Larasati Singapore, 12 March 2011

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singapore, 12 March 2011


Traditional, Modern & Contemporary Art

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Important notIce The

names of The arTisTs documenTed in This

caTalog should noT be considered as unqualified aTTribuTions To The arTisTs named.


aTTribuTions To any arTisT or daTe have noT been inTended.




scholarship in The field of

souTheasT asian

arT does noT

permiT unqualified sTaTemenTs as To auThorship or daTe of execuTion.


none of

The properTy in This caTalog is subjecT To any guaranTee of auThenTiciTy and all of The properTy is sold “as is” wiTh all imperfecTions, incompleTeness, faulTs and errors of descripTion in accordance wiTh The


condiTions of business.

assisTance offered by


sTaff To a

buyer in selecTing a loT To purchase is given wiThouT prejudice To The above.



recommended To Take independenT professional advice on selecTion of purchases.


accepT no responsibiliTy should currency

exchange flucTuaTions cause major differences in values ThaT have been quoTed in This caTalog.

This sale has been organized in close cooperaTion beTween l arasaTi and a rTs and a nTique g roup .

ISBN 978-979-3774-27-5

Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Traditional, Modern & Contemporary Art Larasati, Singapore, 12 March 2011 Copyright © 2011 PT Balai Lelang Larasati

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Larasati.

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Jakarta, Indonesia: PT Balai Lelang Larasati 2011 pp. 21 x 27 cm includes index and biographies of artists I.Paintings - Asia. II. Painters - Asia. III. Title

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Saturday, 12 March 2011 starting at 2 pm at ONE EAST Artspace 30 Bideford Road #03-02 Thong Sia Building Singapore 229922 Viewing Thursday, 10 March 2011 Friday, 11 March 2011

2 pm - 9 pm 11 am - 9 pm

at Peony Junior Ballroom 4411 & 4412 Level 4, Sands Expo & Convention Centre Marina Bay Sands, 10 Bayfront Avenue Singapore 018956

Sale Code

In sending written bids or making enquiries, this sale should be referred to as “SAte” The sale will be conducted in English. Bidding is carried out in Singapore Dollars. Please note that all US Dollar estimates are for reference only. US$ 1 = S$ 1.27 All sales are subject to the conditions printed in catalog and the buyer’s attention is drawn to this information.

in collaboration with:

Correspondence address: Singapore: Thong Sia Building 30 Bideford Road #03 - 02 Singapore 229922 t. +65 6737 2130 f. +65 6737 1859

Indonesia: Jl. Pasuruan no. 9 Menteng, Jakarta 10310 Indonesia t. +62 21 315 8636, 315 6110 +62 855 101 5778 f. +62 21 3989 9533

i n f o @ l a ra sa t i . c o m w w w. l a ra sa t i . c o m Insights - Connections - Expertise

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contents guide for prospecTive buyers


bidder regisTraTion form


TradiTional, modern & conTemporary arT


index of arTisTs


biography of The arTisTs


absenTee / wriTTen bid form


guide for absenTee bidders


condiTions of business for buyers


condiTions of business for seller


saleroom & offices


Front Cover: lot 90, Lee Man Fong, Satay Seller Back Cover: lot 33, Hendra Gunawan, Gembala Kerbau Insights - Connections - Expertise

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GuIde for prospectIve Buyers Buying at Auction The following pages are designed to give you useful information on how to buy at Larasati Muse Investments Pte. Ltd - herein referred to as LARASATI - fine art auction. Buyer’s Premium A buyer’s premium is payable by the buyer of each lot at a rate of 20% on the first S$ 500,000 of the hammer price of the lot and at a rate of 12% on the amount by which the hammer price of the lot exceeds S$ 500,000. GST at the appropriate rate is payable on the hammer price and premium. These charges are explained in detail under Larasati’s charges and GST at the back of this catalog.

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LARASATI Traditional, Modern & Contemporary Art

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TradiTiOnaL, MOdern & COnTeMpOrary arT Singapore, 12 March 2011 starting at 2 pm LOT # 1 - 90

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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TradiTiOnaL BaLineSe painTingS Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Tegallinggah, Bali, Indonesia, 1905 - 1998)

Tari Keris

1994 acrylic on canvas 75 x 100 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 2,800 - 3,500 uS$ 2,200 - 2,700 Literature: Bali: Nature and Figuration, Illustrated, p. 23 Exhibition: “Ceremony 60 - Masterpieces of Chinese Brushpaintings & Selected Balinese Traditional Paintings”, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta, 16 - 21 September 2010.


(b. Bitera, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1933)

Sacred Ceremony 2000 acrylic on canvas 70 x 50 cm signed (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500

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(b. Batuan, Bali, Indonesia, 1929)

Pemain Musik Upacara acrylic on canvas 60 x 80 cm

signed (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 1,800 - 2,500 uS$ 1,400 - 1,900 Literature: Bali: Nature and Figuration. Illustrated, p. 28. Exhibition: “Ceremony 60 - Masterpieces of Chinese Brush Paintings & Selected Balinese Traditional Paintings”, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta, 16 - 21 September 2010.


(Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1936 - 2010)

Berenang-renang 2008 acrylic on canvas 80 x 60 cm

signed (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 2,800 - 3,500 uS$ 2,200 - 2,700 Literature: Bali: Nature and Figuration. Illustrated, p. 29. Exhibition: “Ceremony 60 - Masterpieces of Chinese Brush Paintings & Selected Balinese Traditional Paintings”, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta, 16 - 21 September 2010.

4 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Peliatan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1945)

Arja Dancers 2007

acrylic on canvas

125 x 75 cm signed (lower centre), signed and dated (verso)

S$ 4,000 - 5,000 uS$ 3,100 - 3,900 Exhibition: Soaring Spirit, The Heart and Soul of Traditional Balinese Paintings, Neka Museum, Bali, 22 July - 22 August 2007. Illustrated in colour on exhibition catalogue, p. 45


6 RAKA PuDJA, ANAK AGuNG GDE (b. Penestanan, Bali, Indonesia, 1952)

Market in Bali 2002

acrylic on canvas

90 x 60 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500

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(b. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1952)


2000 acrylic on canvas 65 x 90 cm signed and dated (lower right), inscribed, signed and dated (verso)

S$ 9,000 - 12,000 uS$ 7,000 - 9,400 Exhibition: Songs of Ubud, Agung Rai Museum, Bali, 19 June - 11 July 2010. Illustrated in colour on exhibition catalogue, p. 58

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Batuan, Bali, Indonesia, 1913 - 1989)

Bali Life

acrylic on canvas 129 x 68,3 cm signed (lower right)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 uS$ 4,700 - 6,200 Provenance: Private Collection, Holland

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9 SOBRAT, ANAK AGuNG GEDE (Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1911 - 1992)

Suasana Kampung Bali 1991 acrylic on canvas 125 x 85 cm signed (lower left)

S$ 17,000 - 20,000 uS$ 13,300 - 15,700 This lot is accompanied with certificate of authenticity from family of the artist. Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Tebesaya, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1966)

Barong Dance

1996 acrylic on canvas 47 x 58 cm signed (lower right); signed and dated (verso)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500 Exhibition: Songs of Ubud, Agung Rai Museum, Bali, 19 June - 11 July 2010. Illustrated in colour on exhibition catalogue, p. 90

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11 KAyuN, I NyOMAN

(b. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1954)

Kusir Dokar

2007 acrylic on canvas 40 x 70 cm signed (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 uS$ 4,700 - 6,200 Exhibition: Soaring Spirit, The Heart and Sould of Traditional Balinese Paintings, Neka Museum, Bali, 22 July - 22 August 2007. Illustrated in colour on exhibition catalogue, p. 45

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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12 RAKA PuDJA, ANAK AGuNG GDE (b. Penestanan, Bali, Indonesia, 1952)

Ceremony in Bali 2006 acrylic on canvas 120 x 180 cm

signed and dated (lower left)

S$ 30,000 - 40,000 uS$ 23,600 - 31,400

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Tegallinggah, Bali, Indonesia, 1905 - 1998)

Bali Landscape

tempera on board 64 x 80 cm inscribed (verso): “Ida Bgs Md Nadera, Tegallinggah”

S$ 3,500 - 4,500 uS$ 2,700 - 3,500

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Mr. ajip rOSidi (LOT 14 - 28)



