Presencia News Laredo Texas

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PRESENCIA NEWS A bilingual publication

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The people’s voice

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012

Axis of Reason R U STUPED OR WAT? Y by Jesse Castaneda, Jr.

ou don’t really see people talking on cell phones these days. Most of the time, you see them huddling over dotting their fingers over the cell phone keypads expressing themselves with the “new but primitive form” of communication called “texting”. Now, texting is now old news. According to my children, texting has been around for a long while. Really - and so I thought I recently discovered it. My mind works in peculiar ways. I need things to be done in certain ways. If you move something that I had in place-even if it’s just an inch or so - it just bothers me. If you can’t complete a certain sentence, phrase, joke, or anything that needs to be complete, it just ticks me off. So, texting so called things like “k”, which means okay or something like “gone 2 d mall”, spins my head around. It’s like not finishing something you started or doing a half-ass job at what you are doing. Yea, I understand that people need to be efficient, but common “r u k? (Are you okay?). No, but are you okay? Our kid’s brains are turning into mulch. Spelling is out the window. And grammar? Heck, don’t worry about it. No need for that. Anyone can be a writer now! Just go ahead, text

a few words or write a few words on Face Book -you are an award winning author! There is no need for proper punctuation, grammar, spelling and even any form of structure. You see, I don’t like texting. I do it because I get text messages. If I call someone, they don’t answer. They’ll text me “Y u calin me?” (Why you calling me?). It’s true. These days people get pissed-off because you call them. If they do answer their cell phones, they sound annoyed. “Just text,” they say. I text, but I still call just to annoy them. Texting is good when you are at a meeting, your court sentence or even your execution. I mean who wants to actually hear the voice from a “dead man walking”. “u ded yet?” “nt yet” I’ll look at my phone on a few occasions, but it’s not to check my text messages, but to check the time. “Who you texting,” someone will ask. “No one,” I’ll say. “Why are you looking at your cell phone?” I’ll say, “Y u ax?” The mind is remarkable. It’s just too bad many kids don’t know how to spell remarkable.

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May-June 2012

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice



RENUNCIA L o que ya se veía venir pasó. Carlos Maldonado optó por renunciar a la jefatura de policía en Laredo, puesto que dejará de manera oficial el próximo 22 de junio, cuando cumplirá cuatro años como jefe. PRESENCIA NEWS lo dijo hace un mes, Maldonado estaba pidiendo a gritos su salida de Laredo y finalmente las autoridades municipales hablaron con él para que dejara el puesto y buscara empleo en otra parte. Fuentes muy cercanas a la oficina del Regente Municipal señalaron que desde el mes de agosto del 2011 se tuvo una plática con Maldonado donde se le pidió que se acercara a la comunidad y que se interesara más por el aspecto humano de los oficiales de la policía, pero no hizo caso. Si bien Maldonado tuvo un buen desempeño para reorganizar el departamento e imponer una mejor disciplina, no era muy


popular entre sus oficiales y mucho menos en la comunidad, ya que jamás acudía a eventos comunitarios y nunca se esforzó por aprender español. Maldonado presentó su carta de renuncia ante el Regente Carlos R. Villarreal y su retiro será oficial a partir del 22 de junio. Maldonado fue contratado como jefe de policía el 17 de junio del 2008 luego de una intensa búsqueda a nivel estatal y nacional, antes de venir a Laredo fue jefe de la policía estatal en Nuevo Mexico durante varios años. Sin embargo, tuvo que dejar el puesto en el 2006 al desatarse un escándalo porque se le ligó sentimentalmente con la

Diputada Estatal Debbie Rodella, esposa del magistrado Tommy Rodella, quien le pidió personalmente al Gobernador Bill Richardson su salida. Hace un par de meses Maldonado estuvo en la lista de semifinalistas para el puesto de jefe de policía en Phoenix, Arizona pero no quedó entre los finalistas. El mes pasado aplicó para la jefatura de policía de la ciudad de Brownsville, Texas y está en espera de obtener el puesto. Algunos regidores, que omitieron su nombre para evitar problemas en el cabildo, señalaron que Maldonado no se adaptó jamás a la comunidad, no aprendió nunca el español y no gustaba mucho de participar en eventos comunitarios.

Carlos Maldonado presentó su renuncia oficial al puesto de Jefe de Policía de Laredo.

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Face Book finally broke out in the stock market at $42 a share this month. Mark Zuckerberg responded, “Great. I’m finally on the Sock Market. Okay, now I have to Facebook all my friends. “… please friends, buy Face Book shares. Thank you.”

Former Secretary of State, Colin Powel stated he is not ready to endorse President Obama for the presidency like he did four years ago. Powel said that Obama needed to work on the U.S. Economy. Obama replied, “Economy? I just bought some Facebook shares, brother. I’m down with the economy, baby.”

May-June 2012

Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon continues to raise the issue that his country is infested with drugs and violence because The United States is a major consumption of drugs and weapons. The Obama administration responded, “Oh, shit. Then we are on the same bandwagon, except we have an infestation of illegal immigration. We apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused Mexico. We thought we were trading drugs and weapons for illegal immigration. Sorry, our bad.”

l a n o i t a N e Th zz Bu . r J , a d e n a t s a C e s s e by J

In Austin this month, lawmakers study and speak about food shortages in Texas. The House Human Services and Public Health Committees are investigating why Texas has the second highest rate of people having trouble getting enough food. Meanwhile in the next room, The Committee Against Obesity is studying and speaking why Texans are still getting fat.

