Presencia News April 2012

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“Stinky the Monkey” estará en este sitio hasta que no se resuelva el problema de malos olores en El Azteca.

The MexicanAmerican Casualty:


How to Think Beyond the Barrio Mind MORE





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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012

Axis of Reason Who is kicking you in the ass? W by Jesse Castaneda, Jr.

e are in the year 2012 and so far every day price items are up eight percent in The United States. In Texas, the minimum wage rate is $7.25. You don’t have to be a damn genius to figure out that a check of less than $300 is not enough to pay the bills. A married couple (if they’re lucky) with minimum wage jobs can bring in less than $600 a week, and that still won’t cover the household payments or other necessities. In Laredo, Texas, real estate prices are ridiculous. I saw a recent three bedroom home for sale with a price tag of $180,000! You wonder why homebuying is down? Laredo was ranked one of the poorest cities in the nation. Hello? Property taxes are high. Local utilities is high. The overall cost of living in Laredo is high. With all things “high” in Laredo, one might assume Cheech and Chong is running the show. So, what’s the problem? It’s everything your local, state, and federal government is doing. While everyday price items have gone up, local, state and federal taxes have made holes in our pockets. You and I are being taxed for every damn thing. This is the result of elected officials doing their job. Not for you, but for the survival of government. God forbid, the end of government as we know it. Texas is one of seven states that does not tax individual wages. Gee, thank you! I

have enough of those sixty separate taxes, fees and assessments that the Texas State Comptroller”s Office collects that is passed on to us, the consumer, which includes, fuel tax, sales tax, etc.. Oh, yea ... and they even got a nude bar tax! Really. So, if you feasted your eyes on exotic fruit, you just paid a tax without realizing. All is passed on to the consumer, even voyeurism. Laredoans and all Americans are getting the shaft. They get lousy pay, high cost of living and no respect from elected officials all over the country. But I propose an idea. I suggest that for every dollar that elected officials increase in taxes, we deduct one hundred dollars off their paycheck. End of tax increase as you know it! And please don’t get me started with corporations such as phone companies. Then I’d really have to be sarcastic. BUT BEFORE I LET YOU GO .... You thought Obama was going to be your savior? Have you seen any improvements lately? A mere talk or two about inspiration, but no action is not saving our asses from total economic decline. While our president is busy talking all gung-ho, China is taking over the U.S. economy. So, learn to speak Chinese ... and very pronto because we are kicking our own ass.

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012




arris County District Attorney Pat Lykos Office was being investigated for violating the due process of law regarding a DWI program involving controversial DWI mobile lab testing vans. The testing of defendants accused of DWI were done improperly and inaccurately. Hundreds of DWI cases were prosecuted using the results of these testing mobile vans. Harris County District Attorney, Pat Lykos was very aware of the problem when complaints from three employees about the inaccuracies of the lab test were revealed. Pat Lykos still did not hesitate to prosecute defendants using the results of these mobile lab tests. Although on February 2012 a grand jury returned a no indictment, but according to the Houston Chronicle, members of the grand jury released a report castigating the Harris County District Attorney’s Office for investigating them. The Texas Rangers were called in, together with the FBI to conduct an investigation regarding the allegations from the grand jury.

There are more deeper problems coming from the Harris County District Attorney. Attorney bloggers are degrading the office and Pat Lykos for having an unfit administration and having their assistant district attorneys go “haywire” and “out of control”. One example of “out of control” is Kathy Braddock, an assistant District Attorney and chief of the bail bond forfeiture department has been harassing certain counties by trying to collect bail bond forfeitures, even though state law states that a county has no right to collect on out of county bail bond judgments. Bail Bond forfeitures are lawsuits filed against bail bond companies when a defendant does not appear at his court date. Kathy Braddock is using her influence and persuasion on certain out of county assistant district attorneys who sit on bail bond boards to collect so-called Harris County Debt. Roger Moore, an expert in Texas bail bond laws and forfeitures said, “Bail bondsmen can not have their license suspended for out of county bail bond forfeitures or judgments. This act can have legal consequences against a local bail bond board and their respective counties.” “She (Kathy Braddock) is disregarding due process and coercing out of county assistant district attorneys to collect any debt for Harris County, “says a Travis County bail bondsman who decided to keep anonymous. “According to my attorney, these judgments are bogus and lack due process. They will harass bail bond boards in every county. Is the Harris County District Attorney offering incentives for having out of county assistant district attorneys collect on their behalf? It’s pretty suspicious to me.” In Webb County, Allen McGraw, Assistant District Attorney has been following Kathy

Braddock’s orders to the tee. Mr. McGraw is now collecting forfeitures from out of county, especially from Harris County. Allen McGraw went to extreme measures by targeting a Webb County Bail Bond Company. Mr. McGraw has even made it a point to illegally recommend the shut-down of this same bail bond company by manipulating the law. He even exaggerated his claims in a Webb County District Court this month, stating that Harris County Judgments or any other county judgment is a risk to Webb County. According to state law, these claims are false. Who is Mr. Allen McGraw working for? The Webb County District Attorney? Or The Harris County District Attorney? A Bexar County Attorney stated (after he learned that one of his bail bond clients had a situation arising from Harris County), “If every bail bond board and district attorney in Texas follows Harris County’s lead, there’s going to be lawsuits all over the place. Counties will be in a mess and taxpayer money wasted by Texas District Attorneys on trying to collect judgments for other counties. They don’t give a damn about our county or any other county for that matter,” said the Bexar County Lawyer, “Shutting down bail bond companies for out-of county bail bond forfeitures and judgements is against state law and Harris County is taking the lead.” The trouble with Harris County District Attorney’s Office is the District Attorney herself, Pat Lykos. She has no control over that office, and if she assumes that she does, then her leadership has no ethical value. “Anyone associated with that office would be considered risky,” stated the lawyer. Pat Lykos is running for re-election and she has two opponents against her. It’s an outright political war and it is getting nastier as election comes near. In Houston, many believe that more problems will arise from Pat Lykos and company. In the meantime, Texas will have to wait.