(Hutagadong, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1927 - 1986)

Kuda Gunung 1979 oil on canvas 67 x 100 cm

signed and dated (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 1,800 - 2,500 uS$ 1,400 - 1,900

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(Pariaman, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1928 - 1994)

Topeng Topeng

1991 acrylics on canvas 65 x 90 cm signed and dated (upper left)

S$ 3,500 - 4,500 uS$ 2,700 - 3,500

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Pariaman, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1928 - 1994)

(Pariaman, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1928 - 1994)

1987 oil on canvas 64 x 89 cm

1968 pastels on paper 39 x 55 cm

signed and dated (lower left)

signed and dated (lower left)

S$ 4,000 - 5,000 uS$ 3,100 - 3,900

S$ 1,000 - 1,500 uS$ 780 - 1,100


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(Pariaman, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1928 - 1994)

Irama Alam

1964 acrylics on canvas 70 x 50 cm signed and dated (lower left)

S$ 2,500 - 3,500 uS$ 1,900 - 2,700


(Pariaman, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1928 - 1994)

Jala Ikan 18

1985 oil on canvas 64 x 94 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 4,000 - 5,000 uS$ 3,100 - 3,900

19 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Padang, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1919 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1985)

Awan Berarak 1975 oil on canvas 63 x 93 cm

signed and dated (lower left)

S$ 2,000 - 3,000 uS$ 1,500 - 2,300


(Padang, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1919 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1985)


1974 oil on canvas 105 x 74 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 2,000 - 3,000 uS$ 1,500 - 2,300

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(b. Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1908)


1961 oil on canvas 59 x 72 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100


(b. Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1908)

The Swan

oil on canvas 72 x 52 cm signed (lower right)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100

23 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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24 RuSLI

(Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1916 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2005)


1982 oil on canvas 50 x 65 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100

25 RuSLI

(Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1916 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2005)


1979 oil on canvas 50 x 65 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100

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26 RuSLI

(Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1916 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2005)

At the Temple Entrance 1982 oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100

27 RuSLI

(Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1916 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2005)

The Boats

1982 oil on canvas 50 x 65 cm 26

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100

27 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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indOneSian MOdern arT

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Garut, W. Java, Indonesia, 1927 - Bandung, W. Java, Indonesia, 2000)


1973 oil on canvas 90 x 100 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500

29 RuSLI

(Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1916 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2005)

Landscape Kaliurang 1968 oil on canvas 40 x 50 cm 28

signed with artist’s monogram and dated (lower right)

S$ 4,000 - 5,000 uS$ 3,100 - 3,900


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(b. Solo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1938)


oil on canvas 90 x 100 cm signed and dated (lower left), inscribed and dated (verso)

S$ 7,500 - 10,000 uS$ 5,900 - 7,800 This lot is accompanied with certificate of authenticity from the artist.



(b. Purwodadi, C. Java, Indonesia, 1938)

Menjelang Pentas 2000 oil on canvas 60 x 50 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 1,500 - 2,000 uS$ 1,100 - 1,500

31 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Kisaran, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1986)

Pacitan Beach 1979 oil on canvas 60 x 110 cm

signed with the artist’s monogram, inscribed and dated (upper left), signed (lower right)

S$ 27,000 - 37,000 uS$ 21,200 - 29,100 Provenance: Private collection, Central Java, Indonesia

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Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Bandung, Indonesia, 1918 - Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 1983)

Gembala Kerbau oil on canvas 73 x 135 cm

signed (lower right)

S$ 60,000 - 80,000 uS$ 47,200 - 62,900 Provenance: Property of the co-founder of OASIS Restaurant, Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Bandung, Indonesia, 1918 - Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 1983)


1980 oil on canvas 80 x 140 cm signed and dated (lower left)

S$ 90,000 - 120,000 uS$ 70,000 - 94,000 Provenance: Private collection, Singapore.

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Insights - Connections - Expertise

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arie SMiT - The Living Legend prOperTy


MaTThiaS TauCherT (LOT 35 & 36)

These pictures were taken in February 1958 in Puncak showing Han Snel, Arie Smit and Mr. Matthias’ parents chatting by the swimming pool. At the time, due to the political tensions between Indonesia and The Netherlands, both Arie Smit and Han Snel had to leave Indonesia because the government would not extend their staying permit. Smit and Snel asked Mr. Matthias’ father to help them talk to the authority to renew their visa. Back then his father worked as surgeon at PMI Hospital in Bogor and regularly met President Sukarno at the Presidential Palace there. The present lots were gifts from Arie Smit to Mr. Matthias’ parents as his token of appreciation and friendship.

Arie Smit and Han Snel talking with parents of Mathias Tauchert (Photo courtesy of Mathias Tauchert)

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(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

In front of the Temple ca. 1950s oil on cardboard 20 x 40 cm signed (lower left)

S$ 2,500 - 3,500 uS$ 1,900 - 2,700


(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

Playing by the Beach ca. 1950s oil on cardboard 19 x 23 cm

signed (lower right)

S$ 1,200 - 1,800 uS$ 940 - 1,400 36 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

Pohon-pohon Kelapa 1992 acrylic on canvas 31.5 x 46 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500


(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

Bali Scene

2004 acrylic on canvas 27 x 32 cm signed and dated (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 4,500 - 6,000 uS$ 3,500 - 4,700 This lot is accompanied with certificate of authenticity from the artist & Neka Museum, Bali.

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(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

The Temple in the Hill 2009 acrylic on canvas 40 x 50 cm

signed and dated (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 7,000 - 10,000 uS$ 5,500 - 7,800 This lot is accompanied with certificate from the artist.

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916)

Balinese Village and Farm Lands 1991 acrylic on canvas 78 x 91 cm

signed and dated (lower right); inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 35,000 - 45,000 uS$ 27,500 - 35,400

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Contemporary art

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Captain Hook

Salvador Dali

(b. Korea, 1966)

(b. Korea, 1966)

2010 steel, edition no. 2/6 67 x 37 x 20 cm

2010 steel, edition no. 5/6 67 x 22 x 29 cm

stamped and dated (bottom right of base)

stamped and dated (bottom right of base)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100

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43 LE Quy TONG

(b. Hanoi, Vietnam, 1977)

Face Series #4 2008 oil on canvas 120 x 100 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500



(b. Pemalang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1982)

Expression #10 2010 oil on canvas 80 x 100 cm

signed and dated (lower left)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 uS$ 4,700 - 6,200 44 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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45 PuRWA, IDA BAGuS PuTu (b. Sanur, Bali, Indonesia, 1977)


2010 acrylic on canvas 200 x 200 cm signed and dated (lower right), inscribed (verso)

S$ 3,000 - 4,000 uS$ 2,300 - 3,100


(b. Magelang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1968)


Balance of Life

1999 acrylic on canvas 60 x 130 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 2,000 - 3,000 uS$ 1,500 - 2,300


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(b. Korea, 1973)

Between Tiers - Cars 67 2010

mixed media

81 x 122 cm signed, titled in Korean and English, and dated (verso)

S$ 9,000 - 12,000 uS$ 7,000 - 9,400


(b. Nakhonratchasima, Thailand, 1976)

After Rain

2010 watercolour on paper 50 x 70 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 1,500 - 1,700 uS$ 1,100- 1,300 48 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1972)

The 39 Steps 2009 oil on canvas 120 x 145 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 1,500 - 2,000 uS$ 1,100 - 1,500


(b. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1978)

After Work

2008 oil on canvas 110 x 120 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500 50

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51 NGuyEN THANH BINH (b. Hanoi, Vietnam, 1954)

Horses Race 2010 oil on canvas 100 x 130 cm

signed and dated (upper right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1979)

Mari Tumbuhkan Kebersamaan 2010 oil on canvas 145 x 180 cm

signed and dated (lower right), inscribed (verso)

S$ 1,800 - 2,500 uS$ 1,400 - 1,900

53 WIBISONO, FAzAR A. R. (b. Bandung, Indonesia, 1981)

Battle for the Sun 2010 acrylic on canvas 120 x 160 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 4,000 - 5,000 uS$ 3,100 - 3,900 53

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54 PALGuNA, I MADE ARyA (b. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1976)

Olim Meminisse Iuvabit 2008 acrylic on canvas 200 x 300 cm

signed and dated (lower left), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 uS$ 4,700 - 6,200

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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55 SuJANA “KENyEM”, NyOMAN (b. Sayan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1972)

