Regular Check-Up and Maintenance of Braking Systems is Important
If you are frequent on the road you will know the importance of having a working braking system, any vehicle needs to have this especially if you are the type of driver that drives like an idiot. Most drivers like this are the number one cause of the accident, due to their stupid way to drive and their misunderstanding of the word safe driving.
The second cause of an accident is a braking failure, an unintended acceleration of the car sometimes happens and losing or failing to brake can cause to the major accident. That is why small and large vehicles alike are needed to have a well-maintained vehicle. Towed vehicle braking systems is important to be maintained or repaired if needed, as it does not only take one vehicle to cause a major accident, towed vehicle in addition with the vehicle that is towing it is enough to cause fatality. To avoid this from happening, here are some parts that needed to be properly maintained;
Replacement of pads and other parts – there are parts on the brake that needed proper maintenance to keep it working and going. An indicator is built in the pads that show on the brake shoe whenever a replacement is needed. Upon the pads replacement, it is also important to include the springs, bushings and pins for the brakes and drums are to be replaced once the need for brake shoe arises as it can easily develop heat cracks and can wear down easily.
Grease the slack adjusters – are the parts that keep the brakes in alignment whenever they are used. Automatic and manual adjustments can normally be found in trucks and other bigger vehicles. Slacks adjustors are needed to be greased as it can seize and stop from working that can lead to brakes failure.
Checking of air compression pressure gauge – application of the pressure is the most crucial part in stopping a moving vehicle. Before using the truck or any kind of vehicles it is best that you check the pressure gauge, a typical pressure ranges from 100 psi to 125psi. a consistent fall of pressure indicates that it is needed to be checked and pressure that drops down below 60 psi, the vehicle is seized to be used.
Check the lining and hoses – regular replacement of worn linings and hoses is required, air hoses are needed to be checked for any cracks and appearance and linings is needed to be at least Ÿ inch thick and are not soaked with lubricant. The best time to have your brakes to be replaced and checked is every time you change your oil, this way maintenance of your brake is regular and on time.
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