terrorism lesson plan romania

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OCTAV ONICESCU NATIONAL COLLEGE ON-LINE LESSON DIDACTIC PROJECT Date: 2 June 2011 Lesson’s duration: 2 course hours(50+50 min.) Class: project team Lesson’s Content: „The distortion of originally meaning of religion –Terrorism" Lesson’s type:lesson ment for applying and revaluating the knoledge gathered to this day Bibliography :Hoffman, Bruce (1999). Inside Terrorism. Columbia University Press. Juergensmeyer,Mark (2004). Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence,Univeristy of California Press

Operational objectives: O1 -the identifiation of causes of terrorism as a violation of the Humsan Rights and of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights O2 – the identification of the similarities between the humanist values and the religious values which are violated by terrorist acts O3 – achieveing interdisciplinarity Resources: Procedural: conversation, debate, expressive reading, presentation of heuristic texts Material: pupils portfolios, worksheets, bibliographic material Organizational: frontal, individual and team activity Teaching strategy: a) Methods and procedures: expressive reading (of some fragments);heuristic conversation; learning by descovering; questioning. b) Forms of organising student’s activity: frontal activity, combined with independent activity in teams.


The lesson’s stages 1 Organization al time

O1, O2

2 Assessment

The content of the activity Materials required for the lesson are being prepared The Philosophy teacher asks the students to ide ntify the values promoted by religious and ethics on the

Teaching startegy


Conversation Frontal activity The teacher checks the knoledge owned by the pupils regarding the humanist values found in religious textes and in Uniersal Declaration of Human Rights



Uncovering the meaning of Terrorism

O1, O3

4 Leading learning

O2, O3

Leading learning

sacredness of life The philosophy teacher identifies the concepts of Terrorism The history teacher identifies the causes of terrorism and the violation of human rights The religion teacher identifies the violation of religious values by torrorism The religious teacher emphasize the religious meaning destorsion

Definitions of terrorism and errors of definition of terrorism


Students provide examples of represent ative texts.


The students bring exemples and comments


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