Menuju Damai

2007 mixed media on canvas 200 x 200 cm signed and dated (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500

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56 SuTAWIJAyA, PuTu (b. Bali, Indonesia, 1971)

Rhythm of Life

2004 acrylic on canvas 60 x 150 (triptych) each signed and dated

S$ 7,000 - 10,000 uS$ 5,500 - 7,800

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1971)

Antara Yang Besar dan Yang Kecil 2002 oil on canvas 100 x 130 cm

signed and dated (upper right)

S$ 4,500 - 6,000 uS$ 3,500 - 4,700

58 ROHAN CHANDRACHuD (b. Pune, India, 1986)

Breaking Bread, Watching ‘Crumble’ 2007 oil on canvas 122 x 122 cm signed

S$ 7,000 - 10,000 uS$ 5,500 - 7,800 58

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59 PINTOR SIRAIT (b. Germany, 1962)

a. Playboy b. Democracy c. Target 2009 stainless steel a. ed. 7 of 25; b. ed. 8 of 25; c. ed. 5 of 25 each 64 x 29 x 17 cm each signed, dated and numbered

S$ 12,000 - 15,000 uS$ 9,400 - 11,800

59 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Pariaman, W. Sumatera, Indonesia, 1974)

Sleep #2

2007 acrylic on canvas 100 x 120 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 4,000 - 5,000 uS$ 3,100 - 3,900


(b. Bukittinggi, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1980)

No. 14

2008 acrylic on canvas 120 x 120 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500

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(b. Daegu, Korea, 1967)

Light Wind

2010 oil on canvas 33 x 73 cm signed (lower right)

S$ 1,800 - 2,500 uS$ 1,400 - 1,900

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1971)

My Neverland

2010 acrylic on canvas 110 x 80 cm signed and dated (lower right), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 2,800 - 3,500 uS$ 2,200 - 2,700

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(b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1971)

Neverland Dinosaurus 2010 acrylic on canvas 120 x 120 cm

signed and dated (lower left), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 uS$ 4,700 - 6,200

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1971)

My City, My Fantasy 2010 acrylic on canvas 150 x 150 cm

signed and dated (lower left), inscribed and signed (verso)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 uS$ 4,700 - 6,200

65 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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66 KIM JIN-KyOuNG (b. Seoul, S. Korea)

Cake Puppet 2008 oil on canvas 130 x 97 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 5,000 - 7,000 uS$ 3,900 - 5,500


(b. Korea, 1967)


2008 acrylic on canvas 60 x 60 cm S$ 7,000 - 10,000 uS$ 5,500 - 7,800

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68 AyAKO ROKAKu (b. Japan, 1982)


2006 acrylic on canvas 162 x 130 cm signed and dated (reverse)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 US$ 4,700 - 6,200



(b. Kangnung, Korea, 1968)

Boy and Dog 082

charcoal and ink on traditional Korean paper 74 x 52 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 4,700 - 6,700 uS$ 3,700 - 5,200 69 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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TaKaShi MuraKaMi

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70 TAKASHI MuRAKAMI (b. Japan, 1962)


2003 offset lithography 4c process with white (UV ) 65.6 x 99.9 cm signed, dated and numbered 20/300 (lower right)

S$ 2,500 - 3,500 uS$ 1,900 - 2,700

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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71 TAKASHI MuRAKAMI (b. Japan, 1962)

a. Kaikai Kiki & Me

2009 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish 68 x 68 cm signed, dated and numbered 227/300 (lower right)

b. Kaikai Kiki and Me - Lots of Fun

2009 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish 68 x 68 cm signed, dated and numbered 238/300 (lower right)

S$ 1,700 - 2,200 uS$ 1,300 - 1,700


72 TAKASHI MuRAKAMI (b. Japan, 1962)

a. Kaikai Kiki and Me - The Shocking Truth Revealed 2010 offset lithography 4c process with foil and UV. 68 x 68 cm signed, dated and numbered 50/300 (lower right)

b. Kaikai Kiki and Me - Better or Worse, in Good Times and Bad 2009 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish. 68 x 68 cm signed, dated and numbered 127/300 (lower right)

S$ 1,700 - 2,200 uS$ 1,300 - 1,700

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73 TAKASHI MuRAKAMI (b. Japan, 1962)

a. And Then When That’s Done.... I Change. What I Was Yesterday Is Cast Aside, Like An Insect 2010 offset lithography 4c process 50 x 50 cm

signed, dated and numbered 32/300 (lower right)

b. And Then Platinum

2008 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish 68 x 68 cm signed, dated and numbered 84/300 (lower right)

c. Melting DOB A

2008 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish 68 x 68 cm signed, datedand numbered 250/300 (lower right)


S$ 2,500 - 3,500 uS$ 1,900 - 2,700

74 TAKASHI MuRAKAMI (b. Japan, 1962)

a. Kansei Korin Gold

2010 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish diameter: 71 cm each signed, dated and numbered 149/300 (lower right)

b. With reference, I lay myself before you - Korin Chyrsantheum

2010 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish diameter: 71 cm each signed, dated and numbered 148/300 (lower right)

c. Warhol, Silver

2010 offset lithography 4c process with foil and gloss varnish diameter: 71 cm each signed, dated and numbered 149/300 (lower right)

S$ 2,500 - 3,500 uS$ 1,900 - 2,700

74 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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indO-eurOpean piCTureS

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Wooden Bridge over Water


(Yokohama, Japan, 1888 - Magelang, Indonesia, 1959) oil on canvas 40.2 x 61.1 cm

signed (lower right)

S$ 1,200 - 1,700 uS$ 900 - 1,300

(Tarutung, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1893 - Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1968) 1927 oil on board 40 x 60 cm signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 2,800 - 3,500 uS$ 2,200 - 2,700


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Working the Land at Sunset

oil on canvas 57 x 75 cm

(Salatiga, C. Java, Indonesia,1884 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1952) oil on canvas 40 x 60.3 cm

signed (lower left)

A Fire in Indonesian Village

S$ 2,500 - 3,500 uS$ 1,900 - 2,700

S$ 1,500 - 2,000 uS$ 1,100 - 1,500

78 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Semarang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1897 - Den Bosch, The Netherlands, 1968)

On the Streets of Soerabaja gouache on cardboard 63 x 48.7 cm signed (lower left)

S$ 1,200 - 1,700 uS$ 900 - 1,300 Provenance: Brought in by the family of the artist.

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(Solo, Indonesia, 1915 - Jakarta, Indonesia,1993)

Portrait of Raden Mas Soedibio and his wife 1954 pastel on paper each 63 x 48.5 cm

both signed and dated (lower left)

S$ 1,800 - 2,500 uS$ 1,400 - 1,900


(Basel, Switzerland, 1908 - Berne, Switzerland, 1982)

Portrait of a Man wearing a turban 1949 red chalk on paper 46 x 36 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 2,200 - 2,700 uS$ 1,700 - 2,100

81 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Terbaya, Semarang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1807 - Bogor, W. Java, Indonesia, 1880)

The Lion Attack 1832 32.5 x 42.5 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 13,000 - 17,000 uS$ 10,200 - 13,300 Provenance: Anonymous sale, Christies, 10 April 2008, Paris, sale 5509, lot 202

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Jakarta, Indonesia, 1830 - 1877)

A Lazy Afternoon 1859 oil on canvas 43.2 x 52.6 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 50,000 - 70,000 uS$ 39,000 - 55,000 Provenance: Private collection, The Netherlands.

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83 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 1910 - The Hague, The Netherlands, 1963)

Two Young Balinese Girls with Flowers in their hair 1956 oil on canvas 27.2 x 60.4 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 6,000 - 8,000 uS$ 4,700 - 6,200 Provenance: Private collection, The Netherlands.

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(b. Basel, Switzerland, 1942)

Balinese Landscape with Banyan Trees in the Village of Bayad 2005 - 2006 oil on canvas 140 x 140 cm

signed (lower left), signed, dated and inscribed (verso).