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

. Los teléfonos celula1 res no provocan accidentes en aviones: no hay ningún caso documentado de que los celulares produzcan algún fallo mecánico que acabe en una catástrofe aérea.

Sabías que…

día en Facebook. En Google pasan la mitad. . Hay 31 billones de bús2 quedas en Google al mes. En 2006 el número de búsquedas no superaba los tres mil millones.

. La opción de ‘Privado’ o . En Facebook se actuali3 ‘Incógnito’ de tu navega- 5zan al día más de 40 millodor es mentira: lo único que nes de status al día. Es decir, hace esta opción es decir a tu navegador que no registre cookies ni tus búsquedas en Google, pero eso no significa que las webs no puedan seguir registrando tu dirección IP.


. Más de 6 billones de minutos se pasa el mundo al

40 millones de veces la gente quiere contarle al mundo cada día como se siente, como esta.

6 Tu celular delata tu ubi7.cación: sólo hacen falta las . Nokia fabrica 13 móviles (celulares) cada segundo.

coordenadas de la última torre a la que se conectó su teléfono.

. 13 Horas de nuevos vi8 deos se suben a YouTube cada minuto. El costo del ancho

. El 80% de todas las 12 imágenes que rondan en internet, son de mujeres desnudas.

aceptar utilizarlas.

. En lo que has tarda10 do en leer este artículo nacieron 67 bebés en Estados Unidos, 274 en China, 395 en la India...Y se descargaron ilegalmente de internet 694000 canciones.

de banda de YouTube es de 1, 000,000 (millón) de dólares por día.

. Un tanque lleno de ga13 solina de un Jumbo Jet contiene suficiente combustible para dar 4 vueltas a la tierra en un auto promedio

. Apagar una luz para 14 ahorrar energía sólo sirve si no volverás a prenderla en

. La información de las re9 des sociales puede perjudicarte: Eliminar una conversación delicada en Facebook puede ser complicado, además, las aplicaciones en esta red social tienen acceso a tus datos personales una vez que

Abril del 2012

al menos una hora debido al voltaje necesario para encenderla.


. La vida útil del televisor promedio es de 8 años.

. El conocimiento está 15 creciendo tan rápido que el 85% de lo que sepamos

dentro de 50 años, habrá sido descubierto durante esos 50 años.

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Abril del 2012

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Maldonado quiere irse,


el cabildo


Por Michelle Garza


ientras Carlos Maldonado, jefe de policía en Laredo sigue enviado claras señales de que ya no quiere estar en esta ciudad, el cabildo sigue apático y sin tomar ninguna acción para hacerle el gusto y que se vaya de Laredo. Hace un par de meses estuvo en la lista de semifinalistas para el puesto de jefe de policía en Phoenix, Arizona pero luego fue eliminado y no quedó entre los siete aspirantes finalistas para la posición. En esa ocasión Maldonado dijo a los medios que aplicar para otro empleo no significaba que quiera irse de Laredo sino que trató de buscar un trabajo que estuviera más cerca de su familia, pues es originario de Nuevo Mexico. Sin embargo, ahora de nuevo aplicó para una jefatura de policía en la ciudad de Brownsville, Texas señalando que de ser ocupado le permitiría seguir siendo parte de la Asociación Internacional de Jefes de Policía y de la Asociación de Jefes de Policía de Texas. De nuevo Maldonado eludió dar una razón clara y creíble sobre su deseo de irse de Laredo ya que está claro que no desea seguir al frente del Departamento de Policía de esta ciudad. Sin embargo, ni el cabildo ni el Regente Municipal Carlos Villarreal han declarado al respecto y el único que públicamente ha manifestado su descontento con

el trabajo de Maldonado ha sido el Mayor Raúl G. Salinas. Salinas ha comentado en varias ocasiones que Maldonado no tiene interés en estar cerca de la comunidad, no ha hecho ningún esfuerzo por acudir a eventos importantes de la gente y ni siquiera se ha preocupado por aprender algo de español. Para el puesto en Browns-

ville, Texas hay 18 aplicantes, entre ellos cinco locales y será un comité de cinco personas quienes determinen al ocupante del puesto que por ahora tiene de manera interina Orlando Rodríguez. Aunque en Laredo nadie ha querido decir lo que verdaderamente está pasando con Maldonado, quien vino a Laredo en el

2008, se presume que el actual Jefe de Policía claramente quiere irse ante la posibilidad de tener algunos problemas, inclusive en el mismo departamento donde es sabido que muchos oficiales no lo quieren. Maldonado fue jefe de la policía estatal en Nuevo Mexico de donde salió en el año 2006 tras ser acusado de tener un ro-

mance extra marital con la Diputada Estatal Debbie Rodella, una legisladora demócrata. Fue el propio esposo de la mujer, el ex policía estatal y magistrado Tommy Rodella, quien pidió al entonces Gobernador Bill Richardson que le pidiera la renuncia a Maldonado, tras presentar pruebas de que tenía amores con su esposa.

Carlos Maldonado ya no quiere estar en Laredo y por segunda vez intenta ser jefe de policía en otra ciudad.


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012

The Mexican-American Casualty:

by Jesse Castaneda, Jr


hat is your ethnic label? Are you Hispanic? Chicano? Latino? Or are you a Mexican-American? Over fifty-six percent of “Hispanics” identify themselves by their family’s country’s origin. The U.S. Government mandated the term “Hispanic” to categorize Americans that trace their roots to Spanish speaking countries. In Laredo, Texas, the majority of Hispanics trace their roots to Mexico. The Mexican-Americans who reside in Texas is part of a beautiful existence along the Texas-Mexican border, but Laredo, Texas has its own uniqueness. The people of Laredo have their own standards. Their own way of doing things. Laredoans do last-minute things. They don’t get somewhere at 8:00 AM, they get there at 8:15 AM. Laredoans don’t find excuses, excuses find their way to them. They don’t find solutions, they wait for another guy to figure it out and then they take the credit. Laredoans are not paranoid, they are simply being very careful. They don’t envy anyone, they are just a bit better than the other guy. Some just don’t want a job, they want a government job with high pay and all the benefits. Laredoans don’t gossip, they simply want to know more. Is this the Barrio Mind at work? These are mere characteristics that lies within the Barrio Mind’s Web. Now, not all Laredoans have all the Barrio Mind’s characteristics. Some have it more than others. But a barrio mind is not confined to one area. It is in every Mexican American neighborhood in the country. We are all guilty of having some barrio mentality attributes. The art of removing most of these characteristics from our lives is the power that will enhance our existence in this world. We are not born with the Barrio Mind. It is a “creature” that gives birth within the matrix of the neighborhood. It is the blending of the neighborhood descendants within the cycle of parental upbringing. Your parents come from the barrio and still live in the barrio and so you grow up with the Barrio Mind.