A buxom 29 year old woman, Lauren Odes, claims she was fired from a NYC lingerie shop after managers were complaining that she was “too hot and sexy”. Managers stated to her to ‘tape down her breast”. After she denied their request, she was fired. Meanwhile, The White House made several intern jobs available. “The Want Ad stated: Wanted. Buxom 29 year old. Just got fired? No need to tape down breast. Please contact any Democrat. All benefits included.”

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012



INSOLITAS Demanda a su mujer por fea…y gana

Quiere encerrar a los gays hasta que mueran

El reverendo Charles Worley no está de acuerdo con el apoyo del presidente Barack Obama al matrimonio homosexual. De hecho está bastante indignado con el tema, pues su propuesta para este colectivo es otra muy diferente, según dejó patente en un sermón pronunciado en la iglesia baptista de Maiden, en Carolina del Norte, estado que precisamente se pronunció en contra de permitir el matrimonio gay. La propuesta de Worley, que ha generado gran polémica, consiste en reunir a todos los homosexuales -gays y lesbianas-, encerrarlos en un recinto cercado con una valla electrificada, para que no puedan salir de ahí. Así hasta que mueran y, entonces, desparecerán porque “no habrán podido reproducirse”. Y añadió: “Me pone enfermo sólo pensarlo -no sé ni siquiera si decirlo en el púlpito- pero ¿podéis imaginaros a un hombre besando a otro?”. Por si quedaban dudas sobre su postura, añadió, en referencia a Obama que “no voy a votar por un asesino de niños y amante de los homosexuales”. Unas palabras a las que los congregados respondieron con un “amén”. Una asociación local contra la incitación al odio ha puesto en marcha una campaña en las redes sociales y organizó una protesta este domingo fuera de su iglesia. Fuente: El Mundo (España)

Encierra a su hijo durante 30 años

Una mujer rusa mantuvo a su hijo recluido durante más de 30 años en una habitación de diez metros cuadrados en su apartamento de la ciudad de Saratov, en el sur de Rusia, según ha informado el portal de noticias Dimitri Kuvaldin recuperó su libertad al fallecer su progenitora en 2002 y salió entonces por primera vez a

la calle tras pasar 33 años encerrado en su habitación. En un vídeo difundido por el periódico digital, Kuvaldin ha relatado que su madre decidió recluirle para protegerle del contacto con el mundo exterior cuando tenía siete años, tras haber aprendido a escribir y a leer en la escuela, previo paso por una guardería. Fuente: La Razon (España)

fías de su esposa antes de someterse a las múltiples cirugías y confirmó que la ‘fealdad’ de la beba había sido flagrantemente heredada por el lado materno. De acuerdo a lo que publica el sitio, ante esto el desilusionado esposo demandó a su mujer, alegando que era demasiado fea y que lo había timado al jamas confesarle que su sensual apariencia era producto de la habilidad de un médico y no de la generosa naturaleza. Fuente: Cronica (Argentina)

All Star Kids, Inc.

Citan a un burro como testigo en una corte Un tribunal de Pakistán decidió citar a un burro para, de esta manera, intentar darle fin a una disputa entre el dueño de un campo y un vecino acusado de maltratar al animal. Su dueño dijo que sólo lo llevaría si permitirían al animal rendir su testimonio de los maltratos sufridos en manos de un vecino. Nigah Hussain, dueño del animal, se negó a “someter al burro al trauma adicional de tener que estar en la corte”. Pero luego de la insistencia del tribunal aceptó llevarlo a los estra-

Un chino pensó que su recién nacido era producto de una infidelidad dado que no se parecía a él ni a su mujer. Pero la esposa le confesó que se había hecho varias cirugías antes de conocerse. El hombre la denunció por no haberle dicho y un tribunal falló a su favor. Su pasado la condenó. Jiat Feng era un hombre felizmente casado. Finalmente llegó el momento tan esperado por la pareja y se convirtieron en padres de una niña. Sin embargo, Feng notó que la bebé no sólo no mostraba parecido a ninguno de los dos, sino que a su juicio era físicamente poco agraciado. Tras exigir una explicación a su mujer, luego de sospechar que el niño era producto de una infidelidad, su mujer le confesó que en realidad se parecía mucho a ella… antes de gastar cien mil dólares en cirugía plástica. Feng tuvo acceso a fotogra-

dos sólo si se le permitía al animal rendir su testimonio. Ante la ironía de Hussain el juez declaró el caso como poco serio y decidió absolver al acusado Mohammed Ramzan de las acusaciones, informó el sitio de noticias de aquel país. El campesino Nigah Hussain había denunciado a su vecino de haberle pegado a su burro. De hecho, el dueño del animal había llevado un certificado de un veterinario donde constaba que tenía huellas de una fuerte golpiza.

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

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May-June 2012

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012




By Jesse Castaneda, Jr


trange things are coming our way. The Vatican has already revealed the openness to possible alien life. In an interview for the Vatican Newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, Vatican astronomer, Jesuit Father Jose Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory acknowledged the possibility that alien life exists in the universe. Father Jose Funes stated that the Vatican does not believe that extraterrestrials conflict with “faith” because God made all creatures and that there could be life forms elsewhere. But somewhere in the halls of the Vatican lies the truth -the truth about God, Devil and Man. The most powerful church is now being opened to the vast universe and what lies ahead. There is a new shift evolving. The emergence of the end of the Mayan Calendar is getting near. The date: December 21, 2012. The outcome: Unknown. According to the Examiner, The Vatican is preparing itself. The examiner reports, “The Vatican’s new openness on extraterrestrial life is consistent with reports of secret discussions held at the United Nations that began in February 2008. The Vatican’s permanent representative to the UN, Arch-