S$ 9,000 - 12,000 uS$ 7,000 - 9,400 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Legong Dancer

Portrait of Rinkie

(Solo, Indonesia, 1919 - 1996)

(Manila, Philippines, 1911 - Bali, Indonesia, 1999)

1979 oil on canvas 50 x 60 cm

oil on canvas laid on board 26.8 x 21 cm

signed and dated (lower right)

S$ 13,000 - 17,000 uS$ 10,200 - 13,300

Labeled with address of the gallery and titled. Comments by the artist on the reverse side: Ear-plugs (SUBANG) are of many varieties in Bali. This young Balinese girl is seen wearing the fragrant (BAKONG-PLANT’s leaf) which when rolled-up serves not only as an ear-plug, but as a decorative green touch for this sketch in oil colors painted on canvas-board.

S$ 18,000 - 25,000 uS$ 14,100 - 19,600 Provenance: Purchased by the present owner in a gallery in Bali.

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87 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Guangzhou, Canton, China, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1988)

Portrait of a Sitting Young Boy oil on board 76.3 x 66.3 cm

signed and signed again in Chinese characters

S$ 7,000 - 10,000 uS$ 5,500 - 7,800

Insights - Connections - Expertise

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(Guangzhou, Canton, China, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1988)

Gold Fish

oil on board 118.5 x 56.5 cm stamped with artist’s seal and inscribed (lower left)

S$ 25,000 - 35,000 uS$ 19,600 - 27,500



(Guangzhou, Canton, China, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1988)

Satay Seller oil on board 96 x 40 cm

stamped with artist’s seal and inscribed (upper left).

S$ 35,000 - 45,000 uS$ 27,500 - 35,400

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90 Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Index of artIst the number following the name of the artists indicates lot numbers 19th Century Colonial School Adolfs, Gerard Pieter Arie Smit Ayako Rokaku

78 79 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 68

Basoeki Abdullah Batara Lubis Beynon, Jan Daniel Blanco, Antonio

80 14 83 87

Direk Kingnok Djoko Pekik Dongi Lee Dullah

48 31 67 86

Eland, Leonardus Joseph Erica Hestu Wahyuni

77 63, 64, 65

Goh Geun-ho Gusmen Heriadi

41, 42 60

Hal Wichers Hendra Gunawan Heo Wook

76 33, 34 47

Jeihan Sukmantoro


Kasta, I Ketut Kayun, I Nyoman Kicen, I Ketut Kim Jin-Kyoung

5 11 3 66

Le Quy Tong Lee Man Fong Lee, Chang-kyu Lim Khim Katy Marsono, Hadi Meja, I Nyoman Mendur, I Ketut Mokoh, Dewa Putu Mori Kinsen

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43 88, 89, 90 62 50

Nadera, Ida Bagus Made Nashar Nguyen Thanh Binh Oesman Effendi Palguna, I Made Arya Paul Husner Pintor Sirait Popo Iskandar Purwa, Ida Bagus Putu Raden Saleh Sjarief Bustaman Raka Pudja, Anak Agung Gde Riyadi, Agus Rohan Chandrachud Rusli S. Sudjojono Salim Sena, Ida Bagus Putu Sobrat, Anak Agung Gede Sonnega, Auke Sugiyo Dwiarso Sujana “Kenyem�, Nyoman Suraji Suroso, Isur Sutawijaya, Putu

Takashi Murakami Theo Meier Togog, Ida Bagus Made Tommy Wondra

1, 13 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 51 20, 21 54 85 59 28 45 82 6, 12 52 58 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 32 22, 23 10 9 84 46 55 57 44 56

70, 71, 72, 73, 74 81 8 61

Wibisono, Fazar A. R.


Yim Man-hyeok


49 7 2 4 75

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BIoGraphIes of the artIsts Adolfs, Gerard Pieter (Semarang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1897 - Den Bosch, The Netherlands, 1968) Adolfs studied architecture in The Netherlands. He returned to Indonesia in 1922 and then lived in Surabaya. He held a solo exhibition at Hotel des Indes in Jakarta, 1938. He later traveled extensively in Asia, Europe and Africa, including Japan, Rome and the Middle East. He finally settled in The Netherlands, where he died in 1968. Arie Smit (b. Zaandam, The Netherlands, 1916) He was trained at the Academy of Arts in Rotterdam, and arrived in Indonesia in 1938 as a soldier in the Dutch Colonial Army. He obtained his Indonesian citizenship in 1951. From 1950-1956 he taught painting at ITB / Bandung Institute of Technology. In 1956 he moved to Bali, and has lived and painted there ever since. He has had solo exhibitions in Bandung, Jakarta, Palembang, Balikpapan, Jakarta, Singapore and Honolulu, USA. In 1992 he received a Gold Medal Dharma Kusuma award from the Balinese provincial government for his contribution to the development of Balinese painting. Ayako Rokkaku (b. Japan, 1982) Rokkaku began learning to paint by herself from 2002, and in this way established her individual style. She uses a technique of painting acrylics directly onto paper or cardboard with her fingers; depicting wide-eyed, long-limbed, contemporary girls. She won the Scout Prize at Geisai-4, and the Akio Goto Prize at Gesai #9. She has also performed her painting live at overseas art-fairs, attracting the attention of Western collectors. This year she held solo exhibition at JULIANA GALLERY (Korea, in January), GALERIE WILD (German, in May), joined art fairs at Netherlands, Japan, Taiwan; thus continuing to expand the site of her artistic activities. Basoeki Abdullah (Solo, Indonesia, 1915 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1993) Basoeki Abdullah was the brother of Sudjono Abdullah, and second son of painter Abdullah Suriosubroto, a prominent landscape painter. In 1933 he studied at the Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten in The Hague and afterwards he visited Paris and Rome. He continued to study under the painter Schumacher upon his return to Indonesia. His work has been exhibited in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, The Netherlands, England and Portugal. Batara Lubis (Hutagadong, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1927 - 1986) Starting to learn painting from Affandi and Hendra Gunawan he studied at Indonesian Academy of Arts (ASRI) in Yogyakarta. Once he worked on Batik Painting. Beynon, Jan Daniel (Jakarta, Indonesia, 1830 - 1877) In 1848 he came to The Netherlands to become a pupil of the Koninklijke Academie in Amsterdam. In 1855 he returned to Indonesia and settled in Jakarta, where he established his studio at Molenvliet

(Jalan Gajah Mada). He painted delicate portraits, landscapes and still-lifes. A still-life of Indonesian fruit by his hand is reproduced in C. K. Elout’s “Indisch dagboek” (Santpoort, 1926) Blanco, Antonio (Manila, The Philippines, 1911 - Bali, Indonesia, 1999) He studied at the Fine Arts Academy in New York, and was later professionally based in Florida and California. He has been honoured by several international art organisations. His awards include the Tiffany Fellowship, New York; La Cofradia del Arrios, Spain; and Chevalier du Sahanetrei from Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia. He lived in Ubud, Bali from 1952 until his death in 1999. Direk Kingnok (b. Nakhonratchasima, Thailand, 1976) He studied art at Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at Khon Kaen University. He also work as art lecturer at the same university from 1999 – 2001. He has held three solo exhibitions in his country, each in 2001, 2005 and latest in 2010 at Silom Galeria, Bangkok entitled “Still in real time”. He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions since 1982, where he fetched Gold Medal Youth Art Contest in Tokyo, Japan, and since then continued to actively exhibiting his works in Thailand, Laos, and Norway. Among his achievements are Special Prize Diploma from International Museum of Children Art, Oslo, Norway (1993), Prize Winner on drawing contest held by SK Bearin (Thailand) Limited (1993) and several others. His works are now in the collection of private collectors in USA, Holland, Belgium, UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand. Djokopekik (b. Purwodadi, C. Java, Indonesia, 1938) He studied painting under Trubus Soedarsono and Hendra Gunawan at ASRI / Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts in Yogyakarta, graduating in 1963. He stopped painting in 1966 when he was imprisoned for purported communist associations after the abortive communist coup in October 1965. Djoko resumed painting around 1980. He held his first solo exhibition in 1989. He has held several solo exhibitions in Jakarta and Yogyakarta and has participated in various exhibitions in Indonesia, USA and Japan. Dongi Lee (b. Korea, 1967) Obtained his B.F.A. in 1990 and M.F.A. in painting in 1995 from Hongik University, Seoul, Korea. From 1986 to 1998, he continuously participated in Yehong Exhibition. He has held several solo exhibitions in Korea, Japan and china, and the first one was held at Gallery On, Seoul, Korea in 1993. Dongi has also participated in numerous group exhibitions in Korea, China, Taiwan, France, The Netherlands and Japan, among which are “Contemporary Korea Art”:Wonderland, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China in 2007, “The World of Expression”, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea in 2008, “Art from North and South Korea”, Canvas International Art, Amsterdam, Netherlands in 2005. Insights - Connections - Expertise

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Dullah (Solo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1919 - 1996) He studied painting with Affandi and Sudjojono. During the late 1940s he documented the Indonesian Revolution and Struggle for Independence through his paintings. In the 1950s he was the official painter for Indonesia’s first president, Soekarno. Dullah was also the first curator of Soekarno’s art collection and he coordinated the publication of the first edition of the collection catalogue in 1956. He helped establish Himpunan Budaya Surakarta / Surakarta Cultural Foundation in 1950, and he headed the Sanggar Pejeng artists’ group in Bali. In 1988 he opened the Dullah Museum in Solo, which exhibits modern Indonesian paintings. His work has been shown in exhibitions in Indonesia and abroad, including a solo exhibition in Melbourne, Australia in 1977.

