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By Caroline Tracy Tailwaggers Larchmont, the new multi-purpose pet boutique, hosted a four-day-long grand opening to celebrate its arrival on the Boulevard. The event featured vendor demonstrations, free samples, gift bags with purchase, daily raffl e drawings, and the chance to get to know staff members. Tailwaggers, which has two other locations, in Hollywood and West Hollywood, fi rst opened its doors on Larchmont this spring with a soft opening. Now, the shop is fully stocked and was ready for its offi cial unveiling. Tailwaggers owner Todd Warner was on-site, working with customers during the fête, and expressed his excitement about the Larchmont locale. “I’ve been coming to Larchmont Boulevard for over 30 years,” Warner shared. “I used to live in Brookside on Tremaine, and I’ve always loved this area. It’s just so special and I’m really excited to be here.” During the opening, patrons and their pets were greeted by Warner, as well as a full staff ready to answer questions about anything related to the shop’s pet products and services. Representatives from many of the product lines came out in support of the opening and offered free samples, tutorials and demonstrations. Customers who made a purchase of $20 or more over the four-day event were given a goody bag and entered into a raffl e. With multiple prizes being raffl ed off each day, many walked away with curated gift baskets for dogs and cats, designer dog beds, and other indemand products. In addition to its retail operation, Tailwaggers will offer daycare and grooming later this summer. “Grooming can be stressful for some pets,” Warner explained. “So our approach is different. Other grooming models take on an assembly line format with the animals seeing multiple technicians. At Tailwaggers, each pet stays with one groomer for the entire length of the service, which is better for creating a bond and reducing any potential upset.” Giving back is important to Warner. To that effect, the upstairs offi ce space will serve as headquarters for his non-profit, Tailwaggers Foundation, which raises money for rescue dogs and cats. He is also committed to giving back in the community. “I love being a part of the neighborhood, and I’m so excited to get involved and help Larchmont celebrate its upcoming 100th anniversary,” Warner said.
TAILWAGGERS ownerTodd Warner, right, and General Manager Brian Boulter, in front of the Larchmont store.

OVERALL view of customers enjoying the new store.
Sign up for fall soccer season
Fall registration is in full swing! The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) fall season starts Sept. 11 for Region 78, which covers Hollywood, Larchmont and Wilshire. Registration is open for ages 3 to 18, said Kurt Muller, regional commissioner. “For the three- to fi ve-yearolds, we will accept registrations into early September and are encouraging families to ‘spread the word’ to get their friends and classmates to join up with them.” “While a key part of AYSO is meeting new friends, we do get a lot of ‘team requests,’ which is something we have more fl exibility with for these younger age groups. We even accommodate requests up to our ‘2014’ division as long as the family has a referee volunteer (something we always have a desperate need for and that requires no soccer experience). “We are planning coach and referee volunteer trainings in the second half of August. Most of the volunteers are parents, grandparents, uncles / aunts and even siblings, which really makes for a fun familyfriendly experience.” For information, email ayso78registrar@gmail.com or visit ayso78.info.
Pets of Larchmont
“Our loving rescued angels, 14-year-old Bella and 9-month-old Addy, enjoy life at Manhattan Place,” said Mary and Art Fruchtenbaum. (This entry was sent in after the deadline for our annual July pet issue.)