bishop Celestino Migliore, was reported to have attended along with a number of other prominent government officials to discuss increased UFO sightings and the implications of extraterrestrial visitation.” There is more going on than is being said, especially when utilizing the science of reverse speech. Canadian speech recognition expert and former CBS radio producer Jon Kelly, is one of the most renown sought-after practitioners in the field of secret backward messages. With over 10 years of clinical practice and hundreds of publicly demonstrations, his accuracy is phenomenal in analyzing reverse speech. On February 20, 2009, an article about President Obama introduced reverse speech

evidence of a future extraterrestrial UFO event. In a radio interview, Kelly explained that “the reverse speech analysis of Barack Obama’s inaugural address reveals secret, subconscious messages about large-scale extraterrestrial events during the years of the Obama administration. Obama’s first term of office runs through January 20, 2013.

Luis Ramirez

If re-elected, he will be in office through January 20, 2017.” There is more going on than is being said, especially when utilizing the science of reverse speech. Canadian speech recognition expert and former CBS radio producer Jon Kelly, is one of the most renown sought-after practitioners in the field of secret backward messages. With over 10 years of clinical practice and hundreds of publicly demonstrations, his accuracy is phenomenal in analyzing reverse speech. On February 20, 2009, an article about President Obama introduced reverse speech evidence of a future extraterrestrial UFO event. In a radio interview, Kelly explained that “the reverse speech analysis of Barack Obama’s inaugural

address reveals secret, subconscious messages about large-scale extraterrestrial events during the years of the Obama administration. Obama’s first term of office runs through January 20, 2013. If re-elected, he will be in office through January 20, 2017.” No one can hide the fact that there is an unusual increase of UFO sighting through-out the world, but will there be contact and public acknowledgment of an unearthly event. And if there is, are you prepared? Because according to current bible scholars and researchers, God, Jesus, Devil and Angels is not who we think they are. To check out Jon Kelly’s interview, please go to


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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice


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May-June 2012

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly by The Finger



La llegada del equipo de beisbol Laredo Lemurs para jugar en el nuevo estadio UniTrade es una muy buena noticia para Laredo y no sólo porque habrá más diversión en la ciudad, sino por la derrama económica que traerá esta actividad en la ciudad. Los beneficios serán más empleos directos e indirectos, un nuevo pasatiempo para que se diviertan las familias y además, el equipo será un emblema para Laredo cuando vaya a jugar a otras ciudades y demostrará que en este pueblo hay muchas positivas que destacar. El nuevo equipo de beisbol y el nuevo estadio se agregará al equipo de soccer Laredo Heat, al nuevo campo de golf, al equipo de futbol americano de salón Rattlesnakes y muy posiblemente se contará con los Toros de la liga de basquetbol de México para la siguiente temporada.

El premio que le entregaron al Juez de la Corte de Leyes Albino “Ben” Morales, llamado Recipient of Law Day, es ridículo. Nadie sabe de donde viene o para que sirve o peor aún, porque se lo dieron si no tiene mérito alguno. Hay quienes dicen que mejor sería que recibiera un certificado por terminar una terapia del habla ya que nadie le entiende lo que dice, eso sí sería algo bueno para él y para quienes tienen que acudir a su corte y se quedan diciendo ¿What? cada vez que Morales habla. Si se revisaran los escritos del reportero de la corte del Juez Morales tal vez en lugar de notas de los casos, se van a encontrar crucigramas o juegos del “gato” porque lo que dice el Juez Morales nadie lo entiende a menos que ocupe otro que hable igual. LO FEO Si nos fijamos bien

en los anuncios de los candidatos a los diferentes puestos políticos, podemos reírnos un muy buen rato, inclusive algunos son más chistosos que algunos de los mejores comediantes del cine de Hollywood. Por ejemplo, hay un candidato a Comisionado del Precinto 3 que tiene un anuncio donde anda a caballo, nadie sabe que tiene que ver este animal con el puesto que busca a menos que en la Corte de Comisionados se vaya a exigir que todos monten y se vistan de vaqueros. Hay otro que sale manejando un tractor, otro que anda jugando soccer con unos niños pateando un balón de basquetbol, hay otros que ponen citas de la biblia para que la gente crea que son un alma de Dios y algunos salen caminando y saludando a todos, tratando de mostrar que son más buenos que el Tylenol, así de ridícula es la política en este pueblo.

May-June 2012

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice


Federal nutrition cuts hurt South Texas Food Bank clients

Special To Laredo Media


fficials at the South Texas Food Bank expressed frustration at the recent vote by the U.S. House of Representatives to slash hunger relief spending by nearly $36 billion. “Feeding our neighbors is a shared responsibility,” said Alfonso Casso, Executive Director of STFB. “Our food bank relies on private charity and federal support to feed hungry Laredoans. Both sides of the equation are crucial to our success. If federal programs are cut, we will not be able to make up the difference.” The House vote on an FY2013 budget package was widely seen as an attempt to avoid automatic, government-wide cuts placed in last year’s deficit agreement. Nutrition programs now facing cuts were originally spared by that agreement on the advice of several bipartisan deficit commissions. The proposed cuts also run coun-

ter to a recent public opinion poll finding that 77 percent of voters (and 63 percent of Republican voters) oppose cutting SNAP (food stamps) to reduce government spending. Casso recently testified at a public forum in San Antonio on the benefit of federal nutrition programs for hungry Laredoans. The forum was attended by Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo), who subsequently voted against the budget package. “Congressman Cuellar should be thanked for his vote,” Casso said. “He knows we invest in a nutrition safety net so it will be there when times are hard. Times are hard in Laredo now, and programs like SNAP are working as designed,” Casso said. “We agree with the goal of deficit reduction, but we should not achieve it on the backs of the most vulnerable.” Casso added, “The South Texas Food Bank continues to distribute supplemental food to thousands of needy


residents in one of the most impoverished areas of the country. With government cuts to hunger programs, our demand to fulfill our mission of feeding the hungry is sure to increase. That’s why our South Texas Food Bank fundraisers throughout the year and the community’s support become so very crucial.”