Sanggar Sakato, Galeri Nasional, Jakarta Lustrum ISI, Galeri ISI Yogyakarta (2004); Indonesian Contemporary, iPreciation, Singapore (2005); Nuansa Eksotika, Balikpapan (2006); Episodes, Gusmen Heriadi & Tommy Wondra, Edwin’s Gallery, Jakarta (2007).

Eland, Leonardus Joseph (Java, 1884 - The Netherlands, 1952) He was a self-taught artist who livedd and worked in Indonesia. He played important role in the Union of Dutch East Indies Art Circles in the beginning of the twentieth century. In the Indies, he was admired as highly esteemed artist, until 1920 when he left to settle in The Hague. His work was selected for the International Colonial Exhibition in Paris in 1931, but was unfortunately destroyed by fire. His works can be found today in several Dutch museums.

Hendra Gunawan (Bandung, W. Java, 1918 - Bali, 1983) Together with Wahdi Sumanta, he began to paint seriously in 1940 to 1950s. He established the art club Pusaka Sunda together with Barli. He recorded the events of the Revolutionary Struggle in his paintings. He took part in the founding of Front Seniman (Artists’ Front) in Bandung, Pelukis Rakyat (People’s Artists) in Yogyakarta. In 1957, he taught at the Indonesia Fine Art Academy (ASRI) in Yogyakarta. After being interned for his involvement with LEKRA (People’s Cultural Bureau of the Indonesian Communist Party) in 1981 he settled in Bali and died there in 1983. He was considered to be one of the best and most versatile painters of Indonesia, together with Affandi and S. Sudjojono.

Erica Hestu Wahyuni (b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1971) Erica started to study painting when she was in primary school. She also joined Sanggar Katamsi, a children’s drawing club where she studied with Suharto P.R. and Herry Wibowo. From 1989-96 she studied at ISI / Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta. She received the award for Best Work at the Ninth Dies Natalis ISI Yogyakarta in 1993. She has had solo exhibitions in Yogyakarta and Jakarta and has participated in group exhibitions in Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Japan and Russia. Goh, Geun-Ho (b. Gwangju, Korea, 1966) Obtained his BFA and MFA degree from Chosun University. Goh then joint Korean Fine Arts Association, Gwangju young Artist Group, Group Down and Namdo Sculptor’s Association, For Environment Artist Association. He is a lecturer at Chosun University, Seonam University, Seogang Collage and Academy of Gwangju City Art Museum. He was also a juror at Gwangju City Exhibition. Goh has had several solo exhibitions. He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions in Singapore, Korea and Germany, among which were Singapore Art Fair 2008, Suntec Singapore, Korea International Art Fair KIAF, COEX, Seoul in 2007 and International Museum Expo, Korea International Museum. Gusmen Heriadi (b. Pariaman, W. Sumatera, Indonesia, 1974) He graduated from Indonesia Institute of Art (ISI) Yogyakarta. He held his solo exhibition “Problema Masyarakat Kota” at ISI Yogyakarta in 2005. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions, among which were Sanggar Sakato, Galeri langgeng, Magelang (2003); Drawing, Sanggar Dewata Indonesia, Yogyakarta (2003); Interplation, C.P. Open Bienalle, Gallery Nasional, Jakarta (2003); Affandi Prize, Galeri ISI, Yogyakarta (2003); Menimbang Tradisi,

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Hal Wichers (Tarutung, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1893 - Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1968) After finishing his study at the Rijksacademie, Amsterdam, he went back and stayed in Indonesia in 1919. He was a member of Bataviassche Kunstskring and participated in their exhibitions between 1923 and 1936. His works are represented in the collections of the Tropenmuseum and The Nijmeegs Museum Commanderie van St. Jan, The Netherlands.

Heo Wook (b. Korea, 1973) Graduated from the Seoul high school of Music and Art, and pursued higher training in the prestigious Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (DNSAP) in Paris. He has exhibited extensively in outside of Korea in arts and cultural capitals such as Beijing, New York, Japan, and Sydney. In the same year, Heo Wook was selected to participate in the China Mordern Art- Songzhang special project commissioned by the Beijing Olympics Committee. Other events that involved Heo Wook include the ‘Korea-Japan Interchange (2002 & 2005)’ in Hiroshima and Seoul respectively, as well as frequent features in the Korean International Art Fair where the best of Korea is displayed. Jeihan Sukmantoro (b. Solo, C. Java, Indonesia, 1938) From 1953-55 he studied painting at HBS / Himpunan Budaya Surakarta under the guidance of Sumitro Hendronoto. From 1960-66 he studied painting at ITB / Bandung Institute of Technology. He has had solo exhibitions in Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Surabaya, Rome (Italy) and Paris (France). He has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Indonesia, USA, Algeria, The Netherlands and Switzerland. In 1978 he established the Studio Seni Rupa Bandung (Bandung Fine Arts Studio) with Dr. Sudjoko. Kasta, I Ketut (b. Peliatan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1945) After graduated from elementary school, he learned painting under the guidance of I Ketut Djodjol from Tebesaya. Kasta works evidently show his characteristic and became an important element of Ba-

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linese traditional art scene. His subjects lingered around the daily life of Bali such as the market scene, legong dance barong, women doing bebanten or weaving cili-cili: all illustrated meticulously. His figures were drawn in wayang’s anatomy of elongated hands and feet in slender body. The impression of his figure is innocent. Some of his pupils are I Ketut Sundra, Ida Bagus Sugata, I wayan Joni and also his son, I Made Sudiarta. His works are exhibited in Bali, Jakarta, Singapore and various European cities. Kayun, I Nyoman (b. Banjar Tengah, Peliatan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1954) He learned carving from I Wayan Alip in 1962. A year later, he learned painting fro I Gusti Made Kwanji. Tutorial lesson on art once received from Rudolf Bonnet, especially on colour and composition. He once participated in group exhibitions since 1970s, including the exhibitions in Balai Desa Peliatan, Lembaga Indonesia-Amerika in Surabaya, Museum Puri Lukisan (Ubud), Bali Museum (Denpasar) and Bentara Budaya Jakarta. Kicen, I Ketut (b. Batuan, Bali, Indonesia, 1929) He began painting in the 1940’s. He also studied painting under the guidance of the artist I Made Djata in 1943, and he learned a lot from I Made Windu as well. People still esteem him as a distinctive proponent of the Batuan style. Kim Jin Kyoung (b. Seoul) She obtained her Bachelor in Fine Art from Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul in 1997, and her Master in Painting from Long Island University, New York in 2000. Her 1st solo exhibition was held at Long Island University Sculpture Building, New York in 1999. “J was beautiful” was her 2nd solo exhibition held at Munhawa ilbo Gallery, Seoul. Her art works has also been exhibited in numerous exhibitions in Seoul and New York. Award received include HP Turn On Award in 2007 and New York Asian Council for the Arts Fellowshipin2002. Le Quy Tong (b. Hanoi, Vietnam, 1977) Graduated from Hanoi Fine Art College in 2001. He has had numerous exhibitions since 1999 in Vietnam, Japan, France, Thailand, and USA, including the Asian Exhibition for Young Artist held in Japan in 1999 and Vietnam Artists Today held in Hanoi in 2000. He has also held several solo exhibitions in Vietnam in 2005,2006 and 2007. Lee Man Fong (Guangzhou, Canton, China, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1988) In 1916, Lee Man Fong’s family moved from Canton to Singapore. He began his studies of painting in Singapore, and in 1932 he moved to Jakarta where he started an advertising agency and worked as a commercial artist. In 1941 he visited Bali and painted there for a brief period; in the same year he had a solo exhibition in Jakarta. In 1947 he was awarded the Malino grant by the Dutch GovernorGeneral to study painting in Holland and he stayed there until 1952. He traveled widely during those years and held several solo exhi-