How To Think Beyond

The Barrio Mind

How much far will life lead you? What exactly is the Barrio Mind? Have you ever heard the saying, “You can get out of the barrio, but you can never get the barrio out of you”. Barrio can be defined as a neighborhood where one has lived and has been raised and learns most of his lessons of life. A Barrio Mind thus is defined as one whose mind has been molded into the replica of what the barrio has served him or her with. Over thirteen million Hispanics in the United States are poor. And all these people live in barrios all across this country of ours. According to, Laredo, Texas is one of the poorest cities in The United States with a median household income of $35,000 and 36 percent of Laredo’s population lie just below the poverty line. Can we refer to poverty as a result of a Barrio Mind? Of course. This is a casualty for an endless cycle of continued poverty. The Barrio Mind does not end when you grow up and have children. It continues on to your children. It is contagious. It’s an epidemic of sorts, that grows all the way until your geriatric years and until death, and left as inheritance for your children to embroil themselves with. The Barrio Mind is a disease. The Barrio Mind Effect is made up of three crucial elements or characteristics. Ignorance, Resistance and Limitations. In the first element, ignoring new educating experiences such as expanding the mind outside your usual educational institutions by imbibing yourself in books, art, culture and different languages. Ignorance is the core of a Barrio Mind. Skepticism about anything outside your barrio keeps the mind in the barrio. Always learning new things, expands the mind, thus expanding awareness to all things around you, thus your thoughts are creating a new world to observe and play in. In the second element, your resistance to change is based

on ignorance. A resistant for learning and expanding the mind only feeds the Barrio Mind. From here ... there is no more to go. And this is where third element of a Barrio Mind comes in -Limitations! You are the only limit from leaving the Barrio Mind behind. Ignorance and resistance keeps you limited in that space within your mind that does not let you breathe a more fulfilling unlimited life. Can you live in the barrio and still detach your mind from its negative consequences? Of course. It takes strength. Awareness of who you really are, not who you think you are suppose to be. Living in the barrio has its learning strokes. Greatness can come from survival. Of course, the Barrio Mind will always interfere with your full potential. A Barrio Mind is the pessimistic side of a Mexican-American and it says to you:

“Everything is expensive, You can never get that.” “You can’t do this and you can’t do that.” “Your life sucks.” “You are not good in school, so just get a job.” “You don’t ever have any money.” “You work all your life and die.” “You envy him. You envy her.” “I’ll take it away from you if I have to.” In the Barrio Mind, misery loves company. In the Barrio Mind, you are a cheat. You want something for nothing. You lie. Everyone owes you something. The world is obligated to you. You instigate. You provoke. All is for you and none is for the rest. You take more than you give. You do one favor for someone, you expect a thousand in return. This is the life a Barrio Mind individual. But beware. You can be rich, have a college degree, hold political office or have a great career, but you can still have the Barrio

Mind well intact. The Barrio Mind is sneaky. It can lead you to believe that it went away, but it still there. There is only one advantage of the Barrio Mind. And that is ... survival! But survival can be a double-edged sword for the Barrio Mind. We either live for others or live for ourselves. That is why The Barrio Mind is a stealth-master. But can we ever be free from the Barrio Mind? The Barrio Mind can be broken by raising your brain frequencies. Classical Music such as Mozart can free you from the travesty of a barrio mentality by inducing fluctuations of frequencies that can alter states of being and awareness. In a 1998 study conducted by Raucher et al, found that when mice were exposed to the music of Mozart, they improved their ability to get out of a maze much quicker. Get the point? So, get out of the barrio maze and jump into a who-

le new state of being. Become aware of who you are and where you want to be. You don’t forget where you come from. Your cultural roots will always be with you. The key is to become aware of the Self. The Self is the real you. This is the light. The soul and creator as one. The purpose for being. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 Raising your brain frequencies can alter a whole new environment for you. You think differently. You look at things much different. You have the power to connect to the Self. It’s a panacea to attain peace and all that you truly desire. It’s a powerful and spiritual self-improvement. A journey into the Self will have the Barrio Mind detach itself from you and will give you a more suitable place to inherit the life you were truly given by your creator instead of being another poor, ignorant, arrogant Mexican American casualty.

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012


Por fin llega justicia para Baby Katherine

Por Andrés Amaya


erá en el año 2093, cuando José Eduardo Arredondo pudiera ser elegible para libertad condicional tras ser condenado a cuatro cadenas perpetuas por el asesinato de la bebé Katherine Cárdenas. Con esta dura sentencia quedó cerrado el caso más sanguinario contra un niño en la historia dee Laredo y a decir de la oficina del Fiscal de Distrito, aunque nadie ganó porque se afectaron las vidas de varias familias, por fin se hizo justicia. Arredondo fue condenado a cuatro cadenas perpetuas tras ser declarado culpable por un jurado en la Corte de Distrito 49 del Juez Joe López, luego de un juicio que duró siete días y que levantó mucho interés en la comunidad. Katherine Cárdenas fue asesinada el 5 de septiembre del 2009 en el patio de su casa y las investigaciones de las autoridades determinaron que el sospechoso fue Arredondo, un joven de 16 años adicto a la mariguana y a las pastillas. Arredondo huyó a Nuevo Laredo y fue detenido por autoridades mexicanas un mes después

Luego de ser asesinada hace dos años y medio, Katherine Cárdenas recibió finalmente justicia.