The South Texas Food Bank is located at 1907 Freight in west Laredo, open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 and Saturday 8 a.m. to noon. The phone number is (956) 726-3120. The website is and also available on facebook and twitter.

Ph. (956) 727-9045 (956) 712-2353 Fax (956) 727-0593

All Star Babies, Inc. Child Care & Learning Center

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OPEN M-F 6:30-12 Mid-night Sat 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Margie Castañeda DIRECTOR

Fax (956) 722-7370

10 by Jesse Castaneda, Jr


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice


n Bexar County, Ester Sandoval Martinez-Moreno was accused of tampering with a government record in the March 2010 primary election for county commissioner. She was not accused of tampering with votes but “falsifying” the complaints that some votes were not counted. The situation started when candidate for commissioner, Sheila McNeil complained to the Texas Attorney General’s office that some of her supporters voted, but their votes were not counted. Ms. McNeil submitted notarized affidavits from the voters that had claimed voter-fraud. The notary that signed the affidavits was Ester Sandoval Martinez-Moreno. When an investigation went underway, investigators from the Texas Attorney General’s Office concluded that the affidavits were not witnessed by the notary (Ms. Martinez-Sandoval) as required by Texas Law. She was arrested and later pleaded guilty. Ms. McNeil lost the election. In Tarrant County, Democratic Chairwoman precinct candidate, Hazel Woodard James was indicted in April 2012 of arranging for her son (a non-registered voter) to vote in behalf of his father. The fraud was exposed when the father turned-up to vote later on that day for the same precinct James was campaigning for. Voter fraud exists in all counties in America. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott posted on Twitter after hearing the recent news about Tarrant County, “Don’t think election fraud exists?”. The Texas Attorney General is a proponent of a new Texas Law that would require every voter to show photo identification. In March, The Justice Department yielded Texas from initiating the new law, stating that it harms minorities protected under the Federal Voting Rights Act. Abbot, insisting that this new law will protect the voting integrity of elections, went along and sued in federal court to fast-track the law before the November 2012 election. A trial is set for July 9th, 2012. Opponents have declared that it will make the voting process a hurdle for many minorities. Over 600,000 registered voters (these include a high number of minorities) do not have a Texas Driver’s License or state issued identifica-

May-June 2012

tion card. It stated that Republicans want this new law to pass. It has also been mentioned that this new law only targets minorities, especially the Hispanic voter. It is only fair to say that the Hispanic vote is huge. By making the voting process difficult for many Hispanics, elections become an advantage to many candidates that can not win over Hispanic voters. A vice president of The League of Texas Women voters said, “It becomes a poll tax because it comes with a cost. I think the existing identification in place is enough for Texas elections.” In the 2008, Webb County Sheriff’s Elections, Martin Cuellar sued former Webb County Sheriff Rick Flores over a run-off election that decided the fate of

the former sheriff. Martin Cuellar won the recount by taking his opponent to district court. The verdict held that there was truth to the “awkward disparity” in regards to the re-election voting numbers. Apparently, votes that were supposed to go to Martin Cuellar were given to Mr. Flores. Martin Cuellar is now the current Webb County sheriff and is seeking re-election. Since Greg Abbott has been in office, sixty two cases were submitted for investigation. According to the Texas Attorney General’s office, one case included a woman submitting her dead mother’s ballot and a city council member registering foreigners to vote. Will mandatory photo iden-

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

FRAUD May-June 2012

who are not aware that they even voted. In some instances, a Canonero fills in the ballot for the elderly person and forges his or her signature. As unfortunate and pathetic that this might seem, this type of abuse goes on in every election. Whether or not a photo identification should be used for Texas elections is in debate by Texans. But the fact is this - election fraud exists and it is a problem. Votes will still be counted, even if the required photo identification is based on a racial agenda or just simply to keep fraud from creeping into the election process. And since candidates need to get elected and government still needs to keep rolling its bureaucratic wheels, dead people will still have their voice heard in the election process because as you all should know … dead people vote.

tification keep election fraud at a minimum? Maybe. But there is still the mail-in ballot. Under the new law, mail-in balloting is not affected. Voting under this process has always been vulnerable

of election fraud. Mail-in ballots are commonly used by the elderly and the sick so they can exercise their right to vote. In South Texas, the mail-ballot voting process has been nothing but shameful. Cano-

neros, people who harness votes for and get paid by the candidates are usually the perpetrators who coerced the elderly to vote for a specific candidate. Most mail-in ballots are cast by elderly people

