aces magazine

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NATIONAL COLLEGE OCTAV ONICESCU Trivale Street, no.29, sector 4, Bucharest, Tel/Fax:004021 4603544 E-mail : Web :




See it through

my eyes

Aces project magazine


COORDINATING SCHOOL C. N. Octav Onicescu, Bucharest, Romania

Partner school 1 Fan S Nolli, Tirana, Albania

Partner school 2 Privatno sredno uciliste Petta Privatna Gimnazia, Skopje, Macedonia

Project idea: The project focuses on identifying the types of conflicts in partners schools , their causes and trying to solve them. During the project, students will realize that what it is usually

considered a conflict, it is often appraised as one, due to prejudice, stereotypes, lack of knowledge. Therefore, the project will argue against such attitudes, emphasizing the benefits of dialogue, mutual-understanding and respect. From the very early stages of the project, students will be helped to become aware about the way they are defined themselves according to the places they live in, social category, sportive passions, musical preferences – these are all aspects that make individuals to belong to various groups (rock, punk, hip hop, rap…) However, the project will analyze the way such differences may cause conflicts between high school students and it will try to solve them out. Promoting reciprocal knowledge of cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity, building a framework for common shared values, the project will support students from different ethnic communities to solve the conflicts that they might get into (ethnic and/or religious ones). Showing the similarities between monotheistic religions rules, the project aims to emphasize that different cultures share a lot of common religious values. Such values are, in the same time, ethic ones, supported by great paradigms of humanism: Renaissance, Enlightenment, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Interculturalism which defends the sacrality of human dignity etc. This way. Students will have also the opportunity to learn about the common values that gave substance to the European identity. The success of the project “See It Through My Eyes” and of reaching conflicts resolution depends to a great extent on accepting the cardinal principle of the equal dignity of cultures, mutual respect and on strengthening cooperation to obtain

lasting peace. The students will also be supported in solving inherent conflicts between them and adults - parents and teachers. Beyond the generation gap, adults and students will have the opportunity to understand how conflicts related to each part status and roles arise and which are the best ways to solve them. Project aims: - to stress individual features, similarities and differences between students in order to create a common space of understanding and mutual respect which will prevent conflicts-to respect the rights and duties of the main school actors ( students, teachers, parents) in order to avoid conflicts or to solve the existing conflicts -to broaden the intercultural understanding, in the hope of correcting flawed cultural representations, values and stereotypes and of promoting European values: tolerance, mutual understanding, solidarity for lasting peace. -to diminish the phenomenon of school dropping by valuing the school as a friendly place. Expected project outcomes/products: Our project intends to achieve the following outcomes, monthly presented: September - students will create an online magazine where they will be invited to participate with their stories related to conflicts and attempts to solve them out. where they will post stories about their attempt to solve conflict. October – the project will focus on helping students

to understand that differences caused by the places they live in, social category, sportive passions, musical preferences etc, are less important than the characteristics they all share. Each class will create and display a poster to remind students that they are a team and help them avoid conflicts with their fellows. The best poster of each partner school will be published in the magazine.


: the project will

focus on enhancing respect and mutual understanding between students belonging to different ethnic communities in order to avoid ethnic conflicts. Students from various groups will present the rules of their communities and publish them in the magazine in order to stress out that similarities are more importance than differences. December: students are invited to present the winter traditions followed in the ethnic community they are part of, in order to promote tolerance and respect; January: Both students and parents will be supported in understanding the source of the conflicts between them and in learning the best ways to avoid and/or to solve them. February: The project will focus on strengthening communication between students and teachers in order to solve and avoid conflicts. March: Project participants are invite to find and share various expressions of friendship, tolerance, respect, mutual understanding. ard the best artistic works. The festival will include, too, miniconcerts and dance representations characteristic for each group.

