上海;劃痕:當代中國獨立影像展, 北京/西安/重慶/蘇州/杭州/天津,中國;T/M/D:第3屆長沙當代藝術展;左 岸春天,長沙,中國。



Lot 135


MA YANLING (b.1966 Chinese)

馬嬿泠 (b.1966 中國人)

Film Star No.2 2008 oil on canvas 100×70cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower right

電影明星 2號 2008 油彩布面 100×70cm 右下附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$55,000-80,000


Ma Yanling (b.1966) is a professional artist, currently lives and works in Beijing. Solo Exhibitions: 2007 Gun, Ma Yanling Performance Photography Exhibition, Beijing; Ma Yanling Works, Front Line Contemporary, Beijing; 2008 Tian’anmen, 798 Avant Gallery, U.S.A. Group Exhibitions: 2002, The Second Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao; 2003, Beads and Touches, Beijing Tokyo Art Project, Beijing; 2005, Inner Injury — Part One, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Marella Art Gallery, Italy; 2006, From Beijing — Photography Exhibition, U.S.A.; 2007, Among others, Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong; 2008 Beyond The Surface; Chinese Abstract Art, Museum De Arte De Macau.

馬嬿泠(b.1966)職業畫家,現居北京。個展:2007年,「槍-馬嬿泠行為攝影展」 北京記憶空間,北京;「馬嬿泠作品展」北京前進當代,北京;2008年 「天安 門」798Avant畫廊,美國。群展:2002年,「第二屆平遙國際攝影大展」, 平遙;2003年,「念珠與筆觸-平面藝術展」東京藝術工程,北京;2005年 「內傷-當代藝術展」瑪蕊樂畫廊,意大利;2006年,「來自北京-攝影展」先 鋒畫廊,美國;2007年,「眾裡.眾言-當代藝術展」para/site藝術空間,中國 香港;2008年「超以像外-抽像繪畫展」藝術博物館,中國澳門。 馬嬿泠的繪畫把個人情緒隱秘地融入到金鉤筆繪製的線條中,這種帶有書寫性 質的描畫,每一筆都反映了繪畫者的心緒起伏。線條組成的網淡淡地籠罩住 畫中人物,隔開了那些曾經或風華絕代或叱吒風雲的偶像與試圖一窺究竟的我 們。「雕欄玉砌應猶在,只是朱顏改」—儘管她們依然明眸皓齒,依然唇紅齒 白,但一切都風流雲散,任誰也無法繞開時光的流逝。我們只能透過馬嬿泠筆 下朦朧而又清晰的線條,在塵封的記憶裡懷戀她們的花樣年華,回顧有她們陪 伴的那個時代。


Lot 137


PAN DEHAI (b.1956 Chinese)

潘德海 (b.1956年 中國人)

Red Years 1995 oil on canvas 100×70cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower right

紅色年代 1995 油彩布面 100×70cm 右下附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$220,000-300,000


Pan Dehai(b.1956), born in Siping City of Jilin province, graduated in 1982 from the Department of Art of Northeast Normal University.Solo exhibition: 1994: held in Gede College in Beijing.Group exhibition:2000: Contemporary Asia Art Exhibition held in Contemporary Art Gallery, London.1999: 2000 Art Exhibition held in Arc Cardir of France.1996: “Reality, Today and Tomorrow” held in Beijing International Art Garden.1993: Exhibition of “Mao, Walking Towards Bope” held in Australia Art Gallery and Melbourne Art Gallery; “Late 8 New Art Exhibition held in Hong Kong Art Center.1991: Oil Painting Exhibition held in China History Museum; “China Contemporary Literature Material Exhibition” held in Beijing China Arts Gallery.1989: “ The 7th National Arts Exhibition” held in Beijing China Art Gallery and won award; “China Modern Art Exhibition” held in Beijing China Art Gallery;1988: “China Modern Art Exhibition” held in Chengdu China Art Gallery;1986: Organized and joined “Southwest Art Investigation Group”

潘德海(b.1956)生於吉林省四平市。1982年畢業於東北師範大學美術系。參 加展覽: 1994年北京歌德學院。2000年英國倫敦,當代藝術畫廊「亞洲當代藝 術展」。1999年法國亞克卡迪爾「2000年藝術展」。1996 年北京國際藝苑美術 館「現實、今天和明天」。1993年澳大利亞美術館及墨爾本美術館「毛」「走 向波普」展 ,香港藝術中心「後8新藝術展」。1991年中國歷史博物館「油畫 年展」北京中國畫院「中國當代文獻資料展」。1989 年北京中國美術館「第七 屆全國美展」並獲獎 北京中國美術館「中國現代藝術展」。1988 年成都美術館 「88年中國現代藝術展」。1986 年曾組織參與「西南藝術研究群體」。