CHARGES AND OUTCOMES IN CASES HANDLED BY TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL GREG ABBOTT. Bexar County: Ester Sandoval Martinez-Moreno, accused of tampering with a government record in 2010 primary. Guilty plea. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Delores McMillian, accu-


sed of attempted illegal voting in 2010 primary. Guilty plea. Duval and Jim Wells counties: Regino Cantu Salinas, accused of illegal voting in 2008 primary. Guilty plea. Hidalgo and Brooks counties: Reyna Almanza, accused of illegal voting/voter impersonation in 2009 school district election. Conviction by jury. Smith County: Ronald Marsh, accused of illegal voting/ineligible voter in 2009 municipal and local-option election. Guilty plea and deferred adjudication. Smith County: Ann Marie Marsh, accused of illegal voting/ ineligible voter in 2009 municipal and local-option election. Charges dismissed. 2012 Brazos County: Christine Thomas Shank, accused of unlawful assistance in 2010 general election. Guilty plea and deferred adjudication. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Carlos Medrano, accused of illegal voting/ineligible voter in 2010 primary. Conviction in a trial by judge. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Frank Medrano III, accused of perjury in connection with the 2010 primary. Acquitted in a trial by judge. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Robert Edward Medrano, accusations included illegal voting/ ineligible voter in 2010 primary. Charges dismissed. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Rolando Medrano, accused of perjury in connection with the 2010 primary. Guilty plea. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Raquel Medrano, accused of perjury, illegal voting/ineligible voter in 2010 primary. Charges dismissed. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Erica Perez, accused of illegal voting/ineligible voter in 2010 primary. Acquitted in a trial by judge. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Ricardo Medrano Sr., accusations included illegal voting/ ineligible voter in 2010 primary. Acquitted in a trial by judge. Dallas and Rockwall counties: Gilda Hernandez, accused of unlawful assistance, possession of a ballot in 2010 primary. Guilty plea and deferred adjudication. Note: Convictions mentioned in this article does not reflect any appeals. Source: Texas Attorney General’s Office.


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice




FISCAL DE DISTRITO Isidro “Chilo” Alaniz ABOGADO DEL CONDADO Juan J. García Jr. Anna Laura Cavazos Ramírez Marco A. Montemayor

REPRESENTANTE ESTATAL DISTRITO 80 Tracy King Jerry Garza JUEZ DE DISTRITO CORTE 341 Fernando Sánchez E. López Rebecca “Beckie” Palomo

SHERIFF DE WEBB Martín Cuellar ASESOR DE IMPUESTOS Patricia A. Barrera


May-June 2012

COMISIONADO DEL PRECINTO 1 Kristopher “Mike” Montemayor Louis H. Bruni Frank Sciaraffa COMISIONADO DEL PRECINTO 3 John Galo George Altgelt Daniel “Danny” López Jr. Héctor Cortez Alfonso “Poncho” Casso JUEZ DE PAZ PRECINTO 1 LUGAR 1 Héctor J. Liendo CONDESTABLE PRECINTO 1 James Roycroft Rodolfo “Rudy” Rodríguez Abraham H. Díaz Jr. CONDESTABLE PRECINTO 2 Ricardo “Ricky” Salazar

Rodolfo “Rudy” González Ricardo “Rick” Rodríguez Miguel Villarreal Ricardo Rangel Jr. CONDESTABLE PRECINTO 3 Adrián Cortez Annette Muñoz Salvador Johnson CONDESTABLE PRECINTO 4 Gerardo “Jerry” Carmona Harold Devally Eduardo “Wayo” Ruiz Gerardo “Jerry” González Antonio “Tony” Guardiola Jesús “Jesse” Ibarra PRESIDENTE PARTIDO DEMOCRATA Silverio Martínez Rolando Herrera Joe Botello Albert Torres

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MASSAGES (956) 723-3627

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012


Acceptable Forms of identification at the polling sites Webb County Elections Administration (Formas aceptables de identificación para votar) (Secs. 63.001(b), 63.009 & 63.0101, Texas Election Code)

Registration Card (Su tar- admisible en un tribunal de justicia 1.-jetaVoter de Inscripción de Votante); y establece la identidad de la persona); .- Driver’s License or Personal 2 Identification Card from the Texas .- United States Citizenship paDepartment of Public Safety or simi- 5pers; (Sus Documentos de Ciudalar documents from other states; danía de E.U.); (Licencia de Manejar o Tarjeta de Identificación Personal del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas o documentos similares de otros estados); .- A form of Identification contai3 ning a photograph that establishes a person’s identity (such as a

Sam’s card or an employee identification card); (Una forma de Identificación que tenga una fotografía que establece la identidad de la persona - asi como una tarjeta de Sam’s o una tarjeta de identificación del trabajo de la persona); .- A Birth Certificate or other do4 cument confirming birth that is admissible in a court of law and es-

tablishes a person’s identity; (Certificado de Nacimiento u otro documento confirmando nacimiento que es

United States Passport; (Su Pa6.-saporte de E. U.); .- Official mail addressed to the 7 person by name from a governmental agency; (Correo Oficial en-

viado a la persona por nombre de una agencia del gobierno); .- A copy of a current utility bill, 8 bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter; or (Una copia de su factura de Utilidad (agua, luz,o gas), Cheque de pago del Gobierno, Cheque de pago de su Trabajo, u otro documento que muestra el nombre y dirección del votante); o

.- Any other form of Identification 9 presented by the Secretary of State’s Office. (Cualquier otra forma de Identificación presentada por la Oficina del Secretario del Estado).