para luego ser entregado a la policía de Laredo. Por ser menor de edad, las autoridades tuvieron que certificarlo como adulto para luego fincarle acusaciones formales en la Corte de Distrito 49. Aunque sus abogados Eddie Peña y Elizabeth Martínez hicieron un buen trabajo y trataron de demostrar que su cliente tiene un trastorno mental debido al consu-

mo de drogas, el jurado no tuvo piedad de Arredondo y lo declaró culpable. En el proceso se presentaron testigos de cargo claves como la propia madre de la niña, Norma Patricia Olguín, quien confirmó que Arredondo quiso tener relaciones sexuales con ella la noche que se registraron los hechos, pero ella lo rechazó. El Fiscal de Distrito Isidro Alaniz argumentó que Arredondo se molestó y para vengarse decidió violar y luego matar a la pequeña de dos años, para luego esconder su cadáver en una cajonera en el patio de la casa, donde fue encontrada por la policía. Aunque Arredondo mantuvo siempre que era inocente de las acusaciones, pues no recordaba los hechos debido a que estaba drogado, ahora tendrá que pasar al menos 80 años encerrado en una prisión del estado antes de ser elegible para el beneficio de la libertad condicional. De esta manera triste acabó este episodio en la Corte de Distrito 49 donde una familia quedó destrozada por la muerte de una bebé y otra por la condena que recibió un joven de solamente 18 años.

José Eduardo Arredondo fue sentenciado a cuatro cadenas perpetuas por el asesinato de Katherine Cárdenas.

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Abril del 2012

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly by The Finger

LO BUENO El regreso de los turistas mexicanos por esta frontera para pasar vacaciones de semana santa en ciudades de Estados Unidos, aunque gastando dinero en Laredo en comida, gasolina y otros servicios. Los puentes de Laredo se vieron como en los viejos tiempos, hasta las “chanclas” de tanto visitante mexicano que viajaron a Estados Unidos para gastarse hasta lo que no tienen con tal de divertirse. Con tanta fila de carros y tantos permisos, pusieron a desquitar el sueldo a los oficiales de la aduana de Laredo, quienes sudaron la gota gorda para procesar a miles de turistas. LO MALO Las autoridades de la Aduana de Laredo deberían desde hace mucho tiempo tener instalaciones dignas para recibir a los turistas mexicanos, quienes

tienen que hacer filas muy largas aunque haya mucho calor o mucho frío. Además, hacen falta baños sanitarios para quienes tramitan permisos y más estacionamiento para sus vehículos. Aunque el gobierno federal dice que no hay fondos, la pregunta es ¿qué hacen con los seis dólares que se cobran por cada permiso? Hablaría muy bien del gobierno estadounidense si en poco tiempo se pusiera atención a este problema y los turistas mexicanos recibieron un trato más digno porque ellos viajan para dejar muchos dólares a la economía de las barras y las estrellas. LO FEO La actuación de Allen McGraw, asistente del Fiscal de Distrito en Webb, es verdaderamente fuera de la ley, abusiva y descarada. Este “güero” y “gor-

dito” abogado se ha dedicado últimamente a molestar a compañías de fianzas usando la ley de manera equivocada, contando con la complicidad de jueces mezquinos e ignorantes como Alvino “Ben” Morales. Lo curioso del caso es que McGraw parece obedecer las órdenes de una asistente del fiscal en Houston, llamada Kathy Braddock, en lugar de obedecer al Fiscal de Distrito de Webb Isidro Alaniz, quien conoce muy bien las leyes y posiblemente no ha sido informado de los abusos del “Gordito” McGraw. Esto porque anda cobrando deudas a favor del condado de Harris que nada dejan de ganancia al condado de Webb olvidando que su salario es pagado con el dinero de la gente que paga impuestos en Webb. ¿Será que lleva una buena comisión si recupera dinero para el condado de Harris?

Abril del 2012

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice


Lawsuit: Cooks held dumplings like penises NEW YORK, April 12 (UPI) -- A former worker at a famed New York restaurant filed a lawsuit alleging her co-workers would make mock penises out of dumplings then serve them to patrons. Yvonne Diaz, who worked as a bartender at the Chin Chin restaurant from 2007 until last October, said she endured multiple forms of sexual harassment and assault at the

restaurant including being made to watch kitchen workers put dumplings bound for customers’ plates “in their crotch areas making it look like they had big penises,” the New York Post reported Thursday. Diaz also alleged in the federal lawsuit she was repeatedly groped by at least two coworkers, one of whom “pushed his erect penis into (her) buttocks area.”

Albuquerque man finds ‘Jesus’ on a tortilla

Man wanting to check Facebook calls 911 on hovering wife, authorities say

WESLEY CHAPEL, Florida.- A Florida man is serving jail time — all because he wanted to check his Facebook page. Problem was his wife wouldn’t leave him alone. The Tampa Bay Times reports Doyle Hardwick, 57, gave his wife beer in hopes she would go to sleep. But Julie Hardwick, 54, didn’t want to go to bed. According to Pasco County arrest reports, she wanted to sit by her husband and look at his Facebook page. So he called 911. The responding deputy says both Hardwicks were calm when he arrived. Hardwick was arrested, pleaded no contest to misusing 911 and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. When he didn’t show up, a warrant was issued. On Tuesday, he turned himself in. Authorities say Hardwick was arrested on similar charges in 2010. (San Angelo Times)

The lawsuit also alleges owner Jimmy Chin bragged about overcharging Sean “Diddy” Combs for a bathroom mirror broken while filming a segment for his “Making the Band” TV show and once said it was a “good decision” to seat in a “private section” when she arrived at the eatery “high on drugs.” Chin called the allegations “frivolous” and “ridiculous nonsense.”

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.An Albuquerque man says he has found Jesus on a tortilla. KOAT-TV reports that David Sandoval said he saw the image of the Lord on the tortilla while preparing to eat on Ash Wednesday. He said he couldn’t believe what he was seeing and passed the tortilla bearing the face of Jesus to his mother, who also expressed surprised.