The neiborhood identities

A remarkable evening Andrei Dancau Bucharest, Romania

21 August 2009, is a remarkable evening for football and also for the romanian society. An evening when Dinamo Bucharest, engaged at that time in the UEFA Cup, played a match in the company from Slovan Liberec, the mach ending 0-2 on the field, and 0-3 after at the “green table� but not at the end of regulamentar time, the referee was forced to stop the match. The reason? Dinamo`s fans angry because of unfavorable score on the game table and the team performed poorly. They began the break the protective fences and invaded the athletics track which surround the field. Because of this incident the referee was forced to submit, no earlier than 5 minutes, the teams in the locker rooms to prevent a serious incident. After about 2-3 minutes, when the fans walked freely on the athletic track, security forces intervened with water hoses to calm the spirits. After being evacuated from the restricted area, fans started to leave the stadium. On the way to home, some of than have the misfortune to give the rivals, Steaua fans, who beat where they meet. The Steaua fans waiting in the subway station Piata Romana and the metro arrived at the station, they stormed in the

vagon and began the physically assault the majority of people who, wearing white and red. Unfortunately among elderly persons and women were attacked. Some people have suffered and they neded immediate medical care. The order forces, of course, they could not intervene because they were in a very small number. Thanks to this fans, who are called hooligans, their conflicts with other fans of other teams and stadiums frequently used obscene language, avoiding the word to walk unaided and support their team. Without drastically laws will not be able the stop these conflict between supporters and would be able to get much worse things.

About violence in schools Alexandra Dumitru Bucharest, Romania

Unfortunately, thousands of advices and arguments addressed to children by teachers, parents and specialists on domain, are not always enough for lower the level of violence in schools. Probably the capital factor which trigger the acts of violence among pupils is the family environment from they come, environment where the understanding, communication and calm are not predominant, as it should, but the conflicts and acts of violence between family members which children are tempted to copy. The lack of communication with parents is also a thorny problem, the children that don’t receive this kind of attention from at least one of the parents, are the most liable to violent tendencies and reactions in the scholar environment. I couldn’t say without doubt if the guilt is of the children because they didn’t knew how to assimilate and to put in practice the good knowledge, or of the parents because they didn’t understood that a child must be protected from family conflicts, that he needs that attention that is not equivalent with spoil, but with care, attention that means communication, listening, understanding, forgiveness and not the least, encouragement. In fact, everybody has his part of guilt, but we don’t must to look for the guilty ones, but methods for solving the problem.

Together with a wrong education received in family, another fact that makes the children to behave violent is centainly represented by bad influences or, best say, entourage. Saying that, I reffer to the fact that many children, fearing not to be marginalized and be considered cowards or freaks, they choose to copy the taught, rude, rebels, the ones with bad manners and bad behaviours, not benefit at all. That way the gangs are formed, even some kind of rival clans, and pupils that don’t belong to this categories and I reffer to hardworking and respectful children, are often the subject of mockery from those so called ”cool”. In my oppinion, today pupils have a big minus, the lack of respect for others. They must learn to respect mentality, opinions, decisions and everybody way to be and to understand once for all that nobody is perfect, that we don’t have to make fun about others mistakes and that the irony is not welcome in a collective, especialy between the pupils in the same class, pupils that should be united and solidary. By the way of solitarity, something that many wrongly understand, it doesn’t mean that when some pupils want to go away from classes, the whole class must do this beacause of ”solidarity”, or, another example, when certain children do a very bad thing, their coleagues to hide this from techers, also because of ”solidarity”. And

when this fact generates conflicts among pupils, because refusing to go away from classes or refusing to testify a truth, can draw antipathy from other coleagues. Unfortunatelly, we don’t know to put in others shoes and we don’t realize that some facts or words can easily hurt. As we have moved to another theme – dissendions and ruptures among pupils in the same class, in my opinion, the motiv of these conflicts which put the children in different groups is not necessarily the music prefferences or qualificatives received from teachers, but the differences of personality and character between pupils. For example, a hardworking, corect, good and smart child doesn’t has a chance to be friend or to be part of the group of less hardworking, less good, less respectful children. Maybe he wants this friendship but the others don’t accept him, at least until he will not become like them. Many times, he is the subject of irony or mockery from others instead to be respected for what he is. My conclusion is that if we can’t or won’t become better people, smarter and harder working, at least to show respect and good sense for any kind of person, even one that we don’t like, even one we can’t stand. We are not humbled if we offer friendship and respect, by contrary, we are degrading exactly when we consider ourselves superior and strong in front of the weak ones.