Lot 138

DAI PINGJUN (b.1978 Chinese)

戴平均 (b.1978年 中國人)

Triangle 2010 oil on canvas 175×175cm signed on the reserve

三角形 2010 油彩布面 175×175cm 背面附簽名

Estimate HK$350,000-500,000


Dai Pingjun (b. 1978) is a native of Pingjiang, Hunan, graduated from Yueyang Fine Arts School in 1995. He finished his studies at Department of Oil Painting of CAFA. He took part in Hong Kong Spring Arts Saloon Exhibition every year from 2003 to 2005 and “Retrospect & Prospect” Oil Painting Collection Exhibition in Hunan, 2006. He held his solo oil painting show in Hong Kong in 2006 and participated in Realistic Oil Painting Selections in 798 Art Zone of Beijing in 2007.

戴平均(b.1978)湖南平江人。1995年畢業於岳陽美術專科學校。1999年結業 於中央美術學院油畫系。2003-2005年參加香港每年春季藝術沙龍展。2006年, 湖南「回望與前瞻」油畫集合展。2006年在香港舉辦個人油畫展。2007年參加 北京798寫實油畫精品展。


Lot 139

AN KUN (b.1968 Chinese) Petty Bourgeois-My Friend Xu By the Lake 2010 oil on canvas 160×100cm signed in Chinese and English, dated on the reverse

Estimate HK$50,000-80,000

KunAn(b.1968)born in Jiangsu Province and graduated from Suzhou Art&DesignTechnology Institute in 1990. Wentto Central Academy of Fine Art for further study,1994. Now live in Beijing as a professional painter. Exhibition: 2010 The Second Oufa Art Festival 2010, Shangshang gallery, Beijing; Contemporary Oil Painting Group Exhibition 2010,Art+Shanghai Gallery; Contemporary Art Group Exhibition 2010, ArtCenter M50,7Mount Mogan, Shanghai. 2009 “MOVING”Chinese Contemporary Art Group Exhibition 2009,Britain; Basel Art festival 2009, Switzerland. 2008 08Contemporary Art Exhibition, Beijing; Group Exhibition of Four people 2008, Soemo Gallery; Universe Contemporary Oil Painting Group Exhibition 2008, Art Area 798 &Art+ BeijingGallery, Beijing; ARTCang Contemporary Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition 2008,Beijing; EarlySpring Feburary Artist Group Exhibition 2008. 2007 Open Exhibition of Gallery of Art+Shanghai 2007,Shanghai; The3rd Song zhuang International Art Festival Artists Exhibition 2007,Beijing. 2006 Group Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Artists. 2005 Shanghai Art Exposition 2005,Shanghai. JiangsuFigureOil Painting Exhibition 2004, Nanjing. Sun Art Action Exhibition 2003, Nanjing. Figure Oil Painting Exhibition 2002, Jiangsu.

安堃 (b.1968年 中國人) 我的小資朋友-旭 在湖邊 2010 油彩布面背 160x100cm 面附中英文簽名和日期


安坤(b.1968)江蘇人。1990年 畢業於蘇州工藝美院,1994年 在中央美院油畫系,現居北京。展覽:2010 第二屆偶發藝術 節,上上美術館,北京;當代油畫聯展,藝術+上海畫廊,上 海;當代藝術聯展上海莫干山M50,7藝術中心。2009 「MOVING」中國當代藝術聯展,英國;巴塞爾藝術節,瑞士;08當代 藝術展,北京;四人油畫聯展,蘇蒙畫廊,北京;宇宙當代油 畫聯展,798藝術區art藝術+Beijing畫廊;ART倉當代油畫邀請 展;早春二月藝術家聯展,北京。2007 art藝術+shanghai畫廊開 幕展,上海;第三屆宋莊國際藝術節藝術家大展;中國當代藝 術家聯展 798藝術區。2005 上海藝術博覽會,上海。2004 江蘇 人物油畫展,南京。2003 曬太陽行為藝術展,南京。2002年個 人油畫作品展,江蘇。



Lot 140

ZHANG JIAN (b.1968 Chinese)

章劍 (b.1968年 中國人)

Chang’an Avenue 2006 oil on canvas 160x140cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower right

長安街 2006 油彩布面 160x140cm 右下附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$100,000-150,000


Zhang Jian (b.1968) was born in Beijing. In 1993, he graduated from the CAFA, Wall Painting Department. In 1995 he participated in a Three-Men International Art Exhibition. In 1997, his work “Sweet Career” earned him a nomination for outstanding work in the “Walking Towards a New Century-Chinese Young Oil Painters Exhibition. In 1998 participated in The 9th National Art Exhibition held in National Art Museum of China in Beijing. In 1999, his work, “Days of Bright Sunshine” was selected to be exhibited in “Beijing Celebrates 50th Year of The Republic: Scrolls, Photography, and the 9th National Art Exhibition”, In that same year, he participated in “ The New Visions” joint exhibition. In 2001 participated in “Dialogue-Chinese Modern Art Tour Exhibition”, held in Padova Youth Museum in Italy.