Cops: Pa. man used transmitter to track wife’s sex ALIQUIPPA, Pa.- Police have charged a western Pennsylvania man with hiding a remote listening device under his estranged wife’s bed so he could avoid overhearing her sex life in person. Raccoon Township police say 66-year-old Wayne Comet Cripe’s wife contacted them after finding the transmitter under her bed last month. The Cripes are separated, but still share a home with separate bedrooms. The Beaver County Times reports Thursday that Cripe acknowledged using the device, telling officers he put it there so he’d know when his wife and her boyfriend were having sex. Police say Cripe was tired of overhearing the lovemaking and tried to use the device, which he said didn’t work, to determine whether “the coast was clear” before returning home. No attorney is listed for Cripe in court records. (News Credit: Beaver County Times)

After seeing the image, Sandoval opted not to eat it. Instead, he said posted a photo of the tortilla on Facebook and his family is looking for ways to preserve it. Sandoval said he felt it was a sign, especially since the image appeared on the first day of Lent. He said others who have seen the image on the tortilla have called it a miracle. Information from: KOAT-TV

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Cambios climáticos causarán Abril del 2012

más muertes

en tercera edad I Las personas de la tercera edad serán más afectadas por los cambios climáticos en el mundo.

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ncluso unos cambios pequeños en las temperaturas podrían poner a las personas mayores con enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes, la insuficiencia cardiaca y la enfermedad pulmonar en un mayor riesgo de muerte durante el próximo verano, indica un estudio reciente. Investigadores de la Facultad de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Harvard en Boston hallaron que las fluctuaciones de temperatura relacionadas con el cambio climático podrían acabar con miles de vidas cada año. Los expertos predicen que el cambio climático podría aumentar las variaciones en las temperaturas estivales, sobre todo en los estados del Atlántico medio y en partes de Francia, España e Italia. En esas regiones más volátiles, esto podría plantear un grave riesgo de salud pública, afirmaron los autores del estudio. “El efecto de los patrones de temperatura sobre la mortalidad a largo plazo no ha estado claro hasta ahora. Hallamos que, independientemente de las olas de calor, la alta variabilidad diaria en las temperaturas de verano reduce la esperanza de vida”, aseguró en un comunicado de prensa de la Universidad de Harvard la autora del estudio Antonella Zanobetti, científica principal de investigación del departamento de salud ambiental de la universidad. Usando datos de Medicare de 1985 a 2006, los investigadores rastrearon la salud a largo plazo de 3.7 millones de personas mayores crónicamente enfermas a partir de los 65 años que vivían en 135 ciudades estadounidenses. Tras tomar en cuenta los factores de riesgo de cada individuo, determinaron si algunas de estas personas habían muerto debido a la variabilidad de las temperaturas de verano. El estudio, que aparece en la edición en línea del 9 de abril de la revista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveló que los años con cambios más marcados en las temperaturas estivales tenían tasas más altas de muerte que los años con cambios más leves. Esto

sucedió en todas las ciudades examinadas. Los investigadores también notaron que cada aumento de 1 Cº (alrededor de 1.8 Fº) en la variabilidad de la temperatura de verano aumentaba la tasa de muerte para los mayores con afecciones crónicas entre 2.8 y 4 por ciento. De forma más específica, el riesgo de muerte de los que sufrían de diabetes aumentó en 4 por ciento. También aumentó 3.8 por ciento entre los que habían sufrido un ataque cardiaco, 3.7 por ciento entre los que tenían enfermedad pulmonar crónica, y 2.8 por ciento entre los que tenían insuficiencia cardiaca. El riesgo de muerte relacionado con la temperatura fue entre uno y dos por ciento más alto para los negros y para los que vivían en la pobreza, anotó el estudio. El riesgo de muerte también fue mayor entre las personas mayores que vivían en áreas más calientes. Según estos hallazgos, los investigadores calcularon que una mayor variabilidad en la temperatura en EU podría resultar en más de 10 mil muertes adicionales cada año. “Las personas se adaptan a la temperatura habitual de su ciudad. Por eso no esperamos unas tasas de mortalidad más elevadas en Miami que en Minneapolis, a pesar de las temperaturas más altas”, explicó en el comunicado de prensa el autor principal del estudio Joel Schwartz, profesor de epidemiología ambiental de la Harvard. “Pero las personas no se adaptan igual de bien al aumento de las fluctuaciones en la temperatura usual. Ese hallazgo, en combinación con una mayor edad poblacional, la prevalencia creciente de afecciones crónicas de salud como la diabetes, y posibles aumentos en las fluctuaciones de las temperaturas debidos al cambio climático, significa que es probable que este problema de salud pública se haga más importante en el futuro”, añadió Schwartz. Artículo por HealthDay, traducido por Hispanicare

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012


Man who stabbed his wife to death was out on a PR bond Colorodo Springs, Co.- On Monday, April 9, 2012 a judge told 31-year-old Bobby Harris about the charges he’s facing. Police say his wife, 44-year-old Angela Moser, was stabbed to death inside their apartment over the weekend. Harris was out on a personal recognizance bond (PR Bond) for domestic violence against the same woman he’s accused of killing.

“She literally had called bail bond companies when he was up for another bond, and asked that them to not bond him out of jail,” said bail bondsman Bobby Brown. Brown says Moser was afraid of her husband, Bobby Harris. The accused showed he had already problems with the law. The judicial system seemed to fail again when the judge let this

individual out. A personal recognizance bond, also called a P.R. bond, is when you only have to pay a processing fee to get out of jail, instead of a huge deposit. “We guarantee that a person goes to court. On a P.R. bond, they sign their name and they promise to appear in court,” said Brown. Some people may not get P.R. bonds when more serious cri-

mes are involved, if they have history of failing to appear for cases, don’t have ties to the community, don’t have a job, or if they don’t show any signs of stability. Judge Gilbert Martinez says that the only violent crime on Harris’ record was an aggravated assault and case was dismissed. The domestic violence charge that Harris was accused

of, is a misdemeanor. According to Judge Martinez, Harris met all the requirements of the Domestic Violence Pre-Plea Investigation Report which was part of the determination of whether he qualified for P.R. bond or not. Harris is currently being held without bail. He is being charged with First Degree Murder. (krdo News)


PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012


INSOLITAS Novia mentirosa

Sirvientas eróticas

LUBBOCK, Texas.- Una mesera cansada de pasar apuros económicos decidió mejorar su situación como empresaria y creó un negocio que ofrece sirvientas desnudas en una ciudad muy conservadora de Texas. La Policía dijo que evitará que las empleadas brinden servicios sexuales, mientras el negocio carezca del permiso respectivo. El sargento Jonathan Stewart, de la ciudad de Lubbock, informó que la propietaria de Fantasy Maid Service (Servicio de Sirvientas de Fantasía) no tiene permiso como negocio de fines sexuales. Los agentes, dijo, estarán atentos a cualquier infracción, que conllevaría una multa de 2 mil dólares. La joven propietaria, Melissa Borrett, insiste en que su negocio no tiene esa naturaleza. Los clientes pueden pagar 100 dólares por hora si quieren una empleada o 150 dólares la hora por dos, pero aclaró que no está permitido tocarlas.

Borrett, que es madre y oriunda de Texas, explicó que abrió la empresa hace casi un mes porque tenía problemas económicos como camarera. Incluso había estado viviendo en un campamento del grupo Ocupemos cerca del recinto de la Universidad Tecnológica de Texas en Lubbock. La empresa de Borrett es parecida a otras en la ciudad, pero el reglamento local exige un permiso a los negocios con servicios sexuales, el cual cuesta 650 dólares al año y la presentación de una carta de crédito por 5 mil dólares. Tras afirmar que su negocio va bien, dijo que está ocupada entrevistando a aspirantes. Por ahora, tiene tres trabajadoras. Borrett ofrece un descuento a burócratas y policías y durante el fin de semana de la Pascua ofreció un descuento de 20%. “Es algo caro, pero somos sirvientas de fantasía”, dijo Borrett.

NUEVA, York.- Una mujer fue detenida y acusada de fraude por supuestamente haber fingido que padecía un cáncer terminal para recibir miles de dólares en donaciones y tener así una boda de ensueño, anunció la Fiscalía General de Nueva York. Jessica Vega, de 25 años y residente en el condado de Orange, se enfrenta a un total de seis cargos de estafa, hurto mayor y falsificación de documentos por los que puede ser condenada a una pena máxima de 20 años en prisión si es hallada culpable. La mujer estadounidense, según la Fiscalía, anunció en la primavera de 2010 que padecía un cáncer terminal y apenas le quedaban unos meses de vida, por lo que empezó a pedir donaciones para disfrutar de una boda de ensueño antes de morir. Así recibió miles de dólares que le permitieron primero celebrar por todo lo alto su enlace y luego irse de luna de miel a un hotel de cinco estrellas en Aruba. Sin embargo, poco después se descubrió que Vega ni estaba a punto de

fallecer ni padecía cáncer, algo que ni siquiera había confesado a su entonces nuevo marido, Michael O’Connell. O’Connell empezó a darse cuenta de que pasaban los meses y su esposa gozaba de buena salud, por lo que acudió al médico que ella aseguraba que le había diagnosticado, y quien dijo a O’Connell que él jamás había atendido en su hospital a Vega. Eso precipitó el divorcio de la pareja y que el esposo decidiera contar el caso a la prensa local y denunciarlo ante la Justicia.

Pequeño Nerón ALASKA.- Un niño de siete años de edad admitió haber causado cinco incendios durante poco más de cuatro meses, de acuerdo con autoridades en la capital de Alaska. El director de bomberos de Juneau, Dan Jager, le dijo al diario Juneau Empire ( que el niño causó unos mil dólares en daños y perjuicios al originar los incendios en los baños de la escuela primaria Harborview y el Edificio Legislativo Terry Miller, además de un incendio de hierba en el centro y dos incendios en una tienda Fred Meyer. El nombre del niño no fue divulgado. “El no va a ir a la cárcel”, dijo el jefe de bomberos Richard Etheridge, pero el caso será remitido a los oficiales de libertad condicional en el Centro Juvenil Johnson. El niño le dijo a los bomberos durante entrevistas el miércoles que originó los pequeños incendios con un

encendedor. No había indicios inmediatos de la razón, dijo Jager, pero los incidentes fueron peligrosos. “No tiene idea de la magnitud que podrían haber alcanzado los incendios”, dijo Jager. “Podría haber resultado herido y otras personas podrían haber quedado heridas debido a que algunas de esas construcciones estaban ocupadas. Teniendo esa edad, creo que él no entendió la magnitud de lo que podría haber sucedido”. La abuela del niño es su tutora legal. Ella se sorprendió al saber que su nieto estaba jugando con fuego, dijo Jager.

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012





n February 2012 a UFO lands in New Mexico. It made waves all across the internet. ABC news reported the story, along with other news stations across the world. Where were you when this UFO landed? Well, 2012 has been extraordinary. A vast array of UFO sightings have been showing up online. Is 2012 the mark of extraterrestrial contact? Is December 21, 2012 the time of armageddon? Or is it a new shift of awareness? Is it the beginning of new things and a new way of living? Whatever the case might be, strange objects have been seen and recorded in our skies. In February, a UFO footage was leaked and fell into the hands of Stephen Hannard. He runs a UFO investigation and research team in the UK by the name of Alien Disclosure Group. Mr. Hannard did explain that the UFO landed on

Actual Video Footage of UFO Landing this February 2012. Is this a secret U.S. Air Force UFO?

an unknown location in New Mexico. “It could be one of ours, CGI, or could be the real deal. As always, you decide.” The UFO was recorded from a moving vehicle. The passengers in the car are completely amazed and follow the hovering craft until it makes its landing behind a building. There is something peculiar about the craft, though.

In a quick glance, you could see an insignia that somewhat resembles that of the U.S. Air Force. Could it be a secret U.S. Air Force Craft? Do we even have the capabilities to create an anti-gravity flying craft that could travel in and out of the atmosphere in seconds? Or is this a real alien craft? Or is the February landing a big hoax?

