ancient lesson plan spain

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Comenius Between religions and ethics. A common ground Santa Clara high school, Santander . Cantabria-SPAIN Didactic project for E-Class

Date:15. 03. 2011 A-Lesson’s duration: two course hours (50+50 min.) In Spain we start at 13,00 until 14,15 Sain time . (Romania is one hour + than Spain (They start at 12,00 Romania hour) B-Involved students: students from the 4º ESO 1º Bach y 2º Bach grades C-Lesson’s content: pedagogical experiment– «The contemporaneousness of the major ethical systems of ancient regarding the moral values, the meaning of life and human relationships»

D-Lesson type : lesson for the use of knowledge and information gathered up till now F-Sources of information: a- Philosophy, prof.Eliseo Rabadán b- Science for our actual World prof.F J Alonso del Val VVAA. Ciencias de la tierra y del medio ambiente at link here ncias-de-la-tierra-y-del-medio-ambiente-un-enfoque-desde-la-teoria-desistemas-y-la-sostenibilidad-2005. Un enfoque desde la teoría de sistemas y la sostenibilidad.

c-History of Philosophy E Rabadán Copleston History of Philosophy Vol I and Russell Bertrand History of Western Philosophy d-Psychology, prof Eliseo Rabadán. Rojas,. ¿ Quién eres? Temas de Hoy, Madrid, 2001. Psicologia joven

e-Catholic Religion , prof Gema Gutiérrez Sañudo The Bible f-History of Art , prof Mª Pilar Ruiz de la Cuesta

g-ITC technical advisory for all the teachers activities, profs. Jesús Matía and Ana Nuñez h- invited teachers from Santa Clara (working upon this now) school ? Operational objectives : a. At the end of the activity, students will be capable of : Objective 1- development of the European identity by identifying the common religious and folk values for all the participating countries. Objective 2- to discover the source of these values; Objective 3 - to develop interdisciplinarity Objective 4 - to improve technical manage on new ITC working

Resources: Procedure: complex analysis of literature, heuristic conversation, debate, expressive lecture, speech Materials: literature books, pupils portfolios, work papers, bibliographic material Management: individual, independent and frontal activity

Educational resources: - books of criticism - normal receptive abilities of students from the 4º ESO, 1º Bach y 2ºBach grades - literature hall, equipped with tables for team activities Didactic strategy Team teaching (philosophy, religion, literature, foreign languages, sciences, psychology, History

Object Lesson’s ives steps

Activity’s content

1.manage The ment required materials

Didactic strategy

Evalua tion

are being prepared Obj1, O2

2 . anchor Religion knowledg teacher e testing asks the students to identify the moral values promoted by Christianit y

Conversation Frontal activity The teacher tests the information that pupils own related to the three great values of the Christian man, valuing the Decalogue: The justice( “don’t steal, don’t kill, don’t crave your fellow ‘s house, wife, nor his slave, nor his bull, nor his donkey, nor any other object belonging to your fellow”.) The Truth(“Do not crookedly testify against your fellow.”) The good ( “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you, ," You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name



Discoveri ng the source of these folk and religious values

The Philosophy teacher identifies together with students the antique world values, that is the source of modern moral values

oral There will be mentioned philosophers such as Plato, who’s philosophy has good as moral ground: Justice related to welfare, centered in The Idea of a honest government by the wise men on the State. The Good defined as equilibrium and harmony between all parts of society by education with dialectic model. Happiness for individual soul corresponding to Happiness State searching to the aim of avoiding abuses with contraries equilibrium by the practice of Wise and Justice ideals. Aristotle, who considered that pleasure was only for animals and slaves, but considered happiness as an activity for the soul according to virtuosity. He also proposed Justice as one of main virtues or values. According to him, happiness is achieved rationally, doing for example, good deeds, through which the individual

rises above his well being, and acts for the society’s well being. We need to understand the relevance of other Greece models confronting what is known as Pericles Democracy at Athens: Sparta, and the Tyranny, and Military ruled States. The Sophists´ Schools, mainly Gorgias, and Protagoras, as defenders of the Hobes based models of State as opposite to values in present-days European Union member States. Epicur, moderated hedonist, claims that happiness is a spiritual pleasure, and that a pleasant life is a decent, wise and honest one. Radical hedonists believe that happiness means pleasure, and the means of obtaining it, do not matter, nor the consequences. On the other hand, stoics support the idea that life should be according to

nature, understanding the necessity of what is happening to you, and complying to it. Obj1, Obj 3

4 Directing of teaching

The science teacher creates the contact between antique ideas and the contempor ary ones.

Obj1, Obj2

Directing The of literature teaching teacher identifies, along with the students, European works of literature, in which you can find these antique cultural principles.

The students bring illustrated oral examples on how these principles are met in everyday life.

Led by teacher, the students identify similarities between Aristotel’s idea of happiness and Sherlock Holmes, who worked for the Scotland Yard, on his own will, only for the good of the others. Epicur’s theory, could be encountered in Orhan Pamuk’s novel, ”My name is Red”. One of this novel’s plans, catches the passion for thumbnail art, and the need for the landmarks of this art to remain unchanged. When the rules of European

painting slowly enter the moslem world, the Uncle’s painting( left unfinished after his death), was strictly created for the spiritual pleasure of the character, as any art form is meant to be.

On the other hand, Don Juan, belongs to the doctrine of radical hedonists, so that beyond the feminine eternal which he seeks in each and every one of the seduced women, he looks for obtaining pleasure. A character that overlaps the Stoic Theory, is the honest Iov, from the Old Testament, who, after each Divine intervention in his life, said:” God gave, God took, may Lord’s name be blessed”. Maitreyi, also accepts his destiny and distinguishes this way from the European Allan, who ends up by accepting his drama, after being exiled from his lover’s family. Petronius, one of the characters from “Quo vadis” ,

also accepts death as a necessity to which he must comply, and his suicide, is just a way of avoiding the humiliation of being killed by Nero, who he considered to be inferior from the spiritual point of view.

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