章劍(b.1968)生於北京。1993年畢業於中央美術學院壁畫系。參展及獲獎:1995 年國際藝苑入境三人展。1997年走向新世紀—中國青年油畫展,作品《甜蜜事 業》獲優秀獎提名。1998年第九屆全國美展,中國美術館,北京;1999年北 京市慶祝建國50週年:書法、攝影展;第九屆全國美展;作品《陽光燦爛的日 子》入選;新銳的目光聯展;2001年對話-中國現代藝術巡迴展,意大利帕多瓦 青年博物館。

Zhang Jian was born in the 1960s in Beijing. Most of his works deliver the feeling of “born here and grow up here”, without any restrictions. Audience can strongly and clearly feel the mood of youth from Zhang’s works. This is an unfettered state, a calm and leisure gaze. What he painted is all about him and forms an autobiographical description of himself. Zhang’s techniques are also free and leisure. Often, some occasional brushes are the most successful part of the painting. In fact, the painter never limited his attention on the intentional perfection of the painting; instead, he tries to keep his unique style of “free brush”. This painting was a typical piece of Zhang Jian’s Sentimental Youth series, Zhang Jian represents the carefree life of the new generation born in the 1970’s, all fortunate to be immersed in a beautiful world, and let people feel the dream and power of youth. The obscured images in the pictures have already been detached from the images as they appeared in reality, and have all become an ultimate symbolic force. They represent the artist’s past, his memories and his personal experiences. They also symbolize the cultural viewpoint of our times.


在六十年代出生於北京的章劍的作品,大都有「生於斯,長於斯」的感覺,畫 面沒有任何約束。章劍畫的人都能明確而強烈地感受到他畫中的青春氣息,這 是一種無拘無束的狀態,一種神定氣閒的凝眸。他畫的皆有關於自己,並組織 成「我」之自傳體的描述。章劍的技法也自由從容,而一些偶然性的神來之筆 常常也是畫面中最出彩的地方。事實上,畫家從未僅僅專注於畫面的刻意完 善,卻保留了那份特有的「漫寫」風格。 章劍的畫是一種典型的「青春感傷」作品,他反映的是他們七十年代出生的「 新生代」的生活,無憂無慮,一切都沉浸在那種美好而又祥和的世界裡,也讓 人們切實的感受到那種青春的夢想與力量。畫面上,模糊的圖像已經超脫了現 實圖像的本身,而成為了一種終極的象徵性力量。它們象徵著藝術家的過去、 記憶和體驗,也象徵著時代的文化判斷。


Lot 141

CHO JUNGWHA (b.1967 Korean)


廷和 (b.1967年 韓國人)

Audrey Hepburn-My Fair Lady 2008 acrylic on polycoat 45×14×81(h)cm (edition of 5) signed on the reverse

奧黛麗 赫本 -《窈窕淑女》 2008 聚酯,丙烯 45x14x81(h)cm (edition of 5) 背面簽名

Estimate HK$32,000 - 46,000

US$4,100 - 5,900

Lot 142

LIU XINGTAO (b.1968 Chinese)

劉興濤 (b.1968年 中國人)

The Night Market 2006 oil on canvas 150×200 signed in English and dated on lower right

夜市 2006 油彩布面 150×200 右下附英文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$70,000-90,000


Liu Xingtao (b.1968) was born in Xichang, Sichuan Province. He graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and awarded Bachelor Degree. Then he was a lecturer in Leshan College of Fine Arts.