Not just the respect is missing, sometimes completely, but even the communication and trust. Is true that the parents are the best to listen what the child has to say when he is in need of support or advice, but if the children can’t find the understanding they are looking for, they should ask someone else, like a relative, a teacher, a class master or just a friend. Unfortunately, most of the children are afraid to talk, they are afraid to reveal their fears, mistakes and to admit the fact that they need help, like this would highlight their human weakness, would make them more vulnerable and would lower in others eyes. It would be better if the pupils would be encouraged to ask with trust and without restraint the one who show that is always ready to listen and help them, a teacher or a psychologist. I am convinced that there is no such thing like bad children. There are just teenagers that have followed wrong paths, probably not having anyone to guide them and not having enough character strength to reject bad things and wrong entourages. A better explanation would be the family environment where they live, the place where the character and behaviour of the children are created and developed. Some parents don’t understand that a child don’t need that attention which is resuming to just satisfy

all caprices, but that attention that is translated, as I already said, in communication. The parent must learn to listen his child, because only in this way the child will listen his parent. As a solution for violence combat among pupils, I would propose to encourage children to participate in more school projects, to learn this way that they have a lot of things to correct in their character, to know as many interesting, smart persons, whom model they to follow, to develop the ambition to become a better person one day, more understanding, more responsible, more wise. Parents, teachers, must speak them not like preach them, but with understanding and tolerance, after that to warn them when they make mistakes, they must offer them patience, support and encouragement. Children need to be infused with the idea to “devote to enhance own personality�, if I would quote a person, special and unforgettable, who learned me a lot of life lessons. And the most important, we must to not make the supreme mistake to ignore someone. Not the shyest, quiet, invisible one, who maybe not just need help and understanding, but also the encouragement to reveal his intelligence with probably is endowed but whom the uncertainty is stopping him to show, and not the most rude, disrespectful and rebel, who is hiding probably

behind this mask of toughness just because of fear to be hurt or not to show to the world the emptiness of his soul, a suffer or even a trauma. Even the worst of all deserve attention, deserve to listen him and to try to guide him to the right path, using for this any method (peaceful, of course), when is needed.

Conflict between generations Adriana Dumitru Bucharest, Romania

Conflicts between parents and children have always existed .On one hand there are the teenagers who often require too early the right to be independent, to be treated like grown-ups and on the other hand there are the parents who want all the best for their children, but

sometimes they lack patience wishing them perfect at once. Such a conflict was created between Tudor an his parents. He wanted more freedom, but his parents didn’t let him go outside because that year he had to learn for the final exam and more then that Tudor had in gang of friends not only good boys. They missed school and came home very late. And that’s way his parents were worried especially because Tudor ignored them. After a week, the boy’s mother received a call from his teacher and the teacher told her that the boy had many absences and he hadn’t come to school all week . Because of those things Tudor could be expelled. The parents reproached this to Tudor but he ignored them as he had done before. The second day , when his parents were at work , Tudor left home with a bag full of clothes decided not to return. The parents observed the boy’s disappearance and they began to worry.They started calling their relatives and family friends, but in vain. The next day ,Tudor called his parents and he told them not to worry about him because he was at a friend’s and he was allright and he would not return home.

The parents found out from his best friend the address where their son stayed and they went there to bring Tudor home.The boy refused to go home but eventually they brought him back using force. Finally Tudor is helped by a psychologist with whom he communicated very well and this helped him take this step with his parents as well.

Conflict between parents and children Dohotaru Elena Cristina Bucharest, Romania When we say conflict, we think of the opposition, the disagreement or the incompatibility between two or more parties. We meet with them at school, on public streets and even in public. Different mentalities, changing the value system and lack of communication, are the main reasons that cause conflict

between children and parents. Often, we blame the parents that have forgotten the suffering caused by disagreements with parents when they were our age, on the other hand, parents blame us that we do not want to listen to their opinions, "the people are going through life" . Our desire for affirmation and change can lead to contradictory discussions with the parents because most of them, the desire to protect and not to repeat mistakes, try to shape our personality, to turn us into what they think is best for us and not what we want to turn ourselves. Another common problem is that parents expose their authority simply because they are parents and have the right to listen to them, such conduct is not only to alienate the children because we have the right to express ourselves freely. Conflicts between parents and children were there, there








communication, honesty, understanding and respect.