bitions. In 1955 he founded the Yin Hua artists’ association, and served as chairman. He became a Presidential Palace painter for the former Indonesian President Soekarno in 1961, and also compiled the 5-volume edition of President Soekarno’s art collection. Lee, Chang-Kyu (b. Daegu, Korea, 1967) He obtained his BFA and MFA in painting from Daegu University, Daegu, Korea. Lee has held his solo show at Gallery Soheon. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions, among which were Korea Art Figuratif at Seoul Arts Center in Seoul, Bamboo Exhibition at Hyundai-Arts center in ulsan in 2008; Seoul Art Fair at Seoul Arts Center in Seoul, KIAF at COEX in Seoul, Art Deagu at EXCO in Daegu, Bongsan Winter Art Fair, Bongsan Culture and Art Hall in Daegu in 2007; Korea Young Artist Biennale at Daegu Culture and Art Hall in Daegu Young Generation in Sa at Insa Art Plaza, Seoul, Art Miami at Miami Beach Convention CTR in USA in 2006; The International Contemporary Art exposition at Art Istanbul in Turkey, the International Fair of Contemporary Art at Strasbourg in France in 2005. Lim Khim Katy (b. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1978) Graduated from Ho Chi Minh City Fine Art University in 2001. She is member of Fine Art Association of Ho Chi Minh City and also member of Vietnam’s Ethnic Minorities. Katy displays a surprising emotional maturity and seriousness of intent in her work. Her paintings subjects are often the urban or rural poor or people in the midest of some distressing or painful moment in their lives. Unlike many Vietnamese artists, she eschews the comon tendency to portray an idyllic picture of Vietnamese life in favor of someting more true to her own experience. As she describes it : “My paintings come from the feelings generated from the life all around me, from people’s eyes, gestures and the individual emotions they express. She has participated in several exhibitions. Marsono, Hadi (b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1972) He is a graduate of Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Majoring in Visual Communication Design. He has participated in some exhibitions in Indonesia, and his recent solo shows include BAndung Initiative #5 at Vanessa Artlink, Jakarta and Indonesia Art Awards at Galeri Nasional, Indonesia, both in 2010. Among awards received are 1st and 3rd winner at National Stamp Design “Dialogue Among Civilization” in 2000. In 2006 he won 1st place at the National Mascot Design of Junior Art Sport Competition. Meja, I Nyoman (b. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1952) He began hiis career as a Balinese traditional artist. After his encounter with Rudolf Bonnet, he began focussing his paintings on children and their world. He participated in a group exhibition in the Netherlands in 1975, and also in some cities in Indonesia. His works could be found at several Museums in Bali. He is a finalist of Indofood Art Awards 2002. Mendur, I Ketut (b. Bitera, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1933)

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He learned painting from I Wayan Karya and later from Ida Bagus Nadera. His works received acknowledgement from art experts, like Rudolf Bonnet who later chose Mendur work as part of the colletion for Neka Museum (Ubud). This particular piece often considered among the best pieces of Balinese traditional artworks, at that time was exhibited in Taman Budaya (Denpasar), 1974. Other work, Menjangan, was reproduced in Alison Taylor’s Living Traditions in Balinese Painting, a book published by Agung Rai Gallery of Fine Art. Many of his paintings have been exhibited in Jakarta various cities in the world. Mokoh, I Dewa Putu (Ubud, Bali, 1936 - 2010) He learned painting from Gusti Ketut Kobot. He joined the Kelompok Pelukis Pengosekan and always participated in the art exhibitions at the Art Centre, Denpasar, Museum Puri Lukisan Ubud and abroad, together with the society. Mori Kinsen (Yokohama, Japan, 1888 - Magelang,C. Java, Indonesia, 1959) Mori came to Indonesia in 1914. He was interned in 1941 together with Walter Spies and A. J. Konig. In 1949, he went back to Japan but returned to Indonesia in 1956. He was a painter and watercolorist of landscapes and seascapes. His paintings were also included in the Sukarno’s collection. Nadera, Ida Bagus Made (Tegallinggah, Bali, 1915 - 1998) The self taught artist was born in Tegallinggah, Bali. He was a member of Pita Maha and had close association with R. Bonnet. His works are to be found in the Neka Museum, Ubud Bali. Nashar (Pariaman, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1928 - 1994) He studied under Indonesian artists, S. Sudjojono and Affandi. He co-founded and taught at the Institute Kesenian Jakarta from 1970 - 1972 and from 1979 - 1991, and was a member of the Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Arts Council) from 1973 - 1976. His works have spontaneous strokes and lines, indicating his rejection of technique, aesthetics, and concepts (three nons, non-teknik, nonestetik, and non-konsep). He participated in several exhibitions: Festival of Indonesia, USA, 1990 - 1992 and at the Gate Foundation, Amsterdam, Holland, 1993. Nguyen Thanh Binh (b. Hanoi, Vietnam, 1954) Graduated from Hanoi College of Fine Arts in 1972, and later specialized in oil painting at Gia Dinh National College of Fine Arts in Ho Chi Minh. Thanh Binh has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Vietnam, and other countries such as France, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Great Britain, USA, Australia, and Thailand. Oesman Effendi (b. Padang, Sumatra 1919) He began his career during the revolution period in 1947 and became one of the most prominent Indonesian painters. Later in his life he moved to Jakarta. He still pursued his career in painting and also made book illustrations and covers. He had printmaking diploma from Della Art-Del Disegno Academy, Firenze, Italy. In 1951

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he was sent to the Netherlands to design the first Indonesian bank notes. 1970-1972 he became head of Jakarta Art Council, and started teaching in Jakarta Institute of Art. In 1972 he returned to his hometown and built a museum. He died in 1985 in Jakarta. Palguna, I Made Arya (b. Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1976) Born in 1976 in Ubud, Bali and studied at Institut Seni Indonesia (Indonesian Art Institute). Considered as a promising and talented young artist, he has made his marks quite rapidly not only within the local art community but he has also been invited to exhibit his works abroad, among others in Nakzkov, Denmark and in Los Angeles, USA. He won a Philip Morris Art award and was put in big-five category in Nokia Art awards. Paul Husner (b. Basel, Switzerland, 1942) He studied graphic art and painting at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam in 1965 and 1967 and painting at the Rijks Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten / National Academy of Arts in Amsterdam. He has received Dutch awards such as the Urio Prijs in 1969; Willink van Collen Prijs in 1971; the Jeanne Bieruma Oosting Prijs in 1974; and the Arti Medaille in 1987. From 1980-88 he was Professor at the National Academy of Arts in Amsterdam where he taught drawing and painting. From 1997, Husner has been dividing his time between Amsterdam and Bali. He has held solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions in The Netherlands, Switzerland, USA, Singapore and Indonesia. Pintor Sirait (b. Germany, 1962) He is one of Indonesia’s famous sculptors who has held solo exhibitions in his home country and the USA where he had lived and worked for a long time. He has also participated in various international collective exhibitions such as The Busan Biennale 2004, Paris Art Fair 2005, Beijing Art Fair and many important others. He has also been commissioned by many prominent institutions such as The Deutsche Bank, Indonesian Central Bank, Medco Group, Novotel Nusa Dua, Bali, Saint Mary’s Church Jakarta, Indonesia, and collaborated on the Mural wall for Changi Airport, Singapore. Pintor received the Public Award from the French Government at the 6th Symposium d’Arts Plastiques in France (1994). Popo Iskandar (Garut, W. Java, Indonesia, 1927 - Bandung, W. Java, Indonesia, 2000) He began painting in 1944 as a poster painter for the information service of the Indonesian Armed Forces. In 1958, he graduated from the Department of Art, ITB / Bandung Institute of Technology. He was an assistant lecturer at ITB from 1957 to 1961, and was also a lecturer in the Art Department of IKIP / Teacher’s Training Institute, Bandung for many years. He had solo exhibitions in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Medan (Indonesia), The Hague and Leiden (The Netherlands). He participated in numerous group exhibitions in Indonesia, China, UK, India, Japan, USA, The Netherlands and Brazil. Popo was also an art critic and essayist on art and literature, and was made a life member of the Jakarta Academy in 1970. He received the Anugerah Seni Art Award from the Indonesian government in 1980.