劉興濤(b.1968)生於四川西昌,1992年畢業於四川美術學院並獲學士學位, 同年分配到樂山師專美術系任教,現為樂山師專美術系講師。


Lot 143


NOBUYOSHI ARAKI (b.1940 Japanese)

荒木經惟 (b.1940 日本人)

Works (set of 12) color polaroid framed each10.9x8.9cm each signed

作品 彩色寶麗來 框裝 each10.9x8.9cm 分別附簽名

Estimate HK$30,000 - 50,000

US$3,800 - 6,410

Lot 144

NOBUYOSHI ARAKI (b.1940 Japanese)

荒木經惟 (b.1940 日本人)

Flower, Yamorinksi and bondaged woman 2006/2008 C-print framed 128x102cm signed on the reverse, with certificate

花,Yamorinksi與女奴 2006/2008 c-印刷 框裝 128x102cm 背面有簽名,附證書

Estimate HK$50,000 - 80,000

US$6,410 - 10,300


Lot 145


TAKASHI MURAKAMI (b.1962 Japanese)

村上隆 (b.1962年 日本人)

Project Ko2 1999 acrylic on F.R.P 15x15x50(h)cm (edition of 200)

計劃 Ko2 1999 F.R.P, 丙烯 15x15x50(h)cm (edition of 200)

Estimate HK$36,000 - 57,000

US$4,500 - 7,300

Lot 146

Takashi Murakami (b.1962 Japanese) Inochi doll / Version:Bob, Yamamoto, David, Zhang, Victor 2009 Body: ABS and NP-PVC / Head: Iron plate / Uniform: Cotton and Polyester, Nylon / Shoes: Soft vinyl /School bag: Artificial leather Metal /Cap: Cotton, Artificial leather, NP-PVC, Magnet and Metal each 15×9×37(h)cm, 5 pieces edition :bob(59/200), yamamoto(51/200), david(42/200), Zhang(42/200), victor(42/200) with certificate

Estimate HK$72,000 - 140,000

村上隆 (b.1962年 日本人) 娃娃 2009 混合材料 each 15x9x37(h)cm,5 pieces 有保證書

US$9,100 - 17,900


Lot 147

YANG FAN (b.1972)

楊帆 (b.1972)

Spring Blossoms 2005 oil on canvas 160×140cm signed in Chinese and dated on lower right

春暖花開 2005 油彩布面 160x140cm 右下附中文簽名和日期

Estimate HK$60,000-80,000


Yang Fan (b.1972) was born in Jieyang, Guangdong. In 1996, she graduated from the Department of Lithography, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Held a solo exhibition in 2003, Beijing. Group exhibitions: 1998, Replicate Character; 1999, Popular Images of the 90s, Shanghai; 2000, New Generation and Century, Guangzhou; Changing Centuries - 2000 Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Chengdu; Guangdong Oil Painting Exhibition; 2001, Language of the City - Contemporary Art of the Zhujiang Triangle, Shenzhen; Boy Girl, Singapore, Kunming; Chinese Contemporary Artists Group Exhibition, Shanghai; Dialogue-Chinese Youth Artists Fine Arts Exhibition, Italy; 2002, the 16th Asia International Art Exhibition, Guangzhou; 2005, Naughty Kids: the Chinese New Generation Born after 1970, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen.

楊帆(b.1972)生於廣東揭陽。1996年畢業於廣州美術學院版畫系。個展:2003 年,北京。參加展覽:1998年「複數·個性」聯展;1999年「九十年代流行圖 像展」,上海;2000年「後生代與新世紀藝術展」,廣州;「轉世時代—2000 中國當代藝術展」,成都;廣東油畫大展;2001年「城市俚語—珠江三角洲的 當代藝術」,深圳;「男孩.女孩」,新加坡、昆明;「中國神話當代藝術家 聯展」,上海;「對話—中國青年藝術展」,意大利;2002年第十六屆「亞洲 國際藝術展」,廣州;2005年「壞孩子的天空—七零後出生的問題少年」展, 北京、上海、深圳。

Yang Fan’s subjects are the young generation of people that are from the immediate surrounding. Full of features from the current times, they are fashionable, pretty, and seem to be thinking about something. Sometimes they seem to not think about anything. One of the obvious features of the artists of the new generation born in China after 1970 is that they care a lot about personal inner experience. They always create language and form according to their personal experience. In this self-reflection environment, artists can always fully and precisely express themselves.


楊帆的作品直接以身邊青春一族、新新人類為描繪對象,時尚、漂亮、若有所 思又好像什麼也沒想,充滿著時代氣息。70年代以後在中國出生的新一代藝術 家們,明顯的特徵是十分注重個人的內心經驗,他們總以個體的經驗反映創作 語言與形式。在這個自我營照的世界裡,術家總能充分地準確地表達自己。

Beijing Hanhai Auction


80 East Liulichang, Xicheng District,


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電話:+86-10-6401 8720

TEL +86-10-6401 8720

傳真:+86-10-6401 8720

FAX +86-10-6401 8720

K Auction Art Tower, 640-6 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-896 TEL +82-2-3479-8888 FAX +82-2-3479-8800

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