Let’ s try whitout conflicts Telisca Larisa Bucharest, Romania The conflicts means opposition, desagreement or incompatibility between two or more parties. When it happens to be a contradiction of interests or concepts it’ s means there is a conflict, which happens quite often in everyday life. It’s happens at home, at school or even on the streets or in public transportation vehicles. It happened to everyone to have fight with a colleague or to have contradictions even with some teacher. For example, in my class there was a conflict whit the person in charge of the class. It all started from some

words randomly said and it became a real scandal that wasn’t solved until a disscution at the parents meeting. Another conflict that appears in my class it’s between class teacher and students. I thing that the main cause








communication. Maybe if we would talk more we would get to the same result and the relationship would be a different one, I’ m sure that it wouldn’t be necessary for her to raise her voice to make herself understood. I’m sure that if she could understand us for a few moments she would remember childhood or highschool years and she would see herself in us. Even though there is a well known conflict between generations, thru communication it could be possible to get to a favorable conclusion for both parties: we would understand that we are not doing exactly the right thing and that is not wrong to take her advices especially when she has your best interesed in mind, and our teacher would be happier and proud with her class. Another commun place were conflicts appear is at home. I often fight with my sister. This happens because we thing we know it all and we don’t want to accept

anyone’s opinion. This are small conflict that have a resolution thru communication. Another commun place for conflicts represents the public transportation system .The old misunderstanding between young and old people based on the same subject: why doesn’t the young give his place to the old. This seems to me an absurd and funny thing. I thing that the only way to stop this conflict is to do as you are told without any comments when someone says get up from your chair you should smile and say: “please, take a seat!”. In this way you are making it easy for everyone. If you will do this, you will see it is not in vain. Maybe the resolution of the conflict, it is in the some cases, impossible, but the communication between parties could tone it down. By talking in a polite manner, thinking before answering, leaving aside the pride and admitting that you have made a mistake, you can prevent conflict.

Verbal Violence Laceanu Luminita Bucharest, Romania

The verbal violence often leads to physical violence. An example is the conflict between two mature people waiting metro. I was surprised that these people were not part of the lower class, one of them was wearing a shirt and stylish pants. First time I saw them all seems to be ok, the conflict has degenerate from few words and they start fighting without thinking how many people look at them A woman was hit while they are blinded by rage beat, nothing serious but that demonstrate how concentrate they

are to hit each other, they don’t see anything else except the opponent The world watched amazed, only the guards intervention successful to calm them. Most likely the two guys were carried to the police where they get for sure a substantial fine. This happened often because of verbal violence, and this was a lucky case but sometimes these conflicts finish bad and is better to avoid them.


First project meeting – Albania – November 2010


1.Faceti parte dintr-un grup de prieteni? DA: 310

NU: -

2. Dupa ce criterii ati aderat la acest grup: -muzica: 140 -etnie: 97 -situatie financiara: 20 -sport:53 3.In grupul vostru sunt persoane de alte etnii? DA: 100

NU: 210

4.Daca o persoana de alta etnie doreste sa adere la grupul vostru, te-ar deranja? DA:98


5.Sunt persoane cu dezablitati in grupul tau?

DA: 70


6.Ce diferente pot produce conflicte in grupul vostru? -muzica: 140 -etnie:89 -situatie financiara: 25 -sport: 56 7.Este o alta gasca in cartierul vostru cu o situatie financiara mai buna decat a grupului vostru? DA: 225

NU: 85

8. Conflictele dintre gasti pot fi generate de: -muzica: 140 -etnie: 30 -situatie financiara: 50 -sport:90 9.Conflictele dintre gasti incepute in strada pot continua si la scoala? DA: 220

NU: 90


S-a realizat un sondaj de opinie referitor la conflictele in scoli , desfasurat pe un esantion de 310 elevi ai Colegiului National Octav Onicescu.In urma sondajului s-au constatat urmatoarele: -toti cei chestionati fac parte dintr-un grup de prieteni; -aproximativ 60% dintre cei intervievati considera ca muzica este cea care poate unii un grup sau care poate starnii uneori conflicte; -mai mult de 50% dintre cei chestionati au in grupul lor si ar accepta in grup persoane de alte etnii; -mai mult de 70% dintre cei intervievati au raspuns ca nu au in grup persoane cu dezabilitati , dar in acelasi timp nu i-ar deranja sa aiba; -aproximativ 65% dintre cei chestionati sustin ca exista alte gasti in cartier cu o situatie financiara mai buna decat a lor; -mai mult de 60% dintre cei intervievati sustin ca neintelegerile incepute pe strada se continua si la scoala.

Cercetarea sociologică a fost realizata de clasa a XI a F a C. N. Octav Onicescu, Bucuresti, Romania.