Luis Ramirez Store Manager

Rent-A-Center, Inc. 4611 San Dario Ave. Laredo, TX 78041 Phone: (956) 725-8244 Cell: (956) 206-9135 Fax: (956) 725- 9777 NASDAQ: RCII

According to several UFO research groups which include scientists, physicists, and astronomers have commented on strange things that have been hovering over the skies these past months. Some researchers have claimed that alien contact has already been made, but governments, especially The United States, has been keeping it under wraps.

“Contact has been made, “says a UFO researcher from California who did not want to reveal his name. “It’s just a matter of time until it will be known to the public. They (extraterrestrials) have been among us since the beginning of time. It sounds crazy, but this is the truth and it will soon be revealed.” Other UFO researchers have stated that the battle between God and Devil which the bible describes, it’s actually the war between alien species that will be fought here on earth. But like always. You, the reader, decide on what the truth is. To see the actual video footage, please go to presencianews. com and click on the UFO tab.

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

The scandal involving secret service agents in Colombia who allegedly were bringing prostitutes into their rooms and violating curfew, angered President Obama. He said, “If these agents were violating curfew by bringing prostitutes after 10 p.m., then I am outraged. I told them time and time again, 10:00 PM U.S. time is not the same as 10:00 PM Columbia time.”

l a n o i t a N e Th zz Bu . r J , a d e n a t s a C e s s e by J

Saturday Night Live welcomed the first openly gay female cast member, Kate McKinnon. Executives from NBC responded, “And? It’s not like if it’s difficult finding an openly gay person on a Saturday night.”

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are engaged. Brad Pitt, who has six kids with Angelina said, “I finally realized I screwed up. I married Jennifer Aniston and had six kids with Angelina. I knew something was way off.”

Abril del 2012 Dick Cheney blasted President Obama by calling him a “unmitigated disaster” to this country”, and said that Mitt Romney would do a “whale of a job”. The President responded worriedly, “Was he carrying a shotgun when he said that?”

Bill Cosby, comedian and actor, said that the Trayvon Martin case is about “guns not race”. George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin replied with relief, “Oh, so that’s what the fuss is all about. I thought all black people were pissed off at me ‘cause I shot a black guy.”

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012



con Laredo Lemurs E Por Andrés Amaya

l 17 de mayo regresará el beisbol profesional a esta ciudad con los Laredo Lemurs haciendo su debut y estrenando estadio. El equipo participará en la Liga de la Asociación Americana Independiente de Béisbol, donde juegan novenas desde la frontera con Canadá hasta el sur de Texas con un nivel intermedio entre Doble A y Triple A. Los Laredo Lemurs serán manejados por el ex jugador de las grandes ligas Pete Incaviglia, quien fue un estelar en el beisbol

colegial y luego llegó a equipos de las ligas mayores bateando 206 cuadrangulares en su carrera. El equipo estará integrado por jugadores jóvenes y de experiencia, de velocidad y de poder, con un pitcheo bien balanceado para tratar de dar muchas satisfacciones a la conocedora afición de Laredo y la región. Además, la directiva ya anunció la contratación de Ricardo Cuevas, un experimentado entrenador que inclusive ya trabajó en organizaciones de las grandes ligas con los Rojos de Cincinnati, además de ser coach en la liga mexicana con los des-

aparecidos Tecolotes, con los Apaches de Laredo y con los Broncos. El hijo de la leyenda Ramiro Cuevas, quien en 1953 lanzó un juego perfecto jugando para los Tecolotes de Nuevo Laredo, está contento por regresar al béisbol profesional luego de pasar un buen tiempo entrenando niños para un programa patrocinado por el Sheriff Martín Cuellar. Sobre el estadio Uni-Trade, éste tendrá capacidad para 6 mil

aficionados, contará con suites de lujo, amplio estacionamiento, una moderna pizarra y un fácil acceso ya que está ubicado junto a Laredo Energy Arena.

De esta manera, con un equipo que comenzará a entrenar el 5 de mayo, con un estadio que está por completarse con una inversión de 18 millones de dólares, Laredo está muy cerca de que se cante el ya extrañado ¡Playbol!

El estadio Uni-Trade ya casi está listo para que se cante el playbol el próximo 17 de mayo, será la casa de los Laredo Lemurs.

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012

Miracle Cure for Gout and Arthritis Pain?

Six Cherries by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) I bet the big drug companies wish they had invented cherries -- they’ve proven to be the most powerful medicine in the world for eliminating gout and reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Cherries are such powerful medicine for gout and arthritis, in fact, the FDA went out of its way to try to muzzle cherry growers, preventing them from linking scientific studies to cherries as a way to censor the information you’re about to read here. If the public finds out the truth about cherries after all, they won’t need arthritis drugs anymore (and Big Pharma will lose billions in profits). Cherries are extremely safe, effective and fastacting for eliminating swelling and pain. Eating just a few cherries a day keeps uric acid levels in check, preventing any recurrence of gout. What’s a good source for cherries? In addition to buying

a Day local organic cherries at natural grocers near you, you can also get cherry concentrates and cherry extracts from a variety of companies . As it turns out, even cooked cherry juice does the trick just as well as raw cherries! If you suffer from gout or arthritis, you owe it to yourself to try the therapeutic use of cherries. The FDA of course, says cherries aren’t medicine. The FDA is lying to you! (And they know it.) Cherries ARE medicine, and its medicine that’s safer, more effective and far more affordable than Big Pharma’s toxic patented chemicals. Cherries are medicine that grows on trees.