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.... Open your mouth. judge rightcously. defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice


hen earlier this year, the city of Laredo was bashed by a non-native former Laredoan with a naive and ill-informed post on the social media website YouTube, it was the unlikeliest of persons who came to Laredo’s defense and became a hero across the community. Jack Strunk, a non-native former Laredoan, who now lives in Lancaster, Kentucky, came to the defense of his former adopted hometown, in an eloquent, heartfelt, and accurate description of our city, also posting his response on You Tube. Aside from hero and defender of Laredo, Honorary Laredoan Strunk’s other claim to fame is as an author and as an inspiration, having overcome adversity to live a new life and share that passion for living through his book entitled, “Surviving My Life: the Jack Strunk Story.” Strunk will be coming to Laredo next month to kick-off the Laredo Public Library’s Summer Author Lecture Series to discuss his book, his life and his beloved Laredo. On Thursday, June 7, at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 9, at 2:00 p.m., Jack Strunk will make appearances at the Laredo Public Library, HEB Multi-Purpose Room, 1120 E. Calton Road, to discuss his life, his book. “I am so proud that we are able to bring this gentleman, this hero, to Laredo to discuss his life story and how he has overcome the obstacles in his life,” said District I Council Member Mike Garza, who was part of an entourage of citizens who flew to visit him in Kentucky and thank him for his unsolicited and quick words defending Laredo.

Laredo’s Hero

and Defender Return to Honorary Hometown

Author Jack Strunk will be in town to discuss his life’s story

“Strunk is one of the bravest, humble and most honest individuals I have had the pleasure to meet, and despite the incredible challenges he has to go through daily, he still found time to express his sincere reflections of our city,


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to defend our Laredo, in a way that further united our community after Laredo was verbally massacred, with such vitriol and prejudice. It was his quiet and unassuming manner that calmed the community and I think this attitude is what has served him well to survive his challenges. I encourage the community to read his book and come out and meet this amazing individual,” he concluded. There are currently approximately 50 copies of the book available for check-out at the library; however, one does not need to have read the book to attend the lecture. The book will be available for sale in the weeks leading up to and at both presentations. The presentations are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For more information about the presentation or the book, please contact Pam Burrell

at 795-2400, x2268 or via e-mail at According to “Here is help for those who have suffered from a succession of devastating injuries and defeats in life. ‘In Surviving My Life: The Jack Strunk Story,’one can find the keys for finding hope and happiness in spite of life’s catastrophes and injustices. This riveting account of Jack Strunk’s courage in the face of impossible odds is inspirational, heartbreaking, and humorous. On February 8, 2004 Jack Strunk’s life was nearly ended in a horrific crash at a Texas dragstrip. Jack’s story is the remarkable account of how one man has moved beyond survival to spiritual prosperity in spite of tremendous personal loss.” The book was written in partnership with Strunk’s pastor, Gary Michael Greer. Greer is an ordained Baptist Minister and has a Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Mike currently resides with his wife in Frankfort, Kentucky, and pastors a Baptist church in Kentucky. In mid-February, Cm. Garza traveled to Kentucky with State Representative Richard Peña Raymond; District Attorney Isidro “Chilo” Alaniz; Judy Walker; Dr. Oscar Perez; Melo Villarreal, representing Francisco Ochoa of Taco Palenque to not only thank Strunk, but also to, among other things, deliver some Tao Palenque food, proclaim Strunk to be an honorary lifelong Laredoan and proclaim Monday, February 20, 2012 as Jack Strunk Day in Laredo.

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012




Alfredo Bowman known as “Dr. Sebi” has cured thousands, including A.I.D.S.

By Jesse Castaneda, Jr.


lfredo Bowman, known as Dr. Sebi, claims that he can cure everything. According to thousands of people, he has. Alfredo Bowman was born in the village of Llanga in Spanish Honduras. Dr. Sebi never went school, not even kindergarten, but he has reversed diseases that have been deemed “incurable” by modern medicine. He states that herbs, not chemical drugs will heal the body. Dr. Sebi has cured such diseases as A.I.D.S., Sickle Cell Anemia, Lupus, Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancers, Leukemia, Herpes, Epilepsy, Fibroid Tumors, and a host of other diseases. When Dr. Sebi came to the United States he suffered from asthma, diabetes, impotence and obesity. After several visits to medical doctors and no cure, he was led to an herbalist in Mexico. After being cured by using only herbs, he began to create natural vegetation food compounds geared to inter-cellular cleansing. Dr. Sebe states, “I don’t treat A.I.D.S, I cure it.” A medical affidavit provided by Dr. Sebi, a patient that was diagnosed with A.I.D.S


was cured in two months. According to Dr. Sebi’s research center -USHA Research Institute- reveals that all manifestation of disease finds it genesis when and where the mucous membrane has been compromised. His research claims that if there is excess mucus in the bronchial tubes, the disease is Bronchitis; if it is in the lungs, the disease is Pneumonia; in the pancreatic duct, it is Diabetes; in the joints Arthritis. In order to reverse a disease, Dr. Sebi uses herbal or natural plant products of alkaline nature. Alkaline is instrumental because disease can only exist in an environment that is acidic; treating a disease with inorganic substances is inconsistent because drugs are considered acid base. The use of natural botanical remedies can only effectively cleanse and detoxify a diseased body, reversing it to its intended alkaline state. His products not only remove the accumulation of toxins, but also replaces depleted mineral and rejuvenates damaged tissue eroded by acid (a diseased state). Dr. Sebi claims that his “Intra-cellular detoxifying cleanse will purify every cell in the body. The body will then rebuild and rejuvenation will take place”. Dr. Sebi has been interviewed by CBS News and national networks around the globe. There are thousands of testimonials of people with life threatening diseases that have been cured by Dr. Sebi’s botanical products. To check out Dr. Sebi’s CBS interview and to gain access to his botanical products, please go to www.