Survey realized by XIF form from National College Octav Onicescu

Neighborhood Identities

1. Do you have a group of friends? YES: 310

NOT: -

2.After what criteria did you joined that group? -music: 140 -ethnicity:96 -financial situation:20 -sport:53 3.In your group there are persons belonging to other ethnic groups? YES: 10 NOT:210 4.If a person belongs to another ethnic group and that person would like to join your group, would this bother you? YES: 98 NOT: 180 5.Are there people with disabilities in your group?

YES: 70 NOT: 240 6.What differences may cause conflicts in the group? - music: 140 - ethnicity: 89 -finacial situation: 25 -sport: 56 7. Is it another gang in the neighbourhood with a better financial situation than your group? YES: 225 NOT: 85 8.Conflicts between groups are generated by: -music:140 -ethnicity: 30 -sport: 90 -finacial situation:50 9.Conflicts between street gangs wich are begin in the streets can continue at school? YES: 220 NOT: 90


This questionnaire conducted a survey on the conflicts in schools , conducted on a sample of 310 students of National College Octav Onicescu.The survey found these were:

-all respondents are part of a group of friends; -approximately 60% of respondents believe that the music is what unites a group or start conflict; -more that 50%of respondents have in their group and would accept people of other ethnic group; -more that 70% of those surveyed said that they did not have in group people with disabilities , but at the same time would not have bothered; -approximately 65% of those surveyed say there are other gangs with a better financial situation than their; -more that 60% of those surveyed say the conflict started on the street and continue in school.

National College Octav Onicescu Project No. 42 Bucharest, Romania

Silent heroes in our community Mr. Ionescu Florinel is our hero in the community. He is a cop proximity and with his help in our school have been mediated in several conflicts between students and neighborhood groups. Who is the policeman of Proximity? "proximity near you"

Police proximity or Comunnity thumb is a term designating the Anglo-Saxon law enforcement strategy by which citizens and police are partners in neighborhood peace.The police and police officers are considered members of the community, the main idea is to create

links of trust between them and the public. Proximity cop looks like any other cop. He wears navy blue uniform as any cop cap and black shoes. It has a badge with "POLICE", epaulettes and degrees. They are experienced officers who have completed courses in "transactional analysis" by which they learned how to speak, how to behave, how to solve some problems, how to prevent conflicts. The most important identifier of "patrolling the streets knows the building administrators, school principals, students problem, owners of shops and street children." He appears at your door if your music is to loud, if your quarrel with your wife or you beat your neighbor if someone broke into your apartment or stole your car. Proximity police role is to make citizens feel safer; it is an interpersonal relationship, collaboration, peer dialogue, very different from traditional police approach. Very often, although proximity guards patrolling different areas together and preventive actions in schools and colleges do in tandem, helping them to command respect. Preventive activities with territorial jurisdiction and inform people of how we should act in different situations: theft, physical or verbal abuse, etc. One of the conflicts that Mr. Ionescu Florinel told to our students at our school that involved in the project Trough My Eyes See It was the following:

It all started with a romance between two young people (Daniel and Diana) of the same class, 11 F. The two get along very well, but then came another influential guy (Andrew), where he fell in love with the young girl. The latter put heavy pressure on Daniel to let the girl alone and never speak with her threatening that he will beat him. We all know that since most young people ages 14-15 are "falling in love". No longer knowing their heads. Our young boy could’t let her, especially to lose the love of his life, so all talk and continue their relationship with Diana. Hearing this, Andrew become very upset; he called his gang of friends and waited for his "buddy" to come out of the classroom. Daniel found out that Andrei is waiting to clear things out of them, and he called his group of friends too. The two neighborhood groups have met and started the dispute, the situation becomes unpleasant; they have sent each other vulgar words trying to show who is more "slick". This situation was about to become an act of violence. Can be transformed into a "true K1�. At that time Mr Ionescu was patroling the area. Seeing what happened comes without any hesitation. Aided by two police still manages to reassure young people and to mediate conflict by verbal. The two groups were taken to the police station to have a dialogue with them and their parents (because they were minors). Mr

Ionescu Florinel knew as a good mediator resolve the conflict without taking into someone's hand. The two young Andrew and Daniel and their friends have been advised of the consequences that cause people to support or take part in acts of violence. Following discussions between the boys ended the conflict amicably. The key was a good communication.

"Give Me Your Hand" – Friendship and Tolerance Festival in a wide-open area, organized with City Hall and some other institutions’ support, where students from other schools and media representatives will be invited.

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