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Purwa, Ida Bagus Putu (b. Sanur, Bali, Indonesia, 1977) He graduated from Indonesia Art High School (STSI) in 1998. Heawarded as the best painting in South Denspasar.Since 1996 he has actively in many group exhibitions among others “Gebyar SMK se-Indonesia” Denpasar (1996), “Himpunan Pelukis Sanur” (2001), “The Journey Himpunan Pelukis Sanur” (2004), “Maskulin in Danest Art Veranda Bali” (2006), and “Unlimited Ten Fine Art” in Bali (2006). Raden Saleh Sjarief Bustaman, (Semarang, 1814 - Bogor, 1880) Saleh Sjarief Bustaman, Raden, so was his full name, was born in 1814 at Terbaya, a little town near Semarang Central Java. As a painter, he studied with A.A. J. Payen, a Belgian painter. In 1829 he had an oppotunity to visit the Netherlands where he studied painting with Dutch painters, Cornelius Krusemen and Andreas Schelfhout. In 1839 he visited Berlin, Dresden and Coburg. He painted portraits of the royal and the noble families in these cities. He had a chance to visit his tutor, Payen in Doornik, the Netherlands. Then he continued his tour of France and studied painting with Horace Vernet and some other prominent French painters. With his tutor, Vernet he went to Aljazair. Raden Saleh returned to Indonesia in 1851. He lived in Jakarta and made many portraits of high ranking persons of that time. His first married Miss Winkelman, a rich Eurasian, but ended in divorce. For the second time he married R.A. Danuredjo. From 1875 until 1879 Raden Saleh went again to Europe and after returning to Indonesia he lived in Bogor, West Java. He died in this town on April 23, 1880. As a pioneer of the art of painting in Indonesia, his name is permanently written in the history of the Indonesian Fine Arts. Raka Puja, Anak Agung Gde (b. Padang Tegal, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1932) He socialized with the member of Golongan Pelukis Ubud painters that influence his style of paintings from ordinary Ubud Traditional style to become more spatially. His figures were illustrated in realistic manner. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions. In 2005 his works were exhibited in Gianyar’s Art Exhibition at YDBA (Yayasan Dharma Bhakti Astra) Gallery, Jakarta. Some of his works are among the important works sought by various auction houses in Jakarta, Den Haag and Amsterdam. Riyadi, Agus (b. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1979) He studied art at Indonesia’s Institute of Art (ISI) Yogyakarta. He has participated in several group exhibitions in Yogyakarta since 1998 until now. In 2008, he exhibited his works in KIAFF, Seoul, Korea. Rohan Chandrachud (b. Pune, India, 1986) Rohan Chandrachud is a young highly talented artist who has a very distinctive depiction of detailed visuals in his characteristic impasto style. Born in Pune he paints the world he sees around him. Landscapes, figures, all come to life with his frenzied brush and vibrant colors, giving birth to works like ‘Breaking bread, watching “Crumbs”, “M G Road @ 6pm” etc. Rohan is a great fan of noted film makers, Fellini and Troufeau and a great admirer of masters like Picasso and M F Husain. These masters are the inspiration to Rohan and their distinctive styles drive him to his goal of being part

of the club of great creative minds. Rusli (Medan, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1922 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 2005) He taught at Taman Siswa (1945-1949). In 1951 he was appointed as an art instructor at the Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts (ASRI), Yogyakarta. He went for two years (1954-1956) to Rusli’s works were exhibited at the Biennale Exhibition II in Sao Paolo, Brazil in 1953. A solo exhibition was held at Palazzo Brancaccio , Rome, Italy (1954-1956). He was elected in 1970 as a life member of the Jakarta Academy. S. Sudjojono (Kisaran, N. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1913 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1986) From 1925 he studied painting with Yudhokusumo (the artist Kartono’s father). In 1935 he began to study painting with Mas Pirngadi and the Japanese artist Chioyoji Yazaki. He received further education at the Taman Siswa Teachers’ College in Yogyakarta. In 1938 he and Agus Djaja co-founded PERSAGI / Indonesian Painters’ Union. From 1942-44 Sudjojono participated in POETERA / People’s Activity Centre and Keimin Bunka Shidoso Cultural Centre in Jakarta. In 1946, Sudjojono formed SIM / Young Indonesian Artists in Madiun. In the 1950s he worked closely with the communistsponsored cultural organisation LEKRA / People’s Cultural Institute and in 1955, nominated by the Communist Party, was voted to Parliament. His expulsion from the Communist Party in 1958 saved him from the communist purge in 1965. In 1970 he was awarded recognition in the arts by the Indonesian Government. His work has been exhibited in The Netherlands and at the Fukuoka Art Museum in Japan in 1980. In Indonesia, Sudjojono’s work has been exhibited in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Denpasar. Salim (b. Medan, 1908) In 1920 he left for The Netherlands before going to France and met Fernand Leger from whom he learned painting. He won several awards from the French government and many other international awards. He now lives in Paris and still paints at the age of 94. Sena, Ida Bagus Putu (b. Tebesaya, ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1966) He started to paint seriously since he was 23, after learned the skill from his father, Ida Bagus Wiri, a Pita Maha alumni and a brother of Ida Made Poleng. Sena’s works are delicate dominated with earth colour. He has illustrated various themes of Balinese performing art scene and yoouth’s dynamic daily life. His works feature various figures in a small canvas, therefore the figures are presented in detailed. Sena’s works have been displayed in various important exhibitions including the one held in Museum Puri Lukisan. Sobrat, Anak Agung Gde (Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1911 - 1992) He was the first artist to assimilate the Renaissannce style introduced by Bonnet and Spies within the context of traditional painting style of Bali. He taught at the Indonesia Academy of Fine Art, Yogyakarta from 1957 to 1959. His efforts earned him the Wijaya Kusuma Art Award and Dharma Kusuma Art Award from the government.

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Some of his paintings are collected by Tropen Museum, Amsterdam, Rijkmuseum vor Volkenkunde, Leiden, and Neka Museum, Bali. Sonnega, Auke Cornelis (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 1910 The Hague, The Netherlands, 1963) Sonnega studied at the Kunstnijverheidschool in Amsterdam. He first visited Indonesia in 1935 as a commercial artist. In 1937 he settled in Bali and dedicated himself fully to painting. During World War II he was interned and put in a camp by the Japanese. After a stay in Europe he returned to Indonesia to settle in Sumatra in 1953, then in Ubud, Bali. In 1958 he left Indonesia unwillingly and returned to The Netherlands. He had several solo exhibitions in The Netherlands in Amsterdam (1953), Amersfoot (1958) and The Hague (1965). Sugiyo Dwiarso (b. Magelang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1968) Graduated from Indonesia Institute of Art (ISI), Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 1997. He held some group exhibitions in 2006, Indonesian Contemporary, 1918 ArtSpace, Shanghai, China, 2008, New Age-New Blending: New Generation Chinese & Indonesian Artists Exchange, New Age Gallery, Beijing, China.Became Finalist of Sovereign Asia – Art Award, Hongkong, 2007 – Sujana “Kenyem”, I Nyoman (b. Sayan, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 1972) He graduated from STSI School of Art in Denpasar, Bali. He has had solo Exhibitions, among which are at Gallery Nakita in Stockholm, Sweden (1996); “Leafscape” at Danes Art Veranda in Denpasar, Bali (2004); “Dance of Life” at Conrad Hotel, Tanjung Benoa and “Pre Bali Biennale Exhibition” at Raka Gallery, in Bali (2005). He has also actively participated in numerous group exhibitions in Jakarta, Bali, Yogyakarta and Canberra, Australia. He was awarded The Best Painting of Kamasra Prize, Indonesian Art Institute (STSI), Denpasar in 1996. Other award received is The Best Artworks of Bachelor of Fine Art Examination, Indonesian Art Institute (STSI), Denpasar, Bali in 1998. Suraji (b. Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1971) He graduated from the Faculty of Fine arts at Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta (Indonesia Institute of the Artas Yogyakarta) in 2001, in which year he had a solo exhibition in Yogyakarta. He won the Osaka 21st Century Association Prize in the Osaka Triennial, prizes in the Indofood Art Awads 2002 and 2003, and an Honourable Mention in the Hyogo International Competition of Painting in Japan in 2005, and 1st winner in the Jakarta Art Awards 2008. Suroso, Isur (b. Pemalang, C. Java, Indonesia, 1983) Graduated from Indonesia Art Institute (ISI), Yogyakarta majoring Fine Art Department, 2010. In 2008 until today he was registered as a Student of Korean Department, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Among the awards received are, won the Asia Prize at the Bepu Asia Biennale of Contemporary Art 2010, Bepu, Japan (2010)., 30 Finalists, Sovereign Art Prize, SAF - Hongkong, (2008); Jurors Choice of Soekarno Portrait Painting Competition, Pe-