Sonia V. Aguilar Realtor Cell. 956.645.2257 Office. 956.722.9400 Fax. 956.722.9405 6425 Polaris Unit I Laredo, TX 78041


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012

A tomar agua S uena el despertador y nos disparamos de la cama corremos de un lado a otro: ducha, la ropa, la lonchera de los muchachitos, el almuerzo del esposo (a) y todas esas cosas que hacemos en 5 minutos a las 4 o 5 de la madrugada, hora en la que casi todos nos paramos para ir a trabajar. Sin embargo, usualmente olvidamos un detalle importantísimo: la botellita con agua. “Toma agua para que rebajes, para que se te quite la celulitis, para que tu piel esté más suave, para limpiar tus riñones” y un sin fin de frases, mitos y leyendas medico – populares en torno a este mágico y maravilloso líquido como es el agua. En efecto, sirve para todo esto y mucho más. Debemos beber agua siempre a diario aunque no tengamos sed, nuestro cuerpo la necesita, en su justa medida, sin abusar

aunque no tenga sed ni excedernos pero es necesario incluirla en nuestra rutina. “Un adulto sedentario, en un ambiente sin exceso de calor y humedad, requiere unos dos litros y medio de agua al día, que obtiene de tres fuentes: del líquido que ingiere (alrededor de 1200 ml), de los alimentos que consume (aproximadamente 1000 ml), y del que produce dentro del organismo como consecuencia del metabolismo, que equivale a cerca de 350 mililitros. Las frutas y vegetales son los alimentos que más agua contienen”. Asegura la revista de España. La ausencia de esta fuente de vitalidad puede ser la causante de estreñimiento, cálculo en los riñones, infecciones urinarias, orina más concentrada, piel arrugada, proble-

mas articulares, celulitis entre otros. No todo el líquido se queda en nuestro cuerpo, por el contrario es vital para el funcionamiento adecuado de nuestro sistema, apunta que “los alimentos y los gases se transportan en medio acuoso. Los productos de desecho se expulsan del cuerpo mediante la orina y las heces, el agua regula nuestra temperatura, lubrica nuestras articulaciones y contribuye de forma decisiva a dar estructura y forma al cuerpo mediante la rigidez que proporciona a los tejidos, debido a que este preciado líquido no es comprimible”. A diario usted debe ingerir entre 1.5 a 2 litros de agua. Si practica ejercicios aumente el aporte con ju-

gos y frutas. Cuidado con el alcohol, café y té ya que incrementan la eliminación del líquido por la orina y esto podría deshidratarte si no lo repones al mismo tiempo con abundante AGUA. Por eso cuando vamos a una fiesta y nos pasamos de tragos al día siguiente tenemos el llamado “ratón” y bebemos agua o cualquier otro líquido en grandes cantidades, nos deshidratamos, le exprimimos la gasolina al cuerpo, y si no lo restablecemos hasta nos tiemblan las articulaciones. No le hagas esto a tu cuerpecito, por favor. Por Jenny Marques



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May-June 2012

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Ore. workers awarded $332K in onsite toilet fight PORTLAND, Ore.- Two workers who claimed they were forced to urinate in a bucket have been awarded $332,000 after a jury found they were fired for complaining to Oregon regulators about the lack of an onsite toilet. The Oregonian reports that Douglas Eki and Xerxes “Jason” Doctolero told the state Occupational Safety and Health Division that they used the bucket because they couldn’t get to a toilet fast enough. They testified that their employer, Menzies Aviation, refused to provide them with a toilet and that using the restrooms of nearby businesses wasn’t a solution because they were not welcome. The men performed mechanical work at Portland International Airport. The state agency cited the company in August 2010 for failing to provide restrooms. The men were fired later that month. A company lawyer contended the men were fired because they kept using the bucket after being told not to. Information from: The Oregonian

Ouch! Dog bites politician but she gets a vote FRANKENMUTH TOWNSHIP, Mich.- A woman running for the Michigan Legislature was bitten by a dog while going door to door. The dog’s distressed owner has made amends: Ann Doyle can put a campaign sign on his property. Doyle says she didn’t see the dog until it was too late Wednesday. She was campaigning in Saginaw County’s Frankenmuth Township when the dog bit her three times. The Saginaw News says the owner heard the commotion and called off the animal. Doyle says she was bleeding and blacked out but is doing much better. She won’t identify the dog’s owner but says he agreed to take a campaign sign. Doyle calls it a “sympathy vote.” (El Paso Times)


Phoenix-area man hits $1 million jackpot six times

WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE This is not the best part of waking up. The Straits Times, an Englishlanguage newspaper in Singapore, is reporting that a 24-year-old maid there has been charged for putting her menstrual blood in her boss’s coffee. The crime reportedly took place last August at his apartment in Choa Chu Kang, a town in west Singapore, according to Channel News Asia, an English language news outlet based in Singapore. The maid, who goes by the name Jumiah, had been an employee of the 38-year-old man for approximately a year.