All Star Kids, Inc. Child Care & Learning Center

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The entire pharmaceutical cartel hopes you never find out the truth about cherries. They’re depending on your ignorance to keep their profits flowing. Don’t let ‘em sucker you into taking expensive, dangerous medications when cherries might be all you really need! Try cherries (or cherry concentrate products) first, for at least 30 days. And when your pain vanishes, you can send a thank-you email to Mother Nature for providing this natural medicine to the world. Below are author notes about the effects of eating cherries: Physicians prescribed cherries for epilepsy. In the 1920s in the United States, physicians touted black cherries to cure kidney stones and gall bladder ailments, and red cherries to re-

move phlegm. In 1950 Ludwig Blau, Ph.D., writing in Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine, claimed that he cured his crippling gout that confined him to a wheelchair by eating six to eight cherries each day. As long as he ate cherries, the gout stayed away. - The Food Pharmacy: Dramatic New Evidence That Food Is Your Best Evidence by Jean Carper A Michigan State University

study found that 20 tart cherries were at least as effective as other painkilling remedies, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). That’s why cherries are a popular folk remedy for arthritis and gout. Like many fruits and vegetables , Dried cherries have fiber and make a great snack. -Unleash the Inner Healing Power Of Foods by The Editors of FC&A

Marco A. Montemayor Attorney at Law

1814 Victoria St. Laredo, TX 78040 Ph: 956-726-8811 Fax: 956-726-8815

Abril del 2012

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice




Of Long Distance R ainy Castaneda from Laredo”s United South High School, and Laredo’s queen of long distance running won two gold medals in the highly competitive district track meet at Shirley Field. Rainy’s time for the two mile was 11:42 and on the one mile her finish was at 5:22. “I was pretty sore when I did the two mile. I think my time could have been way better, but I’m satisfied for finishing first.” Rainy Castaneda has gone this track season with all first place finishes and one second place. “My second place was the first track meet of the season,” Rainy said. “I think I misjudged that race, so I pushed myself all season and it turned out pretty good. I thank my parents and coaches for their support. I’m still not finished.” Rainy Castaneda is now the District Champ. The regional competition will be held in San Antonio, Texas on April 26, 2012. Only the top two finishers will go to the state competition. Rainy has made three consecutive trips to the state competition as a cross country athlete; her last trip to state was November 2011. She has broken nume-

rous school records, and is considered a favorite for the state competition. Rainy Castaneda will be attending The University Of Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas this coming fall. She is the daughter of Jesse Castaneda, Jr and Susie Castaneda.

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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012

South Texas Food Bank

lauds top food donors

by Salo Otero Special to Presencia News


he South Texas Food Bank recognized its top three food donors for 2011 at its monthly board meeting at the Commerce Bank community suite on Mann Road and San Dario. H.E.B. Stores, which helped start the food bank in 1989, led with 1,018,723 (1.01 million) pounds. Vilore Foods contributed 509,780 and Walmart-Sams 485,297 pounds. The South Texas Food Bank distributed 9.7 million pounds during 2011 in an eight-county area from Rio Grande City to Del Rio. South Texas Food Bank executive director Alfonso Casso Jr. reported that food bank programs continue to assist during these difficult economic times with supplemental food to the unemployed, under-employed and those living on fixed inco-

mes. He said, “We receive donations in many forms including, cash, grants, volunteer hours and food. In food donations, we have many local, regional and national companies as well as local organizations, schools and individuals who assist in our goal to alleviate hunger. We thank them all but we especially recognize our top three food donors. They deserve our heartfelt thanks and admiration for all that they do to help our entire service area.” STFB board president Kevin Romo added, “H.E.B. has been with the food bank since day one. We are thankful to them and all who help in our mission of feeding the hungry.” The STFB distributed 816,503 pounds of product in March, bringing the year’s total to 2.622 million pounds, which is the highest three-month figure since a record-setting 2010 when the annual mark was 12.424 mi-

llion pounds. Through the first two months of this year the South Texas Food Bank shows 51,752 families, including 36,287 children, 75,154 adults and 121,947 meals were served. The March

monthly totals were adopt-afamily 416 bags with 85 on a waiting list; Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP a USDA program for the elderly) 7,040 with 167 on a waiting list; Supplemental

Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) Outreach had 379 applications representing 534 adults and 566 children (1,116 applications for the year, 1,52 adults, 1.676 children), Kids Café with 15 sites served after school meals to 700 Monday through Friday that included 14,532 meals and walk-in emergency bags were 79, representing 525 adults, 440 children. The food bank board approved Gateway Christian Church, 5901 McPherson, Suite 3B, as a new agency under pastors Lemuel and Maye Lara. It will serve 40 families per month. The South Texas Food Bank, located at 1907 Freight at Riverside in west Laredo, is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon. The phone number is (956) 726-3120, website www. and also on twitter and facebook.

PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012



Es Fanny Vargas

de Laredo

Por Michelle Garza


a joven laredense Fanny Vargas se encuentra en Miami, Florida tratando de convertirse en la ganadora del concurso Nuestra Belleza Latina y se ha convertido además en un motivo de orgullo para esta comunidad. Fanny, de 24 años, se encuentra entre las finalistas que fueron aceptadas en la Mansión de la Belleza, donde cada semana será eliminada una competidora, hasta que resulte una ganadora y Fanny es una de las grandes favoritas. Fanny, quien hizo hasta cinco audiciones antes de lo-

FANNY. La laredense Fanny Vargas sigue en la competencia por el título de Nuestra Belleza Latina y es una de las favoritas.

grar entrar al certamen, fue asesorada por Lupita Jones, ex Miss Universo, quien al parecer ha visto el talento y la gran personalidad de Fanny, por lo que decidió ayudarla lo más posible para que sea la ganadora. Su mamá Gladys Vargas así como toda su familia y sus amigos en Laredo, están muy optimistas por el desempeño de Fanny, quien desde muy niña demostró su talento y su gran perseverancia para lograr sus objetivos. Gladys pidió a la comunidad de los Dos Laredos apoyar a Fanny llamando para darle votos para que se mantenga en la Mansión de la Belleza. El programa Nuestra Belleza

Latina se transmite los domingos a las 8:00 de la noche por la cadena Univisión y entre 9:00 y 10:00 de la noche, las personas pueden llamar al número que se la asigne a Fanny para darle votos. Posteriormente, de las 9:00 de la noche del domingo a las 9:00 de la noche del lunes, las personas pueden llamar al número 888-05-VOTO y enviar un mensaje de texto a favor de Fanny, desde cualquier teléfono de la empresa AT&T. “Para mantener a Fanny en la Mansión hay que votar, pedimos el apoyo de toda la comunidad para que Fanny pueda seguir luchando por su sueño”, dijo su mamá.



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PRESENCIA NEWS The people’s voice

Abril del 2012


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