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kalongan, Central Java, Indonesia (2006); 10 Top Nominee of Pratisara Affandi Adi Karya Painting Competition from Art Department, Indonesia Art Institute, Yogyakarta (2005); First Winner of International Population Poster Competition, New York, USA (2004); First Winner of Megawati Soekarnoputri Portrait Painting Competition, Solo(2004); First Winner of International Population Poster Competition, New York, USA (2003); Second Winner of Youth Healthy Poster Competition, Semarang (1999). Sutawijaya, Putu (b. Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia, 1971) He graduated in 1998 from the Art Faculty of Indonesia’s Institute of Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta. He received the best Fine Art Award from ISI in 1995 and was cited as one of the Top 10 Best Artists in the Philip Morris ASEAN Art Awards – Indonesia, 1999. In 2000 he received the Lempad Prize for from Sanggar Dewata, Bali. He has actively participated in numerous exhibitions regionally and internationally since 1989, among others are “5 Indonesian Artists” at Chouinard Gallery Hong Kong (1999), “Asia Contemporary” in London, United Kingdom (2000), “Dermensch Als Mass” at Der Kulturen Museum, Basel – Switzerland (2001). His solo shows were held at Gajah Galery (1999), Chouinard Gallery Hong Kong (2000, 2002) and Chouinard Gallery, Chicago, USA (2003), and Valentine Willie Fine Art, Malaysia (2006), Sin Sin Fine Art, Hong Kong (2007), and CIGE Beijing, China (2008). Takashi Murakami (b. Tokyo, Japan, 1963), Received his BFA, MFA and PhD from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. He has had solo shows at Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York (2003); Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris (2002); Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (2001); Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (2001); and Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris (2001). In addition to his work as an artist, Takashi Murakami is a curator, entrepreneur, and a student of contemporary Japanese society. In 2000, Murakami curated an exhibition of Japanese art titled Superflat, which acknowledged a movement toward massproduced entertainment and its effects on contemporary aesthetics. Murakami is also internationally recognized for his collaboration with designer Marc Jacobs to create handbags and other products for the Louis Vuitton fashion house. His works has been exhibited in prestigious museums all over the world, including the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and a recent solo retrospective exhibition at the Bard College Museum of Art. Murakami has also curated “Super Flat” an exhibition of contemporary Japanese artists. Theo Meier (Switzerland, 1908 - 1982) Meier studied at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Basel and the Academies of Art in Berlin and Dresden. After studying in Germany, he travelled to Tahiti in the 1930s to the South Pacific and eventually settled in Bali in 1936 where he would stay, with some intervals until 1957, when he settled in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The artist participated in the Bali Exhibition organized by the Bataviasche Kunstkring in Jakarta in 1939. His work is represented in the collections of the former President Sukarno, The Neka Museum in Ubud Bali, the

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Agung Rai Fine Art Gallery in Paliatan, Bali and the Kunstmuseum in Basel, Switzerland. Togog, Ida bagus Made (Batuan, Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia 1913 - 1989) He was a famous painter who received the Wija Kusuma award from Gianyar District and the Dharma Kusuma award from Bali Provincial Government in 1984. Regarded as someone whose great contrbution is in introducing the anatomical rendering of human figures in the modern sense to traditional balinese painting. Most of his surviving works dated 1930-1940 are black and white. Formerly painted in the Kamasan style, copying drawings he found in lontar manuscripts. In 1930 he met Win Bakker who asked him to draw an illustration on paper. Since then, he worked to improve his forms and themes. And the Batuan style prevailed in his works on paper. Togog knew Rudolf Bonnet and Walter Spies very well. He even joined Pita Maha. His works are cherished in Museum Puri Lukisan, Museum Neka, Museum Arma in Ubud, Rijksmuseum voor Volkendunde, Leiden and Tropenmusuem-Amsterdam, among others. Participated in in tens of exhibitions, at Taman Budaya, Denpasar, Sari Pan pacific Hotel, jakarta, pasar Seni Ancol, jakarta and in several cities in Japan and Europe. Tommy Wondra (b. Bukit Tinggi, W. Sumatra, Indonesia, 1980) He is one of the new generation of up and coming young artists. Wondra studied at the Indonesia College of the Arts, Yogyakarta and has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Yogyakarta,

Bandung and Bali. He was a nomination in the Phillip Morris Indonesian Art Awards in Jakarta in 1998. Tommy influenced and inspired by fellow Sumatra artist Handiwirman Saputra. Wibisono, Fazar A. R. (b. Bandung, Indonesia, 1981) He graduated from Sekolah Tinggi Seni Rupa & Design Indonesia (STISI) Bandung, Indonesia in 2006. He has participated in several group exhibitions since 2000 in Bandung and Jakarta. His solo exhibitions were held in 2006 at Galeri STISI, Bandung and twice in 2010, at Srisasanti Arthouse Jakarta and Bazaar Art Jakarta. Yim, Man-Hyeok (b. KangNung, Korea, 1968) He studied at Department of Fine Arts, KangNung National University, Majoring in Western Painting and obtained B.F.A in 1994. Then continued study for Master degree at Department of Painting, JungAng University Graduate School, majoring in Korean painting, and obtained his M.F.A in 1999. He has held number of solo exhibitions in Korea and China. He has also had many selected group exhibitions in Korea as well as overseas, like in Senegal, Germany, USA, Australia, China and Italy. Yim has awarded Artist of Forture from Sung-Kok Art Museum in 2002 and received Dong-A Art Awards Exhibition, Dong-A Fine Arts in 2000. His works are widely collected around the world, among which are National Museum of Contemporary Art, Guachun, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, S.C Johnson and Son co.collection USA, Gallery 406, Chicago, USA, Mavin Kumar Gallery, NY, USA and Mary & Bob Brower, Chicago, USA.

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condItIons of BusIness for Buyers

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condItIons of BusIness for sellers Larasati Muse Investments Pte. Ltd. herein refered to as Larasati, hereby informs all those participating as sellers in the auction, that it shall be held subject to the terms and conditions of the Consignment Agreement and the following conditions.


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explanatIon of cataloGInG practIce Terms used in this catalog have the meanings ascribed to them below. Please note that all statements in this catalog as to authorship are made subject to the provisions of the Condition of Sale and Limited Warranty. Buyers are advised to inspect the property themselves. Written conditions reports are usually available on request. name(s) or recognised designaTion of an arTisT wiThouT any qualificaTion

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In Larasati’s qualified opinion a work of the period of the artist and showing his influence. “Follower of...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion a work executed in the artist’s style but not necessarily by a pupil. “Manner of...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion a work executed in the artist’s style but of a later date. “After...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion a copy (of any date) of a work of the artist. “Signed...”/ “Dated...”/ “Inscribed...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion the work has been signed/dated/inscribed by the artist. “With signature...”/ “With inscription...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion the signature/ inscription appears to be by a hand other than that of the artist. “With date...” In Larasati’s qualified opinion the date on

the item was not executed on that date. The date given for Old Master, Modern and Contemporary Prints is the date (or approximate date when prefixed with ‘circa’) on which the matrix was worked and not necessarily the date when the impression was printed or published. The term and its definition in this Explanation of Cataloging Practice are a qualified statements as to authorship. While the use of this term is based upon careful study and represents the opinion of specialists, Larasati and the consignor assume no risk, liability and responsibility for the authenticity of authorship of any lot in this catalog described by this term, and the Limited Warranty shall not be available with respect to lots described using this term. in collaboration with:

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LARASATI - GLERUM ISBN 978-979-3774-27-5

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