PHOENIX.A suburban Phoenix man made a lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky guess in a recent multistate lottery game. An Arizona Lottery spokeswoman says the Glendale man claimed six $1 million prizes after purchasing six Powerball tickets with the same winning numbers late last month. The tickets were good for a half dozen second-place prizes. And he picked up his $6 million in winnings over the course several visits to the Arizona Lottery’s headquarters in Phoenix. Lottery spokeswoman Karen Bach says the man doesn’t want his identity released. (El Paso Times)


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012

Antes un funcional hospital,

ahora un edificio en ruinas


esde que cerró sus puertas en el año de 1999, el edificio del viejo Hospital de la Merced se ha convertido en un sitio lleno de historias de fantasmas, de rumores sobre ritos satánicos y de vandalismo. Localizado en un añejo barrio de la parte central de Laredo, durante muchos años este inmueble fue la sede del Hospital de la Merced, fundado y operado por la congregación de las Hermanas de la Misericordia. En el año de 1999 fue desalojado cuando el ahora Laredo Medical Center pasó a ocupar el nuevo edificio para el hospital en la cuadra 2300 de Saunders, donde actualmente funciona. Desde entonces, el viejo inmueble está abandonado y se deteriora cada vez más pese a que durante mucho tiempo fue considerado uno de los edificios más sólidos y mejor construidos en la ciudad. Su apariencia es mala, muchas de sus ventanas tiene los cristales rotos, hay grafitti en algunas secciones, maleza y suciedad. Desde hace unos años, circulan en You Tube videos acerca de apariciones de fantasmas y fenómenos sobrenaturales en el viejo edificio. Algunos dicen que por las noches se escuchan ruidos y lamentos. Hay quienes aseguran que en la morgue se oyen lamentos de personas muertas y que hay sangre en las paredes. Algunos más aseguran haber visto a una monja que camina por los pasillos del antiguo hospital y otros dicen que un hombre vestido como prisionero asusta a los que se atreven a entrar al edificio por la noche. Lo cierto es que la policía ya ha realizado varios arrestos de personas, especialmen-

EDIFICIO. El viejo edificio del Hospital de la Merced luce en muy malas condiciones y está convertido en un sitio peligroso.

te jóvenes, que acuden para cometer actos de vandalismo y otros porque acuden en busca de aventuras para grabarlas con videocámaras. También hay quienes aseguran que en su interior se llevan a cabo sitos satánicos y que hay dibujos alusivos a estas sectas. Hubo un tiempo, en los inicios de la dé-

Jerry Garza

General Manager

Ph: (956) 729-8255 Fax: (956) 729-8257

204 Shiloh Dr. Laredo Tx. 78045

cada del 2000, que el gobierno del condado, dirigido por el Juez Mercurio Martínez, hizo intentos por comprar el edificio para usarlo para oficinas y para la preparación de comidas para todos los centros comunitarios pero las negociaciones no llegaron a nada. También directivos del Distrito Es-

CERRADO. Desde su cierre en el año de 1999, el edificio del antiguo hospital de la Merced se ha deteriorado cada vez más.

colar Independiente de Laredo intentaron negociar la compra del inmueble pero nunca se concretó la compra. Mientras el tiempo transcurre, el viejo Hospital de la Merced sigue convirtiéndose en una leyenda y en un sitio donde se guardan muchas historias que nunca se sabrá si son ciertas.

May-June 2012

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice




he United ISD Parental InvolveT ment recently held a graduation ceremony for parents who attended the

Family Leadership Institute (FLI) Program. Former Laredoan and retired Lt. Colonel Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch is the creator of the FLI Program and has been dedicated to empowering a new generation of leaders. The FLI Program entails a series of ten modules where parents are provided the skills, abilities and attitudes necessary to enhance their own personal success and serve as better role models for their children. The workshops are conducted in both English and Spanish. Each workshop contains a series of lectures, participant discussions, storytelling, role-playing, group and individual activities. Pictured at the graduation ceremony held at the Student Activity Complex Auditorium is the Reyes Family. From left to right are: Rodrigo, son, Mr. Gregorio Reyes, Jr., and Mrs. Esthela Reyes, FLI graduate, and their daughter Regina Reyes, front.


Ain’t no stoppin’ us now!” has quickly be“morial come the theme song for St. Peter’s MeSchool. In the past four years, the school had proudly boasted a few winners in various contests. This year, however, the famed historical downtown school is busting at the seams with winners of various local, national and international contests. Catholic Daughters of America; Laredo Public Library’s 9th Annual Poetry Festival; Holy Cross Ministries Try Prayer! It Works!; and Pentel’s 42nd International Children’s Art Exhibition garnered the school winners at various levels, including several first, second and third place winners in art, essay, poetry and photography, expressing the range of talents and skills of students attending St. Peter’s Memorial School. In the local contest hosted by the local chapter of the Catholic Daughters of America, Queen Isabella Court, the theme was “Planting Seeds of Faith” or “Inspiring Others to Grow,” and the school dominated the field of winners, claiming 16 of the stu-

dents awarded. Winners included: • Photography Division II - 2nd Place Marbel Garcia; 3rd Place: Jaqueline Lozano; 6th grade teacher, Ms. Jessica Estevis; • Essay Division I - 1st Place: Cesar Navarrete; 2nd Place: Alexa Padilla; 4th grade teacher: Ms. Gabriela Raga; • Essay Division II - 1st Place: Rebekah A. Morales; 2nd Place: Arianna Rivera; 3rd Place: David Gonzalez; 6th grade teacher: Ms. Jessica Estevis; • Poetry Division I -1st Place: Nineth Martinez; 3rd Place: Osvaldo Valdez; 4th grade teacher: Ms. Gabriela Raga; • Poetry Division II - 1st Place: Vanessa Sigrist; 2nd Place: Luisa Meraz; 3rd Place: Carla Gonzalez; 6th grade teacher: Ms. Jessica Estevis; • Art Division I - 1st Place: Marie June Pineda; 2nd Place: Emilio Flores; art teacher Mrs. Lali Martinez; • Art Division II -1st Place: Valeria Garcia; 3rd Place: Mary Lorraine Cavazos; Art Teacher: Ms. Lali Martinez.


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

May-June 2012


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